Where's the Blood?

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okay welcome again i'm robert breaker and our sermon today will be entitled where's the blood where is the blood i'm really a little bit heated already and i hope i don't get too heated in this sermon but i do a lot of teaching the lord's given me a gift of being a bible teacher and i love to teach the bible but god also wants us to preach so i want to preach today and i might get a little bit heated in this message and that's okay hey man please if you don't like someone getting a little bit excited about something then go click on something else but i would hope that you'd stay with me today because today's message is important in fact it's probably the most important thing that you will ever hear because this is about eternal life and eternal salvation and a place in heaven what's more important than a mansion in heaven i mean for all eternity life in a place of pure bliss and wonderfulness yeah yeah that's important so i want to talk today about where's the blood you see i'm a christian i'm a born-again blood-bought king james bible believing child of god and i believe in the blood of jesus christ and it's very sad to me that there are people out there that don't preach the blood of jesus probably the number one email that i get from people is i go to a church brother breaker and they don't preach the blood why don't they ever talk about the blood of jesus what's what's wrong with them why don't they ever mention the blood well i don't know except for the fact that it's a sad world we live in and people today well they just don't want to preach on the blood and i think that's a shame the blood of jesus christ his son cleanseth us from all sin that's what the bible says so let's start today in hebrews chapter 10 and verse 29 hebrews 10 29 and i want to go to the bible and show you what the bible says about the blood and the importance of never ever ever ever forgetting the blood of jesus christ hebrews chapter 10 verse 29 now i've got some things to talk about today that kind of led me to this sermon and why i'm preaching on this well first of all because this is the way of salvation i want you to know you can't get saved without the blood of jesus christ but i also want to give you a little bit of background information i want to be known as that guy that preaches the blood okay my wife and i we've left a church one time because we felt that they didn't preach hard enough on the blood of jesus and when we left i've heard from various people that that still go to that church and i love that church i pray for them amen every day i pray for them but we heard from people that go there and they say well they don't like you over there robert breaker and i'm like well really well that's fine we love them we pray for them we appreciate everything they've ever done for us but just curious why don't they like us you know what most of them have told us most of them and said well because they say you preach too hard on the blood of jesus i said thank you very much that's a badge of honor i'll put it right here so to me i don't see how that's even possible i've told that to other people over the years and said people say i preach too hard to the blood of jesus and they say well how's that even possible i don't believe it is i believe we should always preach the blood of jesus old charles haddon spurgeon the prince of preachers a baptist minister in england said i don't believe you should preach four messages without mentioning the blood of jesus and the gospel well i'd like to try to mention the gospel in every sermon that i do because it's important and it's salvation and i want you to be saved so let's go to hebrews chapter 10 first and i want to talk about the blood today by the way i have a book entitled hey where's the blood you go to my bookstore the cloudchurch.org and go to the bookstore and get that book i have another book entitled the importance of the blood but to me it's not about money i don't care if you buy it or not matter of fact you can go to my old website rrb3 my name robert ray breaker r r b and the number three dot com rb3.com and if you go there well you can read these books for free okay i just want you to have the information i want you to know about the blood of jesus and sadly today many people are leaving out the blood and forgetting the blood and turning away from the blood i get emails all the time from people say brother baker my church doesn't ever preach on the blood of jesus i said well get out get out go find a church that does preach on the blood because the blood is so important so important hebrews chapter 10 and verse 29 the bible says here in hebrews 10 29 of how much sore punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy worthy of what well condemnation according to verse 28 worthy of being judged verse 27 so that's the context someone is worthy of judgment and condemnation for what uh for receiving the truth verse 26 but then denying it look at verse 29 of how much more sore punishment so god in heaven is going to punish those who don't preach the blood that's what he's saying of how much more sore punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden underfoot the son of god and hath counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace the bible here talks about someone who has said yeah the blood of jesus hey forget that it's not that important i'm not interested in that wow well you're going to be judged you are worthy of punishment you have not continued preaching what you've heard now we live here in in florida in an area on highway 90 you go up there to milton and pea ridge and pace and pensacola and and that was at one time in the guinness book of world records the record of the most churches per square mile of anywhere in the world so we live in a very very very religious community i mean there are churches you you can't drive a mile without getting probably five ten churches there's just so many churches along this area now maybe some of them closed down but there are many many many churches in this area and as a kid i remember dad took us to different ones and my dad he was a sunday school teacher my dad was a very good learned studious man who taught he has a 25 foot long bible chart i still have that chart and oftentimes churches would have him in and ask him to teach sunday school to the men's sunday school class and my dad said it took three walls usually to put that 25 foot long chart up and so this chart my dad would teach on dispensations and it would teach on the blood and my dad said many many many times the men would say well i've never heard that before how come why wasn't the pastor preaching it he's supposed to the bible teaches the message of the blood and and how awful it is to forget the blood look at verse 31 it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god i mean it's a fearful thing to forget to preach the blood and then go to god and god go well why didn't you preach the blood do you see the context here the importance of the blood you better not do despite to the spirit of grace you better not uh trot under foot and count unholy the blood of christ because the blood of jesus is so important that that's what we as christians are supposed to preach is the blood for salvation so my dad went to a lot of churches and knew a lot of these men and a lot of the churches my dad said he loved because the man would always say through faith in his blood my dad said i only go to a church that preaches salvation through faith in the blood but as i got older and i loved talking to my dad about all this he died back in 2010 but before