What Spooky "Past Life" Memory Did Your Kid Utter? | Parents Stories #17

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parents what spooky past life memory did your kid utter this is gonna be buried but when i was three i asked my mom if she remembered when i was a baby boy named joshua i am female she said no and i explained that i died after falling down the stairs the crazy part is that my mom had a miscarriage before getting pregnant with me after falling down the stairs i don't know how old i was but when i was young six i was in the car with my parents and i said something like oh i used to live there while pointing at a house we were driving past turns out it was my great great grandmother's house whoa my daughter talks about her grandson all the time i thought it was just an imaginary friend but then a couple nights ago she came out of her room at bedtime absolutely sobbing and said i'm sad because i miss my grandson he lives in my old house in my old neighborhood she has never lived anywhere other than this apartment i wonder if she would be able to describe the house and neighborhood at all not exactly the same thing but my five-year-old daughter has been saying things like when i look in mirrors there are a lot of people in here and why were so many people in my room last night for like two years not me but a friend's little sister the whole family was out for dinner at a restaurant in a skiing village which they recently bought a cottage near my friend's little sister as soon as they walked and said i know this place my mother and i used to paint here to which her mother replied we've never been here before what do you mean she replied with number my mother from before we used to paint here all the time the family was obviously a little freaked out but didn't think much of it as she was pretty young and they figured just messing around later on though when talking to the waitress the little girl again adamantly mentioned how she used to paint there and the waitress revealed that it in fact was an art studio for many years in the 1900s but had been converted sometime in the early 2000s into a restaurant needless to say the entire table waitress included got goosebumps and were at a loss for words maybe that other comment about the 100 year wait list might be a bit true when he was three my husband decided to treat our son to a flight over our city in a cessna when it was time to get on the plane our boy climbed into the pilot's seat and was extremely upset when he was told he had to move he began crying and saying he was sorry he didn't mean to crash that plane last time and he said he'd be good this time my husband managed to calm him by pointing out that his legs were too short for his feet to reach the pedals once he got settled in the back seat he started fussing about not being able to use the radio so the pilot got him a headset just didn't plug it in all the way our son then started trying to raise the tower so he could do his radio check and get clearance at that point the pilot needed to take a break he went for a smoke while my husband talked to our son who told him that he crashed the last plane he flew and a lot of people died when the pilot got back they were able to do the flight with no further issues about a year later we went to an aeronautics museum when an old mosquito was being restored our son told the curator that he used to fly one of those so he offered us a tour of the plane but when we got in our son pointed out several things that were wrong with the plane which turned out to be correct things like the joystick being the wrong sort etc the curator told us the plane had previously been modernized and was now being restored to original condition he also confirmed that the items our sun had pointed out were in fact slated to be replaced our kid is grown mo and doesn't remember ever being a pilot before and has absolute zero interest in planes but he does remember just knowing things about airplanes and piloting them he began crying and saying he was sorry he didn't mean to crash that plane last time and he said he'd be good this time oof this kind of breaks my heart a little my grandma has a story from when my dad was 2-3 years old he told her once that he was almost born before but was too sick and died and had to come back later turns out my grandma had at least one miscarriage before he was born that was likely due to birth defects caused by a medication she had been taking at the time holy crap i just lost my second son at 20 weeks he was sick from a placenta infection and i almost died i had a dream he came back later in another body that suited him better both my husband and i have this insane feeling we will meet him again soon in a healthy body this post blows my freaking mind when i was about four my family and i were moving house we went to view this house in a rural village that was riped by an airfield that had been very important during world war ii and there were still disused anderson shelters in the garden and fields behind apparently the minute i saw them i ran to my mum clung to her arm and asked are there going to be more bombs and got really agitated nobody ever spoke about the war this was in the 90s and we didn't even have a tv my mum was really spooked by the whole thing nothing like having ptsd in the second life obligatory not the parent but the kid here apparently used to have rather frequent bouts of nightmares back when i was four and it always began with me screaming the name sarah then calling for help loudly which would wake pretty much everyone in the house up and ending with me just blubbering out i'm sorry i'm so sorry over and over and over again all the while crying and sobbing when i would wake up in the morning i'd have no recollection about any of this my parents had no idea what caused it given that they knew no one named sarah that i had interacted with we had no tv or anything of the sort i hadn't begun going to preschool yet and didn't