What "all too common" trait do you find extremely unattractive?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar etic by planet reddit what all-too-common trade do you find extremely unattractive in the opposite or same-sex feeling the need to post on social media constantly and pretending that they don't care about it but obviously care a lot I've been turned down for dates because I don't have any real social media accounts no FB Instagram snapchat et Cie it was baffling some people use social media as a background check so I wouldn't take him personally exactly I had a friend asked what he could do to help with dating after a five-year relationship I told him to post on social media so people can have a sense of who he is it makes people feel safer you can't catch every person you shouldn't go around but you can't avoid those incapable of faking not having red flags shit-talking others to make themselves look better can the opposite be true to people who [ __ ] talk themselves constantly definitely not to be confused with people who genuinely have low self confidence though a person can both have low self confidence and openly [ __ ] talk themselves and it can be unattractive unfortunately littering you'll be surprised how many people don't give up and throw [ __ ] out their car window it's disgusting edit I'm glad so many people feel strongly about littering too if you don't put trash in your pocket until you find a bin you're the worst I carry it uncomfortably as I don't want my pocket dirty when I was in basic I went to grab food with a roommate on our way back he threw some garbage out the windows so I told him that if he does that again I'll Drive back and make him pick it up or he can walk the rest of the way back needless to say I was considered to be that guy when it came to littering crazy how littering is so normal for some people that when you confront them about it you're considered to be a weirdo I don't like when they're guilt-trip me oh yeah why you would say that my cousin lives in Afric and you want to complain about dinner Wow okay Satan my ex almost joined the army a few years before we met but didn't because he said that training sounded like super hard and you went and watched a war movie with your housemates you're so arcing and sensitive Brandon shouting at their partners in public you would hate my parents lol I feel the same way Oh HH well I've been guilty of doing the same and it's one of those things that make me feel like shite about myself every time I remember it it's okay to make mistakes so long as you learn from them remembering embarrassing things is painful that it's part of learning the lesson anyone who takes any advice disagreement constructive criticism as a personal attack alternatively people who try to justify personal attacks as constructive criticism I'm just being honest I'm sorry you take everything so personally I'm apologizing I'm sorry you can't take a joke people who do things for Klout and don't actually care for being genuine until they need something from you person gives homeless man X amount of money and he cries Thai pop videos don't show me that [ __ ] give the man the money feel good about yourself and ah cough don't give it to him and expect me to praise you you attention seeker it absolutely is a good deed but it's never done to solely help the guy it's done for Internet praise rice go making it rain on a homeless person classic generosity acting stupid for attention or self deprecation for attention like buddy well there goes 99% of Reddit self-deprecation is like humor writing it's possible to pull it off in a way that's genuinely funny but very difficult to do most attempts at both fall flat and just become cringy pushing you to do something you don't want to because everyone does it and it's fun seriously what the yuck is up with dancing I don't get it you get to rub your dome on a chick spot why being oblivious to different economic circumstances good on you for having the patience and understanding to explain and good on him for actually listening and trying to understand some good people all up in here yes all poking fun at it I hated dating world poor playing hard to get if you like me just Hawking tell me stop beating around the bush all when you ask them out they say no and a couple of months later they tell you they interested in you but they just wanted you to insist more once someone tells me now I'm done I'm not gonna start harassing you I never understood that when I ask someone out and they say no then I expect that to be the answer I'm not going to be one of those guys who go around harassing women when they don't say yes to a date you know something that almost all the women I now hate it's quite simply a form of narcissism people who do this like the feeling of being sought after and go to these lengths to get people to chase them over sheering on the Internet when I was seven I pooped in a cereal box and put it back in the pantry Mikey likes it okay but I love it because how embarrassing people can be this woman keeps breaking up with her boyfriend and found out she was pregnant when they were broken up and gets mad at people who are all for their on-again off-again relationship even my bf loves the updates she so freely gives up I only know all this because she posts it narcissistic that goes to both genders overconfidence is really nasty because it usually means that they think everyone including you is beneath them and treat you accordingly