What is an open secret in your profession that people don't know about?

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what is an open secret in your profession that we regular folk don't know or generally aren't allowed to be told about as a freelance ghostwriter most of my clients are Russian or Middle East and men who publish 5 to 10 ghost written romance or erotica books a week under female pen names they spent 10k a month and double or triple that by flooding the market at one point one client told me he had six of the top ten Regency romance spots on the pay bestseller list I'm in it we don't always know why the fix worked and we don't care the sheer magnitude of criminal cases that detectives have that will pretty much never even get looked at much less investigated due to a massive lack of staffing dummy thermostats are pretty common it basically works like a placebo where people feel more comfortable when they think they have control over the room temperature it results in way fewer complaints I worked as a retailer manger in the past a customer's attitude and approach is about 99% of the reason someone would help them solve the problem sale ended yesterday your return is past the date you want a better price on a clearance item be a normal kind person and you'll usually get your way if you start off being crappy or demanding they're sorry I can't help you it's store policy your dog or cat is much more comfortable when you are there with them during euthanasia it's really hard when people say it's too hard for me to be here with him and leave the room for it it is one of the hardest things ever but they need you there with them they look around for you sometimes that being said if we do the euthanasia without you we always have one staff member whose only job during the procedure is to cuddle and comfort your pet and tell them how much their own loves them and what a good boy they are we don't actually know how general anesthesia works at the molecular level there are theories but nothing concrete if you see 12 different sellers for an item on Amazon in all likelihood the total number of sellers is probably three to four all whom have multiple names selling the same item at different prices I'm a furniture upholsterer and the amount of times other professionals just recover the old fabric and filling drives me mental if you're paying for a ofall story ask for progress photos nobody needs all that nasty old fabric hidden underneath and it's not fair to the client as they don't necessarily know any better nor should they have to most hospitals are actually crazy trusting about who they released dead bodies to when people die oftentimes I show up with just a gurney and someone's name scribbled on a post-it note and they just let me walk out with somebody's grandma without asking my name or getting ID or anything the amount of salt and fat in your food especially at high quality restaurants we kept a large hotel pans full of clarified butter behind the line itd be empty by the end of the night we know all the websites you are visiting and all the rounds of ministry / you are playing while you are at your desk but as long as you aren't doing anything illegal we don't care all hotels have had bedbugs at one point or another high-end and low-end hotels what separates the good hotels from the bad ones are how they handled bedbugs once they are discovered but if you ask the front desk if they have ever had bedbugs they will typically lie and say no since most people don't understand how bed bug infestations happen classical musician lots of us at your local symphony are drugged up on beta-blockers when we perform teach to hear I learned early on in the game that there are a lot of supplies we don't have to pay for if we just know where to look and how to ask nicely want to have a lesson about plants go to a grocery store slash florist a few days ahead and ask if they can set a site there dying flowers for your class need cardboard ask a store for their old boxes I've even heard of my colleagues just going to stores and asking for donations and explaining why and getting new stuff for free it's amazing how much people are willing to go out of their way to help educate kids most people who work in its support really aren't more tech-savvy than the average user they just know how to Google I used to work in day care I have worked at several I'm American the law in Washington state was fourteen toddlers to two staff and most acres try to run at the maximum amount which provides a terribly stressful environment for children even if you enroll your kid in a daycare with less children to teach a ratio the de coeur is usually trying to raise it and a couple less kids being there is temporary state regulations can be there's are and cause even less ratio of care for example every child must have their diaper changed every two hours or more all day and be documented multiply that by fourteen kids so changing all fourteen diet the slash potty training some every two hours four eight ten hour days the to staff rule is really just one person watching the kids for most of the day while the other person is changing diapers a good environment being provided is almost impossible when one person is watching fourteen toddlers the state taxes takers for breaking any small rule so they struggle to make money and pay people fairly hire more staff if you buy an antique or a vintage piece it most likely went through roughly five hands each one at least doubling the price vet worker here probably