What's Hidden Inside? We make it to the back! Jam-packed pod locker I bought at the storage auction

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[Music] what's up locker nuts all right we are back at this unit this is Wednesday bought it on Friday so I basically took the whole time that gave us to get it emptied I've taken it got some trash over here empty boom miscellaneous furniture over here it looks like this is a unfortunately a big couch cushion and those two as well couch cushions this unit next to us here which is purchased by another couple they they have couches so they need in their short cushion so I'm gonna get those to them they're gonna be here soon and then you see a bed and the headboard file cabinet not too exciting here's we got this out these down get this apparently the dining table is in the next unit too so that set is separated not the end of the world you could sell you can sell those on their own and you can sell table on their own but they want the chairs I'm not the work a deal they're awfully nice I was actually think about bringing them home to Indiana wants him I might still have to do that but hopefully I don't have too many more cushions up here because that's kind of a waste cushions are worth zero to me since there's only partial cushions and their couch is worth zero to them unless they have the cushions so I think though that they have some slats what they said appears to be planks for a bed and we have the bed you can buy other planks pretty easily a couch cushions not so much I think we'll do a swap arewe on those and that would be for that bed right there probably it is further tempur-pedic's worth a lot more but they're just regular old slots not a whole lot of value but still it's good that we can meet up and do a little swap and get our sets complete except for this dining set I don't know what to do with that the chairs are probably as much to the table and maybe more so they offer to buy them off me I just got to figure out a price and see if that's gonna work for him but for now is stinking berry blaze and blazing hot doesn't say freaking hot but I don't know if some people get offended by that word and some people meaning in my in my family but is it SuperDuper hot luckily I wore sleeveless today cuz I'm gonna be sweating alright let's get to work alright check this out guys here's what we got so far look at these chairs I know I just showed them but let me show them again because they are so nice it feels like those memory foam inside this the pads the cushions rather I'm thinking I can't really read that somewhere huh but anyways the these cushions are so doing comfortable you sitting on there it feels like you're sitting on a pillow from heaven right there I'm not explaining it is just extremely extremely comfortable cushions I tried to talk to any wetness upgrade those but I'm not matching the style or something I don't know I don't know that's silly silly this matches right here looks like a little furniture polish to clean that up right there but I think the bench and these right here I think that's a $200 scent right there this little piece right here a little ottoman or whatever I wonder if this opens right here for storage probably there's the seat cushions there's a couple probably big pillows I think I'm wondering if this guy use this stuff for staging this mattress right here it goes with the boxspring over here okay but what I'm really excited about oh and first this I don't know what this is is a piece of glass or something it's super heavy super heavy I think it's blast only glass weighs that much this tempur-pedic right here look at this thing this is this is beautiful this is actually nicer than the mattress we just bought for our own bed but unfortunately we have a king and this is a queen looks like there's a little stain right there but on the corner that's where you want your stains you don't want your stains right in the middle where your butt goes and stand on the corner pride just from when they moved it tempur-pedic mattress right here and Queen I don't know that's probably what with the with that electric adjustable bed right there I think that's 1,200 bucks I might be overstating I did look at some prices online they sell for about 2400 minds the next excellent condition I'd say listed for 1200 lower to a thousand and maybe take seven or eight hundred if I doesn't move before but here's what I'm really excited about guys what do you see right now what do you see right now all right this again this headboard all right there's a I thought was all boxes there's a dresser okay I don't mean to be too negative that's actually a really pretty dress er and dressers are really easy to sell this doesn't have that modern look that people are really after but I think this will still sell this if that matches right there that's 200 bucks I think maybe 150 at the lowest but this I'm more excited about look at this boxes boxes boxes see the inside here boxes and looks like we've got some more chairs here I thought we were near the back yeah no we are not near the back which means I'm gonna take me two trips we got two trips right here but this is good this I like me likee a lot d all right guys got that one out pulled out even better look at this one this uh this black one it looks more modern to me just slightly a little bit more modern maybe it's just the color that's that's 200 bucks right there good news good news all right check this out look at this lovely look at that with that Wow what do