I ended life on earth with one punch

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-All right, we're checking out the only game with the best way to get from Florida to Australia is to punch a hole through the center of the earth. It's Strongest Punch Simulator. This is the happiest day of my life because I finally got my mustache back. Every great Florida man begins as a frail human. I love how it says I'm neutral. You know how there's chaotic, neutral? I'm more like chaotic, stupid, but whatever. My job is to punch through absolutely everything until I get to the end of this. Now, as you can see right now, my fist just barely manages to core the smallest dents into the earth. Rookie, numbers they may save, but great. How on earth can we possibly get stronger, faster? The answer's always the same. Money and protein, times five. How many of these can you buy? Oh my God, this stops eventually, right? You get to the point where you can't buy these anymore, right? You know what let's just try 10. How much stronger am I? Okay. This feels like violently cheating. I'm already one-punch Florida man. I just swing my fist slightly and half of the planet disintegrates. Look at it. Now, one of the things people do is they just leave their donut holes all over the place. You can just take them and eat them. Hey, you guys aren't using them anyway, give them to me. Please tell me. The best way to get to the next level is to just punch it. It is. Oh, fantastic. I'm in dollar store Minecraft. I'm now in average human. Safe zone. We don't need safety where we are going. 100 power per punch. It's not so much donut holes anymore. It's like the entire donut box. 1000 power per donut hole. Hello there super demon child. Would you like to be my friend? Apparently not. Now I have a reason to gain limitless strength so I can punch people to death. Remember how I said I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go any further? We're going as far as this can humanly go. Times 50. You got it. The fact that this keeps going past 100 is blowing my mind. Times 500. Yes, we are literally at times 100,000. How stupid is that? 1 million power, 6 million power. The fact that I have a cape while also still being the Florida man is blowing my mind. It looks like I took a towel out of the bathroom and strapped it around my neck. Anyway, guess we'll travel to the next area now. I literally punched so hard that it blasts me off the ground. Now, 30 million power. When I get upgrades, I am starting to just perspire blood. All right, I'm just blowing through these boards right now, because now we need to see it. There is an actual limitation to what your strength can do. Punch effect. Okay, now my punch is just flaming death. That's nice. 1.229 billion. I'm gaining 84 million power per hit. Each orb 210 million. I still have not gotten to Australia. I upgraded to 100 million because I'm an idiot. What does 100 million look like? [laughs] Oh my God. Does that-- How much is it? What was it? Was that 336 billion power? Oh my God. When I punch the power of the entire Lucky Charms franchise comes with me. Look at the height. I can jump now. No big deal. Just another 3.6 trillion power. All right, we're rolling through this now. Out of the way I don't need your orbs. Actually, I'll go ahead and take your orbs. I love that. After all this, I'm just a trainee class hero. I can end worlds by breathing on them. Oh, epic music. I'm falling through the universe. I have literally fallen through time and space because I'm at 99 billion power right now. Ugh, am I allowed to-- I'm a rookie class hero. They're slowly giving me more clothing, but at least I get to keep my mullet. You can have a mythical pet. What is it? It looks like nothing. Do I really need-- Oh, oh my God. It is The power of the phoenix now goes through the entire universe when I punch. I can stand all the way back here, and my punch goes through the earth. I am at 11.9 Quintilian power. We don't need math where we're going. 16 Quintilian power. Yes. Next world. Oh no, someone brought me into a neighborhood. This was a bad idea. [laughs]. Oh, God. Oh, I just evaporated half of an entire city block by accident. Oh, I now double-fist my punches. Excellent. I'm an F-class hero. That's about what I would get typically in Spanish class. I don't even know where I'm supposed to go because I keep rearranging the planet. How many different insane numerics are we going to have to come up with? Also, I'm moving really fast now. Oh, I ended up in Canada. This isn't where I wanted to go. I wanted to go to Australia. All right, Canada orbs. Oh, hey, I can buy a pet, damage multiplier times 15. Okay, did I really need more damage? Oh, there's another person here. Hi. Oh, sorry bro. Wait a minute. I'm not sorry. That gives me negative reputation. I love it. I remember the first person I met punched me so hard I died. I will remember that for all time. You turned me into a terrible person. Times 25 times 37. I'm an E-class hero. I'm slowly moving through the entire alphabet. All right, where's the off-ramp to get out of Canada? Found it? Great. I'm in Arizona now. I love how it just keeps adding random numbers to my punches. Wow. Look at the height. I can blow things up from way downtown. Look at this. I'm on top of the planet. [laughs] Oh, I don't even need to do this. I can just walk to the end of the planet now. What? Oh really? We're going to do this the proper way. Bye, cheating. I'm on like the surface of the moon now. Oh my God. The amount of orbs you get is ridiculous. Uh, so what is my-- [laughs] That's a number that I have now. This is what your pet starts at and this is what it is now. It's an angry ice cube. If I hit this wall, what'll happen? [laughs] Oh no. I'm just going to keep pressing buttons until it makes me stop. These are numbers that should not exist in this game. I am now mixing various elements into my punches. Look at the numbers. Look at the numbers. What does it even matter? Sorry man, I told you because I was treated poorly the second I got into my life, now everyone's going to pay for those bad decisions. I love that. My ice cubes now have demonic horns on them. Bigger demonic horns go. 15 trillion, 15.5 trillion. This is where we are now. I can jump literally out of the entire map. Hey, I'm sorry. I'm a meanie now. I have determined I will be the worst human being to ever exist in this entire game. More pet power. I have no idea what this is, but I'm here for it. This