The Moment You Knew You Have to Get Out of That Relationship | People Stories #432

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reddit what are you the moment i knew i have to get out of this relationship when my best friend turned around to me looked me dead in the eye and said have you noticed that you're happier when he's not around that is a good best friend right there that's a tough topic to launch i watched my best friend die horribly in an accident was there when it happened rode with him to the hospital in the ambulance was standing there when the doctors pronounced him waited there until the folks from the morgue downstairs came to get the body then called his family and told them that all took pretty much the entire night and i had an exam the previous day so i had pulled an all-nighter then as well so by the end of it i had been awake for about 49 hours came staggering into my apartment at 6am saw my fiance and burst into tears i told him what happened he stared at me for a sec then said you know we are supposed to have a breakfast date with chris and annie in like an hour are you seriously going to bail on that yep broke up with him that evening when i woke up have never regretted it ro frick that callous bastard frick him right in the air when i was sleeping peacefully and she jumped on me and started strangling me in my sleep because she found a new girl's phone number in my phone we were having this conversation about open relationships for the tenth time when it suddenly dawned on me that i never wanted to have this conversation again i told him you know i think you should freak whoever you want his face brightened you do he asked incredulously yes i said it's obviously very important to you so i'm going to be out by the end of the week and then you will be completely free to do as you please that was the end i wish i had the guts to have said no when i was considering getting on antidepressants because i was so unhappy being married to him i realized how fricked up it was that i was considering medication just to tolerate our marriage i went and got on antidepressants it wasn't until they just never worked that i realized i wasn't depressed i was in a crappy relationship when he cheated on me got her pregnant and then asked told me i should pay child support because i didn't put out i was 15 and that's why he had to go out and cheat on me that's class when my ex told me she would abuse her cat and dog for shoots and giggles i was out of there faster than lando escaping the exploding death star man i had an ex reveal that she'd poisoned her rabbit because she hated it and thought this was hilarious she dropped it like it would be hilarious and i just looked at her i was flawed we broke up on the spot when she screamed at our entire flat me and four others for letting the man in who is stalking her or not kicking him out when we saw him in the living room there was no man in the living room nor did the man exist my ex-girlfriend never really got along with my family too many minor things had happened that caused a strain in their relationship there were two cases that led me to realize there was no way in heck that we would work out one was when she told me once we get married you're stuck with me and if you ever think of divorcing me i will keep everything you ever worked for and make your life heck mind you this was about six months into our relationship later on she said once we get married you will no longer speak to your family no contact with your siblings or your mother i ended that relationship not long after that when i realized that we hadn't had sex for almost six months and that i was happier when i was spending time without her very subtle cues when i realized that i was actively avoiding going out with my friends because i knew she would inevitably cause a scene and ruin the evening just wasn't worth it anymore that reminds me of the time i asked a girl not to say the n-bomb in front of my friends then she proceeded to yell it twice he told me i was only allowed to be friends with white people and if he saw me talking to any insert racial slur here he'd dump me then he started talking about how he needed me to have his white children he was hispanic so i never really understood his logic on that one maybe he's the mexican clayton bixby the day she punched me in the face and then tried to continue our relationship while she was living at her ex-boyfriend's house same here punched me in the temple when i wouldn't walk and get her chinese food then her mother walked in and said don't hit tyler that's why your dad left me then i figured it was probably time to go home late to the party but hey when i was a sophomore i had my first girlfriend she was a senior and pretty dang attractive if i do say so i was feeling pretty good about myself anyway we had been dating for about two months when we decided to hang out at her house for the first time she gave me the grand tour of her house we made out went to her room made out and so on she showed me some cool things she had collected over the years and as we were going through her jewelry box i noticed a particularly cool looking ring what's the story behind this one i ask oh she responds that's just a ring from my fiance turns out he was out of town for a while in iraq frick that crap after our eight-year relationship and four of those years going straight downhill i asked him if he would try couples counselling he said no he was absolutely against it that's when i told him we should break up i later found out the reason why he was so against it because then it would come out that he had been cheating on me for five years when i told him i didn't want to live with him because i wanted to finish school and he told me a degree isn't important that and when i told him i thought we needed to talk because i was