The Spirit World

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okay welcome back robert breaker here get out your bible today and turn to first corinthians chapter two first corinthians chapter two last week the sermon was entitled the spirit world versus the physical world and i showed you the difference between these two very different worlds and yet they have so much in common but yet they're different and i try to explain to you how we are a spiritual people when god created us he created us in a way that we are spiritual and so i explained that to the best of my ability the difference between the spirit world and the physical world and a lot of people said brother breaker that was great we appreciate that that really opened my eyes that it really helped me understand some things and i say praise the lord for that but i also got some feedback from some people who were saying well brother breaker um expound on that explain some more show us more about the spirit world now you got to be careful you don't want to get too much into this because there are some evil entities in the spirit world but the spirit world is where god is so it's good to know this so what i thought i'd do today is i just call this the spirit world and just show you what the spirit world is to the best of my ability and bring out some other things that i wanted to explain last time i just didn't have time to do now there is a book out there that you can get by clarence larkin the greatest book on dispensational truth in all the world and uh he in this book talks about the spirit world and uh so this is it's kind of interesting if you want more information on this uh page 96 the spirit world okay and so he talks to it matter of fact old clarence larkin even wrote an entire book entitled the spirit world and so you can get that book as well and learn more about it from a bible perspective okay a lot of things in the world today are spiritual and they talk about the spirit world but they come from the other side and they talk about it not from the biblical perspective but from a new age perspective from contacting the evil entities if you will and explaining it from their side no no i'd rather go to god's side i'd rather go to the bible so we've got a lot to speak about today and a lot that i want to get into so if you want to take your bible to first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9 through 16 and we'll start there then i've got a lot to write up here today and hope this will be a blessing to you first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 says this but as it is written i have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god had prepared for them that love him now where is that that's in the spirit world that's in heaven so we can't even imagine in our mortal minds in our in our physical minds we cannot even envision how great heaven will be and heaven is in the spirit world so if you're shade you're going to a wonderful place so you better be safe if you're not well what's the alternative well we'll talk about that a little bit in a minute but it says here that uh we can't even understand in our natural condition the things that god has prepared for them that love him but god verse 10 has revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of god so there are some things in the bible that god has revealed to us in the spirit world now we don't know them all bible says if you're saved you get a mansion in heaven made of pure gold can you imagine having a home and all the walls and all the floors and all the scene everything is just pure gold wow that's incredible but it says that the bible is what we're supposed to have and that the spirit of god reveals it to us through the word of god so we need the bible and the bible is spirit and it it speaks to us from god verse 11 for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god knoweth no man but the spirit of god that's why you need to be saved you need to be born again you need to have god's holy spirit in you dwelling in you teaching you things and the more you read the bible the more the spirit can teach you see john chapter i believe it's 16 more on that how the spirit teaches us all things and uh so it continues there in verse 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we may know the things that are freely given to us of god so it's not wrong to know about the spirit world so that's why i want to talk about it today but i want to teach you it correctly so that you can see it from the perspective of god in the bible because the other perspective is of the devil and the devil is in the spirit world and he dabbles in some very nefarious evil things don't dabble in the spirit world with demons get to the bible and christ so that you can be in the spirit world where the good things are where god is and then verse 13 which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the holy ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man receiving not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned see a lot of people in this world that are lost they they laugh at the bible no that's no there's no spirit world and yet a lot of those people have the spirit of the world in them and maybe even unclean spirits in them if you believe in a devil then there must be a god okay a lot of people are serving the devil today but they don't i don't understand how they could do that and think it's going to turn out good for them because god created the devil and god tells us the devil's not going to be around forever i've got a place for him and he's going to go to that place and all those that serve him will go with him i don't see how anyone would want to follow the devil i don't get it he's a loser and he doesn't win in the end the bible tells us that so why would you follow a loser well anyway it says but the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness done to him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned there are some things that we are to discern through the spirit of god so when we're saved we have the holy spirit leading us and helping us to discern i think my father's favorite word was discernment and he would always say son practice discernment discerning is important 15 but he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man for who hath known the mind of the lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of christ so when we are saved we have the holy spirit of god dwelling in us now last week i drew this up here a little bit for you and there's so much that i want to put up here i'm kind of thinking to myself where am i going to put all this but last week i showed you the the difference between the spirit world and the physical world and i wrote up here physical world and the spiritual world and how there's an overlap so if you haven't seen that video from last week please watch that because every one of us in this world we're in this world the physical world but we can be walking in this world and have in us someone from the spirit world controlling us so i put it as an overlap if you're saved you have god in you and the bible says it's the holy spirit and the holy spirit of the holy ghost is supposed to lead us and we're to walk in the spirit so we're literally walking in two worlds at once when we walk in the spirit but if you're lost you might have a spirit of this world you might have an unclean spirit and being led by devils which are in the spirit world so i showed you that last week and i don't want to go too much into that again today but i do ask you to make sure that you watch that video um before you watch this one the spirit world versus the physical world was the title and i go into more on that so this is our world that we live in we are in the physical world now but this world the physical world that we live in guess where it came from the spirit world because the spirit world