he died we talked about this and my dad said son if you ever go to church make sure it's a church that preaches faith in the blood make sure they don't forget the blood okay but my dad told me said as he got older he saw more and more pastors not preaching faith in the blood like they used to and got to the point where dad only had one church left because a lot of pastors had changed and those new pastors coming in didn't preach on the blood and there was just one or two churches left that dad said were good churches because he heard them on sunday say it's through faith in the blood and nowadays it's hard to find a church that tells you that but dad said that was what you heard all the time in church that was what the preacher always said now salvation is through faith in the blood i remember hearing that often in different churches after i got saved from age 18 on i would go to these churches and i hear the pastor say now you've got to put your faith in the blood of jesus you want to be saved is through faith in the blood and in my lifetime i'm 40 something i remember less and less and less why is it that men are turning away from the blood or at least ignoring it and forgetting it well it's because we're here in a time of apostasy and apostasy means a falling away from the truth and i hate to say it but i'm seeing a lot of people claim to be bible believing christians even in my independent baptist community are not preaching through faith in the blood which is what they used to preach so i want to be faithful preaching the blood so i want to ask some questions today and i want to ask the question where's the blood where's the blood in your church does your church preach the blood well if they're not i gotta wonder about them are they a good new testament bible believing church or are they a false church you see there was a man many years ago that was a pastor and my dad used to go to his church and my dad went to his bible school matter of fact that's the same bible school i went to my dad audited classes he didn't want a degree well i went to school there and i after three years i got my degree four years they cram into three years as a three year school so i did graduate maybe i should show you my diploma here i like to do this from time to time because it's so fun there's people out there that like to attack people and you i just did this earlier i typed in robert breaker and youtube and you'll see a lot of my videos then in between you'll see robert breaker's a heretic robert breaker's a liar lover breaker is a deceiver robert breaker is not saved robert and it's so funny to see this and by the way many of them are blood deniers they don't preach the blood for salvation they never say through faith in the blood but many of them they'll stand up and say that brother breaker while he says he went to bible school he didn't he was kicked out of the bible school there's my diploma where'd i get this from a cracker jack box no i wasn't kicked out somebody's lying to you so a lot of people contact me say brother rick i started watching some of these videos of these people and it's just lies lies lies lies lies they just lie about you while they're calling you a liar i think that's so funny and so sad it's very sad that people do that i don't want to do that i don't want to spend my time talking about other people i mean it's not about me it's not about them it's about the blood let's get back to the message of the blood okay let's stop fighting like little second graders amen and you don't need to attack me and i'm not going to attack you i'm just here to as the bible says exhorts you and remind you hey it's the blood it's the blood it's the blood let's preach the blood okay will you will you preach the blood i hope so let's don't leave out the blood because it's a sore thing and you get some sore punishment for forgetting the blood of christ so where's the blood well a lot of churches are missing the blood but i look for the blood and i see the blood everywhere in the bible and the first place i see the blood is in the old testament and i see the blood all over in the old testament the old testament you know starts with adam and eve so you have adam and eve and let's look at some verses let me run through some verses because this book the bible is a bloody book there is blood throughout this whole book and if you read this book you can come to no other conclusion than this god deals with man based upon blood and whether or not a man's sins are forgiven based upon whether or not there has been a blood sacrifice and it's been like that all throughout the old testament so why would it be any different in the new testament well the only difference is it's a different blood it's the blood of jesus back then it was the blood of animals so let's look at some verses here i want to remind you of the importance of the blood and i don't ever and i mean ever want to forget the blood of jesus i want to be remembered as the preacher who never stopped preaching on the blood because my dad and i have seen many pastors forget it and we see that the bible says that that's called apostasy when you fall away from preaching what our ancestors preached you know our ancestors preached faith in the blood goes all the way back to paul all throughout church history there are people preaching it's through the blood faith in the blood and i'm not talking about a little cup with wine in it like they try to teach in rome that's blood that's not blood that's hooch that's liquor that's fermented liquor that's not blood i'm talking about the true literal blood of jesus christ now genesis chapter 3 verse 21 adam and eve had sinned against god by eating of the forbidden fruit only forbidden fruit in the bible by the way is a grape okay a lot of people say it was an apple no where the bible doesn't say it was an apple no that comes from ancient mythology and the greek mythology the golden apple a lot of people try to mix with the bible paganism and philosophy can't do it can't do it better not do it and so they had sinned by eating this forbidden fruit could it have been a grape i don't know but in the bible the only forbidden fruit is a grape in other passages and it says here in verse 21 unto adam also and his wife did the lord make coats of skins and clothe them so when adam and eve sinned what did god do he took an animal now most likely a lamb or a sheep and i believe i can show you that based upon what their children did after one of their sons but they god took that animal and he said now this blood from that animal is going to be what you have to remember is what appeases my wrath and so i will not forgive your sin without blood and so what we have is we have a precedent a precedent set by god himself that something died because of their sins and that was the death of something that appeased the wrath of god otherwise god's wrath would have poured out on the center anatomy of sin and god said okay i'm going to kill this animal shed its blood and then i clothe you in the skins well then we come a little bit farther and we see old abel and you know cain and abel hopefully you know that story of cain and abel and so cain comes to god and abel comes to god and they offer up something for their sins one of them offers up fruits and vegetables god said i don't accept that okay god doesn't want the fruit of your labor god wants a blood sacrifice something innocent dying in place of the guilty and so there in uh genesis chapter four verse one through five read down there and look what happened it says in verse 4 and abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the lord had respect unto abel in his offering