When Could You Have Cheated On Your SO, But Didn't? (r/AskReddit)

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all these cheating stories are depressing does read it have stories of where they could have cheated but didn't so I was in a relationship that was about to be over it just got to the point that neither one of this was happy but it was still lingering on anyways I was shooting pool one night with one of my buddies much older than me and married sir not competition and he knew the smoking-hot chick at the bar so we all wound up playing pool all night so this hot chick is being really flirty with me but I just shrugged it off but when the bar closed we all decided to go get breakfast as we're heading out the door I suddenly get this weird kind of date-y vibe so I stop pull this girl aside and tell her look I don't know if this is even presumptuous to be saying but here's the deal I'm in a relationship we're kind of on the rocks right now but still I have a girlfriend and I just wanted to let you know before we go anywhere so she was just like oh okay we ate breakfast across the table from one another shook hands afterwards and went our separate ways fast forward a month I break up with my girlfriend fast forward another month I am dating the same smoking-hot chick from the bar fast forward till now we're in a great relationship and both of us know for a fact that the other one would never ever cheat also we're getting married TL DR didn't cheat on my girlfriend even though the relationship was almost over anyways wound up engaged a girl I didn't cheat on her with not engaged but had a very similar situation myself demonstrations of character like this can be very attractive to the opposite sex I was approached by my girl's best friend Jessie a couple weeks ago when she saw me out at the bar with my friends she joined us for a drink and when my friends were either up at that by grabbing more drinks or singing karaoke she made it clear in no uncertain terms that she would rock my world and was much better in general than my so I'll admit I did suspect a trap but even then I'm not the type of guide to cheat so I told her that I was happy with who I'm with and wasn't entrusted I told my girl about it the next day and it caused a bit of a fight between us she's been friends with this girl since elementary school after about a week of receiving the cold shoulder from her she came to me and apologized after finding out from another of her friends that she had caught Jessi in bed with her boyfriend we had an impromptu after-party at a bar the night of my best friend's wedding my wife had to leave for a business trip early the next morning so she went back to another friend's house to go to sleep the rest of us rolled into the bar still decked out in wedding gear buying shots having fun and tearing up the dance floor a random attractive woman came up and started dancing with me and then pulled me close and started grinding against me I took a step back held up my hand and said hey I'm married she winked smiled grabbed my butt and said seductively built your wife's not here is she no did my mom is I pointed to my mom dancing a few feet away and the woman belted and then went on to hook up with another one of the groomsmen I hate that mentality your cell isn't here so it's magically not cheating I sometimes get guys come on to me in clubs and things and when I tell them I'm not interested and have a boyfriend nine stroke ten times I hear that line now I'm even less interested in you than I was to begin with you disloyal douche had the opportunity to cheat on my wife with her former friend of hers I drove her to pick up her car she wanted to show appreciation when we got there I said I think it's time for you to get in your car nothing staggering here but I'm still damned proud that I did this I travel a lot with work all over the world primarily however to Russia Europe and Philippines over the last six years I've lost count of the number of girls I've been chatting to in bars who seem surprised that I actually do just want some conversation and a drink traveling solo sucks when you do it a lot I love my wife I'm exceedingly happy with our relationships and have a gorgeous 13 month-old daughter who is now happily walking around calling me daddy I find this very admirable because no one would ever know if you did anything with another girl while you were out of the country yet you still hold strong I see girls all over the place I don't talk to most of them I then think good on you JJ 6000 521 I'm so dedicated same it's by choice I don't talk to girls cause last night in a dream Ice Cube asked if he could freak me I said I'm sorry Ice Cube I'm engaged and then he melted I was visiting my best friend we've been friends for over 15 years now and I was crashing at his pad for a few days one day I'm sleeping after we had had a good night of drinking and catching up and his girlfriend comes to wake me up because she was bored I'm not stupid when a girl walks into the second bedroom of a house wakes a guy up who is in his underwear and she herself is in her underwear only her underwear I know what's up I know comma because she was bored that also is a huge female come online the times