When a YouTuber makes it onto TV

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51 minutes... Pyro. Why you spoil us? Stop it, you handsome lesbian. Stop it with this amazing content!

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/KuroChairoNeko 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

When are you making that big gaming video you talked about you indian lesbian?

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/BloodKingX 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

release petscop 2 and ill buy your merch

really though i do like the longer content it's well worth the wait

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/goldfish-assblasted 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hey Pyro, that reference to Mr Robot got me thinking - it could be a truly epic video essay/review for you. It definitely fits your style, and it's clear that you think very highly of it. It definitely vibes with you and your content, a review of it could be really awesome and something we'd love to see

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/DylMan62887 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Bart-simpson106 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I unironicaly really want to see Petscop 2 but I guess i’ll watch the new Petscop episodes alone

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/FriggingHecker 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Remember when pyro said the n word. I miss his mlg videos.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MR_YTP_yt 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hug funi

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Pyro your putting all of us in great danger because that upload was fire bro

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DEADLY_SUBZERO 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
he mean 18 not VPN I've never made a film before but if I did I'd make a good one or a really good one but nowadays streaming shows are just as popular or even more so than big pictures with impressive budgets bringing stunning visuals to life YouTube have also jumped on this with YouTube originals that was the joke usually where they take a safe and brand friendly person and give them their own show some of these are great some are blacklisted and then we apply Zach oh she show lies are on demand and she won't find me those Newsies can't believe she would sleep with a black horse the show stars lies applying yourself on various class-a substances so basically normalizer a company by our friends Harlow and Oliver Liza travels around LA completing various odd jobs for the task app seeing what wacky and quirky hijinks they get into I covered the first season of our show in a previous video but now it's been renewed for a second season with even more episodes you can tell people really wanted a second season look at all the glowing reviews on Rotten Tomatoes the opening episode has 81 million views it's time to sim and buy the dislike ratio it's obvious people went to Liza's channel to get this content and it definitely wasn't artificially dumped in their recommended the first episode opens with Liza talking about how tasket have changed since the first season what's up with the Internet I can't log on a tasket I thought it's an elite status Tasker you got your pick of the jobs I told you tasks it got bot okay there's no status of any kind now the goddamn free-for-all now if you guys didn't know the first season of larger on demand Liza's end goal was to get the coveted elite status on tasket basically meaning she'd get magical benefits the very end of the first season she gets the stairs and now the beginning of the second season it's been defunct her nothing I watched over three hours of logic oh she just to end up back where I started the flow of time itself is convoluted the pillow Frankie's old Liza also explains how she set herself up on a dating app and has no matches until she movements her breasts and then she gets instantly matched I haven't gotten one response on my profile not one but last night I took some new photos wearing these and guess what but I got a date that's right I'm going on a date later listen to my systems are we've gotta get checked out kind of ironic how the last season's message was mostly look how bad this man is how he treats woman that's bad now I'm sad but this time Liza is basically lying to a man to get a date but you know they also make a Karen speaking to the manager Joe what is office topia um only the hottest Instagram installation oh and I hear that there's this woman named Karen who just sits there and complains at the ACS you have guys we can no longer make the Karen speaking to the manager joke rest in peace it had a good run lies also gets a job modeling before I date thinking she'll show off to everyone but she has to strip and in mm-hmm I'm sorry I hate text-to-speech but can you say the word for me no Susan will rob us thank you also in the B story Oliver is pretending to be a straight man to lure out a married man who he thinks may be gay I may have pretended to be married and let him lure me out of the closet that was gonna be a one-time thing but we're kind of vibing I mean to be fair it's more complex than a Rick and Morty B story so I'll give him that in the art class why's the bottles it and runs outside the fire exit trapping her dressing gown in the doorway they basically nabbed the scene from Birdman except where that was an amazing chaotic constant take this is quirky humor where a woman runs down the street hiding beyond various objects lies are then tries to nab a jacket from a thrift shop only to get caught by the owner stop thief put that back worthless thief I loved the fact that she can commit theft so nonchalantly but she can't exit out of dialogue with someone she gets given a paper bag to wear by the shop owner and has to walk back to the our house in shame this scene pretty much explains the whole show perfectly notice how Liza is engaging with these people despite them giving her no attention whatsoever I mean to be fair it is LA they've probably thought she was like a anti-plastic