Death Row Last Meals Game ft. Binging With Babish

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/clashofpawns 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
Today, dead men tell no tales. But they do like KFC. Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good mythical morning. Thank you for making us a part of your daily routine. Today we have a very special game, all about last meals. But if you think about it, any meal - could be your last meal. - Oh. So ditch those salads and get out the fried chicken, for goodness sake! Okay, Link and I are gonna be competing to the death, real meals, in a game we're calling... We'd like to give a good Mythical welcome to our special guest host, YouTube's King of cooking, Andrew Rea of "Binging with Babish." Dude, thank you so much for having me, guys. - ( applause ) - I appreciate that. - Thanks for being here. - You can, uh... I know you're used to this, but-- - You can come on down. - Oh, okay. All right, sorry. This is very new for me. On our show, you can-- your face can be in it. Yeah, yeah. That's one of our rules. I'm very sorry. I know you probably didn't want to see this, but... So, Andrew, you ever done any time in the clink? Uh... not gonna answer that question. - ( laughter ) - Ooh. Wow. Wow, this is like "Inside Edition" all of a sudden. - ( laughter ) - Does that still happen? Okay, here's how "Dead Man Noshin'" works. So Andrew's gonna give us a murderous convict, and two options for what their last meal was. Uh, however, under the top that we'll have out here the cloche-- is that what we call it? - Both: The cloche. - Uh, there's only one meal and that is the correct answer. Okay, whoever gets it right gets a point, and whoever gets it wrong gets 25 to life. Oh. - That's high stakes. - Yeah, just kidding. The loser of the entire game will be sentenced to eating a blood cube. Oh, gosh. And the player with the most right gets to eat their choice for their last meal... - Mmm. - "Good Mythical More" That's better than a blood cube. - A little bit. - You ready, Andrew? Ready, let's do this. <i> ( metal clangs )</i> All right, look at-- we got a cloche. - You know what's under here. - Yes. - We do not. - No. I didn't know this was called a cloche. This is-- - That's what they told us. - Rhett: Oh! We're teaching you things about food? You guys are always teaching me things, - every time I watch. - Well, they could be lying - to us and we would not know. - ( chuckling ) Food helmet is what I call it. - ( laughter ) - Yeah, that's... All right, so round one. John Wayne Gacy. - Rhett:<i> Heard of him. </i> - Andrew:<i> This killer was famous for</i> <i> dressing up as a children's party clown</i> <i> and simultaneously assaulting and murdering</i> <i> over 33 young men.</i> - Hm. - John! ( laughs ) John, you rascal. I know you guys already know that his last meal included KFC, but-- - Yeah. - Which is where he used to work. but what was the other part of his food finale? or... Oh, wow. So he could have double dipped at two different fast food establishments... - It's what I'd do. - doing a KFC and McDonalds, but a KFC is never attached to a McDonald's. It's usually attached to a what, when they attached to something else? - Uh, Taco Bell. - Pizza Hut. - Pizza Hut. - Taco Bell. - Oh, no, yeah. - Yeah, Taco Bell, yeah. Sometimes you get the cluster of all-- - Yeah. - All of them mixed together. And that's-- that's-- - That's a real cluster. - Oh, man. 12 fried shrimp is a very weird, - serial killerish request. - It is. Like, "I would like fried shrimp-- 12 of 'em!" I could put 12 fried shrimp in my mouth right now. That doesn't seem like-- It is a very complete number, though. "I'm going out with 12 fried shrimp, and a pound of strawberries." I'm going with B. As am I, Link. Andrew: Let's see. - Oh. - Oh, we were both wrong. John Wayne Gacy! What are you thinking? I see 12 shrimp over here. And you know what, now that I see it, I'm like, "Hmm, I think he's on to something." - That's a solid meal. - This is a well balanced meal here. - No, that looks like something... - Fried shrimp, fried chicken, fried fries, and, mm, strawberries, to keep it healthy. It looks like something a crazed clown, boy killer would eat. - ( laughter ) - That too. - Or me, I would eat it, honestly. - Uh oh. Next up for round two, we've got Ronnie Lee Gardner. I've never heard of this guy, but he was convicted of robbery, <i> burglary, and two counts of murder.