where I have either been at a woman's house or she was at mine and she said I'm bored sigh all I'd have to say is well then let's fool around ok I really haven't ever been offered the opportunity in order to turn it down loyal partner is sad now you're so loyal you're not even creating opportunities to turn it down have an upvote about 2 years after I got married my taya I was still in college at a time asked me to stay after class with her thinking she wanted to discuss some of my work I approached her after class had ended and everyone had left and she asked me to come over to her house it's night to study I told her that would be inappropriate since I was married so she pressed the issue by telling me I would get an A if I did come over I still told her no thank you and left and we didn't talk privately again the whole semester she was a very attractive fit woman too so it's not like I turned down the advances of someone I wasn't attracted to and I gave up an easy as well so there are some people who despite temptation have no problem staying faithful to their significant other PS I still did well in the class and got an A man during teh training they say in no uncertain terms if you get reported doing that you will be fired I never had an opportunity to shoot down my freshmen girls well romantically physically anyway some of their grades got shot down a lot I got married at 24 to a wonderful woman a few years younger than me after being married a several years she got really sick months of confusion and misdiagnosis ensued but eventually she was found to have stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma everything went straight to heck chemo radiation long hospital stays and the ever-present stress of knowing she was going to die at any given time it was pure heck freaking was off the table entirely because of all this not a fault but it was no easy thing to curb my libido I worked retail in a large mall at the time you meet a lot of people working in a mall I knew probably a dozen or so very attractive young women who from time to time would show interest in me I decided to tell them about my circumstances thinking that would make them understand that I was taken a big mistake I guess the sympathy factor made me more desirable not the reaction I was expecting they would come on very strong very forward at every possible opportunity and I admit I was sorely tempted not in an emotional way but very much so in a physical way it took all my self-control to turn down some of these occasions I'm glad I never did cheat it would have taken me away from my wife in what was her last days I stayed with her to the very end even watching her die in front of me knowing that I could have cheated and she would never have known but I would have known it's been done to me and I never want to visit that kind of pain or betrayal on someone I lock that part of me up so tight that I couldn't allow myself to pursue sex for a very long time even after she was gone I have no regrets respect I was playing strip poker with some girls I met during my first week at college we were pretty drunk and I could easily have seen their cards but I chose not to look I don't know whether to trust you with that username however I am still going to throw up votes at you you charmer I was on holiday on a Greek island about five years ago and met this amazing guy also from England we had this instant connection we stayed up all night one evening just talking and watching the Sun rise over the beach and we used to have the most intense conversations I had a boyfriend back home so nothing ever happened he understood and was so great about it though it hurts us both I felt guilty spending so much time with someone who I was both physically and emotionally attracted to when we both left to fly home we did swap numbers but we didn't stay in touch it wasn't right anyway fast forward a few months and I discovered that boyfriend had been cheating on me steadily throughout with a whole variety of women it broke my heart I spent so many unhappy months with him because I was young and thought I was in love and scared of being alone and the hardest thing was realizing I had missed a real opportunity with someone potentially very special I'm glad I didn't cheat physically one could argue I had a brief emotional affair which is a completely fair criticism but it still bothers me to this day you should watch before sunrise and before sunset two years ago for Halloween I was dressed up as dr. house there was a really vicious drunk nurse at the club and she started talking to me which isn't something I'm really used to she said oMG I love house then she came right up to me and whispered into my ear I know you want me I just said no thank you I have a girlfriend and we went our separate ways said girlfriend broke up with me less than a week later I was at a bigger music fest one time about six months into what would become a five-year relationship I had an old army tent set up specifically to smoke up in these three hot hippie chicks would come hang out with us each day and I would smoke them out and never charge them anything because that is not something to put a price on we had a great time on the last day we were passing