campaigner but oh no guys Liza's date Cesar in the paper bag or what an inconvenience [Music] the shot ends like there's gonna be a commercial break or something lyza quite panicked runs into a Botox clinic that uses bees because that's funny I mean what's the deal with cancer she knocks open a beehive and Wow look that's 80% of the seasons budget gone to one CGI B take that Marvel we ever be get that bait a wasp out of here one thing I've noticed watching this season as well only one episode in and most of Liza's comedy pretty much just comes from her pulling a facial expression like she took five milligrams of fetanyl practical comedy is great but if you're just pulling the same smooth brain face every time it gets super repaired also because this is Liza's show one thing she loves to do is use it as a platform to mock people she doesn't agree with like how this caricature of a woman berate slyzer for wearing a poster of a plus-sized girl because she's not happy about her figure where did you get that what that poster you need to give it to me no I have been all over town tearing those awful things down they are extremely offensive what's wrong I have spent years starving myself and now they're just gonna put someone like that on the cover huh this is all just been for nothing yes because every lean woman has starved themselves to get where they are today with their body but you know what I'll give it this at least it's woman but this time instead of man bad lies are slowly getting more diverse here's that whoa Jack she finally gets her clothes I mean it's not gonna matter the videos gonna get demonetized anyway she learns literally nothing from the experience and uses coconuts to augment her breasts I'm engineered so what my brother and I suspected as much while we were growing up also she finally meets a date and the coconuts fall out in under five seconds making the entire bit pointless how did tropical fruit get in my shirt why she then give us a speech about how she's finally happy with herself in her body not letting anyone judge are incredibly entitled as to most standards liza is very conventionally attractive liza then of course strips off and she wrote into the script that horde of people would surround her taking pictures in or with truly entered Lele pons level in lack of self-awareness date is bold and nearly blind because there's five minutes of runtime left we can't find any proper character flaws that aren't superficial but then again the writers needed to get rid of him without lies are coming across as a total narcissist so they came up with this excuse what are you doing home so early well Tyler came out about being bald being blind but managed to leave out the part about being married what yeah we went back to his place and there were pictures of his wife everywhere apparently she was out of town for the weekend Liza Co she won men zero oh yeah and that be story with Oliver dating the other guy that didn't work out but who really cares we knew it wouldn't have worked out because that would mean the writers would have had to accommodate future episodes for him and that requires effort your wife is a lovely lovely person and she's crazy about you I got to know to to to the opening of episode two lies is trying to fix her broken car and the car becomes sentient probably trying to escape the show the theme around this episode is family huh yeah that one and Liza doesn't want to go to a family reunion because she finds them boring I mean would anybody really notice if I didn't go maybe your weird uncle who kisses you on the mouth oh gosh wow I didn't know Greg Paul got a cameo in this series thanks Liza how inclusive our female lead then gets a job an ancestry DNA lab I've I guess what they're called no seriously have a guess Oh what up fam how do you do some little kids I just love the fact how they let Liza work in this high-security job where she has access to people's DNA don't think I won't report this she of course messes the job up sneezes into the vials and that leads to a rich white family mistaking her as a relative the reason I found you is because I took this DNA test you know what up fam and as it turns out this is the face of the clinically insane so instead of white people about this episode's why people stupid yes this side of the family came over on the Mayflower and mommy side fought in the Civil War and for the right side and which side is the right side Liza you're too funny oh my god no never mind why people bad again Liza of course uses this situation to manipulate the smooth brains to get a ton of free stuff and the car in trouble I'll have it towed to our shop oh that's nice of you but I'm a little short on funds at the moment uh we've been achar do your family and you'll probably need a loaner car in the meantime right what no I could do that that could definitely work a relatable protagonist everyone also I'm pretty convinced Harlow and Oliver only in the show - perfectly encapsulate how any normal person would react to Liza Co she's jokes can you believe they're just letting me use this car I mean the glove box is refrigerated it's better than our refrigerator in the apartment I went out and I bought butter just for the car you guys want butter oh I really do wish 90% of the jokes weren't random equals funny but it's really not the case the group were introduced to Liza's fake family you can tell they're rich not because of the loaned car or the size of the house but being able to spot the whiteness of the dads teeth 40 kilometers away look at you look the dads actually looks like a stock image of a white businessman on Google Images now I just got a quick question I asked you ask away you know now that I got a little bit of brown in my blood I can say that n-word now right no III know what the end where it is and no you cannot be sure what is lies to keep writing in white people that are racist like I get it white people do suck but if the show gets a third season I'm expecting a coronavirus stroke from one yeah this place is all right I guess I mean I'm only saying here cuz I got kicked out of my last place you think my neighbors would be so stoked that I had