doesn't count as a secret but we absolutely do pet your cats and dogs a lot when you bring them in the majority of regular broadcast radio shows have pre-recorded if a DJ is broadcasting live usually the morning shows they still have no control over what music plays it's all pre-programmed there will usually record phone requests and replay them during the voice break before the requested song is scheduled to play anyway to make it seem like they are playing / taking requests when the studio is empty all phone lines are set to busy so no one calls and realizes there's no one there to answer at the air lives we generally have no idea where your bag is at any given time it follows a chain of events to get at the right place if it ends up missing no one is looking for your bag your file gets loaded in a computer and when your bag is eventually scanned somewhere a person is notified to grab it before it moves on to somewhere else this also means if you jump to an earlier flight there is a strong chance that your bag is going to fire on the original flight the time is usually too little to go find it retag it and get it to a new flight if you jump to another airline and we have already retag dead / handing it off to a different airline it is done we are not going to be able to retrieve it it is flying on that flight just because your bag tag shows CLT on it does not mean it was accidentally sent there we often send bags through multiple cities as it will reunite you and your bag now is faster than the next direct flight sometimes we even send it on other airlines that you never even flew on we may even send it the other way around the globe X lakhs to the XV Dube you may have flown through London on British Airways but the fastest way for me to send your bag maybe through Cyril South Korea on Delta and Korean air we try our best but it's a question of volume staffing time and technology when temperamental artists ask us to adjust the sound and we pretend to twiddle knobs insurance repair your credit score matters more than people realized it can affect your auto insurance premium by as much as $100 a month and if you are a renter I can pretty much Ballpark your credit score by running a renter's insurance quote for you the higher the monthly premium for your enters insurance the crappier your credit score it is not difficult to get super realistic details in CGI I see people look at stuff like the stitching on shirts and how there's some fuzz on a peach or something like that in animated films it looks impressive but those details are super easy to make just slap on a normal map and a particle system of course some details like cobwebs are more complicated but over all the tiny little things are just a texture or particle system the actual hard stuff goes pletely unrecognised if it's done well complement the character eking every now and then it's much more difficult for some recent medical device prices are inflated beyond the stratosphere against what it costs to make them I understand there are more regulating organizations that are applicable for medical devices and not other products automotive electrical petrochemical but what the Frick an item that costs us seven hundred US dollars to make is sold to our dealers in 3k then they sell those to hospitals in 7k then the hospital sells and the client / patients in 10k nurse manager here we nurses aren't Saints generally most of us are caring hard-working people but we have the same people problems as the general population opioid addiction affairs with married men DUIs time code fraud the list goes on military-grade literally translates into the lowest bidder a lot of military personnel especially the Marines use stuff from the Vietnam War hand-me-downs from the army etc the government spends as little as possible on outfitting its troops in 99% of cases that most of those three people have booked this hotel today or four people are looking at this product at right now pop ups on travel agency website and to commerce sites our lives totally static and made up that reinforced glass and that security camera may not actually be unbreakable or being monitored or recorded respectively if you can see the monitor showing the camera feed it doesn't actually mean it's being recorded so these things can just be there to make people guess whether it actually works or not go ahead roll that dice people typically just go somewhere where there isn't a camera or glass instead ex-model if you're looking at Brandis and she plinth jury online especially those from country I've worked in there's a good 60 percent chance that the models aren't 18 there is no cloud it's just someone else's computer bartender here we hate everybody nursing homes have no freaking clue how to order medication for their residents work in telecommunications 5g does not cause Corrin a virus wash your fruits and vegetables if a box breaks open and produce falls out we're a box it and ship it if your ass at a cheap budget place in a poorer part of town or understaffed there's absolutely a chance people don't wash their hands before cooking or don't wear gloves I've seen plenty of buns hit the dirty ass floor and still be used gallows humor is how many in 911 call centers and emergency services handles some of the crap we deal with real estate agents do not believe their job is to get you the best price to agents there is an unwritten understanding that you have a realistic expectation when buying a property they can consult you guide you and employ some basic negotiating tactics but