Dungeon Masters, What Is the Most Surprising Thing Your Players Have Done In-Game?

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dungeon masters of reddit what is the most surprising thing your players have done in game i made my party start the game as common as in a non-heroic kind of game the party as you would expect struggled at first but had a general idea of what they wanted to do and as they leveled up you could see how their actions affected their class choices inevitably we ended up with our fighters priest rogue and so on all but one of the group let's call him jeff jeff spent 12 levels on expert another non-hero class and was in comparison to the others pretty useless jeff's character was bullied and berated for the entire game fast forward a while and over the course of this game that has taken the better part of half a year jeff has been reading up on trebuchets and has become something of a real-life master of knowledge on the subject his character has been dumping points in knowledges and engineering and been reading books on treads too he wanted to be some kind of siege expert jeff's character got sick of the group and found a cunning way to load the group into his magical tread whilst they slept and he took watch jeff's character fired the party out of treb thus ending the game as none of them had any kind of slow fall abilities and took a healthy amount of damage that they didn't survive playing a rokugen campaign about 10 years ago 3.5 and there were eight players and myself as dm mostly a home-brewed world full of epic samurai battles and giant monsters and silly situations as is per usual well the group decided to brainstorm and get the drop on my bbeg an evil villain named hoshi way earlier than i planned it was a well-executed plan and it was impressively well thought out though i warned them that even if they were able to pull this off they still might not be able to beat him i thought to myself that i wasn't going to hold back but maybe if the whole party wiped i'd let them actually wake up in a dungeon or something after being defeated and left for dead well the party actually starts whooping his butt like they are spanking the ever-loving crap out of him but this guy was designed to be taken on many levels later and i was feeling a bit like pushing back so i had him perform to a good amount of his full potential to make it more challenging i mean he is the main villain so far right so he couldn't just be destroyed well i ended up being a bit too harsh probably and cod all but one player everyone's p that they are down but allowedly cheering for our remaining hero to frick him up now this player had just levelled up before the fight and had remained pretty quiet up until this point just attacking i had no idea they were sitting on a trump card as it became his turn again he showed me his sheets and said i'm going to do this the sheet indicated he had the ability to sprout flaming wings and fly so i told him to roll natural 20 so he fires his wings up and starts flying around the map and i start rolling horribly in retaliation hoshi just can't seem to keep up while the player keeps dropping high teens with his attacks on him he runs his abilities course and drops to the ground hurling fire at the bad guy he drops the bbeg down to a lower hp and i indicate he looks like he's wearing down the room is silent except for my descriptions and the player's actions out of magic and painfully weak himself he says i'm going to throw my kartana at him and try to kill him i tell him the dc and he rolls 19. that's a critical hit i tell him to roll to confirm 20 everyone starts freaking screaming at him it's awesome oh well i think to myself then i described the player hurling his car tanner at the bbeg just as the villain has begun his taunting speech on how he's going to kill him the blade goes through his mouth and out the back of his head and fuses him to a tree trunk his lifeless eyes glaze over and he is silent forever i had to end the session right there because it was so intense everyone was seriously losing their minds over it and i was super proud of the player for just going for it i was a newish dm at the time playing hot dq players are in the swamp on their way to the castle in my description i say there is nasty swamp gas emitting from the bubbles within the water they proceed to fill their bag of holding with it and use it as an air balloon to lowly float over it to avoid encounters i allowed it because it was creative and hilarious one player says they want to huff the swamp gas what his player huffs it to lower the balloon and i decide to have some fun with the 10 000 magical side effects table he ends up summoning a buttload of quippers piranhas into the water below them another player tries and his blood turns to acid but functions normally he jumps off the rope and dive so the quippers bit him and they all died it was a great session and the only time my players have ever really been creative with the cards i deal them yes i now know the bad god holdings properties but this happened maybe a month into me ever playing i've been our groups forever dm swamp gases farts my players have magic id meta one shot that used pre-existing characters as in people have been playing these characters in different campaigns and had grown somewhat attached to them but the actual encounter wrapped up in one session i misjudged the timing and the whole thing took about three hours rather than the five i had planned so people were just goofing around in character the moon drew at the tower table was obsessed with finding a pet of his own and decided to pick a fight with the bard who had delivered a killing blow to a displacer beast that in his mind he had already nicknamed kitty and was going to animal handling his way to a long-listing friendship all this despite the fact that he displaced the beastisms he kept picking at the halfling bard challenging her to a fight basically putting on a big show of intimidation to try and ensure that he'd be allowed to finally get a pet for himself in the future it was good natured around the table but they're both quite rp heavy players and so they really leaned into it eventually the bar just says okay sure i generally discourage pvp play in fact i'll generally drop a rock on whoever instigates it at the earliest opportunity not at my table folks but they both seemed into it and the other people of the table