What Are You SWEETEST Tales Of Revenge? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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what are your sweetest tales of revenge firsthand or witnessed when I was in high school we had this one kid that was on the autistic spectrum somewhere he was very very awkward and self-absorbed his younger brother had similar but not as intense behaviors well just called the elder boy Danny anyway Danny had an obsession with picking up change people picked up on it and started tossing out coins around him and watching him scramble under people or tables at lunch and whatnot the brother tried to take up for him but cold this went on for a while and escalated it got to the point where these rednecks were bringing rolls of change just to roll at this kid and were not talking pennies either I heard some guys were rolling quarters around so one day they are doing this and they rolled five to six coins out the Vice Principal imagined the human version of bear in the Big Blue House comes up and tells the kids to buzz off and stop doing that well then he looked up at the principal and tells him it's okay I've saved up and bought a ps2 the amazing thing here was this kid was poor at a poor school and this was right at the time where PS 2's had just come out and were expensive on top of that I had lunch with the kid and he ate like a king were talking four to six dollars in ala carte food every day also funny thing is many of those idiots that laughed at him were in his remedial classes and probably did worse in school and he did TL DR jerks threw coins at a poor autistic kid who was obsessed with picking it up he saved up and bought a just-released ps2 and still ate like royalty at lunch from my coworker the dorm that I lived in while in college was a fairly small dorm that was supposed to focus on arts and philosophy there were around 102 residents and every semester we hosted to coffee house events where people would put on various artistic performances people sang danced played music and told stories one day this fellow named Sam got up to tell her story since it was a small dorm everyone knew that he had had a rough month previously he and his girlfriend were having problems he was a triple and while this meant he was always busy this particular semester had been very hard apparently one night he had decided to take a break go to the on-campus convenience stores and pay the absurd markup on ice cream once he had eaten his feel-good portion he put the rest in the freezer with the expectation that he would have the remainder with which to pick himself out the next day unfortunately when he went back the next day his ice cream was gone so at coffee house Sam gets up to tell his tale of woe everyone has had this happen to him so they are fully sympathetic but then he explains that he doesn't care that someone stole his ice cream you see he then explained that he suspected someone would steal his delicious pick-me-up and had therefore indulged in another form of stress relief before putting the ice cream into the freezer had jerked off and just into his ice cream before he put it in the freezer everyone thought this was hysterical everyone except the guy who started screaming that's not funny that's not funny I guess we know who ate the ice cream TLDR college kid just an ice cream eaten by thief freshman year in high school my Locker was next to a very nice girl but her sophomore boyfriend was a huge douche every day after lunch when we went to our lockers to get our books for the next few classes he would snap my bra the first 20 or so times it was just an annoyance so I kept telling him nicely to stop as time progressed I stopped asking nicely and told him the next time he did it had be sorry so the next day after lunch he snapped my bra again and it was the last straw I always had my rock dangled from my pinkie as I closed my locker so when I popped him one upside the head not only was it the force of my punch but the added him for the lock hitting him right in the temple since it was the heat of the moment I didn't even realize the lot was still in my hand when I clocked him he was knocked flat on his back and had a cut on his eyebrow I was terrified that he would report the incident to the principal but it was too much of an embarrassment for a sophomore board to a had been beaten up by a freshman girl either that or he knew he had it coming I went to a big high school huge so the amount of prick this guy was has to have been colossal for him to stand out to me anyway said prick grabbed the microphone from the school news team and runs down the hallway with it like a goofy giggling told the kid who was interviewing another student starts off after him but the ass head is running at a full gallop and probably has a good 50 feet on him as has passing this random group of people this leg comes out and trips him I have never seen someone eated as hard as he did his legs flew up over his head and the shape of his body roughly resembled a C or a cooked jumbo shrimp if you care to think of it that way he's led in this position for what seemed to be 15 to 100 feet his earring was ripped clean out of Asia his backpack exploded dumping his worldly possessions all around him in a 10-foot radius one of his shoes seemingly vanished into thin air or was sucked into an interdimensional rift created by his own doubt sure bagger II when he stood up his face was nearly smoking from the friction burn created between the meeting of