a me go show perform right on the front lawn we pretty much put out the fire like right away so it wasn't even that big of a deal so the the rich family son he kinda reminds me of another youtuber I wish I could get you the place I just listed but I kind of already promised it to ja rule well can I take a look good I mean I guess you are like family now I suppose I could fit you in sucker GI rule yeah come on guys don't don't kick Jar when he's down look he's still recovering from fire festival exploring the house Liza finds a letter from the DNA company warning them that Liza is not part of the family they also do this really overcomplicated skit that Liza is the bad guy because she's half white I have dealt with racism our entire lives and an opportunity like this just does not come along very often you two playing the race card on me hello technically you're half your white side I don't even mind the race jokes but if you're using them as a crutch for pretty much all of the comedy then you know you have a problem like seriously it's it's even harder to find the funny this season than the first one that loaner car really suits you I want you to keep it heated seats racism cooling seats raises the option to set my butt to any temperature now Liza has a very difficult choice keep her comfortable life with near limitless wealth or single-handedly end racism Rosa obviously takes the more mature choice of ending racism and probably because of the budget would only allow renting the mansion for one Episode well I said what are you talking about it's a lie and as this letter will tell you we are not related I'm white again wall is breaking out the good pills right wish that I've 10 minutes of runtime left and the plot got resolved too early sure let's have Liza's date with a rich son from the house and he too has came to end racism I mean we've had some really great talks about race and my white privilige and I can honestly say that how insensitive wait a side character having a Redemption arc we can't have that he might transition from 1d to 2d quick sir say he's into incest or something now that we're not related we can go out wait what do you mean we're not related I mean we're not related remember a big speech that I gave at your house oh yeah I got bored and zoned out oh that's a bummer the whole kissing cousins thing was what was kind of doing it for me class maybe we could still pretend to be related yeah we did it guys budget saved and man still bad Liza Koshi out here saving modern cinema but first hey guys have you heard of that new show Oh which one that one that has seven Emmy primetime nominations it has everyone talking about it yeah where can i watch that award-winning show that's the world conversing about it you can't oh it's not available in your country and won't be until the year 2018 and now everyone in point and laugh at how you're not socially acceptable your wife will be good take the kids and all you'll be left with is various straight to TV movies oh woe is me if only there was some way I could bypass content restrictions online now I'm in super hell forever don't be a simple at this man go to Nord VPN com forward slash Paris cynical for tons of cool benefits region unlocking so now you can watch any show no matter what the licensing finally I can watch season 438 of The Walking Dead it also keeps your website traffic anonymous so not even God in your search history get 70% of a three-year planet Nord VPN calm /a para cynical including a whole month freedom such a good deal I'm gonna donate the money up save to that cute woman art which is gonna be my future wife you even get a coop map look russia has nine trees and africa has none come on guys step up your game use code para cynical add over i can see that edward right now episode three is all about online ads you know the kind of a double-edged sword as much as I despise ads I need them to make a living so please turn off adblock thanks guys the opening shows lies are leaving a nice comment on someone's artwork in a sea of negative ones I'm gonna write something nice hey I love Timmy to show me and this looks just like it this scene has pretty much nothing to do with the rest of the episode and only highlights how much of a good-natured person Lizer is take my reddit gold Eliza take it all please maybe one day you can have my platinum also Harlow and Oliver are using this free faceful or app that has ads on it and this could have been a funny skit I mean imagine all the popups they could have came up why's the light as a smoke detector installed by a creepy old guy that may or may not have installed a camera inside to spy on her okay now the red light you know sometimes flashing on the smoke detector that just means it's working not that there's a camera in there this is never bought up again and feels really out of place in the rest of the episode but you know I guess there's a quota to fill somewhere back into the main plot lies is also using this freer and this has led to a face being used for multiple ads without her consent she meets a hacker who tells her that she has to go into hiding away from the Internet if she wants the exposure to stop but can you restore my contacts you don't need to reach anyone and no one needs to reach you go dark hell if I could destroy the memory of us meeting right now I would just like how everyone forgot that kendall Jenner solve racism with a posse all right you know what that that was a good one I can't believe I complimented a Liza Koshi joke wow that was really nice Pepsi man anyway time to beat the protesters [Music] lyza goes on the boycott for online ads but then realizes she's missing out on pretty much every social interaction ordering food and watching movie trailers are out of the question bro what Duff is this supposed to be anybody brings me this as a gift I'm literally telling you to return this you know the Boomer memes that are like phone Bad's the episode turns that into everyone walking around on their phones like zombies until Liza it's a very special cameo Josh Peck Josh of course from Drake and Josh Fame and that one film where he plays a fat kid that swears a lot he now has