Ex-Cons Share The Most Messed Up Thing About Their Prison

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x-cons watch is the most f ked up thing about prison that nobody knows about con employee relationships can be sneaky when i was going through training to work in the prison system i thought i'd never be caught dead doing favors or being friendly with an inmate eventually after seeing the same inmates every day for months cleaning your office taking the trash you realize they're human too he wears a cross around his neck he carries a bottle of adobo in his pocket for meal time he's active in church he's a painter and loves pigeons you find out his hobbies and bits about his life and soon you see about getting him an extra blanket or a new pair of shoes and you forget he stabbed his wife nine times edit former prison librarian here dental care dentists won't fill your teeth they will just pull them no caps no implants race prisons are still self-segregating in a lot of ways when i worked in a prison in wv one dorm had a black tv controlled only by black inmates and a white tv controlled by only white inmates on a culture if you call someone a name or steal from them the other person must retaliate to save honor as a result you will see a lot of black eyes in prison postage stamps are a form of currency many prisons sense are what books come into the institution at one prison i worked in the art of warg by sun tzu was banned simply because of the title i assure you that no one in admin had ever read the book a neighbor of mine was locked up for murder and released some time before i was born it's one of those things where everyone knew about it but no one talked about it i remember him telling me the story of why he was in there and what it was like very rarely did and the most surprising thing in his experience was that the smaller quieter weaker more vulnerable in general were typically left alone it's only if you acted like a big shot did people want to fight you also picking fights with said smaller quieter weaker more vulnerable ones will instantly get you a non-stop flogging by other inmates until your spirit broke my dad was in prison in his situation and in many others you feel immense guilt after getting to know your fellow inmates because you're gonna get out and they're not ever t bombing i had a friend go to prison for a drug-related crime he had his own cell and stuck to himself for the most part another image tea into a water bottle and filled it to the brim with water and mixed it up into a slush said inmate then took the water bottle to the my friend's cell placed at the slit at the bottom of his cell door and f king stomped on it water sprayed absolutely everywhere while my friend was in the cell too it's never quiet my friend's father worked in a prison he had to quit because some co-workers neglected to give a woman her bipolar medication just so they could see what happens i don't know if it's much of a secret but they didn't give some women sanitary products so the women had to free bleed and they'd get mad when their uniforms got stained lots of officers sleeping on the job the most unlikely people are chess masters everyone was so goddamn friendly i was mad when i got out and had to deal with real [ __ ] again i think it was the fact that we all knew we f ked up and there wasn't any reason to act different or hit anything granted minnesota prisons are nowhere near the toughest the smell the smell my friend who is in a correctional facility in michigan says it smells like open s 24 stroke 7 how bad it smells from the poor hygiene of inmates and unclean facilities when you get out you miss the simplicity of choices when you are in all you think about is getting out and what you will do when that happens everything focuses around this when you are out at first the input is enormous and a small part of you miss the simplicity colon i work in an electronics store in a slightly sketchy part of town and often get customers who are fresh out of jail talking to them is like talking to a time traveler from the past some of these people are completely blown away by the concept of wi-fi they are required to call their parole officers every day but are not provided with the phone to do so explaining how phones and phone plans work to someone who has never even touched a cell phone in their life is surreal the amount of choices available to them is certainly overwhelming especially if they don't know how those choices will really affect them i try to help them find the simplest solutions for what they need when you get out the feeling of a soft carpet on your bare feet is borderline or smick and you'll never take it for granted again not an ex-con but former prison librarian inmates are not allowed to have intimate relations including with themselves they can get infractions for being caught emsturbating house tty the toilets can be especially when you have to share a cell or pod don't get sick you will probably die a horrible death my brother is a ceo and he told us why their inmates have shampoo and soap that comes in packets now they used to have it in little bottles well the guys would use up all their soap and instead of throwing the bottle away they would keep it and fill it with a combination of whatever bodily fluids they felt was appropriate and use it to hold up other inmates for their commissary like if you don't give me your commissary i'm going to squirt this bottle in your face and when they said no one got squirted in the face they got pinky my brother said a lot of people had pinky tea was always one of the ingredients in the bottle edit since so many people keep asking commissary is like a general store for prison jail they have food items toiletries and other things although i don't know the specifics inmates get money in their commissary accounts either from their family or from whatever work they do if that's a thing where they are also i can't believe my most upvoted comment ever is about a shitty story my brother told me they take your mug shot last suddenly lindsay lohan's mugshot progression makes so much more sense was listening to a podcast on the west memphis 3 tl dr3 dudes got life in prison for murdering a