When Did Your Embarrassing Mistake Turn Out Okay?

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I pulled into a fire station earlier after mistaking it for a car shop for a blown out tire three firemen came out and taught me how to change my tire what are some embarrassing mistakes you've made that had a positive outcome my cousin and her husband were in a foreign country I forget which one but it wasn't english-speaking driving through the countryside when they happened upon a nice-looking restaurant it was right around dinnertime so they went inside and asked for a table the staff looked at them kind of funny but that's to be expected when there's a language barrier after being seated my cousin and her husband ordered food off of the oddly sparse menu and as they were waiting they noticed something strange everyone in the restaurant looked like they were 80 or 90 years old they dismissed it as a strange coincidence and soon their food arrived as the meal progressed things began to see more and more unusual the diners all seemed to know one another the waiter was helpful but it almost seemed like he was hiding something and lastly my cousin realized they'd seen almost no cars parked out front but the restaurant was full by the end of the meal my cousin and her husband discovered the truth instead of finding a quaint roadside diner they'd wandered into a private nursing home during dinner time the staff had quickly figured out my cousin's mistake but played it off like they were a typical restaurant they had a good laugh about it at the end and the waiter got a huge tip until the final paragraph this seems like something out of The Twilight Zone my story also involves firemen I am a property manager at an apartment complex and one day me and my maintenance guy were testing our fire alarms we inadvertently set them off which caused four fire engines to pull into our property within a matter of minutes we were apologizing profusely but the captain informed us that they had been giving some first-graders at two of the firehouse when the call came in so 60 or so kids got to see these guys jumping down the fire pole low get into their gear and speed away all of the children were in or with their jaws on the floor the fireman was still all smiles about it when they pulled into the property TLDR made some kids by accidentally setting off a fire alarm oh crap better find another car shop this one only seems to service fire trucks I want you to know that while I was perusing this smart little comment was indeed the most amusing I moved to the u.s. from Morocco in 2003 and learned English from scratch on my third week or so of school the teacher was handing out a quiz activity sheet and instructed us to clear our desks and set our textbooks on the floor I turned and asked a classmate what floor meant and she laughed and laughed and then told a few more girls so they could join in on the giggles then this girl came from across the room looked at all of them and said she's been here three weeks and she already speaks English better than you so screw then she taught me what floor meant and sat by me the rest of the school year and helped me understand the teacher better she became a close friend and a sort of guide for me while I adjusted and got over the culture shock I'll never forget her I was supposed to meet her first date at a blues club I was very late 45 minutes which was not my fault I was in a meeting that ran long and these were the days before cellphones I didn't expect him to still be there but I won't he wasn't there but I spent a very nice evening with three men who were in town foreign athletic directors conference they were really nice and bought me drinks all evening no I didn't get drunk or go back to the hotel with them it was just a very pleasant night as for the man I stood up that also turned out well we've been married for 18 years he never misses a chance to tell the story of how I stood him up for three other guys this is why you always have a first date at a blues club if you get stood up you just identify with the singer more I forgot my debit card at home and didn't know how to pay with cash on the do-it-yourself tellers so I went and paid at a cashier and met my current lady friend in case anyone is wondering you'd put the cash and just like a vending machine probably the best idea ever seen as the lines are one strokes I've thought what the cashiers get I was having a few drinks at a local bar with a group of friends on karaoke night you can probably see where this is going I had a little too much into his coaxed into a dare to sing a song normally my decision-making process is still in checked when a little buzzed but I didn't have much other dinner that evening so my conscience was non-existent not one to be ridiculed by my mates I said why not and got a buddy to sing with me too much like how Location Location Location is the rule of thumb for real estate song choice song choice song choices ever so important in karaoke buts comeback brain totally took no heed in agreeing to sing the lion sleeps tonight it was a crowded Thursday night my friends all stood up from their table when my friend and I were called to take the mic and started chanting and whooping getting the bar all riled up raising everyone's expectations we had to rock that song we didn't really plan this out so when the words started showing on the screen my friend immediately stole these apart and went to with the women leaving me with the high pitch vocals suddenly I get the feeling I've Emily Gemma steak JPG the with all inhibitions gone I went for it a wee ee i ee ee all in memory i nailed it the holla bar was in laughter with a couple at ye aah s and wo oo s off encouragement from the crowd we did the whole song and we got a standing ovation as we walked back to our table it was surreal the waitress comes around and as we all did our round of drinks she