What's The Most Disturbing Glitch In The Matrix You've Experienced? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what is the creepiest glitch in the matrix you have experienced about a year ago my mom and I were in the first parking space area of a small shopping mall she was getting things ready for the store and I was waiting the space in front of us was parked a large white SUV I can't explain why but I had the urge to study the SUV when I usually don't even pay attention if a family that owned the SUV came out and it was a father infant in a carrier and a little girl did the little girl stared at us the whole time her father was getting her in the car she had this huge oversized bow in her hair in the side ponytail and just kept staring even as they walked to the driver's side she didn't take her eyes off fathers and the father packed her up my mom also stared at her it was so strange we went into the store right after the whole family was in the SUV when we went to open the door the same family came out odd little girl father baby and father was still holding shopping bags my mom and I looked at each other in horror because it took him five minutes to pack his kids in that SUV how could he get out and run into the store in the few seconds it took us to walk to the sidewalk in front of the store we weren't the only ones who saw it a worker from the food place next to the store saw it and we all exchanged looks of horror I have no idea what this was but I can tell you that very few people have believed me and my mom what if the little girl was staring of you and your mom on the way to the SUV because she saw you two at the entrance of the store before my mum used to work during the day and leave me home alone when I was around 12 or 13 and too old for daycare she would ring the home phone periodically throughout a day and make sure everything was all right one day I'm home alone and the phone rings I pick it up it's mum we have a short succinct conversation that's basically everything going all mighty okay don't answer the door if anyone knocks ctc etc very normal conversation it ends I hang up and go about my day not even fifteen minutes later the phone rings again I pick up and it's mum again we exchanged hellos and I jokingly say must be a slow day you literally just rang me and mum goes very quiet for a minute and then says I haven't called you today my blood went cold and to this day I still don't know who called me we came up with a secret password after that when I was 14 or so I went to sleep at my typical time and woke up two days later in the morning I went downstairs panicking and asking if my family knew I had been sleeping for two days and what had happened the question was ignored and they told me to sit down and have some breakfast that happened to me too although I was like seven years old went to bed normally on a Tuesday woke up just before noon on Thursday the only person in the house who acknowledged it whatsoever was my brother I had a dream about marrying my husband before I even knew he existed even in my dream I was asking people who this person was and when I actually met him I had to refrain from freaking out he is literally the man of your dreams I had this crazy vivid dream in seventh grade I dreamed that there was a white cargo van parked outside my house a man got out walked to my house broken then went to my brother's room and killed him I woke up freaked out it was 3:00 a.m. I couldn't sleep and went into the kitchen turned the light on and a few seconds later the headlights on a white cargo van outside flipped on and it sped away a little late to the party but going to share anyway so I have one nice suit I have a total of three or so did most of em are 610 years old a few stains and don't quite fit right anymore I got a new one two years ago and the thing fits me freaking great I look sharp after my dad's funeral I took it to get it dry-cleaned at the same dry cleaner I've been to for the last 15 years a half a mile down the street from my house but couldn't really remember picking it up it wasn't on my mind as I hadn't needed it for anything about a year later I had a funeral to go to and I could not for the life of me find my frickin suit I took every piece of clothing out of my closet one by one I meticulously scoured every surface in there trying to find this suit and it's nowhere to be found I go check all of the other closets in my house and the coat closet in the front hall I mean I tore this house checked my closet multiple times freaking nothing this suit is not in my house I'm like alright maybe I just forgot to pick it up from the dry cleaner long shot but I might as well go ask so I head to the dry cleaner and I ask hey long shot as it would have been over a year ago but is there any chance I might have left a suit here I forgot to pick up she tells me that she can look up my name and phone number and after receiving both she tells me I've never been a customer there I'm like what do you mean I've never been a customer here I know it's been a year or so but this is literally the only dry cleaner I've ever been to I live a half a mile down the street I've been coming here since I moved here 15 years ago my parents both came here my sister comes here there can't be no one in the system with my last name I asked if owners or systems have changed recently and she says no that they've been the same for the last decade and if I have ever been a customer here it would be in the system I give her my last name again parents numbers et Cie and nothing no one in my family is listed as ever having dry cleaning done there before at this point she's looking at me like I'm insane as I'm standing there trying to understand why and what the Frick happened to my suit then I leave and go home ready to throw in the towel and pick something else to wear I walk into my closet and my suit is sitting right there in the middle of the rack in my closet with a tag on i.t from the dry cleaner that just told Emmy I had never been there dog you need to take that tag into that dry cleaners and ask them what's wrong with their computers I was watching TV when I was about 11 when I had this sudden compulsion to turn off all the lights in the house I literally jumped up and ran from room to room when I got to my bedroom on another floor I saw that my net curtain had blown over my desk lamp and was smoking it caught fire the second I got to it I managed to put it out just in time I only vaguely remember the incident but one night very late both of my grandparents were woken up by a loud sound my grandmother swore it was a shotgun my grandpap said it was a car backfiring since there was no one nearby who would be shooting we lived pretty much far from anyone but near a highway they become over it a bit then went back to bed about 15 minutes or so later the phone rang it was my aunt her husband had been shot with a shotgun by a neighbor just 20 minutes before the thing is they live seven states away okay I have this memory and no one will believe me but here we go when I was probably 10 or 11 my mom was harping on me from not doing my chores she was downstairs with me and I stormed upstairs to avoid her when I got upstairs she was in the kitchen doing dishes there are no other ways to the second floor she smiled and I almost shat myself walking with my daughter on a side street in the French Quarter in New Orleans late at night back to the hotel we hear a drunk couple giggling and walking quickly behind us obviously getting ready to overtake us so we step aside to let em pass only to turn around and find that had no one's there there were no side streets or alleys