is where god is and so god created this physical world in which we we are in now people say oh i don't believe that oh okay well let's go to hebrews chapter one and verse three the bible says it the bible says in the very first verse in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth so i don't believe it well someday you'll believe it when you die you leave this physical world and your soul which is immortal i think it's so funny i said on my sermon last week the immortal soul and several people on the comments are like there's no such thing as an immortal soul you don't know what you're talking about it's just i said you know what i'm gonna do it and i went to the webster's 1828 dictionary and i copied and pasted and put into the comment the 1828 webster's dictionary says immortal living forever like the immortal soul that was actually part of the definition of the word our soul inside of us is immortal it's going to live for all eternity in the spirit world in one of two places above or below so we are physical in our flesh this is a fleshly physical body but inside of us is a soul that will live in the spirit world forever so you need to know that you need to know that now hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 says who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins set down on the right hand of the majesty on high so this is talking about jesus christ and it says that all things are held together by the word of his power now in the beginning god created the heavenly earth how do you do it he said let there be and his speaking from the spirit world his words made physical things now i can't explain that i have no idea how to explain that but that's what the bible says happened so what is physical i don't want to get into physics i don't want to get in too much into biological science i don't want to get too much into all this but what's an atom you look at a thing called an atom and what is an atom it's a proton and a neutron and going around it is an electron now have you ever thought about this how does it work everybody looking at me right now and listening is looking at my body and my body is nothing more than a whole bunch of little tiny tiny tiny atoms that are so small you can't even see them and they're all moving that electron going around is keeping those two things together every makeup of what i am down to the smallest point is an atom and every atom is three parts neutron proton electron let me go ahead and write that up here neutron an electron and you should have learned this in school hopefully you did but what is that well that electron is moving around and what's inside that electron a positive and a negative got this thing here that is held together by something moving around it so everything is in motion everything in this world the physical world although we can't see it is moving right now this pin is actually moving if you look down at the sub atomic level everything's just moving it vibrating turning at all times so it's an interesting thing to think about that we are not stationary beings within us are all these atoms that are moving at all times what if it stopped moving did you ever think about what would happen if the electron just stopped if that electron that's moving around you that's what electricity is and i know nothing about electricity although my name is robert breaker you know like circuit breaker but i do know this that the way that electricity works is that's where the word electricity comes from electrons are always moving and they get them to skip and jump to another one and jump to another so everything is in motion it's crazy what if everything just stopped you ever think about that why everything would just blow apart the only thing keeping everything together is the movement is the motion where did that all come from well i believe as a bible believer it came from the spirit world when somebody said let there be and when he said let there be boom and started moving and that's god who created all things it's just an amazing thing to think about so let's go to the bible and let's look at all the players if you will in the spirit world the first is god and in the bible the first in the spirit world is god so let's go over to john 4 24. i got a lot of verses today i'd like to take you to and there's a lot to look into but let's go to john chapter 4 and verse 24. john 4 24 god is a spirit okay so is there a god yes yes there is a god and he is in this world a lot of people are in this world they say well i can't see him so i don't believe in him well you know what the bible says let's go to romans 1 20. let's go to romans 1 20. i read most that i wanted to in that verse anyway in john 4 24 god is a spirit and they that worship him was worship him in spirit and truth so god is a spirit he's in the spirit world but now let's go over to romans chapter 1 and verse 20. in romans chapter 1 verse 20 look what the bible says romans 1 20 says for the invisible things of him who's that god verse 19 for the invisible things of god from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse you know what the bible says the bible says all these people say there's no god i don't believe in god i can't see god so because i can't see him i can't believe in him and yet the bible says there's no excuse for you to not believe in god all the invisible things of the spirit world god in such a way created this creation that when you look at creation you go wow i cannot accept this except that someone had to create it there must have been a divine creator of all of this that's the only thing that makes sense because it sure didn't come about through chaos and accident and i'll show you some examples because in creation we have many examples of god but first of all what is god well the bible says in genesis 1 26 god made man and god said let us make man in our image now what a way to talk about himself god says let us in our why why would god speak of himself in the plural well because the bible teaches that god consists of three and the three that god consists of are the father the word and the holy ghost so it's one god but he consists of three but yet those three are one now let me take you over here to first john chapter 5 and there are people out there that claim to be bible scholars and a lot of the bible scholars say no this isn't a verse that should be in the bible why the oldest manuscripts don't have this yet this is the greatest verse in the whole bible to show you who god is first john 5 7 the tri-unity of god but they say it shouldn't be in the bible why do they say that well the so-called oldest manuscripts are from 400 to 600 years after jesus but you know what we have quotes of the early church fathers 100 200 300 years after jesus in which they quote this verse so obviously someone took this verse out around 400 and left it out so this is a verse that should be in the bible because we have witnesses of people quoting this from the early time of christ okay so don't buy this lie that many people are trying to show today oh first john 5 7 shouldn't be in the bible that yes it should but anyway that's just a side note there but look what it says here first john 5 7 for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost now watch what it says and these three are one so there's three but yet one so god refers to himself as us and our because god is three but yet in his mind the three are only one now explain that to me how could three be one well that's a good question how could three really be one how can one thing consist of three well you know what we just read that verse in romans 1 20 and guess what it says the visible things in creation kind of show us examples of the spirit world all right give me an example in the bible we we read about the sun okay god created the sun and the moon well over there malachi god is called the sun you s-u-n so the sun it's