Ash Ketchum Pokémon Win Rate

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so a few years ago around the time of the xy anime you might remember this image floating around talking about the win rate of all of ash's pokemon all right seems pretty cool we got my boys greninja and infernape side to side and gudra is 100 that doesn't seem right no yeah that's definitely not right this was actually done before we knew about gujarat's underwhelming return in the kalos league so for the longest time people would say that gujarat was ash's best pokemon because it has a 100 win rate yeah okay since then ash's had many more battles caught a bit more pokemon and i even seen multiple other attempts at this whole win rate thing but something always seemed slightly off to me so i figured it was about time i threw my hat into the ring in celebration of world ash ketchum day the day ash won the alola league oh my god i'm late i'll be going over the true win rate for all of ash's pokemon until sun and moon because journeys isn't done there's really no point in going over ash's journeys team just yet as their win rate is going to end up changing by ash's next battle so i'll save them for when the series is over as for the rest of ash's pokemon it's all fair game so with that out of the way let's get started [Music] before getting into the pokemon's win rates first let's go over the rules to determine what i'll be counting as battles i won't just be counting gym and league battles i'll be counting every official battle ash has had rule number one competitions where pokemon can attack one another is considered a battle so that means i'll be counting things like pokemon sumo poke ringer pokemon contest etc the pokemon are technically battling each other in these competitions and i feel like not counting them would kind of discredit the skills and strengths that were put on display rule number two all parties must consent to having the battle so team rocket battles they don't count most of the time they're just attacking ash so he has to defeat them to defend himself that's not really an official battle same goes for any other evil team battles as well the only exceptions are if they have a more proper battle like the pre-trial battle ash had with them in alola rule number 3 a loss is not counted if ash's opponent cheated pretty straightforward if the person cheated it's not really fair for ash's pokemon is it there is an exception to this rule however if the opponent cheats and ash does win then it counts because it just shows how skilled action is pokemon were to overcome those difficult odds rule number four wild battles only count if a judge is present most of the time battles against wild pokemon don't really count as ash isn't facing off against a trainer but there are a few rare wild battles that are treated as official matches so i think those should count this rule especially comes into play for ash's totem battles which are technically against wild pokemon but are treated seriously in alola rule number five if one of the participants interrupts the battle it counts you pretty much forfeit the battle when you do that especially when you're losing so that counts as a loss in my book the only exceptions are if a battle is interrupted by external forces like team rocket i won't be counting those rule number six battles of pokemon had before or after being owned by ash do not count pretty simple the win rates are to measure the pokemon's abilities while being under ash's ownership the battles they had after and especially before being with shouldn't count as they aren't ash pokemon by that point however i will be counting battles the pokemon have if they're being borrowed by someone else because they still technically belong to ash while taking part in these official battles rule number seven battles with multiple pokemon are treated as one this rule is for double and tag battles instead of counting each pokemon as individuals and saying that they each got two wins thanks to a double battle the wins will be counted as just one for the overall team the only exceptions are for pokemon is defeated in the double or tag battle but was able to get a win right before that they still get the win but they also take a loss as well this rule also applies to those situations where ash agrees to take on a horde of pokemon at the same time and defeats them all with pikachu's thunderbolt counting all of those wins as individuals would just inflate pikachu's numbers so they're being treated as just one and finally rule number eight movie battles do not count this is just to avoid confusion as not all pokemon movies are canon i know i made a video going over what's canon and what's not but that still doesn't change the fact that some aren't canon and others are unknown also some people might disagree with me and see all movies as non-canon so i won't be counting any of them and will just be sticking to the main anime's continuity and that pretty much sums up all the rules for what i'm counting as official