What is that one trick "they" don't want you to know? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is that one trick that they really don't want you to know serious many stores have rules that prohibit employees from confronting someone they think to be a shoplifter I've never shoplifted but I had friends who took advantage of this don't do this by the way my friends eventually got arrested my store does this as a cashier I am NOT allowed to confront a shoplifter even if I have proof I am only allowed to call a manager and hope that asset security is on point what I can do is point out the item innocuously if it's in sight ten times out of ten the customer will either give it to me to scan and say it slipped their mind or say that they decided they didn't want it if you bought something at a store and it goes on sale afterward but the store says they do not do price adjustments buy another one and then return it using the original receipt within reason I once had a customer buy a patio set for $300 zero zero at the beginning of the season four months later she see we put the last set on sale for $75 and insisted we refund the difference to her my manager very politely told her no she then wanted to return the set and get a full refund probably hoping she could buy it back at $75 yeah it needed the all-important within the refund period which tends to only be 30 even 15 days on a lot of non perishable items buying a car always always always do negotiating via email or phone and bounce offers back and forth against competing dealers will always get you the best possible deal this works it will also probably make multiple sales people miserable Hana my manager gave me so much t if I had a customer doing this as it was my fault for not being able to get them through the door to be honest he rarely would play ball no quotes over the phone or email when he did the customer usually got a great deal just keep trying different dealerships until one of them cracks Oh and be nice to your salesperson as you do because they're probably having to go to bat for you like whoa another car buying tip if you have USAA use their car buying service super hassle-free and they consistently got the lower prices than anyone else no matter how much negotiating went on you don't actually have to pay the asking price for entry in the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York City they make it seem like it's the price of admission that it's really just a suggested donation they make more money than they need from wealthy donors when you go to pay admission just give them a dollar browse incognito to get past a paywall News website only works where you are allowed X articles per week incognito is the new stealing your neighbors paper off his driveway and then throwing it in the trash they might not want you to know but they don't really care either it's a porous paywall model they know people can get around the paywall easily but the hope is that some of those people eventually become subscribers in its case they have something like over a million digital-only subscriptions and the model has been working quite well for them just keep in mind it costs money to produce the news if you can't afford that you should consider subscribing to a news outlet you like most of the dulling that occurs with cartridge razor blades is not a result of Shaving but rather water being left to evaporate on the blades I've been using the same cartridge for the past eight months by running four blades upwards i.e opposite the direction you would when shaving on a towel 15 times after rinsing it off then blowing on it for a few seconds eight months later this blade still barely pulls at all I have a small mason jar filled with rubbing alcohol that I swish the blade in after I shave that drives the water off the blades and when I put the shaver down the alcohol then evaporates didn't reach your record but I had a blade cartridge last five months cleaning the blades with alcohol before using them can cut down on some sorts of skin problems because it kills anything on it before you use it speed limits many of them are arbitrarily set without an engineered speed study and are unenforceable as a result this is very state specific if you get a ticket print out your state's laws on setting speed limits many of them have a maximum speed for different types of roads and then require an engineered speed study for lower posted limits if the posted limit was set without an engineered speed study it may be unenforceable and you can argue this in court essentially the agency posting the sign may have broken the law and you broke their law but only because they broke the higher law first then go to your local Road agency governing that stretch of road city county state transportation depth et Cie and file a public records request for the engineered speed study on that road they'll have to respond in writing if they don't have one chances are they won't have one take the law and their admission they don't have one with you to court and show the judge that the speed limit is unenforceable and that you were driving a reasonable and prudent speed regardless of what was arbitrarily posted source I'm the engineer for the road DEP that would do said speed studies and we don't do them because then we'd have to raise the speed limits in the politicians don't want us to if you want to cancel your hotel room last-minute but there's a cancellation fee call and change your reservation till a few weeks later then call later and cancel it call around midday to change give a legitimate sounding reason meeting rescheduled misremembered