What Happy Movie Wasn't So Happy?(r/AskReddit)

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what movie had a happy ending until you consider what had to happen next at the end of Ferris Bueller's Day Off you just know that Cameron is gonna get the crap kicked out of him by his dad in law school we wrote a memo arguing for or against cams dad's auto insurance claim it was hilarious the first time I read the fact pattern and realized it was Ferris Bueller's Day Off less enjoyable the 30th time The Wizard of Oz Dorothy wakes up and tells people about her silly dream that's great miss Gulch is still going to kill toto tomorrow for some reason I always assumed miss Gulch was killed in the tornado Braveheart I mean the movie is historically inaccurate it aims at the Battle of Bannockburn where the narrator says they won their freedom but this freedom only lasted for like five years before war broke out again now that our time has come to fight up little kids dad bailed on him and his only friend as old as Frick and knocking on death's door Breakfast Club has already been mentioned but bender most likely went home and got beaten by his dad again after the movie ended The Truman Show this guy has no idea what the real is like and he is just thrown into it most people have 18 years of preparation be realistic he sued them into freaking oblivion Toy Story 3 it's all going to happen to them again in another 10 years and they are going do that for the rest of their lives the one I remember is Robin from the Dark Knight trilogy Batman had handed the mantle to a guy who had no training which is a lot of implications law that Robin just sold all the fancy crap he had in the cave and moved to a town with less super villains the Prince of Egypt Moses frees his people only to get totally dict over by them and their dang cow yet that last shot is about 45 seconds before he throws those tablets into an idol and all of the Hebrews are exiled to the desert wilderness for 40 plus years Beauty and the Beast would most likely end with a robes pistol uprising that and they would have no furniture the day after tomorrow it isn't hugs and giggles things do not go back to normal the human race got a major B slab much of the upper hemisphere is covered in ice let's not mince words a few billion people died whole nations were wiped off the map yes you have survivors but ponder this food a huge section of the world's agriculture was taken away how are you going to feed the remaining masses doesn't include shelter those lucky ones who were on the edge of the frost are going to move further down South America and Africa while true the ice will melt eventually this massive snow front will have a huge effect on global climates colder sunlight being reflected off the surface rather than absorbed the survivors will have such terrible hardships ahead it will take a generation or more to bounce back I'm not even talking about political turmoil warlords tyrants and dictators will rise to power wars over limited resources the movie ends with our gang getting picked up by what remains of the US government the future is so uncertain many more will perish from harsh weather starvation sickness and/or hostilities we don't just hold hands and sing Kumbaya the human race will suffer with huge blood losses to come dang I want to see this sequel the original ending of office space inspired by wall-e where it would still take decades before the people were actually able to live off the earth and their quality of life would still be awful compared to their lives in the ship Return of the Jedi I'm not familiar with any of the Star Wars Expanded Universe but I would imagine that the collapse of a political entity as large as the Galactic Empire would be extremely messy you just get a situation where the various moss still existed even in the absence of their Emperor losing a second Death Star is a big blow but there was still regional control from the morphs Jurassic world after the survivors they escaped from the theme park they filed a class-action lawsuit against the company that owns the park the directors and officers alleging their negligence allowed the dinosaurs to escape and kill people the FBI also investigate whether the company was criminally negligent the Jurassic world company goes bankrupt and Bryce Dallas Howard character goes to jail monsters Inc there's a reason they made a prequel and not a sequel laughter being ten times more powerful means a lot of Factory monsters would have lost their jobs even accounting for the energy crisis not to mention it's at least ten times harder to gather laughs and screams I'm pretty sure that kids are still going to freak out and cry for Monster just waltzes into their room and does stand-up not to mention that the monsters need reminders that punchline does not mean hit the kid friend Mimmi has AIDS she'll definitely be dead soon rosier and kahlan's have HIV in the 80s there'll probably be dead soon mark is all alone and is gonna watch his best friend's die Joanne and Maureen might get a happy ending though probably if Joanne and Maureen could stop breaking up with each other and getting back together all the time I also see mark leaving his bohemian lifestyle to take a well-paying job after his friends died and being supremely miserable the rest of his life because he never got to fulfill his dream avatar you think humans didn't come back with a fleet full of orbital death there are sequels on the horizon for avatar so I guess we'll