Pokémon Shield, but I Randomized Everything

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- I randomized everything in Pokémon Shield. Oh my God, the starters! There's just a whole Steelix. Oh, I'm walking through him. (Bruh sound effect) Oh, Wooloo and Crustle are kissing. (kissing sound effect) Alright route one has... Blissey Yveltal oh my god There's no way I catch this thing, but I'm just going to go for it just for giggles. (oof sound effect) Okay, is that Celebi too? This route 1 is stacked and oh (here we go again sound effect) Gosh dang it Yveltal. Alright route two Zubat, Mew! You know, just for fun let's see if I can catch a Mew. No I cannot. What is going on? This grass has Spectrier and Dada Zarude. Oh, you're aggressive. Oh my God, oh my God. (wow sound effect) What the heck, man? I want a dauntless shield, shiny Dragonair. Oh and it's landing a focus blast, that's illegal. Exc what, what? I caught the roadblock. It's dragon fairy type. I made it to the wild area. We've got Politoed. Oh no what on earth. Why is he flying? (high school musical music playing) Does this thing have parental bond? It just hit me with mud slap twice. I'm probably not going to catch it, but I feel like I got to give it at least some tries. (intense music playing) (oof sound effect) No ho ho Okay this is my last throw. This thing has a catch rate of three. Like I can't spend all day doing this okay. Alright I got some Poke Balls. So now it's time to see if I can catch anything. Bouffalant okay, maybe you'd be good. Alright I caught something. Ooh it's a fighting type with power up punch that is dope. This is--whoa look at the Rayquaza spin. Go Team Sky! *hawk cry* What I'd love to find is a Pokémon that evolves at a low level like Caterpie, because then it would be easy to catch and it could evolve into something way better than Caterpie holy crap that's Zekrom. Whoa! (damn boy he thick sound effect) It's huge, oh my God Jesus Entei. I'm growing a little concerned because the main shopkeeper that normally sells potions is randomized. So where am I going to get my potions? Oh my God they have a Ho-Oh. He has a shiny Zarude. Oh my God. Wait, wait. This Ho-Oh just used a power herb sky attack. (bruh sound effect) I did like no damage what is going on? Draco meteor. Why do a team yell grunt and Hop have God tier legendaries where I'm forced to use lick (wow sound effect) I may be able to see a rare Pokémon at Wedgehurst station. Oh my God the DLC. Time to see what the Galarian Slowpoke randomizes to. A Nidorina. Avery, are you, are you what, what? Oh no, (sad trumpet sound effect) Oh my god. (bruh sound effect) I'm gonna mmm--my only healing is two potions. I have no good moves. How does he have six Pokémon? And he swept me with a shiny Guzzlord. and I can't buy potion? Can I progress without fighting him? Oh God, no I have to beat him. And now I'm just going to get swept again. Kill me! ( I already did its sound effect) (a few moments later sound effect) You've gotta be kidding. He also has a Diancie. Are you kidding me? Oh my God, this battle. Alright there's the Guzzlord. And I only have Avalugg left. Oh, it's faster. And there it is lost again. Vending machines, I'm saved. It's clear to me that I'm going to continue having trouble with legendaries until I have a better team. So back to the wild area. - Ha ha it is I Grunty boy. - Not now Grunty boy I'm in the middle of something. - And I don't care. I'm so excited about the sponsor of this video Raid Shadow Legends that I have to tell you about it right now. - Blaziken I want a try and catch you. - I've been playing a lot lately so much so that I decided to for fun, create a list of my top five favorite places to play Raid. Number five is my bedroom. Number four is the hideout common area. Number three is your office. When you're here. Number two is your office when you're not here. And number one is your shower. - Is it a steel type? - Yeah, it's a really great game. You can better with over 500 champions against various enemies in the campaign, big bosses in the dungeons or other players in the PVP arena. It's so fun to collect more champions and they can be made stronger by equipping gear onto them, training them up in the campaign or sacrificing your weaker ones. - Yes. Got the Blaziken. - And they're currently running a schedule of nonstop events, especially right now around Halloween, such as fragment events to get brand new legendary champions. - Oh my God. It has levitate as a steel type, that's so good. - Dude are you even listening to me. - I am not because I don't need to. I am already aware of how fun of a game Raid Shadow Legends is. I'm even aware that by hitting the link in the description below or scanning the QR code right here, new players will get an epic hero. Chonoru, who was amazing in the doom tower, 200,000 