know how to read beyond a few simple words nothing they did seemed able to stop it either the whole thing went on for a good long while almost a year until one day it just sort of stopped mom apparently tried asking me once about it and kidme said something to the effects of sarah doesn't want to see me crying anymore so i won't didn't actually know any of this happened until some years back when i got to talking to my parents about how i always found the name sarah to be beautiful hey thanks lol from a message my ex sent me last year about our daughter who was three at the time on hearing a motorbike i had one before i was little it went whoosh and then i had no legs and mommy and daddy had to help me but i didn't want to so i went to sleep and now i'm too little when my youngest was about that age he told me about a motorcycle accident he had when he was 16 and he died we were driving in the car at the time and he saw a motorcycle like the one he had still freaks me out thinking about it my daughter is about to turn four and talks about being in belly a lot she recalls details and things i did while pregnant that i know i haven't told her or talked about she talks about the day i rode the school bus to the mini town i took my students on a field trip when i was nearly nine months pregnant to a mini city play place she tells me it was dark but she heard my heart and heard my voice aged two or three my daughter told us about when she and her other parents had to run away from their burning house but not just their house everything around them was on fire they didn't escape she also told us how warm and cozy it was in her mother's womb my younger sister when she was three started talking to my mom about when i was a big girl and you were a little girl she said she went to my parents wedding she described her old self physically and my mom says that sounded like my mom's grandmother grace my sister also talked about the greenhouse she used to live in at the end of a dirt road and the fact that her mother my mom's great-grandmother matilda died from a snake bite while they lived there she described the snake as pretty and with the full description my mom thinks she was describing a copperhead now we lived in northern nebraska no copperheads and matilda died in southeast oklahoma copperhead region my sister said she killed the snake with a hoe these discussions always took place at bedtime one day we were putting in the garden and my dad was sitting down and sharpening the hoe with a file and my sister told him he was doing it wrong he told her to show him how to do it she put her hands on his and placed them in the correct position and later he said that she was right he was doing it wrong for those of you interested in timelines this would be in 1980 my mother's grandmother grace died in 1968 and her great-grandmother matilda died in 1902 also we don't know if snake bite was the cause of death for her great-grandmother matilda i was 15 at the time these little nightly discussions were going on so i remember them fairly well she probably told these things on and off for about six months and by four she would say i'm tired of talking about it i am not a great writer so i hope this is not too confusing this was an interesting read thanks for sharing my daughter is deathly afraid of fire because the fire at school killed my sister and my other mom was really sad when she started preschooler 3 they had a fire drill and she cried hysterically until it was over and she was convinced there was no fire i had to go pick her up and on the way home she told me she's glad they have fire drills so all of the kids don't die like at her last school i'm still freaked out dang that is terrifying i'm freaked out and don't even know you i was driving my family across the state to visit family some commercial on the radio about vegas came on and i started singing viva or las vegas in my best elvis impersonation my son was about 3 4 and he says i don't like vegas i lost my life and a lot of money there his mom and i glanced at each other like wtf he never said anything else about it imagine having a son who was dealing with the mafia in his past life lol when he was around four my grandson used to talk about his job at the ice factory and one day he was talking about his boss father and the day he quit i asked him why he quit and he turned to me and quite passionately said i'll tell you why i quit they made me work 15 days in a row without a break and i had enough of that it was weird hearing all that righteous anger coming out of that little boy my daughter just informed me that he was three when he always talked about working at the ice factory so yeah scary three-year-olds i dky but this is freaking hilarious i would lose my crap if a four-year-old started complaining to me about his boss farvo not giving him a day off from the ice factory in weeks sun was too was reading him some tight educational flash cards when russia came up on one he then told me he used to live there described the horses the life the land extremely descriptive for a two-year-old then he turned to me and said dad you were my brother one of my preschool students what do you want to do when you're a kid again me well grown-ups don't become kids again we grow up and stay grown-ups huh well i remember when i was a grown up and i drove a car and now i'm a kid again someone taught my nephew from when he was four that whenever an older person said they didn't believe in reincarnation that he should say it's okay i didn't believe it either when i was your age apparently when i was really little around three or so i told my mom that this was my last time here that i wasn't going to come back better make this one count then in 2006 my best friend nick was kia in iraq we used to wrestle fight until one of us submitted these sessions would start randomly and always be initiated by showing your fangs this involved pointing your pointer and middle finger down in front of your mouth