When has a gut feeling saved your life? [Serious] r/AskReddit

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[Music] warning disturbing content viewer discretion is advised when has a gut feeling saved your life serious I almost got kidnapped once I was like 23 or so I was walking down my street at a little after dusk I saw a van approaching a little ahead no lights on didn't think much of it due to the time of day the van slowed down and almost started creeping as I was approaching this part of the sidewalk which had a tall solid wall fence to a community this gave me some pause in that quick moment for me to keep walking I'd have to go between the wall in the van in the little time it took me to take a couple of steps and as the van was getting close I noticed that the side door was slowly sliding open the one thought in my mind was why isn't the light turning on inside the van when you open the door of a vehicle the light should come on inside it unless you deliberately switched that off and I just ran to the median I ran in front of the van and across the street because if they're gonna have some use of road county habited but they're not getting me in one glorious piece immediately the van took off like someone lit it on fire from a slow crawl to full speed as I looked after it to see the plates I noticed it had no plates and still no lights I called the police of course they sent cars out and didn't find the van I never had anything like this happen again and I'm just an ordinary person so I don't suspect it was targeted I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time listen to my body twice I started having painful period like cramps so I made an appointment with my OBGYN the next day they immediately gave me an ultrasound and discovered a grapefruit-sized tumor where my ovaries should have been certain it was cancer I was in surgery days later thankfully all the cancer was encapsulated in the tumor so no chemo was necessary I did have to go on an estrogen patch though a year later I was sitting in my bathtub and reached out for a towel felt a weird pain in my left breast I knew it was cancer I immediately pulled off the estrogen patch and then went in for a mammogram first thing the next morning a few days later I was having a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction which I had insisted on because it was my second cancer diagnosis the two cancers were unrelated my doc wanted me to have a lumpectomy and radiation but I insisted that I never again wanted to have to tell my daughters that I had cancer after my surgery my tumor was tested and it was determined to be highly recurrent and aggressive even though the cancer had not spread into my lymph nodes I went through 20 rounds of harsh chemo in the hopes it will never ever come back thankful to say that on April 20th 2020 I will celebrate being cancer-free for five years I was driving a friend home late at night when I was around 21 she lived in a pretty rural area outside of st. Louis Missouri and about a quarter mile from her house was an old abandoned farm and farmhouse I always thought of this place as non-threatening as she told me she and her two sisters would go there as kids and they found an attic full of cool things including a trunk of vintage woman's clothing and old love letters like something out of a movie anyway I'm driving her home and it's a hot humid Missouri summer and we have the windows open as the late night had offered some cool air we are also singing at the top of our lungs we passed the abandoned farm and I drop her off at her house I wait long enough to see she makes it inside and I head back out the way I came I'm driving along and I get to almost where the farm is and I see two things in the road my danger meter goes off as I had just driven this road and there was nothing there I put the windows up and make sure the doors are locked I get closer and I realized the items are too car batteries spaced out in the road which was basically a one main road in a way that I would have to get out and move them to drive on the road I immediately knew I wasn't getting out of the car so I picked the side of the road that had the lesser ditch and I gunned it I was driving a little SUV and remember feeling the car run over branches and things in the little ditch but I just gunned it and got out of there all the way home I felt creeped out and kept checking my rearview mirror I called my friend the next morning and told her what had happened and we both agreed it was weird shortly after that I moved to another state and didn't think much of it after that fast-forward to two to three years later when I was back visiting my hometown I randomly ran into my old friend and she ran up to me with wide eyes and grabbed my arms she asked me if I remembered what I told her that night I said yes and she proceeded to tell me that not too long after that had happened her family was awakened in the middle of the night to someone pounding on their sliding glass door her dad went to check and saw two naked injured women and let them in and called 9-1-1 they had been abducted from st. Louis City about 40 minutes away by two men and brought to the old abandoned farmhouse where the men tortured and raped them the women somehow managed to get free and ran to the only light they could see the light over my friend's garage they survived