What's The Scariest Thing That Ever Happened To You?

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read it describe the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to you i was six years old and i was in the car with my mother grandmother and my cousin it was 1979 and it was october someone ran a stop sign and my mother swerved to miss them and hit a telephone pole the only image i have of my mother is her slumped over the steering wheel and blood pouring out of her face my cousin was sitting next to me was screaming at the top of her lungs i don't remember seeing my grandmother my mother and her mother both died that day my cousin had her hip broken in numerous places i had a sprained broken not 100 sure anymore wrist broken collarbone and some glass in me that image terrifies me to to this day i'm sorry my lung collapsed spontaneously it felt like a pulled muscle in my shoulder so i went home from work and went to bed after taking some painkillers woke up in the middle of the night needing to use the bathroom and could barely pull myself out of bed eventually managed it but passed out on the way and got found in a heap at the top of the stairs by my parents they sat with me for a minute then after seeing that i was okay i wasn't but i'm a dong and didn't want to scare them went back to bed in the morning i was in loads of pain so they took me to a walk-in clinic after an hour and a half wait where i turned yellow and was blacking out i saw a doctor who immediately called an ambulance i had emergency surgery on a ward where a doctor stuck a tube through my ribs into my lung which spurted a good pint or so of blood down her front i then had to carry the tube with a bucket on the end around hospital with me for three weeks my lung got infected and i almost had to have the whole thing removed this was a few weeks before my 19th birthday i'm now 24 and totally fine although i'm not allowed to scuba dive or be an astronaut comma although i'm not allowed to scuba dive or be an astronaut there go all the cool jobs i was eight my sister was six we were crawling across the top of the monkey bars in our backyard our parents were inside eating my sister was wearing a bicycle helmet and either decided to jump down or fell through the bars she didn't fall all the way to the sawdust though which i thought was weird but from where i was i didn't have a very good view of everything i crawled to where she went through and looked down to see the back of her bicycle helmet caught on a level support bar for the swing set which was part of the same structure and the neck strap was strangling her i clearly remember that she was kicking her legs but that she was making no noise nothing i couldn't figure out what to do i wasn't tall enough to pull her off from the ground so i had to work from above i lowered my body through the monkey bars and kicked the back of the bar and helmet sending her flying face first into the sawdust maybe eight feet below she immediately started coughing and crying but she was physically alright we haven't spoken about it since that night when i was in russia i was on my way to moscow from saint petersburg with some friends we stopped at a mcdonald's on the road i know you're supposed to do russian things in russia but this was seriously the first stop we'd come across and we we were all starving we pulled up and grabbed something to eat we were all hanging around and i noticed two of my guy friends were chatting with some russian dudes at their car i'm watching this from inside because i am waiting to use a bathroom one russian was clearly pretty drunk he was wearing a t-shirt and it was november in russia near moscow i have never been so cold in my life and he was with three other guys they were all pretty huge and they all got out of the car to chat with my two friends i finally get to use the bathroom and when i come out i notice my friends are not talking with these dudes anymore and are heading back to the car the fin we were traveling with starts honking the horn to let us know we should head out so i start heading towards the car i have to go past these russians who by now are all hanging around their car smoking as i pass one of them waves at me and i wave back they say something in russian but i have no idea what it is and then one of them lunges at me grabs me picks me up and starts trying to shove me into their car i'm a pretty small girl but i start struggling and fighting back and screaming my two friends start running back to where i am and the fin pulls the car forward i'm just struggling and trying not to let them push me through the door one of them has gotten into the driver's seat and started their car but i'm still half hour of the vehicle as my friends rush up and pull the guy and me and his arms back from the car i guess they had thought that i was alone and maybe easy prey but then they realized that i was with three guys he put me down and put his hands up and tried to laugh it off and smile as my friends pull me back behind them and try to be menacing we all get in the car and pull away the fin let me know i was lucky and that white slavery is a big problem in russia and that i should definitely never travel alone a tl dr almost got kidnapped in russia i was calm through the whole incident but the scariest thing that happened to me was slicing an artery in half with a knife while at work the amount of blood that cascaded out was nothing like i've ever seen i had my other hand covering the slice on my wrist putting pressure on it i told the co-worker i need to go to the hospital now but he thought i was exaggerating and asked me to let him see it i took my hand off which relieved the pressure and blood shot about four feet in the air and splattered