but of the cain oh god had no respect why was that because abel brought the firstlings of his flock he brought some sheep and he sacrificed and he shed the blood and it was the blood that god demanded for sin and god said i will accept this blood on your behalf abel and i will forgive your sins well what happened cain got so mad he killed his brother he was angry that god didn't accept him see he came to god saying accept me accept what i've done look at me god look at what i've done hey over here please accept what i did god said i don't accept what you do that's the work of a sinner everything you do is sinful the only thing i ask you to do is bring a blood sacrifice because that's the only way i'll forgive what did cain do he left out the blood and god did not accept him because of it well let's go to leviticus 17 11. later on in the bible god finds a man named moses and you know the story the people of israel have the exodus and they leave and god lets them wander in the wilderness and god gives them the law the old testament law and that be the law of moses and what does god say under the law well under the law god tells moses that it's it's a blood sacrifice that makes an atonement for sin so leviticus 17 11 says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and i have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls okay so this is a forgiveness of the sins of your soul and it's based upon what the bible calls an atonement what is an atonement well we call it the blood atonement a blood atonement is when blood is offered then there is atonement or forgiveness and it's based upon whether or not blood has been shed so that bible's a bloody book and all throughout the pages of the bible there's blood sacrifice and it says for it is the blood that maketh atonement for the soul so there must be a blood sacrifice in order to make an atonement and what is atonement forgiveness so no forgiveness without blood so why do you leave out the blood i'm not going to leave out the blood i'm going to preach the blood because that's what the blood is all about is forgiveness through blood now thank god we don't have to sacrifice animals today but that's how it was under that old testament law but let's go over to leviticus chapter four let me read some of this to you i don't have time to read it all but leviticus chapter four when you get a chance read verse 27 all the way down to verse 35 and so verse 27 says and if any one of the common people sin through ignorance so if they commit a sin then it goes through and says here's what they do and look what it says if someone is guilty the end of verse 27 well he brings an animal a kid of the goats verse 28 then he shall lay his hand verse 29 upon the head of the sin offering and slay the sin offering for the place of the burnt offering so he's saying look god in place of my sins don't kill me would you except this innocent animal in my behalf and they cut its throat well you read the rest there the priest came and he collected the blood he offered up the blood to make an atonement and then look at the end of verse 35 and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed and it shall be forgiven him forgiveness of sins based upon a blood atonement without blood no forgiveness of sins so it's always a blood so why would you live out the blood again some people do some people do all throughout the bible you see from the beginning all the way to the end remember the passage it says jesus is the lamb of god slain before the foundation of the world and here in the book of revelation i saw as it was a lamb slain jesus all throughout the bible the bible is telling us no forgiveness without blood it's a bloody book and it's a bloody gospel uh many years ago my old pastor said something and my dad never forgot it my dad never forgot this saying and saying that he coined this old pastor mind was the bloodless gospel and he would always say make sure you don't preach a bloodless gospel because that's the wrong gospel any gospel that leaves out the blood is a false gospel so what are you supposed to preach you're supposed to preach the blood stain gospel and we'll get to that here in a minute but i just love that term the bloodless gospel and that's what many many many people today are guilty of doing they're out there with their bloodless gospel trying to give people forgiveness of sins without blood you cannot come to god without blood it is only through blood that you can find the forgiveness of sins that's what they used to call the old slaughterhouse religion you've heard that before a lot of people back in the 17 1800s that didn't like christianity and didn't like salvation and had nothing to do with god or the bible they say oh you christians with your little old slaughterhouse religion always talking about the blood all the time yeah because the bible talks about no forgiveness without blood so it's the blood it's the blood it's the blood atonement for salvation now i find the blood all throughout the old testament i also find the blood on the cross it's on the cross in which jesus died that i see the blood when jesus christ came john the baptist said behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world the holy spirit told him to say that because the holy spirit of god knew that the reason that jesus came was to be the blood atonement for the sins of the world he came to die for our sins greater love had no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends and jesus loved the world god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son let's go over there to john chapter 19 and verse 34. jesus christ came to die on the cross he came to shed his blood and that's what he did he shed his precious blood on the cross for the atonement for the sins of the whole world and i find that blood at the cross john 19 34 says but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came there out blood and water not only did jesus christ shed his blood he shed every drop of blood so much so that all that was left was just water and even that water came out every drop of blood and when he died on the cross he said it is finished what is finished the blood atonement for the sins of the world you can come to god now for salvation but you've got to come through that blood see it's not the animal blood that won't save you it's the blood of christ who is god manifest in the flesh other day i got an email from somebody and i i kind of chuckled a little bit because it was funny but also i kind of almost shed a tear because it was so sad somebody sent me an email they said oh brother breaker please stop talking about that gruesome old slaughter blood thing quit talking about it quit drawing the blood up here on your diagram whenever you talk about jesus oh that's just so gruesome we we don't need to know about that okay uh yes we do and i'll never stop okay i will make sure i do it even more now because it is only the blood that forgives us of sins so are you saying you want me to stop preaching the gospel and stop preaching the forgiveness of sins no sir i won't do it all right i'm going to keep doing it because the bible says the blood of jesus christ is what saves us and we need to make sure we point people to the blood i'm not going to leave it out like many people do isaiah 52 14 talking about jesus it says his visage was marred more than any man he was beaten he was whipped he was slapped he was pierced and he was punctured in every drop of blood he shed from his body what did paul say paul says in second corinthians 2 2 he says i'm determined to know nothing among you but jesus christ and him crucified so i'm going to keep