but the men were never caught there was evidence the men had been going there for a while my friend was convinced they had put the batteries in the road to lure me out of the car I'm just really glad my gut told me not to about 10 years ago I had a job that started at 6:00 a.m. on the weekends I didn't drive and would take the light rail which was a 15 minutes walk from the house I rented one dark morning I saw a person up ahead of me a few blocks away I usually see homeless people on my walk to the light rail and most are harmless just trying to collect cans for the deposit or asking for change but this guy just felt off I could tell from blocks away that there was something wrong about him so I crossed the street and grabbed my phone from my backpack because I still had to go to work and this road was the only way to the light rail suddenly I hear a boo boo ba bum I look over my shoulder and it was him with his dick in his hand that sound was the sound of his shoes hitting the pavement as he ran towards me I took off running screamed i'm calling 9-1-1 and held my phone to my ear he must have saw and took it seriously because he ran the opposite correction that I ran I did call 911 me to wait there for the cop and I was like [ __ ] no I said it was because I didn't want to be late for work but I was terrified of him finding me I will never forget the sound of his shoes hitting the pavement a few weeks ago I had just left my apartment complex and was heading to a friend's I pulled out of my driveway and up to the traffic light and stopped I was in the left turn lane light was red it was laid out and there wasn't many people on the road I watched as the light went yellow and then red for through traffic one guy ran the tail end of the yellow like usual my turn light goes green I have an arrow blinking for me to turn left I looked both ways and there was no one around and I just didn't go I cannot explain what happened other than something inside me just said don't go so I sat there staring at the green light a couple seconds later a car came screaming through the red light through the intersection probably doing about 100 km/h in the lane I would have been turning into they were going so fast their vehicle had it bounce to it if I had turned my car would have been destroyed and me along with it i sat there through the whole next light cycle and then turned pulled over and called my sister it was a ghostly feeling I am a light jumper I look both ways but I am impatient and I cannot explain what stopped me from going the second that light went green but I'm glad it did I was like eight or nine when my parents took me and my younger brother to stay the night at my paternal grandparents house because they were in the middle of divorcing they lived in a farmhouse that was connected to a barn with machinery gasoline tanks and hay on the ground floor and furnished rooms on the floor above that in the room we were supposed to stay in was in that barn as soon as we went into the guest room I was overwhelmed by panic and felt really dizzy I turned around and just said that we will not sleep in that room and we spent the night on the couch in the living room instead later that night a gas leak in the barn ignited and almost the entire barn including the guest rooms on its top floor exploded maybe I had that weird feeling because the gas had leaked into the room already but no one else felt anything and I'm sure I would be dead if I hadn't noticed it escaped the abduction of me and my friends thanks to my gut feeling I was at the mall with my friends all of us around twelve years old it was 8 p.m. and my mom was on her way to pick me up we were all chilling together until each of our parents got here to get us as we're standing outside of a store near one of the side entrances a man comes up to us he's about 30 ish wearing huge glasses and carrying a clipboard the man says hey guys do you want to watch some movie trailers and answer surveys about them I'll pay you each $5 per trailer naturally my friends are all for it the thing is my heart dropped as soon as I heard it as they're all saying yes the man nods and then points to the side entrance it's pitch black outside and that entrance leads to the back parking lot of the mall which is always deserted then he says we can do it over there my friends start to follow the man as he walks toward the glass doors and I'm trailing behind them then as we get close enough for me to kind of see what's outside I notice a van parked right outside the entrance the headlights are on the car is running the back door seems to be open every part of my being screams no don't go I stopped in my tracks and loudly say guys my mom is here to pick us all up I don't think we have time for it the man freezes and keeps his eyes trained on the doors and I can see is jaw clenching tightly my friends look at me with confusion and I try to give them the most terrified expression of warning that I can thankfully they get the message and say bye to the guy the man refused to turn to look at us and simply began to walk outside of the mall as we're walking away I turn and look behind me one last time the van and the man were gone I was maybe six years old and playing with a friend of mine at the playground an older man came and asked me if me and my friend would like to play at his private playground I remembered my