What's The Greatest Movie Theory Ever? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the best movie theory ever Skynet purposely lets humans survive because without them it wouldn't have a purpose there's enough nuclear weapons in the u.s. arsenal to irradiated the entire planet yet only a relatively small amount were launched by Skynet after Judgment Day Skynet could easily poison water supplies raise every forest and farland and release biological and chemical weapons making it impossible to survive but they don't I'm fond of the Back to the Future theory that doc knew Marty died when Biff was about to run him down in his car at the end of the tunnel in the second movie doc drops the flag rope at the last possible second but there's no way he could have known to do that unless Marty got hit and died the first time which prompted dr. youth the DeLorean to jump back to before that happen in order to use that knowledge to save him that's heavy Agent Smith is the one not neo it's prophesied the one would be born in the matrix be able to bend it to their will and would ultimately free all the humans Smith a program was born in the matrix whereas neo a human was born in those giant human farms the machines run Smith totally took over the matrix like completely neo can fly and stop bullets and crap but that's nothing compared to Smith he even joked you like what I've done with the place he made the matrix completely who's Smith is more responsible for freeing the humans than neo the machines never would have agreed to free them all unless they were at Smith's mercy neo may have negotiated the deal but it was Smith who made it possible plus the Oracle even tells neo he's not a 1 in the very first film Smith and neo are one in the same two sides of a coin in the words of the oracle they are both the one perhaps calling neo a1 and Smith a zero would be more accurate for the way the matrix works I'm going to go with a great red again from a few years back the thing I really like about planes is that we learned that World War 2 happened in the cars universe which means there was a car's Hitler a cars Holocaust a cars Pacific War a cars d-day a cars new king of hiroshima and nagasaki a cars Rape of Nanking a car's Battle of Iwo Jima this leads to so many important questions like whether cars little boy and fat man nukes sentient was it a suicide mission are all cars nuclear weapons sentient did Tsar Bomba have a personality what kind of car was car Hitler a VW a forklift was there a cars 911 were the planes hijacked all weather planes themselves radicalized I could go on in lie low and Stitch lie low is late for her hula class because she has to go and give a peanut butter sandwich to Pudge the fish Lila's parents died when they went out for a drive in the rain and presumably got into a car wreck Pudge as we are informed controls the weather Lalo's making a weekly sandwich sacrifice to appease a fish God Pudge so he doesn't take anyone else she loves that's why it's so important she doesn't give him a tuna sandwich there's a deleted scene where stitch kills Pudge and Lila scolds him because Pudge was part of her Ohana I think she just liked the fish flukes success as a Jedi Knight at least initially was due to a stable home life we all know the old order was flawed but one of their biggest flaws was the way that they raised their Jedi children they were taught that attachments were bad and should be avoided at all cost one of the most brutal attachments the Jedi try to avoid his love but avoiding love isn't easy so the Jedi taught to be blank emotionless notes end up feeling the pull of attachments which is fine until you lose that attachment they are unable to cope because they were never taught to cope with loss so they either accept that loss as the will of the force which is dispassionate and dangerous in its own right or they let their grief control them Luke on the other hand had a normal and stable childhood with two loving adoptive parents so Luke got to be raised in an environment where he wasn't taught to hide away from his emotions he was raised in an environment where he could love lose and have a shoulder to cry on it made him emotionally stable so when the dark side calls to him he doesn't fall as easily as every other Jedi in the history of the galaxy also the thing that the Jedi do preach he has actually experienced they are always going on about compassion but that's road to them Luke has actually experienced true compassion and love so to sum up Jedi should be allowed to burn the machines and the matrix weren't keeping the humans around for power generation there are countless more efficient as in actually workable power sources they could use without creating a whole virtual world that can't be cheap they do use the waste heat to recoup some of the energy loss from the ridiculously power intensive system the human seen these generators figured they were the purpose of the matrix since they assumed the machines were malevolent and couldn't think of another reason for them to keep humans alive I believe however that they were trying to do this to preserve humanity whether because of a program directive or a real belief in the value of their creators morph you said that humanity intentionally blocked out the Sun whatever reason humanity did it intentionally or not it was the stupidest plan imaginable it would destroy the ecosystem and kill a grow culture the humans were dooming themselves as humanity had proven itself a danger to itself and ensure that resources would be insufficient for their survival barring a level of resource management they weren't capable of without extreme conflict the machines built in asylum sell humanity would survive the first Matrix was built as a paradise they bore no malice to their mentally ill creator we get a glimpse of the surface and it is a dark hellscape completely devoid of light and life how could the world's population survive in that world do you think we'd settle for a fair allotment of tasteless nutrient slurry every day number as soon as there were two settlements and no common foe we'd fight each other for resources as we always have even if we did efficiently share resources as well as the machines had without complaint or conflict what sort of life would that be the matrix while artificial retains the natural beauty of the world that wasn't provides far more comfort like absolutely any food that isn't nutrient slurry who'd want to live in the dead land of eternal night and toxic storm while apparently callous on the individual level to humanize