I have enough enemies and try to put me down to lift themselves up in my life to not date one of them edit seeing as many people didn't like the word enemies I'm here to explain my enemies i mentor s in general definitely a fine line between good self-confidence in destructive overconfidence everyone says they want their partner to be super career ambitious screw that I say put in your 40 hours of gel I want someone who knows how to relax my partner told me I'm the first partner who won't let him work himself to death I don't understand that attitude don't you like spending time together now I'm wondering if I should tell my partner to work less I just support whatever he's doing and enjoy him when I see him woman shrugging men bragging about being violent bar fights ain't sexy honey these people are battling doesn't make other guys like them either if you're in a fight every time you go out I'm pretty sure you were and I don't want to be wherever they are I agree as a guy I actively avoid guys like that exactly like you really think we want to date someone with a temper like that what if we make you mad one day you gonna hit us to think guys think chewing with your mouth open up dude it drives me crazy or just in general making that awful smacking sound when you eat I would rather die alone than have to listen to that at every meal the inability to admit they are on or when they apologize and then justify their actions it depends on the way they justify their actions after apologizing though it could just be an explanation on why they acted or thought the way they did to give some insight on their thought process so you don't band him they're just genuinely stupid there's a fine line between explanation and excuse I've never understood why people hate others explaining their mistakes explaining the thought process helps identify the step that led for the mistake and helps with getting it right the next time what's so bad with that edit since I got many similar comments I will try to reply in more detail about my comment I put mistakes in two categories emotional versus non emotional emotional mistakes are ones that hurt others feelings in most cases where one person is clearly in the wrong you should not explain these mistakes because explaining is missing the whole point causing more hurt feelings if you forget your so birthday you should not be explaining why however with non emotional mistakes for example work study parent in children not listening to explanation or even justification can be harmful and counterproductive for example if the child lies to their parents it's crucial for the child to explain justify their Lineman to hear em say I was wrong another example if a co-worker admits their work mistake no longer shifting blame it's important to learn their explanation justification to find the full step in their logic hard to get turns to hard to want real fast as a woman I've had a lot of people tell me I'm too easy countless men and women say I come on too strong aka respond to texts in a decent time have sex quickly if I'm feeling it et Cie the irony is I just weed out the people who are playing games really quickly because I don't play games if they want a chase they can go find a girl who wants to be chaste I don't have time to waste manipulating my way into an unhealthy relationship I've had the same happen as a guy people always make comments on how I ask women out tell them I like them way too quickly but thing is I used to be the guy that waited so long that we become friends and it gets weird or they find someone else while I'm arcing around now I make my intentions very clear very early on either you're into it or you're not had way more success this way same story here used to always be shy and afraid of rejection so I'd wait for it to be the right time to anybody else doing this here's a pro tip it's never the right time just up and do it you'll feel better in the long run now the moment I acknowledge that I have any sort of feelings I let it sit for maybe a week or two max to make sure it's real feelings and then make a move which is usually along the lines of hey want to have dinner sometime or for more distant relationships I hope this doesn't come off as creepy but I kinda have a thing for you you either get turned down right away and move on or you get the green flag and go from there my approach will usually turn off women who want a more aggressive or manly partner and will succeed with those who find a cute and enjoy a guy that can be that way effectively weeding out the people who aren't my type but so it works out pretty well mess innocent having poor hygiene I was recently told by a friend that his mom thinks of me as a clean person this isn't uncommon either people always tell me how I don't stink like all the other guys my secret I just shower daily not to sound superior because believe me I'm not but it's so easy to be clean and people do notice edit if you have a financial skin or mental health issue three things that I never thought I'd end up grouping together then of course that should be taken into consideration shower everyday really isn't something people should have to be told like it's pretty much the bare acceptable minimum and like you said it's so easy I don't know why some people just don't a little effort for hygiene goes a long way edit I don't mean people who grew up poor or in abusive homes or who have a skin condition or depression I'm talking about the average Joe who