People Share the Moments They Realized They Are in Danger

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read it at what moment in your life did you stop chuckle and think to yourself i'm in danger a homeless girl grabbed me from a bar and said she needed an ambulance because her friend had no dead i followed her and started phoning one she led me into an abandoned building all that was going through my mind was someone needs help when she led me to some stairs and said we need to go up then my brain finally kicked in and realized it could easily be a trap even if it wasn't i was about to walk into a crack den and was far enough into the building where escape wasn't easy luckily my friend had followed us and appeared so i phoned the ambulance and we left i leaned over a candle and set my shirt on fire i thought it was really interesting and turned to my friends saying hey look everyone my church on fire fortunately one of them had more presence of mind than i did and put it out look at me i am the candle now when a car jumped the median and was barreling right towards me doing well over 70 luckily horsepower saved me from death my first instinct was to floor it at least have them hit the rear door panels instead of the driver side door i was only one in the car when i was seven i was playfully pushing a sheep and he pushed forward next thing i know i am against a wall sheep head on my chest and five seconds later i realize he is too strong for me i literally thought i was going to die right there this is my favorite there was this time on a school bus we had a new driver the area is pretty hilly and in this route had this steep 50 feet drop off where the bus turned around with a three-point turn but the bus driver kept backing up closer and closer we almost went over the cliff i'm sure that if we measured it was within a foot i started looking at exits how fast i could run to the front or the side exit man we were all screaming in terror good times the bus was hanging over the cliff and the wheels of the bus were close to the edge man most bus drivers i've seen can put their fattest buses anywhere they want with astonishing accuracy i took an out of bounds ski trail that looked fun by myself because intelligence is my strong suit came upon a tall cliff with a flat landing that i knew i couldn't make on skis but i had come too far to hike back to the main path took my skis off tossed them over and climbed down hurt my legs but nothing serious continued on several minutes later came upon a sign pointing towards a 20-kilometer bike trail ending god knows where it was around that time i realized i could end up lost in the back country of a ski resort with no cell reception decided to hike in the opposite direction the sign was pointing since it was uphill and seemed more likely to take me back to the main trail after several whispered swears and a good half hour of hiking uphill and across a sketchy looking wooden bridge through deep snow and ski boots holding my skis i arrived at a populated ski run i now make sure to have someone with me for all back country related adventures that way if i die i can bring them down with me i was doing aid work in croatia in the late 90s only a few years after the war had ended our group was staying in a small village about an hour outside zagreb which had been caught up in the conflict lots of shell houses mines in the countryside even the main bridge had been blown up so residents had used army makeshift bridge if they wanted to cross the river but we'd made friends with the locals and they took us down to the river where we had a fun time swimming and mucking about i totally underestimated the river current and my ability to swim so i start trying to cross the river and the current just picks me up whoosh and suddenly i'm on my ass trying to swim against it no deal when i realized this i started trying to get footing but i'm being swept downstream and my feet are literally hitting rocks no grip at all it seemed like forever it was probably about 5-10 seconds i hit a shallow calm patch of the river where i could stand up when the guys came over they were telling me it was no big deal but had i been swept a little bit further downstream i would have hit a heavily mined area and probably been blown to bits i metaphorically crap myself that's the closest i've come to losing my life really crap me up i went rock climbing in croatia the guidebook had warnings about minefields freaked me out a little that there were still active minds about i worked as an animator in a hotel during the season the mini club daycare is filled with kids but postseason there is not even one kid in the hotel so post season one older lady and one middle-aged guy entered the empty daycare the lady quickly explained to me that this guy is her mentally disabled son who is mentally around three four years old he saw the daycare and really wanted to play there usually i wouldn't accept but there were no kids around so i was actually happy that i'll be occupied for a while he was really endearing and we often watched mickey mouse dvd since he was a big fan after a few days of me hanging out with him his mother came to pick him up and asking me how was he i replied that he was nice as always to which he replied good because he can get very violent and aggressive sometimes it sent chills down my spine realizing that i was lucky but that also he'll be coming to the mini club for the rest of their vacation so there i was day after day playing with this dude big as twice as me completely alone doing everything he wanted and being more than careful just that he doesn't get mad i think it's real crappy of his mom not to have given you a heads up i did some volunteer work with mentally disabled