When your car can end humanity with one click

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All right, we're checking out the only game where the entire goal is to get to Florida or die trying. It's Earn to Die 2. Ah, yes. Just another day in the office going to Florida. You may see what looks like a bunch of zombie bodies slipping over the car. These are all paid actors. Okay? They're all in this for the money. There's no actual injuries going on. This is a long course, and I am running out of money very quickly. Oh, I didn't just run out to money, I blew the engine. Over here in Oregon or whatever, 13 zombies is worth $5. The market has really crashed. As usual, we have to use our money on very important things, such as a bigger engine. Also, are we just going to strap a gun to the roof of the car? We are, aren't we? We're just going to strap a gun to the roof of the car. What other cars are there? That was an ice cream van. It looks somewhat ominous and creepy at a police car, a sports car, like a rally car, my mom's SUV is like an armored car. Oh, and then this, obviously, we have to get this and then just completely deck this out. I never thought I would have to go through so much effort to get back to Florida. Like I'm already here and now everyone's trying to stand-- It's like I go on vacation one day and now everyone's trying to stand in my way. Do you know what else I need to do? Strap a jet engine to this thing. I think that would be a great idea. Wow. A little bit of extra power in the engine goes a long way. Oh, it gives you an update every time. I got to save a little money because I really want to strap this Costco fan to the car. Also, how come there's just weights? What are you going to do with like old weights off of Craigslist? I'm spending the rest of my money. I've been grinding zombies for a little bit. Before you can ask, yes, I absolutely strapped a gun to the top of this thing. I don't know who's firing it. It really doesn't matter. Are you ready? My grinder on the front came fresh from the supermarket. Normally, it's meant to grind, ham, and stuff, but ham and zombies have a lot in common. All right. Now if you drive far enough, you can actually make it to the gas station. Let me see if I can get there. Out of the way, boxes. It's like one-half of the Floridian road trip and one-half of a Nissan commercial. Okay, I've cranked this thing up. Oh, the speed. Oh, wow. Oh, the agility. I'm getting all the money crates this time I leave no money crate behind. Out of the way. All right. I spent a lot of cash on gas, so I think for the first time, we're going to make it to the gas station. I still have almost a quarter tank. I am impressed at how long these levels are. I had no idea. Who here likes strawberry jam? Is this like pump your own gas or--? Oh, that counts. It's a checkpoint. Oh, sweet. Are you serious? I just barely can't afford another gearbox upgrade. All right. Bigger fan. More than anything. I'm surprised that there's gas left to get. Oh, Michael Jackson zombies. See how good you are at-- Aww. Apparently, being on fire is its own benefit. 100% we're getting the gas station. Out of the way. That zombie was too tall. I had to cut him in half for his own good. Call me Dr. Gray, except I get a lot more malpractice suits than a traditional doctor. Well, maybe not these days. Oh, yes. No joke. This is a really tough level to be. I have had to max out everything about my car so far, and it is maxed out. We are just barely going to make it to the end. I was on E. Oh, yes. Start with the basics. All right. Just going to see what the level kind looks like and then I'm going to bust this ride out to the point where it's completely unrecognizable and it also probably gets about one mile per gallon. Doing a really good job. Just absolutely destroying the paint job. Give me that crate. Whoa. Yes. Give me a minute. Oh, boy. That's a decent size fan. I had to grind out a little bit of-- mighty actually gets somewhere. But now this thing is looking legit. Upgrades are getting expensive though. All this death, all this destruction just to get to the first checkpoint. I love that the front of the car is just like if I rated some kids' connects collection or something. Just a bunch of gear. I mean, they're all gone now, but it was just like a bunch of gears. 