his stupid face and the chief vomit proof carpet they used to line the halls I never found out Hosford that was I'd like to think that man was there that day at my school yeah was working graveyard shift at a diner and it was just me and this total beach of a waitress it's low and some kitchen workers from across the street drop by so I fix them some food and me and the waitress play cards with them and chat it up she was insulting me all night so I fired back an insult and out of nowhere she punches me in the eye it wasn't a full-on punch but it was hard enough for me to be pissed and I just knew she was one of those girls that does it because she's a girl and those guys are and going to hit her back plus I was pissed that she did it in front of people making me look like a punk later on in the shift she asks me to make her a waffle so I make her a damn fine-looking waffle I cut it in half spread about a handful of mayonnaise on the inside and then sandwich it back carefully to look normal I gave it to her then sat in a booth nearby pretending to read the paper while she spent 10 minutes spreading butter on it and cutting it up into nice little pieces she walks back into the kitchen to get syrup and while she does I run up and pour a handful of salt into her milk and stir it up real quick she comes back takes a bite of waffle spits it out then tries washing the taste out with milk and ends up nearly puking she didn't say [ __ ] to me after that TLDR never frig with people who prepare your food my brother has autism and will do anything to feel like Lee is fitting in and getting the acceptance of his peers this one guy who was popular good-looking rich he TC took it upon himself to see just how far he could push my brother during his middle school years the stories I came to hear of include encouraging him to chug pitchers full of water skateboarding over him getting him to dance with another special needs guy in front of a crowd of people et Cie a few years ago I learned that this guy had taken way too many drugs and messed up his brain for life he is now special-needs himself I feel guilty for the sense of joy I briefly felt when learning of this I lived in a huge loft complex in Atlanta some of my neighbors were freaking [ __ ] who had no regard for anyone else so late one night I squirted KY jelly all over the floor at their end of the hallway it was super shiny and black and listen to the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor when I was 18 I had an [ __ ] supervisor at a call center I T job he would constantly walk by my desk giving me dirty looks and look for mistakes in any of my work he changed my schedule for me to come in at an earlier time in the first couple of days because of traffic I was late and he fired me fast forward to two years later my current supervisor at a new job asked me to do a favor and work some extra hours to cover Simone's shift as him leaving for the day I see my supervisor finishing a job interview for the guy at my previous job I cashed in the favor he owed me instantly and he ripped up the guy's resume and threw it away that day convinced me that karma was we out in the city after an evening of drinking my friends and I usually end up at a late-night pizza place there isin't usually much seating inside and it's hot so sometimes we will buy a slice and eat outside on this particular night these two dudes and a girl were getting into a cab nearby and right before they step in they call one of the girls we were with some names referring to her size the gentleman we were with standing up for their lady friend say something along the lines of say that to our faces or excuse me what did you say the a-holes yell shoot out their cab window as it pulls away but then get stuck at the next light so our gentleman friends run down the street try to open their doors to no avail but the girls window was open so they smashed a slice of pizza on her face TDLR jerks make fun of our friend and get pizza faced short and sweet version i got blackout drunk and slept on a friend's couch i woke up the next morning with two lines shaved into my eye bro i later found out he did it with his pube trimmer i waited 8 months for my revenge one night after he slept with a random from the bar I put bengay on all his underwear he left in the dryer he left work early the next day because he thought he had in standard edit spelling there was a nagging cool dude at school he and his clique made some people's live misery the girl who is now my wife being one of them I didn't care I didn't hang with her at the time nor his crowd and he didn't impinge on me in the slightest I was a studious kid fast forward seven years and I worked for the BBC I controlled the lighting on a music program top of the props they replaced a dance troupe with a new lot one of them was mr. nasty I tell my now T slash friend and soon-to-be wife she told me of his a sory at school and what a [ __ ] he was I didn't really care quite a few performers can be a bit Devaraj when I got to the studio that changed he recognized me and thinking I was an audience member and said something along the lines of hi lard fancy seeing you here in a performer you know might get you into the bar later if you play your cards right you want my autograph it was a certain searing twist of his lip as he said it that irritated when their spot came along I dimmed the spotlight on him to make sure the camera never paused on him I did it the week later - there wasn't another chance as he was