Pizza Delivery, Hotel Workers, And House Keepers. What's Your NSFW Story? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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Pizza Delivery hotel workers and housekeepers of ridet what is your NSFW story how would you rate it one to ten I was a housekeeper it was a gross job I came across used condoms six ties poo pee the final straw came when someone had jacked off and left the load on top of the cover I went to change the bed sheets and I put my hand right in it it was a 0/10 definitely Walden's recommend I quit soon after delivery driver for Jimmy Jones once got asked inside and totally thought I was about to bank mils instead she asked me to help move her dead mamas furniture posted before but Fitz delivered pizza in Washington State back around 15 years ago and had several odd experiences most bizarre one I can remember I was delivering several pizzas to her house which came to a total of about 36 dollars I walk up to the house knock on the door and a little kid answers the door he hands me $40 takes the pizzas and closes the door I stood there for a moment and just figured they were giving me the rest as a tip and the parents were too lazy to get off the couch I'm almost back at my car and I hear hey pizza guy get back here I turned around and see crazy-looking blond lady in the door in a towel I walk back and she starts into a Rand about how I was trying to steal money from her kid I explained to her that I just thought they were giving me the money as a tip and if that was an issue they can have it back I gave her the $4 back and after a bit more talking she ended up giving me $2 as a tip not that great but better than having a pissed off customer thinking all was cool I headed back to the shop when I get back at the shop my friend who was managing the shop was on the phone looking a bit pissed I walk him and he gets off the phone and explains that was a customer yelling at him about my behavior I explained what happened and we both figure they were crazy and continue on with the day fast-forward 20 minutes I have another order to take and I'm putting more pizzas in my car I go to leave but there is this big-ass pickup truck in the way I go to the dry and ask if they could move since I have pizzas to deliver the driver responds why say you predict more people off I look closer and in the passenger seat is the crazy lady now with crazy boyfriend driving I go back into the shop and tell my buddy crazy people here to see us my friend being the hilarious guy here's grabs paper and a pen and walks outside very obviously white stand the guy's license plate and heads back inside then proceeds to call the cops shortly after that they take off but tried to follow me most of the night but found it hard in their oversized redneck truck and me in a little sporty Pizza mobile TL DR don't deliver too crazy 4/10 there was a guy who ordered the same way every week you know who this is GM the usual and then hangs up his name was Ron and his usual was a large 14 sausage pizza burned like there's well-done where we make the cheese a uniform brown but he wanted it further than that not literally black dust but really dark all over it was always delivery and he tipped very well our drivers were drivers and order takers only they didn't work other positions I worked the oven and would only go on deliveries if we were guy behind on orders one day in December I get the call from Ron and I say I know your address but I've never been there is it easy to find he replies it's the one with terrain dia freaking in the front yard so him driving around these cookie cutter townhomes that all look the same and sure enough there's one with a decorative reindeer mounting another route front I walk up to the door this super tan Italian guy in a purple robe and leopard print briefs because his robe was wide open answers the door shouts at me you must be new here yeah Geo and throws the 20 at me bill was $13 this was in 2001 only a 2/10 in terms of NSFW staff but man that was a memorable delivery seeing this man in person who had cooked pizza for every week for two years was like seeing a cent or or Unicom ten tenths is a customer though predictable there kept it quick tipped well pizza delivery for seven years fewer than ten times did I see any noteworthy degree of nudity usually women HOD answer the door in at our Lord topless but it wasn't the opening scene to pronoun that you're picturing but once I delivered pizza to an orgy in progress if that's not a ten I don't know what is except that I didn't join him used to do bicycle deliveries on the French Quarter in New Orleans frequently made deliveries to strippers while they're working sometimes you get a little behind-the-scenes view of the happenings between customers and strippers once handed food directly to a stripper while she was getting finger blasted and she proceeded to hand me a tip from her bosom as though nothing was happening I was a housekeeper at a hotel for a few years I lived in an expensive city so rent was high but the pay covered the basics one day my boss came up to my cart and warned me not to start cleaning a particular room until it was clear it's not unheard of for guests to request later checkouts or stay an extra day but I've never heard someone talk about a cleaning delay in such terms before then after ten minutes a 30-something white male and a paramedic jog over to the room I was warned about I didn't think it was my business to start prodding but my first thought was Oh Frank dead body I've had stories from other hotel staff it's rare but it happens this time the situation was kinda sorta worse