What's The Stupidest Question You've Ever Heard Anyone Ask In Class? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the stupidest question you've ever heard anyone ask in class back in my high school history class we were discussing the Vietnam War and I raised my hand and asked who is Agent Orange thinking it was a person we had a Native American speaker come to my world religions class one day he spoke to us about how missionaries came to his reservation and nearly destroyed their culture in their livelihood he brought up how depressing and difficult it is to live in the US then a girl raises her hand and asks well if you don't like it here why don't you just leave and go to a different country please tell me how he responded to this question everyone in the class just looked at her like are you duckin kidding he said I will let your classmates answer that one for you she got torn to shreds she never came back to class we were discussing forest fires that were going on somewhere in the Midwest at the time and a girl asked how can the fires keep burning for more than one day did they start back up again every morning she literally thought that fires only burn in the daytime this was in a college class ninth grade English teacher was collecting food and stuff to send to Japan afterward tsunami namely rice girl raised her hand and asked if it was to soak up all the water touches look of disappointment could be felt down to her soul that girl is a duck ingenious biology teacher look at the person sitting next to you you share 99% of your DNA with them student OMG is that why you did the seating chart this way in my social problems class my very black professor asked us why do you think in black households women tend to be the leaders and not the men about 10 seconds some girl speaks up and says is it because the dads are in jail we were talking about the moon in our 10th grade class and this girl goes is there still a moon teacher v watt go do we still have a moon the whole class was silent traveler I'm a high school teacher we were discussing if you would be a different person if your parents named you differently clearly stone student finds out I have a first name and is shocked then proceeds to ask wait mrs. milky what's your last name mine can't be beat although it isn't a question this is in a 400 level philosophy class on cans professor is a type to tell students they are on when they are wrong tough guy but fair we are talking about cans treating of God and empirical proof for God religious student I saw God in a cracker he's 100% serious professor no you didn't I don't believe you show me religious student I saw him my faith told me that it was him I know it it was a transcending experience professor so you saw objective evidence for God in a cracker can I see it religious student no I don't have it professor did you eat it student yes professor so let me get this straight you found real an arguable proof of the existence of God and you ate it students silence professor you're going to have to understand why I'm not believing you here wait volcanoes are real I thought they were made up this was a high school freshman Egypt's a real place I thought it was just some place from Jimmy Neutron edit good God so many people not knowing about Egypt I should add that this was in a conversation to an Egyptian foreign exchange student and right after she said it she got up and did that dance where you have your elbows and wrists at right angles and move your hands forward and backwards whatever it's called I was mortified and thankful it was the last day of class but if evolution is true why don't girls give birth to Chipmunks broke my pencil in half upon hearing this particular gem pockemon logic look what it's doing in a physiology class my professor was describing how some Native American tribes had hunters who would basically run game to exhaustion oftentimes up to 100-plus miles a kid rose his hand and asked how come the only thing they can do now is sit around and drink everyone in class stopped taking notes to turn around and stare at the student now they run a lot of games those Blackjacks ain't gonna catch themselves in a big lecture hall sociology class we were learning about social mores a student asked is that what the song is about professor what song student when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore entire class stunned silence at the stupidity then the professor does the kid the biggest solid I've ever seen by saying very funny but the student wouldn't drop it and says he wasn't joking professor trust me you were joking class uproarious laughter that's a moron girl I had freshmen history with professor so who can tell me about Pearl Harbor go oh my god I love that movie turns out she didn't know the movie was based on a real-life attack on Hawaii also disconcerting that she not only liked it but loved it this wasn't a question but by far the dumbest statement I have ever heard made to a professor our black professor was talking about some book we were eating and referred to the main character as a black person this girl puts her hand up and says excuse me professor so-and-so but they prefer the term colored people he just stared at her and quietly said oh honey no no no this reminds me of a time a girl was very upset while we were talking about black Europeans she calmly told us that they prefer African Americans she could not wrap her head around why that was not correct overheard in London American tourists family the little girl referred to someone as black the mother corrected her that's rude honey he's african-american in English is illegal good or bad I always get them confused same girl was asked on a health test to name three common STDs and said aids needles and vagina fluids she got into University second semester of Spanish prepping for the midterm teacher says now is the time to ask any question that year unsure of girl in the front row is there a difference between ill and law teacher didn't know what to do is Australia in Europe edit the boy who asked this question did not mean Austria he meant Australia he said it three times one time the teacher was talking about the country Austria and everybody kept saying you're saying it wrong it's Australia or don't you mean Australia I was saddened greatly by this wait so like the British were fighting for