What's The Saddest Thing You've Seen In Public?

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today i witnessed a young man get rejected by his parents in public for being gay what's the saddest thing you've witnessed happened to someone else in public once on a camping i saw a little boy running towards me he yelled something like hell please somebody help me he stopped when he saw me his mother grabbed him shortly after that when she dragged him away he whispered something like please don't hit me in my face this time i told my mom she said it wasn't a big deal i lost a part of my childhood that day a man hitting his wife on a very crowded public street and i don't mean slapping her full-blown swings to the head luckily some police officers were walking by before anyone asked why i didn't step in i was 14 and he was a fully grown man if i saw that crap today he'd have been pinned to the concrete and then that's when the wife jumps on you and goes full out trying to defend her man they both then tell the cops you just assaulted her and you go to jail i once saw a couple in their 40s or so walk out of a kmart who were arguing about something both were loud severely obese smoking and they appeared to have mental disabilities but they sat down on a bench outside and continued to argue after a few minutes this old crippled woman hobbled out of the store with a couple small grocery bags but she looked so weak moving only a few inches with each step and barely able to lift her head the couple got up started walking with her it became clear that the couple were actually brother and sister and the old lady was their mother they kept arguing saying things like i'm telling mourinho she hit me like children the old woman didn't even have the energy to respond to them i felt so bad for her it looked like she'd been raising the same six-year-olds for the past 40 years never getting a break i'm not really sure i can do this justice but i'll try anyways a female friend and i were waiting at this bus exchange a couple summers ago trying to get home from the beach basically our route was sorter out of the way so we were there for an hour waiting for it we're sitting against this wall when this guy and this girl walk up to the stop smiling holding hands looking like the perfect high school couple i remark how nice that is to my friend and she's like no that girl isn't happy you can tell by her smile something's bugging her and almost on cue the girl looks down at her feet and says something really quiet and the guy immediately zones out into traffic although he mumbles something and they had a good minute of silence then she looks at him super sad and then they had a closure hug expressing the harsh finality of it i guess then as they separated his hand slowly left her arm and she got on the bus he turned in our direction walking down the street head down with one of the most paint looks i've seen in my life not like open grief that people who have someone in their life die bit the dude look numb like an empty husk or something meanwhile the girl turns back as she's boarding the bus with this expression of regret and sadness and continues staring at him as the bus drives past him so after watching this in silent ore i turned to my friend and said did we just watch a real world movie break up like five minutes later our bus gets there and as we're driving down the road we see the same kid again wiping away tears i was eight me and my family were driving down to florida we were on the mass turnpike and everything was extremely boring just watching the trees and cars go past my window then i notice a car has stopped by the side of the road a man and a woman were outside behind the car as we got closer i saw that the woman was on all fours her head hanging and the guy was punching and kicking her the image is still in my mind i could see her face i can see her long tangled hair waving with each blow that the guy gave her i can see the blood woman in her mid-20s is eating with her mother in a restaurant where i'm the server they have conversation about how the man who raised her isn't her real father and is in fact her stepfather she had apparently been led to believe that she was always his and that her parents had just had her shortly before their marriage but she was really from the guy before i overhear all of this through taking orders from other tables refilling drinks etc they were seated right next to my weight station cue the waterworks like 30 straight minutes of her balling her eyes out and asking questions about her real dad it was pretty rough and for the life of me i cannot understand why that conversation happened in a public place with a woman in her 20s instead of in a bedroom with a 16 year old and both parents present saw a rather large woman a mcdonald's sitting in front of a double big mac meal and mcflurry she stared at it for like five minutes then ate it and cried simultaneously i know obesity is a problem for some but to others it could be an addiction and they need help when i was in ninth grade my school had a talent show one girl the quiet nerdy type but generally well liked got up on stage to sing the colors of the wind from pocahontas she started singing and was actually really good she started really getting into it but then she hit a high note and her voice broke she stopped singing immediately turned red and ran off stage but the audience started cheering for her and eventually she came back on stage and finished the song perfectly the girl seemed to become more outgoing after that and was quite popular through high school thought this thread could use a happy ending oh god thank you i was really starting to question my sanity for still reading this thread i once saw a man drag his wife and daughter by their hair and thrash them brutally in full public view he put a knife to his daughter's throat and