than that elderly Vietnam vet rented a room with the sole intention of killing himself called his son to say goodbye and son called for an ambulance he had already taken a shoot ton of pills but his body rejected them and had puked and shoot all over the room they escorted the elderly man out of the room there were tears streaming down his cheeks and he won't stop apologizing for the mess it took two hours to clean what I could we had to call a specialist service in to get the rest I wasn't angry this time it was one of the saddest things had ever seen eight out of ten probably not what you came here to see but I used to work at the front desk of a crappy no pun intended hotel one day the housekeeper's found the room where the Akoo pants had taken a steamy hash - in the tub and turned the heat up to 90 before checking out it was not safe to work in there I delivered room service at a nice hotel back in 89 to 91 night I get a delivery for a bottle of high-end scotch - the penthouse suite great sailors I get automatic 17 percent on all orders so the door opens and I get invited in there are about 20 young Japanese men in the room and they have one of the guys pinned down on the bed and are wailing away on his bare feet whether shoe I see this and don't know whether to laugh on call security they see the stunned look on my face and reassure me that this is a bachelor party tradition where they are frog sounds reasonable to me so I go about my way on my way out several of the guys discreetly slid tens and twenties into my hand as tips after a couple more deliveries that night I walked with over 250 dollars from that room alone ten to ten would recommend I worked front desk for a small hotel in a small town that had eight of those fantasy suites where the rooms were designed to look like different things igloo cave Casino honeymoon suite etc there was so much NSFW stuff going on there that the housekeeper's just told me to lie to myself when I was doing the laundry blood on the middle of the sheet clearly someone had a nosebleed unit int available stain had to be a food spill it was the only way to get through the days thank goodness I never worked third shift those are the employees that dealt with the most NSFW staff mostly thanks to noise complaints Pizza Delivery to a residency receipt says deliver to set now I've been on a few student film sets before and I have a pretty good layman's idea of the way things work so I thought I'd ask what they were filming inside it's this movie about these two cousins who freaked each other they did not tip me the most NSFW delivery I ever did was delivered to a couple in a hotel the woman answered and paid wearing only panties and a tight-fitting t-shirt and her chest was ginormous then she tipped ten dollars due to how close this hotel was to the shop that's basically a ten tenth delivery similar thing happened to me when I delivered newspapers as a kid this one woman was never home when I collected and she owed me several weeks subscription one day I was out collecting and I knocked on her door only to hear her having sex like I said she owed me money and was difficult to catch at home so I kept knocking and knocking she eventually opened the door in a half-open robe and paid me in pretty sure she even gave me a good tip a friend of mine works at a hotel this guy called the front desk asking if they could fix the heater which is a very common request even though they are very easy to operate she went up to his room and when she got there he had handcuffed himself to the bed and was naked gessie was confident she would go for him cuz he didn't have the key she left him there with no key but make it and didn't close the door old Away worked at Domino's a guy waved me into his apartment with a gun shut the door then he just tipped me and I left as if it was the most casual thing in the world maybe he was cleaning it or something when I knocked still weird was one of two maintenance men at an apartment complex thankfully two older trashy women preferred the other guy they would wear old worn-out lacy things every time he was scheduled to be in their unit for repairs they were also borderline hoarder I do freelance at work I leave business card at hotels sometimes abuse in s person has a PC problem it has been a pretty nice source of income I get a call one night from this woman staying at one of the nice upscale places B PC has crashed and she has a presentation in the morning I pack some spare parts and head over I get there and it doesn't take long to see her hard drive is failing the fix takes a while I have to clone her drive to a new one then disassemble her notebook to replace it it could take three hours easily depending on how long it takes to clone her old Drive I offer to take it with me and return it early enough to make her meeting it would be cheaper for her to but she doesn't want to let the PC leave her site so I get to work most of the time in just sitting there watching the PC she says she would like to go workout in the gym I guess she decided him trustworthy looking she's about 45 as most women executives she's fit and attractive but she's all business never smiles even for a second I had to ask her some questions passwords email address et Cie while him talking to her she starts to take off her blouse unzips a skirt soon she's standing there in her bra and a half slip she gets her workout clothes out of her suitcase and goes around the corner to finish changing she's gone about an hour comes back in the room I'm updating her on progress she goes and starts the shower she is asking question and slips off her shorts has very 60 panties she turned