When you upgrade dinosaurs 9,999,999 times

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All right, we're checking out the only game where the only thing that makes a dinosaur better is strapping a tactical nuke to its forehead. It's Cyber Dino. The concept is incredibly easy. You start as a sad dinosaur with sad lasers on it. However, over time, you achieve new items. And just like any game with upgrades, things get so ridiculously stupid. And thus we must find out just how stupid things can go. And thus, as we destroy the last few cybernetic mushrooms I don't know why these are the things we're attacking right now. And now I have a slightly better knee brace and a slightly better cannon. I'm not going to lie. The new beam is pretty amazing. WHATCHA!!! If there's one thing that a T-Rex never skips, it is leg day. That's like 90% of their whole body. The other 10% is their head. Out of the way. Bargain bin Koopa Trooper. Oh, now I'm fighting like bionic tentacles. That's odd. All right, so this is the last one here. I have to make sure to save all of my most powerful abilities for the tentacle monsters. That, of course, plagued the Jurassic period. Everyone knows that. Let me see what I can unlock here. Oh. Uh huh. Yeah, I love it. I've got Minecraft diamonds over my eyes. Okay, so the gun is about to get 100 times more legit. Okay. Well, that's pretty OP. Oh, a box. I finally got one. I finally get to see exactly what sort of glorious things the boxes hold inside of them. Headbutt!!! Okay, what's in the box? See, before, I hasn't got boxes, but I do now. All right. The box is actually opening itself- Oh, the box just vomited up a ton of loot. All right, next eyepatch. Oh, now it's an actual, like, nose blade. Behold the- Oh, wow! I'm actually shooting rockets! Maybe I will eventually get that tactical nuke I always wanted. When in doubt, headbutt everything in the way. I love how we're dealing with yellow jacket-asaurs at this point. We actually had those up in Jersey like flesh eating yellow jackets. These yellow jackets also appear to have terrible eyesight. I don't really know if it's their eyesight there's bad or if it's just supposed to be like cool mad scientist goggles they're wearing. Maybe it's a fashion thing. I kind of feel like my T-Rex is limping. He could also just be tripping over the fact that he's wearing, like, bionic boxers at this point. There so many things for me to combine here. There we go. Hey, can I actually get- Yeah. So we're on gold there, but I wonder if I can get. I got close almost. I can get to the next level of the gun and we get a new ability. All right, whatever this thing is, I'm about to find out. Here we go. *gasp* Okay, It's pretty incredible! I love how my Mechasaur basically turned into Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Get over here. The only thing is, I noticed I'm not shooting like small nuclear warheads anymore. Now it's just gigantic bullets. Really, really big bullets. Scorpion was always one of my favorite Mortal Kombat characters, so this totally makes sense. Warning. This is like a boss fight? What is this warning? What- Oh, it is! It's actually called boss. All right, just use everything. Use everything as fast as you can. It's just a giant worm, and it's not doing anything. Never mind. It is shooting actual missiles at me. All right. Just got to use our abilities as fast as possible here. Come on, Scorpion. Don't let me down. Wow. That was- That was actually a lot closer than I really wanted it to be. All right, fantastic. I get to melt that thing down and use it as an ankle brace. Huh. Depressed metal bats. Interesting. It's kind of like, oh, what is this? I get another new ability that this thing does. It looks like a drunken lightning bolt. It's absolutely a drunken lightning bolt. Drunken lightning! Gooooo!! By the power of loot! Uh-huh. We're moving into all diamond territory. I like it. I like violent lasers too. So I'm going to keep moving this up. Remember, kids? Never- What is that?!? Never drink and electrocute the people around you. I love that I'm fighting Skynet, but in the shape of scorpions at this point. I think what's interesting is I'm pretty much the only living creature I've seen this whole time. So, like, was I the only one that made it? And now the only things that are around are me and a bunch of violent robots. Now, the scorpions shoot laser beams from their tails. That's unfortunate. Uhhhh... Okay. Before was all, you know, like, whatever little animals and bats and stuff like that. What is this?!? It's like a derpy bear! They're cyber yogi bear. It is a can. It just kind of, like, gets you the time to bling out. What I really want