SCP-1548 - The Star, the Hateful (SCP Animation)

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A swarm of bloodthirsty entities waits outside  the protective boundary that surrounds the solar   system. They surge through the vacuum of space  looking for vulnerabilities in the force field   that protects us from their destructive  powers. The creatures ram themselves   against the barrier again and again, trying  to break through. Upon impact the forcefield   shimmers a golden color and displays a series of  thaumaturgical symbols, but it holds. Suddenly,   something flies through the protective shield  from inside the solar system; it leaves a hole.   Two creatures enter our solar system before the  shield closes. This may be the end for humanity.  The Sixth Overseer sits at a computer  terminal massaging the bridge of his nose.   He has just logged into the Foundation  database to gather information on an   anomaly whose intentions are still unknown. The O5  Council wants him to vote on an extreme measure,   but he requires more information first. There is  something coming, he can feel it, and he thinks   it has something to do with SCP-1548. O5-6 straightens his back and sits up   in his chair. He logs back into the Foundation  database and brings up the entry for SCP-1548.   He knows that this SCP has been connected  to some odd occurrences recently,   but what are its true intentions? Is  SCP-1548 trying to help save the universe?   Or is it a malicious entity hell bent  on destroying it? O5-6 must find out. He scrolls through the first few entries. SCP-1548  itself is a series of solar phenomena that occur   at the south pole of the sun. During  these events the sun's plasma morphs   into different thaumaturgical symbols. Each  symbol is tens of thousands of miles across.   The symbols themselves have not all  been classified by the Foundation yet,   but, there are three that have  been observed multiple times. The first is unnamed symbol that, when  inscribed on a telescopic device by a person   with thaumaturgic abilities, can identify psionic  entities with malicious intents. The second symbol   is known as the Kalaphastian Isle, which when  displayed on a material, strengthens it immensely,   and gives it the ability to absorb kinetic  and electromagnetic energy. The final symbol   is the 12 Holy Owls of Serrinithium. When this  symbol is affixed to an object any entity that   is killed by it will immediately annihilate  and take everything in its radius with it. O5-6 jots a note on the pad of paper sitting  on his desk. He has seen some of these symbols   before; they are connected to the Ortothan  mythology. The practitioners of this religion   are known as the The Church of the Second Hytoth  and are a mix of human and alien entities whose   main purpose is to aid the guardian deity of the  universe, "Rakmou-leusan," in combating any threat   that may try to wipe out this existence. There must be a connection between The   Church of the Second Hytoth and SCP-1548, O5-6  thinks. He scrolls back through the SCP-1548   file to the entry logged on May 17, 1983, the  first time an event connected to SCP-1548 was   recorded. A probe picked up the manifestation of  thaumaturgic symbols on the south pole of the sun.   It was odd, but nothing other than the  manifestation of the symbols seemed to occur.   This event was recorded as Extranormal Event-9008  and logged in the SCP database. The event was all   but forgotten until December 23, 2016 when the  activity of SCP-1548 really began to pick up. On that day SCP-1548 began manifesting protection  symbols in rapid succession. Over the next few   months a dense cloud of ionized gas formed around  the solar system. This ionized wall of radiation   surrounded the heliopause, the boundary where the  sun’s radiation gives way to the vacuum of space.   Over time this cloud became thicker, until  no light from outside of the solar system   could enter. Foundation censorship protocols  were quickly used to disseminate false data,   suggesting that the solar system was passing  through a dense cloud of cosmic dust,   and that was what was altering the night  sky and causing the stars to disappear But as O5-6 continues to scan the files, he  knows what the true cause of this phenomenon is.   It must be SCP-1548. But why? Is the anomaly  trying to protect us from something outside of   our solar system? Or is it trying to trap  humanity within, with no means of escape? O5-6 stands up and stretches.  “That’s enough for today,”   he says outloud to the empty room. He walks  towards the door and reaches for the handle.   All of a sudden sirens start going off and  red lights begin to flash. O5-6 spins around   and runs back to the computer terminal. An  emergency alert begins coming through. The   Falcon Light5 rocket that launched earlier in  the day to bring supplies to the International   Space Station has spontaneously lost 50% of its  mass mid flight. O5-6 frantically begins typing;   he brings up videos from surveillance satellites.  The Overseer watches in horror as pieces of debris   and bodies of the crew float through the  silence of space. The rocket looks like it   has been cut directly down the middle, and half  of the structure has vanished from existence. What is happening? Suddenly another  alert comes in. All communication   has been lost with the International Space  Station. Without warning the space station   begins broadcasting a series of cognitohazards.  