let go he didn't impress on square I feels bad about occasionally it but there it is I've done many acts of kindness since I had already graduated high school but was back in town visiting and went to pick my sister up from school as I'm sitting in the parking lot one of my friends runs around the corner telling me you have to come get your sister this guy had been slapping my sister's ass pinching her all kinds of stuff my parents called the school but they did little to stop it so my parents gave my sister clearance to whoop his ass as I round the corner headed to the band room where my sister was I see this guy laying face down on the road leading up to the loading dock my sister sitting on his back with two fists full of hair slamming his face into the road each time his face hit the road she would say a word I told you to stop touching me by the time I got there the kids face was a bloody pulp there was nothing left to do but get my sister out of there as soon as possible before the teachers showed up the kid never touched her again I once came home from school to find three donuts sitting on the table my mum had obviously left them out as a snack for my two sisters and died needless to say I ate two of them my father was not happy when he found out he sent me to my room and instructed me to write my sister an apology I typed a long and elaborate note of regret I vowed never again to look at tasty pastries through rose-colored glasses the note had a fancy letterhead and everything I left it on her pillow when I was done when she came home and found it she cold and stopped laughing she showed it to my mother and she started laughing as well my father was very upset that I had made a joke out of his management but nobody else cared there was this one guy in my high school legit racist he well would physically do anything but was very verbal about it everyone knew it but never really said anything except it was getting worse and worse grade 12 a black girl stops coming to school and he didn't same time school didn't know where either were nobody connected either of them together apparently he beat the hell out of her and she said his name before losing consciousness the cops were holding him but had to release him after she wasn't coming to no real evidence to prove it was him after all he wore gloves in the winter the school gets wind of it and wasn't sure what to do he comes back to school is basically bragging about it without necessarily admitting it the next weekend he gets real drunk Heslin on the road driving he finds a black trucker and tells him he evidently drives up the side the transport truck to teach the black trucker to steal white jobs while has driving 75 km / H or so he leans out the driver's window with a baseball bat while driving with his knees and starts to damage the transport truck the passenger apparently just does nothing to stop this eventually they drive right into Pole racist freak tide the passenger at least gave the cops every little detail okay that's the back story so at school their response to this they decide to do end racism pledge thing where people would sign it and such in his honor because he was the leading image of anti racism and we should be all like him we then sent like 1000 signatures and letters and other stuff to the parents it was either the worst troll ever or the people who thought of the idea hadn't heard the real story not my story but happened to my brother's friend well call him Mike one night Mike was walking home from work when these rowdy boys were driving along and egging the pedestrians on sidewalks including him lo and behold the car almost immediate instead light so Mike takes out the ring of keys he used to close up shop and presides to key the ever-loving crap the car TL DR guy gets egged keys Punk's car my buddy's ex cheated on him by blowing like three guys at a party I know disgusting right so we had to make the punishment fit the crime by being just as disgusting we spent about $300 on earthworms between all the fishing shops within an hour radius of our homes this girl lived on the ground floor it really cold and have been easier we just slipped open her window and in went the worms bucket after bucket needless to say she woke up the next morning less than pleased and always knew it was us but could never really do anything about it skanky Beach a friend of mine had what he claimed was a bogus traffic ticket quite frankly I suspect his ticket was well-deserved and a long time coming he was not a very safe driver but he claims he was caught in a speed trap and the location on the ticket matched it he was considering fighting the traffic ticket and googled the name of the sighting officer a few links later has discovered through the miracle of social networking that the officer has a wife who doesn't know about his the officer's girlfriend needless to say my friend made sure that the wife found out he never did fight the ticket and has actually become a bit safer driver in the meantime I can't speak to whether the traffic ticket was deserved or not or whether the officer was a good man or not adultery aside TLDR I shot mr. burns and framed a baby I was probably in a for ninth grade when this happened I had a black family living across the street from me growing up this is crucial since it was the deep south and a predominantly white neighborhood one of the kids was a guy my age it turns out he was a very quiet guy but we got along real well and ended up hanging out and running around