preaching the crucified christ the crucified one okay i don't want to attack you that sent me that email but i i do want you to know that this is what the bible tells me to preach and i'm not going to stop for you or anybody i'm going to keep preaching the crucified christ and the crucified christ was the bloody savior on the cross who shed his blood for our sins okay if you don't like it go watch something else but just make sure you don't forget the blood okay so we got to look at that now where else is the blood well the blood is in the gospel and i want to make sure that i'm one of those that preaches the gospel and here's another thing i see today a lot of people don't preach the gospel a lot of people preach a different kind a gospel a bloodless gospel and they go around say well just ask god into your heart or ask jesus to save you or say oh god i'm a sinner please give me salvation well that's nice that you want to come to god i mean that shows me that you want to be saved and that you're coming to god looking for salvation but the bible says it's the blood that saves it sounds like to me you're trying to come to god apart from the blood for salvation god said no there's only one way to be saved and that's through the blood whole old testament talks about that so i i say watch out for people like that one of the things that i just cannot take i despise this so much and i just can't i cannot contain myself let's put it that way when i hear this said okay because this is so harmful and so horrible and so awful a lot of times people say things without thinking about what they're actually saying but i've heard from time to time a preacher in the pulpit stand up and say now come to jesus christ the best way you know how and when they say that i just cringe just cringe and i just go no don't say that there could be someone here that's lost and they can misunderstand nowhere in the bible does it say come to god the best way that you know how what if you don't know how what if the best way you know is not the right way are you saved just because you came the best way you know i think every hindu tries to get forgiveness of sins the best way they know how every catholic every seventh day adventist ever i mean it's not the best way you know if it was the best way you know that let's throw the bible in the garbage because you can come the west way you know how no the bible says you must come the way that god said and you need to know that god said this is the way to come to him through the blood so when a preacher stands up and says well just come to god the best way you know how i just go oh why would you say such a dumb statement because what if the best way you know is not the way god said the bible says there's a way that seemeth right unto a man but the ways they're in are the ways of death what if the way you think you know how is the wrong way and it leads you downstairs to the other place you didn't get saved by coming the best way you know how that that is a lack of preaching the gospel the gospel teaches us that there is one way to come to god and it's through the blood and i'm going to tell you how to come through the blood i'm not going to say now forget the blood and come the best way you know how i can never i will never say that it just it hurts my ears to hear someone say just come to god the best way you know that's a lack of preaching the gospel i don't like that i don't appreciate that what i do appreciate is someone who doesn't leave out the blood so when they say come to god the best way you know how i say hey where's the blood why'd you leave it out why would you say such a stupid idiotic statement if you know your bible you know jesus christ would never say that jesus christ would say come to me through the blood come to me through what i did for you come through the sacrificial blood atonement come to god the way he said through christ don't come the best way you know because you might not know you have to know do you understand there's something you have to know before you can get saved did you know that well let's go over to we'll come back to first corinthians 15. i'm on a roll today let's go to matthew 13. you see there's this thing and this teaching going around my dad saw it in his day and i'm seeing it in my day where people go around and say well you know you don't really have to know about the blood to get to heaven as long as you just come to god and say oh god i'm a sinner please say me then that's enough um so you're saying you can come and not come through the blood no that's not what my bible says and i've heard people even say this and it just makes me want to puke matthew 13 excuse me matthew 13. i've heard people say this well you can just come to god just say oh god i'm a sinner please save me he'll save you and you just came to him and if you just come to him and just believe in jesus what does that even mean to believe in jesus do you know the devils believe who jesus is are they saved it's not enough to just believe who he is are you trusting in what he did because that's the message of the blood look what i did for you i shed my blood for you so a lot of people are out there saying all sorts of things and they're leaving out the blood now i've heard people say this well you don't have to know anything to get saved just come to god and say oh god save me and you're saved you don't have to know anything let me show you what jesus said because jesus says the opposite jesus said you need to understand something you need to know matter of fact the bible says faith come by hearing hear about the word of god all right how do you get saved if you never heard the message of the gospel there's something you need to know what do you need to know the gospel in order to be saved so that's a bloodless gospel to say something that foolish or you don't have to know anything to get saved look at what jesus says in matthew 13 15. for this people's heart is wax gross and their ears are dull of hearing in their eyes they have clothes any time they should see with their eyes hear with their ears and it should understand with their heart and be converted jesus said there's something that you need to know and understand because how do you understand something without knowing it you hear it and there's something with your heart you have to understand before you can get saved what is that the gospel so if anyone ever stands up says i'm a preacher and i'm going to tell you something you can come to god the best way you know how you don't have to know anything just say oh god save me and you're saying that person is preaching a bloodless gospel they don't even know what they're talking about the bible says you have to know something i believe in a no-so salvation there's something you need to know and when you know that now you need to believe it with your heart because you need to understand it's not your works that saves you it's the blood it's the blood atonement it's the gospel that's what jesus did let's go over to the gospel real quick the gospel is first corinthians 15 1-4 and first corinthians 15 1-4 says moreover brother and i declare unto you the gospel all right i printed it up here moreover brother i declare unto you the gospel by which also you're saved if you keep in memory what i preached unto you unless you believed in vain you know what vain is vain is in nothing vanity self but also vain vein is nothing so are you believing in something are you believing in nothing what are you believing in if you have never believed in anything then you're not saved a lot of people say well i got saved i didn't know anything uh but then you're not saved you have to