silver, one XP boost, one energy refill and one ancient shard. So you can summon an awesome champion. As soon as you get in game, you'll find rewards here for 30 days only. - Oh wow. You're multitasking is impressive. - Venusaur hi, hi, hi, hello. I got it. - And he's back to not listening. Well I guess I'll be the one to say thanks so much to Raid for sponsoring, but now back to whatever he's doing, ta ta - Hop why do you have a Mesprit? I've been through a lot, I don't need this. Alright, there goes his stupid Mesprit. It just occurred to me that Hop has six Pokémon in this battle was the setting turned on, that makes all rival battles, full teams of six. Wait there's Eevee, I have a thunder stone. My first random evolution is Ooh, okay. There's a good chance, this'll be a waste of Poke balls and time, but I feel like I gotta to try to catch this absolutely off his rocker, Dragonite. (wee sound effect) I did it I caught the Dragonite. It's a ground type with overgrow has this ground move though. Alright, time for my first gym battle. Oh my God, he has six Pokémon and he's leading with Palkia. Did he just off himself with curse? Oh, he did ha. Magearna right after Palkia why. Alright I took out the Magearna, poisoning Tangrowth cause this thing is so bulky. The evasiveness rose sharply. Are you kidding? And now I can't hit it. At least I poisoned it. He's pumped up about his final Pokémon, which is Baltoy (fart sound effect) and it is a ghost type, Okay. Alright, buddy. Let's KO this fellow ghost. (oof sound effect) what is it really ghost normal. Alright, I won from hail damage. What a ridiculous battle. What I really need is Pokémon with better moves. That's my main problem. The Pokémon that I have are very strong Pokémon, but none of them have a consistently good stab a move. Oh, wait, I get to get the gift Toxel. And maybe it'll be randomized to be something good. Yo, ghost psychic with simple. And it only knows lick because it's level one oh, Oh, they didn't scale up his levels. Oh, okay, I can definitely beat him this time. Good riddance you stupid Guzzlord. This dude had a Guzzlord, Diancie, and a Buzzwole and I haven't even seen his last Pokémon yet. Okay I actually beat him this time. Yuh stupid jerk. And now I actually get to explore the Isle of Armor and that is cool. Oh my God I forgot about the Diglett's. I can get gift Pokémon this way. Alright I collected 37 Diglett's and now I get some free Pokémon. Ooh. Oh my God. I knew finding the Diglett's would be worth. It's normal type is not my favorite, fur coat is pretty cool though. Celebrate the Pokémon congratulates me on my special day. (part horn noise) The Vulpix randomizes to Victini, Oh this is so cool. Fire and ice with the magic guard. Okay I found two more, this is the actual last one. I can't believe my luck electric rock with clear body. Is that no way. The slow poke have been randomized to Kyurem. (dash sound effect) Look at it, it's so fast. (yo you want to see some real speed sound effect) What I gotta try it, an ice dragon Cobalion I know I have a really low chance of catching it, but like I got to try. It's got the yellow aura and everything. Okay, and 1, 2, 3, oh my God. I got the Cobalion. It's got ice face as its ability. Will that even do anything? And of course it's got no ice or dragon moves. Cause nothing has stopped moves that I catch, I got another leaf stone, and I saw gloom, So I caught it, now we're going to see what it becomes. And also it came with an eviolite, So that's cool. Ooh. This is something I'm going to keep in mind. Well, I thought I'd be able to buy potions from this watt trader, but it seems he's been randomized, but on the bright side, Free fast balls. And now I have a team with more than one legendary Pokémon, which puts me just on the same level as every other trainer in this game. Alright, gym, number two. Okay, she leads with Sandshrew. Which gives me a great opportunity to set up dragon dance. Alright I got four dragon dances set up. One down. Oh boy. Wait, what? Why did I resist super power? Does this thing have normalized? That's another there's the legendary. And there it goes. Oh no, no, no. Oh, oh my God. How did that do so little? Is that a quad resist? This has gotta be a steel type. Okay it didn't complete the sweep. Got it. And her ace is Volcanion, but I know what type it is because I have one it's normal. Oh boy still intimidating though, but we take those. Ah boost its defense though. Oh, that doesn't do very much. The stupid defense boosts before I hit hit my, uh I needed a crit. Going for the normal move this time. Oh and it didn't more about I lived. Oh and skull bashed. Why would it do that? And now I protect, and if it's skull bashes again, I win. Okay. It didn't do it this time. we been aftermath Snowplow still gets the KO. This entire field as mythical except