didn't mind so i'll let it happen the moon druid in question had been warned about my thoughts on pvp play but hey this is what one shots are for who boy the bard destroyed this moon druid like pasted him it wasn't even a contest through a combination of incredible roles on the bard's part and sucky rolls on the part of the druid she took down a full-on brown bear then the rest of the druids hit points over the course of about 20 minutes of play when he got down to about 10 hit points and asked one of the onlookers to heal him they said no the druid asked to stop the fight i said that was down to the bard the bard chose not to cue our peaceful halfling bard going straight up dexter on the druid then calmly wiping off a rapier and saying so we done here the druid player didn't push for much pvp play after that a member of the party made some very poor decisions and wound up getting turned into a worm by a powerful local wizard whom he'd pay off repeatedly nearly all of my adventures included a got hair wizard npc who was my source of in-game discipline i'd generally turn you into something or lock you in a magic cell which meant that you missed out on the rest of the adventure in the associated xp you'll be turned back to normal by the end it didn't happen too often i only invoked it when someone was being a turd and ruining the game for everyone else usually people would take this as a queue to go do something else for a while but not this guy who we'll call dennis because his name was dennis he insisted on role playing as the worm for hours i check in on him regularly and ask what he'd like to do next his response every time was i eat dirt it was one of those stupid things that just gets funnier every time he had us falling out of our chairs by the end of the game but 20 years later most of us are still friends and we still laugh about that day reminds me of when i first learned how stupid guidance was as a cantrip and by mistake i said i touch myself for guidance which had everybody dying in laughter and has been constantly repeated by others my players destroyed the known world in my first session the players decided to break into the vault room of a benevolent king and steal not just some gold but all of it including some cursed family heirlooms to the king this in turn transformed normal benevolent king into the embodiment of revenge and darkness the players barely escaped with their lives as darkness and demons swept the land they sailed to a southern portion of the continent to meet up with the other long who had organized a resistance and set up a place for refugees the players upon arriving informed the guards that they had information as to why darkness was swallowing the land and were taken right to the throne room to see the king after some explaining of what happened the king was about to send them on a mission when our ranger said a loud eye try to throw a discarded chicken bone in his mouth i tell him to roll for it setting the check at 18 in my head the bastard rolled a 19 and the bone flew directly into the king's throat the king quickly keeled over and died a silence fell over the room and after a few seconds his nearest advisor shouted the crown is mine a large struggle ensued in the throne room everyone vying for the crown or trying to kill the players the players all rush out of the throne room to see the darkness and demons rushing over the castle walls and fled to their ship to sail to the safety of the open ocean with the king dead no one else had the power or military resources to fight the scourge and the continent was lost when the session started i honestly didn't think there was a way to destroy the world but by god they found a way all i could do after was sub laugh for like half an hour and that's why i had to make an entire new world for the following week henderson scale two plus my players made it to a dragon's lair killed all its cobbled followers and attempted to sneak up on it they failed miserably and the dragon had them in its grasp i was prepared to initiate combat but gave the party one shot the dragon would have probably killed everyone the dragon said any last words in the bard immediately dropped to one knee and proceeded to weave a tale of how the party traveled far and wide searching for a dragon worthy of their allegiance he nat twenty the chamisma check and the dragon crit failed in sight the dragon deputized the party of course the campaign then took an abrupt turn because the party now swore allegiance to a dragon and had to do its bidding the moment i mentioned there was an enchanters shop in town they all plotted behind my back to rob a place blind between game sessions basically went like this me okay so before you all leave town to head along to your next quest anything anyone wants to pick up before you go b1 i wanna go to the enchanters shop other players follow now this was somewhat strange because they usually split up in towns to different shops so i figured oh hey they are finally making things easy for me once nope what proceeded was an elaborate plan to knock out the shopkeep and security if there was any but i didn't think to include it with knockout lipstick with an unwilling ship keep as they robbed the place blind until i had someone else walk in i got my revenge though had that shopkeep murdered by the guy that came in and all proof of the murder pointed at the players because they bolted instead of trying to distract or play along not a dm myself but a pretty avid player with a couple of good friends the situation was that my friends and i were escorting a princess to the shao empire and on the way there happened to be a town that was being attacked the next events were turning out to be brutal with even the princess's specially trained bodyguard dying in the midst of it while trying to come up with a plan we were made aware of a legend of a nearby dragon that could potentially help i being a sorcerer decided that i would probably have the easiest time convincing this dragon to help when i went to the cave the dragon was asleep waking it from its sleep wasn't really the greatest thing to do but the city needed help after waking him up i was immediately threatened with death unless a tribute could be given i didn't have a ton of gold with me so i thought i was just gonna die on the spot however i remembered that through past endeavors i had about five pounds of holy leaf pathfinder version of weed