people for school wasn't told that one guy was mean till after he'd yanked my 16 year old hair not letting go till someone came to help me i would have definitely appreciated being told beforehand me and my good friend felix both german were traveling with an enter rail ticket through europe in serbia we were on a train which was going really slow and stopping at every really little town village for some reason the train got shorter and shorter every other station because they were uncoupling a wagon here and there so everyone moved to the first two wagons because they were most likely to arrive at the final destination me and felix have already been in the second first wagon in a closed cabin where there's a bench on the left and the right we were both sitting left having a cigarette when suddenly things went intense three obviously drunken men came in that cabin at first they only asked for a cigarette which we gave them but after a few minutes they started discussing more and more intense i could feel that they were talking about us so i asked felix whose father is serbian i he would understand them he was pretty serious at that moment and told me that two of them wanted to rob us now and one wanted to wait until after the train ride felix gave me continuous updates about what they were talking they were guessing how much money we might have and still discussing when to do the robbery their discussion heated up at one point and then stopped completely i was wondering what happened and then suddenly it went all black we were in a freaking tunnel i was totally flexed and expected to get the crap beating out of me they were only talking like three sentences i asked felix are they gonna do it now he said i'm not sure after what felt like ten but probably was two minutes the light came back and i was sitting there like freaking jackie chan on my bench prepared to fight back in the dark they knew now that we kind of knew they decided to follow us at our destination so we could kind of chill during the ride at our destination we just sprinted into the next taxi and told him to go to the next city as fast as possible felix was freaking with you and they were actually arguing about which was the best star wars movie of all time tfa or last jedi when i was in school and did my psych rotation the first thing we were told was never to split up from our partner so just in case of a dangerous situation with a patient we would have a second person there to help i went to do an assessment on a patient he seemed perfectly normal and my partner judged that now would be a good time to use the restroom the patient and i are having a pleasant as can be conversation he asks me to look at his drawings which he hung up proudly on the wall i oblige i like art as much as the next gal i look they are plenty nice and then i turn around and find that the second thing we were told never to do which is to let the patient get between us and the doorway has happened and he was not seeming so friendly anymore which is when i thought to myself well done it i'm in a pickle now this man is telling me how he has to get out of here i have to help him and all of i don't even hear what at this point because i'm realizing how potentially fricked i am but then i realized that i had also done the third thing which we were told never to do which was to keep our cell phones on us on the floor i was just hoping at this point that i could keep this guy talking a little while i call my preceptor to save my dumb but my friend was at the same clinical site the following semester and the preceptor used that as a cautionary tale to emphasize the first two rules and get rid of the third one at my best friend's going away party drunker than i've ever been before or since barely able to stand when the bros collectively decided to pick me up and throw me in the pool all i could do was grab a nearby screen door with one white knuckled hand host is a big burly muscle head who just made sergeant stopped them and told them they were idiots i was too drunk to swim then i blacked out good thing someone had a good sense of mind i swam from a beach out to a boy not even that far maybe 200 meters from the beach i am a strong swimmer so thought i'd manage it easily something about the cold water and current idk i was really struggling coming back even with trying to swim horizontal to the beach etc went all light-headed and felt really tired then just started thinking that this was it i was going to drown and how stupid it was of me floated there for a bit laughed to myself like a maniac about how stupid i was dying like this eventually snapped out of it and started swimming again ended up crawling back onto the beach my partner asked how the sea was and i just croaked fine i had a similar experience getting caught in a rip tide took me and my buddy about 45 minutes to get back to shore when we finally reached the beach we were about a mile down from where we went in scary crap we were on a patrol in afghanistan in 2008 when we came under heavy fire our fire team took cover behind a low loose stone mud wall unable to return any effective suppressing fire the wall was slowly getting lower and smaller as it was peppered by small arms fire we knew that air support was coming but it felt like we were in some crappy indiana jones scene in those situations it's the humor that stops you from crapping yourself i remember the first time i got muttered i came running out of the tent nearly crapping myself only to find everyone else standing around smoking and laughing it was so surreal me and my friend were scaling a cliff he wanted to go around which would take about an hour i said we could climb it fast forward 10 minutes and i'm hanging off a cliff 30 feet tall and