What's the worst thing you've heard a teacher say? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's the worst thing you've ever heard a teacher say at school okay I have one when I was in elementary I got confused met lunchtime and threw my food out early and wandered outside for recess alone realizing my mistake and having no idea what to do I went back inside and told a lunch lady and asked what I should do she dragged me by the arm to the center of the lunchroom with a live mick and informed everyone of my mistake and how no one should do what I did because it was a bad bad thing she told everyone I was going to get expelled I was sobbing at that point I kept asking her what expelled meant but she didn't answer me all I knew was that it was a bad thing I never told my mom until years later and no I didn't get actually expelled first day on the job teacher walks in as the new Cod teacher and his name's on the board it looks like who'd pronounce it ass man he announces right away that it's not and that you will be thrown out of his class if you call him that he does Roland gets to a French African name that looks like it might be pronounced for a gay slur starting with F does not use better judgment and uses that slur as a last name it's pronounced fat J ass man kid obviously had to deal with this problem his whole life and was not keen on the mix-up new teacher blows up and is hollering at this sixteen year old who's not backing down takes a bit but they both disappear teacher was never seen in the building again this was first period first day of school when I was in high school a gym teacher came up to me one day towards the end of class when everyone was just kind of freely shooting basketballs and hanging out on the bleachers I was standing by myself and walked up and asked me something about the neighboring town he said did you know that in Olney they used to hang [ __ ] with velvet double-quote and then just walked away it was the only time he ever talked to me I'm white and he was a black guy maybe six feet eight I think he was in the NBA for one season or something everyone loved him so I guess he was just in with me but he got me pretty good male teacher was talking about the dress-code to me and a friend of mine during lunch he stated he doesn't like seeing a bunch of fatties in short shorts but then gestured towards a thin girl and short shorts walking up the step and said about that that I don't mind I just wish I was f king dead overheard by complete chance while wandering the corridors during a free period turned right back around and took the long route so I wouldn't have to walk past the classroom it was a bit of a broken pedestal moment for me but I never told anyone else about it the teacher who said it was one of our most beloved history teachers who we later found out had been stopped from committing suicide at least twice by one of the deputy heads who'd been friends with him since their university days in the past not stopped hasn't talked things out and convinced him it wasn't the best way to deal with his problems but as in physically picked up and dragged away from the window he the deputy head was quite intimidating as a teacher but we gained a lot of respect for him after learning that my science teacher in seventh grade called a Mexican kid in my class a fence hopper once during the middle of class in the same vein I had a high school teacher that nicknamed everyone his name for my friend from Syria was green card my culinary teacher in high school did worse he straight-up called me Pablo even though that wasn't my name simply because I was Hispanic he called the Middle Eastern kid terrorists and the redneck kid NASCAR I wish I was joking not the worst ever but it's really f ked with me there are literally millions of other cute little Chinese girls just like you that are much better than you and can replace you edit for context I study animation and then also Chinese I was asking my teachers for advice on how to get better at drawing faster as I wasn't very happy with my skill level and was stressed about being left behind by my peers most of my teachers were very supportive but obviously not all of them law I did work very hard to spite him though and did get a scholarship from it you just can't break my spirit I go to school in the US and he happened to be a white male teacher but there are mean people from every race and gender and good people say shitty things sometimes - thank you for all the support three and four others asking about when I said this was not the worst ever I meant that other people have probably heard worse from teachers I guess however one of my college professor straight-up said one day from my experience african-american students tend to drop my class the most it's probably too hard for them any of you notice how we haven't seen that one black chick who used to sit in the front row for weeks now double-quote guy was immediately shot down when the black chick raised her hand from the back row saying she'd been here the whole time she just moved to the back row collapse way her boyfriend was sitting I wonder if Rosa Parks would have gone to the back of the bus if her boyfriend was there I may be wrong please correct me otherwise but wasn't the Rosa Parks thing because