Crazy Exes, What's Your Side of the Story? | People Stories #431

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crazy exes of reddit were you genuinely that crazy or just misunderstood tell your side i used to be a stage five clinger i was a die-hard romantic who turned every boyfriend into my best only friend family to be husband entire social life yay it was stressful on the guy and left me feeling constantly unfulfilled and lonely the more lonely i got the more life i sucked out of the poor guy it wasn't until i dated a guy that was a carbon copy of my klinger self that i realized what i crazy b i was now i'm cured thanks to having to walk seven months in my shoes i was 19 he was the guy i lost my vaginity to he cheated on me and stole my nintendo ds i went to his job found his car jimmied the door open and popped his trunk i hid a raw turkey in the spare tire compartment in the middle of an oklahoma summer frick you chance this isn't crazy it's brilliant i've done a couple of things that could make me crazy but i have my reasons every single relationship that i've had i've been cheated on so that starts getting to your head a relationship that i was in two years ago was going really really well so i did whatever i could to make it work in the meantime i was super paranoid about getting cheated on and then i started to get mad at him for almost everything i literally went batshit crazy on him i threw stuff i punched stuff i made nonsense remarks and all that well he needed to go to ct for a conference he was working on his math phd at the time well still is and that's when i went even batshit crazier i didn't hear from him the entire time well he came back and apologized and said he was stupid busy while he was there that's when i realized i had to let things go and became a better person two weeks later i found out that he was cheating on me at the conference with his wife nice twist to that attack i was a crazy ex i have no freaking clue what came over me he was my first serious boyfriend and both being in our late teens we sort of outscrew each other after 18 months we split up amicably and remained close for a while but we kept slipping back into the casual affection we'd always shown each other we'd be walking together and suddenly realize we were holding hands we agreed to put some distance between us to help us both move on that's when the crazy hit me i don't really want to go into detail but i did all the classic crazy x things texting him constantly threatening suicide etc i plummeted into a deep depression and somehow blamed him for it while believing that we could get back together despite the relationship having come to its natural end it felt like a bereavement to me i don't remember how i came out of crazy mode i guess it just wore off after a while i'm deeply ashamed of it all now but it was over a decade ago maybe i reacted that way because he was my first love and at my young age 18 months seemed like a long time to have been together i knew i was acting totally crazy and over the top but i didn't care i just wanted him back at any cost it was really out of character for me to be so wildly out of control i'm a very introverted and private person i rarely let others know how i'm feeling but this was like some sort of emotional dia here my ex often tells people i went crazy after hour breakup all the stories are made up in reality i refused to take his calls or talk to him after the breakup and outright refused on two occasions to hook up when he just showed up this pee him off so he told a whole bunch of people about how crazy and attached i was i ended up becoming crazy but not towards him my ex-boyfriend was an abusive manipulating butthole who pretty much brainwashed me into believing everyone including my family was against our relationship i begin to accuse friends and family of being jealous when they would suggest i should leave him because he would beat me and in my fricked up thought process i thought that meant love me more when we finally broke up due to a huge fight where i finally defended myself and he was arrested i still was obsessed with wanting to be with him contacting him saying sorry and he was feeding me lies and bulls about us getting back together but for that to happened i would have to not testify so i refused to testify and that's when he made it clear we weren't getting back together i regret not testifying since the girl before me did the same thing but she as well never testified i was under the impression she was a psycho liar which after my entire ordeal and receiving a message from one of his recent exes about his behavior i in turn realized he was the crazy one i honestly feel like most of the time when i see a crazy x-story there has to be more to it i always want to know the other side of the story i got called crazy just for being upset about a breakup so there you go you seem pretty upset about that wacko a young guy who has only loved once isn't really geared to cope with losing the one person he's ever felt strongly for as a child you try and bargain your way into everything striking deals with parents teachers and when you don't get what you want there's usually compromises upon the horizon as an adult people leave you in the blink of an eye or change overnight there's no way to compromise or make a deal with someone who no longer wants to love you when that happens you're just left throwing every emotion you have at a person i'm fairly certain i seemed crazy but trying absolutely everything and failing over and over again appeared to be the only option i suppose a little i didn't do anything particularly crazy to them just was crazy in general cried a lot freaked out about each show of commitment they gave and so on i also kept a condom rapper as a memento i suppose that's a little bit creepy so right after college i moved 2 000 miles to live with my fiance i had no job and knew no one eventually i got a job but still had no friends and was incredibly depressed after about a year with no warning on the day my mom came to visit to pick out wedding dresses from