know something in order to be saved and it says for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also receive now look at this word how how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures that word how is so important the gospel is the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ he died for our sins according to the scriptures what does that mean well all through the other scriptures are all about now it's got to take blood so it had to take the blood of jesus to save us but it says how christ died how did he die he died as the blood atonement for the sins of the world so without that blood you know i heard a guy one time and i won't say this man's name he's a big name big huge name preacher and this guy came out one time he says well folks it's not the blood of jesus that saves you it's not that important the blood no it's not the blood it's the death it's the death that saves us and not the blood and i looked at that and said whoa how much sore punishment that guy's gonna have at the judgment for denying the blood of jesus if that's true mr famous popular preacher whoever you are i won't name your name if it's true it's the death that saves us and not the blood then you're telling me that jesus could have just i don't know drowned in the sea of galilee and the fact that he died when he drowned that would have been what saved us jesus could have fallen asleep one night just not woken up and died in his sleep and we're saved because he died in his sleep i don't think so jesus could have been walking and slipped on a stone and hit his head and died right there on the side of the mountain and we and we're saved because he died when he slipped and hit his head no that's not what the bible teaches the bible teaches that it's through blood so it's the blood not the death yes he died but how did he die that's one of the most important words in the entire king james bible how how that christ died how did he die bloody manner so the gospel is the blood of christ how that he died how did i shed his blood so the blood is in the gospel and the blood is all about how jesus died the bible says in hebrews 9 22 without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins jesus had to die through shedding of blood otherwise it wouldn't have forgiven our sins remember how the jews died in world war ii in a gas chamber if jesus had come to this earth and lived 33 years and then they gassed them in the gas chamber are you telling me that the death would have just been fine and he was gassed for our sins no no he shed his blood it's how he died he shed his blood for our sins so you need to know that you need to preach that you need to understand that first peter 1 18 and 19 the bible tells us that we are not redeemed with corruptible things but with the precious blood of christ as of lamb without blemish and without spot so it's the blood of jesus that gives forgiveness it's the blood of jesus that gives remission in the old testament in the old testament the blood of animals gave them remission of sins but it's the blood of jesus christ in the new testament that gives us redemption of sins that's a little more powerful than remission it gives us sanctification hebrews 13 12 we are sanctified sanctified means cleansed we are given access to heaven i don't have time to go through all these verses so you look them up colossians 1 14 and we have redemption through his blood the blood is left out a new version of the bible unfortunately but we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins hebrews 13 12 hebrews 10 9. so where's the blood it's in the gospel all right so if you're a preacher of the gospel let me ask you this are you preaching the blood it's right there how did he die he shed his blood why aren't you preaching that i've met many many pastors and a lot of them are what you call the bloodless gospel crowd they preach a bloodless gospel they don't preach the blood-stained gospel why do they leave out the blood i'm not going to do it the other day and i showed this in a video i think last week the other day i got this book at an estate sale i believe it was and i was excited because i looked through real quick and it says that this is a book of uh christian doctrine and you go to the beginning and it says these are sermons that a guy preached in his church up north before the civil war the last two chapters of this are all about the atonement i don't know if you can see that what is this book this book was put out by andrew preston peabody in 1848 and he was a unitarian universalist and this whole book is him telling you now christian doctrine is this now this is why i don't believe it and he says that the blood of jesus christ that was shed isn't what saves us if you know anything about unitarians and universalists you know what they believe they believe that it's immoral they say these are their words it's immoral to believe that an innocent person would die for us guilty well that we can never accept that message that's horrible well that's immoral how awful no we all have to pay for our own sins which is kind of funny because part of their doctrine is they don't believe in sin so i guess they say their faults or something like that so i read that book and i just said how sad how sad way back in the 1800s there were people that denied the blood of jesus and they claimed to be ministers how could you even be a minister if you're not preaching the blood atonement of christ that's what the whole bible's about jesus and his shed blood you got to go there for forgiveness was that guy saved doesn't sound like it if he rejected the blood sounds like he's going to have a more sure punishment and be judged harshly for what he did so where's the blood well the blood is also on the mercy seat in heaven wow on the mercy seat in heaven let me show you this so jesus had a purpose for coming to this earth and his purpose was to die for sins and sinners and when he rose again he went back up to heaven and the bible tells us he did something let's go way over here to hebrews chapter 8. the bible tells us that there's a tabernacle or a temple in heaven and that god told moses to build this temple on earth and it was a pattern of the temple that was already up in heaven so you had a temple here on earth and you had a temple in heaven so this was a picture of the heavenly temple hebrews chapter 8 verse 5 who serve unto the example a shadow of heavenly things as moses was admonished of god when he was about to make the tabernacle foresee saith he that thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount but now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry speaking of jesus by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon a better promise verse 22 of the last chapter it's a better testament we find out it's a better blood see the old testament was based upon the blood of animals the new testament is based upon the blood of god animal's blood was what the old testament was all about the new testament is all about the blood of jesus and that is called god's blood god shed his blood for your sins now let's read on a little bit further there and it says this verse seven for if that first covenant had been faultless then should no place have been sought for the second okay so there the old testament wasn't faultless there were some problems still because it could only give you remission of sins that's why jesus came to start the new testament to offer you forgiveness of sins and it was all offered based upon the blood it's all about the blood now skip over to chapter 9. look at verse 11 but christ being come and high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us