Every time I crash parts are randomized in GTA 5

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All right, we're checking out the only game where my worst nightmare is a randomized one, it's GTA. We wanted to show off some cursed cars that should probably never be driven, and so Alex has put together a brand new challenge. Throughout the challenge, whenever I crash, a car will be generated and I'll be teleported inside of it. The only problem is the cars get more and more random the more times I crash to the point where they're not even cars anymore. Some of the randomizations will give me good parts, but some of them will just make me hate myself. Either way, I have to complete the board before it randomizes my keyboard down my throat. Anyway, let's do this. Bad luck, great. Okay, so if I understand this correctly, basically, what happens is when I crash is-- Oh, my God. What are they-- Are those explosives or are they just-- Whoa, what was that? It's like the fastest bullet car I've ever seen out of nowhere. Basically, how it works is every time I get-- Well, I guess you're going to find out. Yes, so basically what happens is the script generates a car and then it teleports me into that new car. As you can see, this car is fairly - [laughs] Okay. I was going to say in the beginning, the cars are fairly legit. Now, I'm inside of a jet ski, at least I've got my helmet to protect me. Now, I'm driving a jet ski with wheels. Also, what did you get-- Oh, that could've been avoided. Oh, this is amazing. I like some of these random cars. The good part is that I'll get to see car parts that you'd never really try and-- Central park? What are you suppose to do? Am I supposed to go around this or? It's like a maze trying to get to the end of-- Whoa, whoa. Okay. What's that? [laughs]. What is this? It's just a tree of RVs. Oh God. Oh, sweet. I've got a monster truck train. This is great. Okay, so you go back up the-- You going to run over a dogo? Alex, come on, man. My one archenemy, the dog. How am I suppose to get out of here? Does that count as a crash? It did count as a crash. This is kind of interesting. Look a little bit like a [?] but not really. I don't think I can get out of here. I think I'd have to run over the dog, and if it's between restarting the board and running over the dog, I'd rather restart the board. All right, so it looks like every time it sends you back to the original car. That's fine. We're going to-- Whoa. Oh, the police car just saved my life. Thanks a bunch. What kind of post-apocalypse is this? Look at this insanity. There's just people everywhere throwing Molotov cocktails. Other people are running for their lives. Is that a lady in the back of like a giant lifted pickup truck? Where's the out? I can't believe I've managed to dodge all of them so far. I haven't run over one single human. I should get a-- Oh, no. What is this? Oh, it counts as an actual vehicle. I was going to say, is it a deer or is it a deer car? It is a legit deer car. It has an engine and everything. This is awesome. I wonder if the deer can squeeze through some of my problems. That sounds terrible. [?] I don't know if you hear it in the background. The deer has this stupid-- Oh, no. Well, you're not going to get-- It's a car. It's a shark car. The deer has the exact same sound effects as the fiddler of the clown mobile. Oh, it's an upside down shark. You have to pilot it upside down. I took another crash I guess, and now I'm inside of a toilet car. I don't want to lose this car. I really don't care what happens. I just want to keep this one until the end. Toilet car, go. All right, so it's definitely this way to get out of here because this is the one way that's not fully blocked off. I'm not going down Central Park again. Okay, so we got all trashcans over there, all barriers on that side, I almost got side swiped to death. That ain't good. A few seconds later. Oh, no. What is this? Oh, I've got a bear in the back of my car. It looks like I get a short immunity timer so I don't just take a hundred hits and then change to a hundred cars because it would probably end up crashing the game. It feels like it gives me about five seconds between choices. All right, here we go. Yes, there we are. [?] through the cars, so we have a bus, twin buses blocking off that way. I'm going to head through here. Oh, hold on. I have an idea. Don't touch my car whatever you do. I think I have to ramp this, right? Although that brings me back to Central Park. I do not want to go that way. Well, I touched a man's knee. Oh, I got the exact same car. I have to take a moment to mention something. I'm currently inside of a jet attached to a-- Well, that didn't last very long, and I blew up. I'm inside of a jet attached to a UFO. That is amazing. This is probably my favorite vehicle so far. Life is like a box of chocolates. No joke. I always want to know what I'm going to get