her back to me takes off her sports bra and goes into the shower when she came out she had one of those white Hotel robes she sits on the bed drying her hair I can see her in the mirror her robes is open enough to see her nipples I tell her I should be finished soon all I have to is take the back off so I can put the new drive in she goes in the bathroom and come out wearing a thin cotton nighty nipples can be SE the bill came to over three hundred dollars she even rounded it up to four hundred dollars for the excellent service did I miss a chance to screw lonely businesswomen maybe I used to work in a hotel as the front desk supervisor please don't answer the door in a towel ask us to wait if you need to throw on some clothes real quick I can't tell you how many times I'd brought something up to a room the person answered the door in a towel and then accidentally dropped some or all of the towel reaching for whatever I've brought them please please put some clothes on I delivered pizza for five years seen a lot of Bob's people in the middle of having sex drugs etcetera the one that sticks out was a very attractive lady coming to the door after her bf goes to get her wearing the most see-through Len jury I have ever se she might as well have been naked it stands out because of how damn attractive she was and how she just stood there for a long time letting me soak it all in I think they got off on that stuff and I'm super pissed I got the order right and didn't forget anything long I delivered groceries back in the early zero zero noting ever happened I think it gave me low self-image the closest thing that ever happened was an old widow who would tip me 100% when I would sit and listen to her for a half hour I delivered meals on wheels for a few years and would always spend a lot of time at two of the houses one lady had mild dementia she remembered me most of the time that always told me about the tree in her backyard she and her husband had planted when they bought the house as newlyweds in the 50s I made sure to ask to see it every time and to absolutely go wild at how amazing it was she always made me tea and when chat about just random things she was a real joy the other was an old man who never had any lights on in his house he just smoked cigarettes and watched TV and usually have cigarettes with him and talk about young ladies and cars stuff he loved but would never likely experience again had always say something like get any good [ __ ] lately and it lie or tell the truth if it involved talking about nice Bob's and short skirts or whatever I know that's probably not a welcome topic here but I think he just needed someone to talk to so I played into his interest the dude was hilarious though he always offered to lend me his old Cadillac if I was having a hard time jet in [ __ ] as head sailors imagine blue from old school and that was him just less mobile oh well I miss those days I was being trained to do the night audit the audit is a pretty dead shift with a lot of downtime we're done the basics and now were just hanging out in the lobby were watching TV when my trainer points past me and says that joobs naked nope not turning around not even going to pretend to be interested nope he gets up and rushes over to the front desk I finally turn around and see a completely naked man how can I help you sir i freed up yes it seems you did head-on the classic said something outside your door and it closes behind you locking the naked person in the hallway as a former teen Domino's delivery expert in rural Tennessee I have been tipped in every drug you could ever imagine 2 to 10 out of 10 really depended on the drug if I took it had women on and drinking their usually answer the door topless bottomless or wearing a horse head 9 out of 10 was wholesome asked to fight could be tipped in one hand job from a 40 year old 3 out of 10 she was lovely but stupid pulled to my girlfriend's place to get a blow job 10 out of 10 a bit of roleplay f cka and opened a door to the creepiest freaking man I have ever se a crook smile I will never forget in a Motorhome in the middle of nowhere on the bend of a random street his eyes were too white his smile too forced that fricking guy haunts me to this day zero out of 10 Amazon is lazy and will deliver all of my neighbors packages to my house it doesn't bother me too much I go around and deliver them I was out handing out a couple packages we have an older couple mid sixties by us the lady opens the door I go to hand her the package when their bulldog comes bolting out of the hallway couple seconds later so does the old man in tighty white ties it's his house whatever except the elastic is ripped away from the underwear his deck and balls are flying out on display I work as a hotel and conference center we have 30 ice conference rooms so we have a respectable amount of space well a couple decided to retreat into one of our conference rooms not knowing that I had to set rooms for the next day I was surprised when I walked through the door to see both of them half naked on the floor to this day I still don't know who was more surprised I used to work as a delivery driver I once delivered to this what I would assume on minivan in driveway toys all over et Cie who was tweaking on something she was 35 to 40 years old and answered the door in nothing but a bra and panties rotting teeth mangled hair and just a flat-out mess said that I looked good in a uniform and proceeded to tell me she cold Insignia asks if I wanted to come in was literally a textbook stereotype delivery boy fantasy just with added drugs it was interesting to say the least and I hope that kids where and