read all the way down there to verse 18 on your own and let's skip ahead to verse 24 for christ is not entered into the holy place is made with hands which are the figures of the true but in the heaven itself now to appear in the presence of god for us verse 26 for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself so up in heaven the bible says there was a temple or a tabernacle and if you know your bible you know how the temple and the tabernacle was all divided up and everything and there was up in heaven a temple and so god took his blood and he took it up there and he offered it up on that mercy seat in heaven now that's just what the bible says so god shed his blood for our sins and they took it with them up there and the bible teaches that that blood is available to anybody who wants forgiveness of sins and that when we're saved that blood washes us from our sins we are washed in the blood when we're saved our soul so let me show you the fifth thing up here where is the blood well it's applied to my soul because i'm saved how about you it's applied to my soul now i know i'm saved you know why i know i'm saved because the bible says this is how you get saved and this is what happened to me and i got saved the way the bible says i didn't come to god the best way i knew how i came the way he told me and i read it to find out hey god how do i come to you and get for your goodness i'm coming your way god not my way i don't want to come the way that i think is the right way i want to come the way that i know for sure is correct through the bible and the blood of christ let's go to revelation chapter 1 verse 5. revelation 1 5 these are people who are saved who have accepted jesus christ who have trusted him as their savior what does that mean it means they've trusted the blood atonement of christ and it says in revelation 1 5 toward the end of the verse under him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood here's little old me robert breaker and i came to christ for salvation trusting in his blood and guess what my soul was washed and i'm washed in the blood of jesus christ that soul is applied where was the blood applied well old back in the old testament on the cross and the gospel on the mercy seat and now it's applied to my soul so it's the blood of jesus christ that cleanses from all sins what does that mean that means when i come to christ for salvation and i trust in him i'm forgiven of all my sins and my sins are washed away through the blood of jesus first john 1 7 says that the blood of jesus christ cleanseth us from all sin are you clean have you been to jesus for the cleansing power are you washed in the blood of the lamb do you know that song do you it's all about the blood and christians all throughout the centuries knew this and they were all yes it's the blood that washes our sins away it's the blood that jesus shed that gives us salvation it's the blood but it's more than that it's the blood in which we must trust for salvation the blood is applied to me because i'm saved how about you i don't know you i don't know you're from adam's house cat are you saved the blood is available to you the only question is have you received it you can have the blood of jesus cleanse you and wash your sins away but it's up to you let's go to acts 20 28 is it something that you want you know a lot of people won't go man i love my sins why would i want them forgiven i don't think i've done wrong i'm a good person well i didn't and they think they're just great and so they don't want jesus or his blood they think that's horrible well i guess they don't think it through you see jesus christ is god and he's the judge and someday you're going to give account to god for all the things you've ever done um and you did sin i mean anything that god says is wrong and you do it is sin so you ready to give account to god for your sin well i wouldn't want to be in your shoes to be before god and then god said well i did everything forgive you and i told you this is how you come to me for forgiveness why didn't you get forgiven well and then where do you go if you're not forgiven you ever think about that these are things to think about what does acts 20 28 say well acts 20 28 says take heed therefore unto yourselves unto all the flock over which the holy ghost have made you overseers to feed the church of god the church of god is all people who are saved okay which he hath purchased who is he jesus christ god which he hath purchased with his own blood so this right here this blood of jesus christ was the purchase price for salvation now that he's purchased this price of salvation he has done the transaction for all sins but now it falls on you do you accept this or do you reject it you see your sins have been paid for through the blood of jesus now it's up to you to accept or reject a lot of people say nah i don't want to be forgiven of my sins well then i hate it for you got some bad news you're going to be going to a place you don't want to be for all eternity well you say well okay okay well i do want forgiveness sins how how do i get forgiveness of sins how do i get that well the bible says through faith the bible says that salvation is through faith ephesians 2 8 9 says for by grace you are saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast so salvation is through faith and i'm gonna misspell through on purpose here okay through faith the question is faith in what some people say well just believe in jesus have your faith in jesus what does that even mean faith in jesus the bible is very descriptive and very basic and very simple and the bible tells us exactly what our faith is to be in faith in what faith in the blood go to romans chapter 3 and verse 25 romans 3 25 whom god has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the mission of sins that are passed through the four bears of god so the bible says it very plainly very clear let me just underline it here just in case if this is what the bible says then this is what we are supposed to believe in my marker doesn't work though and i want to believe in what the bible says so i'm going to go and take the bible literal and the bible says that christ is your propitiation what is the propitiation well it literally means the act of appeasing wrath but it's like a substitute jesus died in my place for my sins so he died for me in my place as my substitute so to speak so if i accept what he did then that was for my sins that's the payment for my sins now i don't have to go and pay for my sins for all eternity in that horrible burning place now i can just accept his payment for my sins and my sins are forgiven how are my sins forgiven through faith in his blood all right so let me ask you this have you trusted in the blood of christ see there are people out there that say well you don't have to believe in the blood you don't have to trust the blood you just come to jesus the best way you know how i just ask god to save you forget the blood hey where's the blood why would you leave it out when the bible says that's the very thing that your faith must be in in order for him to be your propitiation see this is the age old debate between the mechanics of salvation and the object of our faith there are some people out there to say well this breaker fellow man he just preaches the blood all the time he doesn't know what he's talking about you don't have to know about the blood to be saved really imagine going back in the old testament telling one of those old testament jews you don't have to have any blood to be saved what but but our whole religion says so and and our and our law says it's only through us