makes me sad. There's no one here for me to murder. Oh wow. I can jump across the board now, just across the entire board with the power of my punch. Ugh. Let me aim up. Bam. This is beyond one-punch-man stuff at this point. The craters that I can put into the planet are absurd. Holy orbs. Uh, what are those numbers? I am still only a B-class hero. I love how the higher in hero ship I get, the more colors forcibly attach themselves to my Florida man gear. My aura make row but I will forever be the Florida man. More pet power. Oh, my pet is now the devil. It's literally just the devil. Oh, it's the devil and his brother Antarctica. Where are the penguins? No penguins. Ugh I'm now an A-class meanie. Let me hold my hands up in prayer. Oh, God's of punching, give me a face with which to strike. Oh, I'm drop-kicking things now. Oh my God. Oh, one hit and I go through the entire board just about. Hi there orbs. You will get fed to Satan. My best friend. It's like a dog Satan is. Satan powers activate. [sounds] There's a lot of colors coming out of me, man. I just have to check something real quick. This is where I started. If I punch someone here, am I a bad person? Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh my God. [laughs] Oh my God. I could just destroy the entire planet. Pretty normal jumping power. No big deal. I can still bury it. Look at the size of the damage. Hey, where are you going, buddy? Come here. It's just one time. [laughs] Oh my God. I'm sure he's fine. He's fine. He's fine. Wow, huh, on the plus side, I'm giving him a lot of free orbs everywhere I go. Oh, I got plus reputation for that, I guess they were a bad person. I kill everyone indiscriminately. I didn't think this would happen. I'm an S Class Hero now. I'm getting 102 whatever per orb. Sure. I feel like I'm going to be pressing this button a lot right now. Imagine just walking through the mall and you see this. On the one hand, I'm literally just wearing a tank top and rocky shorts with a mullet and a handlebar mustache. I think I've gone back to the prehistoric period. I've actually punched stuff so hard that I've gone back in time. What are these? I am triple-wielding punches now. The ranks are going up constantly. What is happening? I have found the diamond of unbelievable cosmic power. Wow. Hi, I don't know if this is good or bad but I'm just going to try it. I can murder almost anyone I come across now. There are very few individuals who can withstand my punch. Watch. Again, I don't know how I keep getting promoted and/or demoted, it's like there's no real rhyme or reason. I am a Guardian Class Hero. I don't know if that's the right way to describe what I do to people. I'm more like a threat than a hero from the top rope. My friends are now all glowing unicorn dragons. I love that when I run, I vomit out four-leaf clovers. It's as if though I'm lucky, I'm a mighty class hero. I am not lucky. You do not want to be near me when I swing my fists, this happens. This is insane, all my power and this is how tough the walls are at this point. I am just barely punching through these walls. 500th stage, glowing death-horny helmets with spider legs. I don't even know what these are. Oh my God, I found my hometown, it's New Jersey. I love how there's just toxic waste everywhere. Don't mind me, I'm just bathing in death over here. I drink radiation for breakfast. What comes after First Class Hero? Elite Class Hero. I feel like we're just making up adjectives now. I don't skip leg day so much that there is fire vomiting itself out of my calves. All right, still not in Australia. I have to get rid of the pets because they're getting so big you can't see. Wow, my punches now break time and space. Look at it, it just clears out entire areas. Look at the damage. This planet is looking at me wrong. Ugh. Oh my God, I think we may have-- we're not done yet, but I am at the point where this stupidity knows no bounds. Look at all the worms. This is the soul of all the planets that I have eviscerated. Can I destroy this entire map before it regenerates? Oh, no way, I can. That's the whole map. We don't need normal numbers where we're going. Oh, my pets are now flying potatoes. That's cool. This is a very, very flashy board here. Now, there's a lot of crystals and stuff. Die. Look at how small my punches are right now. Look at how weak. Look at how frail. This is just temporary, you understand because every time I gain even a little bit of power, it is multiplied so many times over. Legendary Class Hero. When I punch it now it sounds like a cannon going off. Look at it. This board used to give me trouble, not anymore. Oh, there's the grand crystal. Oh, I can now evaporate this entire board in one punch. One single punch and the board evaporates. Behold my beautiful D and D ice cube dragon devil friends back to doing barely any damage for the moment. Oh, I got yeeted into space. This is what space looks like. Also, I'm on fire. Oh, the power is starting to rise. Oh, the power is starting to rise. Rank up. I'm starting to destroy large swaths of the planet again. When I punch, there's now black holes that come out of my hands. Where's your crystal of power? I know it's around here somewhere. Oh. Oh, there it is. Oh, yes. Now, I can destroy this entire planet in one punch. I don't actually know what I'm looking at anymore. I have made it to Australia. How strong are the walls of Australia? Oh my God. I love how Australia is just a water-based planet. Oh, the power crystal. Here it is. Come here. Oh, oh, oh. [chuckles] No, I am now the strongest. Literally the strongest. The strongest. That means there's only one thing left to do, and that is murder everyone I see. There can be only one-- Ugh. I'm the strongest, worst person, and I've killed everyone else here. [chuckles] That means the only place that'll accept me now is space. Hey folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Strongest Punch Simulator. Until the next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,194,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, slogo, roblox, get stronger, solo, roblox strength, roblox roleplay, roblox every second, graystillplays roblox, strongest punch simulator, strongest punch simulator roblox, roblox punch simulator, roblox level 1 punch, roblox level 9999 punch, becoming a roblox hero, roblox hero, lankybox roblox
Id: zYzbJ_R4PsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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