Where do Demons come from?
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Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 696,325
Rating: 4.6833673 out of 5
Keywords: Demon (Character Species), Where do Demons come from?, What are demons?, Demonology, ouija board, witchcraft, luciferianism. lucifer, satanism, demons, demon, satan, where satan comes from, upside down star, fallen angels, unclean spirits, evil spirits, demonic spirits, spirit world, giants, fallen angels first estate, bible study, nephilim
Id: yQRwhlv0Mz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 37sec (3577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 09 2015
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The correct answer
Page 45 of the monster manual.
...Under the supervision of the Reverse Vampires...
My mom keeps watching this guy
This is a lot to unpack.
We are mixing a lot of world religions/myths/cultures here.
Pepe Silvia!
Mental Gymnastics, gold level.
The warp of course!
blam blam blam blam