is a better weapon. Out of the way! I'm half diamond, half amethyst, and all anger. I think the thing that I like the most is how my character is, like, totally animated. Except for the giant gun attached to his thigh. Don't you yeet me! It is not you that yeets me. It is I that yeets you. I can't really yeet anything because my arms are really small. Use all of the abilities. All of them! Oh, we're going up double. Oh, God. Yes. I don't know what this is, but it looks awesome. I'm just going to put all my points into this because it looks like a giant flaming ball of death. Death ball. Go. Oh, it is a flame thrower. Flame thrower, go. Not going to lie. Got a flame thrower for Christmas. Uh, not at all disappointed. I feel weird because I'm killing flame thrower guys. Also with flame, I just realized too, who's paying for all of this? Like, I go through a lot of rounds of ammo. All right, Noah's bling. We're going up to the next level. Oh, no. I have top and bottom jaw nose bling. Alright, I've got my scorpion ability back, and I have whatever this is, whatever it is, I'm going to buy a bunch of it. I have four abilities now. All right four- Oh my God!!! All right, so now I'm pooping out explosive canisters. Lovely. But they have very, very short range, so I need to do it, like, now. Oh!!! Oh!!! I am the reason the rest of the dinosaurs went extinct. Burn it all. Achoo!!!! Now that right there is violent allergies, it's kind of amazing when I can get through one of these stages wilth, like, 100 hit points taken away, and that's it. All right, where's your boss at? What is it this time? It's like a bionic turtle or something. Oh, he's something completely random that I never would have thought of. Oh, it's. It's. It's literally like your mech from, uh... From RoboCop. He's wearing a little crown on his head, too. I love it. And he has got a lot of beaming lasers. All right, but we're doing a ton of damage, so it's fine. I'll never get my canisters going again because he'll be dead by then. Yeah. There you go. Your crown didn't help you. Probably because they only gave you one eye. I see. He's got one. I get two. All right. It's getting colder, man. Oh, my God. It's like bionic penguins. Why??? No! I love penguins. I feel so bad! Unfortunately, you penguins have been swayed by evil Fire the canisters! Oh, they- They're like penguins with shotguns. This is what happens when penguins finally have enough. They're fighting back. Okay, I don't know what that is. That is not a penguin, though. It's got a buzzsaw on it. Oh, it's an actual snowman. It's like a violent snowman! It's a violent, homicidal snowman. Why?!? Luckily, though, the canisters work really good against them. Well, great. Now I'm fighting. I don't know. It looks like a frog or maybe a raptor or something. They strapped a cannon into its back. It's kind of like a slightly more angry gecko. Cannister still work great against it, though. The amount of points that they're starting to throw at me is kind of amazing. Yeah. Upgrade this and this. All right, I've got to do these upgrades and then get out of here as soon as possible. I'm a Floridian dinosaur. This climate is killing me, man. Ten! Oh, yeah. The weapons going up to the next level, too. Oh, I'm going to fire paper airplanes at people. Wonderful. All right. No idea what this number four does. I guess I'll find out in a second. Here we go. Oh, it is. It's angry paper airplanes. It's amazing. Yes. Oh, yeah. I'm like, Goku only way more immature, which actually is saying something considering it's Goku. Okay, so I have to wait until I stack up just a ton of creatures in order to release the paper airplanes. Okay, like this is pretty good. Yeah. Okay. Get in close. Probably now. Yep, that was pretty good. All right, level ten on the nose. Bring this up. And the planes up. It's like a derpy- Oh, my God. It's got flames coming out of its stomach. Okay, the flaming groundhogs do a lot of damage. So we're going to do this. Don't you do it- Owwww!!! Now. 910. Yes. I'm I'm starting to lose my humanity or my dino- Whatever makes me a dinosaur. Like legit. There's not much left of me, man. Oh, everything's getting upgraded here. I've been waiting to get this gun all jacked out, too. Is that an orbital beam? How can I not buy all the orbital beams? All right, now it's not super high level. Okay, so I don't know how good it is. Let's. Let's find out what our little droid here does. All right, that's kind of cool. And the orbital beam. Oh, I don't know. I don't really know what it's doing. It kind of looked like maybe it was doing some damage... Oh, yeah. It definitely melts, people. Oh, here we go. This should be good. Orbital