What's the Craziest Thing You Were Punished for as a Kid?

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what were the strangest rules your parents had while you were growing up or what were some innocent things you did that you got punished for i wasn't allowed to join theater class in middle school because my dad thought i would turn gay jokes on him i'm gay regardless i had to to go bed at 9 until i was 17 then i could be up until around 1030 without being nagged or yelled at now my younger 13 year old sister stays up until 1130 and nothing gets said at all but why do parents enforce all the rules on the eldest and then almost let the youngest get away with everything for a short period of time my mom thought i was a lesbian i was a freshman in high school and 14 years old around that time that people go through the phase of sending song lyrics to people via text one of my friends sent me a text saying i wanna frick you like an animal name this was also the day i left my phone in the car and my mom took it upon herself to read it she then sends a text to my friend telcra chutnyak i have her phone and she's in deep crap when she gets home i get home my mom took the day off of work and is a sobbing mess my dad tells her she's being stupid i have a boyfriend and was a regular boy crazy teen i show her the song lyrics as proof and she says well what the frick isn't and then i show her the artist 9 inch nails and then some of their products that seen in no go for the next three years or so i had a strict curfew and hanging out with girlfriends but if out with my boyfriend there usually wasn't a curfew if i was at a co-ed party curfew was usually a little later but was set i did not understand any of this my dad thought she was being psychotic as well i think she was even happy when she figured out i wasn't a virgin anymore because it meant i really was attracted to men i love my mom but she is crazy despite living in a very safe town of less 400 people i wasn't allowed to walk anywhere farther than the mailbox because my mom thought people would think i was a [ __ ] i didn't understand how to cross a street with a red light the little traffic signals with the hand and person until my boyfriend explained it a few months ago i'm 22. if i ever called someone on the telephone i had to be the last person to say goodbye apparently if you call someone and let them be the last person to say by when ending the conversation it is extremely rude i would be grounded whenever caught or appearing to not be the last person to say bye on a phone conversation i had initiated it would be awesome if your best friend's parents had the same rule i grew up with my grandparents who were both a little loopy manipulative narcissistic etc that combined with the generation gap made for some interesting punishments i got grounded for the entire following quarter nine weeks if i brought home a b on a report card even one i also got grounded from camp one summer because i got a b in math the last quarter of that school year oh and there were the constant threats of being sent to private boarding school away from my friends if i continue to make bees when you're 12 that's terrifying my grandmother once tried to ground me because i did not replace the ink in the printer cartridge it was the printer i'd gotten for my birthday which was in my room she never used it when i explained to her that there was in fact ink in the printer and that the printer could still print with no color cartridge she insisted it couldn't but had to concede when i showed her the owner's manual where it said specifically that it could she then said i was grounded for leaving the cord of my hairdryer sticking out of the bathroom cabinet that morning i crap you not i wasn't allowed to use the front door my dad stepmom and little brother he was a toddler at the time used the front door regularly but i was required to come and go through the back oh and i wasn't allowed to walk through the yard either when traveling between the back door and the street i had to walk on the neighbor's property the first time i ever found out about that particular rule was when i got in trouble for breaking it one of my chores was to take the trash out every morning i had to put it in the neighbor's trash can instead of ours i pointed out that this was illegal and i could get in trouble but my stepmom didn't care oh and i wasn't allowed to shake open the new trash bag i had to leave it all stuck together when i placed it in the bin for some reason that one annoyed me way more than the others at the time son if you have any questions you should come talk to me about it dad i have a question about this why are you asking me you can figure it out on your own okay i'll give it a shot no no no you're doing it wrong why didn't you come ask me for help my parents bought me a game boy the clearcase 4aa1 they only allowed me to play it in the car so and like other kids i never looked out the window when we were going somewhere this was the only time i could play mario land and to this day i have a poor sense of where things are in my own hometown i grew up in a family with three boys no girls it was only much later in life that i learned that the first person to fart at the dinner table does dishes was not a normal rule i got grounded or punished for pretty much anything and i was rarely given a reason i wasn't allowed to listen to certain music because it was weird found ways to anyway i could only spend 30 minutes on the internet which changed in the latter part of high school because i needed it for school tons of channels were blocked my eldest younger brother a year younger than me