Catch Your Pokemon Only Knowing Its Dex Entry

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we'll be giving each other a pokedex entry of a pokemon we need to go catch and the first person to catch five correct pokemon wins all right john here's yours many live on mountain trails and remain half buried while keeping an eye on climbers oh that's an interesting one okay yeah your dex entry is with its sharp glare it puts foes in a mild hypnotic state it is a very fickle pokemon dang dude i'm proud of that one all that says is that it has eyes and that it will be late to your parties i have a guess immediately and i know it's going to be incorrect but my thought process is flawless okay the fine fickle so it has eyes that can hypnotize and it doesn't give a crap about you guys and it has hips that don't lie does it though i am going off of knowledge from pokemon snap and sing pokemon interact with the real world so my thought process could not be more flawed you just gotta go with something man it's sharp glare puts them in a mildly hypnotic state all right i think i have a guess by the way mikey what's your favorite pokedex entry i can actually i can actually open it up upon taking in the scent of a particular rare flower shaman is enveloped in light and its tiny body transforms i took a whiff of the flower myself but alas my body remained unchanged everyone else what's your favorite pokedex entry see if you can beat that one i have found my pokemon i was actually right next to the one i was gonna catch okay all right well i can't mine in pokemon snap you go through one of the levels and this pokemon is in the rock it's halfway in and then it jumps out graveler oh dude you were so close it was geodude no it also jumps out damn it they both jump no you ready for my guess yeah is it glamio what is it glamios how did you get that i like saw perugli and i was like per ugly like kind of a jerk and then i looked at glammy i'm like glamios glare is sharper glamio seems more like a like a prissy fickle cat wow you can have a cat i don't want one john i'm very allergic me too i don't like him at all if you pray enough you can change yourself into a cat person all right john your dex entry is through its horns it can pick up on the emotions of creatures around it positive emotions are the source of its strength what an empath john your pokedex entry is it has a tendency to want to be in holes it prefers rock crag it prefers rock crags or pots and sprays ink from them before attacking wait i thought i had what it was that last line's thrown me for a loop you know what tyler we can skip this round we have bigger fish to fry i mean look at this brand new office and also let's look at the incredible snacks and the sponsor of today's video tokyo treat in sakarako john you know i'm not going to let you off that easy horn but it is an empath tokyo tree is a monthly japanese snack subscription box that includes up to 20 of the latest most exclusive limited edition and seasonal flavor japanese snacks available that month and if you happen to be looking for the most traditional and authentic artisan snacks japan offers you can check out the sakarako box takarako helps in partnering with local japanese snack makers to continue to share japanese culture and traditions that have been passed down for over 100 years what game did you go to to try and find it oh i'm just looking at a big like list of just a bunch of pokemon i'm just trying you're not allowed to look at lists i'm not gonna figure it out regardless this month's tokyo treat theme is sakura picnic and includes an incredibly helpful cultural guide booklet to explain everything you get in your box i ended up enjoying the sakura candy too much and almost say all of them before recording this but i also ended up enjoying the cream stew pringles more than i expected i like how to guess pretty quickly and now i'm going to go get it i don't have a guess how do you not have a guest john an empath that has horns this month's sakaraka theme was matcha and moki and once again my fiance really ended up loving this box she told me that this month's tea was absolutely lovely and was really happy to get the beautiful set of chopsticks from this box what type of pokemon tend to be like dealing with emotions i can't think of a single one of psychic or fairy that have horns and right now you guys can use code pokemon seven to get five dollars off your first tokyo tree or sakuraku box using the links on screen and found in the description and make sure you order before the end of the month because you don't want to miss out all right i caught mine i guess i'll just uh i guess i'll sit here i see a psychic pokemon there's a point on it some may even call it a horn and you know what i think this pokemon is in touch with its emotions i think this pokemon is an empath as long as we're moving on mikey i've got the pokemon it's definitely the correct pokemon i caught an octillary yeah that was it yeah well i'm sure i got mine correct i i caught ball toy because i saw it and it has a point and there was no other thoughts ah yeah no it was uh it was indeed right yeah all right jen your dex entry is anglers love the fight this pokemon puts up on the hook and there are always more to catch many people release them into lakes illicitly your deck's entry is aided by the soft pads on its