unhappy instead of talking with me and figuring it out he took his xbox from my room and left that was the last time i saw him then his mom emailed me telling me i was an awful person winners i was living in florida homesick for new york fighting with the crazy blonde girl i'd moved in with suddenly in the bathroom she threw a right hook i blocked it she threw a left i blocked the two as i stood there holding both her wrists she kicked me square in the balls in the four or five seconds i had before the pain kicked in i threw her into a tight headlock together we fell to the floor of the bathroom locked in combat cursing and screaming at one another over her muffled screams writhing beneath the toilet i had a moment of intense overwhelming clarity as i stared curiously at the dirt and grime around the base of the bowl a calm stole over me it was at that exact moment that i knew the relationship was over all of the fighting all of the caring all of the stupid crap i'd done to keep things going it all seemed so totally absurd every ounce of desire i had to still be with her was completely gone so i'll let go of my girlfriend and started laughing hysterically my laughter took all the wind out of her sails instantly there was fear in her eyes what she asked why are you laughing but i only shook my head and smiled i was already thinking about whether i wanted to sell my motorcycle and fly home or somehow drive it back to ny within days i'd sold my stuff and moved out she begged and pleaded of course but the decision had been made i'm still in ny and happier than ever but i'll never forget the floor under that toilet you know that was quite beautifully written i could picture that all so clearly sucks what happened but i'm glad you are living a happier life equals i walked in on my girlfriend in bed with another woman they had all of a sudden become best friend in less than a month trust me lesbian sex is not nearly as attractive when you are in love with one of the participants when i caught her in bed with a jagallo i might have forgiven infidelity we all make mistakes and i have been tempted to but freaking a jagallo game over everything was okay until i actually married her after that things went downhill fast the biggest problem was that i started to get sick constantly i had always had good health up until marrying her one day everything came into focus when we had someone else when to use the mayonnaise in the fridge she freaked out and literally ran across the kitchen grabbing it out of his hand she calmly walked over and handed it to me saying that i was the only one allowed to eat the mayonnaise it was then that i realized she was probably intentionally poisoning me our relationship had always gotten better when i was sick and helpless she was widowed when i met her i can't help wonder if her late husband was her victim after we had split and i was waiting to file for divorce in canada you have to wait one year before filing for an uncontested divorce she phoned me up out of the blue and wanted to know specifics about my life insurance policy this came after a few months of no communication and with no small talk for the next few weeks i found myself looking over my shoulder wondering if she had hired a hitman to whack me sound crazy besides my life insurance policy i found out that she would have been able to collect a second federal survivor's death benefit from the government she would have been able to continue collecting her late husbands and then mine it sounds morbid but i was worth more to her dead and alive she poured a glass of water into my 360 not because i was playing it too much or anything there weren't any good games out that year but because i walked away from an argument so we could both cool off and she wanted to hurt something she knew i loved these were days before i became a mechanic and literally saved for months to buy that 360. but she knew that needless to say she is long long gone and i replaced my fallen homie with a new version with built-in wi-fi gotta stay positive d when she threatened to frick her co-workers if she didn't get her way after four years of bulls my eyes flew open to it all working a new job with a one-year-old baby still breastfeeding my sex drive wasn't what it normally is phone bill comes in 200 worth of phone sex charges i sit him down remind him that our budget was way too tight for that explain i don't have a problem with phone sex percent but if we had 200 to blow i'd let him get a couple of [ __ ] from h if he needed to blow off steam that bad but we don't have an extra 200 right now he apologizes we have a good discussion about getting our intimacy on the right track next month's cell phone bill is 800 it was higher than our rent at the time we literally could not pay the bill i found i actually could afford more by moving out he spent more than he made even without the crazy phone sex charges did not know that people still do phone sex this day and age aside from that good for you for walking out when i started to hate spending time with her there was also a two-hour fight because i wanted to spend a day alone to work on some of my hobbies when she said i don't see how you can say you love someone and not want to spend as much time with them as possible when i was grocery shopping one day and just stopped mid-track realizing the man i wanted to marry was the one who thought i wasn't beautiful and called me fat and ugly and told me other girls were much more attractive than me that with him i'd spend the rest of my life knowing i wasn't beautiful to the man i wanted to be beautiful for i also realized how everything wasn't working between us including our family life and our relationship was a wreck on that day sadly i stayed with him for several months more before i cut it off with him because i had no self-worth young stupid