implied is a type of god now it's not god i don't i recommend you go out and worship the sun like the ancient egyptians did no don't go worship the creation worship the creator but the sun itself the sun is a type or or something that we can look at to get an idea of what god is and when you look at the sun do you know the sun consists of three yet that great big ball in the sky is actually one nobody talks about the sun and says now that three suns up there they say that one sun so the sun is one that is one sun but the sun consists of three there are three different rays of the sun there is a one ray that is visible that you can see when you look up you see light there's an invisible ray of the sun that you can't see and then there's there's a ray that comes from the sun that you can either see or not c it's something that just has to be felt and what is that that's heat so the sun puts off three rays and i forget the names of these one is ultraviolet and one is infrared and the other is just simple light well the bible says god is light so the sun is a type of god and when we look at the sun in the physical world it helps us to understand what god is in the spiritual world so we have visible light well visible means you can see it well which one of these could we see well the word according to john chapter 1 is jesus and he is the light and jesus came in the form of a man and took on a body of a man and lived in this world in the physical world and you could see him so that's interesting so the three rays of the sun correspond with the three that make up god to help us kind of understand god god the father would be invisible it's hard to see god the father but the world saw god the son this is what jesus is he's the son of god and so they're like oh okay well he's he's visible and then the holy ghost that's also known as the holy spirit in the bible and the holy spirit why i don't know if you can see the holy spirit but you can sure feel it so it's interesting to me that when you look at the things that are created in this world that god made and when you begin to understand that it helps you to understand the things that are in that world so there's a god and he is real and he consists of three but that is one god and the son is a great type of him you've got the three rays of the sun one's visible one can be seen well that would be the word jesus he was made flesh and they saw him one is invisible can't be seen i've never seen god a father you know no man has seen a god at any time well that's talking about the father because we saw the son when he came to this earth they saw him here but then you have the holy spirit which is felt so that's interesting to me how the son is a type of god now go to first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 23 what are we the bible says god said let us make man in our image so when god created adam he made man like himself so all we have to do is look at ourselves and that helps us understand a little bit more about god in the spirit world and in first thessalonians 5 23 the bible says this and the very god of peace sanctify you holy and i pray god your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the lord jesus christ so us what are we well we consist of three parts we consist of the bible says a body a soul in a spirit actually it says spirit first spirit soul and body i always found that interesting how the bible says it one way and we always many preachers when they preach on something like this they always say body soul spirits but but that's the reverse of how the body bible says the bible says spiritual body why do we reverse it well because we're carnal and we are in this world where we see the body first so we always think body soul and spirit but god who is the spirit wrote this book and he's a spirit so he sees the spirit first so when he had it pinned down and he wrote it he said spirit's whole body i just find that interesting but the bible tells us that we are a body a soul and a spirit so when god said let us create man in our image he clearly is consists of three and he made us a being that consists of three so we have a body we have a soul we have a spirit now does that line up with god well yeah i guess the soul of god might be the the father the body well that's definitely jesus because he came as a body and then the spirit well the holy spirit so we are made in god's image now of course i told you last time what happened the fall and so then the spirit was dead that's why you need to be born again to get the holy spirit but it's interesting when we look at ourselves we are spiritual creatures we have a body in this spiritual world and the spirit came from the spirit world but we have a soul and that soul is actually in both at the same time and so that soul when you die goes straight to the spirit world but it's inside of a body that's it so it's an immortal soul so it's actually both isn't it amazing isn't it odd so in the spirit world you have god then you have part of us in the spirit world not all of us most of us is this body that's over here and we're in this world today but we consist of a spirit that came from the spirit world and a soul and that soul will be in the spirit world for all eternity in one of two places so god created us in his image so that's why we are a triune being we we are a being that consists of three and god is a tri-unity he is a trinity that's a word some people use he is a triune god he is a god that consists of three but those three are one just like the sun consists of three types of rays but it's one son okay hope that makes sense to you i enjoy talking about these things it's interesting well in the bible we have what's called angels and there are god's angels and there's the devil's angels what are angels well angels are a little bit different than men let's go to hebrews chapter one and god created the angels but when he created angels he created them as nothing more than just spirits so they are spirit beings in the spirit world but somehow they can also come over to our world and i'll show you that here in a second and it says here in hebrews chapter one let's go to uh verse 13 but to which of the angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until i make thine enemies thy footstool are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation so angels the bible calls spirits so an angel isn't like us they're not body soul and spirit they're just a spirit but yet i'm going to show you here in a minute an angel can somehow take a body and i'm going to prove that to you from the bible but they're mostly spirits so they're spirit beings that that weren't originally created in this world that we're in the physical world they're only the spiritual world but after god created the physical world these angels somehow found a way to try to get into our world and i don't understand it completely a lot of things that i don't understand but it is interesting let's go to hebrews chapter 13 and verse 2. let me show you something hebrews 13 2 angels can appear in our world and when they do they appear looking like us they can take the form of a body like our body and appear to us hebrews 13 2 paul says be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares paul says there are some angels that can come and take the form of our body and appear to you and you would think that that was a person you wouldn't think that's an angel you literally thought well i thought that was a human being so somehow angels even though they are ministering spirits can take on a body that appears like us and they look like us a lot of people say well don't angels have wings well there are different kinds of angels in the bible they're what's called archangels and in the bible you have the archangels and an archangel yes has wings it appears but not all angels do and there were at one time five archangels and uh one of them's name was