slipped me a piece of paper with a girl's name and number this girl likes you from that table over there TL DR some embarrassing song on karaoke got hot girls number the way you typed out the lyric it's like you're singing karaoke in my mind and you nailed it dude I actually had a similar situation I was driving and heard this big clunk and scraping sound so I pulled into the fire station since it was just around the corner from where this happened I initially just pulled into their lot to look under the car and see what it was but the firemen all came out and looked to and then fixed it for me temporarily so I'd be able to take it to the garage and I have no idea what was wrong now but they were really sweet sounds like some part of your exhaust pipe came off and was dragging accidentally uploaded the email templates to the wrong website the email template I uploaded was from an organic farm company with a message like if we don't get back to you soon we're probably knee-deep in mud the company I uploaded it to yup funeral directors I guess the company getting a laugh out of it is somewhat positive oh wow respect to the firemen what great chefs by way of thanks you should get them a case of beers and a basket of cupcakes I am sure it would go down a haut i went to pick my mom up from the hospital and as the doctor was talking to us I fainted and smacked my head against the floor I went from caretaker to patient in less than a minute the doctor said in all his years he had never had someone faint like that not quite a mistake but still very embarrassing although I did get juice and cookies I do love me some juice and cookies a couple years back I was very attracted to my organic chemistry labs teaching assistant whenever he came near my station I would occupy myself with my work before I did something incredibly stupid a couple weeks ago I accidentally ran into a man while rushing down the library's out a staircase because I needed to go to my dermatologist for a minor rash on my lower back and I was short on time when I looked up to apologize I saw the man was my teaching assistant I just stared at him like an idiot he asked me if I was okay I went red and started talking about how wonderful the weather was ironically right after I said that it started raining which made sense since it had been very cloudy all day the rain got faster and harder because he is not an idiot like me he had an umbrella I think he thought I had some mental problem yet very sweetly he shared his umbrella with me he walked me to my car then walked away like a beautiful man by the way I was 40 minutes late for my appointment I wouldn't say you're completely mental most twenty-something college students have some level of mental anyway sides maybe he thought the stormy weather was wonderful it wasn't really that embarrassing but I'll tell anyway I was in San Gimignano an Italian town and I went to the best ice cream gelato shop in the world the guy there could speak English and he said to me what would you like I just said two scoops of anything the guy smiled and said something I didn't quite catch so I just agreed with him when he came back with the ice cream I had pistachio and Red Bull my brother was laughing his head off and I got loads of weird looks from lots of folks anyway soon everyone in the line thought my choice of ice cream was absolutely hilarious even though it wasn't my fault I tried to keep my cool but my face just went red so I took on lick and was like what sorcery is this then everyone began ordering the same as me so I guess it turned out okay in the end TL DR asked the guy at an ice cream shop to give me any two flavors I got Red Bull and pistachio got laughed at tasted awesome but this should seriously be a life tip people are so afraid to try new things especially when it comes to food if you ask the person at the shop to just surprise you or to be creative you'll usually get something pretty awesome my mom's work sponsored the Yaga's CFL team and they had one of those past punk kick things with some of the players I was a kid maybe turn to the throwing one not knowing how to throw a football I attempt a throw and it was pretty awful the player at that station comes and shows me how to hold the football and the best way to throw it and my next attempt was much better but that player was Doug Flutie whenever I throw a football now I think of that moment it was just vapor lock don't be embarrassed about mistaking the station for a garage in fact visiting a fire station is a good way to get help for various non fire non M's events get directions ask questions about city services co-ordinate a visit and safety lesson the thing about most firefighters is they love to help people and have an abundance of job necessitated common-sense couple tips on visiting afar stay don't block the front bay doors they may need to leave in a hurry don't visit after dark unless regarding an urgent matter most firefighters worked 24 hours shifts and need the rest bringing food is nice but if you're providing a whole meal coordinated for their next day on also they may be required to verbally refuse any gifts bring it anyways most stations buy and start cooking all their own meals first thing in the morning and your food may be redundant a better gift ice cream it keeps and I've never met a firefighter who doesn't like ice cream sauce I'm a firefighter last note Opie really don't be embarrassed last week I had a guy walk in and ask for ice pack because his butt hurt and he wasn't even mildly embarrassed I've had people ask for directions ask how to install a water heater what fire extinguisher to buy to inspect child seats to check car fluid levels cut off rings recommend restaurants if we can't help will point you to a resource that can I was working a job I wish I could tell you what the job was cause it would make this story more interesting but alas I cannot it required me to sit