love he's probably projecting his crap load of insecurities on you he's nothing more that a bully who destroys other people to feel better about himself when i realized she was an emotional vampire jesus christ that woman almost killed me one one emotion when i threw him a surprise 21st birthday party and invited all his friends who all had a great time as did he until he drank a handle of jack and got in the tub fully clothed trying to drown himself saying i'd rather die then spend another day with you mind you i worked three jobs to keep our apartment while he sat home and played call of duty all day needless to say i was out after that the time i found out my 26 year old ex was having sex with a 15 year old girl i think that moment was pretty defining when we both knew the relationship was on its last leg he told me the only way that this relationship was salvageable was if my mother agreed to write him a letter and have it notarized stating that she would never disobey his wishes i had never introduced him to my family as per his request apparently he felt disrespected that she had displayed an interest in wanting to meet him one day i ended it right there in an argument she threw a glass of grape juice at my face glass and all i dodged it it hit our white wall and fell on our white carpet i freaked about the staining then i realized that one she made us buy and install white carpet and two she made me care about white carpet i was so gone the next day this all happened on skype only typing him i need to tell you something that's been bothering me me what is it him last time we had sex i noticed you have a hair on your nipple it really ruined the moment for me me what him yeah it's really gross please pluck it also i feel really disrespected and undervalued in this relationship because you don't try hard enough to be pretty for me me are you freaking serious him you know reasonable adults can take constructive criticism i think the fact that you are angry with me shows that you are really immature yup that was the end for me that's just beautiful you have a hair on your nipple and it ruined sex for me but you're immature when he canceled our trip to disneyland because his mother called from across the country and told him to drop everything and condo hunt for her she didn't trust his ability to live on his own and decided to move near us to keep tabs on him he didn't see why cancelling our trip at the whim of his puppeteer was a problem he was 27 years old it should have been when i found his massive folder of crotch underscore downshift pictures of various female friends i understand being attracted to someone but taking creepy little sneak shots of them and naming and categorizing them is freaking weird and indicative of a warped personality it should have been when he cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend first time it should have been any of the hundreds of times i caught him lying in bed with some other chick and being a huge noob at the time not being able to say anything to him about it for fear of him getting angry with me it should have been after i realized that he didn't give a crap about my well-being but the desire to have a certain type of relationship is strong and one tends to fall in denial maybe it should have been the first time that he started choking me and grabbing my face forceful physical pushes with his arm firmly pressed into my neck that would leave me feeling helpless while he felt smugly superior the hitting would only escalate until he would throw me onto the bed and jab his elbows into my chest lungs or lifting me off my feet by my neck and wringing it so hard i was losing vision i had to draw blood with my nails for him to stop maybe the fact that he had another fling with his ex-girlfriend again although she eventually ditches him to stay with her boyfriend lolz or coming home with random hickeys or sneaking out while i was at work or a huge goddang list of red flags i ignored because i was so in love and just god if i could of those issues go away we could have the best relationship ever i could and did get beaten up and yet i kept coming back abusive relationships are no fun at all the best prevention is to be confident with your own single solitary life and to be able to know when to stand up for yourself and when to leave if a guy or girl because there are several noob forever alone men here who will fall prey to a douchebag chick makes you feel like crap essie isn't worth spending your time on when she got so angry in the middle of an argument that she started attacking me i decided to let her cool down pushed her off of me and stormed out of the house but she followed me outside and tried to hurl a cooler at my head as i left the moment when i dodged the cooler the only thought in my head was well frick this crazy bee i'm gone it wasn't when he left me at a bar to bang a girl in my truck it wasn't when i found excess victoria secret panties in his bed when i couldn't fit into their xl panties it wasn't when he dragged me through downtown toronto because i wasn't walking fast enough peas i walk with a cane it wasn't when he threw me to the ground and started kicking me when one of his friends bought me a beer at a concert it wasn't when he wouldn't allow me to eat anything other than one cup of white rice a day it was when an older black gentleman at costco told me i had beautiful eyes and that he could tell the heavens would sing at my smile it was really ridiculous but he was so nice that i burst into tears i was then dragged to the car when we got back to the apartment he was screaming and throwing me around and i bit him it was the only move available to me and he stopped he let go of me but i was so afraid of the look in his eyes that i ran and never looked back this is kind of a small one but we were walking through the