in preferring control to freedom they feel they are sacrificing dozens perhaps hundreds to save billions would you amputate a finger to save the life a finger is far more than a millionth of your body that event horizon is set in the Warhammer 40k universe and is considered to be the discovery of the walk by humanity that the Spy Kids movies take place within the Tarantino universe because it is directed by Robert Rodriguez there are elements of the machete verse present namely that machete is the protagonists freaking ankle there's plenty of material that connects the Rodriguez universe with the Tarantino movies but if you watch Rodriguez's kids movies Spy Kids one two and three as well as shocked boy and levander all there are little Tarantino details like Big Kahuna burgers and such I think it was actually confirmed that Spy Kids and machete are in the same universe John wick is neo one level deeper into the matrix that would explain why seemingly everyone in NYC is a hitman and disguise they are not assassins they are agents stingy loop to everything around lousy town because it wasn't ace and framed Robbie that's why lazytown is surrounded by wasteland and Robbie as an outcast also the reason we only ever see ten or so people in the show is that all the other inhabitants stay indoors like Robbie to avoid radiation the people are plasti see as a result of the radiation Sportacus and Stephanie are normal because Sportacus lives in the sky and Stephanie is new in town Robbie lives in a bunker so he's only slightly affected Sportacus is inadvertently killing the townspeople by telling them to go outside where they are exposed to radiation IT all makes sense holy freakin crap Wow my favorite is for the Mad Max universe it's that there never was an apocalypse that's just what Australia is like Ned ricin is pulling an inception on Phil Connors to get him to buy insurance it's not just a coincidence that Phil pulls out of his infinite loop on the day that he buys a full boat of insurance from needlenose Ned that the monsters and Cloverfield was specifically targeting people who drank the energy drink that Rob worked for at one point HUD says it's almost like they were trying to carry me away and earlier in the film he mentioned he drank a lot of the stuff it is interesting because the monsters were killing everybody upon sight but they began dragging him away instead viral marketing campaign for the movie was deepened through that we learned that the energy drink company was also drilling the ocean floor and likely using that crap in drinks so a giant monster coming out of the ocean and targeting people who've consumed these weird ocean floor ingredients isn't all that insane also in the film they show a satellite crash into the ocean if you look closely I think this is a trick to make casual viewers just think it was the satellite that woke the monster and this is what most fans online believer when the film was popular but I'm pretty certain it was the Japanese drilling drink company and even then I'm sure there are way more details I don't remember I guess this all counts as a theory because it was put together from fake myspace profiles and websites manipulating audio files and crap like that not much info was in the actual film spoiler below I definitely do think there was something to the fact the monsters tried to carry hunter way instead of just killing him and if I remember correctly it was the main monster that finally snatched him up and ate him rather than just ripping him apart or something the rock universe every movie where Dwayne Johnson's built it to appear are part of the same universe The Fast and Furious franchise is the same universe as they watch rampage is a direct sequel to San Andreas but Moana and The Mummy franchise are not part of the universe we don't have flying cars because Marty McFly didn't trace needles doc invented flying cars when he saw his friend ruin his life in a tragic car accident that didn't happen so we lost out on flying cars if the movie had a sad ending where Marty decided to race needles someone might have been inspired to invent flying cars this theory was relayed to me by my best friend's nine-year-old son it may not be the best but it's definitely my favorite so the only reason they were hoverboards in 2015 was because Marty popularized skateboards early than they would have been so there was more time to turn it into a hoverboard my theory is about the room I believe Gianni is actually a mentally handicapped individual and Lisa and Marc are his caretakers denny is another handicapped kid who lives at the facility the story is told from Johnny's point of view and he doesn't realize he is essentially [ __ ] and believes he's in a relationship with Lisa Lisa and Mark are in fact in a relationship and the movie is just Johnny's interpretation of what is occurring meanwhile he's simply living in a care facility that's why everyone lives in the same apartment building what a story inception wedding ring in the film any time Leonardo DiCaprio has a wedding ring on he is in a dream this is his true totem not the spinning top from what I have watched it seems to hold up and gives the ending a proper resolution I like the one for Mad Max fury road in which each of the war leaders represent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse the people eater being famine because he scales out everything and is clearly gluttonous while so many others are starving the bullet farmer is war because he makes weapons and has a mindless pursuit for war immortan joe is conquest because he hunts people down to enslave them and worship him as their God and finally Max's death because everywhere he goes and everyone he encounters dies except furious ER and that's why she wins because she has death on her side that Zion and Matrix trilogy was also another simulation and gave humans who resisted the matrix an outlet a purpose to fight against the bad guys the architect kinda says something along these lines when talking to neo that is indeed confirmed by the architect it's not a computer simulation but the whole setup is a Bulls orchestrated cycle that's repeated numerous times seeking a friend for the end of the world at the end when dodge falls asleep listening to records he wakes up to penny in the room and they cuddle until the asteroid hits I think it was all a dream because nothing could wake her up when she slept and she had no transportation to make it back dodj died alone max in Mad Max fury road was actually the kid from road warrior who emulated the original maximum