find out oblivion even after solving what killed the planet the planet is still dead with at least 55 more Tom Cruise's flying about I shiver at the thought of that many Tom Cruise's x-men Days of Future past considering how Logan starts out things didn't end well despite the happy ending small soldiers Gorgon isn't real those toys are just going to capsize in that Lake and die come to think of it after all the crap Allen went through I'm sure he was just happy to get rid of them taken liam neeson gets arrested for mass murder if we consider taken to it isn't a happy ending not only for that but also because his wife gets kidnapped by the revenge-seeking relatives of those he killed in the first film Back to the Future but you still keep the guy who full-on tried to violate Lorraine your wife around and an employee why think McFly think Olympus London has fallen I guess we could count Whitehouse down on this list to Western world leaders governments are shown to be incredibly vulnerable to terrorist attacks even in the most secure home office building in the heavily guarded capital city of the most powerful nation on earth or it the most heavily guarded event within the capital of one of the strongest nations on earth Mockingjay part 2 there's most likely going to be pro snow supporters loyalists especially in the capital and peacekeeping ranks some loyal general could very well have hid out in the Canadian north or Mexican jungles or Rocky Mountains with a sizable number of peacekeeper possibly plotting a counter-revolution coup or outright declaring independence from Panem James Cameron's Avatar let's be really honest here the RDA will very likely come back to Pandora with much deadlier firepower and in much greater quantity no corporation of that scale will just abandon a planet moon rich in unobtainium heck they might even have more Dragon gunships on the way maybe even fighter jets no bang she or greatly Ardath ryx can effectively take our fighter jets going 1,000 plus miles not a movie with whatever avatar legend of korra the earth kingdom empire is now going to be in ruins a bunch of independent states may likely breed another Kuvera like dictator with an imperialistic vision to reunite the earth Kingdom again even if another imperialistic dictator doesn't conquer the other independent ek states bandits are now going to all come back and Anarchy will plague certain areas it'll probably take decades for things to settle down and to ensure that all of the now independent earth Kingdom states don't collapse and become a failed state also spirit weapons are now going to be a thing in the end of Mockingjay the bulkhead was at least 15 years between the end of the rebellion and Katniss having kids so pro snow people might be gone but to me the realization is that in the time period no one has mentioned any surviving nations other than peng 'm you would think during that time period someone would have made an attempt to contact the outside world and let Katniss know source code maybe someone can explain this one to me it's as far as I can see the movie ends with everyone being saved except for the dude that's Jake Gyllenhaal's character is now essentially possessing what happens when he has to go to family gatherings does he even know where he lives how is he supposed to explain not remembering any of his life so far unless his consciousness is supposed to have somehow merged with the guy his mind is in the sound of music the nuns were almost definitely executed by the Nazis as soon as it became apparent they helped the family escape a fun fact The Sound of Music was based on a true story in real life there wasn't all the intrigue of the nuns hiding them in the monastery and then helping them escape it so in real life no nuns were executed by the Nazis for helping the von Trapp family get out of Austria James Cameron's Avatar when the humans get back to earth they will not tell the story the way we saw it happen the story the earth gets will go along the lines of the natives were totally hostile for no frickin reason and we were forced to flee the area after they committed a mass slaughter of ground personnel all our totally genuine attempts at diplomacy were met with hostility and savagery the humans will return and orbital bombardment to dust and when the smoke has cleared strip-mine are down to a small and stable asteroid and move on almost any horror movie where one character makes it through the entire movie and is the last man standing actually usually a female covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies but what happens when the police arrive Oh hidey-ho officer we've had a doozy of a day with lash outwardly it seems like a happy ending Andrew proves Fletcher wrong and showcases his abilities as a musician however that's exactly what Fletcher wanted and proved that his abusive teaching style works all Fletcher wanted was his Charlie Parker that's why he was so angry when his former student died he thought he was going to fill that role when Andrew begins his solo at first Fletcher is clearly mad and confused but as Andrew continues Fletcher guides him in the movie ends with them sharing eye contact before finishing the song with this Andrew becomes his Charlie Parker something Fletcher can put on a pedestal and say I created that talent you also have to consider what happens to Andrew after this he goes right back into the abuse he suffered from under Fletcher and loses all the love and enjoyment that he has for jazz music