a different state the fiance took me to the side said he was leaving and i needed to move out in a week and drove to his family's home about four hours away no explanation no nothing furious and hurt are both understatements i ended up moving out going to therapy 2x a week and was on antipsychotics history of anxiety attacks since i was raped at 17 so he comes back and i am in a new apartment and he decides to rethink things and asks to come visit i had already taken my ambien xanax for the night but jumped at the chance he may have changed his mind well he come over and apparently we had sex but thanks to the drugs i have no memory of that that night ended in the happy surprise of two positive home pregnancy tests again the complete and utter despair i felt was overwhelming i was ready to kill myself and couldn't get out of bed in the dependence of meds to keep me functional enough to work was increasing so i went to the ob gin to get a blood test and if needed an abortion doctor luckily the test said i was not pregnant and luckily i had a very aggressive type of hpv in gonorrhea turns out before freaking me the fiancee had gone back to his college town and fricked someone else that was the point where depressed suicidal turned bad crap insane i was hospitalized for two days so yep i was a crazy ex and i am sure in his eyes i was unreasonable there are always two sides to a story though oh crap if there is ever a situation where being crazy was justified i think yours is it i'm sorry you had to go through that and i sincerely hope you are having better days now haha yeah i've been a crazy ex i just wanted him to understand how genuine my feelings for him were oh my god i was so young and innocent it took me a few years to learn that he in fact wasn't suited to me at all also it took me a long time to learn that relationships don't make you happy when you're not yet happy within yourself i'm sure i'm a crazy ex for one guy now should have realized from the start that if someone has only crazy x's there's one common denominator misunderstood i rebounded onto another guy first ever rebound we'll never do it again for whatever reason i expected things with the new guy to be exactly as they were with the ex so i was acting like we were a married couple even though we'd only been dating a month he probably thinks i'm the controlling miserable ex who went crazy at the end didn't like that i was splitting up twice in such a short period and that i'm bonkers i'm not he just caught me at a very very bad time don't ever rebound it doesn't work i tied up while reading this because this is exactly word for word what happened to me jesus christ and for some reason while i have no interest in my rebound at all it still bothers me to know that he still thinks of me as a total psycho when really it's exactly like you said he just caught me at a very very bad time i hate it when someone starts a sentence with i had a crazy ex i was 15 and she was 14. my goodness i found your problem granted there are such things as genuine mental issues as a young person that follow you for example killing animals is a good indicator of long-term crazy i will not discount you if your story involves serious issues but constant calls and texts to a 13 year old brain is so much different from an adult doing it but can we all agree that we were crappy 14 year olds we were all crazy and deserved no one i strongly believe that a lot of crazy ex behavior is due to the dumper not being honest enough we're so terrified of hurting each other's feelings that we end up with the it's not you it's me and i'm not ready for a relationship right now crap when actually you're leaving them because you're bored of them or they have annoying habits or you fancy someone else or they are crazy or you don't like the way they treat you yet still when it comes to the crunch it's can we just be friends blah blah well of course when you let someone down that gently if they really love you they're going to think there's a chance you can get back together this goes especially for people who booty call exes if you keep dangling food in front of their noses how do you think they're going to react don't abuse your position of power as the dumper be honest if not cruel just explain carefully and rationally what went wrong straight away the craziest thing i've ever done was give her the opportunity to walk in and out of my life over and over again i'd never faulted in my commitment to her always forgiving her for disappearing for months at a time only to walk back in as if no time had passed it's been almost a year now and in the back of my mind i still find myself waiting for that out of the blue call from an unknown number with her on the other end knowing that i'm still crazy enough to take her back i had to out crazy her to get her to leave me alone she cheated on me and refused to accept that i had broken up with her she still told people we were dating and would show up at my house so i just had to go ballistic angry i mean she would show up to social situations i was at so i would just have to start screaming at the top of my lungs at her and throw crap at the wall so to her friends i'm her angry ex-boyfriend but it's what had to be done to get her to leave me the frick alone you're supposed to own your crazy still reads like you're in crazy denial he's not a redditor so his stories have never been posted but his friends and family think i am a crazy bee one crazy because he thought i was cheating and instead of calmly proving otherwise i threw a chair at him and broke his thumb misunderstood because i left my laptop on an open in the kitchen because i was checking my email when he came over he immediately walked over and started scrolling through and clicking on messages understandably right my reaction was dude what are you doing and i closed my laptop he freaked out thinking that i was hiding something and was cheating on him he started picking things up and throwing them at me he did this a lot including a metal teapot full of water from my stove i have a guinea pig and he proceeded