bunch of kids but they were actually all innocent one of the guy said the worst thing about prison was that during the summer there was a million mosquitoes in his cell the entire wall of his cell was read from the blood of all the dead mosquitoes he would slap and punch every day they would be in his cell 24 stroke 7 just stinging him non-stop but he slept while he was taking a dump while he was jerking off it never ended most summer days he would just lay on the floor crying wishing for death i guess it's not really f ked up but my dad said it drove him crazy when people wouldn't wear slippers in the showers as without slippers it was one of the quickest ways to get nasty foot fungus guards can nimble with whole medical treatment when i was in county jail there was an older woman vomiting profusely she couldn't keep water down her skin was tenting and she was hallucinating i explained all this to the guards and that she needed medical treatment immediately for two days she was like that until i transferred out i have no idea what happened to that woman and i still think about her this was in georgia usa not in prison but i volunteer in one one time i was chatting up this huge black dude and i asked him what he did in his free time he said he played a lot of dungeons and dragons i was shocked on the outside he would never be mistaken for a dnd player white guy on the other side of me told me that dnd was huge in prison i had no idea also same guy makes tacos for everyone else and makes money doing it i think he has a hot plate in his cell and uses commissary items as ingredients in pc the guys with really sick crimes compare them with one another in fact they don't necessarily get beat up because what they have done in the past it's because they are bragging about it in the present my sister is in prison and for me it's the access to the black market specifically it's very easy to get hard drugs imagine sitting around with nothing to do hating your situation fighting depression and knowing you can just get some cheap heroin semicolon they use money from canteen relatives favors etc it's also generally accepted that if someone gets in trouble getting them out of it is just a matter of sending 50 to a random western union also applies if they want to be moved to a different cell you never wake up feeling safe ever there is so much hanging over your head that you may not be in control of that the stress level is through the roof my husband spent a little time in prison he's been out now for six years one thing i always found interesting is everything can be currency in prison and i mean everything from cigarettes to any extra food from commissary socks deodorant there's an intricate trade system and anything that's not your basic scrubs or what they give you walking in the door has a value not exactly a secret but prisons make dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign off commissary many ppl think the prison system purposely underfeeds its inmates so they are more compelled to buy off them one dollar 50 for 75 cent pastries ramen packs for one dollar prob 33 c per ten dollars for one dollar longins etc etc also the insane costs for phone calls not me but my mother they had to put her in her own area because she was pregnant and people kept threatening the baby it also happened that her cellmate was a woman who boiled her child alive and ate it which this happened before the woman went to jail not during the time she was incarcerated did it i should have said in the beginning it was a county jail not big time prison edit two spelling edit three had to add in a time reference for the cannibal woman because some people don't know how to read properly when they call you for court they wake you up at 2am and put you in a holding tank for another 6-8 hours shackle you up and take you to court to another holding tank waiting for your core time after that pretty much the same process you'll be back in your cell around 5 to 6 p.m me reading all the comments the lifers are usually the nicest people you will meet while you are there this is their home this is their whole world most of them try to make it as pleasant for themselves as possible semicolon do not think for one second to mistake their kindness for weakness they will fck you up it may take a few years but they will eventually get right back to where they were in terms of privileges time means nothing to them i didn't go to prison but i went to jail and what they've kept me up the most is when it would rain or when they would cut the grass around the jail we could smell the rain or the fresh-cut grass through the vents i laid there just wishing i could go mow the grass outside i found that the worst part of being locked up is you are deprived of all of your senses you taste horrible things you smell horrible things you feel horrible things you hear horrible things and see horrible things all around it's a horrible place to be and it's really hard to truly understand that unless you have been locked up i have two friends who were in jail prison women also can get turned out or made into punks and beat up by other women also it was extremely easy for them to get any drug they wanted in prison but it would cost a lot more than it would outside of prison i am not sure if these are really that f ked up or unknown no the ceos the case managers nor medical gives rfck if you're dying put in a sick call wait two weeks for an appointment with a nurse not a dr they only give you 15 pads a month for a period the pads are like thin cotton balls with a sheath wrapper and a sticky strip comma and that's all you get after you have a baby also doesn't matter how bad you're bleeding whether you weren't there when they passed them out or if they got stolen if you can't buy some at canteen you're f kid oh and sometimes they shut down canteen for weeks so you're fk anyway canteen is the store i was just released november 2018 so i could go on and on about all the f kedupsht i seen and went through in my two years of being locked up in the largest women's prison in oklahoma mabel bassett correctional center is a rf king joke not a con but recently learned something prisoners have to pay a bill for their