in a hotel lobby for hours at a time it was boring as heck but hey I was getting paid to essentially do nothing so a group of people that was staying at the hotel came down from their rooms and sat in the lobby first thing I thought was people oo D anyway to cure my boredom I started chatting them up and they were actually really cool and really fun to talk to it's so eventually I asked them why they were staying here and one of them says oh our band is playing here and I said oh cool you're in a band what's your band called and they say Alabama Shakes my eyes go wide and I instantly feel like an idiot for not recognizing them I practically yell at them I listen to you guys every night before I go to bed they were flattered and laughed it's so awesome to meet artists you adore and to find out how down-to-earth they are for the rest of the day they would come in and out of the hotel and whenever they saw me they would chat me up for a bit it really made my day 100% better TL DR worked boring job in hotel accidentally the Alabama Shakes boredom cured comet I was working a job I wish I could tell you what the job was cause it would make this story more interesting but alas I cannot dang someday I really really want to have a job I can't tell anyone about my part-time does a waitress for this high-end expert oriented restaurant until this Wednesday on Monday this MILF tastic 40-something lady came in with her four kids and sat at the VIP area which was within my zone I took her orders mostly flustered at how attractive she was I messed up two of the food orders for her children it was an embarrassing mistake for this kind of restaurant and if reported to the manager it would come out of my pay half an hour later when I took the food to her table she realized my mistake she pointed it out scowling at first about and apologized to her wishing she wouldn't report it she then held my hand and said it's fine kind of laughing it off she then asked about my background I explained it to her while she was still holding my hand and her children were snickering to themselves she then asked you've got a fascinating accent my name do you like music I said yes and told her I used to play the violin she then asked for my number and invited me over to her house this Friday to play for her I went yesterday and unknowingly lesbian chick allowed myself she pounced me after I played Paganini's devil's laughter for her I still have the marks where she dug her nails into my thighs fun times this didn't go where I was expecting it to go just remember this moment the next time someone is completely oblivious about a computer problem and you're in a position to help I always assumed that geeks had an interest in how cars work too since they both are fun to tinker with guess I'm the only one this just happened to my cousin she needed two new tires and her dad told her to go to Costco and pull right into their car shop instead she pulled right through the huge doors in the front of Costco into the store she pulled through to where people go into the grocery store of Costco had to be hilarious to be working that day they had to tell a 19 year old girl to please back her car out of a grocery store but she was quite embarrassed mom can you please remove your 2,000 pounds vehicle from the front of the store thank you there used to be an annual rite of passage for English school kids the day we all got our TB vaccinations it really isn't that bad but it was also an annual tradition for the older kids to make it out like it was going to be horrendous I'm nervous as heck I see the nurses setting up ready and just casually ask what time I would be called so I can mentally prepare for it what's your name erm it's Zerby okay mr. Zerbe you can be first have a seat spent the rest of the day watching the rest of my classmates get called and of course telling them how painful the experience was grim we didn't get the BCG jab once a year it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing it just always happened around the same time the CI Co of liiife and it moves in us are there really needs to be a mandatory high school class on carp basics especially as teenagers move into driving age changing a tire oil how the engine works what all the fluids are for what happens when you don't maintain different bits etc but that's not on the standardized tests but seriously I used to think that too but it's very area dependent many of my high school students in a city will never own need a car I thought I could make it to work two miles on an under inflated tire I got about a block and a half it was raining it was Christmas Eve and I had the only keys to the store I had no frickin clue how to change a tire I had my flashers on as I was trying to figure it out and a firetruck showed up and three really good-looking firemen changed it for me TL DR firemen are bad but not me but my aunt did this while on vacation in Germany with her husband they were driving across the countryside stayin at B and B's they found along the way she spotted a nice little place and told my uncle to pull over so she could run in and check it out a very nice older lady opened the door and obliged when my aunt asked to be shown around after the two of the lady offered my aunt some tea and while she was sitting in the living room drinking her tea she realized that this wasn't a B&B it was someone's home come home I'm also a disappointment to men everywhere frit Burt be yourself you're awesome just as you are nan manly men Frick yet I once called Apple support maybe 15 years ago for an iMac I was having issues with the guy on the phone was guiding me through some troubleshooting when he asked if I realized I had called some sort of golfing hotline he just happened to have a Mac and was trying to help I forget what the problem was but he did help me fix it I was just getting back in town having spent the better part of my day Wade