Don't Do This At Weddings!

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what should you absolutely not do at a wedding my uncle rob got married at the same place to two different women about 15 years apart my father says hey rob after the third time do you get your own parking space or something the bride's family were least impressed awesome joke horrible timing [Music] getting stupidly drunk and lifting up the bride skirt while the groom is going for the garter thing on her leg puking all over the dj sound board and in his bag almost starting a fist fight with childhood friends my friend jorge did all this at my buddy's wedding it's all on tape do not bring up the subject of the groom's ex-wife especially in a speech i witnessed a terrible best man speech where he basically bashed the groom's prior marriage and said that he hoped this one turned out better it was a truly painful speech have a ridiculously expensive wedding at a resort and expect all guests to front the cost my wife and i were invited to a couple's wedding in jamaica the cost per person was one thousand dollars for four days not including food or airfare during a busy tourist season it was also a themed wedding and not a fun theme like renaissance garb but some kind of italian clothing where everyone had to match you had to show up to some place get fitted for the style and buy the suit or dress for a guy it was about 350 dollars but depending on the women's size up to one thousand two hundred dollars for a dress i have no idea how much a bridesmaid or russia had to pay this was just to be a guest we declined along with a majority of those invited the bride gave everyone a hard time especially because the one thousand dollar person was only if some minimum purchased was reached the fact we wouldn't payment others would be forced to pay more i just didn't have the estimated five thousand dollars plus time off work to go they had the wedding anyway bit out of several hundred they planned for thirty came the groom had to change his best man twice because his first two couldn't pay the steep fees required this was flaunted as well now we know who our real friends are marriage lasted seven months i forgot why they split up true story groom had a previous fiance who died suddenly and accidentally before they could get married very sad tragic she was a sweet girl and everyone loved her one of those whole town turned out for the funeral sort of things anyway fast forward a few years and groom has met a new girl she's a good person but she's not from the small town that the former fiancee was from and everyone sort of already has it out for her the new girl is big city has a little edge to her old girl small town girl next door no matter what the new girl will never ever be as good as the old girl so at the wedding the sister of the groom who is a bridesmaid offers a toast in remembrance of the dead fancy it was among the least classy shocking things i had ever seen and the sister was absolutely clueless about what she'd done long story short don't ever talk about the bridal groom's exes be they saints sinners living or dead the wedding day is about the couple and not their past relationships my mother-in-law stood up at my wedding reception and said this marriage between henry and what's her name is never going to last i am what's her name don't do that i'm still angry 13 years later that sounds like a great way to ensure that your son's marriage is going to last i mean he still can't divorce you without feeling like a tool when his mom says i told you so give a rude toast insulting the bride or groom when they are exchanging the rings don't stand up dressed as sauron and say but they were all of them deceived for another ring was made whilst putting on a ring too in my whole life i have never wanted to do something as bad as i now want to do this grill the bride and groom about when they are having children i'm paying for your drinks is it that hard to just say congratulations also wanna add show up if you didn't rsvp said you weren't coming and more importantly do not bring a date if your invite didn't say and guest if you really think your new boyfriend of six whole weeks should be invited to your second cousin's big day ask the couple before assuming and just showing up with another person organize a wager amongst the guests they can bet how many weeks the marriage will last sidewards with who's going to cheat first are included make sure everyone has a chance to bet including the bride and groom seems a bit unfair that the bride and groom are allowed to bet i once photographed her wedding and during the family photographs with the bride and groom the bride's mother and father were put on opposite sides because they were divorced and not behaving the mother was drunk and during the photo she was yelling over the heads of the bride and groom insulting her ex-husband the bride was near tears and we had to stop taking pictures until they could get the mother to calm down it was the last wedding i ever photographed if you are a bride or groom don't make a scene it will be what nearly everyone remembers about your wedding if you do my wife and i had a small ceremony with just our parents and my sister and her husband we were in a small dining room for the reception and the ac had broken earlier in the day they had repaired it in time for dinner but it was taking a while to cool down the parents started getting ornery but some strong drinks later we were all laughing dancing and sweating up a storm talking with the family later they were all surprised that my wife or i didn't pitch a huge fit about the temperature they were pleased too as it would have been the only hitch in an otherwise awesome day on the other hand my sister and her husband were married and had a cousin announce her pregnancy over the microphone after dinner my sister tried to ask her quietly to just leave but she made a scene before doing so then the groom's best man got into a fight with his fiance and she tried to drive off crying but backed into a tree she was sober the fiance was belligerently drunk and threatening to fight people to get him outside to cool off so the groom tossed a bucket of ice water on him despite that rest of the wedding reception and day being fine that is all people remember drink a quart of whiskey before the ceremony refused to put on a shirt during the ceremony and then sit in your car and blast techno the whole time because you were asked to leave someone did this at a wedding i was at on saturday never stop the ceremony to propose to your girlfriend sure you'll have free pictures and video of it but everyone will be pee at you forever generally announcing anything is a pretty dumb idea a cousin announced her pregnancy at my sister's wedding over the microphone during the reception after she got off the microphone my sister asked her to