mom telling me to not interact or go with strangers so I declined I was sure as a kid that he had a private playground and was actually kind of mad at myself for not saying yes years later I was 25 and walked home alone from a club being tipsy suddenly I remember this man from my childhood and it occurred to me what that really was I see in the corner of my eye two guys behind me one leaning on the wall the other one just nodding and walking out of my perspective got chills like crazy all of the sudden this dude locks me in his arms trying to touch me I said no he didn't stop no one was around so I said let's just walk because I was convinced that the other guy was just waiting as well we walked he held me super close to him I asked him for his jacket because I thought I could run if he Nestle's with his zipper he just grinned at me held me even tighter and didn't say a word so I felt that I was running out of time still no other pedestrian in sight so I relaxed my body on purpose while walking he sensed it stopped holding me so tight so I focused for 30 seconds and right at the moment when he looked back I punched him as hard as I could on the side of his jaw he fell to the ground and I ran I don't know if it saved my life but it at least likely saved me from being raped I was on a popular trail that goes along the river through several small towns I was on a fairly barren part of the trail about halfway between two towns tall grass higher than my head on one side River on the other I see a man running solo in front of me I am a bit faster so in time I pass him I noticed that he's suddenly keeping pace with me he's not falling behind as fast as he should instead he's flanking me just diagonal to me on the river side I get a feeling that with one good push he could have me in the tall grass and there are no witnesses to see what happened I give another 10 seconds before I start panicking yeah this doesn't feel right I whip out my phone and dial nine-one-one I don't push Send but cut the phone in my hand with the screen facing toward him I otherwise kept running at the same pace pushing myself to the next town I noticed within 30 seconds that I don't hear him as close anymore I give it another 30 seconds counting in my head then chance a look he's gone I full-on stop to turn around he's gone the trail is flat and straight in both directions as far as the eye can see where the [ __ ] did he go in the span of a minute either the grass or the river I can only guess that his reaction validates my feeling that he had bad intentions this is why I don't run with headphones when I'm running alone and why I don't trust anyone when I'm out on the trails I was probably about nine or ten when this happened we were driving to a park for the afternoon / evening and got this feeling that we shouldn't be on the road traffic had been backed up for a while but I could not shake the feeling I asked my dad to pull over at the upcoming rest stop he put up a big stink about it but pulled over and let me run to pee we loaded the car back up get back on the road traffic was still inching along by this point the feeling had mostly gone away we were on the road for like two minutes before a car going the opposite direction hit a car sent that car flipping over the median and took out the six cars that were around us when we pulled over had we not stopped we would have been in the middle of that accident it was terrifying my parents luckily were able to call for help and had first-aid training so they were able to help at the scene amazingly nobody suffered any major injuries beyond a few scrapes or bumps after that they never questioned the Lord's influence over the bladder I was maybe six or seven and my dad and I parked at the library to return a book he said he'd so would it be quick and we could get home so he left me in the car doors locked etc just about when he was out of view a guy came to the window and asked me to open the door I rolled down the window a little and he told me that the car lights were on and to let him and to show me how to turn them off I don't really know why I didn't I told him my dad would be back soon and he'd take care of it then and he kept insisting that I let him and to turn them off but I wasn't having it again don't know why I didn't even realize it was a weird situation until I told my dad like ten minutes later when we were leaving the parking lot and he swerved over to the side and asked if I could still see him I didn't and we left and he got me ice cream because I didn't let a weirdo into the car mm equals the day was a win as far as I know it I know it's not that dramatic and I might not have died maybe nothing would have happened but it still sticks with me just due to how my dad reacted [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 39,727
Rating: 4.9192247 out of 5
Keywords: AskReddit, NoSleep, r/NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit Confesssions, Reddit NoSleep, r/Confessions, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, TIFU, Best Of AskReddit, Reddit Aliens, CowBelly, Reddit, reddit stories, r/, ask reddit, reddit, Horror stories, best scary stories, askreddit, ask reddit top posts, top posts, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost
Id: Yahsd6AjCM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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