his own YouTube channel and frequently collab with Jimmy Fallon's son to be fair though I gotta give respect to his weight loss I too was once a a HEC in chunker oh say that Hillary Clinton for Hillary Clinton a real movement I mean the Internet is so much more dangerous than people realize yeah you don't have to tell me why the ones in on Josh's no tech group and that's to sign an NDA to join totally hey I get it privacy is no joke you can already tell where this is going you know with the face app she's on the contract she does want yep you get it right this is Eli and Roger Thomas and this is Andrew going inside it's pretty much an Amish community no technology means living in the 1800s apparently you always walk around we were all drawn to each other through a mutual distrust of Technology specifically the rise of the Internet I made one slightly racist joke on Twitter six years ago and never deleted it now I can't get a job anywhere I feel in any other show that would have been a joke but because so many jokes lies it makes a white people bad I'm not sure whether she's saying this is a comment on cancel culture or people getting what they deserve oh yeah and remember that contract she signed is it's not that great we will be safe downstairs in a fully stocked bunker where we will wait out the Epoque - we can we build the human race with Liza as the mother of all our children what it's basically a complete ripoff of season one where she goes to that political event only to find out she got baited into supporting everything against her beliefs for bad man what'd she do imagine a time was about working with your hands when you wanted to hear song you simply dropped a needle on a phonograph so in conclusion man but again but this time signed on paper Thomas still has a red tube account excuse me that is YouTube red and I use it to watch Cobra Kai UI sees up all night watching Japanese news report that's about enough jelly news episode 4 starts off with lies are dying [Music] only joking guys Liza and her bank account are just fine she gets a tasket job to work at a place called prospector gym and Liza can't go five seconds without making a race-related joke again you think he's aware that the name is a little problematic you know the gold rush was basically a Native American genocide sorry that woman is my mental state trying to watch this show you also have this guy that looks like Jimmy Kimmel who takes slices donut and spits it out anyway later on the group is doing a pop quiz and cheers to the winning round then a guy barges into them making them spilled a drink and Eliezer apologizes sorry they then tried to twist this as like a societal norm that women apologize for everything even when they're not in the wrong either how did you apologize to in my Fath I don't know it's just being polite I guess no that's not polite you just said I'm sorry after he knocked into us that's a really bad habit like honey wouldn't do that all the time it's a pointless [ __ ] trying to weakly shoehorn in a message of female empowerment there's definitely inequality between men and women but I've been sitting down at bars and I still apologize to someone barges into me partly because that's what my brain does on autopilot and secondly because I'm a coward half the time women apologize for things that they didn't even do wrong men never do that who put that there wait so you're telling me man that's sorry I just I just need a moment truly thought-provoking content bring it up all that jelly thank god this wasn't luck to be on a paywall like HBO Liza goes to bed and wishes that she could stop apologizing just for one day 1990 sparks fly out of a plug adapter and she wakes up losing the ability to say sorry like that I'm sorry what so clearly guys she's died in a house fire and he's living out her worst nightmares in purgatory living in LA and not being able to say sorry but alright alright come on guys look no no no wants to live in LA there's just connections to be made she finds out pretty quickly that she's living in a dream where she can't apologize they could have put a cool twist on this like a mr. robot they had this one episode where they had like a fake set to purposely emulate an old TV show but instead they have the same sets same setup just lies I can't say the S word anymore which leads to hilarious inconveniences my grandmother died oh I'm so good you're stoked yeah it's classic George am i right something I've noticed with Liza she doesn't know how to act with anything apart from her mouth she kind of reminds me of ray from the first Star Wars film she appeared in like you know staring blankly doing big mouth open thing it's not proper acting i bypassed the compressor if you look at Liza's eyes when she's being overdramatic they're pretty much doing nothing apart from a wide-eyed glance like she's staring into the void this is also coming from someone with no acting experience so you know it's coming from a good place the aliens are coming we've been compromised Liza gets called to the manager's office for a lack of apologies he of course loves her new demeanor never taking no as an answer he basically gives her control over the entire company giving him options to run with including changing their stock and removing his ponytail oh there's just one more thing I want to get your analysts opinion on what do you think about my ponytail do you think that looks good I'm so surprised nobody has cut it off already I knew it but you were the first person with the balls itself generates like you belong on a cross but Liza starts to notice some cracks when the manager takes his mistakes out on his secretary just let you know Rachel Ray still on the phone what the hell why did you tell me I'm so sorry there goes our Rachel raisin bran cereal and our Rachel refried beans can you stop screwing everything up and get her back sorry lives are trusted to tell him how it's his fault but can't because she can't say the S word I'm saying you should probably say her by the way here's multiple examples of what she should have said without saying the S word to him she's also fallen out with her friends because she couldn't make the pop