Reality TV Contestants, How Fake Are The Shows?

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redditors who have been on a reality tv show such as hardcore porn or pimp my ride or porn stars how fake was it several years ago my cousin went in for a tattoo at the shop from inked the one in vegas it was an off-filming day so none of the artists from the show were in he got his tattoo started and they asked him to come back in a few weeks when it was healed up to schedule an appointment to finish it when he showed up filming for the season was finished the shop was closed cleaned out and the space was for sale that seemed somewhat fraudulent my dad sued my mom and they both ended up on judge joe brown because judge judy said no my dad is a scumbag he dodged child support payments for close to eight years and didn't contact me or my sister during that time from when i was 5 to 13 when i was 13 he popped back up out of the blue and wanted to visit but he lived in the ozarks now and we live in new england so he flies out for a couple days and we visit don't really hit it off and he goes back home a few months later we get a letter from some producers in la saying my dad called the number for judge judy and filed a lawsuit against my mom demanding she reimburse him for the money he spent to visit us it says judge judy turned it down but that they had a new show yet to her called judge joe brown they wanted my parents to appear on if she said no there was no legal jeopardy for her they show is for entertainment it also said my mom could file a counter suit against my dad so being super p she did for everything from school tuition to books to dentist bills to my sister's speech therapy food school supplies clothes freaking everything for eight years came out to like 150 000 now the filming date is scheduled and it happens to fall on my first day of high school my mom decides that's too important a day to miss so i'm cut from the trip they fly out get put up free in a nice hotel free meals spend a while in hair and makeup then start filming within three minutes the judge boots my sister from the room says that a little girl doesn't need to see her parents fight in public good man the judge listens to both my dad and my mom my dad's reason for suing was that my mom lived too far away judge asks who decided to move to the ozarks judge calls my dad a [ __ ] judge listens to my mom list off all the crap my dad skated on judge says if he could he'd give her every dime she asked for but the limit is five thousand dollars and she's getting it all judge tells my dad he should be ashamed my mom calls my dad a deadbeat on national television crossing that off her bucket list both she and my sister got a bonus 300 appearance fee and cards from a bunch of people who book extras background for soap operas and stuff then they spent the next day at universal studios the same day as the mtv movie awards so they got to watch all the limos arrive in some of the red carpet for that then on the flight back they ran into some soap opera actors from general hospital which is my mom's favorite good trip for her one thing i appreciate about this story is how positive you are about your mom and sister's experience there's no i got cut from the trip and i should have been there etc it's just this was good for my mom props to you sir i was on jerry springer the episode never aired but the entire thing was fake they even asked me to find friends to complete the storyline of a double love triangle coolest part of it all was when they literally asked me if i wanted a fake doctor's note or a fake death certificate made out in a fake family member's name in order to get me out of work they literally had a guy on staff whose only job was to get people out of work so they could attend filming i was on set for a filming go ghost hunters in buffalo on the show they are investigating an upper level of the buffalo central terminal when they hear a disembodied voice say get out it was the property manager on a lower level yelling at some homeless people to clear out everyone knew it was him but it somehow made it in the show as an unexplained event my favorite is the episode no idea which of the ghost shows it was where they hear this wheeze most of the show was them freaking out about them come to find out it's a really fat cat just chilling on a bed upstairs with a breathing problem it was pretty funny when my wife and i were looking to buy our home in michigan our agent told us we had the opportunity to be on house hunters if we wanted to we talked to some person from the show and they told us the basic process we'd buy whatever home we wanted then they would film us there before we moved in as though we were just looking at the place as well as looking at two other prospective places that they had selected then we'd ultimately choose the house we'd already bought and live happily ever after we watched a few episode or i did my wife already liked the show and i convinced my wife of how stupid they would likely make us look so we passed from my experience watching the show and other hgtv shows they almost always make the wife look like a whiny bee while at a bar in nyc someone approached my dad and his buddy asking if they wanted to be on a gourmet cooking show naturally they agreed and asked if i 14 wyo at the time could join the promoter said of course gave them the location and told them to tell me not to eat a big lunch as this would be a large multi-course meal at an upscale restaurant i skipped lunch that day after a rough lunchtime soccer match and left school early to meet my father and his friend we arrived in a strange part of manhattan near the hudson in a rather dead part of the city we got a call from the producer saying sorry man wrong location we're sending a car to pick you up immediately we hopped into a taxi and boom yawn cash cab the ball headed host declared as lights