battles sorry that took so long but these guidelines were necessary to get the most accurate scores possible huge shout out to bisharp who actually reached out to me and helped come up with most of these rules i won't be going over every detail in this video as it would make this longer than it already is so in the description below there's a link to the document where i recorded every pokemon's wins and losses but maybe wait till the end of the video before clicking that so you don't get spoiled one last thing i'd like to mention also is the fact that don't take these win rates as the end-all be-all for these pokemon just because the pokemon has a higher win rate than another doesn't automatically make it better as some might have more battles than the other which could affect said win rate the point i'm trying to make here is that don't take this too seriously i just thought it'd be fun to see how many wins and losses dash's pokemon had now it's finally time to go over the win rates which will be rounded off to the nearest whole number i'll be going over the pokemon from lowest to highest but i'll be making an exception for just two pokemon and you'll soon understand why it's lapras and primate lapras has only had one official battle against drake's gengar and it ended in a tie that puts his win rate at 50 percent but i didn't want to count it in the rankings because just one tie is not enough data for a win raid then there's primape who was able to get 3 wins in the p1 grand prix these are the only battles it's ever had while being with ash so that puts his win rate at an impressive 100 percent take that goodra unfortunately it gets stolen i mean i mean sent away for training after this and we haven't seen it since i didn't feel comfortable adding it to the rankings when it only battled for one episode because if it had at least one more battle in another episode it probably would have lowered its win rate but if you ever wondered if ash had an undefeated pokemon before now you know it's primate alright now for the rankings coming in at dead last is a pokemon with two wins and six losses with a humiliating 28 win rate we have glasgow this one hurt to see guess it just goes to show that you need more than just personality to succeed glyscor's only wins are against byron's bastion and then paul's drapion some of his notable losses are against paul's gliscor paul sorterra mccann sizzor twice and paul's electivire next up is a pokemon with one win three losses and one tie with a win rate of thirty percent we have neuvern this one is pretty predictable as he didn't get much battle experience in xy neuron's only win is against sawyer's dewblade he loses against alan's metang sawyer's claw with sir and alons weavile and is tied against sawyer solomon in the kalos league next we have a pokemon with one win and two losses with a win rate of 33 it's butterfree now what's unfortunate about butterfree is that it's only win is just a technicality and that's when the gentleman ash battles in the saint and decides to call the battle a draw when his raticate was losing yeah right buddy you just didn't want to lose as for its losses they come from misty staryu and aj sanchu not for pokemon with 2 wins and 4 losses rocking a 33 win rate just like butterfree it's pidgeot i was actually surprised because all my life i thought pidgeot never won a single battle but i was wrong pidgeots won against this random kid's rattata and the right on jesse used in the viridian gym some notable losses though come from samurais pincer aj sanchru and koga's venomoth no not that one not yet up next is the pokemon with four wins seven losses and one tie with a 38 win rate give it up for ash's tour goal everybody another pokemon that is notoriously known for not winning all that much can you believe that its first win was actually an off-screen battle that was kinda messed up other wins include norman slackoff this random dude sizzor and tyson shiftry as for its losses some notable ones are against norman's vigoroth morrison stelix tyson's hariyama brandon's registeel and tobias's darkrai oh yeah and don't forget losing to watson's maintrick that used thunderwave it's only ties against dominic's tropius in the home league now time for a pokemon with eight wins and 13 losses with the same 38 win rate as torquel ironically it's torterra not looking so good for ash's turtles right now to be fair it had some pretty solid wins as a tertwig some of these include roxarampardos the champ twins gardenias turtwig and reggie's b-barrel unfortunately after it evolved it was put in a lot of tough matches like against paul's haunch crow twice candace's obama snow palmer's ryperior bertha's hit pout on and paul's drapion yeah that really messed up its win rate next up is a pokemon with two wins and three losses with a win rate of 40 percent we have baldor like most of ash's uneven team this guy suffers from not getting to battle all that much so it didn't have many opportunities to increase its win rate its notable wins are