she was at the front of the black part of the bus and she was asked to move further back as a white man wanted her seat or did she literally go f ck you bigots and sit right up front just want to know as I have heard both versions and one to be sure one day in a history class my professor who is at least 80 years old was talking about bedfellows in Victorian England and was saying how common it was for men to sleep together he used himself as an example and said that he used to sleep with his grandfather all the time as a child after he said that though he looked at the ground and said to himself audibly I still wonder to this day if he molested me then he looked back at us shrugged and said oh well too late to know for sure now it was fascinating to see someone overcome deep-seated trauma so quickly this wasn't said directly to me but in middle school I had a teacher grabbed me from the lunch table and dragged me to the principal's office after grilling me for a while and telling me I know what I did they finally revealed to me that the teacher stated she witnessed me suggestively sucking my thumb while staring at a female friend of mine I was just biting my nail age of nine lost my father in a horrific accident I returned to school a few days later and after attendance was taken the teacher said to me in front of the class the class got together and sent flowers to your father's funeral I paid your share so make sure you bring in two dollars two more hours I need to be paid back she then went on with the lessons as many have asked what happened I asked to see the school nurse and was sent home once home I told my mother returning to school two days later I never saw the teacher again I don't know how my mother handled it when I was about nine our teacher asked the class what we wanted to be when we grew up one kid said he wanted to be a bin man a garbage man for us readers dirt the teacher went into a rant saying that jobs like these were for the lowest most unintelligent people in society and that he should aspire to be better than that finally she asked why he wanted to be a bin man anyway because my dad's one said the kid by now in tears in sixth grade there was an Indian girl in our class and she was getting teased because of the way she smelled she didn't smell bad she just smelled like Indian food and our teacher did this thing where she would pull a student into the hall and talk to them either about bullying or being bullied well she took this girl into the hall and had one of her talks with her the teacher then comes back into class and tells us all that she had a talk with the girl and explained to her that maybe her family could eat their more traditional foods on the weekends and more American foods during the week I will never forget being 11-12 and thinking is she crazy I felt so bad for the girl I told my mom about it when I got home that day so my mom started packing me serein lunches my mom was half Syrian and called the teacher and bitched her out for it the teacher then apologized to the class and the little girl my design and technology teacher really resented that I had very little interest in her subject she asked me what I wanted to do when I left school I told her I was going to do something with music I was in all the school bands orchestras choirs etc and played piano at grade 8 level she told me to be successful at that someone had to be either extremely talented or very hardworking in that I was neither my brother abused me as a child had started around third or fourth grade and when I was in fourth grade he held a pocket knife my dad had given him up to my neck I told my class about it because I was scared my teacher took me to the hallway and told me don't say those things or you'll be taken away from your family I never mentioned the abuse to anyone again until seventh grade because of the warning this teacher gave me it only got worse after the knife incident my history of art teacher is an old man ready to be retired but can't because there is none who could replace him anyways he is pretty strict but sometimes likes to joke around I sit in the first row and one day he was talking about some painting stops mid-sentence looks at me for solid ten seconds of goes my name your lips are very red just like strawberry he I wanted to die while everyone laughed my classmates even joked that he had crush on me edit I wanted to clear some things I am in high school and I am a girl many of my teachers used to comment on my hair lipstick and makeup in general my outfits etc but none of them made comment in overly creepy price while looking at me like they want to eat me it creeped the hell out of me edit - I have to point out a few things one he wasn't referring to my lipstick but to my natural color of the lips why me out of 20 the girls I don't know to my other teachers don't make instead kam come off as rude or creepy usually my female teachers like to talk about makeup so they give me comments like testing out new makeup my name I really like that eye shadow or something like that my male Checker's usually comment on something she more visible like hair or chert none of them were creepy I wouldn't mind if he complimented my lipstick but he commented on my natural lips and it was creepy as hell your son is [ __ ] Mrs George to my mom right in front of me f ck you [ __ ] I'm no genius but I'm by no means unintelligent turns out you were a lazy piece of sh t unworthy of the title teacher luckily for me mrs Galbraith was your total opposite that woman was an angel wherever you are mrs gang brave I love you you are a fantastic teacher and a fantastic person my Fiat a teacher in high school told me I was too fat to act unless I played the fat idiot sidekick would never be in a musical and that I wouldn't make it in the world of theater about a year later her husband cast me in a musical and one other show because he really liked me all of her comments for the four years I was in high school really f ked me up and made me rethink wanting to do theater which is one of my only passions I'm glad I stuck with it and continued on through my senior year or even though she was still awful to me when I was in sixth grade the second election for Bush junior was coming around and they were teaching us about spa litical parties and being a kid I asked which political party I belong to because is a kid with no prior knowledge I wanted to know if I had one my teacher then proceeded to tell the class that everyone everyone isn't must be a Republican or will burn in the fiery pits of Hell with the dirty no morals having Democrats turns out you don't go to hell from not being a Republican in UK year 11 age 15 strokes 16 an English literature teacher once told my class polar bears almost exclusively eat penguins I was not good at literature but I was good at science subjects and I was not this teachers favorite pupil so when she said this I quite quickly argued back saying that she was wrong she protested and I explained that polar bears live in that article and while there are various species of penguin none of them live in the northern hemisphere this was an open argument during class and she offered to Google the answer so she didn't when I was proven correct by the Internet she sent me out the class as a teacher this crap infuriates me if a kid proves me wrong I openly admit it and give them kudos for doing it throwing a kid out because they stood up for what they know is right because you're too insecure to let a teenager prove you wrong is the kind of thing that makes kids hate school man that girl has some jacked-up teeth he said it about one of my friends who had cancer and had half of her jaw removed I told the principal the teacher admitted he said it and then and I got kicked out of school how is it that you get kicked out who knows the principal pulled me into his office and the teacher was there they yelled at me until I cried he was yelling about how I could have made him lose his job and how selfish it was of me couldn't I keep a secret he said it in front of a class of 30 with as soon as my friend left the room he's still teaching and that was 12 years ago I thought I did the right thing but what the hell do I know paraphrasing slightly but there's no such thing as Asperger's syndrome this is just attention seeking behavior said to me about me admittedly this was over 20 years ago when not everybody had heard of it but still site has two days of tests and brain scans resulting in a long-form diagnosis explanation which my parents had shared with my teachers every other teacher basically reacted with oh so that's why he's so weird okay we can work with this but not this guy f ck you mr. M a teacher told the story of when he was working at a girls summer camp the showers had broken down and he had to go fix it for the girls who were mad shower they had the girls put their faces to the walls for some reason naked bums all along the walls he told it as if it was a funny anecdote I was creeped the f ck out and can't imagine how the girls who were going to set camp felt about the story I was at rugby practice and we were doing stretches and we were all lying on the ground and my friend as his head positioned sequence to my other friend's crotch my friend says quite loudly it looks like you're about to suck my dick when he realized that our coach who is also a teacher at our school heard him he started to apologize for swearing when our coach says he wants a meal not to snack mrs noodle my third grade math teacher 1987 i missed two weeks of school due to a horrible case of chicken pox and fell behind with whatever it was that we were working on a month after I came back to school I was still struggling with math but was too young and scared to ask for help we had a test that I failed so mrs f king noodle brought my third grade self up to the front of the classroom and shamed me she told the entire classroom that the fear will never succeed in math double quote I ended up crying and going to the nurse with a stomachache double quote I'll never forget how awful she was to me and I struggled with math for the rest of the time that I was in school how dare you write that you're practically emotionally handicapped it's psychopathic double-quote said to me at 12 not even half a year after my mom died she made us write an essay about our home life which in retrospect was a f ked up excuse to snoop into my situation and didn't like how I used humor to cope so she pulled me out of the class to yell at me for five minutes for not being sad enough I don't