while growling at the other person a couple of weeks after his death some family from the other side of the country that we only see every five years or so was visiting my cousin's son who was about five and who i never met prior to this visit comes over he gives me the fangs and smiles i asked him where did you learn that he says your friend says hi and runs away i went to my room and cried for a bit i believe it 100 but i just wonder how that's possible seems like there's so much we are missing or blind to or just don't know thanks for sharing i had a brother pass away from brain cancer at the time we had a cat who was a calico and just sort of knew he was battling something she was really mean to most people but with him she was gentle he would grab her paws and she would just let it happen well about three years after he passed my parents had another child another boy he was about three when he told my parents about the white brown and black cat that used to let him grab her paws she had died about a year before he was born [Music] well i'm not a parent but i once told my mother i used to be your dad when i was a toddler and if that's not weird enough he died about nine months before i was born [Music] my five you boy has a lot of creepy past life utterings but the most concerning was when he told me he was going to be replaced soon by a brown girl with long hair i'd be like dang right you will if you keep scaring the crap out of me lol we named our son after my father who passed away three years before he was born my father pumped gas at a local gas station for years my son saw one of the oil trucks drive by one day and proceeded to talk about how he was pumping gas at the gas station it weirded me right out cause we never talked about that before he's only three years old my daughter would refer to me as her new mommy then as her vocabulary increased she said you're my new mommy but it's okay i like you then one day you're my new mommy i had two brothers but they all died but it's okbc i like you she never mentioned her real family again last time she did she was was about three or four years old beginning to think past life memories fade as you grow or occam's razor you grow out of saying stuff like that but it's fun to think about all the same when my brother was about three back in the 90s our family was sitting down for dinner and he randomly said that remember when i lived in spain we're from the uk and my dad humoring him said yeah and he continued that he lived in spain before with his other family but he died when he was on a fishing trip with his dad and the last thing he remembers is his dad's hand trying to reach him as he drowned he also reeled off some spanish names for his parents which there was no way he would have known those kind of names and he started to sort of meditate in his room from time to time he eventually stopped talking about it as he got a little older and doesn't remember anything about it anymore crazy to hear so many other people have similar experiences shame your folks didn't remember the names it'd be interesting to google them now my little brother when he was little like three or four said that he was in the jungle saving animals and one day he had to decide if he would stay with the animals or come live with us he chose us but reminded my mom that he couldn't stay forever just for a little while he passed this last january at 26 years old sorry for your loss apparently when i was a kid my dad and i were watching cervan apparently it was an episode where he was in the woods and i said something along the lines of i got lost in the woods once with friends but i was never found i mean hide and seek maybe at this point i'm kind of freaked out bits can't stop and i'm just going with the sunshine and rainbows options when i can [Music] mom said when i was pretty young she was driving me to daycare before work and i told her you should have called irma last night before she died this was an old co-worker she loved turns out emma had died that night that's enough for did for today i think i have accumulated enough nightmare material mine said that he had a dream he was in heaven or some other place before he was born with lots of men and suits who had lined up every woman on the planet and the suits told him to pick who would be his mum the part that creeped me out is i remember my mum telling me i had a dream exactly like that as a child well i'm glad i at least once had good decision-making skills my son was three at the time at bedtime he said mama one time the bad guys got me and drove me in their car and i said what and he continued to tell me a story about being locked in a room and he was hungry and i didn't find him the bad guys got away and he never got out that sht scared me so much i still get freaked by it i held him so right that night jesus that's creepy i used to tell my mom that i could see a lady coming out of the wall and standing at the foot of my bed i have no memory of this but apparently my uncle and cousins on my mom's side used to see a lady at the foot of their beds as well when they were toddlers when i was three i used to tell my mom stories about my other family every night before bed the siblings i had in the dog too one day she took me to target and i told her i wanted big girl undies and she said she would buy them for me and i could wear them when i was potty trained i told her that my other family already potty trained me so i can start wearing them now i put them on that day and never had an accident after that she never potty trained me and was just shocked would totally accept creepy story for someone else potty training my kid i was at a nature show with my daughter the kind where they bring animals out and tell the audience about them this particular show was about twelves and the handler was telling the audience why she did what she did with the wolves my daughter maybe four at the time said i used to do that i asked her what she meant she