Guy Fieri Product Taste Test

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Iā€™m confused about something. At one point, they mention reading comments that told them what the divot in the baster was for. How were they reading comments mid-show?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SkepticJoker šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 28 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

These name brand games keep getting funner! I appreciated the variety of non-Fieri brands. I also loved the basting brush review; it threw me back to when Rhett and Link would often test kitchen gadgets, like the Egg Rollie.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 28 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
- Can we guess which products came from Flavortown? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) Good Mythical Morning. - Are you ready for some finger licking fun? - Yes. - Are you ready to find products that are stupid good? - Yeah, I think y'all know where we're headed, because with that enthusiasm, we're gonna be wearing bowling shirts with flames on them in no time. - Yes, we are entering the world of Guy Fieri and he has slapped his name and endorsement on all types of products, and why not? If you were Guy Fieri, wouldn't you do that? - Yes, I'm trying as it is. - We're gonna head to Flavortown, y'all. It's time for, Knock-Off Knockout, Guy Fieri Edition. - Okay, so in every round, we're gonna have four food or kitchen products in front of us. Three are gonna be (babbling) generic. And one of them is gonna be from Guy Fieri, himself. And I'm saying Fieri, I'm not saying Fieri. - Fieri? - We've always said Fieri, but he himself, the man himself, says Fieri. - Okay, all right. - So that's what I'm saying. - All right, Fieri. We're gonna test each product or taste it and place our flag behind the one we think belongs to our frosted-tipped hero. - And whoever gets the most rounds correct wins a very special key. The key to Flavortown. - Okay. - [Both] Round one. - These are all spicy sauces, but which one will turn us red in the face like Guy Fieri pressed up against a meat smoker? - I'd pay to see that. - 'Cause that's the test. That one looks hot. - That's good salsa. - It's got some kick. I can tell my tasting it that it's gonna get hotter. - But here's the thing, I don't know if I should think that the one that I like the most is from Guy Fieri. - I don't love the taste of that one. - It's really smoky, I really like smoky things. You know, is it like-- How am I supposed to feel about Guy Fieri? Like, I respect the man, I have watched his show many times. - Okay. - I like his enthusiasm about food, because I like to get enthusiastic about food. - This one's sweeter. Not nearly as hot as the first one. - That tastes like something you just get a giant jug of for like, a camping trip for kids. - Yeah, four dollars for four gallons. - Right. Doesn't it? - Yeah, it gets a little hotter. - I said that so I could dip before you. - Okay, I didn't know it was a race. - This is another smoky one, which means I like it. - This one's even more smoky than the first one. - That's a good salsa. - I mean, the dude, it's like he's constantly just a little bit on fire. I'm not saying he's constantly lit. - Does he smoke though? I doubt he does. - I think he quit. No, I don't know. I don't have a clue. - I wouldn't put my name on that one. I wouldn't put my name on this one, if I was him. It comes down to these two for me. Which one? - [Link] This one seems to be the highest quality. - I'm gonna picture his face. - It's also the smokiest. But that one's got a late kick too. At this point I can't tell which one's the spiciest, 'cause it just starts to-- It's a rolling spiciness. But I think I have my guess, and we're gonna indicate our guesses with our Fieri-ized version of ourselves. - Man, I'm thinking about changing my whole look. (crew laughs) Look how good I look. - [Stevie] Okay, here we go. - I look pretty good too. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I think it's gotta be this one. - I think it's this one. - Okay. - It's either one of those, it's gotta be, right? - [Stevie] The Guy Seven Pepper Salsa in in bowl number one. - Yeah! - Oh. - There was a little kick at the end of that one that made me think that he's trying to spice things up. You know how Guy likes to play. I don't know why I'm doing this. - [Stevie] The others are Happy Belly from Amazon, Trader Joe's brand, and Market Pantry from Target. - Trader Joe's is doing it. Trader Joe's is doing it right. - Trader Joe's is working. Hey, that's Seven Pepper. Burn, baby, burn, he says. - That's some good salsa. - [Both] Round two. - Out of all these basting brushes, only one belongs to the Mayor of Flavortown. - Basting brushes, who would've thought that we'd be just sitting here basting. - I would love to have my name on a baster. - I don't actually think it's necessary to use it, but go ahead and be my guest. (crew laughs) - Basting is bonding with whatever you're about to eat. You know, it calms it down. - This one is definitely-- - This is like a zen garden type situation. - Well, this