thinks it's okay to clean themselves once a week because they have the mentality of I can't smell myself so I guess it's fine and there's plenty of them out there depression or being raised by equally grimy parents I've seen both in sweaty action when they think that their tastes and music makes them a superior person instead of just having different tastes applies to both genders edit phrasing brothers not just music but clothes favor TV shows or youtubers people being obsessed with their social media presence for me it's the girls who constantly say I'm ugly and then you tell them they aren't and then they go no I am really ugly and it just goes back and forth I can't stand it : no you're not ugly people just avoid you because you smell bad did you hear that Patrick we're not ugly we just stink I'm so poor dude you live in a 3,200 square featuring house and you go on vacation twice a year it's yet that I don't have a yacht I'm poor and I hate being poor just general toxic jealous behavior no I do not want to sleep with the barista because they asked my name for my order yes I was told to treat as I wanted to be treated as a child so I will be polite and smile to others from time to time this does not mean I want to shag every human being I interact with I had an ex exactly like this I was once in the hospital getting stitches and they accused me and the doctor flirting with each other I'm sorry but someone was doing any a favor and I didn't want to sit there in silence sorta the same female nurse only asked if I wanted to shower that day I actually wanted to run sir yes she was present but just sat there staring menacingly nurse tells her she can be the one that showered me look changed completely kind of an awkward exchange though that's just so weird to me nurses are there to do their job and take care of patients not steal your man I hope you're in a better place now fake towns like the ones where they look orange I've seen both men and women walking around like they are hot [ __ ] looking like an oompa loompa for people be walking around looking like abraham lincoln on the penny and it looks so bad fake tans are extremely popular in the south I find it so unattractive and don't understand the desire to have legs the color of roasted baby carrots being rude to waitstaff lack of compassion they only seem to care about themselves desperately trying to be unique unlike everybody else I don't try to be unique it ain't easy side join our community discord link in description inflated egos entitlement in capability of being humble and make fun of yourself I'm just too crazy not like other girls the Alpha mentality when someone even uses alpha or beta and ironically I automatically banned whom they are insecure AF and are opposed it's a red flag for basic human interaction the whole let me push all your buttons you're wrong I'm right I do it because I think it's funny to rile you up stick then repeat it immediately and when you ask them to stop it's all guess I just won't have fun or joke around anymore and then avoid talking to you at all guys that find general housework to be demeaning and beneath them so they expect women to do it for them while they sit there doing absolutely nothing how can someone be comfortable watching someone do absolutely everything for them this is typical but I've actually heard a guy try to explain that this behavior is fair because if there was ever a home invasion he'd be the one that would have to take the bullet and fight the guy off I mean a hypothetical situation that will probably never happen is the reason you can act like a pathetic douche every day of your life WTF I was just about to say this I also get super annoyed when they say things like we split chores when that normally means she cooks cleans does dishes et Cie everyday chores and he mows the lawn and takes out the trash once a week max chores like that's not equal at all unless one person works vastly longer hours you should be spending roughly the same amount of time doing chores each day week refusing to do anything they think is considered more feminine cause they think it's gay not washing your face doesn't make you straight it just makes you crusty I may have some bars since I do lean towards more feminine guys but there's certain limits talking loudly not quite screaming but damn close loudness in general people who have the TV volume blasting very loudly people who like to make phone calls with the loud TV in the background people who talk loudly while someone else is on the phone I just think loudness is a very unattractive quality also and I know some people don't have control over this but speed people who are all over the place and don't spend more than two seconds on one thought as someone with ADHD who works in customer service it becomes very very frustrating to help someone who doesn't stay in one place very unattractive quality edit I feel like I should say something about people with hearing loss though that's different at least to me it is I'm talking about loud abrasive and rude people people who don't seem to understand the social contract people who have zero social skills and don't know how to talk to other people especially those of the service industry without screaming and all yelling over others people who think that they have something very important to say and have to talk over everyone else to say it I've dealt with whole hearing loss people and I have no problem adjusting my voice to accommodate them