to kick in his cage it fell on top of my piggy and i didn't know whether or not he was alive at this point i picked up a chair to protect myself and my possibly dying guinea pig and as i was lifting it he put his arms out in front of it and the chair hit his thumb too crazy because he sent me to jail for battery misunderstood because he finally agreed to pay me back money he borrowed almost a year ago if i gave him a receipt i wrote it signed it and he took the receipt without giving me the money in an attempt to stop him from leaving i took his glasses off his face so we could do an exchange in the process i accidentally scratched his nose no a big deal he didn't feel or notice it and we stuck around for 30 more minutes talking things over we then parted ways and went home next thing i know three cop cars show up and lock me up for battery i got let go with no charges no court no bond or bail and all the law enforcement involved laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation but i was locked up for over 24 hours denied vegetarian food and the medication that i take daily sleeping on the floor the freaking frick when i was 18 my girlfriend tried to blackmail me into staying with her via threats of cutting herself drug usage and suicide when i broke up with her i still cared about her and didn't want any of that to happen so i did the only thing i could think of that wasn't caving into her demands or allowing her to hurt herself i called her dad and explained everything and emailed him the aim logs of her telling me these things i got calls texts and aim messages from her friends and guys she dated for literally years afterwards about how i made up lies to her parents and ruined her life and telling me how they were going to kick my butt her story was that she broke up with me and i faked all of the evidence to get back at her for dumping me as far as i know she still might be telling the story of her crazy ex who tried to get revenge against her by telling lies to her parents a buddy of mine turned into crazy eggs but refused to accept it we were all telling her that sitting outside his house at 3am wasn't normal or healthy she insisted it was the only way to feel close to him and he had to understand geez i was nuts can't believe the guy put up with me for that long turns out i was incredibly depressed and suffering from severe anxiety issues i was so insecure paranoid and controlling a few weeks after starting the antidepressants i felt like a new person like i could finally deal with life like a rational human being life is so much better now i was decently crazy jealousy and lots of snooping however he was a selfish butthole who cheated on me multiple times so i feel like it was justified but i definitely should have broken up with him after the first time and just avoided the whole crazy thing completely i was a crazy ex and i didn't even know it while we were separated the ex knocked up one of his girlfriends he wanted no part of that and told her that i had hired a pie to spy on him this pie was following him and listened to his phone lines so he couldn't see her or talk to her on the phone anymore yeah such a winner no i didn't hire a pie and eventually she had a miscarriage so he didn't have to be responsible for that one i was once with someone who brought the worst out of me it lasted for years and i lost who i was but now i am slowly going back to my old self and looking at it from afar i was completely out of character with my inexcusable behavior out of pain and being lied to and used for years i made someone the center of my life and that place was really not for her kind now i realize that moment in my life stands out in an otherwise plain uneventful existence i don't mind living my life the way i do i like working for things i like taking safe steps i like taking my time for things that are worth taking my time i wasn't crazy i was stupid the idealized version of her the one she carefully lied about was worth it who she really is isn't at least not my time and hopper fearly she will from now on get treated the way she truly deserves nothing more nothing less be it good or bad it is really not my role and time will put this person in its rightful place right next to other people who once meant a lot and are back to just being plain people i don't remember how they felt or how they smelled or whether my heart rushed at their thought or not acting crazy was a desperate attempt to make sense out of a giant pile of bulls and i will never know the truth but so that's over let life get her back everything we do always ripples yeah i was the crazy ex to the other girl he was seeing we had been living together talking marriage and when his side piece found out about me he told her i was this crazy ex who didn't want to let him go and would stop by all the time yes i would stop by the house where i lived for two years because i lived there when i found out about her i moved out that day when i was moving out he got physical with me because he didn't want me to leave so when she reached out to me later and told me all the crazy things he had told her about me i had to just laugh when she said i heard you bit him yes i did bite him when he six feet three had me pinned down and was attempting to strangle me five feet two i'm sure he was scared for his life what a wacko i am good of you to ask there are always two sides to every story especially when you date a sociopath good times i am not the crazy ex but i am the awful boy that you started to fall for in that decided to never call you again the one you date for a month or two and that never calls you back for no specific reason i am deeply sorry i used to be that selfish i have no excuse i can only say i don't do it anymore inexperience causes the most problems an experienced person will not always remember how it felt when they were inexperienced therefore foresight is learnt and if someone is in their first serious relationship and they see it breaking down they will resort to drastic measures as to them at that time it is the be all and end all i went