the flight date etc this will hopefully ensure the agent doesn't make a note in the internal only notes field call back to cancel at least eight hours later it's unlikely the hotel has agents on eight plus hour shifts source I used to work at a hotel stay date changes are rare even for my hotel which was vile hair and send up red flags you want one employee to handle the change and another employee another shift to handle the cancer hotels are notoriously awful at inter shift communication when studying for college classes or taking online tests if you are dishonest books Google come as your friend look up your textbook and use the search box to instantly find the page number for whatever it is you're looking for this saved my ass in both neuroscience and biology when I would be trying to remember where in these 600 plus pages that weird case of hemiplegic neglect had been described I know there's an index but this was almost always faster and more accurate you can vote while not voting if you don't like any of the candidates you can go to the voting area and decline your right to vote this is called a null ballot and is actually tallied scratching things out on the ballot is seen as a void ballot and not tallied while they do track all of the candidates votes they also track null ballots you can actually force a do-over on the whole electoral process if nobody is able to get a majority because there's too many of these things don't be afraid to talk to the paralegal instead of the attorney about your case chances are they know more about your case and their fears most of the time half of the attorneys rates they just can't give legal advice source it's my job my rate where I work now is 125 dollars as opposed to the $200 the lawyer charges per hour my last job my rate was 65 dollars per hour compared to the 250 dollar the attorney charged side note the attorney handles hundreds of cases versus the delegated cases handled by each paralegal compound interest investing in relatively low risk investments early when you are young and often consistently over many years is how to become wealthy compound interest is basically free money only if you exceed the rate of inflation if your APR is less than inflation you lost money generally it's assumed inflation is 3% if you are requiring less than 3% you are losing money by sitting on it you are allowed to change the contract it might be a rental agreement a contract for a new car for your mortgage whatever you are allowed to change the contracts just line through the parts you don't like neatly right in the language you want to be used and initial and date the change I did this with an apartment rental agreement once they didn't want dogs but the manager agreed to allow an exception for my dog so I aligned through the no pet section of the agreement and added one dog of no more than 35 pounds is allowed double quote I've also done this with a lease agreement for a storefront that I was renting in a shopping mall part of the lease agreement stated that if a customer came into the mall due to my store and slipped and fell hurt himself or if the customer intentionally to face them all while on the weight of my store then I could be liable for all damages to the mall when I showed the lease agreements to my lawyer he started laughing lined out the offending paragraphs and added new language and we're a submitted the updated contract when you read over any contract look at it with an eye to what you would change to make it more fair then make those changes you don't have to turn your leased vehicle back to the dealer at the end of the lease our buyout for our last leased car was $14 K we took it to Carmack's and they offered 15 u.s. dollars k then i took it to a local place that advertised that they be call max they asked if I had a car max estimate as I'm sure they just typically add maybe $100 200 on top of any car max offer I said not yet I hate that place and wanted to just bring it into you guys first and hopefully avoid Carmack's they offered $15 900 sold it to them on the spot and made $1 900 on a leased car if a sale is said to end at a specific time of the day I II known of Black Friday if the store is a national chain their prices are programmed into the computer thus sometimes the East Coast sales will continue until 3:00 because it hasn't yet been noon nationwide I got great prices from Walmart the last few Black Friday's even though I went and after the sales had supposedly ended so there wasn't a big rush always ask them to wring the price of something before you agree to buy it though many small or medium companies that ship goods with UPS or FedEx have very little knowledge of the buying power that they truly have UPS and FedEx handle the majority of all small parcel shipments in America and are very willing to make adjustments in your rates if you prove yourself to be a consistent source of revenue I started a logistics position for a considerably sized the commercial printer about a year ago we initially contacted FedEx to renegotiate our rates and now we save about 50 cents per Ground package FedEx completely analyzed our small parcel and Freight LeMans and offered rates that completely eliminated UPS as a competitor not a month later UPS noticed a decline in local revenue that our change in carriers had caused and is now offering us next day rates that absolutely blow FedEx out of the water I'd highly suggest researching the history of both FedEx and UPS definitely one of the more unnoticed rivalries in today's economic landscape if you buy something second-hand call in to the manufacturer and try and register