England this was during a Western civilization's course high school chemistry class we were working on a lab where we had to make little squares on a piece of plastic to perform tests in and the squares had to have two centimetres long sides this kidnapped my lab table who had already proven to be not so bright in class many times beforehand got our teachers attention then asked what a centimeter was after the teacher thoroughly explained what a centimeter is and where exactly to find them on the ruler in front of him the student turned to us and said I'm still not understanding this centimeter thing why don't the terrorist countries have to follow the Constitution questions like that you just don't know where to begin explaining how far back how deep is the knowledge hole do you know what a nation is a country do you know what lies outside America do you know how words join together in sentences do you know how words convey knowledge do you know what a word ease can you read did you just speak this kid in my intro biology class freshman year first semester he was a douche chose to talk and shit during class and never did his work we had a case study to turn in at the halfway point of the year on a pharmaceutical drug of our choosing he shows up on the do day with nothing he raises his hand right when the professor walks in and says and I shit you not this is true I have a note from my mom can I get an extension in front of the entire 300 person class professor responds no son you cannot your mom cannot save you this is not high school I think the kid actually dropped outta school the next semester for flunking all of his courses I once had a professor asked me for a note it was the most awkward situation of my college career especially as a non-traditional student I forget why I was out but the conversation went something like this professor incurred Muse you were missing from class last Thursday me yes sorry I was L professor do you have a note me ah I didn't go to the doctor professor a note from your mother would be fine me um I'm 26 years old and I live with my husband wait for it professor that's fine just have him send a note I transferred to a different University the next semester u.s. history class as a kid mentions william penn founder of pennsylvania some other kid asks are there elet of still around my friend raises his hand and asked if he still had relatives wouldn't they be like 400 years old TLE our kid thinks people from colonial times are still alive in my 10th grade history class we were talking about when George Washington had four bullet holes in his coat jacket and had two horses shot out from under him so the teacher asked if anybody knew which battle this happened him and this girl in my class raises her hand and said Vietnam I was honestly impressed with how stupid she was we were talking about galaxies and how they form and as the teacher was talking about how they form one girl slowly raises her hand the girl has asked some stupid shit before so the teacher a luck 10th Lee calls on her and she says if you throw a peanut out into the universe will it eventually become a galaxy of its own the teacher had a hard time trying to stay nice to her after that question it's not that dumb of a question it was just poorly worded basically she was asking what amount of mass is needed to nucleate a galaxy about to write our final exam for a calculus class professor you have 90 minutes for this exam student you told us we have an hour and a half rest of class and professor facepalm this was the university final exam just for clarification it wasn't an elaborate joke it was the person who asked simple stupid questions the whole year in junior year of college I was with a class in an anatomy lab looking at very dead very naked and very obviously male body we were going over the body and we got to the lower half where the deceased stew again berries were prominently on display the dim bulb of our group seized on a moment of silence to point to the man's genitals and ask the professor are those the over its he was dumbstruck while the rest of us tried to contain laughter but we all lost it when he said no that is the penis in his matter-of-fact German accent and she just said oh and wrote it down in her notebook I cannot even comprehend just what was this person neither male nor female and therefore had no idea Reviva was it an alien my teacher was talking about a story in Greek mythology were a king ate three children and then several days later someone gutted him and the children sprung out of his stomach to later become rulers of the kingdom after the part about the gutting and the children leaping out of the dead king this girl looked really confused and raised her hand did that really happen my teacher had to explain to her that if you eat a child there is no way they are going to live when you open up the person's stomach sounds like the story of Titan Cronus and the gods of Olympus that because it is professor Russia has had difficulty in dismantling their nuclear stockpile student why don't they just aim them up fessor I'm sorry student point the missiles up shoot them then blow them up in the sky in a music theory class we had this kid who when the professor explained something would raise his hand repeat the information in the form of a question and then at just to clarify every damn time during a psych class we were talking all about human reproduction near the end of the class we were talking about periods and why women have periods etcetera this is something that I thought everyone who was in college would know because of high school exit classes right wrong this one guy puts up his hand and asks when the unfertilized egg is discharged what does a woman do with it our teacher kind of looked at him in disbelief then had to explain to him that the egg is so tiny we wouldn't be able to see it why do we need any more engineers all of the bridges are already built edit it was a girl in a Women's Studies course I took as an elective my buddy and I both mechanical engineers always had a good laugh in that class someone's gotta run them trains I believe those are called superconductors but doesn't the sun revolve around the earth I was actually asked this question during a primary science unit for a primary education bachelor's degree I was asked to help explain how to demonstrate the