gabriel uh one of them is michael in the bible the bible talks about michael and gabriel but it also talks about one who was named lucifer and how lucifer was the anointed cherub that covereth so he was called a cherub or an archangel and he fell i'm going to talk about him here in a minute so you have archangels and it sounds like they might have wings you have another class called seraphims they have wings but regular angels the bible says when they appear they appear looking like men so they look like men now there's lots of verses that i could go to but let's go to genesis 19 real quick just one example all throughout the old testament you see angels showing up and when they appear people look at them and go wow that looks like a man so angels can appear in a bodily form in a sense that they look like a human being and you wouldn't know because even you know paul said some people you you entertained angels and you didn't even know it i wonder if i've ever entertained an angel in my life i don't know but in genesis chapter 19 verse one there came two angels to sodom and even and lot sat at the gate of sodom and lot seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground now it goes on there i don't have time to read the entire thing but look what it says here verse five and they called in the lot and said to him where the men which came into the this night why would they call them men because they look like men they didn't go hey where are those angels with those big wings see a lot of people have in their mind angels have wings no not in the bible uh angels in the bible just your regular run-of-the-mill average angels don't have wings and when they show up in our world they can take a body in which they appear to look like men you ever heard that before well that's what the bible teaches now there's a lot more i can get into on that but i'll stop there and let's go to this guy named lucifer all right so in this spirit world we have some players we have god in the physical world well that's us but we're partly in this world as well a little bit but we have angels in the spirit world but that's the good side that's the good now in the bad we have lucifer and lucifer is a spirit being a spirit entity in the spiritual world but he's bad and he's fallen and he's wicked so let's look at lucifer real quick lucifer's name and where am i going to put all this i've got so much to get into i'll put it right here lucifer lucifer is also called several other things get with me uh revelation chapter 12 verse 9. lucifer has different names he's called satan he's called the devil he's called the serpent why is that well because he appeared in the form of a serpent in genesis chapter 3 and he's called the dragon so he has several names and he was one of the a cherubims he was an anointed cherub that covereth the bible says and he fell he fell into sin you know a lot of people say can angels fall into sin well the bible teaches yes yes they can so in revelation chapter 12 in verse 9 the bible says and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out in the earth and his angels were cast out with him so the devil lucifer was his name at one time is now called the devil or satan now the word satan means adversary or accuser the word satan means accuser now i find that interesting because look over here in revelation chapter 12 where we just read verse 9 look at verse 10 and i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of the brethren is cast down which accused them before our god day and night so the devil is an accuser the devil spends his time in the spirit world coming over here to the physical world and watching what we do and then he goes to god he says huh did you see that christian sin did you see what he did all the devil wants to do is to deceive and to accuse and and point out every time you do wrong now as a christian we need to live right and the more we do right the less the devil has to accuse us of but thank god for the blood of jesus christ which cleanses us from all sins amen and the blood blots out all of our sins but in isaiah chapter 14 the bible talks about the fall of lucifer and how he fell from heaven isaiah chapter 14. in isaiah chapter 14 and verse 12 we read this how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations for thou has said in my heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit on the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will have sent five eyes five times he says what is that pride that's a prideful person only thinking about themselves i will do this and i will do that i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high verse 14. in other words he wanted to be god he was envious of god but god says in verse 15 yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit no no devil you're not going to defeat god god is more powerful than you but he is the bad guy he is the antithesis i guess is the word he's the one who's against god and he is evil he is wicked so you have lucifer he's a bad guy he's a bad dude now lucifer has some angels and lucifer's angels are evil too and so these angels of lucifer have different names they're fallen angels actually he has some fallen angels that follow him and angels are what angels are spirits well what does the bible call these that follow lucifer it calls them unclean spirits i don't have time to run every verse that i wanted to but in acts chapter 8 and verse 7 there's what's called unclean spirits and what an unclean spirit does is he looks to possess people so the spirit world has good in it god and his angels but it also has bad in it it has what we would call demons today but the bible always calls them devils which are unclean spirits and so these unclean spirits are in this world but they're in our world too somehow they're in both at the same time and in order for them to be able to affect the physical world they have to get inside the body of a person in order to control that person and then they can do whatever they want in this physical world so they are real there really do exist demons now i don't like demons i don't want nothing to do with demons a lot of people said brother breaker when you do this sermon would you give us more illustrations will you tell us more about what you know about the spirit world and i don't want to go too in depth with it but there's been several times in my life when i've encountered a person that was demon possessed one time i was coming back on a bus from uh i believe wyoming and i was coming from wyoming back to florida and i was on a bus and i was sitting in the back minding my business reading a bible and a policeman brought a woman on very scantily dressed very unmodest she was showing a lot of herself with short shorts on and a tank top and things like that and the policeman brought her and set her down next to me and said hey preacher you watch her now she needs help and that policeman left for the next several hours that woman told me about how she had been possessed by devils and how the man that she was with was possessed by devils and how they tortured her how they delight in torturing because the demons the devils they fell from this world and they want this world and the only delight they have is harming people in this world and she told me about how they got inside of her she said i can't describe the feeling that i felt it was just the feeling of pure evil pure filth wickedness violence just hate is what i felt when that demon came outside of me i said wow and so it was kind of a scary thing to hear that and i tried to give her the gospel but she wouldn't listen now other stories a lot of other stories that i could give you maybe toward the end of this i'll talk to you more about that but uh there's so many different things like this in the world so they do exist okay this isn't just some made-up teaching there is the good spirit world there's the bad