When Redditors Met Their Former Crush Years Later (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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redditors who have met a former crush years later how did it turn out my wife's former crush randomly messaged her on facebook one day she f k him on day two she's now my ex-wife she's jobless living with his mom and i have the kids edit it would figure that this is my most upvoted post my kids are five and three so they don't understand it much but i'm hoping for the long game when they realize which parent was really there for them my son still says hurtful things at times like i don't want to live with you anymore i want to live with mommy when he's angry thank you everyone for making my week i really needed to smile it's my son's first week in kindergarten and dealing with her through the process has been hell found out she was fat and unattractive then i realized i was too one of the most realistic replies ran into my high school crush because we were both on the same plane and seated across the aisle from each other she's a lesbian now we talked every day in high school for three years twenty years later she didn't remember me it seems that the girls i was chasing in high school if i see them now it's like i don't see what the big deal was and then the girl's eye wasn't chasing but in retrospect should have been are all insanely gorgeous funny smart if i had a time machine i'd go back and punch 15 year old me right than the beanbag idiot i hear yeah i was too cool for band so i tried to do sports they sucked meanwhile all the band girls were being finger blasted on the bus rides home while i was awkwardly missing layups on the basketball court i last time i saw her when i was 12. i was 35 when i did some research on the internet and found her i sent her a letter saying hi and was curious on how she was doing gave my email address and cell phone number three weeks went by and get a message through facebook from her saying i'm fine married with twin boys don't contact me again six months go by and my parents get a phone call from a guy saying he's her ex-husband and wanted to talk to me i call him from a friend's cell phone he tells me that she's in a marriage with an extremely controlling husband and i should be careful i thank him for letting me know and hang up i've stayed away ever since a crush on this really pretty girl that was in my study hall and i always tried to steal glances and check her out and all that but i would never have dared to ask her out anyway about a year ago i got a text from a number i didn't know and started talking to them surprise surprise it was her she told me she used to write poems about me in study hall he always said i want to be a cop i'll never be a ref kin fire fighter firefighters are [ __ ] cops are the real men he became an army firefighter but instead of being humbled he's still a total douche finia fighters are [ __ ] homos went out for drinks still fixated on her was given a chance got wasted and embarrassed myself by spending so much of the night talking about how much my younger self liked her extolling her virtues like it was years ago mentioned how crazy and awesome it was that i was finally getting my chance it was sad as shitty i didn't realize how bad i f ked up until i sobered up woke up and immediately knew i would not be given a second opportunity saw her reactions and responses from the previous night with a sober eye realized the massive amount of i'm going to be polite but i've made a mistake that was continuously written across her face embarrassing ashti i'm cringing with you edit fck it i'm not changing it when i was in first year i had the stupidest little girl crush on this guy in my program and i had no idea how to express it so i think i thoroughly creeped him out with my staring and pathetic attempts to get him to have coffee with me and such anyway that was eight years ago and i've really matured as a person since then i hadn't even thought of him in years when i ran into him i was actually excited to find out he worked at a store i was planning to go to i thought i can finally have a normal conversation with crush he'll see i'm not a creepy weirdo anymore anyway when i ran into him our conversation went like this me hey crush how's it going him good thanks how are you me good thanks how are you and then it just spiraled into awkwardness from there guess some people just bring it out of me had drinks went back to her hotel basically did not leave it for two days netflix marathon i felt puzzled that i had ever had a crush on him said hi and moved on we started a small thing when we were around 17 years old didn't work out cause she was spoiled and i was pretty heartless [ __ ] fast forward a few relationships for us both 11 years of growth and she came back into my life a few months ago the dating and life is pretty good now couldn't ask for anything more sometimes it's the right person but the wrong time let's see met her when i was 13. we totally crushed fast forward to when we're both 23 she has a kid from a previous marriage but it didn't bother me got married she cheated tried to take me for child support for her daughter 2 stroke 10 would not recommend i liked her when we were 15 but she wasn't nice to me i ran into her when we were 23 and she looked so old i didn't recognize her and she realized i didn't recognize her she began to cry and ran to the bathroom never saw her again update thanks for all the questions i had rather sad answers to most of you 1. we definitely weren't at taco bell akka the aphrodite of fast foods 2. i'm confident she wasn't a faceless man who was accidentally named by her friend you should check if she's okay in the bathroom people slip in there sometimes edit got my first gold thank you i'm sorta currently going through something like this dated two years ago she went through a rough patch and i was young and stupid so she slammed the door on me we added each other to facebook