hanging on to dear life with two hands i found the situation quite funny i was so confident in my ability to climb it and i lost my footing just as i got to the top i was holding onto the rock for what felt like forever most likely less than two minutes until he managed to climb up and pull my butt up there god i've been in the same position a few times because my brother thought the fastest way to the top was just to climb it strangely enough since we started actually rock climbing we don't do that anymore one night when i was in active addiction i was drinking heavily and also taking a hefty dose of oxycodone i felt my heart slow down to a crawl and i was having a lot of trouble breathing very easily could have died there but i found it partly comedic in the moment don't do drugs kids i hope you have a shrine for your liver and kidneys because they saved your butt big time was on a school trip to austria skiing guy who didn't like me and repeatedly picked on me came into my room with all his mates and pushed me to a window i thought it was just a joke until he put a knife to my throat i instantly stopped laughing he stared at me for a good 30 seconds and walked out of my room which didn't have a lock on the door didn't sleep that night what the frick it was three years ago i believe when i was still in active service in switzerland in part of a tank crew that day i was the designated loader for the cannon we were doing live fire exercises and as we fired one of the gas extractor seals blew up but what this is basically is a circular rubber ring around the gas tube of the cannon if you look up a leopard a2 tank it's the thick tube at the base of the cannon that acts as a seal to prevent smoke backlash into the crew compartment and instead vents it outside this entailed the sealed crew compartments to fill up with smoke and the acrid smell of cordite and essentially blind us all so here i am at 25 kilogram high x shell in my arms that you don't want to drop on the floor blinded and winded by smoke thinking well this is how i die apparently manage to fumble around slot the shell back into the carry tray as well as engage the coax machine gun fan it's mounted under the machine gun ejection port and pulls the smoke outwards when turned on and open the top hatch to let it cycle out fun times it was a high x shell not an ap the ap shells are 20 kilograms intense story was watching archer on my laptop in college had my headphones on and in the episode there was an alarm going off after about three episodes i finally realized hey wait why can i still hear the alarm i look up and just see the end of the corridor i was in completely engulfed in fire and it was coming at me fast best part was like 40 people just walked by me after the alarm started and let me sit there nobody even bothered to warn me that's so freaked up i can't believe nobody warned you my ex and i broke up after five years together stupid me got more drunk than i've ever been drove to the spot where i proposed to her rock cliff thing overhanging a riasvoir and made a campfire it was the middle of the winter and i was sitting there getting more and more drunk and certain i was going to kill myself i brought my shotgun fully intent on using it well i stupidly looked over the cliff and drunkenly fell into the freezing winter water while it was pitch black outside somehow i got out and got back to the fire and quickly realized oh yeah it's the winter and i'm soaking wet this is how people freeze to death so i made the walk back to my truck stripped down blasted the heater and got more drunk until i passed out i woke up the next morning naked and feeling like an idiot i've heard a lot of stories of people getting drunk in the woods during the winter and freezing to death which made me realize how close to dying i was it was weird because i wanted to kill myself for weeks and weeks but i guess i didn't want to go out that way i don't know those were dark times but i'm glad it happened i'm picturing you grumbling crawling out of the lake through the woods back to your truck damn it nature if anyone kills me it's going to me not you glad you're ok though friendstag party ended with us camping out in the desert i woke up to mooing and a cow with too much smaller baby cows near our campsite having had interaction with cows before i thought i could just walk up and start petting as i'm walking towards the cows i realize a few things one we aren't near a farm or anything these are likely some wild cows whose ancestors escaped domestication a while ago and more importantly two cows even female cows have horns as soon as i was maybe 30 40 feet from the cows she lowered her head at me like a boulders right before they charge i'm sure her motherly instinct was kicking in or something i just turned around and laughed at how stupid i was just about to be thinking i could walk up to a wild hornet animal and just like pet it as soon as i backed off she and the little baby cows just wandered off and continued eating whatever they could find in the desert when i was 16 i severely misinterpreted how long a hiking trail was i discovered it a couple hours before sunset i had never hiked it before so i glanced at the map of the trailhead before setting off it was essentially a loop with a slash through it so i wasn't too worried about getting lost i hiked it for an hour or so i reached what i thought was the halfway point and sat for a while when i got up i decided to hike the rest of the loop instead of going back the way i came bad idea the sun was almost down at this point and i had to start using my phone as a flashlight then i realized that i'm at 15 percent at that point the reality set and that i was a 16 year old girl alone in the woods no one knew where