in my opinion I see Andrew having a similar fate with either the real Charlie Parker H addict who died of an overdose at 34 or of Fletcher's former student suicide literally every wrong can ever they like the idea of a new romance the flare of falling in love with a new person and the excitement of getting married remember how you made good liaise and wound her and she promptly left her stable and obviously totally boring relationship for you yeah guess what champ give it a little bit and it'll happen again except you'll be the boring guy that gets left behind I want to see a movie about the boring guy like Cary Elwes plays a nice guy with a stable job who keeps falling in love with single moms until their fun-loving ex-husbands show up out of nowhere embarrasses him and then steals his girl back he eventually snaps and goes on a quest to hunt down and kill man children Zootopia the whole plot of the movie hinges on reshaping the natural order by all living in unity that's great right until you realize that herbivores are still super good at reproducing to make up for carnivores as shown by the rabbit population sign counter going up at a ridiculous rate gag except nobody's eating them anymore by the end of the movie it's also revealed that there's herbivore extremists which wants to take it further and get rid of carnivores overpopulation and gossip GEMA site is on its way life is dutiful will be the sequel repo the Genetic Opera she's free of the medication making her sick yay but she's no social skills no friends no money and no family left I like to think grabber Abba planned this whole thing partially to recruit Shiloh as his apprentice hence the whole explanation on who he is what he does and why he does it he lookup the cutscene needle into a bug Kate and Leopold Kate finds out that she can't vote or own property anymore now that she's in the past also she has to live with the knowledge that she porked her own grandson Avengers everyone is sitting around having coffee and they are still pulling bodies out of the rubble someone had better draft some Accords about that consider Mary Poppins consider the boy from Mary Poppins consider the movie was set in 1910 and near the end they were drafting the older gents - so dad would have gone and mum and daughter most likely VAT nurses I guess you can wonder what sort of reprisals the people of Casablanca will suffer after Strasser is murdered snowpiercer best case Jana and Timmy are quickly killed by a polar bear worst case Jana and timmy starved to death in a frozen wasteland spoiler I didn't think that had a happy ending to begin with Mad Max fury road they just open up the mains and empty out the water onto everyone below the city door immortan joe ever been a brutal dictatorial monster but he managed those resources they're going to deplete that reservoir in no time I assume that was a temporary celebratory thing they would figure out a more fair way to distribute water later Forest Gump Jenny dies of AIDS Forrest is married to Jenny married people make love unprotected low transmission rates from female to male it's Forrest jr. that you should be worried about back to the future Marty is now essentially living with the family of strangers it's not going to take them too long to realize he has no knowledge of any conversation they've ever had or they've ever done together also let's just keep that guy who tried to violate your mom around so he can wash our car and why does our son seem to look exactly like that guy from high school The Truman Show he walks through that door in two years of deep deep therapy and into a world where millions of people know every detail of his entire life Finding Nemo how are the fish gonna get out of those plastic bags they're probably dead one of them even says no what I like to think that bloat figured out how to pop the bags by swimming around when he puffed up there in finding Dory doing well Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind spoilers below it seems as though they were meant for each other because even with no memory of each other they still find each other and fall in love as the movie foreshadows with repeating glitching the last shot of the film they are doomed to a cycle of meeting falling in love breaking up heartbreak erasing their memories about the other and repeat get out this whole white family is murdered and the only survivor is a blood-soaked black guy in the uppity suburbs seriously good movie one of the best I've seen in years but I left the theater and the first thing I said to my husband was that investigation is not going to go well for him any movie where a wedding is interrupted by someone falling in love with a bridal groom and them leaving you've just wasted a lot of people's time and possibly a lot of money wasted by the effort V for Vendetta the brutal coup that would follow Fight Club Tyler won the whole credit system there is Frick tanned everything is wiped clean not to mention Project Mayhem isn't simply going to disband I think Fight Club was meant to end on an unhappy note yeah Tyler accomplished what he set out to do Butthead Norton was trying to stop the disaster for the last half hour of the movie it happened it's a mess but the leader is gone you've been visited by the toothpaste man for good teeth and fresh breath comment Oh fresh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Id: FcoT4EpyMgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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