phases of the Moon using the shoebox and torch method as I was talking about how one of the other students in my class dropped this on me the whole class went silent and I was standing there not knowing what to say thankfully that u2 / professor broke in and explained that she had an earth centric view this girl was in her third year of an education degree in high school geometry the teacher hands out the test each row of desks gets a different test to discourage cheating each test has the same questions just arranged differently one blue test one green one pink etc teacher asks if anyone has any questions after giving the directions straight-faced honest to god a girl raises her hand asks does different colored paper come from different colored trees crickets followed by uncontrollable laughter from 25 students our teach laughed so hard and explained the process of paper making for so long that she canceled the test and rescheduled it for the following day that was the plan all along this is more genius than it is stupid we were in year nine chemistry and were discussing things like how everything keine can become a solid if you go below a certain temperature this one kid who was the top of the class in chemistry and physics sat there pondering thinking about this stunning revelation solid air solid helium in the end he raises his hand with a stunned look of someone who had just discovered the Higgs boson and asks the life change in question does does that mean like can you get solid water it was me not a question but in one of my elementary ed classes there's this middle-aged woman who looks like she is straight out of the 90s we had to give a book talk on a book of our choosing basically you give some info about the book to inspire others to read it she chose the Three Little Pigs every other student is winging it just kind of saying stuff but this woman comes up with a fat stack of note cards and I knew I was in for a treat so she begins by saying the typical stuff author illustrator how difficult the book is to read then out of nowhere she says the book is seven inches tall and 11 inch wide no one else listed any measurements so I was baffled why did she decide to measure the ducking book there had to be a reason I looked at the rubric one of the requirements was book length as in how many pages this woman saw that and measured the ducking book like with a ruler that some goddamn Amelia Bedelia shit right there I look straight down at my lap with my mouth covered so I wouldn't completely lose it what sucks is that I looked around to share this moment with someone and everyone was on their damn phone or something it was like I was the only person to witness in college and throw to astronomy class the girl up front responded with two miles when the professor asked the class for the diameter of Earth I'm fairly certain many end-to-end measurement of our university exceeded two miles the entire class laughed at her which was what she deserved in my early morning geography class we were looking at some world maps on the board discuss in World War two when a student raises his hand and asks what's on the other side of the world since the map only shows half as if no one had explored the other side of the world like the dark side of the Moon no one laughed or said anything we just ignored it entirely we don't mention the dark side of the earth in polite company in a geography course in my third year of University a friend of mine asked near the end of a lecture on the greenhouse effect which she wasn't being 100% attentive in why wouldn't they just stop building green houses we will never let her live that down freshman biology class talking about DNA damage via free radicals and how some foods have antioxidants obnoxious super tan girl in front row so like how many blueberries should I eat if I like tan twice a week enough to make you blue instead of orange I hate when students asks questions about personal family related problems while in class professor some patients with colon cancer will notice blood in their stools student my uncle had blood in his still last week but the doctor told him it was hemorrhoids do you think he has cancer I wish the professor would ask the student did I see his anus myself this was my life for a year and a half when I was taking paralegal classes everybody seemed to be under the impression at the middle of class was an ideal time to get legal advice from the instructor most mortifying question I ever heard divorced lady who just refused to shut up about her ex totally monopolized the discussion with a guest speaker in my family law class at the end in front of everybody she asks the attorney if he'd work for her pro bono one of the most inappropriate things I've ever seen miss professor my friend like just had a baby and I don't think she's feeding her enough like the only thing she feeds her is milk edit I should clarify that this was said in a human development course during a class discussion on cultural differences in early infancy specifically feeding what is a normal age to start solid foods was what prompted this yem do you really think you can fail me through book and awaited response security calls student removed from class professor this isn't high school anymore people whining and outbursts get you nowhere how far apart are sea level and ocean level is it possible to measure since they're so far apart anyway apparently she thought ocean level was the level of water at the beach and sea level was that of you know I have no knocking idea this was during a college course edit I'm getting a lot of interpretations but she honestly thought when you're on the beach you're at ocean level and that the ocean and the sea are not the same thing that is there's oceans and seas so there's ocean level and sea level like if you went to the east coast there's an ocean say you're at ocean level and I guess when you're on a California beach that could be a sea making you at sea level I'm not really sure
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
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Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts, askreddit high school, askreddit school
Id: Tr2qmFmk-qU
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Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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