they aren't interested in wheeling and dealing at the chance of a paycheck even if they make you believe they are hustling hard to find you a dime and deal if you start to become unrealistic many agents will just start to frame everything as a great deal and once in a lifetime to get you to buy to avoid having wasted their time I can fix most people's computer issues by doing three things one run a free scan from Malwarebytes to open up and config Point Master of Science from typing it in the Start menu then going over to all the services and startup items and turning off so much crap that is either a virus says unknown or a blank for the manufacturer name or unnecessary you can google if you don't know plus click the box that says hide Microsoft to dumb it down a bit 3 make them a new user account that doesn't have admin rights they'll need to put in our admin name and password when they really want to install things no need to always be logged in as an admin clickbait will kill your PC then doing a few reboots I teach this to family I work at a fabrication shop and a number of times something isn't a spec and still gets send out is unbelievable this isn't a secret but everything is photoshopped I'm constantly pointing out to people a bad Photoshop job in an ad and people will say what are you talking about looks real to me trust me everything is photoshopped put through a filter shrunken stretched brightened just to make you want to buy it my friend is a doctor he said that hospitals always over charges the patient one solution to this is to ask for an itemized invoice and more often than not there will be a significant reduction in the invoice I tried it once and it worked edit spelling / typo teachers do have favourites do some research before buying paint most companies do something called cross pouring where one of their more expensive paints is the exact same paint as one of their cheapest one company let's call them Durbin chileans sells two products super paints and a 100 they are the exact same paint the cost difference is about $20 / gallon there's a little Asian nineteen-year-old in that murky outfit construction purse bottles everywhere teachers have favorites and talk crap about the students they don't like all the time I was a teacher for 10 plus years and ate lunch in the teachers lounge like 4 times because I just couldn't stand it I'm talking about kids as young as kindergarten same thing with parents teachers talk crap about them but a parent is a common name given to parents who dare to contact teachers about their kids though parents who call and among better grades for their kids fully entitled and truly [ __ ] usually if the customer is actually wiped someone frig up depending on the state security guards can't actually detain you if they suspect you of a crime 90% of the time your computer trouble is entirely your own fault former profession Catholic school principal open secret private schools lower their costs and increase their test scores by spelling students with special needs low grades anyone with a disability costs extra because you have to spend more on support services and private schools like to brag about being academically better than public ones instead of helping vulnerable kids many such schools abandon them for better optics and more money current profession tablet top RPG designer open secret the pay scrap you cannot make a living this way unless you are extremely lucky I have a day job and very understanding wife what's worse is how some game companies purposefully target folks wanting to break into game design by offering them work at super low rates $0.03 word is common but still low but I've seen a Shaps offering 0.05 dollar word yes half a cent or the scan where there's no pay because you'll receive exposure going to the hospital by ambulance doesn't mean you'll see a doctor any quicker the recycling market is way down in the US because China had stopped accepting most of our recyclables so a lot of what you think you're recycling is just ending up in the landfill anyway advertisers can show you ads that are related to what your wife / husband / girlfriend etc has been looking at online if you have acknowledged your relationship I point a marital status on FAFSA book and are often in the same location advertisers assume you're talking about getting a bike or planning a trip PTC and will serve you ads even if you haven't been the person looking the map edit I should clarify it's not down to the specific advertiser or brand ad know all this information about you and it's not associated with you as an individual ie they don't know your name but rather it's the program that collects data and sells ad space based on that data that just because something is patent it doesn't make it any good stupid crap is patented everyday your doctor has literally no idea how to perform any lab tests that you need TV shows make it look like the doc just runs down to the empty lab and has results in a moment but it takes qualified lab technologists to get the tests done also nine times out of ten if your doctor or nurse says they need to collect a sample a second time because of something the lab did it's to cover up that day the nurse / doc messed up something in the collection process if you take an actual IQ test your results will rarely if ever be provided to you the only information you will likely receive is whether you are in an average range or not whatever the number is even when very high the only typically meaningful results are when an individual