one around in the tent and one goes you know we really appreciate you smoking us out like this so we decided on a good way to pay your back since you won't take our money two of them took their tops off and the third started crawling over towards me I freaked this hurts to type I said god dammit I can't do this and I stepped out of the tent immediately it actually ruined the rest of my day Here I am with this girlfriend who was 100% passive about frickin who wasn't there for the weekend who didn't like giving BJ's and I turned down a frickin ffmf foursome with three remarkably hot hippie chicks I was just so goddamned bitter and I wish I had a happy ending to this story but this girlfriend is now an ex-girlfriend she wasn't as well disciplined as I was apparently I shed a dong teff will you bro I'm currently in love with my girlfriend she is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me etc what I find weird is that now that most people know we're together I am getting hit on a lot more by women and a couple of gay dudes but I don't know what it is maybe being in a great relationship has given me a confidence boost and others find the confidence attractive that's totally a thing I've always noticed that way more women come on to me when I'm in a relationship I think it is partly a confidence thing and partly the fact that you aren't trying too hard to win then over so they want to try harder well My partner and I are seemingly attractive lesbians every now and then wheel either together or separately meet someone who wants to experiment neither one of us take up the offers and end up finding someone else for them to hook up with the latest one was a work acquaintance she is married with children and promptly told me that she finds both me and my partner extremely attractive and wants to sleep with us I am sometimes bother that straight folks think that if we are gay that we are promiscuous and have no relationship boundaries GG lesbians don't want to sleep with you but find you someone who is much respect for everything in there man I am such a pee I can't even cheat in my dreams when I have an almost wet dream and it is about to get hot I think in my dream you can't do this to your girlfriend I wish I was joking I generally try to avoid situations where I might even be tempted I don't think I could ever do that anyway but I'm a big fan of multiple levels of Defense anyway it helps that I'm building 30 something of middling height who doesn't really like to drink or go out much and drives a really boring car that's my first layer of Defense I've been gaining weight exercising less and dressing worse lately to further strengthen my defenses I hope my so appreciates all my efforts hahaha you win the internet for today my friend you win used to live two years on a heck lot of ma ecstasy and shitload of freakin now since two years no more clubbing and since 1.5 years a girlfriend where I often struggled with the monogamy and all that stuff fast-forward last month was at one of my favorite clubs again just sitting there girl passes me looks at me passes me again and finally sits next to me can I kiss you insta boner no just a kiss no I am in a relationship come on were not talking about frickin I just want to kiss you still no mind you all of that while being frickin wasted and on my own sir no witnesses since that moment I do not question the relationship with my girlfriend anymore it was six days before my wedding I was already trying on my ring and wearing at most days on this particular day I had to take a train down to the city for work I was worried about losing my ring because it was a little large for my finger so I decided to leave it at home on the train ride down something unusual happened a very pretty young woman sat next to me no one ever sits next to me on the train I was reading a book and she asked about it no one ever talks to me on the train I'm a small unremarkable man I don't remember the questions she asked but I do remember they were insightful I was really intrigued and our conversation grew and developed to the point that I forgot about the book or even that I was on the train we talked all about each other she looked me right in the eyes when we spoke she casually touched my arm at least twice abruptly we pulled into Grand Central Station and had to leave the train we kept up our conversation on the way out of the Train and walked out into the middle of Grand Central she looked at me intently and there was a long awkward pause I simply said it was really good to meet you and walked away it's now 10 years later and it was the only time in my life that an attractive woman has ever chatted me up I have no regrets my wife and family are wonderful I went out one evening with a co-worker who had a boyfriend we carpooled she drove as she's dropping me off at my apartment she says well I could say I was too drunk to drive to which I responded ok but I don't have anywhere for you to sleep the look on her face was pretty priceless I had a girl who was flirting with me at work I let her go on for a couple days then started flirting back one night with absolute certainty of it moving on to something more she said so in pretty clear terms I was getting no kind of