one seems super elegant. Like, that's the most elegant one. - Yeah. - This one is like, look how sloppy this one is. - This is like, got a squid on the end of it. - [Rhett] This is a master baster. - I mean, you can really keep your distance. Let me try it. - Man, you can baste all night with that thing. Think about how much you could-- In one go around, you could baste so much. - This one does not give me that zen feeling. It's more of a like, look at my baster. Look at how long it is. I've got something to prove. - Well, if you're gonna put your name on something, it might as well be something that's impressive. - Now, look at this. We got a red baster. (dinging) - Yes? - Come on, kids, it's the dinner bell. I'ma get that leg with this one. - [Rhett] That one's a precision baster. - [Link] Leg baster. It's kind of long. - I think you gotta use that one in conjunction with this. You start with the big master baster and then you come in with the precision baster. - I'm questioning whether this one even works that well. Just feel of it. - I mean, first of all, it's two layers of dilly-dallies. Look at this, this is like, a wig. Look at those nodules all together. - Speaking of which, now there's a missed opportunity-- Oh gosh, what's happening here? Is there like a beer opening on this or something? - It's an offset. That's what they call an offset. - Is that so you can-- What is that? - It's when somebody throws a hotdog at you, you can catch it. - Catch it right there? - You know what happens when you're grilling. Hotdogs start getting thrown everywhere. - Now, this one's got a long handle and the shortest baster tingles of all of them. - Yeah. But it has a lot of baster tingles. I mean, it has an average amount. How does it baste? - That feels good. - [Rhett] How does that offset? - [Link] I'll tell you right now. - What if a hotdog was coming right at your face and it-- - Boink! - No, no, you gotta let it through. The whole point of the offset is to let the hotdog come through. Let it come through and it goes right in your mouth. See? (laughs) - Now this one's long-- - And lean. - And short at the same time. (crew laughs) It feels, again, I feel like I'm bonding with it. This one's got a good feeling. - Now let me see if I can just get it in the hole. - [Link] Oh, there you go. - You know what? That's to keep you from doing this. It's to keep you from sticking it in the hole of the chicken. It's to let you know, nope, that's not where it goes. We don't baste the inside, we stay on the outside. - That ain't basting, my friend. That's something totally different. But I do like the way the hotdog divot, it makes me feel like I'm being more gentle and more connected even though I'm further away. But this one is definitely my favorite. The missed opportunity is that none of these have blonde tips. - Right. - What the crap, Fieri? - No, one comes with dye, you do it yourself. - You gotta freaking turn your tips. You gotta frost them. - I think I'm ready. - This is my favorite. - Here we go. - This is my second favorite. All right, I'm ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I think he went big. I think he went real big. I think he went too big. - I think he went red. Like fire. - [Stevie] Guy's basting brush is brush number two. - Yeah. - You were right again. - Of course he did, I mean, look at this. They were like, hey, Guy, how long do you want the baster tingles? And he was like, six inches. And they were like, well, usually, they're like an inch. And he was like, okay, compromise, three. You know? - [Stevie] The other brushes are Luck's Grill, a brand available on Amazon. - That's nice, I like that. - That's super nice. - Simple, elegant, bonding, zen. - [Stevie] Mainstays from Wal-Mart. - Loser. - That's bull crap. - [Stevie] And Grillmark, a private label at ACE Hardware. - Yep, inexplicable hotdog divot. - We don't know about that. - [Both] Round three. - All right, you know over there in the Mythical Kitchen they're always cooking up something weird and tasty, and today is no exception. Go over there and check out Josh's latest strange, but delicious creation on the Mythical Kitchen channel. - And before we get to this coffee, we were just reading in the comments, we wanted to thank you for pointing out that the hotdog divot is actually you set down the baster without putting the baster tingles on your table. - But you still put a hotdog in the divot. Thank you for those comments as well. - See what that does? - Okay, we've got four coffees, technically eight, because we each get our own mug. One of these is from Guy Fieri, himself. And we actually have the grounds, Link. We have the grounds themselves. - Dink it. Cheers. - And sink it. I wonder how Guy drinks his coffee. You think he just does it black? - I think it has a flame underneath it constantly. Like a bunsen burner. - I think he's a like, six cream, seven sugars type guy. - Is this instant coffee? - [Ellie] It's a K-Cup. - Oh, it's a K-Cup? All of these are K-Cups, huh? - Well, you just insulted this one by asking if it was instant. - Yeah. - That's what I'm hearing there. - It wasn't bad, but it wasn't that great. This one's