you call it I forget a little button I forgot those a call but that's a very nice a good chair very modern the gray very in right now very hip we got two there and I think we've got two more wrapped up inside that's another good fine I guess I tell you what I'm feeling way better about this unit now then I did this morning I thought this is all gonna be furniture in here the finding these boxes is great finding the better furniture great like if you're gonna find mattresses you find a brand new tempur-pedic as if as good as it gets I think the other mattress is clean totally sellable as well the chairs are easy to sell dressers easy to sell easy to sell I'm happy right now I'm happy all right what do we got here Kazan Las Vegas what is it what is this yeah this is the guy that's a heck Kerry Joseph this guy's like a realtor and marine before that I think he was into this is pretty cool alrighty guys it does appear that I've exposed the back wall I think it's right behind that so we got the two black in tables to match this piece that's really really good again I think this is 200 bucks right here with those we might be looking at 300 mostly 250 at the lowest or you know if I had to you 200 for all of it that's another end table matches that one both of which match of this one so guy had two really nice dresser sets and that's the good money that's some good money but it looks like this is the back wall here got some more boxes got a bench right here I'm not sure what those are whole figured out but a lot more boxes of mystery we love the boxes alright this is a good fun this box was in the back corner and I opened it up to see if this is a used cartridge to toss or brand-new and sure enough they're brand new so the case of them actually there are seven of them remaining in this case of nine GPR 31 Canon toners um I looked him up these sell for $60 each he's won one and I've got seven on Amazon but unfortunately I have to be approved to sell Canon product on Amazon so I would need to sell them on ebay on ebay they're selling for anywhere from 45 to 60 but including free shipping so shipping is going to be at least ten bucks on that I don't really like doing free shipping personally but yeah it looks I mean even if I got for 40 bucks each plus shipping and I've got seven there that's not bad that's 280 bucks right here in one little box alright this little box right here this has some money in it unfortunately not in Reece Hill just in cost these this all realtor stuff these little lock boxes that they put on the you know on the house when they list it so that people can come up and they use their phone now which works I think through bluetooth with these to unlock them pop the key out at the same time it also registers the Realtors that come and access it so if anything stolen they can go and talk to the Realtors they have a log a record of it these cost 100 bucks each and that's probably not the cost of the log that's just how much the realtor is paying to get one of these I believe it's 100 bucks each I don't know if these are new the technology changes fairly quick this is supra this one right here is also super this is an older one this is one where they think they used to take the actual like little device and click it in to unlock it look the Box pops out down here access the key these are pretty useful right here well just a simple little combo lock it's good if you have like a contractor or an inspector come you could just give in the combo so they can access up and it pops open they take the key out to go and do some work on the house if they don't have access to one of these which only realtors are supposed to be able to use these someone with the real estate license so anyways this is one hundred hundred what used to be probably 100 these were 30 bucks each at cost but none of them are opening which means I don't have to combos was there ten thousand combination possibilities I'm not going to do that I'm not gonna try to figure that out which was written down but I don't see it so unfortunately I think this is not worth very much at all boo all right we're here with Saladin guys he he's also a fellow oxen buyer he may bid me up on this one he and I go to go hit the head a lot on the good lockers right yeah this is a good one what I bought you these guys were here on the future very nice furniture it is everything sure they're very clean just guide them better than something you've worked a deal with me on most of the furniture here all this all this stuff solves coming back for all this tomorrow good oh yeah I showed that he bought saved by both those dressers both the dresser sets both end tables chairs everything so tell them how much a good price per thousand bucks great deal on it I hope good for me good for him that's what it worked so souls got a store here's the address it's in Stockton he's got a thrift store so if you guys were in the Stockton area go check him out and then here is his phone number and email address and you're on Instagram right yeah it's probably used to go yeah I post not everything but most of my goodies I posted you let people know where I had put that money find beyond their do you want it on there yeah I could edit that out if you don't want oh yeah these kids found some monies including lots of $2 bills which I don't know get excited about that right we love it we love it so we found all these last turn last weeks weeks ago nothing but dollar bills $50 bills and all these in a box a lot of change like we counted everything