it some companies have extended warranties on some of their products source found a Dyson on the side of the road it was toast and the motor was smoking call Dyson for shit's and gigs registered it since the previous owner didn't my downfall was that I told them I was given it and they don't transfer warranties thought I was out of luck and put it by the garbage got an email about the registration saying I'm the registered owner and have warranty till January called in again saying my unit is smoking they booked a work order for the following day $500 vacuum for free TL DR if you buy something secondhand check with a manufacturer if a registration might get free [ __ ] edit words edit to proofread when you're posting at 3:00 a.m. kids if you make a hotel reservation with your credit card and it is past the cancellation date simply don't show up the hotel will charge your card one night room and tax call your credit card company to dispute the charge you will win 100% of the time as the hotel will have no signature from you or proof you stayed I've been working with accounting in hotels for a few years and not one of those hotels has ever won a chargeback on a no-show in large companies like Best Buy if you're trying to work around a policy like returning an item past its return policy date ask to speak to customer service if you're refused customer service complaints go to the district managers and store managers do everything in their power to avoid these complaints edit I did not post this comment with the intention of informing people who want to take advantage of the system use this information responsibly sometimes an item is defective after its 30-day return policy when it should have lasted much longer and in that case it is fair to ask for a refund getting refunds on items that are way past their expected lifetime or you have damaged by your own fault isn't acceptable not that I can prevent anyone from doing anything with this edit but I'm getting tons of responses saying how shitty I am for posting this I don't know if they don't want you to know about this but here we go if you're going to make a purchase with an online retailer it's often worth putting the items in your cart then leaving the site for a little while because some sites will contact you with a special offer or discount code in an attempt to persuade you back into making that purchase you were going to make can save you a few bucks it doesn't always work but it's often worth attempting especially with solely online retailers several careers are totally or nearly totally unregulated in their qualifications you can just call yourself a psychic faith healer nutritionist pastor minister medium DJ or personal trainer and that's it for sim you'll be found out almost immediately by another professional but since there's no licensing or required professional certification there isn't anything they can do about it for some you can be proven a fraud repeatedly and never face any consequences and might even solidify your client ELLs loyalty with attempts by the man big pharma obama liberals conservatives reverse vampires whoever to stop you a really cheap way to fly to places that usually cost way more to get to is to buy a cheaper ticket to some other place possibly with a different airline that makes a connection in the air court you want to end up in so you get off there and just don't get back onto the flight some dude got in trouble for making a website that helped people find those flights you can't check bags though but that shouldn't be too much of an issue if you really need to be somewhere for cheap funny story I almost screwed my brother this way he moved to Oregon and we wanted to meet up in Vegas Oregon to Vegas was more expensive than Oregon to San Diego CA with a brief layover in Vegas so I booked it and told my bro to get off the plane and Vegas on the way there the flight attendant told him no new passengers coming on in Vegas so they wouldn't be disembarking just a brief stop and maybe some fuel my brother freaked out long story short something changed and they ended up tax into the gate TL DR booked burrow on hidden layover cheaper flight and he almost ended up in the wrong state and it redditors have pointed out I made a huge error I booked my brother a flight with a stopover in Vegas not a layover a layover entails a plane switch see you will 100% get off the plane with a stopover you run the risk of the plane not stopping or disembarking if no new passengers are booked to get on your children's teachers don't want to tell you that they can only fail a certain percentage of their roster so your little snowflake who is done as a post and disruptive and always getting into trouble is being kicked down the road to the next teacher to deal with every year until they get the final kick across the stage to graduate so the school can have high graduation numbers this makes the administrators look like they are competent most of them are not the teachers look like they are amazing some of them still are and the school look like it's great so everyone can keep their job get more cash next year and do the same to the next class source part of the system part of the problem grocery stores everything in a grocery store is pre-designed to take as much money from you as possible the bread and milk will be in locations where you have to walk through or around the entire store to get both the more expensive brands are at eye level they pay for this privilege cereal box characters look down right at children which connects at a psychological level to make them want more cereal checkout lines have