said just as factually as a four-year-old could possibly be that she used to train dogs and wolves before she died she herself looked confused for a bit as though this thought was surprising to her as well i didn't know what to say so i said well that's interesting she enjoyed the rest of the show and never spoke of it again when my daughter was three she hugged me while she was falling asleep and said i'm her favorite mama her i love you even more than my other mama me your other mama her yeah she died me oh her she got eaten by rats me now wide awake oh her but it's okay because i cut them open and got her out me wow was she okay her oh no she still died sweet dreams though it happens to the best of us when my son was three he told his mom that he was a cosmonaut the last time he was a grown up but not an astronaut the russian version were 99 certain he hadn't heard the word before not so much past life when my son was about four we were driving to daycare he randomly pipes and says mommy i had this dream where you were pregnant we named the baby dawson but then he fell off the bed and died he wouldn't give me any more information than that i was super weirded out that evening i decided to get a couple pregnancy tests and sure enough i was pregnant went through the next day and never mentioned anything to anyone but the following day i woke up with cramps ended up going to the hospital and found out i'd miscarried still never said anything to anyone about it a few days go by and we're driving to daycare and my son says remember that dream i had about the baby that's silly because you're not pregnant i was absolutely flawed it was so weird when my son was four we had driven past a cemetery he asked me if i remembered when he died and was buried i said no and asked him what he meant by saying that he said he had died was buried in a cemetery and that's when he started growing in my belly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up when he said this he doesn't remember say this my son was little about four years and he was playing with his toys and talking i asked him who are you playing with he replied with my sister's name my sister died when i was young my middle son five is named after my wife's grandfather he just looked at her a couple of weeks ago and said i remember when you were little and you sat on my lap he also once gazed into my mother-in-law's eyes at three four years old stroked her cheek and said my daughter imagine giving birth to your grandfather when my sister was a toddler she used to talk about her other mom who had long black hair and blue eyes and blue shoes our mom had a pixie cut and was blonde very spooky personal story from when i was a child from when i was two until i was four i would talk in my sleep to my great grandma gigi lavorne who died when my mother was three in 1976. my mother thought it was odd because she had never mentioned gigi by name which is odder because lavone was her middle name her first name was mary i knew both of these names my mother was going through photos she had received from other family members when i was four and i pulled a photo out and pointed her out in a family group reunion photo right away and began to cry because i missed her mom said later that week while picking me up from daycare the staff gave their condolences for her loss as i'd been crying all day for gg levon my mother was convinced that's when gigi stopped visiting me in 1977 my grandparents and my mother and uncle moved into a new house my mom was four there was a little red bird that kept landing on their boxes sitting super close to them and they always said it was their little friend the bird even tried to get into the house with them when i was three years old my grandpa was talking about the day they moved into the previous house and i apparently said i had fun that day my grandpa told me there was no way as my mother was only four and i wasn't even a thought then i then shook everyone in the room when i said i was there don't you remember me i was a little red bird there's no way anyone had mentioned the bird to me as i am still reminded by family at 27 years old i had a medium tell me that my gigi is always with me and she could see her i took this with a grain of salt but she then told me i was a bird in the past life and my gigi and i souls are connected as we died at the same time and traveled to the spirit world together i also have vivid memories of being a nurse during world war ii i used to tell my mother details and she always said i reminded her of clara barton with my stories whatever weird coincidence tl dr i guess my great grandma and i are connected souls in a reincarnated bird nurse y'all when my nephew was about three or four my sister said he was throwing a tantrum in the car while he was in his car seat and he yelled at her randomly i waited 100 years to be born you trying to tell me there's a 100 year waiting list to be reincarnated i don't have kids but when my brother was a toddler he said something to my mom about throwing hay in the window for the horses my grandfather died before his birth and was a farmer the barn had windows and he would just throw the hay in the windows for the horses to eat my mom was really freaked out but he never said anything else similar again my parents don't use reddit so i'll answer this for them i think i was three playing with a corkscrew and i blurted out that i used to have one of these when i had black hair i'm blonde my parents said they asked me what it was and i responded that it's used for opening wine it freaked the heck out of them if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 10,047
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Keywords: parents, parenting, parents stories, past life memories stories, past life memories, past life, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: qBnThF-oqHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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