next. Every once in a while, I get something pretty duplicated, but then the next thing you know, I'm driving an F16 that's been abducted by aliens and has been co-joined with their UFO. The orange stack over here has been doing really good through the maze. Being followed by a helicopter, which is somewhat concerning. Okay. Big jump, that's how that works. In order to get-- Not again. In order to get through that-- Really? Oh, it's a jet on wheels, boys. [chuckles] Did you give me guns and missiles? The answer is no. Oh, a tank. All right. I have a question. If I run over the-- Oh no. I was going to say if I run over the stuff with my wheels, does it count as it crash? It shouldn't because it's ramping over something. Now I'm driving a cow. You get all you can drink milk with this purchase as well, that's good. I'm on team protein. I'm not going to lie, this cow is pretty acrobatic. What is this? Oh, it just owned that other vehicle. Whoa, the safety inside of this construction site is completely non-existent. Don't worry, cow. I know it looks like I'm driving you to the edge of a ledge, but-- Oh, let me see if there's any other way I could go. I've been that way for sure. I have a new favorite car. Welcome to America car. This car is so patriotic, it's causing my eyes to bleed. Well, I thought I had dodged that, but I guess-- what is this? What is this? Just a bunch of sandbags attached to a vehicle. [chuckles] This doesn't make any sense. How can I not hit anyone in this? It's not fair, this thing's so wide. The fact that I have gotten this far in this is just so-- Well, that ends that run. Oh, yes, you know what? You want a good sound system inside your car? This is like all the cars-- well, didn't last long. Oh my God, what is this? It's windmills attached to a yacht. [laughs] Oh my God, this is the best. Okay. I have a normal car that has been generated. This is amazing. I'm so glad. I was getting some vehicles that were getting really off the wall, so it's quite nice to have just a car with a couple of doors and four wheels and a normal engine and stuff. At this point, I also know pretty much where I'm going. Look at that. Dodged through everyone. Awesome. No damage. I did get a little bit of damage there. Oh, this is a pretty nice car too. Oh no. Oh, come on. Oh my God, it's a boat. I'm finally on a boat, my lifelong dream. I'm going through all the cars. Oh, it's a checkpoint with a helicopter mobile. [laughs] [?] checkpoint. OG. Now that's hot. Petey forgot an important component, windmills. Don't worry. I added a few. Thank you. It's like the gift that keeps on torturing. I appreciate that. This right here is a car that I have a long, rich history with. I won't be keeping it around by my side for very long. I'm not going to lie, this looks like a bunch of jolly ranchers just vomited all over it. What did you build? What is this? I don't get it. [screams] Why are there too many guns? There is so much going on right now. This-- [screams] I'm inside a building. Oh my God. I have to take a moment because I don't understand what I'm looking at. Yes, I'm driving a building. It is a whole FIB building. It is a car. That is amazing. All right, let's try and do that with a lot less torture and a lot less building car. I love the building, I think it's funny-- oh, we're about to find out what's next. Oh, it's a motorcycle. This is-- Oh, never mind, it's not a motorcycle at all. It's like, ''Oh, it's a motorcycle.'' It didn't last very long. What am I driving? [chuckles] What is this? You know that meme of the horse where the one side is drawn very poorly and the other side of the horse looks really, really good? That was that motorcycle. I've gotten past that area with a real car, and I'm pretty happy about that. Now I have-- What are-- What is it? It's like obstacles doing the wave. Ow. Oh, sweet. The handling is pretty good considering I'm driving a-- Consider-- Ow-- Considering I was driving a jet ski attached to an ATV. Didn't keep that for very long. Oh, hail Canada. Oh, yes, I'm a Canadian pirate right now. Checkpoint. Out of everything I thought I would never say, Canadian pirate is one of them. What is happening here? Oh. It's like very slowly moving Jenga pieces. Can I go-- Oh God, what, do they heat seek you? I'm driving meaty bits, my faithful companion. Well, I was, now he's getting left behind. Just sit there and watch in horror as I probably blow up right next to him. Glad you added those extra windmills. Oh, I almost saved myself by teleporting into a different car. I mean it didn't save myself, but it almost felt like it did. I love how some randomizations are a car with a different color and some randomizations are literally a building. What hit me? What was that? I went from a plane to a helicopter. I'm going through all the aerial vehicles here. Okay, great. This is like a crossword puzzle over here. Oh. [laughs] Not today, Satan. This