O5-6 quickly changes the channel to stop the   signal from transmitting through his computer.  Reports start coming in from around the world   that anyone who continued listening to the  cognitohazard signals began entering trances,   then their brain completely  evaporated from their skulls. There is a surge of thaumaturgic  particles in orbit around the Earth.   O5-6 traces the particles back to their source.  They came from SCP-1548. The signal from the ISS   stops abruptly. The entire space station  changes course. It is on a trajectory to   re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere. The friction  and heat will rip the space station apart. O5-6 can’t believe what is happening. It  seems as if SCP-1548 helped humanity in   a way by stopping the signals from the ISS.  But how can he be sure that SCP-1548 wasn’t   responsible for the cognitohazards in the  first place? He needs more information. O5-6 searches for answers as more anomalies  connected to SCP-1548 start occurring around   the world. During a political demonstration  in Berlin, a thaumaturgic Way opens up   that leads to a pocket dimension. Soon after  the appearance of the portal Koru Archpriest   Farah Onteus, the leader of the Church of  the Second Hytoth, makes an announcement.   He claims that the Way leads to a shelter, which  will protect people from the coming doom of the   universe. The people in the area, along with  members of the Church of the Second Hytoth,   make their way into the portal. Two  undercover Foundation agents follow   the group. After everyone has entered, the Way  immediately closes, there is no further contact. What does the Church of the Second  Hytoth know that we don’t? O5-6 wonders.   He continues monitoring the situation and looking  for answers. Suddenly a message comes through all   Foundation channels. It is coming from the sun.  It is not SCP-1548, instead, it is SCP-179,   the humanoid permanently in space near the sun.  179 sends out one clear word in its signal:   “defend.” Who is SCP-179 talking to?  O5-6 thinks. What needs to be defended?   Is it humanity? Our solar system? The universe? Another alarm begins to go off. “What now?”   O5-6 screams. He brings up the alert; the screen  flashes to the moon. O5-6 focuses in on where   the alert is coming from. It is a Foundation base  called Area-32. What remains left of the base is   reporting that SCP-2821 suddenly expanded in size,  formed a wormhole that led to another region of   the universe, and then vanished through it taking  38 Foundation members and 10 anomalies with it.  Sirens continue to go off. Distress signals  are being picked up on every channel. It   seems as if the world is coming to an  end, and everything that is happening is   somehow connected to SCP-1548. A static filled  transmission begins coming in from SCP-3417.   The words are urgent: “all Ortothans hear, all  Ortothans must listen now. The Stars are lost…”   static breaks up the transmission for a few  moments before it resumes. “...Ago the First   Invasion occurred. The gods were unprepared,  never comprehending the fragility of the universe   after its creation. The worlds must fight—.” The  transmission cuts off. Everything goes silent. A pulsating SCP icon appears on  the screen of O5-6’s computer.   It is the part of the puzzle he has been waiting  for. In 1999 the O5 Council unanimously voted to   launch a mission called Seraph-1 to explore  beyond the heliosphere, and the mission’s   true purpose was to explore the plausibility  of extraterrestrial SCP objects in space.  The message that O5-6 just received is from  Seraph-1; it is relaying information back to   Earth. The video shows the barrier of ionized  radiation that SCP-1548 had created glowing   orange at the border of the heliopause.  The radioactive wall seems to be made up   of complex geometric patterns around 6,000 miles  across. Seraph-1 accelerates towards the barrier;   it smashes through the protective shell.  The probe has entered interstellar space. O5-6 knows that everything he is seeing is on  a delay, as the information being sent back by   Seraph-1 needs to travel vast distances, and it  takes significant time for the signals to reach   Earth. After passing through the ionized  barrier the connection to Seraph-1 is lost. Over the next few days O5-6 tries to  link the anomalies happening in the   solar system to SCP-1548. The Foundation  still hasn’t concluded if 1548 is harmful   or trying to protect the solar system in some  way. Then a message comes in from Seraph-1;   it has briefly regained communication with the  Foundation. Most of the probe’s instruments   have been destroyed , but its rear facing camera  is still broadcasting. O5-6 pulls up the feed. He stares at the screen in horror as the images  unfold before him. The camera captures swarms   of unknown entities surrounding the heliopause.  