</i> - Link:<i> Mm-mm. </i> - Andrew:<i> Gardner was a troubled man</i> <i> who was in and out of prison for most of his adult life</i> <i> and reportedly requested a firing squad execution</i> <i> to honor his Mormon faith.</i> - Okay. - Is that part of the Mormon faith? I don't-- I did not-- I know that now. Be executed by a firing squad? And the more you know. - ( sighs ) - Was his last meal... or... - Oh, wow. - You can make a movie part of this? It's dinner and a movie? You don't get to eat a movie. How is that-- That's not part of a last meal. I gotta go kill somebody. I didn't know that was part of the deal. - I didn't know that was it. - What? You're gonna have to kill a lot of people. - I guess I can eat and watch... - A serial killer. I can eat and watch movies now, though, can I? - Now that I think about it. - But I do not do it. As a policy, I don't do anything when watching a movie because the artist does not intend for you to be looking down at your food. Well, and you can't also can't do two things at once. - I beg to differ, so... - You like to eat? - Oh, yeah. - While watching something? That's one of the tenets, core tenets of my faith, - the-- the-- - ( laughter ) - Is eating while watching things. - I do not let, uh, Link eat while I watch anything because I would not be able to hear what I was watching. Are you an open mouth eater? - Uh, he's just loud. - It's just my jaw. I don't know, it's closed but it sounds like it's not. I've got my answer, I mean I gotta think you gotta go with the more, uh, traditional, even though it may be blasphemous, I prefer "Lord of the Rings" over "Star Wars" trilogy. That's my personal opinion. Uh, I think that the steak, lobster, and apple pie is, uh, just a more traditional thing. Veggie lasagna? What kind of crazed person would choose that? Exactly, a crazy person. ( laughs ) - A. - Rhett: All right. Let's take a look. Uh-huh! - That's right. - Dang it. Oh, look, and we got-- even got "Lord of the Rings" under here. - I mean-- - And the trilogy. Based on this guy's meal and movie taste, I could have spent a little time with him. ( laughter ) And now, a lady killer, and by that I mean, a lady who is a literal killer. <i> Teresa Lewis who was convicted of murder,</i> <i> robbery and conspiracy, and was the only woman</i> <i> on Virginia's death row prior to her death in 2010.</i> <i> Interestingly enough, her case was appealed</i> <i> nearly to the Supreme Court where Ruth Bader Ginsburg</i> <i> and Sonia Sotomayor said they would have granted her a stay.</i> - Oh, girl power, huh? - Girl power, yeah. <i> Was her last meal...</i> or... Huh, more of the fried chicken and apple pie. Uh, classic choices. But versus the refined choice of grilled cauliflower. - But, I mean, - And the healthier choice. - More reasonable with that chicken. - Yeah. Consider her haircut, though. - This is a refined person. - Let's take another look at that haircut. Um... this woman makes lots of good choices. - ( chuckles ) - Uh, I always get a wedge salad if one is available. - You know what? - It's gotta be B. I believe... I believe in this. - She's all over those peas with butter. - Let's find out. - Give me some peas with butter! Yeah! - ( laughter ) -<i> ( ding ) </i> - Tied up again. - Uh, with a Dr. Pepper. - I went against-- I went against my instincts, man. - Damn! - Apple pie and fried chicken. They like the apple pie and fried chicken. She didn't want the firing squad, so that's different. I'ma eat a little bit of this crunchy part. ( growls ) Rhett: That's a pretty good meal. - I gotta say... - Another solid meal. I like adding butter to my peas. - Except Dr. Pepper. - I don't like killing people, though. Next up, Victor Fegeur. - Hmm. - Executed by hanging in 1963. <i> He looks a lot less like a murderer</i> <i> and more like someone who would explain</i> <i> new gadgets to James Bond.