so i proceeded to hype this dragon about the holy leaf and roll a five pound blunt for him with a cloak i was wearing to my surprise the dm allowed this and it worked i hooked a dragon on weed and i rode him back to save the city while this is happening my dm and the rest of the party are losing their crap because i just fed a noble dragon a blunt the size of a small baby in order to save the city puff the magic dragon it was suggested i share this popular post from a day or two ago for those not in the know fizzle pop throat punch is the name of my ten-year-old daughter's no monk mayor of the town meets with the party to thank them for their help in thwarting an attack on the city mayor and what's your name little one fizzy you don't know who i am mayor can't say i do i'm sorry fizzy so you're saying you've never heard of me mare shake said fizzy gestures for him to come closer mare takes a knee and leans in fizzy i punch him in the throat the mayor will never forget the name fizzle pop throat punch first impressions last i had a monk that just got a little too good and a little too lucky and he managed to secretly acquire a huge sum of wealth which he used to buy up all of the grain his host nation was exporting to cause a famine in a country whose leadership the party was trying to take down causing political upheaval the plan was to result in him being in control of both countries and it was working wonderfully all without the rest of his party not really knowing what was up it happened over the course of months and at every turn i thought it was near impossible for him to pull it off but he always came out victorious we never got to conclude this as after a year the game fell apart for personal problems among players but by then he had 400 000 gold a network of spies and mercenaries around 100 ships and was the largest exporter of grain on the continent as well as acquiring a hoarder of magical items and being the de facto secret ruler of their host country it was bonkers entered a same gender marriage with a dragon and had kids with it i was running a slightly modded 3.5 version of the pathfinder adventure path king maker for a gaming group that included my wife in the adventure path the pcs goal is to found their own kingdom it's a very loosely plotted sandboxy adventure they were around eighth level and had founded their fledgling kingdom my wife was playing a gnome sorceress and had the highest charisma in the party so she was the queen they were in a relatively uninhabited mountainous area nearby looking into rumors of a threat and i rolled a random encounter with an adult silver dragon i randomly decided it was female the dragon had a cr of like 14 or 15 so i knew if it came down to a fight it was probably going to be a tpk but they were a mostly good and neutral party so i figured it would stay a friendly role-playing encounter as long as they didn't do something really stupid it did they traded some information to the dragon for some tips about the threat they were investigating and at the end they invited the dragon to come visit them in their capital city i figured i'd roll with it and a couple sessions later i had the dragon come for a visit at the end my wife invited the dragon to come back and visit whenever it wanted over the course of a few sessions my wife seduced this dragon with the aid of a few very high diplomacy roles and eventually convinced it to join her as co-queen of the city they had a big fancy wedding and of course determined that the kingdom needed an heir as soon as possible that session was the only time i've ever needed to reference the book of erotic fantasy for any reason but i'll be damned if it didn't have a table that told me exactly what the gestation time of a half dragon gnome baby was the two of them went on to have two more kids and lived happily ever after at least after they all got together and murdered the crap out of the ancient red dragon that kidnapped the air toward the end of the campaign but i'll be damned if it didn't have a table that told me exactly what the gestation time of a half dragon gnome baby was i freaking love that specifically random d and d references exist my friend is always performing ridiculous antics with his horse as a 5e paladin apparently paladins can summon their horse anywhere within a small radius of themselves they can also communicate with their horse telepathically here are some quotes from him i remember sending my horse into a banded camp and i cast speak with animals on my horse so it could definitely talk to the other horses i had it try to rouse the other horses into revolution by getting up on top of a hay bale and talking about how the horses are all slaves horse had crap sharper suede skills though so i eventually just had it scream there was a bear and scattered the horses in a stampede while the bandits were distracted i teleported inside their prison cell and freed their prisoner one time i lowered my horse down on ropes from an airship to read some runes on a stonehenge for me i once gave my horse to a hill giant queen as a peace offering she picked it up and took a bite out of it killing and summoning it so it disappeared we managed to convince her that she successfully ate it i remember i teleported through the keyhole into a guard tower since the misty step paladin spell lets you teleport anywhere that you can see and then i was surrounded by guys so my horse broke down the door and i teleported back onto my horse and ran away in the first session of a new campaign in my arabian nights setting one of the new players strapped a barrel of high-proof alcohol to his back and then blew himself up in the bazaar while yelling at ahu akbar i decided to give him another chance he decided to play as ella barbarian and commit jihad his words not mine and ran into a temple of another god and killed five people before the guards captured him and hung him in the main square within the next hour we didn't invite him for any other sessions edgier than a plus one sword i made an encounter where they were headed to an ancient dwarven stronghold there was a massive army of orcs and goblins in the valley before the fortress i had planned for them to try to use the old cannons or some nitroglycerine they found to destroy the walls of the valley and crush block the army my party decided to use an old mining car they found fill it with nitroglycerine and manually pilot it into the enemy