everywhere like a volcano at the air the idiot at the counter tried to make me fill out paperwork before a doctor saw me i said no i need to see a doctor now the doctor had me lie down and asked the same thing my co-worker said so i warned him the blood will shoot out if i let go of it he said it's okay so i complied blood spewing everywhere he ran around the room looking for gwas and screaming for help i had emergency surgery about 20 minutes later and they were able to reattach the artery back together and it worked fine i was out of the hospital and back to work the next day my whole arm turned black from all the blood that had leaked into the arm and i had to hold my arm up over my head for a week or so to let it all drain out the scariest part was the anaesthesiologist telling me there was a chance i could die on the operating table because of blood loss so i told him to hurry up then when i was 17 i got stung by a yellow jacket on the top of my head this wasn't a big deal i had been stung many many times before i went upstairs feeling a little woozy thinking it was simply because the bite was on my head i called my now ex boyfriend and was talking to him i happened to look down at my arm and noticed bumps were starting on it thinking it was weird and still feeling really messed up in the head i wandered downstairs to tell my mom all while still talking to my bf i get into the kitchen she takes one look at me shrieks and tells me we're going to the hospital by the time we get to the hospital literally every part of my body is covered in hives my head is pounding with blood and my throat is starting to close luckily they hooked me up to some benadryl and i was okay i learned them that it is entirely possible to develop a life-threatening allergy past infancy childhood now i'm allergic to bees and wasps and it sucks in hindsight this was probably scariest for my ex i had to leave him hanging with nothing more than and i've got to go but still having been relatively healthy my entire life it was scary as crap 16 years old on the way home from passing my driver's license test dad in the passenger seat red light turns green i look both ways it's all clear start crossing the intersection dad suddenly holds up his hand and calmly says wait a blink later a car that hadn't even been in sight when i looked blasts by at about 70 miles an hour and misses us by three feet tl dr almost killed in a car crash on the way home from passing my license test a year or two ago i was walking on the sidewalk about to cross the street which was a little crosswalk at the front of a highway exit i'm waiting there i hear a loud screech and look over and two cars are going super fast maybe racing around the exit one of them cuts the other off and it hits the curb and starts spinning i jumped back and sort of stuck my butt out further back so i went from standing straight vertical bar to jumping a bit back and bending the trunk of the spinning curl literally went within that space my head was above the trunk looking straight down at the trunk of this car as it whipped past my body and didn't even touch me it was freaking terrifying i was climbing a tree fell and impaled myself on a branch below luckily the branch hit a ribbon stopped me in mid-air rather than puncturing anything important and all me falling 20 30 feet to the ground i was doing some spins under my parachute while skydiving when a gust of wind caught my canopy and flipped me up above it i missed falling right into it by maybe 10 inches i was slingshotted 50 feet into the air by a loose zip line only to land on top of my left arm breaking my wrist the other one had been broken in a similar accident about 10 years earlier do us all a favor and stay on the ground more it is pretty clear you were not designed to be in the air i was about 12 13 years old when i watched my then step-father rip my mother's shirt off her back then tear off her bra and try and strangle her with it he did choke her but thankfully she did not lose consciousness all i could think about was what i would do to get away from him if she died i was almost shot by a policeman who believed that my guitar case was a rifle in the front seat of my car it was the worst birthday ever because having a rifle is against the law i was a noob going for a little hike up a hill with my dad and amongst the rockies long story short we got in over our heads what we thought was a hill was the nose of a huge mountain yes it is possible to see a hill and not be able to see from some angles that it is part of a monster mountain there was no way to come down the way we came we had to keep climbing until we could get to the top of the part we were climbing and come down another way the scariest part was a time when i was trying to catch my breath and had only a two or three inches ledge for one foot and a couple little places for my hands i made the mistake of looking down the drop wasn't straight like a cliff face but it was almost that steep and certainly way too steep to stop any fall i would have tumbled down 20 or 30 stories bashing myself on rock the whole way the mixture of fear and exhaustion this was after almost three hours of climbing for our lives caused my foot to start twitching and shaking its way off of the little ledge the other foot was already just dangling in the air with nowhere to go my dad was blocking any further climbing catching his breath and evaluating the next move i was watching my foot shake itself off and finally blurted that i need to be where you are right now he found a way to get higher up and i found the strength to make it to where he was a slightly better place to pause i knew i was asking something risky of him making him move without being prepared so in addition to my own physical