is like the most randomized insanity I've ever-- Well, okay. Hey, save. I don't think I've ever had the randomizer save my life for me. Oh, a regular car. Hey. Okay, so now I have to go through the thumbnail holes, but they're thumbnail holes that have been given AI I guess. Whoa, that wasn't too bad. Now we have some twisty tops. Luckily, they move really slowly, but some of them are longer than others, so you have to know-- Oh my God. Oh wow. Oh, this is --. [screams] Oh God, no. I'm inside the FIB building again, no. Oh, I guess I crashed on it. That was good that it gave me a vehicle that I-- Well, nevermind. It's that FIB vehicle again. I'm burning alive. All right, I'm getting pretty good at this part here. Look at this, no problem. Not a single tap. All right, through the moving Jenga pieces. Also got that. No big deal. Okay, that one's almost hit me there. Is there any pattern to this or do they just do whatever they want? What just hit me? What did I get hit by? All right, then we have to go through the heat-seeking thumbnail holes. I love it. Got a couple little twisters over here. No big deal. I have to go through Central Park, but Central Park is also trying to eat my soul. That counted. Oh no. Oh no. No, I teleported to the next created car on the bow of this thing, so I can't actually do anything about this. All right, we're doing okay. Well, we're doing less okay now. I just need to make it-- There we go. I was going to say, I can't believe how-- What is this? There's no way to make it through this without hitting something. I mean, as long as I have-- Oh. Well, having this vehicle-- Well, hopefully, I don't get something huge. Oh, that's great. I was going to say, as long as I have something small like this, it is possible to make it through all this mess. This is weird. This is like something out of Paranormal Activity. Hey, a normal car. Okay. This part isn't too bad. There's a teleporting block of bloody cheese with a-- Whoa. Okay. A block-- Oh wow. Things are just teleporting all over next to me. There was a ramp that teleported next to me. There is the windmill that's teleporting around with a block attached to it. Look right here. [screams] Okay. Hear me out on this, all right. One of the first objects that I got in a crash was the FIB building, but it's okay because most of the FIB building is just an image. Look at it. It just teleports through stuff. Okay. It flies though, [chuckles] it legit does fly, so I could get through most of the board with it. [laughs] Screw you, Alex and Petey. [laughs] Oh, man, let me tell you, I am so glad that I invested in that property in the sky rise. The only thing I can think about that I'm going to have a problem with is how do I know if I'm crossing the finish line because it's so big? I'm going to try and get really low. What I'm going to do is we're going to land downward on the map. Is that a teleporter there? I don't know if I can get-- Hold on. I'm going try and put it down next to the teleporter. The FAA is like, "Hey, you got a license to fly that building?" "Yes, I do." Okay, I did end up getting into a crash, but it's okay because I've got the windmill yacht. Now all I have to do is just lay this thing-- Did I hit one of the teleporters? All right. Guess I got to do it the legit way. Through the beginning. No problem. Ow. All right, slight problem. Don't mind me, just taking my deer out for a leisurely Sunday drive. Okay. Through the incredibly slow violent bees. Nicholas Cage would approve. Through all of the coniferous trees. There we go. Now I'm going to take a hit here because there's no way around it. Oh boy. Not really my favorite vehicle to get at-- Oh, never mind. All right. This is it. We're taking this all the way to the end. Whoa. [chuckles] I love how the random drunken shapes just slowly teleport right next to me. I can't believe I missed that. Oh yes. Oh no. Okay. It wasn't something stupid. That's good. Okay. Missed the-- Oh, never mind, it's just gone. I got to get through here before the thing teleports on top of me. That worked out really well. Going to have a big jump on the rollercoaster. Watch out for the teleporters, and we have a winner. Well, pretty much everything got randomized except for my sadness. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time, stay foxy. Much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,841,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, strongest man gta 5, kwebblekop gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, moments, games, walkthrough, comedy, challenge, playthrough, fun, entertainment, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, gta but, every time i crash, parts are randomized, random cars gta 5, random parts gta 5, every time i crash parts are randomized gta 5
Id: ZhvEndnuJe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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