fishing on the coast I was dressed in pretty ratty clothing torn jeans faded and torn shirt ancient tennis shoes and no socks and fairly soggy I ducked into a gas station near my place to pick up a pack of smokes and lock my fricking keys in my car apparently slim jim lockpicks were legal in Texas at one point that isn't true anymore because I walk to every single business within 10 blocks looking for one with no luck finally I came across the neighborhood fire station the place seemed completely deserted except for the open garage doors and bags of serious-looking firefighting staff I tentatively approached the open garage calling out hello every few steps to announce myself the foremost thought in my mind at this point was that I did not want to startle an entire fire crew possibly armed with axes by stumbling through their back door keep in mind that I am still dressed in what is essentially a Sikh head costume a sudden commotion in the parked fire engine caused me to pause and a minute later a guy pokes his head out of one of the side windows I explained my situation and he told me to hold on he vanished back inside the truck and there were a couple of minutes of considerable racket like he was digging through a huge pile of stuff after a while I heard him go her and he walked out from behind the back of his fire engine carrying a long black case it was the most amazing lock popping kit I have ever the guy showed me how to use everything and told me I could walk the kit down to the end of the block to the gas station where I had left my car as long as I brought it back within a half-hour or so I was done in 10 minutes and returned to a completely silent and seemingly uninhabited fire station after waiting around for five or ten minutes I gave up and stuck the kid next to a pile of gear just inside the door that guy saved me a whole shitload of grief that day TL DR in an emergency go to the fire department first those guys are freaking awesome something similar happened to me when I was 19 I was in an empty parking lot my tire blew out it was my first car and my extent father had failed to teach me basics about car maintenance some guy pulled up next to me hopped out on his truck and asked if I needed help I asked him to show me how to change a tire because no one had taught me before he had no problems walking me through it step by step he didn't do any work just told me what to do or some guy I'm habitually horrible at purchasing gifts for people we didn't celebrate birthdays around my household very often and when my brother and I became teenagers Christmas was virtually non-existent so a few years ago I was convinced by a now ex-girlfriend to buy a gift for my mother for her birth for something I had never done I bought her a vacuum cleaner when it was explained to me that this wasn't an appropriate gift my argumentative response was what's the point in getting someone something if they aren't going to use it my mother vacuums I bought her a vacuum cleaner makes perfect sense to me I decided to just start giving people money or gift cards it's a lot less harmful that way apparently my mom got me a vacuum for my a day a few years ago I have cats and they shed so she got me a bad about one made for pet hair I agree with you I'd rather have stuff on use than crap I put on a shelf or would never use we learned the law of cosines in Cal - I went to my professors office hours to ask if there existed a law of sines turns out that each implies the other felt like a Dumbo's I learned something that I otherwise would perhaps not had known I was a finance major as an undergrad and completely forgot about precalc al from high school so yes this was college not HS as a math professor myself what you did is exactly what we want our students to do you learned something and then wanted to know more and came to office hours to ask an interesting follow-up question seriously I bet your prof. told the other profs how cool you were I met this girl who was an international student from Turkmenistan while this wasn't embarrassing I offered her that we should get coffee before our next class I asked what she wanted and she said she trusted my decision to get her something delicious I got her a mocha with caramel sauce in it right delicious she freaked out because mocha was well let's just say it's something you let out of your body after drinking and/or eating she couldn't believe that my deception until I told her it was another word for chocolate after that and since then she absolutely loves coffee when my grandfather died my brother and I had a right at his car an old pontiac bonneville 1982 the year I was born on my first road trip with the car my friends and I just simply could not find the fuel hole the three of us three girls of course had to stand in the middle of the garage explaining to the guys that we didn't know where the fuel thingie was it took 30 minutes and three mechanics to find it underneath ilysm plate I was in the supermarket and got separated from my family I was wandering around looking for them and I finally found her no not her but he gave me a cookie so it was cool I was in Ecuador with some fellow students I was 16 and even though my mother is fluent in Spanish my skills weren't up to snuff my friend got her period in the rainforest she had nothing to deal with it so we hiked up the road to the only store within 25 miles I had no idea how to ask for tampons in Spanish and she spoke no Spanish all I could say was el flu Jonas angered el mares which means blood flow the month the woman stopped and blinked and asked me for some reason if I was from Switzerland I said no and then she grabbed a box of Obi tampons and said Obi I said yes she said tampons I said oh okay tampons and realized that in rural Ecuador they only have one brand its Obi and that I could have saved myself a lot of embarrassment if I had just asked for it but in the u.s. we