taking a sacrifice oh you're an idiot you don't know what you're talking about forget the blood they would say no you're heretic you're going against our law that's what it says the blood atonement is through us offering the sacrifice and it's the blood they knew what the blood was about i'm sure their faith was in that blood and they couldn't sleep until they saw that sacrifice of blood offered up and then now i'm forgiven why would you think it'd be any different in the new testament the only difference is now it's the blood of jesus not the blood of an animal and the bible says that you are saved through faith in his blood i just get so sick of these people that run around that breaker guard's a heretic well he says it's through the blood you don't have to believe in the blood it's like then the bible's a lie let's all go get drunk okay i'll meet you up at the bar let's all get some cigarettes and smoke hey might as well get some hookers too and just forget it all because god lied no no i'm not going that route i'm going to be like you an apostate that doesn't preach the blood i'm going to say no the bible says do put your faith in the blood and that's what my faith is in and i am believing in the bible and i will never leave the blood out it's the blood it's the blood it's the blood it's the blood it's the blood that saves our soul and the bible says your faith must be in the blood to be forgiven you see jesus said hey i shed my blood for you now do you accept it or you reject it what does romans 5 11 say romans 5 11 and not only so but we also joy in god through our lord jesus christ by whom we have now received the what the atonement so salvation is through receiving something receiving receiving hell receiving through faith so we receive by faith what do we receive the atonement so you must receive the blood atonement what is an atonement why it's blood so it's blood atonement and the bible teaches that the way you receive the blood atonement is through faith faith in the blood quickly let me go with you to the book of romans all right do you see why i'm so dogmatic on why we're supposed to preach the blood after i got saved i remember going to churches and i remember hearing faith in the blood faith in the blood the older i got the less i remember hearing that people used to preach my dad said the same thing man when whenever he was younger he'd go to these churches they'd all say the same thing they'd have the same lingo hey man are you trusted in the blood have you trusted the blood is your faith in the blood of jesus and then before my dad died he told me son very few churches even say that anymore somebody's falling away someone's preaching a bloodless gospel what where's the blood hey where's the blood why are they leaving it out not this guy this guy i want it on my tombstone at least he preached the blood i want to be known as that guy that preaches the blood because my bible says it's through faith in the blood that you're saved if you want to deny that that's on you if you want to preach something else it's on you but i'm not going to back down i will never back down i'm not going to be a unitarian universalist and follow that route with their bloodless gospel i'm going to stick with the book the bible says we're justified through the blood justified you ever looked at that word justified just if i'd when you're justified it's just if i'd never sinned when you trust the blood of jesus christ and you're saved god looks at you and goes well now he's washed in the blood and it's just as if he'd never sinned because he's completely forgiven of all his sins the bible says we're justified by three things look at the three things that we're justified by go to romans 3 and i'm gonna have to do this by memory here 324 go to romans 5 1 and romans 5 9. the bible says there's three things that we're justified by number one romans 3 24 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in christ jesus so we're just justified by god's grace well thank god for the grace of god thank god it's not by keeping the law in the works of the law that we're saved it's not of works it's by grace romans 5 1 says therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ so salvation is through faith grace through faith ephesians 2 8 9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves is the gift of god not of works i'll say anymore so grace through faith now faith in what romans 5 9 much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him so the best way to explain how to be saved according to the bible and not preach a bloodless gospel but preach the bloodstained gospel is say hey the bible says we're justified by god's grace so that grace that's god's grace we're justified by god's grace through faith whose faith is somebody else's faith save me because somebody else believes for me i'm saved no i must accept i must receive the atonement it's got to be something that i accept for me when i accept it that's my faith then what then i'm saved by jesus's blood so the bible teaches salvation through faith in the blood of jesus and that's what i teach and that's what i saw old preachers preach and teach and heard and sadly many of them don't even say it anymore the ones that i knew for years ago that used to preach on the blood they only preach on that much and that's sad some people they'll say well no no this is their debate okay i got in a debate the other day at a restaurant and i just oh i felt so sad because i heard this guy saying no it's not the blood i didn't know about the blood it's not important to know about the blood and things like this and i just felt like man what is wrong with this person someone that i admire and respect and and we got a little bit of a tuffle at a restaurant and i got a little heated because this is a subject that i will never ever back up on it is the blood of jesus christ that saves you okay you trust the blood and you're saved you preach a bloodless gospel you're in trouble all right i don't know much in this world but i know the bible says through faith in his blood so my faith is in the blood of jesus how about you okay let's all get on the same page all right let's preach the blood gospel not a bloodless gospel so we were in the restaurant and i just thought it was funny because i got a little loud and i just kept going no no no the bible says this at the end when we all left the restaurant this couple came up to us and said well amen it was sunday after church i said we went to church and got a message on sunday morning and we got a message in the restaurant sunday afternoon listening to you preach so i thought that was funny they said just keep preaching the blood we appreciate that we agree with you so i'm never going to stop on preaching the blood and all i know to do is just continue preaching and ask where's the blood people where is the blood why are there people out there that leave out the blood the blood is all throughout the bible that cannot be denied the bible teaches a blood stain gospel today but it also preached a bloody old testament law and that when you sin and you would you had to have blood for your sins that's why jesus shed his blood because the law couldn't save so he had to come and shed his blood the gospel how that christ died well that's that's a bloody death how did he die without shedding of blood or no remission of sins he had to shed his blood he died in a bloody manner he took that blood up to heaven and i got saved july 29 1992 and that blood came down and washed my soul now the only question is you let's say this is you i don't know are you saved i talk to people all the time and here's what bothers me i talk