fear i was terrified that i might cause him to fall we both made it and shortly after we were through the hardest part and then got to the top area we originally set out for my mom my wife and my daughter were 10 minutes away shopping i was very scared for my dad i was very scared for myself but the real terrifying part was thinking of my wife explaining to my two-year-old that i wasn't coming back that was about 1 000 times more terrifying than the fear of physical pain from falling i was taking the engine out of a 1976 fire but i was around 19 20 years old and had worked on cars quite a bit growing up and was comfortable underneath the car i was working on removing the motor mount bolts from underneath when in a split second i realized i was rocking the car while trying to break the rusty motor mount bolts and at the same instant i recalled i also had forgotten to use jack stands the moment i realized this is the moment the car rocked too far and came down on my chest this car was lowered a bit and while it didn't break any ribs it knocked a little bit of the last breath i was able to take as it was coming down i concluded if i screamed i probably wouldn't be able to inhale much but i wasn't able to hold it much longer anyway so i screamed like a person who believes they are dying screams thankfully two family friends just so happened to pull up in the driveway at the moment this was happening two buddies grabbed each side of the front of the car and picked it up just enough for me to slide out but not before dropping it once on me moral of the story always use jack stands a friend's dad died doing this i always use jack stands now and i'm not afraid to tell the kids how i know someone who died because they didn't they're probably tired of hearing the story when 13 i was living in this ratty apartment complex with my mom during the entire time i lived there i was continually harassed by this one older kid who seemingly had an unquenchable rage boner for me one day while i was playing basketball apropos of nothing he came out on the court and shoved the crap out of me i fell down and i remember him staring over me snickering like some rat face school this sort of thing was the norm it was how our relationship worked he dogged me out i'd take and he'd eventually get bored and go away but that day was different i stood up and sucker punched him to this day i consider it the best punch i've ever thrown my fist connected just under his right eye with a sickening with thud i felt his bones shift under the weight of my fist he crumpled to a mound on the concrete and i stepped over him and went home when i don't see the guy for the better part of a week i figure i'm in the clear i stood up for myself and won this is what my dad was talking about and then one night i'm out practicing my free throws alone on the basketball court i see a group of guys heading my way i think nothing of it until i see my tormentor wordlessly step onto far end of the court right i bandaged i later found out that i had cracked his orbital with that sucker punch with three of his friends behind him my heart sank i knew what was coming they beat me savagely for the better part of five minutes every time i went down they kicked me until someone stood me back up the grand finale was penning me against the fence holding a knife to my throat and making me beg for my life i went to the hospital and was treated for a concussion bruised ribs innumerable abrasions including a two inch wide one-inch deep gash on my bicep that had to be sutured and two broken fingers one of the guys had accidentally stepped on my hand when i was on the ground getting off a train in chicago union station and having to crap really bad i already shouted so i had some pretty gnarly camp but going on as i tried to cowboy walk to the nearest thunder dome get to the crapper and oh boy warm toilet seat sparsely covered in strangers pubies i sit down only to find the usual one stroke for layer of pee and vodka on the floor i take my dump and realize there is no toilet paper this was a rather terrifying experience when i was around 19 or 20 my grandfather passed away after a long illness he was an incredible man and figured in some significant moments of my county's history late one friday night i arrived home pretty wasted and headed straight to the kitchen to make some snacks the house was completely quite except for some background noise of the tv which my mum had left on as usual to scare away any would-be burglars so i'm sitting there on my own munching away on a bacon sandwich when all of a sudden i hear my grandfather talking in the other room i nearly choked on my snack i have never been so freaked out in my entire life his voice was so distinctive i knew there was no question that he was not in the other room as i slowly walked out of the kitchen in an incredulous state his voice started getting louder and louder as i entered our front room there he was before me there was a run of a documentary he had once been interviewed in on the tv it was by far the freakiest creepiest moment of my life quickly followed by such happiness and warmth at seeing my grandfather on the tv this morning i was laying in bed and when i moved my arm to stretch something freaking attacked my side and i screamed like a little girl it turns out it was only my phone sliding down the blanket but jesus christ i was terrified i was dosed with lsd and no one told me started feeling weird so i left the house i was hanging it and tried to walk home it took me two hours it's a ten minutes walk sober don't really remember much from the walk but once i got home my roommate is standing in the dark in the living room and he says to me i can't sleep there is something pounding under the ground