he only gives his name at the very end because he's finally acting like a hero and now feels he's worthy of the name maximum it explains the differences in look problems in continuity and why Max isn't as old as immortan joe i like the idea that all of the Mad Max movies are just different stories in a new folklore told by the post-apocalyptic people about a mythical character named Max kinda like Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill I can just see them sitting around the campfire while the standing one goes so then max jumps up on the warig and Paul knows a parsec is a unit of distance he's trying to see how gullible Luke is Jedi fall into darkness at the drop of a hat because their teachings are fundamentally flawed the core of their code is to open yourself up to the force and follow its guidance that's all and good when you intend to do good and so the force guides you on how best to do good but the moment you dip your toe into darker impulses the force is suddenly guiding you to do evil and you've pavlov yourself to instantly and unthinkingly obeying the force's guidance hence Anakin and his instant and dramatic fall where he goes from you can't just kill him that would be against the Jedi way - or I'll slaughter children in the course of an hour the stronger you are with the force the faster you fall because of the Jedi teaching not despite them neat Theory although it's pretty obvious Anakin doesn't want mace to kill Palpatine for selfish reasons as Anakin screams I need him of mace before he raises his lightsaber Anakin is pleading with Mason tries to appeal to his role as a Jedi Master more than any altruistic feelings that Doofenshmirtz's Phineas father his mom and Doofenshmirtz used to date and he lives with his stepfather not his father also would explain why they both love making inventions and why their heads are the same exact shape the theory that the cars in the cars universe have humans enclosed in them matrix-style why else would they have written a human language doors eyes and school buses the avatar the last airbender movie was not about the Avatar series but the play they watched at the theater in the Fire Nation team avatar reacting to the play Katara horrible tough you said it Sokka but the effects were decent Barry Benson from the beep movie is actually Freddie Benson's from my colleague added the Joker in the Dark Knight is an ex-soldier Special Forces operative hence why he's skilled with various different weapons guns rocket launchers et Cie he also seems to have some knowledge of how to interrogate people given his comments when Batman interrogate him ex-cop or ex-military makes sense also don't forget the scene where he's in uniform they're not in makeup a war wound would also explain the scars maybe he was tortured until he broke my bro theory after the home Alone's Kevin runs away and is eventually taken in by a family that already has a son and a daughter distraught by the fact that his actual family has forgotten about him more than once he decides to terrorize his new family in the good son I've heard his affinity for booby traps led him to become jigsaw and saw I like to think that seventies show was a prequel to Robocop red gets fed up with all the crap and moves to Detroit Stanley Azur to The Watcher that et is dark lagu is the wise theories being debunked but is by far my favorite I wish I had taken the time to hear about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise Birdman didn't actually survive his suicide on stage the hospital scene in the end was just Reagan's dream scenario his wife defending him his best friend being excited for their success their play being a success his daughter bringing the correct flowers him being on front page of the newspaper and getting noticed on TV and finally him being Birdman another point to support this the gunshot is the first explicit edit in the movie - the unrelated intro up until that point everything was shot as though it were a fluid one take this cut is intentional - signal he died Quentin Tarantino's Top Gun is a gay romance theory I've seen gay pee that's not as Amelie erotic as that volleyball scene in the first episode of Pokemon - sees hoo-hoo is said to grant the trainers who see him eternal happiness Ash's idea of eternal happiness was probably to travel around the world of Pokemon forever so he has always 10 throughout the series furthermore the reason he never wins the Pokemon League because he would probably stop traveling as he would be the champion and end his journey the Terminator movie series is a prequel to The Matrix movie series Dale knew everything about Nancy and John Redcorn Dale is a conspiracy theorist and will believe the dumbest things however he is also a freelance exterminator who begs for work even though he is the best at what he does business isn't booming his wife makes a lot more than he does has a stable job and lets him have the basements for his doomsday shelter preparations Dale gets to live comfortably while his wife does most of the work he knows Joseph isn't his kid but he also knows how much that tears up John Redcorn up inside that he will never have that connection of being a father or being with Nancy Nancy feels horrible and guilt of the 10 glossy a love affair meanwhile Dale gets to live his life hang out with his friends work part-time and continue his hobbies later on in the series Nancy and John stop being together when Nancy falls in love with Dale again John is still invited to parties and even starts a band with Dale at the end of it all Dale is an evil mastermind and you never mess with a man's lawn there is also a theory that Jessica Fletcher Murder She Wrote was the real color behind all the murders Aladdin takes place in a post-apocalyptic world 10,000 years past current times that is why the world is a desert and the Genii having just been freed from the lamp references pop culture from the 20th century or you know maybe being all-powerful means he can time-travel to or at least look through time when he says you'll never find a girl like that in 10,000 years believe me I've looked I didn't take that to mean he lived 10,000 years and was looking for chicks leg-hold time but that he literally looked 10,000 years into the future you've been visited by swining thick boy likened comments when well thick boy and you'll be blessed with many thick woofers in your life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Id: 2-CT2ZHHmLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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