it was only 1800 on me first to my pal that's like a thousand concealer change yeah but then I counted everything a penny you know that's awesome to make my day absolutely yeah it's about as good as it gets fat and guns and going but it does happen does all right think so I'm sweating now all right my unit my unit back at my unit that's got to be organized back there it's it's really bad so all this all these boxes I brought in or going right in front from now so I counted them up there's 20 boxes eight of the larger one twelve of the smaller ones the smaller ones are actually heavier I think they put bulkier lighter stuff like mattress pads and pillows and the larger ones they're not quite that light but they are lighter and I do see some of that in there the smaller ones are heavier they packed it right you put a heavy stuff you're supposed to put a heavy stuff in smaller boxes I think to help you know its weight in all of it 20 boxes 20 more chances of treasure not including four or six boxes I got it the other unit that's what we're down to you and the safe but I got 1,200 bucks in my pocket I almost feel like government auctions but yeah not today they're already over now I got a load that head boat are the foot rails or whatever you call bed rails I'm getting tired you guys load the bed rails back over there to get into sole and complete the deal alright guys so I went back to the unit and delivered the side rails or the bed rails and completed that transaction so I sold all that furniture or most of what you saw there to solve for to or for a thousand dollars all right and then the dining chairs and the matching bench I did sell to the other buyers of the storage unit who bought the this guy's other unit because I had the kitchen table and they really wanted the matching chairs so I sold them enough for 200 bucks so six chairs and a bench 200 bucks is a fair price I couldn't got that if I put on Facebook marketplace and I told them I said hey I normally give you a good deal because I'm gonna assume you're gonna resell it maybe they weren't I said but man I paid so much for this locker I gotta get the money out so 1,200 bucks I sold 1,200 bucks that day and I didn't have to move the furniture I mean I moved it out and you know but I didn't have to go put it in my locker and take photos listed all that kind of stuff 1,200 bucks I probably could have got that much maybe a little less just for the Tempurpedic bed and I think the two dresser sets probably three to five 300 each maybe 500 for both sets if I want to move them really quick I think I got it three hundred dollars each set though without waiting bringing it very long so the end tables and side tables and stuff all that stuff doesn't really add up to that much those are the main pieces the bed's mainly the pen tempur-pedic the dining chairs I could have sold those for decent money and the dresser sets the great chairs I figured we'll probably hundred bucks 25 bucks each pretty easy 1,200 bucks guys all right so not a bad not a bad start now I'm only down 1,900 bucks it's still a long way to dig out we've got about 25 boxes or so and I still haven't gone through it so right now I just got back I had a lot of Sun today if you see that a lot of Sun because I've been out Modesto cleaning a unit out for the last two days actually and it's a fantastic locker that's going to be the next set after I get done with this one which we already started so we got to finish it and of course we've got the safe to open so but real quick before we move forward I got some bugs in you I did want to make room for this right here I want to say thank you to Jim Jackson he is a bonafide nuts member a channel member and we so appreciate that thank you so much for signing up if you guys are interested in becoming a channel member hit the join button down below its next next to subscribe or at least it should be if you don't see it there maybe you're on an iPhone or an iPad but get on a desktop computer or some other type of mobile device and hit join and I'll give you a video and tell you what that means to be a member what it entails and what you get when you do all right so thanks again Jim now get back to the story which is almost over but you know later that night I did enjoy some of the fruits of my labor some of the treasures some of the spoils of war etc check it out these fancy matches pretty cool black with silver tips that's pretty fancy yep pretty nice pretty nice storage lockers it's not just a job it's a lifestyle all right well thanks for watching this video next one will be out soon we still got about 26 boxes to go through and now safely at my unit so it looks like maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow unless I get the hankering to buy an online auction because there are quite a few lockers coming up tomorrow I don't prefer buying them online but sometimes you know do what you got to do so anyways we'll find out soon enough what I do in the next video all right until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on blogger nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 11,968
Rating: 4.9453659 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, slot cars, time capsule, cash, new auctions, ring central, public storage, virus auction, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, old postcards, vintage postcards, ephemera, found safe, #extremeunboxing
Id: mPkA5ZTMqcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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