scores below 70 IQ or two standard deviations below the mean which is the cute off for a diagnosis of an intellectual disability also psychologists are unable to take IQ tests once they are trained to administer them this might seem obvious but most don't realize this is the case the results would be totally invalid I'm not a therapist myself but when I was job shadowing at a clinic the therapists who were on lunch break would gossip about their patients and joke about how screwed up they are I'm certain that not all therapists do this but I wouldn't be surprised if this is a common thing your kid did not start talking at four months old a first word only counts as such if it is an approximation of a word in the language and used as such a child saying mama while reaching for her mother counts a child saying deuce while reaching for juice counts a child saying daunting while babbling does not count they have to be intentionally communicating an idea addictions counselor here a lot of police drink too much a lot of chilled could providers use opiates my family owns a peach garden peaches are really delicate fruits they're soft and watery perfect for any insect of a eggs so you need to take good care of him but sometimes the weather doesn't care about that and stuff might happen so now all your peaches have bugs what do you do you can't sell spoiled peaches but you need money sell them to juice companies for five cents a kilo enjoy your war peach juice this isn't only for peaches bTW any sort of juices like that grocery stores make very little money from the middle of the store most of the profit comes from the produce department yes we know you're pooling money to get the one person at drinking age to buy you a case of drink no we will not honor the transaction since the cops will be all over our asses and in the store I work in yes the police do check if we are being vigilant one screw-up and we have to say bye-bye to a liquor license the sonar only gets cleaned out once a week twice of your lucky also the pools are never emptied for cleaning they have filters for that essentially a gigantic fish tank for humans the chlorine sterilized any fecal mater or any form of bile that comes out of the human body all we do is scoop the chunks and send you all back in not my profession but as someone who is interested in it runway models are all very underweight in other news water is wet usually BMI is in the 1516 s and they are often till they are too fat getting towards the upper 16 s but they don't say weight stuff usually for plausible deniability reasons there will use measurements and inches certain other kinds of models are more like 16 17 's high-fashion / runway models are the skinniest if you don't know a BMI of 18.5 25 is the healthy range in terms of categorizations of anorexia according to the DSM above 17 is miles 16s is moderate 15s is severe anorexia and under 15 is extreme although the most common shock photos of anorexics are like mists of 12 or 13 most anorexics don't even get that thin it's a problem and adds too many people with anorexia not feeling sick enough because they are not so thin their organs are shutting down and they look like an actual skeleton that level is rare many people at higher weights are still very sick of course there is more to eating disorders than just a low weight but I'm certain that a very large amount of models are anorexic and do everything they can to hide that those rules some places have put out about models having to be a healthy weight or over a BMI of like 18 are an absolute joke because clearly none are remotely near that high we are so used to this that we often don't realize it's unhealthily underweight even most actresses on TV ECC are a little underweight or ranging close to it though not nearly as much as one way slash professional models the standard in Hollywood nowadays is probably doing massive amounts of exercise and hovering right around the borderline between underweight and healthy 18s BMI so that they look underweight despite being maybe not because of being fairly muscular and usually getting some minor plastic surgeries slip o / fillers although a good amount of actresses are just plain underweight it just depends on if they try to focus on being healthy or don't really care probably in the 1990s when it was the most about being just skinny but more recently there's the added pressure of maintaining both the healthy weight and standards that most people would have to be underweight to match the underweight root is actually probably easier than staying at a healthy weight yet maintaining the standards they feel pressure to fun facts just because someone is still attractive doesn't mean they're ant and healthily underweight not talking about Instagram models and the like hair at all though mayo or certain models who have gotten into it through family connections because those aren't real models TL DR the standard in both modeling and Hollywood is a look that is quite underweight that is the ideal in Western society looking underweight whether we want to acknowledge it or not there are massive insane amounts of pressure around this in these industries people often are in denial about how bad it really is in development aid projects by the big players the need for the project and the design to bring about desired change is often just crafted in drawing rooms based on a some rarely do people actually visit the sites before a project starts to ask the community what they truly need once the funding comes in the communities