park one day and we saw a swing set there were no little kids around so i jokingly grabbed his hand and said come on let's go swing he got mad at me for being stupid and immature when i realized that i was her entire social life that and the fact that i had absolutely no free time because she always needed to see me four very loans of reddit you may think that a clingy nerdy shutdown girl is a godsend i'm here to disappoint you and say that you're completely and utterly wrong i think what some people the clingers fail to realize is no person can make you happy or complete you have to be those things on your own before you can be with anyone otherwise you just smother them because it is way too much pressure to be what makes someone else happy when i started having to pay the price for fricked up things her previous boyfriends had done she would yell at me as though i was the one that hit her never touched her in that way previous boyfriend had she started trying to interrogate me because she was convinced i like a different previous boyfriend was cheating on her i never cheated come to think of it i ended a number of my relationships when i realized that women were running me through a gauntlet in reaction to their past romantic injuries op don't do this to the next guy you date your ex cheated on you and that sucks but it's not your next boyfriend's fault remember that i will it is hard though not to feel cautious the next time around i've been a lurker for almost two years now but this drove me to create an account after being diagnosed with two mental conditions that changed my world and being forced to take a year off grad school because of them my ex who i had dated for four years promised to be at my side and help me through this that month she started sleeping with a friend of mine telling me lies and forcing me to believe that i needed her it didn't take me long to find out and after five months of that i was finally able to end things with her two years later i'm working through grad school with my crap in order and the sweetest girl at my side me begging him now ex boyfriend who was stumbling and slurring not to go back into a bar we had just left his response was b get out of my way or i will break your neck this guy knew he had a drinking problem he had gotten duis lost jobs and ruined a lot of relationships with family and friends over the way he was when his drinking but i think he kinda enjoyed his having a reason to drink let me preface this story by admitting i had absolutely no self-respect at this time in my life and this was my first serious relationship which started in high school though we had been living together for about four months during college and she wanted to break up however she didn't want me to leave because she just wanted to date other people to see what it was like instead of telling her to frick off and asking her harahi would you ever think that would ever be appropriate for either of us while we were still living together i took the low self-esteem root and said yes nothing changed we were still in the same relationship after this we were still sleeping together and we went on with our daily lives like the conversation never happened i found out later however she was telling all her friends how we weren't together anymore things began to go south quickly as they often do in this situation every time i felt i had had enough i would tell her i was leaving he would practically beg me to stay and i didn't have the balls to say no i finally knew it was over when i heard her having sex with another guy in our house this wasn't like i was out and then walked in and heard it this was the middle of the day on my day off and i was sitting on the couch in the living room it was probably the single most painful and liberating experience of my life i was gone two days after that i vowed to never let anyone walk on me the way she did again i am so happy with the person i am today and the person that i'm with because i've found a good person i don't feel trapped by and wouldn't bat an eye for a second to tell her to frick off if she said we were on a break i say that because i know she would say the same thing we both know we deserve to be treated well because that's how we want to be treated the fifth or so time i had to talk to my ex about how when i say no i would not like that i would be upset if you did that means exactly what i said it does not mean i would secretly like it or secretly find it romantic or that i would just pretend to be angry when he blew past some of my comfort zones despite these talks and being surprised that i reacted exactly as i said i would and was not happy with him was my time to bail moment the other fun stories include an ex that faked a medical issue to get out of anything he did not want to do the guy i was dating who asked me out by adding that he wanted to buy a gun and gets more money from his parents when in a relationship a guy i was starting a relationship with that informed me he was actually very controlling possessive and attempted suicide multiple times when his previous girlfriend tried to leave him and then was shocked when i promptly ended all contact the guy i was seeing who decided to come clean and admit he already had a girlfriend and then tried to kiss me immediately after and my first boyfriend who told me i was about 15 pounds heavier than the girls he usually dated then grabbed and honked my boobs i know how to pick him you guys if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 26,274
Rating: 4.9234166 out of 5
Keywords: relationship, relationship goals, relationship advice, relationship problems, relationship anxiety, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories 2021
Id: ktJpZdys-Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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