threatened to slash her if anyone approached him the police managed to get him with rubber bullets it was terrifying and did nothing to raise my confidence in humanity when i was 14 i was in mcdonald's it wasn't busy and there was a fat slob of a mother with three boys seven nine years oldish as they finished fire food they asked if they could go play in the ball pit play area and she said yes excited they got up and the blonde boy spilled his soda b flipped on him made him clean it up while the other kids played then made him sit at the table while she stuffed her face and yelled at him you are so irresponsible you are such a bad kid you are lucky you even got mcdonald's you're lucky i'm even taking care of you no wonder your parents didn't want you this is why you don't have a mom and dad you are so stupid you are so lucky i don't take you back where you came from because nobody else in fire right mind would foster you all the while the kid quietly wept and watched his brothers have the time of fire lives in the other room to this day i regret not screaming at her or at least saying something to the boy if for nothing else so he won't feel so alone in this world i still wonder about him from time to time this actually happened to me the summer before my senior year of high school i had a tutor coming to my house for a three week period because i was taking some ap classes next year and wanted to make sure i wouldn't be lost in class so it's the second to last day of my tutoring and as we're on the deck at my house going through problems i hear my parents arguing they always had stupid arguments about nonsense so i didn't think anything of it right away a few minutes later my mom storms out of the back door in tears saying i can't do this anymore my father an alcoholic walks out behind her still carrying the argument and just sounding like an butthole they continue to yell and be about whatever it was and finally my mom just leaves this whole time i am just sitting there 17 years old on my way to play college football after my senior year and i just watched my mom leave my dad my four younger siblings and myself right in front of my tutor she was an older woman and i could tell she felt absolutely horrible for my siblings and i wasn't exactly in public but i was so embarrassed that she had been there to see all of this happen tl dr my parents split up while i had a tutor helping me at my house summer prior to senior year haven't seen my mom since happy mother's day guy out with his girlfriend bumped into a female friend gave her a hug his gf flipped out and dumped him on the spot the guy looked devastated his female friend didn't know what to do i felt really sorry for him but he's better off without such a bee i was in vietnam and was already having a pretty horrible day i had just seen my best friends one thousand dollars plus camera get stalling off of his neck by a guy on a vasper i was drinking at a bar on the street and i saw a woman on a motorbike accidentally hit a kid while the kid was crossing the street the woman stopped because she was concerned about if the child was okay the child's father ran over to the woman and knocked her off of her bike and threw the bike on top of her after she was pinned on the ground he started to kick her in the head repeatedly and other people started to run over and beat her up while this all happened a six-year-old girl came up to me and asked me if i wanted to buy h this all happened on day one of a three-week backpacking excursion pretty awful way to start a vacation before my uncle came out to the rest of my family that he was gay he had written letters to a select few including myself we were having a family get together at my grandpa's house my aunt being the huge b she always isn't thinking she's better than everyone decided to talk about how disgusted she was to see a gay couple kiss while at the mall this lasted about 20 minutes my uncle had brought his boyfriend along because why not after she had finished her rant leaving me furious my uncle proceeds to lean over and kiss his boyfriend comma not really a sad moment but i've never seen my aunt look so mortified in her life and that's what she gets stupid b my brother brought home a stray dog one day when we were kids only he didn't tell anyone about it just tied it up behind the barn later he sad he forgot about it i was playing out by the barn one day and heard a whimper the dog looked depth serious and was looking to me for help when i got over to it i saw that it had been starved my mom and i took it into the house and tried to give it water and food but it was too late mom called the vet who said to bring it in tow the office but it died before we could get it to the car i started to hate my brother that day i'll never forget that sight and i've always felt guilty about it even though i had no idea the dog was there until an hour before it died there is a really loud angry foul string of words trying to burst out of me but there are sleeping people nearby please tell me where i can find your brother so i can tie him to a barn with no food or water for a few weeks i was in river island once shopping for some new jeans some overweight girl came out of the changing room wearing a dress as i was waiting and asked to her mother how it looked the response was something like you look too fat in that maybe we should buy you something baggier for prom i said i thought she looked beautiful and her mother looked at me like i had stabbed her in the back but at least she got a compliment from one person that day i once had to sit through an awkward rendition of piano man in eighth 8th grader someone sang it for a talent show by himself in front of the rest of the grade if you're on here josh you're the good singer it was just awkward i am not sure if i heard correctly but just yesterday i was cycling when i saw this really