quiz like I don't really understand how this is Liza's fault oh hi Liza remember us your roommates your teammates the Destiny's Child to your Beyonce guys we know you're too important for us now her getting more work and the others getting angry because she doesn't have time just seems really jealous and spiteful bye guys I hate to say this for once but I don't think Liza's in the wrong with her friendship ruined from jealous friends and possible job security for the foreseeable future this is a nightmare liza needs to wake up from and the next day she can apologize again sigh this leads to her to just be a complete brain lit on purpose only to apologize after sorry wait so I can do bad thing but if I apologize it's okay right guys I'm off to commit arson if I apologize in the core I'll be fine the moral of the story this episode women have power Liza you really should apologize that the team for wasting their time like this no episode 5 opens with lies on a date meeting a guy that seems perfect and a high achiever he slurps on his coffee so Liza breaks up with him instantly it's ironic how someone who writes people as one-dimensional characters wrote herself to cut off from people who have a slight fault wait could this be sofa where nurse Oliver tries to help lies her out by telling her to lower her standards what you always do this Liza you meet some amazing guy and you find a tiny little flaw and then you blow the whole thing up I do not and actually funny bit honestly again like Oliver is really the only redeeming person in this show if he was the central character instead of Liza I'd probably enjoy this show but unfortunately he doesn't have a youtube channel with 17 million subscribers later on Liza starts working a tasket job at a fairground and meets a guy who's a possible date they have great chemistry and he's the only person in the entire series to ever laugh at a joke she's made I mean we could probably take him if we gang up you look potentially lethal I don't want to brag or anything but I did just get my black belt last year not for karate just a really nice black belt imagine he's an ad marketer and apparently has no social media which gives Oliver and Harlow red flags amy has a job he's a partner at an ad agency they made that Super Bowl commercial the one that made me cry don't with hot wings I wonder if he designed the Super Bowl ad Raskin was in or so I thought it ironic that apparently someone who isn't on social media is inherently a bad person I mean in the last episode Liza's writers were trying to convey that people who spend all their time on social media were just drones also now Oliver has a boyfriend who's basically the embodiment of what the internet thinks a redditor acts like in real life ooh smokin her dates house Liza goes through his belongings to find a bunch of poorly photoshopped images of him I thought this would be part of the plot but every superimposed picture before this has been trash as well so it's probably just production quality just before concluding her investigation Liza finds a pair of women's heels in the wardrobe I thought by the end of the episode would finites into cross-dressing but Oliver states it too early so that can't be the case okay you don't know it's another woman maybe he likes wearing women's shoes did you think of that and would that really be such a bad thing it is 2019 maybe you should be a little more progressive Liza I am very progressive oh we know Liza we know later on she takes up stalking a date which gets her into more trouble hey you can't just leave that thing in the middle of the street you goddamn millennials you're turning this whole city into your own personal skate park it should be fair you know at least she did make it a race thing wiser than Caesar date with another woman and despite him giving no public affection to her and it could just be work-related it's convinced he's two-timing her out of spite Liza goes back to the fairground to find him and publicly humiliate him only for it to totally backfire another woman I saw you with there Hendrix I was like you both coming out of the hotel that woman you saw me with is my sister it was her birthday she's a manager at the hotel but I met her there for lunch took that selfie together to send to our mom oh that's sweet they also share a kiss where they only buy each other's bottom lip I mean gotta keep it pg-13 I guess of course this relationship can't last because that actually have to rewrite them into the show so we find out last minute the guy is a total psycho I want the giraffe I toss that on the peg and then I won the giraffe laughs thank you sir the draft is mine I will take this giraffe no no thank you giraffe okay their heads are bombs we're yeah dude I feel you I too have a permanent weapon also Hallows date is a douche and Oliver gets sick of his boyfriend's impersonations how about so all in all a completely pointless episode that went nowhere truly oscar-worthy content Episode six opens up with lies are having tooth pain saying that she needs task it points to get insurance for her to see a dentist imagine living in a country where health care wasn't free I mean I need to use my tasket insurance but I don't have enough point also remember what was said in the first episode okay there's no status of any kind now - god damn free-for-all so now tusky is worth something taking your Petoskey job lies it goes through a house and then bumps into an old friend it's me Katie yeah I knew I recognized you we did task a training together yeah yeah I imagine tasket training is right next door to the place with the Assemble iPhones I want to weed out anything that doesn't scream boss you know like these jeans I was gonna put stuff on consignment but I think we'll just donate five hundred dollars for a pair of jeans firstly who keeps the tag on their jeans like four years after you've bought them and secondly Liza honey look I know it's a character you're playing that shares the same first name as you but don't act like five hundred dollars is a lot we've all seen your net worth we know the brand deals you get it it didn't work with Shane Dawson and it's not gonna work here