feet it silently raids the food stores of other pokemon it survives off its ill-gotten gains i feel like light bird is a good guess what fish pokemon does everyone apparently hate i picked anglers because it's like okay clearly it's some kind of fish but there's a lot of fish i can do this i can do this aha it's here let's go okay i caught the pokemon thank you quickball you are the best ball just like the best viewers subscribe to pm7 yes newsflash that's this channel's name now and it's a vastly superior name all right john my guess is leiper it is not it is nikki oh you see my thought process though all right my guess is masculine yep you got it oh i got it i didn't think i got any of these let's go here's your deck's entry it's forgetful and not very bright but many trainers love it anyway for its friendliness and sincerity is it john akpm7 i was gonna make that joke but i didn't want to be mean the next entry for you is its huge mouth opens almost seven feet wide it has enough power to completely crush a car okay interesting how do i find a friendly stupid pokemon there's a lot of those i know there you are like psyduck munchlax but then i feel like both of those would have entries talking more about the headache or like the appetite like you're just bullying pokemon you just wanted to make fun of those two and call them stupid okay you know what no i think i have one as you're looking i'm gonna go pee very quickly watch i get a shiny while he's in the bathroom 12 seconds later oh i did get a shiny while john was peeing i am back just catching a shiny count as my guess what there's no way you found a shiny the second i leave yeah so is that your guess the the shiny it was not the pokemon i was gonna guess i'm asking if that counts yeah if you catch a net and you're keeping that's your that's your guess well all right then i have good news and i have bad news for you the good news is the pokemon isn't even in legends arcade so it does not know [Laughter] okay all right all right i mean i caught a very beautiful little shiny ralt no the the dummy was a dumb bird it's that makes sense i wouldn't have gotten that i was i was trying to get swine out i was going to go after gibbel but i instead caught a glailee oh both wrong it's hippodon oh that makes sense but damn i was just thinking like pokemon that were basically mouths maybe i maybe that was the wrong way to go about that this pokemon appears around sources of clean water boiling leaves from this pokemon's head results in a liquid that's sometimes used as a bug repellent oh bug repellent blank dispatches its prey with fire but it regrets this habit once it realizes that it has burned its intended prey to a charred crisp oh that's incredible yeah so the one that i want i think is only available during the day time to take a little nappy poo every pokemon wants to eat but i gotta think of a pokemon that like would be a predator mine immediately came to me and i'm still mostly confident bad memories as i go around graveler just the the worst memories i can't mind don't try to kill me graveler get out of here i'm sick of you last time i took the bigger evolution this time i'm gonna go with the babier one magmar dude yes that's right yes redemption when you said the babier one i was like oh he did mag b no i i don't trust that that thing can burn anything to a crisp it's a big baby i could punt that thing to the moon and that's what that thing does my guess is pedal oh my god it is yes i knew that leaves from its head were used for medicine and then you said bug repellent and i was like is it used for bug repellent maybe i'm misremembering the medicine i just gotta go with pedilel what around your next dex entry is it meditates in order to build up its mental energy it's said to eat just one berry a day yours is it lives in arid lands it buries itself in sand and lies and wait for unsuspecting prey i think i know exactly what that is the thing that's tricky about this is there are two pokemon that have meditated pretty much in the name boy yeah i think you might have picked one that's really rare i'm starting to feel more confident about my decision oh wow it showed up immediately i found one of them i will be catching you and you will be my friend and i will not feed you anything beyond one berry because apparently i can save big on food this way and be incredibly malnourished as a result they are happy only eating one berry i will eat the rest of oh you can i i'm gonna have a team of six of them i will feed them one berry and the rest of the food will go to me and the pokemon eye just got mikey i feel like i should lean into it is meditate please don't say metachan it was meditating at first i thought you were trying to get in my head and then i said keep it simple stupid all right my guess was trap hinge i thought that would be your guess close but it's actually scorpy oh i hate scorpio is so wildly inconsistent about what biome it prefers it likes the desert but it also is found in the great marsh and the volcanic grand underground rooms and on the beach on the the nests this pokemon live in are mazes of tunnels they never get lost in their own nests they can tell where they are by the scent of the dirt john yours is if it finds bad children who won't listen to their parents it will spirit them away or so it's said [Music] i had a pokemon immediately