against clay's extra drill but it also snagged a quick win in the junior cup its losses are against bianca and juniper where silent had to carry that battle roxy's coughing and cameron thai dragon now with two wins three losses and one tie with a 41 win rate we have tauros the only one ash uses or more like used to use tauros wins come from drake's venusaur and fernando's tauros its losses come from drake's dragonite gary's needle queen and annabelle's alakazam and they tied against annabelle's metagross next up we have a pokemon with six wins nine losses and one tie with the 41 win rate we have weasel weasel is such a cool pokemon and loves to battle so i was not expecting it to lose as much as it did some notable wins come from crasher wake's floatzel fantina's gengar clayton's mr mime and paul's gastrodon as for its losses it gets them from kyle's lantern in the wallace cup fantina's driftblim byron steelix paul's ursaring flint and fernape kenny's empoleon and paul's drapion my god and as we all know weasel's only tie comes from mainland's lucario one of my personal favorite sinnoh gym battles next is a pokemon with five wins seven losses and one tie with the 42 win rate it's oshawa yep i can't believe we live in a world where oshawa has a higher win rate than weasel some of its wins include silence pant sage stefan's blitzel clay's crocorrock and cadbury's duwa some of his losses come from tripp's tranquil mr bianca's dad's darmanitan chili's pansier somehow cameron thai dragon and cheren's herdier it's only tie comes from lenore's watchog now coming in with three wins and four losses with the 43 win rate here we have don fan a pokemon that didn't get to do that much because of his late intro and jodo but was actually given a second chance during the battle frontier it's one against a random macho in the jodo league macy slugma and lucy survipor meanwhile its losses come from price's dugon macy's kolava lucy's milotic and conway's dusk noir same as don fan this next mon has three wins and four losses with the 43 win rate we have heracross another pokemon i expected to do better but it's professor oak's fault for stealing it during johto he could have been the ace man heracross's wins come from shingo sizor which is a great battle by the way gary's magmar and nando's cricket tune as for his losses it gets some from michelle's dawn fan garry's blastoise spencer's venusaur and tobias's darkrai now this dodoman has 5 wins and 6 losses with the 45 win rate it's ash's total dial like i've said before this is a pokemon that didn't really do that much with ash it doesn't get its first win to the world cup against a random seal and then a sheldor some other notable wins are against the charizard jesse used and harrison sneasel some notable losses are against whitney's miltank twice misty's poliwhirl macy's electabuzz and harrison's hypno and i think that just about wraps up the worst of the worst when it comes to ash's pokemon at least worst in terms of win rate now we've reached the midpoint not too good just yet but not bad either this next pokemon has only one win and one loss giving it a 50 percent win rate and that pokemon is naganato now to be fair it never had an official battle as a poipole and its only official battle is against kukui where it wins against lucario and then loses to tapukoko next up is another pokemon with one win and one loss with the 50 win rate it's mug yet another pokemon that didn't get to do that much but unlike naganoto where you can kind of excuse it because it got released in the same series it came back in muck has been there since gen 1 but its only win is against jeanette's bell sprout and then its only losses against gary sizzor in the jodo league so we haven't seen muk battle since gen 2 it's pretty insane now for a pokemon with two wins and two losses giving us a 50 win rate we have camel he's another one of those pokemon that ash catches late into a series which is why he hasn't had a whole lot of battles its only official wins come from the same battle against conway one against his shackle and the other against dusk noir as for his losses he comes from barry's empoleon and then tobias's darkrai alright this next pokemon has three wins and three losses with the 50 win rate it's pheasant not gonna lie i was expecting this to be a lot lower but turns out it didn't really battle all that much so it didn't rack up as many losses as it probably should have its only wins are against soren and rocco skyla sulbat and against skyla swanna its losses come from tripp's frillish roxy's coughing and cameron's ryolu that was bad with six wins and six losses we have another fifty percent win rate this time it's snivy considering snivey was always hyped up to be very experienced this was kind of a disappointment in my opinion some notable wins are against tripp cervin george's pawn yard clay's palpitoed and moira sanchino while being used by iris as for his losses some big ones come from elise's amolga she misses embore and heatmore and cameron's lucario