crazy on my first failed love we broke up got back together for a month and then he called it off for good i cried myself to sleep for six months every night whenever i saw him out i would stand in front of him and try to speak but just cry in public standing in one spot in front of him and just cry until he got up and walked away i didn't care who's for i just wanted him to know how much pain i was in so he would take pity and love me again he called me once to find out if it was okay that he went on a date with our mutual friend i said okay then called him back five minutes later screaming and crying he eventually left the country to get away from me i think he still loved me but knew we weren't a great fit big age gap i called him before he left and said i would go with him it's our last chance he politely declined in retrospect he was really well behaved in the face of all this and was never nasty to me took me five years to get over him learned my lesson though comma i thought he still loved me hopefully iftfy was the crazy x when i was about 16 had this odd sort of long distance relationship with a guy who was very on and off with his feelings on multiple instances he'd go from telling me he loved me and missed me terribly to an hour later saying i was too emotionally invested and needed to give him space i thought i was in love with him i realize now that i was just lonely and was probably a bit overbearing to be honest but i was also in a constant state of hurt and confusion due to his changing his mind on me so frequently and b his constant posts on facebook about other girls how cute so and so look tonight how much he loves such and such etc at least once a week we would have a big falling out where i would get upset over something he said over another girl and he would tell me i was overreacting and that he'd always been this way he was just friendly of course he loved me more than he loved those girls he just couldn't make that publicly known because his mom didn't like me and what would happen to us if she was upset at him for liking me i found out also that he frequently told our mutual friends about how crazy and overly emotional i was and even made up stories about things i had said done to make those friends ostracize me after about eight months of this on and off again deal he ended things and then was men [ __ ] by the fact that i didn't want to talk to him day in and day out we'd been best friends before the relationship started after two months of him constantly interrogating me about why i wasn't being more talkative and friendly i told him i still had feelings for him and it was hard watching him move on to other girls and he pulled this crap with i still have feelings for you too i just didn't think you'd forgive me and take me back in my defense when he ended things again three days later that was the final straw i didn't give a crap anymore and two months later just as he was trying to start things up again i met a guy old x tried desperately to talk me out of going out with the guy and i blocked all of his numbers and accounts and cut all ties tl dr was strung along and min [ __ ] for almost a year then called the crazy ex due to my perpetual state of upset not sure if i really was the crazy one in the relationship you guys be the judge of that i consider myself pretty sane and reasonable however there are people that have the ability to bring out the terrible and ugly in you i had an ex that was a habitual over the line stepper that is chatting up girls in front of me and getting their number because they were from europe as he was calling myself non-stop when we fought crying hysterically because i wouldn't return phone calls spitting in my face throwing my personal belongings around the apartment it was really tough to deal with because i loved him so much into me at the time his redeeming qualities seemed to outweigh these nasty outbursts he definitely brought out the ugly in me because he upped the ugly ante so much before i got out i ended up with a domestic violence charge but thankfully it was thrown out remember kids don't let crazy stick is dong in you life pro tip when a potential spouse has a lot of crazy x's stories they are probably the crazy one it's amazing how they can twist events to suit their needs i am astonished at the self-awareness possessed by the people coming forward on this thread sincere congratulations and appreciation for realizing your missteps and sharing them with others in all of the instances of my being a crazy ex i was between 14 and 17 my boyfriends between 1925 they wanted sex i wanted more i told them i wanted more and they strung me along for the sex instead of being up front and walking away the first time a guy was up front about only wanting a fwb situation i was 19 and into it i didn't want to be attached after a string of buttholes who just use me for sex when they could have moved along i was ready to try something new and have all parties be honest about their intentions turns out this fwb falls in love and i turn into the butthole sure after a year i loved him but not in a be with you forever way three years after it ends and still get random emails from him about how awful i am for stringing him along it hurts because i was very careful to not let him on i told him it wasn't forever i cared for him but i was not going to be his wife ever period it is almost insulting being someone who was actually led on and lied to and was given false promises i hope he finds what he wants out there moral of the story if you wanna get your dong wet find someone who is cool and emotionally stable enough to have a fwb situation not a teenage girl seven years your junior who still believes in fairy tale love if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 43,495
Rating: 4.9235883 out of 5
Keywords: crazy ex, crazy ex girlfriend, crazy ex wife, side of the story, crazy ex boyfriend storytime, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: 8hoTscyMW7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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