</i> - Rhett:<i> True </i> -<i> ( Link laughs )</i> Andrew:<i> But in reality, he did capture and kill</i> <i> a random doctor he found in a phone book</i> <i> he had called to his boarding house</i> <i> under the guise of a woman needing help.</i> - Oh, boy. - He catfished her. Yeah, ( laughs ) Earliest evidence of catfishing. - Oh. ( laughs ) - How did the doctor get in the phone book? ( laughter ) I'd kill that doctor, too. - Trickster. - ( laughter ) Was his last meal... or... No! This dude's weird either way, man. How long would it take to-- does he get to eat three tubs worth of Red Vines? Was this like a stall tactic? Like a filibuster? ( laughs ) Or a single olive? "I will take a single olive, with the pit!" - ( laughs ) - "Yes, I'm Monsieur Fegeur." There's no way. There's no way. It's a dead on impersonation of Victor. I'm going-- I'm going B, man. I think that... There's no way it could be three tubs of Red Vines. I'd eat a single olive with a pit in it. Well, I think the giveaway is that I don't think three tubs of Red Vines are going to fit under here - so it's... - ( laughter ) -<i> ( ding ) </i> - Both: There it is. Rhett, do you want the olive? I know you like 'em. - I do. - Oh, ugh. I'm sorry. With the pit still in it. You don't like olives either? You gotta spit a pit on camera now. - Mm. - Good luck with that. - Here, right into this. - ( laughs ) Here we go. Here, right here. - ( laughter ) - Right here. - Oh, gosh. - ( laughter ) Do you need a towel? Here. I didn't know this was gonna happen when I came on this show. They said we were gonna have fun, - and I got spit on. - ( laughter ) Next up we have Velma Barfield, <i> who looks more like your elementary school librarian</i> <i> than a serial killer, yeah?</i> <i> But she was in fact deadly, convicted of one murder.</i> <i> She eventually confessed to six murders in total</i> <i> which mostly consisted of elderly people in her care</i> <i> and her husbands and boyfriends.</i> - No. - That's just mean. - Velma! - But just seven? ( chuckles ) What did she eat before her death sentence? or... Oh, gosh. Who would just choose a bag of Cheese Doodles? ( laughter ) - Yeah. - I'd eat a bag of Cheese Doodles. It goes really well with a can of Coke, though. But would a roast suckling pig go well with a strawberry lemonade? Neither of these is a good last meal. - I mean, this is just not... - Yeah. So many things missing here. Serial killers have bad taste. - Yeah... - If you ask me. She needed like a last meal consultant. Ooh! That's something that you can do. - ( laughs ) - You could be a last meal consultant. I think they did away with the last meal, though. Isn't that, like, not a thing anymore? I don't know. You could bring it back. Just show up and say, um, you know-- I don't know if they have legal tender in there, but... - What's the-- - can be paid with cigarettes. ( laughs ) I'll take it. Five cigarettes. Okay, I'm going-- I'm going with B. I'm gonna say, I think she did the pig and the strawberry lemonade. I-- I don't know-- something about the word "suckling" scares me, so I'm going with A. - ( both screaming ) - Yes! -<i> ( ding ) </i> - Cheese Doodles and a can of Coke. Velma is my new favorite person-- wait. - No, no, she's not. - That's not how this works. - No. - That's not how this works, Link. - We got another one? - I'm in the lead. We can stop now. - ( laughs ) - Nope. Yeah, I'm definitely eating a blood cube. It's just all about, are you eating one with me? Ugh, okay. Well, either way I'm gonna eat a blood cube out of solidarity. It's not my first time eating blood. I know that sounds weird. I did a "Game of Thrones" special once where I had to eat some blood, so-- - Oh, gosh. - All right. - We'll hold you to it. - ( laughter ) - Okay. - Solidarity. Lastly, we've got the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh. - Link:<i> Uh-huh. </i> - Andrew:<i> Timothy was found guilty</i> <i> of the murder of 168 people</i> <i> and the injury of over 600 others</i> <i> when he set off a truck bomb</i> <i> at the Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995.