now this next one has had a bit more battles with nine wins nine losses and one tie sitting at 50 as well we have talonflame it was never really a pokemon ash would use as a finisher you know he was more of the one that ash would use to get some good wins in the beginning of a battle but as a result it usually meant that it was going to lose right after as well but don't let that take away from his good wins some notable ones are against karina's machoke ramos's jump love valerie sylveon and olympia's meowstick some losses include karina's mega lucario raimos's weepinbell wolfrick's obama snow and sawyer's clawed sir while its only tie comes from alonson pheasant the only on pheasant i respect next is a pokemon with nine wins eight losses and one tie with the 53 win rate we have quilava now we're getting into the pokemon that have more wins than losses and koilava's one that was pretty solid for ash especially in early johto notable wins include koji sandslash bugsy scyther mickey skarmory jasmine steelix and price's dugong some of his losses are from whitney's miltank morty's haunter a venusaur borrowed by james and jackson's magneton and as for its tie it gets that from nando's armaldo its only official battle as aqualava so far next is a mon with nine wins and eight losses with the fifty three percent win rate like kwalava we have the luchador hallucia much like talonflame halluci was more of an opener mid-battle type of pokemon but the difference here is that i got a bit more battles to finish off some wins include clements heliolisk valerie spritzy will frick's obama snow asteroid's mega absol that we didn't get to see and alons we vial while some tough losses come from moira's talonflame ramos's weepinbell sawyer slackking and alons bisharp that damn bisharp now for pokemon with 11 wins and 9 losses with a win rate of 55 percent we have star raptor one of ash's most popular birds notable winds include gardenias cherubi meleen's machoke paul's haunch crow candace's meta cham and paul's weevil and notable losses come from gardenia's turtwig twice maylene's lucario paul's ursuring nandos armaldo and paul's busted drapion next up is a pokemon with 16 wins 13 losses and one tie with the 55 win rate surprisingly it's ash's sceptile yeah i know this comes as a shock because sceptile is ash's ace of the advanced series but man did he lose a lot as a trico and grovile that really screwed over his win rate sadly some wins include brawley's hariyama norman slacking winona's altaria clark's collava katie's walrain morrison stelix spencer's claydol and tobias's darkrai pretty impressive but it's also had a lot of losses from pokemon like roxanne's geodude drake's altaria juan's love disc clark's charizard tyson's metagross greta's hariyama brandon's reggie rock and tobias's latios to name a few it's one tie comes from maze blaziken at the terracotta contest with four wins and three losses with the 57 win rate it's another grass type lee vanni this pokemon was actually solid when it was being used it's won against berg's duel berg's whirlipede roxy's coughing and marist's kara blast while it lost against burgsley vani roxy scoloped and steven sock i will say though it was a pretty great match now for pokemon with three wins two losses and one tie with the 58 win rate we have palpitoed i'm not joking man sceptile fans must be fuming right now the fact that its win rate is worse than palpitoed and levanny damn to be fair though popoto doesn't have a ton of battles under his belt so its wind ray could have shifted drastically if it got two or three more battles in it's got wins from burgundy stoutland dinos darumaka and alisa zebstrika took losses from elise as a moga and roxy's garbodor and tied against steven zeb strika alright next mon this one's got seven wins and five losses with a win rate of 58 we got squirtle interestingly enough although ash caught squirtle near the very beginning of the series it doesn't get wins or losses recorded till like blaine where it lost other losses include richie's butterfree some random tauros trainer drake's dragonite and brandon solrock luckily the little squirt turtle has some decent wins as well some notable ones are against rudy starmie drake's onyx macy's electabuzz and brandon's ninjas now for pokemon with 13 wins nine losses and two ties with the 58 win rate it's pig night what's interesting about pig knight is that it was actually sitting at a 50 win rate post-univer league but in the declaratory islands ash used it in pokemon sumo which added four more wins right before black and white ended i guess the declare islands was helpful for something after all some other notable wins included nora's herdier sheamus embora and heatmore bryson's cryogenol roxy scoloped and cameron's high dragon notable losses include ingo and emmet bryson's bear tick trip superior and cameron samurai and it's tied against tripp's vanilla and don's mammal swine not for a real interesting one this pokemon sits at 14 wins and 10 losses with the 58 win rate we have ash's