are told that you need this and you'll benefit out of it but tbh the people who benefit the most are the development aid employees and few government officials or if it's a new Sayed project those who benefit are the US corporations often at the cost of the community's livelihood and the environment especially in developing countries the process of home installations by big companies will almost always be worse than going straight to listen to contractor not the install of the items themselves cabinets floors tile but the shed dealing and sales of products is terribly orchestrated because they have so many clients and use third parties for measurements installation and the fabrication of products there's so much that can go wrong and nothing ever goes to plan almost always because of the lack of communication a company I worked for left an 85 year old woman without a kitchen for two months before I finally came in and installed her cabinets she then waited another month for the countertops if she would have gone straight to my company then she probably would have had the entire thing done in a weekend not really a secret but not as well known as it needs to be you don't need a pap smear every year and definitely not before age 21 gone are the days of getting a pap at age 15 because you want to get on the pill and every single year from then on if some creepy old doctor is trying to insist on looking at you naked or to poke around in your body assuming you aren't there specifically to have whatever there examine checked out ie sores in your bag whatever that's big red flags you may need a pelvic or vagal exam in certain cases but why / when this is done should always be explained and you need to consent before any exam software developer a lot of large financial systems are held together with duct tape code and have no real documentation or specifications also there's a good chance that a large number of the staff are fresh out of uni and are just muddling along I did my student placement at a maid insurance software company which handled billions and transactions at one point the entire support team was a single student with no oversight in the profession of internet journalism article writers just troll reddit for 98% of their stories almost every elderly person living in a retirement home wants to die there's a grace period if the person is relatively healthy but as soon as they realize they are destined to live in the same room the rest of their life they are quick to ask everyone around them to kill them just today I was asked by about four members if I would kill them edit to clarify the wing I work in is assisted living where most everyone in there is unable to live on their own and requires assistance around the clock most people have some form of dementia and most of their family's stuck them there because they couldn't deal with it libraries throw away pulp or otherwise recycle a lot of old books we get a lot of awful tatty stuff donated we have old manky books that we need to get rid of to make shelf space for newer stock and we have standards for anything we sell off at library stock sales it's just easier to throw things out sometimes things go to the workroom for repair or cleaning straight in the bin we do this because if customers knew they might damage things that they wanted to buy from us accounting can be boring at times that some of the best attorneys are public defenders the problem is that it's a crapshoot you can literally get the best defender in the state or someone going through the motions we don't have time to call your references or old employers unless you're interviewing for a more prominent position my way edit I agree with some of the replies here this only applies to companies with big turnover for positions that don't require a degree automotive technician here and maybe I've been extremely fortunate but the shop is usually not out to screw you a lot of the upsells people scream about are the facts that I have to take these parts off to get to the part one have to fix / replace the parts that came off at 100 zero zero zero miles on them let me save you labor and replace them now instead of six months to a year later the other upsells that cause people to cry foul are usually maintenance recommended by the manufacturer at that interval and in my personal experience when someone is getting screwed at a shop it's because of a service writer or service manager trying sell UN needed work not the mechanic 99% of all programming comes from stackoverflow large nonprofit have no vested interest in solving the problem they are raising money for there is little accountability for actual results the larger the organization the further they are from real solutions all gallons of house paint regardless of quality cost about five dollars to manufacture I work for a UK police force the area that I work in has a population of around 200 zero zero zero people spread across four major towns and tens of smaller villages and other rural areas on an average weekday you might only have as few as 10 15 officers covering all of the calls that come in we frequently run out of resources and have no one free to send to emergency incidents which are supposed to have a 10 minute response time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 31,560
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: r4AoVQN-72A
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Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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