Facts That Will Make You Rethink Life (r/Askreddit)

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a slash asked readied by reddit and chill which paradox just mind ducks a person the UK triple lock that people moving to the UK experience needs proof of address and photographic ID to open a bank account need a bank account and photographic ID to rent a place need a bank account and an address to get sent your photographic ID checkmate atheists surely you don't need a bank account to get an ID the ship of theseus always kind of ducked me so there's this Greek dude called Theseus and he's on a very long boat trip home his ship needs repair they stopped replace a few rotten boards and continued due to the particularly strenuous nature of this very long trip several more of these stops for repairs are made until by the very end not a single board from the original vessel remains is this still the same vessel if not when did it cease to be additionally devoted followers of Theseus saved all of the worn pieces as they were replaced and rebuild a ship with them now which ship is truly the Ship of Theseus seems to be a great discussion piece but in the end it comes down to interpretation one of my favorites is Zeno's paradox in order to leave my apartment just for example I have to walk halfway to my front door then I have to walk half the remaining distance then half that distance ad infinitum in theory I should never be able to reach the door now I love this paradox because we've actually solved it it was a lively well discussed debate for millennia at least a few early thinkers were convinced that motion was an illusion because of it it was so persuasive an argument that people doubted their senses then Leibnitz and/or Newton developed calculus and we realized that infinite sums can have finite solutions paradox resolved it makes me wonder what calculus we are missing to resolve some of these others at a lot more people have strong opinions about Zeno's paradox than I thought to address common comments one yes it's Dana not V no blame autocorrect and my own fraught relationship with homophones - yes there are three of them four okay you think you could have solved it if you were living in ancient Greece i profoundly regret that you weren't born back then to catapult our understanding two millennia into the future five yes I agree Diogenes was a badess I hope this covers everything reminds me of a joke an engineer a physicist and a mathematician are at a bar and see a beautiful woman across the road they're all too nervous to talk to her so a physicist devises a plan to work up the necessary courage walk half the distance from them to her then half the remaining distance and again and again the mathematician says it won't work because they will never actually get to her the engineer says well it's close enough for practical purposes the Boltzmann brain the idea goes something like this in any system there is a tendency for entropy to increase which is another way of saying that everything tends to spread out in a room full of gas the gas fills the room it does not pack itself in a corner however because of the weirdness of quantum fluctuations it is possible for particles to just spontaneously arrange themselves into more complex configurations it might take trillions and trillions of years but if you watched that room full of gas long enough sooner or later you would see all of the gas pack itself into one corner before spreading out again or you might see the gas arrange itself into a fully functioning human brain complete with false memories senses and a brief spark of consciousness of course entropy would quickly take over again the brain would dissolve back into gas almost immediately this is also hideously unlikely but over an infinite time the laws of physics tell us this is not just likely it is inevitable so which are you human or Boltzmann brain enjoying the briefest moment of your fictional life before you dissolve back into space dust there's a joke I heard on this dr. humdinger visits the same ice-cream shop every day he sits at the counter and orders two ice cream sundaes one for him and one of the empty seat beside him every day he finishes his ice-cream and leaves the other he pays for both and leaks after a week of this the owner asks about this the doctor explained I'm a theoretical physicist it is theoretically possible for the matter above this stool to spontaneously coalesce into a suitable mate I want there to be ice cream ready for them the owner replies well okay but there are plenty of people in this shop every day why don't you strike up conversations maybe you will find a suitable mate among them sure but what are the odds of that fry becoming his own grandpa he did do the nasty in the pasty Jim is my enemy but it turns out that Jim is also his own worst enemy and the enemy of my enemy is my friend so Jim is actually my friend but because he is his own worst enemy the enemy of my friend is my enemy so actually Jim is my enemy but I see well Jim needs to learn self-love and law Pinocchio says my nose will grow after I finish this sentence does it depends on if lying is a necessary condition for growth or merely a sufficient one I frequently see Pinocchio resolved based on the intent of the speaker to tell the truth or lie otherwise his curse can be used to learn absolute truth you have no other way of proving it could even speculate about future events if X will do y is considered a true or false statement if you asked rick astley for his copy of Disney Pixar's up do you think he'd give it to you because think about it he's never gonna give you up but at the same time if he doesn't give you up then he's let you down but he's never gonna let you down so which is it at that point he'll just have to say goodbye and desert you Newcomb's paradox there are two boxes and be a contains either $1000 or $0 and B contains $100 box a is opaque so you can't see inside box B is clear so you can see for sure that there is $100 in it your options is to choose both boxes or to choose only box a there is an entity called the predictor which determines whether or not the $1000 will be in box a how he chooses this is by predicting whether or not you will choose both boxes or just box B if the predictor predicts that you will two box he will leave box a empty if he predicts that you will one box he will put the $1000 in box a he is accurate an overwhelming amount of the time but not 100% at the time of your decision the money is already in box a and nothing at that point will