beam, GOOOOOOOO!!!!! Okay, I have upgraded my drone and my orbital beam a lot and now it does a lot of damage. Go my drone. It basically like single handedly does everything for me. Okay, weapons going up. Now it- It literally is a nuke! I love how it's just the bullets just get bigger. I don't know what it is. Want all of it. Please tell me it's a nuke. I'm waiting for it. All right, go ahead. Oh my God!!! It's everything I hoped it would be. All right. So I basically can only use it right now, like, once per stage. So I kind of have to, like, right now, That was the right time. All right, new boss. I only get to use my nuke once, though, so I feel pretty bad about this. I would like to use it more times than- It's a bionic gorilla. Okay. Sure. Go my nuke- Where's my nuke at? There it is, it just took a while. Ow! He has the yeety kick. See? Actually, he doesn't really do very much damage, like he doesn't really do any damage. It's basically just more humiliating getting kicked away than anything else. And there you go! Gimme your sweet gauntlets. That nuke was in its weakest stage. It was like a noob nuke. Don't know what those are. Don't know if I should be concerned or not. I should absolutely be concerned. Drop it! Fortunately, the bomb seems to hit everything on the entire screen. I use my headbutt now to move, like, more of the creatures on the screen so I can just hit more of them with the gigantic- Whaaaaat???? Oh, it's really not that bad. I mean, it's bad, but it could be worse. I'm not going to lie in numbers. These things are actually a little bit dangerous. Not too dangerous, though, and actually even scarier than that level 13 on the thighs. Okay. So now we have the canisters and we have the chain. So the chain has to get cranked way up. I kind of liked the gigantic I don't know what to call it. It was just like it was basically just a big bomb that fell from the sky. But I kind of liked it. My dinosaur has more cardio than any other creature that has ever walked the face of this entire planet. Fire the canisters!!! Uh... What is this derpy being? Oh, wow. He's really tough. Like, he's really tough. I mean, he can be killed, but he's got way more hit points than anything else I fought so far. Actually, it took me so long to fight him that I. I managed to use the barrel tosses twice. Okay, there he is. I'm going to use this right away just to get him out of there. I feel like I'm running out of people to murder I. There's nothing left you can see in the background. It's all just broken. Apocalyptic wasteland. Oh, this is going to be good. Okay, everyone's lined up. Here we go. Nice. The time has come to open the final level 20 box. Now I can finally max out my weapon. I've been waiting for this. Please give me the giant bomb again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, it's the orbital cannon again. Okay, I guess the cannon is acceptable. Blinged out. Nothing can withstand the sheer power of this hideous prehistoric creature. Gooooo!!!! Barely any damage, just walking through the levels. Well, I guess I'm jogging through the levels technically. So, yeah. Start using this one right now. Here we go. And then. Yeah, why not? Put the cannon in there. Might as well Headbutt everything in the way. All right, this is it. Stage 25, final boss. There's the warning. And what is it? Tell me. It's a guy at a computer desk. It's shooting a gun at me. Oh, my God!!! It's like a giant brain squid. There's a giant brain squid shooting rockets at me. Oh, it's rockets do, like, absolutely nothing like this. The rockets are barely tickling me. This is hilarious. Get hit by the rocket. Fly back a little bit. Head butt him. All right, call in the drone. I don't want to have to I don't have to do everything by myself getting all of his brain sweat all over me. Very juicy just to take it a little off And the drone will be the one to finish it with me At this point, now, he can broadcast the end of days. He had a satellite dish on his head. The golden egg! I have murdered an entire solar system for this egg. What is inside? It's a tiny me. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Cyber Dino. Until the next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,430,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, games, dinosaur, gameplay, cyber dino game, t-rex, t rex, cyber dino, game, cyberdino game, trex, dino, cyber dino gameplay, cyberdino, gaming, cyberdino t-rex vs robots max level, cyberdino t-rex vs robots hack, cyberdino t-rex vs robots all bosses, cyberdino t-rex vs robots, upgrade dinosaurs
Id: QkjHA_7ecMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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