even remember what I wrote besides cracking some jokes about my dad's outfits my best friend lost her dad to cancer when she was 12 her mom taught her to use humor to cope she likes to tell people he died and then ask them if they want to see a picture of her and her dad and then she shows them a picture of her smiling next at his tombstone her mom died in February they cremated her put her in a wine bottle and threw her at the Las Vegas sign we make jokes about how nuts she was lemei oh it's impossible to our pay a male if he gets a boner he wanted it from a middle school government teacher so by that logic a women isn't raped if she gets wet and/or has an orgasm I'm pretty sure people believe that as well next day tabloids headline 45 year old male teacher raped by students after claiming men can't be raped as an autistic that has been hated by almost every teacher for all the wrong reasons I have heard plenty this ranges from slightly personal to straight-up degrading I have been called stupid arrogant hopeless useless and much worse these might not sound as bad but with my history of social issues and bullying they all tie together to a long chain of hatred because of my ASD I struggle to interpret directions and tasks the right way which has impacted me all throughout school some teachers yeah more than two comma actually told me I was imagining things and just needed to admit that I was stupid instead of blaming it on a disease another teacher told me that ASD and the whole spectrum was synonymous with stupidity and latter I would never make it anywhere another example of how almost every teacher feeted me my exam hadn't gone as well as I expected I went up to my teacher after class and asked him what I could have done better or what areas I especially needed to improve on he doesn't look at me says you just suck and walks away no eye contact not a single word he just walked he is the most popular teacher in school and nobody ever notices him saying these things to me funny story he led the anti-discrimination program at our school our soul young teacher called a student she finally snaps with a waste of sperm that his mother should have swallowed edit I'll point out saying these were 16 year old kids who didn't fit into normal education so we're quite testing she went on sick that day for stress and eventually left or I'm sure she'd have been fired pretty brutal all the same poor guy was actually a decent kid just a bit hyper when I was in the fourth grade I lost my line that I was supposed to recite for a choir concert I told my choir teacher and she said well you should have been more responsible and she just walked away not an awful thing to say really but rather rude so come concert time my solo was coming up I walked up to the mick and said I don't know what to say because the teacher wouldn't give me the words even when I asked for them and I walked away there was a stunned silence and then a small commotion I was taken off stage by the principal who asked me why would I say that to which I responded the truth because she wouldn't give me the lines even after I told her I lost them he just looked a little shocked and said ok and I went on my way ha my fifth grade teacher basically tried to turn me into a school shooter so where do I start I hope he doesn't come back after leaving me behind by myself on a walk and making me run in the summer heat with my asthma what are you gonna do stab me with this pencil and then stab everyone else do it you'd solve your problems that way as I was having an emotional breakdown in class while she was getting my classmates to bully me she even put the pencil next to my hand he's a violent child and I think I know where he gets it from she said to my mom as she was picking me up from school because I'd get bullied on my walk home I still f king hate that monster of a woman one of my HS teachers told us a story about one of his first job interviews after college starting out he was looking for an elementary job and one of the first questions on the interview was one of the students misbehaves on the regular how do you discipline them double-quote his reply I'd lock the little bugger in a rabbit cage while the other little buggers watched so they don't get any ideas double quote he said just the confused and disturbed stares he got were incredible nobody laughed which was his intention probably one of the best teachers I had in school but the guy had a dark sense of humor and he'd say something like that as a joke in high school I had a family emergency that you to circumstances I had to take care of two of my mentally handicapped family members for a week by myself I went to explain the situation to my teacher and what did she tell me she said that I should either put them out of their misery or lock them in a room and not feed them double-quote another teacher even heard it and was appalled by her I honestly never looked at my homeroom teacher the same and I would always try to miss that class whenever I had the chance to she was a mean teacher and I really hope she rots in hell for some of the stuff she did to people [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: CtvAeHJfO3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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