come to mind and i'm i just have to go for it because it's it's in my head now you know yeah i mean i had a pokemon immediately come to mind but it's like it's not been available in any game in the wild since x and y so it's not that one gosh i feel like i only really am having one guest [Music] uh and you know what i will let fate decide trust your heart let faint decide to shine these lights to see all right mikey i let fate decide which of these two ghosty ghouls hate homework the most or love homework the most i should say they hate children who don't like homework alpha mismagius it was dusk why does duskol care about homework i caught diglett it's a good one but it's actually done sparse are you kidding me all right john yours is it can summon rain clouds people long ago revered it as the bringer of plentiful harvest okay so it's a god it is i thought son of odin its form of offense is forcefully stretching out its horns the strikes land 100 times harder than any blow from a heavyweight boxer it's got horns that can stretch gonna be honest i read that through didn't realize that that would that would be as narrowing it downish as it it seems to possibly be i've got one strong candidate you said this is the bringer of rainfall i feel pretty confident about what i'm gonna go for but i'm doing like i don't but it makes sense you said a bringer of rain a god among mortal pokemon gonna go catch a ride on because their horns move around i already caught my pokemon damn it okay is it goudra yeah let's go the stretching out its horns that's the thing i didn't realize that that could be a giveaway that was used your noggin well who can play at that game because the god of the skies the bringer of rain pelipper with drizzle it was bronzong i would have guessed what 900 other pokemon before bronzong is the bringer of rain it might be the bringer of pain but not rain all right john the one i'm gonna give to you is tends to be drawn to bonfires on dark nights difficult to chase away from settlements because of the way it scatters highly toxic scales oh i need to be able to get this this is a really big one well yours is it stands in grasslands watching the sun's descent from zenith to the horizon this pokemon has a talent for delivering dynamic kicks what pokemon are kicking but also we'll look at the sunrise and the sunset scales and bonfires scale and bonfire all right well i don't have a great guess but i'm gonna go for it i'm just gonna have to accept my fate at some point just go for something now i'm having second thoughts i barely have first thoughts i hope you were correct how cuz tell me a while to find you wait a minute what's that joke you always like telling me that that one guy told that was like five minutes long so a moth goes into a there it is i don't need anything else moth okay goes into a podiatrist's office five minutes later if you knew i wasn't a psychiatrist why did you come in here moth goes well the light was on i'm gonna get this wrong and be furious because i the two muffins are in an oven all right mikey give it to me straight is the answer dust talks or am i an idiot it is death stocks let's go i'm a correct idiot yeah you are definitely an idiot well my guess for the pokemon that watches the sun and delivers dynamic kicks is mian food no it is stone journal oh you're right i remember that entry now hi mikey how about this if you visit a beach at the end of summer you'll be able to see groups of this pokemon lighting up in a steady rhythm this pokemon absolutely loves sweet berries sometimes it stuffs its cheeks full of so much food that it can't fly properly i thought that was the fat chipmunk oh no blowing pokemon on the beach at the end of summer there's multiple different ones that i think work filling its cheeks and then flying off which cheeks exactly that's what she said if i use my deductive reasoning and good looks and charm i may be able to come out of this on top i caught my pokemon stop running away i will feed you berries if you just become my friend i promise the first pokemon with berries was a gen 4 pokemon and this time i went with a middle evolution because you wouldn't expect me to go the middle evolution i went with star ravia because who cares about star ravia it's a molga that was my first thought and i didn't know if i knew where it was you can look up where it is i know but just oh no all right well time to see if it ends here was it star you yes yes oh my gosh i thought it might have been starmie and also i thought it might have been finney on but i was like wait no finneon's legends deck century talks about it being the beautiful eye of the sea so that can't be it i bungled it i bungled it
Channel: PM7
Views: 2,069,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, pokemen7 and mandjtv, pm7 and mandjtv, pokedex, pokedex entries, catch your pokemon, catch your pokemon challenge, catch your pokemon only knowing its dex entry, pokemon legends arceus, new pokemon, new pokemon games, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon lets go, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon challenge, crazy pokedex entries, funny pokedex entries, best pokedex entries, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, dex
Id: U46SdfBAGNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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