candy bars a child reaching level intentionally new floor designs are even consulting casinos to no longer have rows and be more maze like to keep you in the store longer fliers mailed to you with your name and address are tailored based on your points card buying patterns good smells are intentionally pumped in to make you hungry the list goes on jokes on them when it comes to checkout candy my two-year-old has stolen so many candy bars even in the cart he can reach them then he tucks it into his pocket took me a while to figure out where the candy comes from now I watch him more when checking out but he still grabs an M&M every once in a while some things are never really on sale when I worked at a grocery store the name-brand sodas had a very high regular price then there would always be a sale on them the sale might change at times but the sale price would always be there the sale price is what the company really meant to charge you anyway after all who wants a case of soda for eight dollars 99 if they can buy it at $5 99 and save $3 0-0 I have heard that some department stores do this with clothes and other items a $90 dress that is on sale for $55 was never going to cost $90 you can almost always get a better price for a hotel by going directly to that hotel's website Expedia hot Wawa et Cie are kind of pointless also you can't get a refund from those sites and you will get the worst room available Kamel Expedia hot Wawa et Cie are kind of pointless I use them to search hotels in the area and compare then pull up the best hotels website I do that too but when I select my hotel I email management there saying that on Expedia whatever other site they have a special offer of X percent off and I'd be willing to pay directly to them without Expedia whatever being the middleman if he drops that a little more it works a bunch of times off name and store name brands are not always cheaper they at least partially rely on the misconception that brand name goods are all way more expensive to sell things at a higher price always check the actual price tag even if the store brand is on sale double quote I'm very thankful for the price per ounce thing they provide makes the math a lot easier if I'm debating between two four packs or three three packs until they change the units on you zero dollars 12/4 the store brand zero dollars eighty eight slash confer the name brand that's irritating and I wonder if they do it on purpose pricing zero loads of times during an automated phone robot will put you through to a human at customer services works for pretty much any company it's been my experience that any automatic phone systems with voice recognition software will immediately forward you to a human agent if you swear into the phone this seems to be true too for a lot of places I call sometimes I'll press 0 and it'll continue to repeat it but if I tell it to f ck off it immediately brings me to a person I don't know if it's because I'm cursing at it or it just recognizes voice information and forwards me but it works Chipotle doesn't care about you trying to rip them off yes we all know that the Bell gives you more and you can get extra of whatever you want if you are slightly more committed you can get a free water and fill it with soda even though they now have a sign on the machine explicitly warning against it chip Holt doesn't give a single [ __ ] they know you're doing it and it's been accounted for in the books somewhere what they do know is that if they let you think you're being sneaky and you particularly broke college kids think that you're gaming the system and coming out ahead you'll keep coming back again and again even with responsibly sourced ingredients the biggest cost is labor especially when 50% of the meal is rice beans and tortilla you could get a burrito the size of a baby and it wouldn't make a dent in the budget compared to what it costs to have 10 people cook and serve that stuff to you edit yes I know stealing is bad m'kay all the people saying that have completely missed the point I felt like this was common sense but people still get surprised when I tell them this I worked at an Urban Outfitters and everything that is put out for sale are factory floors as in the zipper breaks after using it once fabric rips super easily shrinks to sizes after the first wash etcetera most of the clothes there will shrink a size down after the first wash seems like this happens at a lot of stores but the return policy is beautiful buy a cute dress it's shrinks bring it back in and you can get a full refund with a receipt or get store credit without a receipt also all the security tags come off with magnets just magnets I don't like Urban Outfitters so do what you will with this information if you want to order a pizza from dominos and have custom toppings but wanted cheaper go online order a supreme remove the toppings and add the ones of your choosing Chuck in a coupon and you're set source works at Domino's you can do something similar at Pizza Hut every so often they run a large pizza with up to three toppings for $10 but specialty pizzas remain at the regular price but they won't tell you that many specialty pizzas only have three toppings so you can make them yourself for example a large Hawaiian pizza comes with ham pineapple and bacon and is $13 99 and bacon is only ten dollars [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 537,810
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: ypeneJTvdt8
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Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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