to people say hey man tell me your testimony how did you get saved well when i was a little kid i did this or i did that or i said this prayer or i did this right and i say oh well okay um but when did you believe the gospel the the shedding of blood of christ and put your faith in the shed blood of christ when did you believe that well i i don't and it's like that's what saves you the bible says through faith so when it well i never heard about it before okay then you weren't safe back then were you you see you have to hear and understand something in order to believe it i've come across a lot of people in my life that they've been in church for a long time in their life and i asked them their testimony and they were holding on to something they did well i was baptized well i'm a good person well my parents were christians and i and i said but when did you trust the blood are they saved if they've never heard you go to romans 10 it says how shall they hear without a preacher how can you put your faith in something you've never heard [Music] that doesn't make any sense so what are we as preachers supposed to do we're supposed to preach the message of the blood i've had people tell me brother breaking you don't have to talk about the blood the people get saved without the blood and i just go no no no no no it's cost me support it's cost me money it's cost me meetings it's cost me friends there are people that i used to be friends with we're no longer friends it's cost me a lot of things to stand for this message and i've seen a lot of men depart from this message but i will never ever ever back up on what i'm saying right now that it is through the blood of jesus christ faith in the blood that you get to heaven all right you want to call me an apostate you want to call me a heretic you want a land blast and put me down and say use that breaker god's not even saved well he's got a different message i'll see it the judgment and we'll let god sort it out because i'm holding on to his word and he said he's my propitiation through faith in his blood my faith is in his blood and i'm trusting in him to get me to heaven now what do you trust in him good luck with your bloodless gospel all right now i'm a little heated today and it's because well i'm just sad it's not that i'm angry and mad at people i'm just sad why do people leave out the most important thing in the entire universe the only thing that can get you to heaven why did they just flippantly say oh it's not that important not that important it was important to jesus that's the whole reason he came so he could do that to redeem us and save us and take us to heaven with them and people say well the blood is just the mechanics of salvation he had to do that but you can get saved apart from the blood i don't see that i do not see that i see you're only saved through trusting in the blood of jesus christ so when did you trust the blood we started with hebrews 10 29 let's end with hebrews 10 29 okay i will never back up and i will never apologize for preaching on the blood of jesus christ because that is what my bible tells me is that it's through faith in the blood that saves us how do you receive the atonement through faith you must receive the atonement you either believe romans 3 25 or you don't it is either through faith in his blood or it is not pick a side quit pretending to be a king james bible believe in independent baptist if you choose to not believe in the blood leave us alone and get out of our ranks because we know what you are when i was younger and i started going to independent baptist churches i heard him say faith in the blood faith of the blood my dad painted the blood and now some of those men in that camp are preaching a bloodless gospel they ought to be ashamed they ought to be ashamed i've told this before but i'll tell it again my mom told me a story about where she grew up in oklahoma she grew up in a little town called poles valley and as a kid they used to drive through this area called sulfur was it sulphur springs or sulfur oklahoma and you go through there and it stinks i mean it just stinks sulfur doesn't smell good it smells like a rotten egg and so they drive through there my mom was the youngest and as they drive through they'd always joke and they say did you do a stinky honey because she was the youngest little blonde hair little cotton head little girl and they'd always pretend like oh did you do a stinky in the car because you'd smell that sulfur and my mom would always blush and they'd say oh you ought to be ashamed well my mom got older and she's probably 8 19 years old and she always remembered how they used to joke with her and one time the family pulled over and picked up a hitchhiker and i don't know i don't know his name i'll just make it up mr james we'll just go mr james and they're driving their car down and they're coming into that sulphur springs place and then the smell hit them my mom's this young girl in the back seat and she says mr james i'd be ashamed insinuating that he had had a letter wendy if you will uh flatulence in the car and that that hitchhiker man oh he just he blushed so much because the little girl said oh you ought to be shaved now she was joking she was joking but i'm not joking today if you claim to be a minister of the gospel if you claim to be a teacher of the bible if you claim to be a christian and you want to see people get saved where's the blood in your presentation of the gospel do you preach the blood of jesus christ for salvation do you tell people faith in the blood is what saves now i want you to put your faith in that blood if not i'm going to say it to you just like my mama said it to mr james if you leave out the blood mister you ought to be ashamed you ought to be ashamed i'd be ashamed to get to heaven i realized that my entire ministry was an absolute waste because i led people to god or i tried to by bypassing the blood of jesus christ i would never want to do that i want to make sure i'm faithful preaching the blood of jesus all right let's finish up here hebrews chapter 10 verse 29 hebrews 10 29 of how much sore punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who have trod and underfoot the son of god and it counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and have done despite unto the spirit of grace for we know him verse 30 that it said vengeance belongeth unto me i will recompense saith the lord and again the lord shall judge his people verse 31 is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god i'd be ashamed if i claimed to be a preacher and i preached a bloodless gospel and i'd be scared to death of what god says to me at the judgment if i left the blood out in my presentation of the gospel there's the message i hope you're saved i hope you come to jesus i hope you trust the blood because it's only faith in the blood that saves us are you trusting in the blood of jesus if you are well the bible says you're saved if you're not you better get in that book you better look up these verses you better make sure that your faith is in that precious shed blood of jesus christ i hope you're saved and if you are saved i hope you're preaching the blood stained gospel to the lost jesus saves and the blood forgives put your faith in the blood of jesus christ god bless you see you next time bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 34,966
Rating: 4.9336405 out of 5
Keywords: Where's the blood?, Where's the blood, the blood of Christ, the blood of Jesus, Jesus' blood, the blood, the precious blood
Id: mbnmhO5czhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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