for that fricking Lickilicky. (SpongeBob hi how are ya sound effect) It seems like every time I closed the game and reopen it, the shop's re randomize. He has free experience candy XL. I'm not going to cheat and make all my team level 100 and then play the rest of the game. But this is going to make catching new Pokémon up to the rest of the team, way easier. Another thing this does is that it makes it easier to get random level up evolutions in the Nidoran becomes (excited happy noise) The Mew is steel type. Sorry Blaziken you're a great steel type for awhile, but this mew is definitely better. Alright let's see what these Pokémon in the gym mission are. It's got a shiny why. Alright let's see if my broken bolt beak can sweep. One down. This genderless Xerneas has done nothing but use attract I kind of feel bad for it. It'll it'll never find love. (I just wanna be appreciated sound effect) Wow bolt beak is nasty on Tapu Koko. I hope I don't have to fight one. Oh, he's got Gigantamax Garbodor. That's fun, it's also dead. Oh no, it's not. Okay, now it's dead. I have a feeling that this game is about to get a lot easier. Now that I have bolt beak, Tapu Koko, and I am very excited because this first chunk has been kinda tough. Kinda rough. Look at this Spiritomb scooch itself across the ground I caught a Barboach cause it was close to evolving. I figured I'd give it a shot. No way. Pure poison with no guard. Well this little Goldeen's learning Dynamax Canon. So that's fun. Come on little fish, expand on to land. Into a beautiful, (fart sound effect) it's fine. We can evolve it one more time. Okay. Hopefully this is the last one. (wow sound effect) You gotta be kidding me. One more, just, just this, this is the last one. Okay. I got enough Diglett to get another gift Pokémon, so let's see what we get. You've gotta be kidding me. This guy is stacked. What, what is this move set. Alright, gym four, oh, why you gotta ruin my vibe with the Parrish song? He's got a Groudon, I don't like that. Blue flare? No! Okay, we got the KO. You have Kyogre and Groudon? I swear if one of his Pokémon is Rayquaza. Oh but it's shuttered, no! Oh, why do all my legendaries have to have four times weaknesses. Oh, come on man. Come on. Paradox just land the water Shuriken. Yes. I think we only need one more. Let's go. And his last Pokémon is Blastoise. Is he going to Gigantamax it? There it is. I will admit it looks very cool. Ooh ow Yep it was a fairy type and I win. So I'm defeating Bede's last Pokémon here, which is a Latios, which is funny because not only did he already have a Thundurus and Necrozma, but he also already had another Latios All right time for the fifth gym. And unlike the very first time I ever fought this gym, I should actually get all the questions right. The wizard, you're a wizard Harry - I'm a what? Your favorite color is purple. Boosting my stats even more, But the stupid Pyukumuku decided to perish song. So I have to switch soon. Oh, primordial Sea? Oh, I can't see the rain though. Is it raining? It is raining. It's just not showing it, that's weird. And now when you turn out. Got it. Alright Opal you're 16, just give me the stat boosts. It's a lie though. Your gym is built on lies. And she has Gigantamax Butterfree, which is probably the least threatening one. Oh, max flair did so much. And it's over. That was pretty easy. It just occurred to me that I can get the gift Bulbasaur or Squirtle as soon as I deal with these really fast Kyurem. So I'm going finally do that. Alright I'm going to pick the Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur becomes Ooh. Typing is kind of garbage. Of course it's Cramorant into shiny, and he's got a shiny Mew, where are you finding these half of this team is shiny. What the heck dude, Archeops without defeatist. Pure water. Oh my God, dragon dance Archeops with no defeatist. Holy crap. And I have an adamant Mint oh my God. Oh my God, and it now it's learning Fishious Rend. My God, these moves are so broken. On Pokemon that are really fast. I struggled a lot in the beginning of this play through, but now I have a no defeatist Archeops with a dragon dance and fishious rend and I am just absolutely thrilled. After so long, I'm finally feeling really good about this team. And I feel like the only thing that would make me feel better is you subscribing to this channel. Ah haha All right, Melony, I'm gonna to try to sweep you with Teryx. You've gotta be kidding me. (oof sound effect) Come on! Literally the first Pokémon has to be an electric type. I hate this Milotic so much good riddance uhh, I was so excited to sweep with my cool new Archaeopteryx. And you just killed it with a bolt strike. That's so unfair. Oh my God. That did so much. Alright dealt with the Braviary. Thunderous, I think we'll just go down to a neutral bolt beak. Boo