home in the state she was in worked at the front desk of a pretty nice hotel my shift usually didn't end till 11 p.m. and everyone else usually left by 10 p.m. so one night I get a call for towels and I grab them and head up since I'm the only one working I knock and a dude answers in a man thong and his partner is laying naked on the bed just free ball in it that you did the thong says something to the effect of wanna join us QT I'm a guy I politely declined and disappeared as fast as I could super awkward Pizza Delivery I had the standards that are all pretty much listed here naked answers shooting up offers of six slash drugs but the one that stuck with me and honestly made me want to bleach my entire body was in a neighborhood right behind our shop the streetlights were never functioning in this area and the front porch had junk piled high on either side so it blocked any sign of life I could have seen from the street the smell was a mixture of sewage and spray-paint and I almost heaved halfway to their entrance there was no door so I just hollered pizza and breathed into my shirt the chick that approached was covered in scabs and cigarette burns it was the worst I have se she was clutching the money for this medium pizza in these crusty dirty covered hands and kind of just staring at me I'll let her know I needed the money in order to give her the pizza and she held it out kind of like a child does I did the swap and jogged back to my car thankfully I had Clorox wipes and sanitizer in my console for the less desirable delivery location situations but this this still burns strong in my memory not a pizza delivery guy or hotel worker but I used to do it stuff for people one day I got called after hours to fix a computer I called when I arrived and was told to just walk in and the desktop was in the office to the left going and the only thing wrong was it wasn't plugged in plug it in and make sure it turned on without an issues as soon as I turn around the woman who calls is there in nothing but a thin Silk Road my story is fairly boring but I clean houses on the side to make ends meet my neighborhood is pretty good but I live next to some very wealthy neighborhoods it's nice because the houses are pretty much spotless so I get paid good money to wipe down clean counters and vacuum spotless carpet I had this one customer who was really particular about stuff a fairly attractive singled out of four in a mansion he wanted the vacuum lines on the carpet a certain direction and the blinds closed at a certain angle stuff like that it was fine because he paid me really well after a month or so he started striking up conversations more and more and asking me about any weird stuff that it ever happened then one day he lives in his living room working on his laptop and asked me to help move the coffee table that the laptop is on he left a soda without the lid on right next to the computer that I cold and see from the angle I was at and when he went to set the table down it knocked over and got on his computer he said it was my fault and that I could either clean for free or make up for it in some other way you guessed it he was insinuating that I prostitute myself to pay off the laptop I didn't and he texted me four weeks afterwards threatening all kinds of things if I didn't come back and pay off the laptop super creep we post from eret but honest as all get-out did this on accident rented a room in Santa Cruz w /g err smoked a ton of weed drink a lot of Jack and start freaking around she surprised me with the vibrator and five different attachments WTF and a pair of cuffs everything's laid out on the bed having Gia good ol time and we get the munchies i order a pizza and they say 45 minutes great more time to frag loft the time and sure enough knock at the door in shitty and can't find my pants still cuffed up I'm hollering at the door telling him to hold on find my pants can't find cuff keys so I send her off into the bathroom open up the door shirtless juice got pizza looking kinda pissed oh well for him I reach for my wallet and it's not there I tell him to come and drunk while I look he takes two steps in and the door closes behind him he takes a look around an ounce of weed a half empty one fifth of Jack one vibrator and five attachments GF here's the door click and assumes safety so she pops out butt-naked hands cuffed behind her back she screams his eyes bug out very calmly he sets the pizza down walks outside and just waits when I found my wallet I gave him a hefty tip but he cold luckily in the eye this was actually when I was doing door-to-door fundraising for my high school football team went to a luxury apartment complex to see if I could get some bigger donations mostly everyone said no or they had kids that went to another school and donated their I heard music from one apartment and knocked anyways a couple guys with a group of about five girls were having a little party between them all they bought all the fundraising books I had and the guy who answered wrote me a check for $100 to get my goal limit reached to receive my uniform for free I was so stoked I asked what they did for a living because they all looked just a few years older than I was it was a hangout of young pronoun actors and actresses in the midst of what I assumed turned into an orgy every single one of them were basically physically perfect [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 408,191
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: g6NljfgydbA
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Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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