young boy around five or six years old with tears in its eyes telling his father to daddy please stop drinking again i am not sure i heard correctly i was in an underwear shop lassenza maybe and just browsing the stuff that was on sale this girl comes in starts looking at the medium section now she wasn't fat wasn't overly skinny in the middle perfectly nice looking when she reached out to check the price on a pair her mum comes wheeling around a corner and starts shouting no no no you're too fat you need an extra large but the girl started trembling and dropped the pair stepping back and dropping her head so her hair covered her face pretty sure she was crying and the mummy ignored her grabbing a handful of hideous extra large underwear and shoving it into her hands before marching her to the register scolding her all the way i have never wanted to punch a stranger so much i used to work in the kids department of a bookstore and a very young mother came in with her son the son wanted her to read him a book and she couldn't she was practically illiterate she could just about manage a few words here and there like cat the end moon but apart from that she was really struggling it just made me feel really depressed and it still does whenever i think of it a group of young male teenagers shouting at a large-sized teenage girl in a bathing suit at the beach hey fattis stuff like that sue i walked up to them i am over 60 and politely looked at the boys and said listen you little shriveldongs if you say one more thing to that young lady i will personally pluck out all 10 of the pubic hairs you have amongst the lot of you and i will use a chainsaw to do so now get the frick out of here before i do it and i am a grandma they looked sullen and walked away realizing that they did indeed have no pubic hair and probably very little dongs you get all of my upvotes for the rest of forever grandma happy mother's day when i was about six years old i went to the grocery store with my mom while she was paying for our groceries i went to wait outside it was a nice sunny summer day while i was outside some drunk man came up to me and hit me in the face as i fell on the ground he hit me in the face a couple more times with his boat nobody stepped in or did anything i was only six years old but i will never forget the look on my mother's face when i walked into the store with my face covered in blood at only six years old her face and a white napkin that turned bright red as i wiped my face it happened in russia and probably because i'm armenian jewish myself tl dr i love my mom happy mother's day i grew up in a western state where raising animals for 4-h is common obviously you end up spending about a week at the state fair before you auction the animals off my friends and i would get bored and once we rigged up this giant fake spider that we won on the midway to drop from the rafters of the animal barn we were probably 13 maybe 14 years old we dropped it in front of this rather macho looking 30-something guy walking with his girlfriend and the dude flipped he screamed like a 13-year-old girl knocked his hat and oakley's off his head and nearly crap himself after he realized that it was fake the embarrassment set in like an out of control train he started yelling at us and threatening to kill us his girlfriend was laughing hysterically and complimenting us on our brilliant prank he then started threatening her fortunately there were plenty of people around and soon enough the fair security arrived and hauled him off at first we felt bad but then we realized that this guy obviously had anger issues that the girlfriend was unaware of otherwise i doubt she would have laughed my guess is she would have been afraid and we perhaps ended up saving her from years of abuse to this day i'm proud of my accomplishment it was the best prank of my life i like stories with happy endings d i actually just got back from a week of working at a camp a lot of the kids have never spent time away from home so homesickness is always present in a lot of them earlier this week i saw that a girl was crying so i approached her with my general homesickness routine but i wasn't prepared for her story she was crying because that day was her dad's birthday her dad has been in prison in el salvador for the past three years and only gets a chance to call on certain days including his birthday she hadn't talked to him in a while and she was very aware she was missing his call she was so worried about her dad and more specifically about her dad not knowing where she was and wanted to be there to support him more than anything in the world i heard her out and hugged her i reassured her that her dad knows she is there for him and that the next phone call will be there before she knows it she made it through the week but man that hit me hard a couple months ago i was waiting tables at my job i had this section which included three two person tables right next to each other in a booth it's pretty cramped there and everyone can hear just about everything you say halfway through the night this lady sits at my table and says she's just waiting for her husband it's all smiles at this point then the husband comes in looking grouchy but the wife seems completely oblivious to his obvious discomfort i get their drinks their orders and their food after they're done eating i go over to ask if she wants a box they both look pretty grim the husband says the marriage is over i've been having an affair for a while now and i just don't love you anymore while i am at the table the lady is bowling but trying to hold it in she manages to ask me to box up her stuff as i walk away from the table i look around my section every table is turned toward them and is either looking sympathetically at the lady or with daggers at the dude they left right after that i sort of understand doing that in a public