and i had to make all has or else something we loved would be taken away for a year even if it was a b and we could literally pull the grade up within a week i had to dress a certain way sweater vests and polos and crap legit nerd gear couldn't be friends with certain people aka most of them because my mom didn't like their parents or what they acted like or some crappy tcetc it was an unspoken rule that i wasn't allowed to question my mother because she would pop me on the face the moment i started to do so i had to be home by 8 30 until the day i graduated high school unless i was at a friend's house who they knew and could call and someone called pretty much every hour fun times it'll feel better when you dump them at the old folks home and never visit one of the many freaked up things my dad used to do my stepmom dad and i were all swimming in the pool one summer i was 14 15 and i was constantly doing some assaults into the pool apparently i kept splashing him so i was told to stop so i began to dog paddle in the deep end to avoid getting any droplets near him in the shallow when i splashed him with a huge wave i did not he then got out of the pool yelled stupid bee and threw a plastic lawn chair of my head i ducked underwater to avoid being hit and luckily was fast enough when i resurfaced i saw that the force had completely ripped the chair in half scared the crap out of me later that night my stepmom forced me to apologize to him for getting him wet even though he was already soaked because he was in a freaking swimming pool among many many other freaked up reasons i no longer talk to him or my stepmom once i threw up in the car on a family vacation and amanda an orange section came out after that my siblings would say mandarin orange and laugh hysterically my father implemented a rule that anyone using the phrase mandarin orange god find a dollar for each mention i used to get a whooping before church as a warning to not pee myself during church i had a weak bladder and when i would ask to go to the bathroom during church my dad would refuse to take me let me go so i would pee myself get taken to the bathroom and given a whooping i once peed myself on the way home from church so when i got home i went to the bathroom to finish up and change my pants midstream my dad walks in and gives me a hefty spanking i had a bruised butt and couldn't sit comfortably for a couple of days i was once at home and my folks were going grocery shopping dad told me to tell my older sister to do the dishes when she got home i sincerely forgot to tell her because i was watching cartoons when they got home from the store i got a whooping i once got mad at my dad so i saved up some tummy rumblings walked over to him while he was watching tv and farted at him right in front of him i got especially angry whooping i ran upstairs to cry in my room but the satisfaction lasted longer than the pain i was visiting my biological dad after not seeing him for a while every day was just a lot of yelling and freaking out at me for no reason i was afraid of this man and was walking on eggshells the entire morning one morning i woke up took a shower brushed my teeth got dressed and got ready for the day after i was done he yelled at me for not brushing my teeth not close enough to smell my breath so i obviously didn't just brush incorrectly so i went back and brushed them again to the call of you dumb dirty tv after that he asked if i wanted to go out for breakfast and i said yeah that sounds nice i was going through that energy conservation phase so as we were leaving i grabbed the remote and turned the tv off except i grabbed a different remote vcr or satellite or something this was apparently a huge problem for him he started screaming at me for being a dumb mother freaking bee who left all the lights on anyways that waste more energy than the tv i didn't leave lights on either that was the kicker i said sorry daddy i didn't mean to and he grabbed a huge knife and held it to my throat and threatened to kill me if i talked back again i just wish all pit bulls were as aggressive as people pretend they are because this dog loved me and would have probably had my back if he wasn't so scared of my dad animal control putting him down sure would have been a more humane death than what my dad did to him a few years later that night i had my aunt pick me up and flew home early and have not seen that bastard since also keep in mind i wasn't one of those bad kids that assumes everyone knows them the world i was terrified of this man and still am i'm 20 years old and still have nightmares of him coming back and kidnapping me again or hurting me or my family i never talked back to him as a kid because i knew what he was capable of every friday one of my friends would have a party for our group my parents finally extended my curfew to midnight and i had the drive home timed exactly it was like a three minute drive and even if i left late i could just speed and make it there okay every friday my dad would be sitting on the couch waiting for me i would be there at 12 a.m on the dot and he would yell at me for cutting it close and how i should get home 10 minutes early to be safe i explained that my friend lived a mile and a half away and that if he wanted me home at 11 50 he should change my curfew to 11 50. he never did though and eventually got over it he was weirdly strict about some things i used to get yelled at if i got up in the middle of the night to get a drink or something i learned how to be real quiet in the later years like i had this weird way of walking down our stairs to avoid the creaky ones told the end of high school i had a couple