When did you realize your crush was NOT interested?

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guys what made you realize this girl is definitely not into me gave a girl at my work my number on a piece of paper and she handed it right back and said we talk at work all the time so let's keep doing that that sucks but i gotta give it to her she ripped off the band-aid fast no ambiguity in that rejection i agree as someone who sucks at social interaction i'd rather be told hey i'm not exactly interested rather than them pretending we set up a date she stood me up when i asked her she simply said she forgot been there except she did not even respond when i asked oh this has happened we went on a date and some time later i took a trip abroad and brought her back some stuff she asked for set up another date so i could get the things to her and she did not show i texted her earlier that day to check that we were still good to meet and she responded much later clearly not 10 am me are we good to meet at 1 pm 8 pm she clearly not lots of people asking what happened to this stuff and wondering if the messages did not go through and if i showed up i kept some of it gave some away to other friends if they were all right with it we were using a message app with delivery notifications so my message definitely got delivered i went to where we decided to meet and she was not there doesn't make sense that she sent a text before her 8 pm one because she'd have been there or tried to explain herself if she had a genuine reason i see what you guys are saying but it seems unlikely to me asked a girl if she wanted to grab lunch together sometime she said she was busy that day which was interesting as i never specified a day i went to a restaurant bar with four buddies some ladies send over a round of drinks to my four buddies i'm guessing they must have specifically told the waiter hey give every one of those strangers a drink except quasimodo in the corner there make sure he's painfully aware that he does not get a drink it's funnier because the waiter reinforced the ugliness ah the ugly one in the group you remind me of someone oh wait that's me i was with two guy friends at our mall one time years ago in junior high a small group of girls started following us so we stopped and waited to see what they would do eventually one comes over and says that her and her friends think we're cute and can they have our numbers i remember feeling pretty badass just then i didn't realize yet that i was not included lol so one buddy says that he has a girlfriend and he did girl looks at buddy number two and he gives her his number she says okay thanks and leaves did not even look at me ego did a 180 that day i was a senior in high school and went to a party one night where there was like 11 of us 5 girls and 6 dudes one of the girls there was very boy crazy and really into a good friend of mine she kept begging him to go into one of the bedrooms to mess around but he kept turning her down finally i guess she had enough of him telling her no she proceeds to go around the room and basically begs each guy to go solo with her none of the guys would give her the time of day and told her no she finally gets to me looks at me for a brief second says ain't happening and storms off i don't know if that was some weird way of her thinking she was saving face by not actually getting turned down by every guy in the room or if i was somehow already below her low standards but i do remember that i let it affect me for a long time i mean at this point in my life i still never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl and even though i would have told her no as well it was still a huge blow to my self-esteem to be the only guy not asked but life is good and although it took some years after high school i eventually had a very successful dating life and currently have an amazing and gorgeous girlfriend so i just kind of looked back at it and laughed went to her apartment then i helped her with tinder i went to a chick's apartment once and she had another girlfriend of hers over and they spent a good amount of time raiding dudes on bumble and proceeded to get about 50 matches in the one hour and a half i was there i was like uh what am i doing here then got drunk and left via uber back in college i took a girl on a lunch date we had a really nice time when it was getting time to leave i told her i had to get to work she said where do you work i said mcdonald's and i literally could see her attitude shift in one second oh cool so as i'm driving her home i said so can we hang out again she replies yeah totally so the next day i text and ask if she wants to hang she never responded her mistake she could be getting big macs and chicken nuggets all the time unless the girl directly says to me i am into you or some variation of it i will assume by default that they are not into me uninterested until proven interested my roommate encouraged me to ask this girl out she said she really liked me so i asked her out and set a dinner date i pick her up at dinner she barely responds to me i ask questions about her major her family etc and all i get back are short answers and no follow-up i'm frustrated and she's unhappy and i guess we both look miserable when the waitress tells us that we need to perk up and be happy she then asks how long we've been dating her face falls when i tell her this is the first date she goes oh and walks away and doesn't really talk to us again after dinner we were supposed to go to a friend's house who was having a party but i look at her in the car and say look obviously neither one of us had a good time instead of going to the party why don't i take you back to your dorm she said yeah and that was it i went back to my roommate furious and asked him why he thought she had a crush on me he said he thought she would once she got to know me yeah well she didn't to answer a few questions number one why did she even go on the date i have no idea number two motives of my roommate i had a pretty bad