30,000. We don't need speed limits where we're going. All the zombies are like, for the love of God. Gray, please follow the speed limit. Make this stuff. Lot of bouncing and gyrating and all kinds of stuff on this level. Look at this. First checkpoint completed. No easy task. At this point, I think I get the idea, but I need to get to where the rest of the amazing cars are and see how ridiculous we can get them by maxing them all out. No joke. I think I'm going to make it, but there is almost nothing left of my car. It is on fire. Oh my God. There's only one wheel left. I can't move it. Ooh, big money. Come on, you twisted honka garbage. You can make it. It's basically just like a steering wheel attached to a pipe cleaner at this point. I almost fell down the ultimate pit of despair. Oh, it's going to make it to the end. Please. Yes, we're going to get in a car. The police cruiser. I love that the game says you're getting so rich that they had to simplify the money so I got a problem. I was playing the game and I saved up a bunch of money because I wanted to unlock a bunch of things for you guys. I clicked on this and normally you click by once and then it leaves. I clicked on it and then I did this, and it ended up glitching out my money. I don't know what number this is, but this is not what I'm supposed to have, so infinite money. Well, it used to be a police car. Now, it is literally a jet on wheels. I've got a double-barrelled rifle or something on the roof. I don't know at this point. Did you see? It is a jet engine. That is what is flying this. Look at it. Oh, God. I don't take damage anymore. Damage takes me. I'm actually somewhat curious if the glitched-out money is enough to buy every upgrade in the game. Well, what do you know? We made it through the gas station with no issues. Listen, some people put superchargers on their car. Oh, wow. I put a deli slicer on mine. Seems like a fantastic upgrade. I got it online. This car is impressively good at climbing random stuff, too. Oh, finally, you can see the police emblems again. Oh, yes. Full flip. No problem. That's what they teach you in police academy. To be fair, we're getting a lot of money anyway. Whoever built this, you're fired. The Captain America zombies and their ability to keep up with this car is very disconcerting. Oh, hold on. Listen, I could always use more money. Is that a Mr. Burn Zombie? I think I may have just seen a Mr. Burn Zombie. Car starting to smoke. That doesn't look good. When you get on top of those things, that's great because it saves you so much damage. Hopefully, my tire doesn't start falling off. Oh, we made it to the end with a smoking. Why is there a random arm trying to get into my sports car? Also, this money is getting out of control. This is what it looks like now. Not too bad. What happens if we throw a little bit of that on there? Ah, yes. It definitely wasn't infinite money, but it got us a lot of cash. That went a long way. Ooh, boy. What is this gun do? Is it--? Oh, wow. What do we take this off like an A-10 Warthog and just put it on my Ferrari over here? Remember everyone, if you can never have too much money, that's what this game has taught me so far. There's a lot of money crates on this board. Oh, I'm drinking it so barrier. Oh my god. Yes, made it to the gas station. I think we're going to need to put some extra weight inside this car. See, this is what the car looks like before you give it to the valet. This is what it looks like afterward. I love that now it's not even really items so much, it's just like random crates that we're rolling on these random shipping containers. Why not? Aww. I have a feeling this car is just barely going to be surviving to the end of every level now. Maxed out. I got an achievement. Zombies smasher. I'm not really smashing the zombies. I'm more just like mowing them down with the random gun that I decided to put on the top of the car. Man, when they started selling gigantic rail guns over at the Sam's Club, that was a great idea. Oh, that arm right there that came down from the heaven gave me a high five. We got a real problem. I still have halfway to go and I do not have much car left. I need to figure out a way to bounce this thing off of most of my problems. Starting to smoke. That ain't good. My engine is basically exposed at this point. I lost my booster, like the entire booster. It's good if you use up your boost right away. I've got to do that from now on. Let's give this thing a facelift before afterward. In case you're wondering, this thing purrs like a kitten and just like a kitten, it'll eat your pizza right off of your plate and then slap you across the face. Also, the boost on this thing is legit. Look at it. It's like some pulse rocket. I don't know what fuel this thing runs on, but it's probably illegal. Aha, aha, put that coat on there. This looks like something you could pick up over at CarMax. Oh, the cannons are in the front now, great. I get to be deafened by the sound of my own cannon. What does the boost look like? Are you ready? Whoa. Oh my God. Oh, this gun is incredible. Oh, it is just nonstop explosions. Oh, it's like one of those Transformers movies. They spent all of the money on blowing stuff up and nothing on actual acting skills are seen. Could you give me a windshield wipe and also fill up the tank, please? No joke. The recently duplicated