friends that would call me really late and be all over their house getting snacks or other things i would ask why their parents weren't yelling at them yeah apparently other people's parents don't care my parents were pretty good but my mom was definitely a bit overprotective one example i wasn't allowed to ride my bike past our house until i was 12 or so it wasn't completely crazy because we lived on a rural street where drivers would routinely exceed the 35 mile per hour limit but it's not like i was mr freaking magu i could see here when a car was coming and do my best to not get run over this might not seem like a big deal but we lived nowhere near a walkable neighborhood and there were no kids on my street so unless someone's mom or mine was willing to take a drive it was near impossible for me to find anyone to play with nothing sadder than a redneck kid trying to teach himself tennis by hitting a ball against the side of a barn when i was 15 my father beat me into unconsciousness because i had skipped school he told my mother that i had challenged him to a fight after she found me she grounded me for a few weeks and called me weak and sad when i was seven or so i used to disassemble old electronics because they fascinated me i mistook my mother's calculator for an old one and broke it down she found the parts and flew into a rage and informed me that i would never be a scientist or anything that involved intelligence and that i should give it up i never did it again i got in trouble for helping people and being curious about people less fortunate than me or w e the frick that means i was also taught never to give someone in need anything now i don't like to do things unless it helps other people so i guess it's was a lose win seriously though anyone out there that looks down on people who want to give money or food to those in need i hope you die of cancer i'm sure we've all heard it before but this was the worst but mom why can't i do x because i said so the inner rage that this caused when i was growing up my parents were in a cult we went to a house every sunday for church and the children had to sit in front of all of the adults i was told literally every day of my childhood that children were meant to be seen and not heard we had to sit perfectly still if we moved much at all it meant that we weren't paying attention we also didn't celebrate christmas because that wasn't really jesus's birthday and angels with wings were evil because nowhere in the bible did it say that angels had wings these are things i was told no pokemon no harry potter thankfully my best friend had the first three books i read them over and over again at her house they got kicked out of the curls when i was 11 because my older brother 15 or 16 at the time started questioning their ways of teaching later on turns out there was a big sx scandal or something after my parents didn't have the cult in common turns out they didn't have much at all in common and my mom took off to this day i'm still really good at keeping myself entertained with watching the floating shapes in my eyes when i was about 10 my brother and i had each gotten our own computers my dad built computers as a hobby i was surfing on the internet well as much as a 10 year old can surf the internet and i stumbled onto a p website i brought my friend over and we were laughing at the p giggling and such i was a ten-year-old girl and i didn't know any better my parents found out the history function gave me up and i was promptly grounded i remember the talk my parents had with me instead of explaining how the peace site was not the most appropriate thing for my age and exactly what intercourse and those things were they told me that girls who did that type of thing turned into tramps i was pretty freaked out i used to think i was going to go to heck for it also my dad took the internet away for the next three years from me and my brother because of that incident i wasn't allowed to subscribe to the disney channel magazine in elementary school because it wasn't christian also my sister and i weren't allowed to watch rugrats because my mom didn't like the way they spoke to each other my parents got tired of my little sister always locking her door at one point they decided to remove all the doors to our bedrooms and bathrooms i am the middle of three girls all born in the early 80s my parents were death on what they called boy shows i couldn't watch transformers gi joe thunder curts he-man etc i could only watch girl shows which led to oddities like my being allowed to watch era i would get in trouble for sneaking morning cartoons from the non-approved list my parents were never able to satisfactorily describe to me why they had this rule they always mumble something about violence but change the subject when i point out that most of my girl shows had the same level of violence just more sparkles i half think because we were all tomboys my parents were terrified the three of us were gay luckily my parents have since come around and are pro-lgbt i wasn't allowed to watch george michael or madonna videos on mtv this would make sense if my parents were very strict about other kinds of media but i was allowed to watch any movie read any book listen to any other music etc so i could read lolita while listening to two live crew but god forbid if i was caught watching a wham video they are not homophobic or prudish so i don't know what the reason was for the ban i think they just hated george michael and madonna one wasn't allowed to play zelda linked to the past until parents viewed it and approved it after five minutes my dad was like i thought this was about dark magic