yeah. Oh, okay. That's actually fine. I'm a rock type. And her final Pokémon is Gigantamax Sandaconda, in a sandstorm, but it's probably not actually a ground type. I think I should be able to finish it this turn with a max flare. The battle's over. I think I might try using choice scarf on Teryx instead of dragon dance. Because it's so frail, if I don't get off the dragon dance, then I'm in trouble. But with the choice scarf, I can just spam fishious rend. Hey Hop has his starter Crustle again. Hop why do you always have so many shines? Oh, Yveltal again, stop haha. I escaped the Yveltal by starting a cut scene. There are so many Yveltal's on this route. What is attacking me? Oh, it's another Yveltal. Fricken Yveltal's! There's so many of them in they are so fast. And Marnie has one too. What is going on? Oh, thanks for the rain Corviknight. And it's a week to water ha. What a terrible ability and type combo. Alright Piers time for you to go down. Okay, I took down the Maractus and then the gym leaders AI is always good. They're going to bring in a Pokémon that's strong against me or no, they're not Crobat's fighting flying. I know cause I have one Got him don't know what Vikavolt is, but I'm just going to go for it because I feel like if he had a Pokémon to counter water-type he would have sent it in already. Oh my God. Alright! Okay, he finally brought in something that resists me. So now I go to my other super fast double damage attack Pokémon. Diancie is ground type, So I go back to Archeops. Got him. The final Pokémon is how Palkia! Oh boy. I don't know what time you are. I hope fishious rend is enough it is! No faints. Piers is done. No way. The shop got randomized to have free master balls. Oh my God. (evil laughter) In all seriousness, I'm not just going to go around and catch a whole bunch of really ripped legendaries. My team is already very good. (12 seconds later sound effect) All right Keldeo you want to be aggressive? You want to be aggressive Keldeo, well now you're coming with me. What did I say? All right. The final gym battle. Quick draw Cresselia giga drain, no! Okay we got that KO. I'm going to double into the Cresselia slot. I really want this thing dead. Sweet it's dead, done another crit wow. Lanturn goes down easily. A Pangoro resists bolt beak Teryx probably goes down here, but I want to finish off the Pangoro. And there is the horrifying monster. Enough to KO the Pangoro okay. And this probably KO's yep, okay, yep super dead, that's okay I knew that was going to happen. But now I've got a fire type and a flying type up against a bug grass type. This is going to be over quickly. Oh it barely lived are you kidding? Oh is sturdy. And the final gym goes down. So now that I have all eight badges and can catch any Pokémon, I think it's finally time. I poke around the Crown Tundra just for a little bit. I avoided this before because unlike the isle of armor, I don't believe the crown Tundra Pokémon scaled down in level. So I wouldn't have been able to catch anything or beat Peony, which I'm realizing I'm might have to do right now. Gotta fight him. And he's got a Rayquaza that's level, 84 that I OHKO'ed wow. That's amazing. Celesteela, alright I beat one level 84 Pokémon. Can I beat the other five well I'm not in a good spot with this Celesteela Cause it knows both bolt strike and focus blast Which is super effective against most of my team. Well, I poisoned it. So if it could just avoid killing my entire team, which I don't think it's going to happen. Is fishious rend enough at this range, no, I mean, it goes down this turn, but I need it to KO Magearna, dude could you just send in a Caterpie. Okay how much is this core enforcer gonna do? Not enough. Oh no. Oh yes. (oof sound effect) Oh no. Okay. I got the Magearna. Alright poison rock Sceptile. Oh, I'm not faster. Oh no. It might be frowned upon, but my only way to win this is to max revive Teryx. Okay if the choice scarf is enough to make me faster, I can defeat this Septile. It's not enough to make me faster. That is absolutely devastating, but I did enough damage anyways. Okay. I only have two Pokémon left to beat. I only have two Pokémon left myself and one of them is half dead and I had to max revive one of mine Eternatus, what? He not only is incredibly high leveled, but I've seen five of his Pokémon and four have been legendary and he's faster than me. Okay. I'd have a chance if I was faster, but with that reflect up. Okay, I heal hear Glaciate doesn't do much to me. Get more chip damage with hail. It's going to get my speed even lower, but whatever the next Pokémon is, it doesn't matter, I'm switching. Okay. I KO the Eternatus, there is one Pokémon left. It's Yveltal five legendaries, 20 levels higher than my team. If paradox goes down here, I, I will max revive Tapu Koko. Alright. And KO's Teryx. It all