i was and i'm about to lose my only light source as i continue hiking the loop i start to realize that it's much longer than i initially thought i started to get frantic and ended up turning around at this point my phone dies and i start thinking to myself if something happens to me here they won't find me for days the rest of the story is essentially just me being terrified in the woods but i did eventually make it back to my car unscathed moral of the story don't be a freaking idiot and read the trail maps thoroughly if you're gonna go hiking right before sunset also charge your dang phone hunted wild boar razorbacks in australia since i was a teenager 14 they wouldn't give me a rifle they set a line of the teenagers up with long poles and what looked like metal trash can lids to bang and make noise in a line of breast formation we stomp forward pigs run the other way toward the hunters with the rifles in theory occasionally a male the ones with the horns will have enough testosterone stored in their sacks to charge at us that's when we're supposed to take the pole and push them away ye 14 year old dumbass me dressed in a leather apron is gonna push this 400 pounds pee off pork monster off me with a stick god's eye was 14 then on a road trip going through a town at about midnight some car behind us beeped us because we didn't take off the millisecond the lights turned green so we flipped them off bad idea two m heads in that car one on the passenger side window hangs out the window screaming profanities at us we stop at the next red knight and he jumps out of his car and starts ambling towards ours my mate is driving and starts reversing his car so we can drive away turns out no t-fem head had a freaking metal pole concealed against his leg he gets one heavy hit against the car before my friend steers away and drive off they followed us for a bit until they lost interest at 17 i decided to follow my boyfriend to a city i've never been to i'm from a fairly small town and this was the biggest city i had ever been to we're bumming around and he tells me he's met this guy who saw us and invited us to smoke some herb with him i'm nervous but boyfriend says he's cool and since young me is an idiot i say sure and follow him buddy says he has to pick some up so we walk to his car and i get him back we go to a park full of junkies and he's flashing a wad of cash at us and talking about how great this herb is blah blah he says he's sketchy about smoking in his car so we're going to his place alarm bells are going off but again boyfriend seems calm so i keep my mouth shut and try to pay attention to where we're going and how to get back downtown buddy's phone rings and he tells whoever that he's bringing some friends over a guy and a young girl so now i'm panicking talking real fast about friends that are expecting us back and how we're traveling with these great people and just trying really hard to not look like a drifter who going missing without anybody noticing but we get to this building and go into his apartment and there's a couch and it's covered in plastic he puts on some cheap bargain bin p and tries to offer me a glass of beer he brought from the kitchen i'm an idiot but not that dumb so i refuse he keeps trying to separate boyfriend and i offering to pay for some booze if boyfriend walks to the store etc eventually leaves the room for a spilled second and boyfriend decides it's time to steal his herb why buddy comes back and notices immediately starts to threaten us but he's got a bat he's making obscene comments etc i just completely break down and start bullying i'm not great in a crisis i'm sobbing i'm telling him i want to leave i want to see my mom i don't want to freak him why can't we just leave blah blah he gets kind of flustered and the situation awkwardly calms down we leave boyfriend and i have our first epic meltdown fight in a strange city please tell me he's no longer your boyfriend i was rollerblading and bombed this hill it was a maybe 60 yard path with a button hook ending i didn't notice that at the end of the button hook were two large boulders maybe four feet high and just as wide with sharp edges got to about 30 miles per hour before i realized there was no way i was stopping i remember chuckling and saying this might hurt made a game time decision before i picked up any more speed and threw myself on the side of the path ended up rolling well past the boulders maybe another 20 yards or so luckily it was the dead of night and the hill was grassy and well maintained also the jew helped a lot honestly felt like a slip and slide i remember feeling as though i teleported one second i was on my skates the next i was laying on my back at the bottom of a hill patted myself down and i was totally fine wet but fine went to an amona math concert wasted fell in the mosh pit and nobody helped me up i was essentially mufasa in the wildebeest pit for the entire duration of that song nobody stopped the pit just kept going on around me i've been to many concerts and fests and this is the only time i've ever experienced anything like this the pit is always really friendly i believe it's because i wasn't in the main pit but rather a second pit that broke out near the back of the crowd that's super unlike every pit i've been in before someone goes down and everyone around them choose to pull them up asap that sucks but glad you're still around if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 13,115
Rating: 4.920228 out of 5
Keywords: the moment you realize, danger, real danger, sensing danger, people sensing danger, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: CWYrEgu8fZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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