worse. - Not good, that one was way worse. - This one's way worse. Nutty. I mean, it's got some levels to it. - I just don't like black coffee unless it's like really, really-- Like, when you go to one of those places and they're like, you have to get this coffee black. Anything less would be an insult. - It's already so smooth. - It still taste bad though, can I add some cream to it, because that makes me like it. - Yeah, I gotta have a little cream. Take your mug there for the last one. Which one is Guy's Diner Blend? - Oh, Diner Blend. - Diner. - Oh, Diner Blend! Guy, you did a diner one, of course you did. - Gotta go back in though. - [Rhett] I'm going through again. - Doing the dance. - In a rhythm, look at this. I forgot to even think about how they tasted, 'cause I was so focused on how well we were doing this rhythm. - This one's the mildest one. This one is the most complex one. And then this one's the worst one. - [Stevie] Ready to guess? - Okay, well, they're all black coffee. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Going all the way over here. I actually liked this one the best, and I'm believing in the Fieri. - [Stevie] Guy's American Diner Blend is in bowl number four. - Oh, you got it, you did it. - Finally. Look at that, Guy's American Diner Blend, right there. - [Stevie] The others are Archer Farms from Target, Clover Valley from Dollar General. - Yeah, that was bad. - Dollar General. - [Stevie] And Great Value from Wal-Mart. - Wal-Mart's not doing bad. Dollar General needs to go back to the drawing board. - Way to go, Guy. - [Both] Round four. - All right, we have four barbecue sauces in front of us, one of them comes straight from the pores of Guy Fieri. - Is that how it works? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He wrings out his arms? - He eats a big meal and then he just sweats and they collect it. - Now you can dip. There's already some slathered on it. - [Rhett] I'm dipping dip. - That's thick, sweet. - Where's he from? 'Cause these are all like a Kansas City kind of thing. Is he from the Midwest area? - I like that first one. - It's all right for me. - I mean, it's not shocking. - This one's tangier, significantly tangier. - [Link] It's got more a vinegar thing. - [Stevie] He was born in Columbus, Ohio, but he grew up in Ferndale, California. - Ferndale? - [Rhett] That has like a cinnamon almost. - It is different. - Way different. - It's different than any barbecue sauce I've had. - It's not bad. - I like it, I like how it's different. And you know, Guy Fieri, - [Both] He's different. - I was gonna tell you, you look great with a fire collar. - You don't look that great. (Rhett laughs) - [Rhett] I'm gonna start dressing like him. - [Link] This one's more peppery. - This one feels a little generic-y to me. - Yeah. I'm bored by this. I'm intrigued by this. I like this one probably the most. But I wouldn't buy it, because I've had better versions of both of these. But this right here. It taste weird by itself, but when you put it on a rib. Did he wanna make a statement or did he just wanna make something that would not get complaints? - All right, I got an answer. - [Stevie] Here we go. Three, two, one. - I think he wanted to make a statement. - I think he went with a little bit of vinegar. Like you said, this is an every man sauce. - I'm really interested in that. - Something to your face, it went away. Oh, it was so reflected that it was just white. - Oh, it's gone. - [Stevie] Guy Fieri's Kansas City Barbecue Sauce is in bowl number four. - Oh. - What? - You know what, I totally missed the whole Kansas City thing. - We said we didn't like it. - [Rhett] All I know is we both got it wrong. - What is this one? - [Stevie] Well, the others are from Trader Joe's, Good & Gather from Target, and do you wanna take a guess as to what your favorite one was? - Kroger? - Dollar General? - [Stevie] Kroger. (Rhett and Link laugh) - Kroger got something weird going on, but hey, add it to your mix. - It's weird, but good. - So nobody wins to key. - No, yeah we do, 'cause I was up two. Just because we tied on the last round. - Look at that. - I got the key to Flavortown. Look at this thing. Where am I gonna go? Well, I'm gonna go to Flavortown. I'm gonna get in this little thing, I'm gonna take my key, and I'm gonna stick it in every hole I can find. - And I'll just thumb and see what happens. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - [Woman] This is Oatmeal from State College, Pennsylvania, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (Rhett laughs) - Oatmeal is hungry. - He's just eating. Click the top link to watch us translate Guy Fieri's slang in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. (Chase laughs) - That's great. So how did you combine all these to taste like that? - Did you see me? I wasn't looking. - All these things taste somewhat similar and somehow that taste like gasoline.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,425,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, gms2020, good mythical summer 2020
Id: 6lNFW1ENzfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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