breakup a few years before and i believe he was trying to help me out when i came home and confronted him on it he said what i posted above making me realize he hadn't even talked to her number three this unfortunately did happen i can laugh at it now but i was furious back then this happened around 1991 or 1992. the waitress really did put her foot in her mouth but it was good to me to hear that yes yes this is a horrible date and it's obvious to other people too time to cut your losses and go home call it a hunch but i think she was into your roommate the law of 80s and 90s sitcoms says this is true she really only talked to me when she needed something asked her to senior prom she said yes but when we got there she ditched me to hang out with another guy she liked wasn't too bad though cause i danced with another girl who i got along better with man i always feel so bad for people like this my senior prom i had my friend who liked my former best friend he never explicitly said and they went to prom together literally an hour into prom and she's making out with the dude in the ballroom while they're slow dancing my friend went outside and just danced the whole night away to the band outside we joined him because it was so much more fun and less hectic outside i thought my former best friend had done such a huge jerk move the guy she was with she had liked since our sophomore year of high school it was just so messed up oh snap so last fall i went to class and ran into this really cute girl and i thought hey i'm gonna try to talk to her more and over the next two weeks i found zero openings until we were told to get into groups for a project small class but i wasn't in her group so i asked her if it was cool if i joined her group because they seemed more serious than my other group bunch of losers she said yes so it was me her best friend and another girl i talked to for a bit we agreed to meet up on friday at the library we talked a bit more before then and became friends she's really touchy so she'd grab my arm lean on me etc i thought she was into me i show up early and she was there alone so we began to talk and she's so much like me has a weird sense of humor very smart and super friendly she even liked dragon ball that's the dream also her favorite spider-man movies were the originals and not the holland ones then the other two girls arrive and i see her phone and her lock screens of her best friend the other girl comments oh your best friends your lock screen and she says nope my girlfriend's my lock screen so that really made me realize she totally was not interested in me at all funny thing is we all are still really good friends we've tried to take classes together and she's helped me out when i had trouble i accidentally ruined her surprise birthday party we hung out while we could she'd buy us lunch invite us to her place and we really have a great time together those three girls are the best friends i've made in university it's kind of sad but before i went like six months without anyone in college saying my name or even talking to me they weren't mean they were just not my friends but i met these girls and i have a friend network i have a constant study group and she's even helping me lose weight because i couldn't do it on my own she wasn't into me but i honestly couldn't care less i'm way happier now than i was before i met her when she used to give everyone hugs but only ever offered me a high five stopped texting first and realized that she never texted me for three days it was totally one-sided i told them i had feelings for them they responded with i'm dying at a bar with some friends my boy john starts trying to chat up this girl and her friends i approach and try to wingman this girl makes hard eye contact and says well it was great meeting you guys i of course say likewise and drag off jon to go explain to his dumbass how to recognize when girls are politely telling you to f off we spent the day together slept together she told me she loved me then slept with her co-worker at her christmas party that evening you go in for a hug and she gives you the side hug a classmate figured out another classmate and i were sleeping together because i give every woman the one armed side hug and i gave her a bear hug and picked her up she thought we would start making out right there so our secret was out anyway she ended up being the worst person i ever met when she asked me if i knew if my friend was interested in anybody i was only just starting to maybe have a crush on her so it didn't hurt but like definitely wasn't pleasant yeah i had something like that happen to me a girl messaged me and was like so i have a question and i was like what's up and she said okay i hope this isn't weird but it's just been on my mind and then after a little bit she texts is larry single he wasn't she gave me a thin paper wristband she has made which said the wristband of friendship i've heard them all i like you as a friend i think we should see other people i know speak english i'm married to the sea i don't want to kill you but i will i don't remember how we ended up talking but i ended up asking her out to dinner and she said yes we went ordered our food and ate the entire time she was on her phone so i just paid my bill and left 10 or 15 minutes after i left she started blowing up my phone not to ask where i was but to demand why i did not pay for her food i just responded by blocking her some people [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 11,583
Rating: 4.8669438 out of 5
Keywords: ask planet, When did you realize your crush was NOT interested?, ask planet when you realize your crush is not interested, not interested, hes not that into you, relationships, relationship stories, how to get the girl, what to avoid when dating, radio tts, updoot, toad films, girl psychology, relationship goals, relationship advice, how to pick up girls, highschool crush
Id: R2Qj5n6MS4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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