and demons it's actually kind of cute he then sat with me for the four days it took to finish it yelling no that way user magic 2 wasn't allowed to watch gi joe transformers or simpsons too violent and sarcastic for my young mind i was however allowed to watch knight rider air wolf kaipes and mac jiva i also learned about murder every time they blasted law and order through the tv after my bedtime at three as far as my parents were concerned the internet was a wretched hive of scum and villainy i had never been online until 98 when i got to my dorm room in college for my freshman year of computer engineering that makes for a heck of an introduction i know c plus but what is this internet you speak of when i was little my mom forced me to eat a slice of american cheese every day i freaking hate american cheese i would roll them into little balls and hide them in random places around the house one time my mom found a cheese ball in her shoe and beat the living heck out of me i am asian i got my purple game boy taken away from me permanently because it was a reference to homosexuality frick everything about that my mom would always buy double the order at far s t food restaurants so that she'd have something to shove down her throat the next day well this time it was burger king i ate the burger instead when she got home she flipped her crap i remember how ridiculous it all sounded so i started laughing couldn't help it and said it was just a burger to which she screamed at the top of her lungs no i t was a whopper apparently i wasn't specific enough another time i made dinner for the family my dad was getting home late so my mom and i ate my mom went first then me then my mom comes back in after a while and starts yelling at me that i took too much food but the most memorable statement in that episode was what's your father going to eat there's just enough hair for my second helping [Music] i stirred up some strawberry preserves once due to the separation i wanted to reintegrate the juice with the jam and my parents grounded me on the spot for two weeks never told me why happened junior year in high school six years ago also i used to play this dumb mmo called tibia and if i asked my parents to play it and they said yes they would ground me if i also logged onto aim roughly eight years ago 22 now at the same time conversely if i asked to go on to aim and then play tibia at the same time i would also receive the same punishment their rationale we give you an inch them allowing me one or the other and you take a mile me doing both with zero effect on anybody i don't know how these stack up but they kind of stick out as being the dumbest most draconian crap ever you better not even think about using your headset in that video game i got in trouble for telling my kindergarten class about the stacks of 100 bills my dad kept in his safe and that it was all drug money to be used to buy a legit i have loved reading ever since i was a kid so for punishment my mom would take away my free reading books so i would then turn to textbooks like history or english which made my mom take away those two and only allow me to use them under supervision you're grounded after my mother discovered i had dug out a nice juicy fudgy chocolate vein of goodness out of a gallon of ice cream you deserve it i had a friend over for a sleepover and we were just be singing in the tv room watching who knows what for some reason we had a bunch of hershey kisses and he is telling me that you shouldn't just chomp down on the things but rather just put them in your mouth and suck on them letting them melt i just kind of ask back so you just suck or something to that effect my mom was walking down the stairs at that exact moment heard the word suck come out of my mouth which if put into the correct context i wasn't allowed to say in the wrong context and i got in trouble right in front of my friend i was just so baffled at that moment that i didn't even argue with her i think my friend felt the same my dad is very volatile and still freaks out at me for little things i am 22 living with him while i finish my last semester of college planning on moving out asap afterward there are countless things i can think of that apply here build one i remember we had horses we kept on land a couple miles from our house and when i was 12 or 13 i got a game boy for christmas once i went with my dad to do something down there while my mom was at work and i dropped a game cartridge in the field probably fell out of the truck i must have been pretty sure where it was and i realized it when we got home and told him he got explosively mad and pretty much threw me in the car so we could retrieve it i don't remember how long it took me to find it but i do remember that on the way back home i was bowling like crazy yelling is his specialty and i've always been sensitive to that wonder why and he accelerated too fast on the dirt road fishtailing the two-wheel drive truck we almost slid off the road and down a 50-foot embankment thanks dad i could only drink one glass of milk with dinner and if i had something that could have syrup added i could only use a silver dollar sized amount of syrup jokes on your parents i easily go through a quarter gallon of milk a meal now and my pancakes always swim in syrup if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 17,534
Rating: 4.9164734 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting styles, parent rules, strict parent rules, stupid parent rules, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: Y2Z_RlGU2_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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