The bodies of the entities are asymmetrical with   countless appendages and unknown structures  jutting out from their cores. They seem   to range in size from 10 kilometers to 10,000  kilometers across. Although, some seem to be so   large that their size can only be hypothesized. The swarms crash into the protective barrier that   SCP-1548 has created around the solar system. Each  time part of the swarm rams the barrier thousands   of thaumaturgic symbols and solar flares appear at  the point of impact. Two entities that are later   classified as 1548-Ω-1 and 1548-Ω-2 are captured  entering the solar system by Seraph-1’s camera.  Video from Seraph-1 shows that as the probe exited  through the protective barrier it created a hole   that remained open for a few moments. During  the time that the shield of ionized radiation   was vulnerable 1548-Ω-1 and 1548-Ω-2 entered  through it. They are now inside the solar system. SCP-1548 launches countermeasures in the  form of glowing red sigils that create   shockwaves to slow down Ω-1 and Ω-2. Ω-1 is  shaped like an eel with five contorted arms   radiating from its body, and a mouth  made of impossible geometric shapes.   Ω-2 has a tetrahedral structure that  leaves a trail of black rocks in its wake. As the two entities move towards the sun  SCP-1548 becomes more active. It closes the   hole in the barrier before any other creatures of  the swarm can enter, and then launches hundreds of   concentrated blasts of thaumic energy at Ω-2. The  flares vaporize the entity in seconds. The last   thing the video feed of Seraph-1 captures before  it cuts out is 1Ω-1 disappearing from view as it   creeps towards the center of the solar system. It  has escaped the protective measures of SCP-1548. After the O5 Council reviews the footage  they decide to deploy the SCPS Curtana to   intercept Ω-1. The orbital vessel is fully  equipped with experimental anomalous weapons   and propulsion systems. The Council is sure  that the Curtana will be able to destroy Ω-1.   Data coming in from other satellites  indicate that Ω-1 has destroyed Pluto   and other Kuiper Belt objects. It is slowly  making its way to the center of the solar system,   annihilating everything in its path. The Curtana intercepts Ω-1 near Jupiter   and engages the creature. After ten minutes  of battling, communication with the ship   is lost. Probes in the area capture footage  of the Curtana and Ω-1 in mid battle   when they are suddenly surrounded by a  black substance and both vanish from sight. O5-6 and the other council members watch in  anticipation, unsure of what has just happened.   Then the black substance dissipates. The SCPS  Curtana sits motionless in space. The entity   is nowhere to be seen. A cheer erupts from the  Overseers and Foundation members in the room. It   seems the entity has been defeated. Then, without  warning, The Curtana accelerates rapidly. It is on   a collision course with Mars. As the ship hurtles  past one of the probes in the asteroid belt the   Foundation members see an organic mass resembling  that of Ω-1 attached to the hull of the ship. The Overseer Council watches in horror as  the SCPS Curtana smashes into the red planet   leaving a crater 250 miles wide. The energy  released from the impact instantly ionizes   the thin atmosphere of Mars, causing  the surface to turn into molten rock.   From the epicenter of the impact crater a black  organic mass begins to crawl across the planet. The Overseers are frozen in fear, but SCP-1548   immediately deals with the entity  that is devouring the surface of Mars.   From the sun comes the largest SCP-1548 instance  ever recorded. A solar flare is jettisoned towards   Mars. The impact causes a fusion reaction  so intense, that for a moment, Mars shines   as brightly as the sun. The planet explodes.  Its debris is cast across the solar system.   Over time it will create a second asteroid  belt in the orbit that Mars once inhabited. The Overseer Council is now convinced  that the threat has been dealt with.   SCP-1548 is holding the swarm at  bay outside of the solar system,   at least for the moment. O5-6 returns to his  office. He brings up the file on SCP-1548.   He is still unsure of this SCP’s true intentions.  It seems to be protecting humanity, but why? O5-6   sits back in his chair and scrolls to the end of  the file; there is an update to the file by O5-3,   something that wasn’t there before. O5-6 opens  the new entry and reads the caption: “all that's   left of our infinite, ever expanding universe.”  O5-6 scrolls down. The image is a picture taken   by Sepaph-1 before contact was lost forever. It  is a picture of all that remains of the universe.   There are two dots of light, and nothing else but  blackness. The swarm has destroyed everything in   the universe except for those two far away stars  and our own solar system which was protected by   SCP-1548. But how long can it hold out, against  a universe destroying force. Only time will tell. Now go check out SCP-2935 O Death and SCP-2000 for   more tales of an apocalyptic  scale from the SCP Foundation.
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 414,904
Rating: 4.9429421 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-1548, scp 1548, scp1548, scp star, scp space, scp sun, solar flare, scp spaceship, scp ship, scp the star, scp the star the hateful, the star the hateful, scp keter, scp keter class, keter class, keter
Id: ORI7EpwjR4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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