attention other than being turned down at home this was going on for several years so I actually considered it instead the next day I told my wife exactly what happened and that I was going to go to work that night and tell her nothing could happen and I wouldn't be talking to her anymore I did that and life went on until a little over a year later when my wife told me on Christmas Day that she was in love with someone else and moved out two days later being officially divorced since last month but hey at least I did the right thing my dad and his college roommate have been best friends since freshman year of college and to this day live within 100 yards of each other but they still go out for drinks together once a month my dad has always been a good-looking guy but his friend will call him steve is male model panty-dropping 50 years old with an eight-pack George Clooney level attractive I'm a straight male and even I can appreciate the aura around this man needless to say whenever these two go out for drinks it's inevitable that they have their opportunities with women they are the kind of guys that thrive off social interaction buying rounds of drinks for the whole bar and meeting everyone they can one day out in a New York bar and a Kearny kava walks in with a small Long tirage the night progresses and somehow Anna ends up spending the majority of the night next to Steve at the bar laughing at his stories touching his arm and sucking down drinks right around closing time she stares lustfully until his eyes gives him a kiss on the cheek hands him a hotel room key card and whispers into his ear immediately Steve's eyes open wide and a huge grin spreads across his face Anna Kearney cover promptly turns and leaves my dad turns to Steve what did she say man still with a stupid grin she told me where she was staying and said to meet her in her room in half an hour what that's crazy what are you going to do I'm going to go home and tell my wife she just stole me away from Anna Kournikova huge respect for this man TL DR dad's friend turned down Anna Kournikova boss of the century I may have a man crush I went to a weekend concert series back in 2008 with a bunch of friends and one guy's girlfriend they all went out drinking on one night but I had some mild he stroked from a day's worth of standing out in the heat and screaming at the top of my lungs so I decided to take it easy and get some rest I guess his girlfriend and him got in a fight because she ended up sticking around the hotel while they went out she insisted on coming and so I let her in and threw a movie on my laptop we were half watching the movie and half talking until she pretty much decided to get on top of me tried to make a move I could have let that continue and for a split second actually thought about it but instead I rolled her off and politely asked her to leave she was a little persistent so I became a little less polite and eventually she became furious and stormed out I went to bed but not before making the bathroom ceiling very very sticky and the next morning it turns out that she left a note on her boyfriend's pillow and went home they broke up shortly thereafter and I took a job back in my hometown so I moved about two months later I have a story relationship of three years I go to a conference out of City and while chilling out next to the pool this European girl talks me up and begins flirting thinking it's good to make business contacts I go with it and go with her for drinks after the drink she asks me to go take a nap together and that's when I was sure it wasn't just business and said yes let's take a nap and I went with her only to say goodbye it was nice talking to you at our door then continued walking to my room alone didn't cheat success you did the right thing she was going to sell you to those guys from hostel a few years back my Yoona's volleyball team travelled to the mecca of all those unfaithful vegas as the youngest member of our merry gang it was up to me to follow the herd up and down the strip and make sure no one's lips became too parched from a lack of beer it was our last night there so we decided to meander through some of the more popular casino floors snagging drinks from the flirtatious waitresses whenever possible I had just sat down at an empty row of dollar slots when my captain drunkenly plops himself next to me apparently our team's resident ladies man who was in a relationship at the time of the tournament had gone missing inside the Tropicana and it was up to the lowly freshy to find him I searched high and low but after 30 minutes of wandering aimlessly I needed a drink I took the next exit I laid eyes on and ended up in the courtyard facing the pool I spot a Cabana on the other side advertising reduced drink prices to those who rent out one of their exotic poolside teepees I stroll up to the bar anyway in hopes of snagging a late night Jack and Coke only to see that the bartender has stepped away growing more frustrated by the second I decide I want to see one of these VIP teepees for myself as I step up to the flaps of the first tent in line I hear voices one male one female M be getting back f1 no no please stay how about another round on me f2 yay how many people can say