spirit world okay the bad spirit world are the unclean spirits and they possess people matter of fact in matthew 8 28 speaks about devils possessing people and if you're not saved well then you can open yourself up to demonic possession so that's why it's so important to try to live right and do right so that the demons don't come inside of you so important even more to be saved because when you're saved ephesians 1 13 says you're sealed with the holy spirit of promise you don't have a demon in you you have the spirit of god in you light amen and so once you're sealed with the holy spirit nothing else can get in okay sealed means it's closed so the spirit's inside and sealed itself no other spirit can come in me matter of fact the bible says greater is he that in you than he that is in the world yes those demons can come around and oppress you if you're saved but they cannot possess you if you're saved i do not believe in a saved born-again child of god being demonically possessed by a demon oppressed yes demons can be in other people and they can bother you but a demon cannot get inside of a saved person that's why it's so important to be saved amen come to jesus for salvation so the devil has his angels the devil's angels i guess we could call them hell's angels no wait no that's that's that's a biker gang that's something else but these unclean spirits exist in this world now what does the bible say well in matthew 25 verse 41 the bible says that god prepared a place for them where they will all go someday and so if you follow the devil if you follow these demonic spirits then you're going to end up with them someday because there's no other place to put a person who follows the devil matthew chapter 25 and verse 41 the bible says this then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart from me ye cursed unto everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels so the bible says that their eternal home will be hell and that hell is where they will spend all eternity but until then they can sure go around and do a lot of bad stuff and they are so the best thing to do is to get away from them and come to christ alone for salvation trusting in his shed blood for salvation now some of these fallen angels are locked up right now and there's so many things that i could go to in the bible and i'd love to go to but let me just quickly go to jude in verse six in the book of jude in the bible and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved an everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so there's a day in which these angels are coming out look at revelation chapter 9 and verse 14 and i don't want this to scare you but i want you to read your bible because the bible tells us about things that are taking place in this world and in our world and how they can they could go back and forth uh i'll never understand it okay to my dying day i'll never understand with all that i've explained up here now i can say this the devil is in the spirit world and all the devil wants is to be over here in our world he fell in that world and all he wants to do is come over to this world he can't reign in that world he tried and got kicked out he couldn't defeat god so he wants to come over here and he wants to take over our world and if you read the book of revelation the bible says that's his ultimate goal he wants to sit on a throne in jerusalem and say i am god and have the whole world worship him as god that's all he ever wanted is to be god but what a demotion what a thing he couldn't be the head honcho in his world so he has to come over to our world and try to take it over and mess it up and rule it i'm in this world and all i want is to be in that world so isn't that the weirdest conundrum in the history of the world all the devil wants is to get in our world and run it and rule it well i say take it man it's all yours because all i want is get in the world that you fell out of because that's the perfect eternal blessed world of goodness and this world is a corrupt world so mister corrupt satan you can have this world i'm getting glorified i'm getting a new body at the rapture i'm going over to this world to be with jesus for all eternity and everything's going to be perfect and wonderful and so what a weird thing that all the devil wants is what we have and all we want is what the devil had and we're going to get it one day if we're saved because we're going to be with christ for all eternity so what a wonderful thing but what a strange thing to think about now what did i tell you go to revelation 9 14 there are some of these fallen angels that are in prison now in the heart of the earth that at some time god is going to let out revelation 9 14 saying to the six angel which had the trumpet loose the four angels which are bound in the great river euphrates and the four angels were loosed which were prepared for an hour and a day and a month and a year for to slay the third part of men i believe this is in the tribulation period and during the tribulation well i'm running out of room up here but during the tribulation period god is going to first take us out at the rapture that's here we'll get out of here at the rapture but during the tribulation god's going to let these devils if you will these fallen angels which by the way are in chains down here and i'm not good at drawing chains but here's your chain and they're chained up these four angels and god's gonna let them come out this will be part of the judgment of god upon the earth in order to slay a third part of man so the tribulation period is the time seven years when the antichrist shows up and in the antichrist the devil literally i believe possesses the antichrist you see the bible talks about all this i wish i had more time to get into it that's why i recommend you get a bible start reading it's amazing to see what's really going to happen in the future the bible tells us about both worlds and in the bible it talks about how when the antichrist comes he's got two names he's called the man of sin and he's called the son of perdition why does the antichrist have two names well in the book of revelation chapter 13 he rules for three and a half years as the man of sin a beast a man but then he is assassinated and the bible says he has a deadly wound someone kills him and then his deadly wound is healed all right he comes back to life but now he's the son of perdition now he literally has satan possessing him and that's how satan gets to rule for the last three and a half years of the tribulation and that's when satan or the devil or lucifer goes into the temple of the jews and sits on the mercy seat says i am god it says worship me as god so it's all in the bible and you can put all the dots together and connect them and to see what is happening and why we live in a day and age in which the whole global world is trying to make a one world government many people call it the new world order why would that happen what is the goal of that what is the purpose of a one world government in which there's one government running the whole world the purpose is according to the bible so that the devil can possess a man and then take control of the entire physical world so where does that leave us who are christians well we got to get out first so we leave it to what's called the rapture so i believe in the doctrine of the rapture or the coming of christ to take out what is his and what is his are those who have trusted him and who have the holy spirit inside of him now that's bad news that the devil is going to take over someday well the good news is at the battle of armageddon the end of the seven year tribulation here comes jesus christ and jesus christ is going to come and defeat the devil and rule for a thousand years here on earth and he's going to bring with him the kingdom of heaven so you'll have the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of