camp with some slaves they rescued and blow the army up the greatest rage style they had this long drawn out attack plan of using one player's scream based attack to deafen the enemy and then to use their ranged weapons and spells to defeat the high level guys while the slaves defended the cart that was decorated with gold to attract the goblins to it as a player we once had a gm plan a three-session arc of a dragon age game around us going through an elaborate hedge maze with lots of puzzles and encounters and plot specific stuff for each character think the maze at the end of goblet of fire my character an irritable bit practical elf apostate took one look at it and decided it seemed like a whole thing turned to the party members and said i'm going to burn it to the ground any problems they did not have any problems i burned it to the ground the gm had to take a half hour break to replend the session there was a room in a dungeon that when the pcs stepped in it would start locking itself had only one entrace and thousand of poisonous bats would start filling the room it was a pretty simple trap go in get the magic key to progress through the dungeon and get out asap however they started panicking and when they decided what to do the room had already locked itself their solution grow a giant tree in the middle of the room using the druids magic set it on fire with the mages fireball teleport everyone out using the scroll they just found and wait five to six hours for the bats to die with the smoke and without oxygen in the end they broke the stone door that was created and got the key over a floor filled with dead bats never seen such an alternative way to massacre wildlife one of my wizards was walking through a swamp alone having been separated from the rest of the party there were these massive dire wasps like size of a poodle flying toward him he looked over his spell list and then calmly said i want to cast fall slowly several nat 20s later the wasps that were flying toward him gradually lost altitude and plopped harmlessly into the muddy swamp runner-up one of my characters had an imp named waffles waffles was a small dog-sized bat-like creature who was more or less accursed familiar he was obligated to follow direct orders but he otherwise got into a ton of mischief he could teleport anywhere within a direct line of sight and his main motivation was to eat birds he had very rudimentary language mostly he just said i eat birds during a fight on a small island with a volcano god my characters were in way over their heads suddenly the guy with waffles asked wait a second can't waffles teleport stuff mind you waffles was there but waffles was mostly useless in battle he could bite or scratch people but wouldn't do it without being ordered and preferred to stay out of the fray it had been previously established that waffles would occasionally grab things and teleport with things for example he'd teleport into a bird cage grab the bird teleport across the room and eat the bird he also had a habit of teleporting out of grabbing range with people's money because the money on the island featured birds so he ended up eating a lot of coins i was like yeah he can teleport so he asks if it was a clear night it was he looks directly at waffles and says waffles i want you to go grab onto that lava monster don't let go and teleport as high and as far as you can go bam waffles and the volcano god blink out of existence the party went from having their asses handed to them to just standing around silently on a deserted island looking at each other several minutes later my party watches as a massive meteor comes streaking down from the sky they stay on the top of this volcano and watch the big bad boss slam into the side of the mountain and erupt into flames they then slogged into the crater because why not the kicker they're looking around for waffles and they find him clinging to a tree the membranes of his wings burned off shaking and saying i eat bee birds near the climax of the final battle the players saw they were all going to die at the hand of the villain i can agreement to prevent this three of my players worked together to allow the other three to escape the mountaintop and kingdom they were on and within one of the trio uses whole person and succeeds another start slashing at aikena and the third had collected multiples use bolts basically many nukes in the shape of lightning bolts and saw his hammer was shaking when his magic hammer shakes it means it has absorbed enough souls to give off an explosion of pure chaotic energy i knew the aftermath would be catastrophic but i didn't realize the true extent of it all when he went to use the hammers blast with the zeus bolts i took a second to figure out the blast radius only to find out that the entire mountain and country was destroyed along with all the citizens thereof the fleeing heroes had managed to escape and the three who gave everything to stop this villain were remembered forever r.i.p rashtra schizo r.i.p the mama r.i.p the pepper or the time when rastrashitzel fed someone a cheese sandwich with an explosive inside of it and succeeded about one hour into our first game ever one of our players made a risky climb about 30 feet to take a peek into a dangerous room he successfully snuck up to a crack in a rock and didn't alert the enemies in the other room but one of our other teammates says i wanna go up to we say i'm sure but i don't know why he failed made a ton of noise and the enemy in the other room ran over and knocked them both down this far full the first player had one health left the other player died instantly he took that much damage he fell on his head on rock from 30 feet and was crushed i'm not the dm so we all kind of looked at him like um you are gonna let this happen in the first hour of our first game ever he didn't know what to and just let him die and said we can create our own characters next time since we used the premade ones tl dr in the first hour of our first game ever a player made a dumb decision that led to him instead dying if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 18,002
Rating: 4.906137 out of 5
Keywords: dungeon masters, dungeons and dragons, dungeons and dragons gameplay, surprising, moves, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: NvhVHr_M8zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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