flashed above our heads so we lost got kicked out in chelsea and ended up spending our own money on food and a taxi home very upsetting it's a running joke amongst friends that if you see a white guy driving a yellow taxi in manhattan be ready for cash cab i was on this morning when i was about seven and they did the big mackie over for me and my siblings the premise they created was that we were a nightmare and my poor mum just wanted us to look smart for an upcoming christening the main part i remember was them telling us to jump in the mud and shout know when our mum asked us to stop normally we wouldn't have dead so i remember that being fun oh and my sister ruined her hair three times before going on stage so they made us hold her hand so she couldn't touch it i mean if they're making you do things that you wouldn't do normally that's literally fiction i have several friends that were on the first season of moonshiner discover a channel it is totally fake i mean they do make moonshine but what you see on the show is not what it's like in real life but most of them are licensed to sell alcohol and do sell it locally at the package stores the others only make a little to have for themselves and a few friends more to keep up a family tradition than anything else but the producers had them set up stills in the woods and even told them what to wear to make it look more backwards redneck good old boys than anybody in this area has looked in 50 years most of us sat there with the guys that were being filmed watching the episodes and laughing at all the people that probably think this stuff is real while drinking store-bought beer all the hard stuff is only for rare occasions it'll rot your gut if you drink it all the time rare occasions equals saturday nights i was born in henry county va and lived there until i was eight and my sister is 40 and has lived there her whole life shining like that actually happens but not nearly to the scale that it was shown my sister's ex did have a cold water creek still and made illegal shine albeit in patrick county now i live in east tien and everything here is legal when i was in university about seven years ago we got an email inviting us to take part in 60-minute maki over uk it's a show where a person's family calls in a team of experts to totally refurnish their house while they're away from home for the day the audience at home are there to believe that all of the work is done within 60 minutes and they make a point to start their countdown on camera and rush everyone and to meet their deadline about 10 of us joined the mackey over team at around 8 a.m on the day and were given flat pack furniture to make outside the house before they started the mackey over the crew had a skip outside where they threw all of this poor unsuspecting guy's furniture only to be replaced with this cheap stuff that was only available to him via sponsorship of the program but they list all of the new furniture's manufacturers in the credits at the end of the show they also masked off all of the skirting boards and light switches ready for painting before we were let loose inside we were let into the house as a member of the itv crew declared the start of our 60 minutes after 30 minutes of frantic patchy wall painting carrying lamps uncomfortable seating and chipboard coffee tables into the house we were told to vacate we then had lunch in the street while the experts went in to clean up our mess and then did it all again for another strict 30 minutes after we were finished and the official 60 minutes were over there was another period of professionals tidying and filling in our shoddy decorating before we all gathered outside and waited for a man to come home from work he would find that all of his furniture had been smashed into a skip outside his house and replaced with stuff that may look good on camera for a couple of seconds during a quick sequence but would be very disappointing to live with this man would be happy about his mackie over and we would leave the scene as more experienced well-rounded students with an insight into tv production freak me that sounds like it sucks balls my cousin was involved in filming for the bachelor not a contestant and said they filmed many scenes in several different ways for example they might film them cuddling while walking and then walking while looking annoyed and so on not that fake but yeah worked on love it or listed the reactions at the time of the reveal of the house were meant to be real and they actually sign a contract saying they won't go in the house before renovations are complete 99 of the work isn't done by the people shown doing the work on tv it's done by subcontractors the entire staff works until 1 or 2 a.m the night before filming to get the house ready most of the stuff they put in for design purposes was taken back after the shoot because it wasn't part of the homeowner's budget we got blacklisted from several stores because we will buy thousands of dollars of stuff and take it back after we shot in holland there was a dutch version of pimp my ride a player of a football team we played against had his car pimped the car didn't even make it home he had to call the car repair service on his way back from the studio my mate was onto two fixers if you don't know what it is basically they get people in with tattoos they regret and make a design they don't tell them about tattoo it on and cover the old one up and surprise them at the end he filmed the big surprise reveal like five times because he wasn't surprised enough coma we already agreed what it would look like after it's done i know but at least act more surprised not me but my best friend was on 16 and pregnant now i don't know if this is always the case but none of the drama on her episode was fabricated however at one point they did ask her to reenact a conversation that she had had with her mother off-camera the funny