you have Gucci sighs maybe you should try getting a job I think it's kind of ironic that there's a girl in the show who's rich and successful and there's many famous contacts and it's not Liza it's Liza Koshi projecting herself into the show I mean to be fair she was with Will Smith the other week I got a show called Liza on demand I love that later on Liza or no pass you start doing a stage play inside the apartment not really sure why but at least the boomer gets another chance to shine look I saw vice okay I can do three different kinds of Hydra text I can give you the Emmy Oh with it or the yes yes and yes there's a guy playing on the piano as well I'm sure it's gonna get content ID'd so I'm just gonna sum up the whole scene with penis music also one thing to mention the cinematography for this episode is very different instead of mostly still frames like the rest of the series it has a handheld camera much like other sitcoms like Modern Family and I actually kind of liked it I think it's a really good addition and make scenes feel a lot more organic instead of just waiting for Liza to make a funny reference to something I have no idea why they film the entire show with this static angle it makes everything feel so robotic and lifeless going back to Liza's rich friend's house she's agreeing to see the live stage play but what's this enhanced then only a basic air pod or maybe air pod - at best I'm sorry but if you don't have the air pods Pro you're a certified peasant before the show Oliver and lies are have an argument about vision and Liza kicks Oliver out of the casting forcing it to self an impromptu cast to take his role and this is actually a really funny concept you are dissing it for the role of Oliver to art issuing I am Oliver oh that's good got a fully commit right away I'm gonna try that I am off again like what why does Oliver not have his own show I swear the only funny things generate from him the next scene we have a montage of auditions that just remind me of really bad acting on early YouTube honey you've got a big storm coming someone finally gets the role of Oliver and starts copying everything Oliver does thank you again this is pretty funny like the concept isn't original but I vibe with Oliver getting a bigger role I was cast in the role of Oliver this shows this weekend so I want to make sure I did as much research as possible could you tell me about a traumatic childhood experience that I can draw from I don't happen mm actually looked up who wrote and directed this episode and these people have not worked on a single episode prior it really shows how something can go from terrible to watchable if you change up who's working behind the scenes Liza later apologizes to Oliver for kicking him off the acting team he apparently predicted it and came in costume to outshine everyone 10 out of 10 character development also that rich girl from earlier she's a fraudster and gets arrested because no one can be more powerful than Liza Koshi why are you arresting her counts of fraud for high she misled investors with false information fake accounts fake followers for on a minute did we finish an entire episode of liar on demand and man wasn't bad ever to be priced but the writers have had actual character development the next episode is super super different it's an archived pilot episode that was meant to be streamed on an unspecified network my theory it be on AMC replacing better call Saul on The Walking Dead that pilot has been under lock and key until now and we would love to share it with you this episode has a mode sitcom feel including a live studio audience reacting kind of like the wedding from Shrek he's not your true love what do you know about true love well it comes across as really jarring because no other episode is film like this characters take along pauses so the audience can laugh like that there's videos on YouTube of sitcoms they have to laugh to track removed and it becomes really noticeable how long the characters break sir between sentences to give the audience time to react pizzas on the way I told you we wouldn't have to get up or if we have to pee [Music] Oh cancel the sodas the only difference now really is that people are actually employed just to laugh at Liza's jokes [Applause] she forgot no no I didn't forget about twin days they all sort this really weird intro that just uses like b-roll from previous episodes like none of this was filmed just for the episode so it feels even more phoned in I genuinely thought they were doing a mr. robot bit and like you know halfway through Liza would wake up and it'll be a dream but no but don't worry I'm as not done as I've ever been were you able to pick up the new pearls for Miss Eva yes I did and they are right here why did everyone chuckle like she opened the box like where is the comedy the audience is tripping out on fentanyl no people only Liza has a job and meets a woman who's scared of leaving her home and to push her out of her comfort zone steals her property and forces her to come out of the house to get it back here you go Liza takes her into the apartment and sets up shop including bringing all of her dolls despite being locked out of a house you know whatever I'm not educated enough to question the Liza kosher the woman starts to take over the group's lives looking more and more like Teresa from fable did it boys video game reference that wasn't darksouls give me some reddit gold they take it to a doll store under the promise that if she gets a particular doll she'll go back to our own apartment but unfortunately they're stopped by a guy who crashes into them because he has the flu I'm sorry are you okay no but not because in a car it's it's because I think I have the flu and I'm trying to get to the doctor before they close you know because I have a terrible car did logic oh she predict the coronavirus logic goes home an AC unit nearly falls on her only for a potted plant all right you know what just stop look I get comedies subjective but you you can't just have random things happening every five seconds and classify that as entertainment there's no structure or flow here gypsy woman has dolls man with flu