until further up the block just shuttered doors with steps going up to them dude the acoustics in New Orleans is super weird especially the French Quarter but when I traveled there I could literally hear muddled conversations and music blocks away near the st. Louis Cathedral I was working with a friend on building some shelves in a cubby hole in his garage he had two planks each of which he was going to cut in half to make shelves he cut one in half brought it into the garage then we decided to make lunch came back out and there were no cast shelves just two whole planks when I was younger my parents took me to see the Polar Express it was a great movie in the early summer morning I thanked her again for taking us to the movies she had no idea what I was talking about about later in the year around Christmas we went to the movies i sat in horror as I watched The Polar Express the opening week and knew exactly what was going to happen my mom has some friends that I've known my whole life they're her age mom was single so they used to babysit me sometimes I went over to their apartment for Halloween when I was four and they took me trick-or-treating around their apartment complex fast forward 27 years I'm married to a girl I met in college who had been born in a city I was raised in but almost immediately moved away was less than a year old she lived in other parts of a large Metro DFW and the LA area growing up she's heard my mom and I mentioned these family friends occasionally but never met them wife and I throw a Christmas party to celebrate our new house my mom asks if she can invite said friends so I said of course they arrive and we get to chatting they ask about my wife's unusual maiden name and if she knew people who have the same first names as her parents these family friends of ours were her parents neighbors as in share a wall literally the only other door on the second floor of the same building at the time my now wife was born I'm three years nine months older than my wife our family friends neighbors had an eight month old infant when I went trick-or-treating at their house I met my future wife as an infant out of total happened stands before not meeting her for another 18 plus years I once got into a weird it's complicated thing with a girl who later turned out to have been born the same day in the same hospital and our mothers shared their hospital room with us for the first few days of our lives she literally was the first girl I ever met it's kind of a pity that never went anywhere I was once walking in a park at night when I saw something green shoot up into the sky like a firework that he didn't burst it temporarily lit up the sky and then it got dark again as the flash faded moments later I heard a very loud sound like a transformer having power go through it and the next time I blinked it was bright and in the middle of the day not sure where the lost time went and I didn't feel tired or anything unfortunately I didn't have any obligations like work or anything so I really have no idea of knowing abducted by aliens I used to get freaked out by the same customers coming in on getting the same product several times a day then I remembered I work in a liquor store and all my regulars are alcoholics so I'm a glitch in your matrix I had a dream of my ex-girlfriend before I met her red hair hazel eyes standing at the corner of where three streets meet she was holding a purple luggage bag and crying turns out two years later that was where we be when we broke up funny enough several years later I now live at the apartment building where that corner is I smoke in the back lane to avoid looking at it do I experienced something like this it was the first time I tried acid and I vividly remember hallucinating a girl in that I'd meet her on November 27 later this year let's see if it happens one night I was startled half to death by the sound of a train horn outside my window I was not living anywhere near any sort of railway and nobody else in my household had heard it when I was a kid my family came upon the aftermath of a horrific car accident traffic was backed up and we slowly crept by while my parents tried and failed to distract us kids from the carnage later that night the accident was on the news small town not much else to report they showed the accident scene and all four of us gasped shouted at the same time those out the same cars everything else about the accident scene was identical but the makes models colors of the cars were completely different from what all four others remembered we consulted amongst ourselves and we all remembered the same thing but the image on the screen was totally different we talked about that for months either this is a pretty serious glitch or the news station ran the wrong b-roll clip I was having a dream where I was singing I woke up very suddenly from it and then I heard some super loud screaming it went on for a few seconds and it was enough time for me to shoot up and still hear it for a few seconds I wasn't alone in the house and after the screaming stopped it was dead quiet no one else heard anything screwed up cause auditory hallucinations as you fall asleep and wake up I've had it before while working overnights not fun I remember a time when I was about nine or ten and I was riding in a work truck with my father he suddenly got a call on his phone and when answered it it went straight to speaker and a deep distorted voice started yelling at us to get the Frick out of the truck or ill frickin murder you the word East part was that my dad didn't even react just grabbed the phone and ended the call dead like this crap again and puts his hand gun off safety bit late as usual but I thought I might tell mine obviously I don't remember this but when I was around two or three my great aunt and grandmother had just returned from Scotland and the family was invited to watch the projection slideshow showing my age at my grandparents at my age I wasn't very interested until there was a picture of a large Pond Lake with some ducks I piped up I know that place of course everyone said that's not possible it's on the other side of the world I then proceeded to get cranky and say I used to live there with my mummy with the white hair then something about my horsey and that I lived in the castle up the hill from the pond sure enough the next slide was of the lake with some ruins further up the hill my arms he apparently freaked out turned the projector off and would watch the rest I have a very vivid memory of a very tall thin elderly african-american man sitting in a wide green armchair this man has glasses wearing a button-down shirt and dress slacks I described this man to my parents one day around the age of five seven years old gave a much detail as I could and my mum goes down to the basement she comes back with a single photo and shows it to me it's exactly who I described same man same chair the man is my great-grandfather he died in 1977 I was born in 1991 maybe you saw the picture when you were a small child and the memory stuck for some reason when my friend gave a nodding what's up to my dog and the dog did the same thing back amazing that's not a glitch that's a feature you have been visited by a dog he's just a normal dog oh but let him know he's a boy in the comments if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 512,798
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, story, stories, Matrix, glitch, disturbing, experienced, Glitch In The Matrix, reality, The Most Disturbing, Question
Id: jgvXQqEEkmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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