pikachu in johto that's right i'll be celebrating pikachu by region as he has varying performances in each one but don't worry cause once we're all done with every pokemon i'll be ending it off by revealing pikachu's true win rate but for now it looks like jodo was pikachu's worst region notable wins include falconers dodrio whitney's miltank satsuki's jolteon price's piloswine via forfeit claire's gyarados and harrison's keklian notable jodo losses include faulkner's pidgeot bugsy scyther misty's togepi hilariously enough cause they refused to battle it whitney's miltank morty's gastly chuck's polywrath jasmine steelix claire's dragonair and harrison sneezel yeah it didn't help that pikachu was used in every joto gym battle because it got a lot of losses from that speaking of jodo this next mod has 6 wins 4 losses and 1 tie with the 59 win rate we have ash's bay leaf notable wins include bugsy spinner rack misty staryu f from skiploom chuck's machoke and harrison's houndoom its losses come from faulkner's hoot hoot bugsy's metapod gary's blastoise and harrison's blaze again and lastly its only tie is against delaney's polygraph next is a pokemon with 15 wins 10 losses and 2 ties with the 59 win rate we have ash's pikachu in sinnoh this one caught me by surprise to think that sinnoh pikachu would be the second worst notable wins include rorx onix dawn's but neary and weasel shows raichu crasher wigs gyarados barry's empoleon vulchner's electivire and paul's frostlast notable losses include the likes of rorke's onyx as well shows raichu as well fantina's driftblim twice paul's ursuring flint infernape vulchner's luxray and paul's electivire and interestingly enough its two ties come from paul's elected and tobias's latios its first and last battle in sinnoh now this pokemon has three wins and two losses with the 60 win rate we have knock towel didn't get many battles but at least they got one more win than a loss its wins come from morty's haunter morty's gengar and conway's lucky lickey while its losses come from harrison steelix and conway's dusk noir similar to noctal we have another pokemon with three wins and two losses with a 60 win rate this time it's ash's mel medal although it's a late comer to ash's alola team it's still put in some work its wins come from ryuki's wireless and dread again fabulous hypno and kakui's empoleon while its only losses are from gladion silvalai and kukui's incineroar with 16 wins 10 losses and 2 ties sitting at 60 we have poor fish do not sleep on the boy corefish cause he's done a lot of battles almost as many as sceptile believe it or not which is insane some notable wins are against brawlies with chop flannery storkol juan celio and sea king katy's gold duck tucker's arcanine and swampert and annabelle's alakazam some notable losses are from brawley's hariyama poncho's ludicolo juan's whiskash annabelle's metagross and nurse joyce chansey and his two ties come from natasha slugma and morrison swamper now with four wins two losses and three ties sitting at 61 percent we have scraggy this little dude started out weak but really came into his own and got some decent wins later on these include angus's semi-sage betty simipore bryson's vanillish and a darumaka in the universe league its losses come from montgomery's throw and bryson's cryogenol and his ties come from iris's axu twice and a wild larvitar now we have a pokemon with 17 wins and 11 losses with a win rate of 61 once again we have pikachu in kanto which includes the orange island not really surprised here considering back in kanto pikachu was used for almost everything some of his wins include brock's geodude lieutenant serge's raichu like five wins thanks to misty when she used it in the princess festival tournament blaine's ride on pete's arcanine richie's butterfree and drake's dragonite and some of his losses come from brock's onyx lieutenant surges raichu sabrina's cadabra jeanette's bellsprout lorelei's cloister and gary's eevee next up is a pokemon with two wins one loss and one tie with the 63 win rate give it up everyone for ash's goodra oh wow look who's not 100 yeah we should all know by now that goodra jobbed hard in the kalos league its wins come from the double battle against tyrone's wartortle and raichu and then clement's luxray that's it it loses to alons bisharp rest in peace and it ties with sawyer slurp off this next mod has 14 wins 8 losses and 1 tie with the 63 win rate as well give it up for best bird swallow people like to overshadow it with star raptor but the facts can't deny that swellow is the best performing bird notable wins include james's dust talks that was borrowed from jesse winona swellow tate and liza's lunatone and soul rock juan's whiskash tyson's dawn fan and spencer's venusaur notable losses come from jews roselia mace torchic huanz milotic tyson's metagross and tobias's latios while its only tie comes from morrison's glygar in the hoenn league now for a pokemon with 7 wins and four losses with a win rate of 64 percent it's the league winner