they had an orgy in Vegas strike that two females ladies I'm flattered really but up I have a girlfriend I'm sorry f3 PS HHH like that matters you're in Sin City baby just relax have some fun go get those drinks Jess I am in all three of em three I hear the sounds of someone sliding off a bed and hitting the ground no no more drinks you are all stunningly beautiful but I would never be able to look myself in a mirror again if I cheated on my girlfriend f are you seriously turning us down right now are you gay or something M I'm not gay I'm in love good night ladies with that my newfound hero steps out of the tent and immediately locks eyes with me what a freak are you doing looking for you but I did you really just shut up not a word to anyone you little crap i smirk as I thought about how I would have handled the situation we head back to the inside bar for a much-needed nightcap you're a much bigger man than me Bub's this one's on me TL DR teammate goes missing in Vegas only to be found turning down a foursome with our hotel staff ball status brass manhood confirmed I was with my now ex at the time we went to this home party that had beers vodka and all sorts of alcohol available my ex passed out late at night and I carried her to her friend's bed her friend then comes to the room and attempts to tongue-twister me and begins to unzip my jeans I stopped her and told her no maybe about a month after that my ex leaves me starts dating a friend of mine and they apparently had a threesome with serger lat to sleep with me at the party TL DR sometimes being a good guy doesn't pay out dang it to true I try and rationalize it by telling myself being good as it's owned reward so about a year ago I dated a girl whom I loved dearly she was the hardest-working girl I have ever met working day in and day out on all kinds of projects papers and tests naturally this resulted in us not being able to spend a ton of time together but for a while I made do because I was so in love with her on weekends she could never come to parties or hang so I would go to parties with my buds and generally hang out and be satisfied with texting her a few months in I started to be bothered by the constant absence I felt like she would always choose to take up a new project rather than spend time with me when I would go to parties I would admittedly rather inebriated talk to my friends about feeling neglected and gain console from them at one party when I was talking to a buddy of mine about my girlfriend canceling yet another date this other girl curvaceous and hot as all heck hopped in the conversation and started asking about it I had noticed this girl around since before I even started dating my girlfriend but never had really talked to her mid conversation she called another one of her friends to join the conversation regarding my girlfriend the for office decided to do some shots and chill off the night a dozen shots in I decided enough is enough until everyone I'm going off to bed as I'm drunkenly nodding off I hear the two girls into my room one of them pulls her shirt off whilst the other slips out of her clothes and put on my sweatshirt that was lying on the floor next to the bed they both crawl into the bed and I completely nude and curl up into me whispering into my ears and biting on my a lobes I immediately realized that if I don't act I will be cheating on my girlfriend with not one but two girls I hop out of bed throw on my clothes and run into the bathroom screaming I have a girlfriend but both of you are beautiful I lock the door and fall asleep in the tub a month later my girlfriend broke up with it was on good terms and we are still great friends when the two girls found they each called I ended up going on a date with then fricked one and becoming great friends with the other not cheating was the best decision of my life TL DR felt neglected by girl friend didn't cheat and have threesome everyone lived happily ever after I'm female I'm Bea and I was very paranoid about men because of some really bad stuff that happened I went out with my fiance and another couple the other chick kept buying me drinks and I got completely wasted she pinned me up against the wall in the bathroom and kissed me and lit her hands graze against me I was confused very drunk and I thought she was just being stupid and drunk she kept buying me drinks and then she tries to coerce me into freaking I refuse when I woke up the next morning and pieced the previous evening together I was horrified and I was afraid of being blamed for her bad behavior nonetheless I told my husband and her boyfriend what happened I got married the other couple broke up and all is well TL DR women can be predators too I can attest to this as a male I once was sitting on a couch at a party and a massive 300 pounds female decided to jump on top of me and lick my face and try to make out with me I had to forcefully remove her off while screaming no and please get off me that same GF was there witnessing the physical shaming and was on the ground laughing hysterically I was throwing a party with a friend several years ago it was pretty fun somewhere around 100 people also my girlfriend couldn't make it but my other good friend Rachel could we all proceeded