money may be enough to get the final car. I don't know because the money keeps basically multiplying in really stupid mathematically impossible ways but you never know. Now, there's just falling explosive barrels. They're just falling. It's part of the forecast. See, as I get closer to Florida, this is what the weather is like. This is real stuff here people. My gun is just barely hanging onto the front. Never mind. Just leave that behind. It was out of ammo anyway. I guess all that money I spent on it, open-air chassis. I like it. I hate to say it, but I might actually need to drive a little bit careful because the damage that the zombies and the environment are causing to my van now are doing a ton of damage to the point where when I get to the finish line, there's almost nothing left. You saw it. I want my gun to use every single bit of ammo it can. Gun is out of ammo. Now, it's all about-- Oh, wow, explosive barrels. Explosive barrels are easily my favorite food group. Protecting the vehicle helped a lot. I still have quite a bit left of the-- The gun is just car wheeling, murdering everyone in its path. That was amazing. The gun works better as a ninja star. I'm low on gas, I'm low on durability, but I'm almost there if I just roll down this hill. Roll down there. New car. The fire engine. All right. We're almost to Florida. Let's trick this thing out. The amazing fire truck. There's a million other things that they could have put on this fire truck and they call it the amazing fire truck. Oh, boy. This thing is bouncy. The shocks are fantastic, which is good because otherwise, I'd be going through a ton of spinal compression right now. I love what the world has become. There's really no, I don't know, residential areas or suburbs or anything. It's just one giant commercial area now. Property values have really gone down. I was going to say, once you get to a certain point in the game, it doesn't let you go back anymore. I almost screwed myself there. Now, it's time to get the last car. This is where we're starting. Rookie vehicle. Do I have enough money? Did it? Oh, no. It does cost a lot for these upgrades. Let me get very specific upgrades that'll help me max this thing out. I think we're going to be able to do it. I think I just barely have enough money. Yes. What is this? Well, this seems fair. Boom. My little slicer just took off so that's gone now. At this point, I've got my gun that doesn't work anymore. A lot of armor plating. I've got a good amount of boost. A lot of boost actually and a lot of fuel. Oh, boy. When half your car starts hanging off-- Oh, no, I lost the entire dumper. This car looked so big and now there's nothing left. When I lost the entire back portion of the dump, it took the booster with it. We're almost to where we need to get to in Florida. This is it. Florida. I can finally enjoy zombie retirement. The roof is caught. This is what I was talking about. It's fine. I fell down. Everything's okay. I need to make sure that as much of the vehicle as possible makes this to the end and I got to make sure to use my boost like all of it. I've got five rounds left. Well, one round left. Well, no rounds left to use them all. This blew all that in one shot. The roof is falling off, which is nice because that roof was annoying me anyway. Well, right about halfway there. I've got a decent amount of gas. I don't really have any boosts left, and there is not much left of this vehicle. The gun is just stabbing dudes in the eye. It is doing the work of the zombie gods right over there. What insane smacaroni was that? Well, I can't see. I expected the board to make me go the speed of light and lose most of my truck. There's almost nothing left. I need to hope that the giant wheels in the front pull big duty here. Oh my God. This is so bad right now. I am falling and there's only two wheels on this thing left. Let go. Explode. I'm almost there. Oh my God. This is so ridiculous. Please just make it. He's eating my car. Yes, I made it with absolutely nothing. That means that we have a winner. Well, I'm going to go ahead and take the 180th of my vehicle that's left and get on this boat and get out of here. Hey, folks, hope you join this episode of Earn to Die 2. Until the next time, stay foxy, and bunch of love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,270,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, game, android gameplay, android games, ios games, best android games, best games, top games, mobile games, best mobile games, android best games, earn to die speedrun, earn to die ending, flash game speedrun, earn to die flash, zombie flash game, car flash game, earn to die game, earn to die, earn to die 2, earn to die 2 game, earn to die 2 flash game
Id: X32VfjhCr5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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