lycanrock now we're getting into the really good pokemon notable wins for lykan rock include olivia's lycanrock nano's entire team gladion's lycanrock and kiawa's charizard while its losses come from gladion's type null nano's crocodile gladian's lychen rock and kakui's braviary not for a mon with three wins one loss and two ties with the 67 win rate we have glailey this pokemon was actually pretty solid when it came to the hoenn league such a shame that ash didn't use it more its wins include clark's charizard kitty's duck trio and maurice's metang its only loss was against juan c king while its ties come from kitty's mistreatis and tyson sceptile next up is a pokemon with six wins and three losses with the 67 win rate it's incineroar well technically torah cat cause they never battled as an incineroar its winds include totem lorentis mad magmar's magmodar what the try to say that young kakui's litten guzma sizor kakui's venusaur and kokui's incineroar while its losses come from the mask royals incineroar twice in the same episode and guzman's golisapod when you think about it he didn't really lose a whole lot next pokemon has 8 wins and 4 losses with a 67 win rate we have my boy rowlet ironically people still sleep on rowlick because it won't evolve but he has some pretty good wins some notable ones include hollow's crab roller olivia's probopass ryuki's wireless and dredging house decidueye and braviary's kaku what and kakui's braviary while its losses come from hobbs oricorio totem gum shoes house dart tricks and kakui's venusaur not for pokemon with 16 wins and eight losses with a win rate of 67 percent as well we have the one the only cougar fun fact greninja was actually undefeated as a frogadier its win rate could have honestly been much higher but unfortunately it took quite a few l's as a greninja because you know plot and tension and whatnot some notable losses include grant's tyrant tierno squirtle sawyer sceptile and alons charizard twice some notable wins include grant's onyx mirror serena's fennekin ramos's go goat sawyers trico sawyer's grovile and sawyer sceptile damn my boy killed the whole family olympia's meowstick wolfrack's mega obama snow and the lonz bisharp following greninja is a mon with 21 wins nine losses and three ties with the 68 win rate it's ash's pikachu in hoenn and the battle frontier cool thing to know here is that advanced generation is a series where pikachu won the most battles in notable wins include roxanne's nose pass shauna's meditaite watson's whole team this big ass horde of trainers tatan liza's lunatone and soulrock juan's my lotic tyson's metagross annabelle's espeon and most importantly brandon's regis notable losses include norman's vigoroth drake shelgon katie's dugtrio morrison steelix tyson's meowth agatha's gengar and gary's electivire while its ties come from norman's vigoroth winona's pelipper and morrison's beldum okay with 14 wins six losses and one tie with the 69 win rate nice we have ash's pikachu in universe and the decalor islands now this one might come as a huge shock as pikachu has some of its worst losses in this region these include trip snivy crushes panpour trip cervin iris's excadrill skyla swanna and cameron's lucario that's it surprisingly pikachu makes up for those losses with lots of good wins notable ones include bianca's pig knight burgsley vani scala zone pheasant roxy's garboda trip superior cameron samarat and winning ashley marina cup tournament during the decalor islands it's one tie comes from don's cualava not for pokemon with 5 wins and 2 losses with the 71 win rate it's kingler most of its wins come from the indigo league but hey at least it didn't lose much its wins include mandy's exeggutor mandy sidra mandy's gold bat pete's cloister and misty's poliwhirl while its losses come from pete's arcanine and misty's psyduck now for mon with 21 wins 8 losses and 2 ties with the 71 win rate it's bulbasaur this dude is an absolute champ some notable ones include a hiker's right horn lots of woods in the princess festival tournament jeanette scyther rudy's exeggutor chagusa's hitmontop jackson's magneton and brandon's dust clops some of its losses include erica's tangela duplica's ditto keith's farfetch'd drake selectabuzz and ephrem skiploom while his ties come from jackson's meganium and brandon solrock next we have a pokemon with 18 wins and seven losses with a 72 win rate we have the boy charizard this shouldn't come as a surprise as once charizard started obeying ash he was an unstoppable force that only lost to the most powerful opponents its losses come from erica's gloom blaine's ride on only because he refused to battle same goes for richie's pikachu tats polywrath drake's dragonite harrison's blaziken and brandon's dust clops while some of his notable wins come from erica's weepinbell chopper's golem blaine's magmar richie's charmander drake's electabuzz casey's chickarita faulkner's pidgeot claire's dragonair gary's blastoise and nolan's articuno yes sir that's my boy next up is a pokemon