to get good and very drunk and me and Rachel were flirting constantly at some point I did remind her I had a girlfriend and couldn't do anything TL DR woke up in bed with a guy while Rachel slept on the couch I left the house did not cheat came home f ked wife GG redditor went to a party at a friend's house had a few drinks went to crash in his guest room when the party was winding down I should note my girlfriend at the time was on a family vacation anyways some girl that was there who was supposedly a friend of my girls walked into my room with no shirt or bra on and said she'd give me anything I wanted if I dumped my girl the next day all I said was get the freak out I am trying to sleep she walked across the hall into my friend's room so everything went okay I will never understand why people think this is an appropriate thing to do married for 24 years next month never cheated never will three reasons really I respect my wife I respect myself and it is simply too much trouble for very little value I do however constantly flirt and look when I got married I did not become someone other than myself any obviously I like girls or I wouldn't have married one that didn't stop I like this response I told my wife that she never had to worry about me cheating on her I love her so deeply the just imagining how much it would hurt her brings tears to my eyes GTG called the wife this one time at band camp I didn't cheat instead I fell asleep and woke up with a huge hangover I'm a girl who has a lot of guy friends I have girlfriends too but I grew up with brothers and I've always been comfortable around guys I find it very easy not to cheat what I think people ignore is the fact that cheating starts way before the actual act people don't just fall into bed with someone they shouldn't they start by harmlessly flirting they giggle they touch they make suggestive comments if you just focus on how nice this feels and the fact that you haven't done and would never do anything wrong you're going to get in trouble when I find a guy getting overly friendly I start to end my sentences with buddy or dude and I move away without being rude I make sure my eye contact is friendly with not affectionate not overly warm if we're at a bar I might say you ready for another drink dude no I'll get it then when I come back I hand it to him saying here you go bud and sit farther away I start a conversation about something not remotely romantic not who I'm dating but who as that can easily turn into more flirting more like a TV show I like or what's going on at work usually the guy gets the message and I get to keep my friend it's no fun to flirt with someone who doesn't flirt back went to a convention in Nashville went to a bar with some buddies afterwards all of a sudden this absolutely beautiful women walks in every man in the bar practically breaks their necks checking her out I just kept telling myself I love my wife I love my wife couple minutes go by and the bartender brings me a drink I didn't order it was from her holy crap so I me and her over to her and spark up a conversation all while intentionally flashing my wedding band we were talking about life what we did for a living the usual Bulls then she comes out and says I need to tell you something before this goes any further oh crap wTF is it she says well I'm 61 years old this woman was stunning no way in heck she's 61 so I asked for an 8 and sure enough she is then she says there's something else holy Frick what is it now she says ever hear of a sportsman recently nope she says it's a mother-daughter tag team hol EEE Frick I thought to myself if she's this hot ro so we get back to her house she opens the front door and yells hey ma you awake nice setup stick with me on this I cheated when I was younger and broke a girl's heart I was a young stupid piece of crap the positive part is that I vowed from then on never to cheat again ever a decade later and I haven't I have a great girlfriend now who knows the story and who is comfortable knowing I will never cheat on her no matter but we have a great relationship I also generally avoid talking to or making friends with women just for my own peace of mind I can do incidentally but I'm not passing out compliments asking for numbers or following people on facile major et Cie and everyone knows exactly that I'm taken for life I wish I could go back and change things to save my distant ex pain I really do but wish is not real and some mistakes can never be fixed I felt I suffered for a long enough time years getting to grips with what I threw away and that the best I can do is say and make dang sure it will never happen again just to clarify I don't feel I deserve anything because I don't feel strongly for people who were freaked up like drug addicts and later kicked the habit hey why not just don't be a freaking butt and do drugs in the first place but this isn't about who I was this is about who I am today when I heard eyes talk about cheating on their girlfriends and wives there are a lot of them almost everyone I can't think of it disgusts me and I just want to murder them but their problem is they have never been caught and lost someone precious because of it freaking is nothing compared to long-term