leave i attended a wedding for a friend a couple summers ago his best man who was extremely intoxicated got up to give his best man speech we were all nervous about it already but when he blurted out you know me and your wife we have a past no no no dear god abort abort abort me and some friends were camping on the lake for the weekend of a wedding and one of them didn't pack nice pants or a belt he wore a dress shirt that he apparently dropped in the road while unloading our stuff because we found it hanging on the outhouse the next morning he then proceeded to get drunk the night before the wedding run straight for the lake and trip over a stump smashing his face into a fence post so for the wedding he showed up with a shoestring belt dirty shirt a massive black eye and on top of that he accidentally brought two dates to the wedding don't do any of these things that being said i'm glad he did become a drunk enough adult to the point where you start making weird comments to underage girls i had a bad experience as an underage girl if you are a bride don't hold any babies they are going to crappy vomit bleed cry all over you babies aren't supposed to bleed i think you're holding babies wrong anything that makes you the center of attention this is about the couple's day and nobody else's you want to propose to your girlfriend save it for the jumbotron want to give a clever butthole speech and then strip of your tear away clothes and go streaking save it for graduation dying of a heart attack just sit in a corner and at least try to pretend you are british and slip off your mortal coil quietly and with dignity for the heart attack i mean it's the least you can do you're already going to ruin the mood the least you can do is do so quietly at my brother's wedding the bride's sister the maid of honor threw a huge freaking tantrum and put the bride's veil in the bathroom trash can right before the ceremony was supposed to start so there's that true story here folks i'm sad i'm commenting so late because this will probably get buried don't bring random not significant partners to your friend's wedding when i got married one of our groomsmen asked to bring the girl he had recently started dating a real beast of a woman we said okay she got so drunk at the reception and managed to sneak into almost every picture our photographer got she was loud she was smoking the whole time just generally very annoying the real kicker is a few years later long after they had broken up our friend bumped into her brother he asked how she was doing brother's response not good man she's in jail for life she murdered our mother and that is how i came to have a murderer in my wedding photos [Music] be late and if you are don't get mad if they carried on without you my bffs mother told me her wedding had a strict start time she kept to it as she and her husband were leaving a few ants were just walking in lol don't be late and if you are don't get mad if they carried on without you yup you only wait for three people the bride the groom and whoever's marrying them the rest miss what they miss instead of untying the little bag of bird seed and showering the bride and groom toss the whole thing and have it land in the bride's cleavage i was a kid and didn't know the tradition no apology needed for that kind of accuracy [Music] when the minister says if anyone knows of any reason these two should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace don't roll 2d20s on a wooden pew it echoes terribly loud when no one is talking [Music] say frick or goddang in a best man speech when my wife's christian family including a pastor is in attendance my best man started his speech with god dang man it's your freaking day man it's your freaking day who knew he could say so many wrong things in one sentence i learned the hard way don't frick with the cake i was six years old for christ's sake and that didn't stop the bride from despising me ever since i still hear about fricking with a cake to this day you shouldn't have touched the wedding cake then you little bastard propose to your girlfriend while you're in someone else's wedding reception you sir are a douchebag if you do this i was at a wedding where someone did this outside the church they didn't even wait until the reception don't stand at the door with a brown paper bag hold said bag next to each guest's hand and bar everyone darker than the bag from entering i'm a professional wedding dj and i've seen things go on behind the scenes from the guests perspective in the bride and groom's perspective bride and grooms the day of your wedding is not your planning day stop giving instructions and let your coordinators and vendors take care of it you being a bridal zilla or godzilla stresses you out and makes everyone's day horrible don't leave your guests for two or more hours while you take pictures in the sunset don't think you can treat your vendors and guests like slaves just because it's your special day don't complain that everyone is not having fun when you're both just sitting there and not encouraging your guests to have fun don't invite guests just because you want gifts this usually ends up in having no gifts at all had a bride invite 300 guests in hopes of getting gifts she barely knew them and received 20 gifts don't spend too much time with one guest and seclude all your other guests guests if you're the brother uncle whatever don't assume you have authority as vendors coordinators djs have already discussed things with the bride and groom no we can't play 20 more songs because that requires to pay 40 people worth of stuff because of your drunk butt it's up to the bride and groom to extend the time they choose to pay for you're at a wedding don't be on your phone two four seven why did you come do not disrupt the bride and groom's dinner they've been up since five in the morning and taking pictures the entire day greeting and not having any time to themselves be conscious of what you do and let them be peaceful for 20 minutes unless your professional singer and the bride and groom have asked you to sing don't ask for the mic don't ever ask for the mic if you request a song and the dj doesn't play it chances are it's in the bride and grooms do not play list there are other things but this stuff is pretty basic i feel applies to most brides and grooms as well as their guests take a nuclear crap in the bathroom of the bridal suite where the newlyweds will spend their first night off married life together an hour before the ceremony oh and having a nap on the giant bed too without making the sheets my wife still hasn't forgiven you adam this is exactly the reason why my fiance and i have told no one where we are staying for our first night if you're the father of the bride don't bring up in the speech that you thought your daughter was a lesbian for x amount of years this happened