have so many kinds TL DR learned how to ask for tampons and Spanish I almost landed in Egypt jail during Hosni Mubarak's time for this in 2009 I visited Cairo for our training in the first chance we got my colleague and I went to see the pyramids on the way out I saw a line of policemen about 10-15 of them seated just inside the eggs at gate with their officers and patrol cars parked next to them they were wearing their white uniform with combat boots and blackberries and machine guns slung on their arms since I had brought my really nice camera with me and couldn't pass the opportunity of catching a nice memorable photo I walked up to them pointed the camera at them and went photo yes camera yes they looked at me for a couple of seconds then at each other then stood up and started shouting la la no one walking towards me so I slowly backed away with okay thank you it's okay I am going when their superintendent sitting by the side motions me over to come to him and I thought oh my god I really don't want to go to Egypt jail even the Egyptians are afraid of that so with what I think was the mix of a grin and anxiety I walked up to him and emotions me to sit down next to him and then he puts his arm on my shoulder and then hands the camera to my colleague and motions him to take the photo so in the end I had my photo taken with the Egypt police that's no garage it's a fire station I used a bull see fire hydrants back home and they aren't much bigger than that as a computer guy you should be ashamed for one reason only if you had only RTFM it explains in there exactly what to do the other night around 10:00 p.m. I was driving and just pulled out of a gas station and stopped at a red light the driver across the way saw I didn't have my lights on so he flashed his brights at me I said to myself dang forgot my lights so I flashed my brights as a thank you as I was driving away he flashed his brights again so I waved my hand saying thanks again about 30 seconds later I noticed I still didn't turn my lights on I felt like an idiot but I'm glad that person gave me a couple heads ups or else I would have drove home with no lights on most likely most embarrassing mistake non getting super wasted me decides to get trashed after a tumultuous four years of undergrad it goes a little something like this over a 45 min period with no dinner 2.5 shots of tequila poured into a glass so maybe more hard to tell one amaretto sour two shots of Jameson details are hazy until I get home wake up in what I wore the night before I'm a girl to clarify this go to my bikini wax still drunk at 10:30 a.m. have time to kill before my therapist so I use my Groupon to get a blowout makeup application at a fancy bot salon and make still drunk on a day when they weren't making appointments due to a renovation but they allow drunk me to go in anyway get too much makeup applied I'm only putting together an Ikea bed that night throw up during my 45 min therapy session drunk shop for a bikini for my upcoming trip to Puerto Rico drunk putting together a bed from Ikea TL DR I was drunk from 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. the next day while getting salon services seeing my therapist shopping assembling a bed a positive outcome but is awesome I just wanted to remark that firemen are fricking awesome they're incredibly capable and helpful people who when not saving our lives and property are bored out of their goddamn minds every day I Drive by the station a few blocks down and there's a guy out in the parking lot on an exercise bike with some earbuds in watching traffic go by while he works out so that he can carry me down some stairs if need be firemen are hot Zucco's said hi once I got pulled over for speeding and after the officer gave me my ticket he heard some squealing from my engine he asked me if it always did that I said yes and then he asked me if I had any tools so I told him yes there was a small kit in my trunk I popped the trunk in the hood in the officer showed me how to tighten my belt to stop the squealing also I laughed when I looked at the ticket and realized that I had no chance in court because his name was crap you not officer wisdom everybody should know how to change a tire spark plugs and oil in their own cars you are paying people for the equivalent of you installing ram into their computer , you are paying people for the equivalent of you installing ram into their computer interesting when you put it that way I love doing this stuff on my own but currently live in an apartment since I've lived here I've realized why people use quick oil change places I miss having a damned garage to work in I was a virgin and missed and put it in her but she was cool with it this did not happen me and my girlfriend we're road tripping from NY till our first time in the u.s. we're from Sweden we picked up a rental o7 Impala at JFK and started driving when we got to DC I was tired of driving and it was time for a switch my GF is one foot shorter than me though so she barely reached the pedals we pulled the electronic seat buttons always imaginable managed to lower and tip the seat but not pull it forward so we found the National Car Rental representative at Delaware Airport we explained the problem - this big African American woman and then she reached him and pulled the seat button forward boiler we must have looked extremely stupid so she each gave us a hug and a smile and we drove off Komal I am a scrawny Batman I'm straight I'm also a disappointment to men everywhere man hugs everyday I step out of the house you have been visited by the romantic dog ow comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: embarrassing moment, embarrassing, embarrassing stories, mistakes, embarrasing mistakes, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: Co2jKG51wUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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