part is they had her reenacted about a week after giving birth so she was no longer pregnant to hide that she wore a big sweatshirt and held a teddy bear in front of her tummy so you couldn't tell the difference i've been getting a lot of questions from the good people over at our team and to be honest i just don't feel comfortable divulging my friend's personal information in exchange for fake internet points i've said just about as much as i'm willing to say without her permission maybe one day she'll do an ama herself for you guys but i don't feel comfortable doing it on her behalf out of all of them it doesn't surprise me one beer to hear that 16 and pregnant is the only one that has enough real ridiculous drama that they don't need to fabricate things my sister's friend's family was on house hunter several years ago and everything about it was staged they had already decided on the house before the show even started filming and other other two options that the couple was considering were found afterwards they filmed a bunch of fake conversations between the family members to make it seem like they were still making up their minds the thing is this was a latino family and every member struggled heavily with english the conversation scenes were obviously forced as these people were just stumbling their way through scripted english sentences and it was obvious that they would have been having the conversation in spanish if they were on their own the issue was so bad that i'm surprised they even aired the episode i was on an episode of wife swap one of the wives was a burlesque dancer so her new husband had to emcee a variety show of which she was the headliner i was the juggler in that act full disclosure i'm pretty sure all tape with me on it is on the cutting room floor in the ho pretty darn fake the people are real and lots of their interactions are real but a ton of scenarios are staged okay now we're going to plan the show but make sure wally new husband takes over he'd never done anything showbiz before so naturally we tried to help him but the director kept telling us that he was in charge and he needed to be doing the planning i caught a moment of a personal interview as well honest answers but very much being steered by the camera crew and director during the show the crew said they needed to get sound levels so they had people sit quietly clap politely clap clap loudly etc i'm fairly certain that was so they could have clips showing a range of responses in the end the whole show bit got about four seconds of time on screen waste of two days no pay common no pay that's ridiculous and sounds illegal i was on a european version of survivor where we went to an island and had to survive for two weeks whatever was seen on camera was what actually happening the only fake thing is that we got some food to maintain a somewhat healthy diet i was on an australian reality called surprise chef the premise of the show was that the celebrity chef would meet someone at the supermarket and then cook dinner for them on my episode i volunteered at an aquarium the story in this episode was the chef met my boss at the supermarket then cooked all the aquarium volunteers a nice surprise dinner of course this was all pre-arranged there was no meeting by chance we all knew what was happening so for the scene we all got surprised in the shark tank we knew what was happening and did seven takes off fake surprise but the celebrity chef cooked nothing he went in for a few takes and an actual chef cooked all the food while the cc stood outside chain smoking the food was average basically local rsl quality chicken parmy and professor rolls i think i drew the short straw of things you get in a reality show a crappy meal the others get like cars or renovation makeovers profiteer rolls that is an excellently accurate typo my uncle was on porn stars attempting to sell something the item wasn't even his he knew a guy who worked on the show everyone seems to know a guy i actually have three a friend of mine was on the bachelor this was years ago and she ended up being one of the last four girls she said they were constantly fed alcohol were put on a strict sleep schedule where they were literally put to bed and woken up also there were no clocks anywhere so all the girls were in the constant state of alcohol-fueled disorientation there were no chance encounters where the guy is sitting on the couch and the girl goes up to tall to him all of that is staged even their conversations were a shot over and over if the reactions weren't right to their wording was off the entire thing was completely controlled and she said no one really knew they guy because none of their interactions were real a friend of mine's house was on house hunters he wasn't on the show himself but his house was the one that was picked and yes it was sold and all the paperwork was signed before they filmed he was there when they filmed all the segments but wasn't allowed to be on camera my wife was on america's got talent she was a dancer for her friends act she said they lived in a tent for four days in the parking lot she had a very positive experience she said she met a lot of cool people and that it did feel genuine for the one episode she was on her friend made it through that round but got eliminated the following week my brother was on factor uk there are several rounds before the televised rounds so all those rubbish acts you see on tv have been picked by producers to go through i've also been in the audience of the voices factor and they make you do loads of fake cheering dancing and clapping before the show starts so they can cut it into the actual show ninety percent of the cheering you see here on the televised shows have been added in post-production i was on stan lee's superhumans long shoot day at the high altitude chamber i worked at they brought a guy who had climbed mt everest a bunch of times