compatibility and companionship freak those guys and freak the guys who complain about how terrible their girlfriend or wife is - you make a great relationship or you're part of the problem TL DR men exist who will never cheat on you for any reason even if emma watson and anne hathaway walked in naked and asked for a threesome but how that man became a man might not be pretty but it's a principle earned a friend of mine was throwing a party at his house and wanted me to come I told him I didn't know if I was up to it so he tells me hey there will be girls there I told him all the girls he invites are easy and hardly worth my time seeing how they will make out with and in some cases Frick absolutely anybody he sees this as an opportunity for a bet and says he will invite an attractive girl who he knows I will get nowhere with and there's no way she will let me hold her hand let alone get anywhere bare making out with her I accept the challenge with $20 on the line so he invites this gorgeous girl named Faye he works with who has a reputation of being / cold to any kind of advances anyone has ever made on her me and her hit it off immediately I lost the bet because I forgot to even attempt to make out with her because I was wasted and so caught up in talking to her we end up talking for hours every day meeting up once or twice a week etc and I was falling for her hard anyways three weeks after we first met we go to a party at the same friend's house there's quite a lot of people there I know and a few I haven't seen for a while including two girls who always had a thing for me I tell Fay I need to take a leak since I'm pretty drunk at that point while I'm in the bathroom ready to close the door those two previously-mentioned girls come in and ask if I need help I say I've been P for 25 years I'm not that drunk I think I got it the one girl sits on the toilet in front of me looking up at me and grabs my belt while yeah the closes and locks the bathroom door no she's wanting to know if you want us both to suck your dong I politely decline leave them both in the bathroom together and go back outside put my arm around my date and watch as the two bathroom s get in their car and leave the party I was spending more time at work with a female colleague than at home with my girl the colleague and I were supporting each other with stress at work and it felt like I was having an affair because there was more time at work than at home I told my girl it didn't feel right and I wanted to be closer to her it was a helpful talk and we were able to get our relationship better in balance this is how it should be guy notices something isn't right long before he crosses the point of no return and then goes about fixing it instead of making a stupid mistake alas I regret that I have but one upvote to give well yesterday I was walking on campus and a girl was giving out free shampoo samples for whatever reason but she asked if I wanted one and I said no thanks then she said well you have such good-looking hair I thanked her and kept walking close call I am proud of you son I feel like this happens all the time to people in relationships for some reason it seems like people see a person being in a relationship as either a sign that their dating material or as a challenge before being in a relationship never got hit on a tongue after getting into a serious relationship I've been hit on quite a bit half the time I'm oblivious and my fiance points it out would never cheat though just funny how some people think I always thought of it as a confidence thing if you're in a relationship you're not really trying to impress people you attract it to that much which makes you seem like you don't care which makes you seem confident and attractive probably not what you want to hear but I've never been in the position to cheat and it really baffles me how somebody could do it saying that I'm quite a guilty person I think my own actions through too much my boyfriend goes to school 3,000 miles away and even though he knows he has a free pass so long as protection is used and he's honest with me he's never taken it I'm also positive that he's never done anything behind my back he's my best friend and the most trustworthy guy I know I adore him I could cheat on my GF but I don't because I like and love her it really is just as simple as that in college I had been dating a chick for about a year one night I went to a frat party at another college with a buddy of mine met up with one of his female friends who I used to think was cute while I was single we wound up drinking beers and just chatting it up about BS finally she asks me if I want to go outside and talk and I obliged she asks me point-blank so are we going to hook up tonight or what it was pretty blunt but I didn't want to screw up what I had so I declined felt like I had passed some sort of test if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 19,512
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: cheating, cheaters, cheating stories, cheating opportunity, did not cheat, not a cheater, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: Whkj9D9NgfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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