god and they'll both be here i guess you could say the spiritual kingdom is the kingdom of god and the physical kingdom is the kingdom of heaven two different kingdoms i don't have time to get into that so we read the bible and we understand and we look at the spirit world and we see who they are in the spirit world we see the players we see god and he made us in his image to be like him so we have three parts as he is three but we also see the devil and we see how the devil has his angels because everything that god has done the devil tries to imitate and so the devil wants to be god and wants to take over so the devil fell out of the spirit world although he's still in the spirit world his goal is to get into this physical world and to rule we that are saved all we want is just to get over here and be with jesus for all eternity amen so it's amazing to me i i enjoy studying the bible i enjoy learning about this and it's so sad to me to see how many people don't understand it from the biblical perspective all over youtube all over the internet there's these spirit channel guides there's these new agers there's these people that say oh there's entities out there and and yes speak to them and these there's entities in another dimension that want to help us and things like that and we communicate with them and when they start talking like that i go wait a minute red light guess who you're really talking to these people when you're saved you get the holy spirit but a lot of these people aren't saved and so they're being led by these people the devils the unclean spirits and the bible talks about that and how we need to be careful because they're seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and that the the desire of satan is to rule and to deceive let me show you a couple verses here because you need to know this okay ephesians chapter six there is a spiritual battle taking place in the world and has been taking place since the beginning of time and it is the battle for your immortal soul your soul will last for all eternity in the spirit world it's already spirit now but when your body dies then you're only in this world and so you're in all eternity in one of two places above with god or below with satan so which one do you choose to be with that's what it all boils down to and so there's this battle between good and evil between god and the devil over you your soul is that a weird thing they're concerned about you god so loved the world he gave his own god loves you the devil hates you god wants you to be with him in his world the devil wants you to be with him in his eternal world because he delights in your suffering god doesn't god delights in your company and wants you to be with him so the best choice is jesus christ god ephesians 6 and verse 12 talks a little bit about this spiritual battle and by the way some of these fallen angels i think are where ufos come from a lot of people say ufos where are they are they just outer space interdimensional uh uh entities from other planets no they're from another world it's a spiritual world they're not from other planets although they might can travel out there i don't know but they they have created these things and so i believe that very shortly there's going to be a whole lot of talk about aliens and it might be after the rapture it might be before but i really believe there's going to be showing up on this earth uh beings that say oh we're we're aliens from other planets and we're here to do you good and the whole world oh yeah yeah and who will that be that's going to be this crowd lucifer and his demons not just some e.t you know extraterrestrial i don't believe that i believe that's the only two groups that exist god and his angel are the devils and his followers his angels so watch out for that um be careful if you see something like that but in ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 you say oh robert breaker how could you say something so foolish demons in outer space or fallen angels and hours well because i'm reading my bible and it's not foolish because look what it says ephesians 6 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness now watch what it says in high places where's a high place up there all right so if there ever shows up in this planet creatures that say we're from outer space and we're here to help you you mark it down that is not god and his angels that's this crowd okay and that's the spiritual wickedness so they are bad that is your spiritual wickedness so watch out you know a lot of people i love this show ancient aliens and it's interesting to watch ancient anglians sometimes but i'm not wanting to meet those aliens i know who they are they're this group so you got to watch out for things like that now who is the devil well uh second corinthians chapter four i've just got a lot of verses that i want to show you i want to throw this out i want you to see this second corinthians chapter four the goal of the devil is to get your soul and the devil is real and he's actively working to take over the world but he also wants to take your soul and there are story after story after story of people who have sold their souls to satan and i don't have time to get into that but many of your rock stars many of your uh tv stars many of people like that they always talk about how i sold my soul to the devil have you ever seen those videos on youtube some of your famous singers and that's when i sold my soul to the devil i really believe that's true i really believe that the devil or devils can appear to them and say hey you do this for me we'll do that for you all i want is your soul and so i believe that that's a real thing and i think it's sad and i don't think it's something you should ever do now have you done that guess what the blood of jesus can break any curse in any contract the blood of jesus is the most powerful thing in the entire world both worlds so if you come to christ and trust him as your savior anything you did before is broken and your soul belongs to christ when you're saved second corinthians 4 verse 3 says this but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the god of this world have blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them for we preach not ourselves but christ jesus the lord and ourselves your servants for jesus sake so what is the goal of the devil the devil wants to blind you and he wants to blind you to the gospel so what is the gospel well the gospel is first corinthians 15 1-4 the gospel is all about how god died in your place for your sins god who is the jesus the father is god the word jesus is god the holy spirit is god one god but that god can manifest himself in three different persons and he has and one of those that he manifested was in the form of the body of jesus who came and died on the cross for our sins and shed his blood and the gospel is how he died for our sins and if you'll come to him and trust him who died and was buried and rose again then you will be saved by trusting jesus then you get the holy spirit come and dwell in you and then you get to go live with the father in heaven for all eternity what a wonderful wonderful thing but the goal is the devil is to blind your mind to that don't look at that don't look at the spirit world where god is just look where we are don't look at jesus on the cross no no no just come to us so they want you to be sensual and wicked and vile they don't want you to come to the true sinless christ for salvation um i was going to say this and i forgot i kind of skipped over it you know what most people in this world want they don't want to think about god they don't want to think about the bible they don't want to think about these things they only want to think about the physical world and so most people in this world all they think is man if i could just go to hollywood and if i could just become an actor or a singer or something