without supplemental oxygen 29 000 featuring so we brought him to the same altitude in the chamber with some westerners to compare against he asked for oxygen after 15 minutes and after 30 they asked me to pretend to pass out looking back at what ed it's obvious to me i was faking the way they edited the show he does win the competition season two spider-man is the episode title high attitude chamber sounds horrific i was on a tv show in the uk called bargain hunt i went on it for a bit of a drunken dare and never expected to get past the online application form but after a phone interview and a bargain hunt tryout day we got on we as in me and my workmate i asked workmate as he was going through a crappy time it was shot over two days day one we had one hour to choose the three antiques to sell on day 2 was the auction day where we sell chosen items the only fake bit about it was that we had an hour to choose our three items but we actually spread this over five hours as we had to film get sound right get lighting right etc and as the tv crew are sorting out lighting and stuff me and friend would keep on looking around the antique house for other objects to buy i'm glad bargain hunt is largely real i think i'd have lost my faith in tv altogether if something as wholesome as bargain hunt turned out to be all staged i worked with this guy who was on a tv show in england he said the show producers would tell him he would get more airtime if he was cheating on his partner instead of just being happy with his girlfriend they just love the drama and don't care what it costs a guy did an ama about being on pimp my ride everything done to the car was cosmetic i believe his car didn't run before the show and didn't run after basically a polished turd even as a viewer i've reacted to that they do a lot of stuff that looks good but they don't do anything to the bits that keeps it running and safe i was on a reality ambulance tv show when i was an emt the patients were real and their medical conditions were real everything else about the show was fake when we filmed it was for a bariatric ambulance tv show in the morning when the camera crew got there they filmed us driving lights and sirens around the parking lot then we did personal interviews where they let us talk about moving bariatric patients and how we felt about our jobs then they made us say a bunch of stuff that we normally would never say like without us these patients would die etc they used these clips of the stuff they made us say and spliced it into the real stuff we said our actual ambulance transport scene in the tv show was 100 planned and scripted the patient wanted to go to the ear and have some decubitus ulcers looked at however this patient being diabetic had a high blood sugar of 400 having just eaten and taken insulin we took that and were forced to treat it like a life or death situation and then they used our earlier footage of saying things were life and death and our driving around the parking lot lights and sirens to make it seem like we were fighting for her life in reality in about 30 minutes her sugar was going to go back down to normal and life would be good the whole experience actually really turned me off to reality tv and made me realize how fake everything is if people are interested i'm sure i can find a youtube clip i just have to double check and make sure i didn't sign a non-disclosure agreement oh god as an emt this made me cringe really hard i've never seen the show or any m's show but ouch i interviewed for what not to wear it started at a punk show on the west coast on the east coast you dress punk for a punk show i just moved to the west coast and didn't get the memo that everyone would be wearing a plaid shirt and jeans so i was in full-on regalia so this woman approaches me and says she likes my outfit and that she works for a fashion show that she'd like me to be on and asks for my contact info so she can follow up afterwards later on i get an email from her and find out it was what not to wear obviously this made me feel like complete crap since i felt like my outfit looked pretty nice i battled a lot internally about whether or not i should enter they told me i would get a prize of my choosing worth twenty thousand dollars plus an entire new wardrobe of fashion designer clothing but the trade-off is that it would be really degrading and probably ruin my self-esteem plus they would destroy all of my alternative clothing they said i would have to get all of my friends and family on board so they could have interventions to tell me how bad all my clothes are eventually i decided money is money and went into the audition which was in the sag building i also decided i was going to hide all my favorite clothes so they couldn't destroy them a filmographer was asking me some questions when the director walked in and dragged him out of the room she came back in a minute later and told me she thought my outfit looked great that she had no idea how i had ended up there but that i was welcome to recommend any other poorly dressed friends to the show i guess in the end it was a confidence boost but twenty thousand dollars prize would have been pretty sweet had a friend of a friend enter this show the only way i found out was i was watching the show and saw her she wore baggy camo clothes and cowboy boots like 100 of the time no matter the occasion they gave her new clothes and hairstyle but about two weeks after the episode aired i saw her with her camo get up shopping at walmart if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 40,391
Rating: 4.8706899 out of 5
Keywords: reality shows, reality shows 2020, reality shows be like, reality shows that are scripted, reality shows that are fake 2020, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, sub
Id: KYwhea9o5B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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