and met recently it was outstanding we had really great time and went to her place i don't know where it goes from now go to be patient and receptive i guess i came out of a house party to piss and she was between two parked cars outside blowing two guys i drunkenly cheered her on then took a piss on the house tried to pull an ultimatum on me in high school do this all there over i called her bluff and that's how our relationship ended 10-ish years later we're both single and i visit her on a lark turns out she's sleeping with a divorced man and trying to get him to abandon his wife and daughter yeah also her apartment was absolutely filthy i mean i'm no prize but i've tried to ruin exactly zero families she works at a supermarket near me i said hi one time and have since avoided using it because i'm not the best with repeated social interaction edit thanks for all the helpful tips guys but i avoid her because i don't want to do the hey what's up how you doing fake and interest in their life interaction really i feel you she didn't recognize me or maybe pretended not to who knows either way felt pretty stee hadn't seen her in 15 years ran into each other online decided to meet up for dinner buried now for five years and one kid dinner at taco bell we've been dating nearly a year he was my sister's best friend and i crushed on him from second grade to 10th i am high fiving the hell out of my childhood self now most amazing relationship i've ever had [Music] she was in my class back in kindergarten in my class again in third grade showed her my boxes and she was now my girlfriend then i discovered she cheated on me with my best friend i saw him showing her his underwear needless to say i've moved on from that event in my life but if you are out there olivia or matt fcku this comment is weird if you imagine opie as the teacher got thai food hung out caught up pretty chill would still fck her brains out but i don't think she's into it crushed hard and competed for a really cute girl in college but when she moved in with him i closed the door on things years later she sought me out on facebook as apparently for her i was the one that got away it lead to a tordion again off again mostly yes zoltrist in which we determined the things we did best were fighting or effing which we cycled through quarterly until about a four year break due to mutual animosity we made up had an amazing year and broke up again in a heart-wrenching explosion that stings to this day super we originally met my freshman year of high school his senior year three years later we met again i still had a crush we became really good friends then started dating after i graduated we are now married and have been for over two years with a trip to the clinic we dated very briefly in college i was absolutely smitten but it only lasted a few weeks before he decided he wanted to explore his options and many many other ladies vegenus seven years later we bumped into each other at a bar both having coincidentally moved to the same city i had just gone through a bad breakup and he convinced me to let him tend to both my broken heart and my lady garden with some story about how he had harbored feelings for me all of those years turns out all he had harbored was genital warts had a crush on her all through freshman and sophomore year she kissed me at the end of sophomore year i failed to reciprocate basically ran away from her extreme social anxiety i switched schools after disappearing for the summer not because of the kiss but when school started again i walked to her school every day for half of the year in hopes of having the balls to make a move saw her each day failed each day she obviously got tired of waiting ended up with another guy i gave up come end a senior year she shows up at my school to see some guy saw me literally jumped into my arms and forced her phone number on me together seven years come november i proposed to her around a week ago edit thank you for the gold you amazing person did it too for those who have asked she said yes though the proposal was more of a discussion of the ring i am trying to have made for her social awkwardness ftw will likely be buried forever but what the hell had a crush on this girl in grade school one st second play dates video games action figures life was good bought her a present at a 5 and 10 because i thought she'd like it it was a ring she was ultra embarrassed and ran off my parents still have not let me forget that she changed schools for other reasons that next year fast forward 14 years graduated from undergrad working for a company in my hometown and working on getting accepted to medical school out for drinks one night with friends and who should come by but her beautiful great taste in music smiles at my jokes smitten fast forward several more years gave her a ring again she did not run away happily married several years saw her at the 10-year hs reunion she was a bit heavier than she'd been in hs but still attractive she was there with her ivy league fiance these two facts combined to change my mindset from i wanna bang my hs crusher to our reunion to oh well never mind at one point we were being recognized for something and with all eyes on us she leaned over and said i remember what a crush you had on me you wanted me barred first i couldn't really react given the immediate circumstances second i didn't detect any kind of taco bell type invitation in what she'd said sorry in fact it almost seemed like she was just lording it over me i mean she was there with her fiance who we determined in previous small talk she loved and who was awesome for some reason it really pissed me off i just gave her a blank look shrugged and walked away to this day i wish i'd had some kind of witty comeback but that's about my only regret haven't seen her since but i hope she's happy and blah blah blah turns out she's a crystal healing vaccination hating wing nut then i dodge a bullet good went to an underground rave and then my wife and i tag