i have been an avid lover craft reader for many years so i started to freak the frick out and locked myself in my room i spent the rest of the trip that i remember lying in the dark looking down at myself in the third person oh my guess battling my evil alternate twin who was trying to take over my body my one friend on the other side of the country claims i called him to let him know that my shoes had me trapped in my room and they were coming for me i was an experienced drug user before this but it was hands down the single most horrifying experience i've ever had just thinking about it gives me shivers needless to say i don't take those type of drugs anymore tl doctor was dosed with lsd without my knowledge and spent the night neck deep in madness i worked as an assistant manager for a big retail company but small store a couple years ago during the holiday season it was a really rainy morning after a huge sales day and no one was around it was eerily quiet as i put away some items i stopped myself for a moment and thought this is a perfect opportunity for a thief to come in here and rob me well it was one of my few predictions to become as true as it did a matter of 10 or 20 minutes later a man entered the store fully covered except for his eyes i could hear the fear in his voice and sense it in his eyes and that's terrified me considering he had a gun up to my face disbelief came before fear however i couldn't imagine i would ever be in this situation i immediately started opening the register while assuring him he could have whatever he wanted i also instinctively kept my eyes away from him because i didn't want him to think i was trying to remember him to identify him i figured i'd rather survive this then make him nervous and blast me in his own defense after giving him a bag full of money he told me to turn around and get on my knees it was at this moment i thought i was going to be executed in a freaking retail store i didn't know what to do as soon as i heard him say and count to 100 i had rest assured he just wanted me to stay this way so he could get away unseen i don't know how long i even stayed this way before i felt it was safe enough to turn around and phone the police it was pretty freaking scary i haven't worked retail since and as a matter of fact i moved on to start my career in technology and i couldn't be happier i guess some things do happen for a reason right swimming in the ocean off of a boat the boat had a bad ground in the electrical system every time i tried to swim to the boat i felt really weird and i'd lose all my strength i couldn't keep swimming so i'd sink once i got far enough away from the boat the field got weak i could swim up so i'd pop up again and then sink again my cousin on the boat saw me trying to get to the boat and came to me in a zodiac i got in it and was fine i figured i just ate too much or something but i guess my cousin heard about this happening before being whole body shocked isn't fun tl dr tried to freak a shark but ended up electrified instead my heart suddenly started beating really weird and really fast it wouldn't stop so i started to freak out had no idea what was happening to me or what was wrong with my heart ems came and took me to the air where i had a dose of adenosine a drug that they push into your iv quickly to chemically cardiovascular because it causes your heart to stop beating for a few moments in hopes of resetting it in correct rhythm it feels awful and you feel like you're going to die but it has a six second half-life so it passes quickly the first dose didn't work so then i got a second double dose that worked that entire night was the most terrifying and traumatic experience of my entire life and i'm still not totally over it having a family of five and losing your job burn through your retirement and then having no money to pay your upcoming bills tl dr young couple tried to injure kill their baby by making it look like an accident caused by me and my younger brother when we were 10 my brother and i were swinging on the swingsets at a playground this couple with their toddler baby sits down on a bench adjacent to us shortly after they point their child to waddle in the direction of where we were swinging only five feet away my brother hit him pretty hard with his feet since we weren't paying attention and were just trying to swing as high as we could before jumping the little guy went flying and we intermediately stopped swinging to check up on him the baby was bulling and bleeding from the mouth but the parents didn't seem to be too concerned as didn't say anything when they picked their baby back up i remember their faces showed no expression as they picked the baby back up by the arm as they went to sit back down with the baby both of them just sat there not saying a word to each and just watched my brother and me once again we started our swinging contest and they pushed their baby to walk in the direction of us this time around i had switched places with my brother and was able to stop just in time before i would hit him at that moment i just felt really uncomfortable and told my brother that we should go play some sega went home after that told our mom who in turn called the mps i can still remember turning around and looking at both of them just staring at me and my brother walking home if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot
Views: 8,890
Rating: 4.6983604 out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, horror, horror stories, scary stories, scariest, most terrifying, terrifying, most terrifying thing, creepiest, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: 66lIfXqDVLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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