change it it is a paradox of decision theory that rests on two principles of rational choice if the money is already in box a or out of box a then you should - box here your options are getting either $100 if box a is empty or $1,100 if box a is full if you one box and pick only box a then your options are $1,000 if full or $0 if empty however statistically if you one box your chances of getting more money increase Robert Nozick summed it up well to almost everyone it is perfectly clear and obvious what should be done the difficulty is that leaves people seem to divide almost evenly on the problem with large numbers thinking that the opposing half was just being silly doesn't really come down to how often the predictor is correct if it's 99% of the time then you should one box but as his accuracy drops the expected value of two boxing increases until it eventually surpasses one boxing the bootlegged paradox the main example is beef ovum so I'll use him if you were to go back in time you would see beeth oven but when you get there you cannot find B therm anywhere but you have all of his music sheets so you create all of Beethoven's music so technically you are beef over now the real question is where did the music come from and how did the name beef over come to be edit there I put in periods isn't that bootstrap Gabriel's trumpet imagine a horn shaped like this but is infinitely long let's say the diameter at the start is 1 foot and every foot of length the diameter is cut in half now let's figure out how much paint it takes to paint the inside of the horn well that's infinite it has an infinite length so it has an infinite surface area but wait there is upper bound for the volume of this horn you can intuitively put a box around the first two feet and realize that as the horn gets thinner and thinner they can fit in the space left in the first two feet so then if you were to just have a bucket of paint the size of that box you could just dump all the paint in there and it would fill up the trumpet right but yet it has an infinite surface so maybe not you can use calculus to find a finite solution to an infinite problem psychology psychology is defined as the study of a human brain that would mean that the human brain is teaching studying and learning from itself all at the same time in a sense the brain is the teacher the textbook and the student at the same time if the brain was so simple we could fully understand it we'd be so simple that we couldn't Paradox Interactive every time they release a new DLC everyone loses their damn minds stellaris has entered the chat so I know this is just a silly thing but at my old work my department was good service in our prep room you had to always wear an apron always no exceptions when leaving the prop room you had to take your apron off to prevent cross-contamination the bosses were trying to figure out where to put the hooks inside in the back of the door or outside on the wall coleslaw very simple some love it but I can't stand it very common to why the duck did I get all that can a man drown in the fountain of eternal life yes the fountain only prevented aging drink the fountain and get behead it you dead the Bernard Trotsky paradox is one hell of a mind duck it's basically taking something and rearranging it to form another exact copy of itself while still having the complete original like taking a sphere which has infinite points on it and drawing line from every point on its surface to the center or the core of the sphere then you separate the lines from the sphere but because there is infinite points you now have an exact copy of the original sphere it's kind of hard to explain here so just watch the Vsauce video on it for a more in-depth explanation one anagram of Bernard Trotsky that I like is Bernard Trotsky Bernard Trotsky also thanks baracy takes experience to get most decent jobs but how do you get a good job without experience work a shitty job I'm up voting this because it's been a long-ass time since we got a paradox question on the front page okey tanks my fav ones are anything related to time-traveling and changing the future so that the traveling back in time wouldn't be necessary and therefore nobody travelled back in time and changed the future to save quite simple if you go back in time and kill your grandfather before your parents were conceived then you could never have been born if you were never born then you never went back in time and killed your grandfather that means you were born however it also means you did kill your grandfather which means you weren't born time travel is impossible the moment that time travel is invented is the moment that it's destroyed it creates unlimited customization possibility of the universe which makes all possibilities occur simultaneously which means that someone somewhere sometime will decide that time travel was a bad idea go back in time and kill the person that made time travel or make it not possible in some way there will never be time travel because time travel is its own worst enemy the universe either has to be infinite or we're in a box however if you ever reach the end that closes the universe in it would be impossible for something to not be on the other side of the enclosure at least to us since nothingness doesn't really exist in human perception those aren't the only options imagined space that loops if you go a certain distance you reach your starting point again walking on a sphere is like this you're on a 2d surface with no boundaries yet it's finite it loops around how anything began whether you believe in creationism or the Big Bang etc where did the beginning come from God had to have started at some point those atoms that exploded into the universe had to come from somewhere where the duck did anything come from a long time ago actually never and also now nothing is nowhere when never makes sense right like I said it didn't happen nothing was never anywhere that's why it's been everywhere it's been so everywhere you don't need a where you don't even need a when that's how every it gets forget this I want to be something go somewhere do something I want things to change I want to invent time and space and I know it's possible because everything is here and it probably already happened I just don't know when to start and that's exactly where it started ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
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Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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