</i> <i> He was hoping the attack would spur</i> <i> a revolt against the federal government,</i> <i> and once stated that he had no idea</i> -<i> how to impress girls. </i> - Well, that doesn't do it. - That's not how you do it, no. - No, no, no. That's not how you impress girls. Was his last meal... Link:<i> Ooh, chocolate fountain.</i> Andrew:<i> That's what I would do,</i> <i> that sounds pretty good.</i> <i> or...</i> Mm. Just straight for dessert, huh? Yeah, and I'm lactose intolerant so then, like, I'd be dead a few hours later so it wouldn't even matter, - but I'd have no stomachache, no problem. - Oh. It would be a way to circumvent their system. - Exactly, that's perfect. - I'm going with B because... the chocolate fountain, man, come on-- give me a freaking break. And of course, I'm going with B because I don't want to eat a blood cube. - ( laughter ) - You shouldn't have let me go first. - ( laughs ) - Oh, come on. -<i> ( bell dings ) </i> - And see, I'm right anyway. ( grunting ) Damn. You're both winners in my book. Are you sure-- you don't want to try this - because of the... - No, no... I knew my only chance was to do a different one than you so I was like, "I'm gonna definitely do the right one, and maybe he'll go for-- he'll take the bait and do the opposite." I mean, I knew I was gonna do B so... All right, Well, bring in the blood cubes. - Thank you. - Golly, why? You know what? You don't have to do this. - I'm going to. - It's not like we had to eat that hot pepper <i>just because you challenged it.</i> <i> Great cause, man.</i> -<i> But we were glad to-- </i> -<i> Go ahead and</i> show your Andrew your barf bucket because I know for a fact I can't get this down when I put it in my mouth. - My body will reject it. - Yeah. That's what happens every time. I would love to allow you... Okay. Here we go. Oh, you got your own. You guys got your own barf buckets? This place has it all. Now I would love to, uh, see some chewing, some chomping. No! I hate myself. ( laughter ) Show him up. Just-- just dink it. Ding. ( retches ) Ooh. Ooh. ( retches ) Andrew! Come on, Andrew! You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it. Or you can't do it, it's fine. Uh. How are you-- - how are you doing this? - I don't know. - What is wrong with you? - Don't think about it. Sheer will power. Oh, gosh. It's just-- it's Jell-O. Oh, no, it's not! It's "Hell-o"! - It's just Jell-O! - No, it's fine. You can come back any time and take that guy's place. Is it like good for me at least or something? Yes, it's so good. Iron. Lots of iron. - Uh. God, one more swallow, there we go. - Link: Ooh! Is it-- - Is it going down? - ( groans ) Ah! Okay, that's it. - It's down! He got it! - ( applause ) - He hosted the freaking game... - Oh, my God. and then he ate the blood cube! You have done time in prison haven't you? Yeah, that's how you gotta survive in prison. You gotta eat blood cubes all day. Thank you, Andrew. Okay, make sure to tune in to "More" to see what Link's last meal will be. We'll show mine, but Link actually gets to eat his. But first, keep watching because next were "Binging With Babish" and eating crayons Simpsons style. Rhett:<i> Like us? Well, follow us.</i> <i> Also, like us on Facebook and then follow us</i> <i> on Twitter and Instagram @rhettandlink.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 7,984,861
Rating: 4.9020162 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett link death row meals game ft binging with babish, gmm death row meals game ft binging with babish, rhett link binging with babish, gmm binging with babish, binging with babish, andrew rea, binging, babish, john wayne gacy, final meals, final meals death row, final meals prison, last meals, last meals on death row
Id: qEHvgFsdjBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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