like that make a lot of money why then i could be famous and then everything would be great and everything would be just fine well you might enjoy this life for a little bit with all that but what about eternity you won't enjoy eternity what did jesus say jesus said what shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world and lose his own soul have you ever thought about that you want to go to where you want to go to hollywood where's hollywood it's in the city of los angeles los angeles the angels in spanish creepy so you want to go to the land of the angels hollywood holy wood that's what holly is holly is holy holy wood what is that well that all ties back to ancient paganism where they worship the forest they worship the woods they worship the trees because they believe that demonic spirits inhabited the actual wood itself so they called it their holy wood because they were worshiping the fallen angels the angels i don't know about that man you might want to rethink that what happens if you become a big star in hollywood while you're called a star a star in the city of angels well you go the book of revelation and it says the seven angels which i saw were the seven stars angels are stars you see this world is run by this spirit the spirit of this world it's called the spirit of this world because the one run in the world is the little g god satan and he's trying to get your eyes on anything and everything but the thing that really matters how to get back into this world with perfect forgiveness in christ so watch out for hollywood and the angels and the stars you need to watch out for that you know most of hollywood is started by people like jack parsons and people like that that all tie back to lister crowley that all tie back to you know satanism and so there's a lot of satanism that takes place in los angeles and places like that you've got to be careful there is a spiritual thing happening there's more to this world that we live in and it's a spiritual thing and the god of this world is the devil with the little g so i don't want the little g god i want the big g god and it's only through christ that we find him now let's go to um second corinthians chapter 11. so be careful now people say well i'll just get religion well you know what there's a difference between salvation and religion religion is a system of works that man does to try to please god but god says no it's not works that you're saved by it's faith salvation is when you give up trusting in yourself and you come to christ alone for salvation so i don't tell people be religious because guess what the devil masquerades as a religious leader did you know that in second corinthians chapter 11 look at verse 14. actually let's start in verse 13. for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of christ the devil looks at all the things that god does and he tries to transform himself into it and appear like he really is of god when he's not that's the devil's goal is to deceive people and it says verse 14 and no marvel for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light now look at this verse verse 15 therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness who's in shall be according to those words so satan is in everything satan is in entertainment satan is in banking satan is in government satan is in churches satan is in religion and he's trying to get the whole world satan is in the health i guess you could say the health department type thing trying to bring about all sorts of things and that everything you can think of the devil has tried to take over in order to get people's minds off of christ and the gospel and to get them onto the things of this natural physical world and that's not even our home our our home is the spirit world because that's where we go when we die so who is the devil he's a deceiver and he seeks to destroy and so everything that he takes over he uses to try to destroy people look at first peter 5 verse 8. first peter 5 8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary well that's what this guy is the accuser satan because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour so that's what the devil wants he wants to devour you now let's go back to um revelation 12. real quick revelation chapter 12. revelation 12 and verse 9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan we read this verse earlier look what it says which deceiveth the whole world what is the goal of satan to deceive the entire world seems to me there's a verse in paul where he says that in the last days there will be people believing a lie well we're seeing a lot of that today aren't we they're just lies everywhere it's just crazy you don't even know what to believe anymore because we see so many things it was just lying well who's behind that the master deceiver the master liar revelation 13 14 look what it says about the devil and deceiveth them that dwell in the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell in the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live so the devil seeks to deceive and devour and did you know the devil can do miracles watch out for people that claim to be of god and then say we can do miracles the bible warns us and says well in the last days that's the people that are trying to do that are the devils and the devil i'm very leery of people that say oh i go to this healing movement they heal people i'm like is that god or is that because god can heal but he heals not some man healing so watch out for this false religion are they preaching the blood atonement of christ alone for salvation without works then it's of god if they're not they're not they're of the other guy so let me close with this people said brother breaker please give us some illustrations some some teachings about the spirit world and some dealings that you've had with it alright again there's a battle for your soul god came down from the spirit world into our world lived 33 years never sinned one time shed his blood took his blood back up to the mercy seat offered it up now he offers forgiveness to all who come to jesus christ then you have salvation and you go to heaven or you can forget god and then go to the other world down there when you die we have a friend that's had a bible study his house yesterday actually and we went over there and he told us about how someone died without jesus he told us about this man who was a deputy he was actually a sheriff's deputy and how he murdered somebody and how he was known as a as a crooked policeman who killed people and he said that his daddy just happened to be there in the hospital when this fellow died and when you die that's when you leave this world and your soul goes into the spirit world right now right now if you're saved you have the whole spirit of god in you and your soul is immortal it will live forever but you leave this world you see we're in this world the physical world in this body when this body dies then we go into the other one we go into the spirit world he said his daddy was sitting there listening to this man die i think his name was simmons deputy simmons if i remember what he said right and he said that man was screaming and everyone in the hospital was like what what's all this screaming and that man was dying and he kept saying doctor doctor i feel the fire on my feet make it stop doctor and he says doctor doctor it's all my legs get the fire off my legs doctor get the fire off of my thighs i said doctor the snakes are all over me get the snakes off of me get me out of this fire and he died now what happened sounds like he hit the spirit world and he wasn't saved so what happened he went to the other place now there's a book out there called the last words of saints and sinners i don't know if you have that book or if you have access to buy it should be able to look it up online somewhere and buy it and it's interesting to see the last