with 17 wins 6 losses and 1 tie with the 73 win rate it's infernape most of his losses come from his chimchar days at the same time though this guy got a lot of wins as a chimchar as well notable wins include paul's ursuring twice barry star raptor fantina's drift blim byron's bronzor candace's obama snow vulchner's luxory and paul's electivire notable losses include dawn's piplup maylene's lucario barry's rose raid paul's electabuzz and flint infernape while its only tie comes from attack battle against don and leona next up with 19 wins and seven losses with the 73 win rate we have ash's pikachu in kalos seems like after ash's rough starting uneven they've really wanted to show that pikachu is a beast notable winds include viola's vivion grant's tyrant karina's mega lucario tyrone's war turtle and raichu everett's fur fruit sawyer's aegislash and alons tyranitar and metagross he truly was the mvp of that finals as for its losses some of them include karina's lucario twice clements luxory sawyer sceptile and alons charizard now for pokemon with nine wins and three losses with a 75 win rate we have ash's apom now this one caught me off guard while with ash apom did surprisingly good some good wins include paul's chimchar rorg's geodude don's pachirisu while being used by jessie that was a weird one gardenia's rose raid and donsbuniri and weasel its only losses come from zoie's glamio works cranidos and then the evolved rampardos wait you're telling me it's last loss with ash was in the first gym man apon was awesome next up is a monster with 11 wins and three losses with the 79 win rate we got ash's snorlax this was an absolute beast of a pokemon that rarely goes down but i don't have to tell ya just check out its only losses claire's gyarados gary sizzor and harrison's houndoom not bad at all considering he has far more wins in comparison some notable ones are against raiden for alligator claire's kingdra garry's arcanine harrison steelix greta's hariyama and greta's medecham following snorlax is a pokemon with four wins and only one loss with an 80 win rate we have crocodile to be fair he didn't battle as much as he should have but he rarely disappointed when he did his wins include bryson's bear tick iris's dragonite stefan's lightbird and stefan stock while it's only loss comes from skyla swubat last but not least we have a pokemon with 13 wins two losses and one tie with a win rate of 84 percent we have ash's pikachu in alola my goodness was pikachu amazing in alola after the kalos league pikachu was undefeated until episode 100 of sun and moon were lost to diazera aura its only other loss aside from that is against hapu's golurk meanwhile its winds consist of pokemon like hala's hariyama misty's mega gyarados jesse's mimikyu everyone to take out in the battle royal gusmus galizopod gladian savalai and of course tapukoko himself its one tie comes from gladion zoroark very fitting that pikachu was the last in the rankings cause now we can finally go over its true win ray with 113 wins 55 losses and seven ties by the end of sun and moon ash's pikachu sits at a 67 win rate putting it right after lyken rock and right alongside glaily incineroar and greninja and now to end off this insanely long video i thought it'd be fun to share the pokemon that got the most wins and the most losses starting with most wins not counting pikachu obviously we have snorlax and star raptor tied with 11 pig knight with 13 swallow with 14 sceptile greninja and corefish tied with 16 infernape 17 charizard with 18 and finally bulbasaur with 21. as for the most losses we have swellow bulbasaur halucha kolava and greninja tied with eight talonflame weasel pig knight and star raptor with 9 core fish with 10 and sceptile and torterra with 13. that's rough and there you have it the win rates of wall of ash's pokemon as of the end of sun and moon once journeys is over i'll be going over his new team for that series as well as any updates for his older pokemon now like i said in the beginning of the video these win rates aren't the end-all be-all to determine which of ash's pokemon are the best so if this video left you unsatisfied then fret not because next time we're throwing win rates out the window and judging ash's pokemon on strength alone so make sure you're subscribed if you haven't already that's a video you do not want to miss thank you all for watching everyone remember to live your life to the fullest and have yourself a damn good one [Music]
Channel: Lumiose Trainer Zac
Views: 1,187,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Anime, World Ash Ketchum Day, #WorldAshKetchum, Ash Ketchum Pokemon Win Rate, Ash Pokemon Win Percentage, Ash Ketchum Pokemon Win Percentage, Ash Pokemon Win Rates, Ash Pokemon Losses, Ash Pokemon Wins and Losses, Ash Ketchum Win Loss Record, Ash Ketchum Win Rate, Ash's Pikachu Win Rate, Ash Ketchum Wins, Ash Ketchum Loses, Lumiose Trainer Zac
Id: BSAbVM56h9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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