some things can't be helped and I get that edit to people I'm not personally attacking anyone if you can't help it if that's just how you are or if you have some sort of affliction I get it not everyone is the same and I struggle finding the words to convey that it's a very specific type of loud person that I find unattractive live-and-let-live a lot of these people come from large families where being loud is a survival strategy so it becomes their normal and is a difficult habit to break this is no NSE NSE I come from a large family but I'm not a loud person shut the yuck up I am trying to watch TV when they can't take no for an answer this is a pretty broad statement but a lot of guys have trouble taking now it can go from slightly annoying to really scary in a heartbeat edit by broad statement I mean that it goes for both genders however because I am a girl I only ever encounter guys always on their phone this [ __ ] annoys me so much I want to talk to someone while looking at them when they are constantly on their fonox makes me feel like I am talking to myself and it's awkward a Zack habitual weed use I encourage the decriminalization of marijuana but holy [ __ ] guys high isn't supposed to be a personality tre damn this connected with me I have a date tomorrow with a nice young lady and I told myself that I wouldn't smoke at all tomorrow so I could have a legitimate genuine moment with another person I also want to remember every detail cause I'm crushing on her heart you'll flip fears it's super popular right now but it just grosses me the ark out same I'm not interested in someone who looks like they've recently been making out with a shop-vac toxic positivity I need to be able to feel bad for a moment when I am dealing with something crappy it helps me get through it I dislike people pleasers to be kind but don't be a doormat squeaky little girl voices especially if it's on purpose gotten the ones that do the cranky baby voices see if it's an affectation I'm not a huge fan but if a voice goes up a bit when she's excited or I tell her she looks good or something I find that pretty cute in a woman edit a word acting like being a B CH or being edgy is cool then people say now they are so empowering they're a boss they're savage their confidence no Becky they're rude and arrogant being needy and acting like you're the only human in their life like please give me a rockin break I didn't adopt a 37 year old child 444 months thanks making fun of my appearance even as a joke it's a giant red flag and I won't date anyone who teases me about it spitting just grosses me out wait do people really spit habitually around potential romantic partners like I grew up on a farm spent most of my formative years doing manual labor and I'm generally uncultured swine and therefore have been known to hoe ecology when I'm working or whatever but if a girl saw me spit I'd honestly be pretty mortified acting thirsty or making section un des early on nothing drives me up nor just reminds me of that old college humor sketch I'm gonna make it so dry for you my mouth is gonna be like sandpaper it's gonna feel like getting a mouthful of sand smell and poor hygiene no one smells just because they are a dude they smell because they don't clean themselves excessive body spray is not an alternative lack of emotional intelligence or ability to be able to take a step back from a situation to see things that all sides but instead take everything personally and only here part of what someone said then shut people out preventing anyone from discussing a solution resolution to a problem as a team instead of sitting down and have a discussion over a problem they disappear for weeks then make relationship decisions all on their own come back then tell you how they're changing the relationship dynamic without your input without talking to you about it so blocking out communication before making important decisions over talking not having a give-and-take in the conversation thinking that acting antisocial and toxic is empowering or something using your partner as your therapist man I don't know why I attract the broken guys but every date I've been on where it went past the first date they'd start telling me all about their disturbing thoughts and I'd be supportive but I'd internally be screaming because this was supposed to be a fun time and I didn't emotionally prepare for this , they're animals I killed them and not just a man but the women and the children too I hate sound men or women I've seen both that are entitled and lack empathy biggest turnoff ever thinking they're quirky for doing white girl crackhead energy things dabs in Walmart IMS such a CR accurate acting the martyr more of a general tree but extroverts that think there is something wrong with you for being or introvert chill people I am not oppressed I just don't like going to the bar every ucking night I find more enjoyment staying home playing video games or reading a book going out what people is exhausting nothing wrong with me I just don't need people around me all the time to be happy thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, What all too common, trait, do, you, find, extremely, unattractive?, common traits, unattractive, relationships, planet reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid
Id: vdcfyoyaa-c
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Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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