teamed her she comes to our holiday gatherings now well that turned out very nicely for you good we had tacos then did oral stuff in my car behind tackable and haven't spoken since interesting marketing strategy from tackable this is what people keep referencing we're married now at mega crush in high school finally contacted him six years later since i knew him back then and we haven't been apart since now we have been together for four years married for one and have a baby on the way dreams really do come true i don't care how cheesy that sounds had a crush on the high school qb and his family was royalty in my school it was a very small town that worshiped football and his family had been players going back four generations or something like that comma but in terms of popularity this guy wasn't just out of my league he was out of my stratosphere fast forward 10 years i'm newly single and he looks me up on the book flirting plus admitting i had a huge crush on him in school equals date effing score for me yeah yeah no i get to his place and he's living in a 300 square foot box still driving that 89 pickup from hs talking about how he was king sht still caught up in being worshipped in school and clearly couldn't grasp why the real world didn't do the same can you believe read it that he actually had to prove himself the goddamn nerve of his boss ate dinner the man did grill one helluva steak and noped out we had awesome sex and never talked to each other again it ruled married in together for eight years now two kids went pretty dang well i think the girl i had a huge crush on in high school was way out of my league back then but i ran into her about five years after graduation and we ended up going out a few times sx was incredible but she was dull nothing there beyond her being really hot and great in bed that would make me want to have a serious relationship so nothing ever came of it last i heard she's been in a happy relationship with a good guy for about four years now which is really nice to know reconnected with the one that got away we were in the beginning of a relationship in high school about 17 and she moved unexpectedly was devastated but through chance mutual friend reconnected with her we were 23 or so first day seeing each other was great for the both of us and it seemed like we were reconnecting beautifully hooked up whispered sweet nothings and had some great sx then reality set in and we took a road trip together where she became a crazy [ __ ] she seemed to have a prescription pill addiction which was likely the source the takeaway is that we generally remember the things we want to about people and i always thought about meeting her again we did try to reconnect one last time but she went full psycho she called or texted me about a year or so ago we reconnected probably three years ago wasn't going to deal with her again and was glad i ignored deleted her number edit this thread is the reason i'm glad i asked my crush out and found out it was horrible i had a crush on the daughter of my mom's friend when i was about 10 years we would hang out a lot sometimes all night when our moms were working together at the code check of the restaurant my dad valeted for she was definitely my first big crush but i was a shy awkward kid i remember one of the last times we hung out i gave her my favorite lion king trading card because i like her after our moms got new jobs we didn't see each other anymore the next time i saw her was when we were 18. she was really different and even though she was still really cute i didn't feel the same way about her we talked for a bit and caught up she showed me pictures of her son apparently she had gotten pregnant when she was 17 and had a beautiful baby boy that her mom looked after so she could finish school it was a nice experience especially finding out what she had been up to all those years well she got hotter and i leveled off still wouldn't suck my willy whoa that went me too fast she got fat and turned into an annoying stoner not met but my high school crush did pop up on facebook a few years ago seeing that her profile pic at the time was her and sarah palin seemingly posted unironically tells me i dodged a bullet when i went away to boot camp my high school sweetie dumped me out of boredom and ended up marrying a salesman or some shtee i saw her in a laundromat a couple years later her once adorable ass had doubled in size and she had two kids apparently he knocked her up and being a good catholic girl she looked defeated never talk to her in school we were both 15 back then met up recently after eight years in a time when we had both gotten dumped after actually getting to know her i felt she is cool but not my type moved on with someone who isn't can't be happier this comment was not paid for by taco bell does not exist in my country i asked her out on a lark she said that she still wouldn't go out with me after all these years i told her she was still a cnt after all these years then she threw her drink in my face had a huge crush on her when we worked as waiters together we both moved away for about six years then ended up back in the same place we met randomly i remember she looked so stunning we kept in some slight contact over those six years through social networks and emails but didn't see each other about two months after we met again we started going out neither of us planned on it but we fell in love moved in together after about six months and i got down on one knee in yosemite about a year after that we got married just over two years ago and it was the best day of my life thank you to everyone who helped legalize gay marriage not that its illegality would have kept us apart [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 92,087
Rating: 4.9030066 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, former crush, crush, dating, first love
Id: K62XoGcur1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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