comes down to this. If Tapu Koko is faster, bolt beak doubles in power, and I think I KO it. But if Yveltal is faster then I lose. No Oh, oh, it's so close. Oh, do I not have to win to progress? Oh, I get to go and I get to keep going anyways. Hello? You want to get in my master ball? Well, uh there certainly are wild Pokémon here, including legendaries that I can catch with the throw of a ball, but I kind of feel bad doing so, but like, I don't feel that bad. Whoa, what look at the Arctovish. (upbeat music) Some overworld models have not been randomized, but some have, and whenever they are it's beautiful. All right, Marnie, you're going down. (bruh sound effect) Oh, come on. Marnie are you kidding me? I don't have any full restores. I've had no way to buy them. Why do you get to use them? Wouldn't be a proper battle if she didn't have a legendary ah Kyurem my old speedy friend. Oh, she's going to have Gigantamax Gengar that's cool. (gurgle noises) I move first though. Oh, so close. And it is over. I didn't even have to Dynamax that's how good bolt beak is. All right. Hop. What legends in shinnies do you have this time. Well there's the first legend. Oh, come on you son of a, are you kidding me? It tricker treated and then shadow clawed. What is this Gigantamax brain Strat. Oh my he's going to Dynamax Jirachi ooh boy, oh boy, oh boy. How much will bolt beak do ooh I think that's just shot. Oh crap. Alright big Leviathan you got this. Oh, it's enough for the KO way to go Leviathan. Ooh, leading with Calyrex. Oh it's shiny Terrakion rubbing it in. Goodbye Tapu Fini Magearna too, man you got a lot of these. This guy has a team chock full of legendary Pokemon and his Gigantamax is the Eevee. What the heck was that noise? I would like to point out though that I beat his entire team with only Archeops, which I think is the first time I've done that. So I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. Alright Raihan what you got more like Mew too slow, Mew too dead haha. Oh, his Gigantamax its Urshifu. Ooh. That's a lot cooler than the previous ones. You got this zero max knuckle, victory is mine. Running through the slumbering wailed that is a Necrozma oh my god. Trying to find the legendary Pokemon. Stop a crazy CEO from blowing stuff up for no good reason. Is that a Grapploct? You good? I'm going to catch you I love Grapploct's. Wait, wait. Why does the Grapploct have the rusted sword? I'm supposed to go find it at the alter Hop I found it. This octopus was holding it. Hello Chairman Rose you've been a naughty boy. Oh, he's got Urshifu too. Okay max strike I think we'll be okay. I think max slur KO's now because of the sun I set up. Oh, that did so much more, what the heck and Rose is done. Oh, it's not randomized, I'm sure its attributes are. And it's dead, that was quick. It did not randomize it. It's psychic rock with huge power and in adamant nature, I want to use it, but also that would make my team even more weak to ground than it already is. So I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to keep the Lapras. Also that look at legends I caught with the master balls, but I haven't been using, I just got them for fun. Alright it's finally time for the final battle. Do your worst Leon, leading with a legendary as expected. 74, Nice super effective U-turn. Oh thank God the sleep powder missed. Okay freeze dry time. One down, 77. This whole time I thought Archeops was over leveled, clearly I was incorrect. Got him two down, got him three down two hit KO lets go. I don't care I'm using special moves Mew's down that's four. Lapras I have one too. Okay quit copying my team Leon. You know what I'm going to Dynamax, Dynamax Victini. Max hailstorm, the special version, So it's not impacted by reflect and it's not an OHKO no. The bouncing well that's annoying. He's wasting a turn of my Dynamax. Man I was hoping to still be alive. At least have one Dynamax turn for his Gigantamax or whatever it's going to be, but no, the stupid Lapras had to bounce. Oh and now I have to beat his Dynamax without my own. Inteleon, I have not fought one. I've no idea what type it is. Gigantamax Inteleon max Mindstorms is that a psychic type? that did a lot. Oh, you're setting up the sand. Why didn't you do that the first time. That was a four time super effective hit. You know what this is fine charged stone, can't be hurt by the sand. Let's see what bolt beak can do. We hit first and it KO's. I beat Pokémon shield with everything randomized using this very cool and frankly, very broken team. And it was fabulous.
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 3,754,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, randomized, randomizer, extreme randomizer, lets play
Id: Wyy3so2hNGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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