together for years one day at school we ended up eating lunch together nothing particular exciting was going on and he was eating quietly as usual and minding his own business out of the blue one of the school bullies shows up and starts jacking with him I remember him taking some of his food him names just generally being an [ __ ] but then it happened douche calls my buddy a stupid [ __ ] it was like something went off in his head and he just wasn't going to take it anymore in a flash my buddy stood up and reached over the table and grabbed the douche by the shirt he literally picked him up and dragged him over the table before unleashing the most incredible beatdown on him I don't think douche even got a single hit it when he was done my friend just sat back down and started eating his food again I also recall him at this point looking over at me and giving me a smile it was awesome for the rest of our time in school together through high school nobody ever jacks with him again seems putting an ass-whooping to the biggest bully in school gives you a reputation as the guy not to mess with in our high school dorms one night we were awoken by the fire alarm this normally didn't aggravate us but this particular fire alarm had a surprise this sob lien soup cans full of urine against about 10 different dorms throughout the school we opened our door endurance spilled everywhere this ruined a nice rod belonging to my roommate and got on my computer tower so I was very angry now this big dumb sob began to brag about what he did we found out luckily we had a master key and about 10 dorms willing to contribute urine for revenge this guy was joining the military and leaving school immediately after a physics final knowing this date we decided to get revenge during that final we opened his room and poured urine in all his neatly packed luggage lots of it the timing was perfect he grabbed his stuff and boarded his plane all his luggage I'm sure was perfectly baked in the sweltering cargo bay of his cross-country flight we never heard from this sub again but I like to imagine the look on his face when he opened his luggage and the stench of rotten steamed urine hit him in the face in junior high I worked on the yearbook committee with one of my friends who was the photographer the teacher who was in charge was never there so we spent most of the time listening to music and formatting the class picture pages one day I had been cornered by popular kids and torment relentlessly by the time I got to the committee my friend told me that she had her own runnin but with a different group of people we gave each other the same are you thinking what I'm thinking look and hatched a yearbook sabotage plan since she was in charge of the taking and final approval of all photos appearing in the yearbook we would pick the most embarrassing and unflattering pictures of the people we hated and format them on pages to be sent to the publisher I was in charge of making up the witty captions to go along with the photos as well as checking the spelling for students first and last names for the extracurricular activities we had a blast watching people's names two of my favorites were the last names Blas Z K indication over the course of four weeks the yearbook had become our playground two months later the final copies of the yearbook had arrived at the yearbook preview party my friend and I gushed over our work and toasted to a job well done a week later the entire school received their copies word quickly circulated about the hilarious pictures captions and misspellings in the yearbook the people who we watched demanded to know who was in charge of the sections but never found out it was us since we changed our initials on the pages we worked on my ex-fiancee we dated for six years had an affair I broke up with her I then proceeded to get myself a fair enough job meet a great girl and six years after that whole mess I'm happily married and ten days away from the birth of my first child not a bad revenge I guess when I was younger my sister and I had some sort of petty spat she was an expert at quietly pushing my buttons until I got fed up and yelled at her after which I would get in trouble for yelling eventually I got fed up and decided to exploit a love of the family dog to get back at her she was playing with the dog in her room when she left to go the bathroom I ran over and called the dog into my room then began loudly saying aw Stan's ibly for the dog you don't want to kill her there was sister she's meme right my sister hears this and starts to get upset she is basically claiming it is her turn to play with the dog she works herself into a tizzy and starts pounding on my door then I hear the footsteps each quicker than the last as she runs down the hallway and tries to bash my door up I sit down against it to brace it shut she does this a couple more times in just sitting there still making fun of her to the dog I hear the same accelerating footsteps but this time her foot comes crashing through my door she immediately starts sobbing and saying him sorry over and over she had to pay for a new door TL DR took sibling rivalry to next level by getting sister to kick hole in door [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
Views: 51,322
Rating: 4.8759122 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny askreddit, reddit funny, funny reddit stories
Id: YXPJ6bTw6uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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