Liza hit on head I feel like I'm getting a DD just watching this episode unless I complain the quicker it'll be over well what happens at the end yet the woman gets the doll and she moves out at the end great also there's some guy doing a parasitical purple hat cameo yeah I really go too I really got to finish that series thankfully episode 8 returns to normal with a laughter track free format like I can't believe I've reached the point where I'm thanking Liza Koshi for returning the show so normal and then this show has actually turned me into a sleeper agent what you do it subscribe to Liz Akashi now the episode begins with Oliver and Harlow minimizing their wardrobe you know that thing people do when they have too much spare time in their hands it's basically removing everything in your possession that isn't bare essentials wisely you're looking at this all wrong minimizing is grave holding onto objects from your past only stops you from moving forward yeah just tell Pokemon youtubers to get rid of their card collection I'm sure they'll go down well I haven't seen my wife in two months chicas probably left me for another man with two functioning legs boatmen cards are all I have please leave me alone wiser does a tasket job helping a guy called Scott move his furniture and she discovers that he played a character and a childhood TV show starring a rabbit and a bear called rabbit bear again in the original ax is just or inspiring this causes Liza to be super invested and her invested voice is even more annoying than a regular voice remember that episode where rabbit was afraid of the dark so bear gave him a little tiny bear to hug when he went to sleep oh come on Becca home Oliver and Hollow is still minimalizing and to be fair they're actually turning it into a pretty funny bit I can hold my drink when I watch TV do I really need to sit while I eat isn't food better standing I really need this I mean I know what I'd look like then Liza comes back in hijacks the actually funny concept for the right story the guy whose garage I've been minimizing he is the creator and star of magic meadow it's the famous local children's TV show that aired from 1995 to 2002 you guys have never seen magic Matt host get to for about Oh God I thought she was just gonna swear they're like my Christian views would have unsubscribed back in the B story Oliver and hollows minimizing is getting worse to the point where Oliver pours himself a Cuffy they CGI'd in the steam from the mug it's nice to know the budget is going where it's really needed in lies the story she reaches out to Scotts friend who he used to do the children's show with it's got crazy and I'm done with crazy I installed a home theater for little Wayne I think it's pronounced no you know what you're crazy too I'm not sure why but Scott and his old partner both threw my me pretty heavily of Stephen Merchant they both emulate the same quirky mannerisms he had in the office and in Portal 2 that's what I thought please leave unless you want to talk about an easy low-interest payment plan don't forget it get out will you please light up all that stuff like a doob and a Phish concert because I don't want to look at it again I do however want to smoke a doob right now thank you for the suggestion it's a big lanky goggle-eyed freak oh you fatty small right no I was Lizer being the honest hard-working woman she is baits both of the kids show hosts to come to the house so they inevitably have to confront each other your wiring looks sound enough well there's some puppeteer magazines betrayer of the year look I know you have a problem with Scott being a micromanager and I know you have problems with Jeremy not pulling his own weight he said the rest of the episode just devolves into people using puppets and making funny voices actually five-year-olds are capable of grasping some pretty sophisticated concepts bear do you have a single fact to back that up like the good news is liza finally understands her subscribers age this is a pivotal moment like I'm not even joking I'm scrubbing through this episode and the rest of it is just puppets with the amount of innuendos this show has you think that put look at a dark twist on the kids show but no it's just it's just the Muppets [Music] no never mind they do Ober dark twist near the end they've got like a remake of the puppet show with JJ Abrams and it's starring Will Smith and Emma Stone where they just get it on Oh major this is not appropriate metal behavior not at all I swear liza KO she's writing team is just sex funny famous name repeat the problem I have with this show is that Liza's tasket job has taken a major backseat and without it the series feel super lost and confused the tasket concept wasn't original but at least it forced eliza into uncomfortable situations and created a funny dynamic and you know with her getting the elite status there was actually an end game like a point to continue watching the series now all we have is just grown men with puppets and man with a cough now the final two episodes do change the game a little bit mostly because it's one episode that split into two parts pretty surprised that they're connecting I mean the only real continuity we've had so far is that boom a guy who seems to play all the side character roles the episode begins with Liza performing a usual comedy routine being loud and unfunny pulling off the worst Australian accent of all time good I might oh you like my Australian clip sticks [Music] afterwards the group open up a time capsule and this could have actually been a really good gag they could have called back to previous episodes like you know the the cupcake in from the first episode or the jigsaw piece that lies are lost but instead they they again use it just to put out there that man bad these are my favorite snacks cookies dipped in icing hahaha this hasn't aged very well well consider won't matter up to these days chin get baking steps the theme around this to para is New Year's as lies that as our jobs organising other people's events a pretty interesting concept I'm just wondering how they're gonna make it unfunny in the evening the group sneaked into a party they