at my sews cousin's wedding and was awkward for everyone in the vicinity [Music] don't call out the groom's mentally handicapped sister for not being dressing up this happened at my wedding and people didn't realize that it was just a battle to get her there in the first place because she doesn't like large crowds of people a good chunk of our guests publicly shamed her for how she was dressed and that ruined the whole event for my husband if your sibling is getting married and you fly in for the wedding do not refuse to take family pictures you are family and you should take pictures after you are forced to be and take pictures by your father who has to tell you to be part of the family don't say the following that was torturous or i freaking hate weddings in front of your siblings new in-laws you will look like a brat and no and like your father and mother the new in-laws will not defend your behavior and finally get off your god dang phone it looks really disrespectful in pictures tl dr got married on sunday and still was a brat luckily the wedding was a huge success and she didn't ruin the day edit to be clear family pictures were before the ceremony and reception if she didn't want to take pictures she just didn't have to show edit to wording edit3 this justin it seems my photographer was asked by her to take pictures of her and her aunt which are on my proof cd so yeah not anxiety just a brat my brother-in-law didn't smile and looked downright unhappy in all of our photos he was in his upper teens at the time and was in the wedding party good thing the saying about people not caring about their wedding photos after the fact was true for us because any formal shots that included him are no good things i have actually seen happen if you are one of the very few women invited to the bachelorette party do not drunkenly admit that you had a giant crush on the groom for years during the roast groom had been with his bride that entire time do not attempt to invite random townies to your friend's wedding that you met the night before at the bachelorette party do not get so drunk during the reception that the bride needs to shuffle you onto the bus to get your butt home do not get so drunk that someone calls an ambulance for you give the groom a [ __ ] right before the ceremony even if it's a good way for him to calm the frick down also don't mention to the bride that you did it when you see her in the receiving line definitely not a good idea sounds like he made a great choice for his best man though do not empty out the gigantic hollowed out watermelon serving as a fruit buffet put it on your head and let a drunken fruit just smeared conga line around the entire reception room when the bride's party are basically italian mafia and staring at you in abject loathing they were just jealous of your sweet hat and awesome conga skills get drunk and tell the bride that the husband cheated on her when they were dating did not end well for me or the groom dang this will probably get buried but i am a wedding dj so i see people do stupid crap all the time a few months ago i had a best man at a wedding give the toast during the toast he was talking about how his brother the groom had found the best girl in the world he goes on to say that we should all be jealous because none of us will find girls even close to how amazing the bride was keep in mind he is saying all of this with his girlfriend of three years right next to him the girlfriend burst into tears i cut the guy's mic off and we quickly moved to cutting the cake needless to say the poor girl dumped him about 30 minutes later at another wedding for some very redneck people they decided it would be a great idea to light a bonfire seeing as though their wedding was in a barn that day it happened to be very windy and the bonfire was right next to a hayfield it took about 10 minutes before the field started to catch on fire so like clockwork the fire department shows up the guys at the wedding had been drinking moonshine for about three hours and one of them was stupid enough to drive as the fire truck is coming down the driveway the guy trying to leave hits the fire truck hilarity ensues i promptly pack my crap and got out of there 7 stroke 10 was a fun wedding [Music] roast the groom when you give a speech that's what the stag was for the wedding is a show and everybody gets to pretend that the couple is perfect and the marriage is going to last 1. get drunk and knock over the wedding cake have seen this before and it was just terrible 2. sing mustang sally because you're a distant relative who is in an white old man band i don't know why people do this but i've seen it 3x now nobody wants to hear you sing mustang sally not the couple not the guests and certainly not the band that does this for a living or three have a cash bar stand up when they ask if anyone objects and yell out i do then storm up the aisle and as soon as you reach the bride and groom turn around and yell psych [Music] in your first dance hire ninjas to take your bride away and then fight them off with aimed low kicks all with mortal kombat music playing overhead don't take a red-eye flight to the site of the wedding that arrives the day of the actual wedding you will look like absolute death in all of the beautiful fancy photography and you'll be so exhausted the whole evening that the kind photographer will contact you afterwards making sure you aren't suffering from deep depression [Music] wedding musician here the best cringer-worthy story was a gig where the bride was known as quite the lover that is finally settling down the best man toast focused on this as she was proclaimed as unavailable the men were encouraged to return the key to her apartment man after man head down went up and deposited a key in a hat it didn't get weird until the end when an elderly man with a walker slowly went up after him a very young boy bounced up to the astonishment of most of the gathering that was over 18 years ago i still remember it this is an old well-known prank that people pull the best man hands out keys before the toast for people to bring up my grandfather stood up and announced five minutes before my parents wedding that he was a leaving my grandmother after 35 years offerings b marrying my grandmother's best friend after having had an affair with her for the past eight years and c wanted to invite everyone to the wedding seeing as how everyone was already together and in one place for an easy announcement then my mother began walking down the aisle so basically don't do that if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 9,595
Rating: 4.936759 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, wedding, wedding setup, what not to do, wedding etiquette, marriage
Id: JrmLmXT9X4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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