words of people when they die because that's when they begin to see into the spirit world when they're as shakespeare says it when they're shuffling off their mortal coil i just love how he says that shuffle off your mortal coil when you die then your spiritual eyes are open and you begin to see into the spirit world well this fella this sheriff's deputy he obviously wasn't saved so he saw the bad part and he's suffering to this day now when my dad died it was completely different my dad led me to the lord my dad led me to christ my dad was a saved man and i was there in the hospital i didn't leave his side for three days when my dad passed away and uh there was something that took place in that room i don't know if i've ever told this on camera before or anything like that but people said give us some illustrations of the spirit world how do you know there's a spirit world well first the bible tells me okay so i go by the bible but i've also experienced it i've been there when my dad died and before i tell you about when my dad passed away my old pastor was peter ruckman and i remember in school in class dr ruckman said one time he said when old saints die they ask you as a preacher to go pray for him and he says it's really hard because it gets so thick and and you go in there and he says it gets thick at times what did you mean by that ruckman and he said well you know the one time he gave a little illustration this one time they asked me in the back woods to go into this house and go into this woman's room and pray for her because she was dying in her bed he says i opened the door when i did he said i just felt the presence of god so powerful that i just had to get on my knees he said crawled over to the woman grabbed her hand prayed for and crawled back out he said i just he said i just couldn't believe i just i never felt the presence of god like that and then she died a few minutes later well i've experienced things like that when people who are christians die there's a presence in that room that you feel and so my dad passed away about an hour before he died i'm laying in this hotel bed just praying and looking up and just thinking my dad could die at any minute and i'm just so sad and all of a sudden it just felt like i don't even know how to explain it and i don't like to go about my feelings okay i go by the scripture first but i'm just sharing with you this experience of the spirit world it felt like there was this this i don't even know how to explain it but it was like there was this line that was above starting starting to slowly come down just this line it slowly came down over a matter of minutes this line and it came all the way down to the floor and i was over there stressed out crying uh hadn't slept in several days i just man i don't want my dad to die and i felt this all of a sudden when when that came through it was just piercing it came through you and it it was the most perfect piece is the only way i know to explain it i felt perfect peace when that came into that room and slowly as slow as it could be came down and when i felt that all of a sudden it's like well everything's okay everything's okay and i got up and i walked over and held my dad's hand and i looked at him and he was just looking up he opened his eyes and just looked up he just kept looking up and he passed away right there in front of me and i kept looking at him and looking up looking back down looking back and i don't know what he saw i wish i could have seen it i know i was praying lord can i see what he's seeing right now but it's just that feeling of perfect peace and then he passed away and then slowly that that was gone now was that an angel coming to take my dad up to heaven one of these good angels you know a lot of people believe that when you die an angel comes it takes you to heaven it could be i don't know i don't know the bible doesn't tell us much about that but from my experience i've experienced the the good and i've seen the evil like that woman on the bus she said when i got that spirit it was just pure evil she said i never felt such vindictiveness and hate and evil that when i felt that spirit in me here i am in the room when my dad was passing away i never felt such peace just perfect peace you know paul talks about in the bible he talks about salvation it's the peace that passeth all understanding i still don't understand that feeling of peace is just like the whole world just fled away and there was no care in the world it was just like everything is great everything is great and it was wonderful for me to know that my dad was safe and that he went up to heaven with the lord when he died so there is a spiritual world it is out there and there are good entities and bad entities there is god you come to god for salvation you have hope you have peace you have righteousness you have joy and you go to be with him for all eternity that's what this book the bible says there is an evil vile filthy wicked spirit out there in that world as well that is actually in our world too called the devil and he has his fallen angels he has his demons and they're going around seeking whom they may devour you know what they want they want your soul so the question is what are you going to do why don't you come to salvation why don't you come to christ alone the bible says through faith in his blood the bible says for by grace you save through faith and that not of yourselves is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast if you'll trust the blood atonement of christ if you'll put your faith in jesus dying in your place for your sins then he'll give you forgiveness of sins and you can know joy you can know peace and you can be like you know what this world is a mess i'm not sleeping well at night because i don't know what tomorrow will bring but you know what i know i'm saved so bring it on whatever the world has to offer it's nothing everything's going to be great in the end because i have the holy spirit are you saved i wanted to go on longer i went too long already so much more i'd like to say but i want you to understand that there is a spirit world those are the players those are those that are in it and that you need jesus because someday you're going to spend all eternity in the spirit world either above and perfect bliss are below an everlasting punishment and i would much rather you be above than below so god bless see you next time bye bye someday the silver cord will break and i know more this world shall sing but all the joy when i awake within the palace of the king and i shall see him face to face until the story saved my grace and i shall see him face to face and tell the story save my grace someday my earthly house will fall i cannot tell how soon it will be but this i know my all in all has now a place in hell for me and i shall see him face to face and tell the story save my grace and i shall see him face to face and tell the story save my grace when fades the golden sun beneath the rosy tinted west my blessed lord will say well done and i shall enter into rest and i shall see him face to face the story saved my grace and i shall see him face to face until the story saved by grace someday till then i'll watch and wait my lamp all trimmed and burning bright that when my savior hopes the gate my soul to him may take its flight and i shall see him face to face and tell the story save my grace and i shall see him face to face and tell the story save by grace amen that song by fanny crosby and george c stebbins say by grace can you sing the same are you saved will you see him someday in glory if not get saved today jesus saves amen you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 71,288
Rating: 4.9079189 out of 5
Keywords: The Spirit World, The World of the Spirit, The Spiritual World
Id: vnTDo4WOQQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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