weren't invited - because lies are as a tasket job to read a kid a bedtime story hi I'm here to read you a bedtime oh hi I'm Liza and how old are you 13 why are you screaming if you guys don't recognize this kid he actually made a cameo in the very first episode where Liza was doing an uber job you're getting one-star you think that referenced this and have some kind of cool back with the kid but apparently this child is meant to be someone Liza has never met before and the encounter is never mentioned also he tries to kiss her because all men are terrible meanwhile Oliver gets a tarot card reading and finds out that the night is gonna end horribly there's going to be an explosion a violent explosion at tonight's party an explosion Oliver is so shocked his reaction makes the entire set shake hollow now on our own starts hitting on all the men for a midnight kiss but keeps being cooked until she eventually stubbles on Jason Nash Josh if you don't know who he is he frequents david dobrik blogs a lot and lives rent-free and Trisha Paytas his brain he comes across as a creep and Harlow leaves him and that's it he actually does not appear again in the rest of the episode that was like there's like a 14 second cameo wiser exploring the rest of the party finds an actual celebrity hey that is her my wife absolutely loves her who's that uh oh okay and ironically I have no idea who this is I knew Jason and Josh when they made their cameos but I got nothing here apparently she has 100k followers on Twitter the guy pretending to be me as more followers than her number three I don't like you also the party was meant to have a lead singer but they bailed thankfully Liza Koshi is here to save the day with her amazing singing ability [Music] Liza eventually completes the tasket and can finally enjoy her own New Year's but plot twist the car has been stolen where's your car thank goodness all these episodes are available now I'd surely go insane having to wait a week to find out what happened to the car the final episode begins with the recap of the previous episodes kind of pointless because all that happened was a bunch of plot threads they didn't go anywhere and Lars car being stolen the semi-famous woman from the previous episode comes to help and she does the CSI bit the entire episode that just feels really our place si si de Moines all I do is figure out the impossible trash cans covered in ejaculate don't touch anything this room is covered in ejaculate I get it popular TV show reference but without any kind of tonal change or real reason to put it in it comes across like a Family Guy cutaway gag Liza and Rachel go to the parking lot or a car has been towed and tried to convince the manager to release the car without paying any fees and you do not want to make Patel angry it's too late I'm angry oh yeah I'm not the things they come pissed off the tip alright shut it down shut it down uncensored swearword videos of safety hazard people not advertiser friendly I actually thought she was gonna smash a window then but I remembered the CGI B and the CGI steam from the coffee mug the budget is now on shambles in the B story Hollow and Oliver are trying to enjoy a New Year's pie hollow bumps into a guy with a microwave for a head his Liza Co she's trying to mock the parasitical channel but plot twist it's Mark Wahlberg from season 1 an actual callback I'm amazed the writing team even remember anything five seconds after they wrote it down for those who don't remember this guy was hollows ex-boyfriend who made a cameo in the first season not a great character but at least I can say now that the show had some kind of callback Liza finally gets her car back and she drives the drunk guy home from the previous episode he massively overpays her giving her well over $500 Liza keeps the money and drops him off at the wrong place yeah she's she's really up there we count four all right about now why's the follows and manages to get into the club but not without having a deep philosophical debate with the staff owner this party just two about some childish idea finds it it's definitely not terrific all you did it anyway now Liza does pretty much the only redeemable thing in the entire show she ditches the club and goes back to the house she had the tasket job in and tips the girl there with the drunk guy money I mean even though it's not really her money I guess there was a good deed there 1,400 points to me 1 - Liza the countdown to midnight starts Harlow goes to kiss Mark Wahlberg only to bail out last second microwave man has been cooked please smash like so we can finally get a GF also the show steals a note from Logan Paul's airplane modes and throws in a funny puke joke the show finally concludes with the group together back where they started achieving pretty much nothing apart from having more self-worth as people what a wholesome ending yep season 2 just sucks this at season 1 was mediocre at best but this was just painfully unfunny maybe it's unfair because we already know the format you know following seasons and sequels always have to outdo the previous content but here it just falls flat I think the biggest thing that hurt this show was removing the main focus on tasket I mean Liza has no real end goal in the series now at least season 1 had a positive conclusion this just had nothing I'm a materialistic person if there's no visible change by the end of the show then show bad I'm a craic by the way I hate to say but in retrospect the first season was actually pretty entertaining you know with the doppelgangers and the weird cult like funeral this is amiss mostly just failed dates and minor inconveniences hopefully in season 3 Liza takes me on as a lead writer so I can fix the show by making every character Liza Koshi [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 5,810,924
Rating: 4.9427166 out of 5
Keywords: liza koshy, liza on demand, When a YouTuber makes it onto TV, liza koshy pyrocynical, liza koshy on demand season 2, david dobrik, david dobrik liza koshy, parody, satire, meme, pyrocynical
Id: IdUmliMr82A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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