incarceration after being released sometimes massive amounts of money that they obviously don't have which just feeds back into the circle of getting arrested again it didn't used to be a large percent of released people but of course like everything it's gone up in recent years waking up in the morning and for a few seconds forgetting where you are then the sudden realization of where you are kicks in it crushes your soul not me my fiance was in state prison for two years when he was 18-20 he worked in the kitchen and said all the meat labeled there was label not for human consumption he told other inmates about it and he got kicked out of his kitchen job and put in the hole for telling people the fact that literally every single aspect of the infrastructure is set up to be for profit to exploit your family from arrest quotas to plea deal quotas to the corporate run phone system the prison labor gimmick slave labor used to make products for company profit not to better the community or help society prison is a business a corrupt criminal awful business run by politicians and special interests that are more evil than the inmates honestly there isn't any hidden truth about prison everything gets covered in the movies to one degree or another some of it's accurate and other parts are blown out of proportion but the basic idea is displayed the thing that most members of the public don't get is that it's a soul-crushing and dehumanizing experience that 99 of the time just makes people worse our prison systems in the west aren't about rehabilitation they're about punishment and profit they're about appearing tough on crime etc and what do people have to look forward to after they have paid their debt to society ongoing discrimination social isolation etc etc basic things like getting a job applying for a rental property getting utilities connected there's a good reason why recidivism rates are at eighty percent or so depending on how many years it takes to return people get paid to gaze into the dark abyss that is your [ __ ] got a few things how childish full-grown adults act when you say no to them they'll throw tantrums make threats that are never followed through smash cells up cry beg demand apologize then walk on a wing acting like they're big and tough the dangerous people are the quiet ones never underestimate anyone especially small skinny guys the smell of a lot of humans together in a small area is rancid for a great podcast about prison life readjusting how they pass time how they communicate and share boundaries i would 100 percent recommend air hustle so well produced bitters eyes episodes i binge them in about 10 days and the new series coincidentally starts today k2 it's known as synthetic marijuana but it's nothing like marijuana when i worked in corrections the inmates would find places to hide it since it dissolves in liquid they would hide it in religious oils and wipe it on surfaces like doorknobs a priest and several officers got incredibly sick one of my officer friends was checking on another officer who looked ill one day sitting on the step to a building suddenly the guy jumps up and tries to fight him my friend radio's help and four officers hold him down as he keeps swinging suboxone is also tricky inmates and their families have learned to product dissolving strips of the drug and send it in the mail behind stamps in religious items in gluon letters when you get out you still can't get a job so basically your life is ruined even if you do your time i might be late and someone might have said this but for the most part child predators get special treatment and are bunked with one another if you even so much as make fun of them it's a possible felony charge so the idea we have of them getting beat up by the general population in prison is false the guards and staff do not give a single shitty about your safety had someone strangle me in front of staff and they did jack sht that's not even the half of what someone could do and get away with it some people have nothing to lose f king hell i get the dress code thing a little but that sounds like a good thing turning into hell i think you wanted to reply to a comment above mate officers run betting syndicates on how many written warnings and nickings they can give out as well as extra points if they can purposefully cause fights and assaults by putting certain people in a cell together and that some guys will turn b and take turns taking and receiving but when before they were locked up they were straight i believe they call that gay for the stay i went to a women's college and we had lots of girls who would dabble in the scissor arts while enrolled we called them bugs be until graduation read life after death by damien echols he was one of the west memphis three that were wrongfully charged for murder he was on death row for 10 years or so and goes through all of the brutal details of death row really eye opening not a con but someone i knew was i don't know if this is where i'll live specific but apparently they put medicine in their kool-aid to prevent them from getting hard to prevent rape not as f ked up as some of the other things here but an interesting fact i learned it's salt peter potassium nitrate i've heard that too but it may be just a myth my uncle just went out from prison eight years ago his worst experience there was how the inmates make alcohol the warden does not allow alcohol since it's forbidden so what they do is they melt plastic burn old rags and bed sheets and add water to it it tastes like tea but it really makes them drunk my uncle said that he can only drink two cups because his stomach would hurt there are even reports of his cellmates dying after digesting that poison literally luckily he's not one of them he lived enough to tell the tale he's now 68 years old semicolon side note we're from an asian country [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 14,862
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Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, ex-cons, ex convicts, convicts, prisoners, prison, jail, police, guard
Id: 4BY-lc8m-NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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