place if you are afraid there will be a confrontation but that lady just died inside in front of 100 other people and that guy didn't give one crap in high school i was eating at a taco bell in the ghetto basically you had to ask at the counter to be buzzed into the bathroom too much vandalism this poor old gigantic homeless woman with a clubbed foot and a walker was trying to use a bathroom by the time she would get there the kid at the front stopped buzzing the door she had walked back and forth about three times to ask each time losing more and more of her clothing she was wearing several layers her falling pants lines started to reveal these crazy bubes that were tucked into her pants she was undressing more and more each time it seemed to be an emergency finally she arched forward a little bit and the pants fell to the ground giving up she pee on the floor of the taco bell then she started to yell i don't give a freak call the cops over and over i've had the fortune of never seeing a soul-crushing incident that someone didn't try to mend thus restoring my faith in humanity i have a friend who owned a small game shop i would spend a lot of time hanging around playing games and generally bullshitting one day a little old lady walked in holding a little boy's hand he was probably seven or eight and he was beaming he ran around playing on the consoles for a good 45 minutes my friend and i were chatting behind the counter and she started talking to us about how awesome her grandson is and how proud of him she was and he was a really sweet kid very polite and when some of the other kids in the store wanted to play the games he stepped aside and was just being generally friendly and agreeable she told us that his father was never in the picture and that his mother died of something i can't remember and that she had been raising him since he was two she also told us that last weekend was his birthday and she wanted to buy him a new game for the xbox his uncle gave to him it was his old one so he didn't have any games and this was going to be his first she eventually told him that it was time to go and to find the game he wanted he knew exactly what he wanted lego star wars i showed him where it was and he was ready to go they went up to the counter and my friend rang them up he told them the price and she opened her wallet and a sad look came across her face she stood there for what seemed like a full minute almost on the verge of tears and looked at my friend oh i don't have enough for that game then she turned to her grandson and said sweetie we need to pick a different game the disappointed look on the boy's face was heartbreaking but what came next was even more heartbreaking because without skipping a beat he said that's okay grammar we can just get some ice cream that would be okay too that did it for me my mouth was a gape this child's lack of entitlement was awe-inspiring his immediate acceptance of it and his loving tone towards his grandmother just ruined me i was running through my head trying to find a way to tactfully pay the remainder of the money so the kid could have the game when my friend spoke before i'd finished thinking oh i forgot senior discount he doesn't have a senior discount he rang it up again and it conveniently came out to something she could afford the boy's face lit up and the grandmother i'm not sure if she realized what had just happened but i think she had a hunch thanked my friend and left when they left my friend sat down in his chair stayed silent for about 15 seconds then said frick man and we continued our day i paint on people for a living when painting kids little boys will ask for a more feminine design like a butterfly or princess usually the parents just laugh about it and let them get whatever they want one time though a little boy asked for a butterfly face so i painted it he was super happy with it i mean this kid's face lit up when he looked in the mirror it was exactly what he wanted so he ran over to his dad to show off his design poor kid the dad looked right at him said a butterfly why did you get that no my son is not going to be a butterfly come on and then took the kid to the bathroom and when he came out again the dad had washed it all off and the kid had some tears in his eyes so sad there's also the time that i've had kids sit down to get painted and they had lice crawling around in their hair but the parents don't seem to care when i mention it all the time that the nazi parents brought in their kids to get painted i painted them but the parents stood there and talked about their new swastika jackets that were arriving in the mail soon the dad had the word nazi tattooed on his forehead poor kids so many stories from this job comma the dad had the word nazi tattooed on his forehead at least we can be grateful that he's taking the guesswork out of it for us years ago long before 9 11 i was at seatac airport waiting on a flight at the gate across the way a lady was dragging her kid six seven-ish to the gate they were the last ones to board the kid was screaming at the top of his lungs i don't wanna go i don't wanna go i don't wanna go i could hear him screaming all the way down the jet way about five minutes later she comes out of the plane still with the boy i assumed the captain booted them off the flight she was now the one crying and screaming at the kid i hate you i hate you you feel bad for her but at the same time it was like watching a train wreck in slow motion if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot
Views: 58,232
Rating: 4.9100642 out of 5
Keywords: sad, saddest, sad stories, sad stories that will make you cry, sad stories that make you cry, saddest stories, rejected, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: v6VMe1GBl9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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