Bought a locker for $3,500 from an online storage auction. What's inside?

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so i'm looking at this auction right here okay yes we got it and now my day's totally changed oh 12 center look oh dude avengers number 35. give me money on oh yeah let's put this stuff aside we found this usually way to the end right we're gonna we still got a bunch of trunks to go through so it's cool all right good morning locker nuts really exciting uh it's like 9 37 so i'm looking at this auction right here that is closing at 10 a.m 23 minutes to go and um it's currently fourteen hundred and ten dollars which is kind of high uh let me show you the pictures and stuff um so you can see what it is that we're looking at all right so the unit here that we're looking at is on storage treasures dot com uh that is the main website company that i go to for online storage you see right there it's 10 by 10 unit here's a brief description wagon bike trunks luggage pretty generic uh tennis rackets okay the bid currently is and ten dollars or sixteen minutes left let's enlarge one of these photos here and take a closer look so yeah what do you see here i obviously if you watch my videos you know i like dust and cobwebs you see a lot of that here a lot a lot of cobwebs stuff like that really doesn't happen very quickly so you know this been sitting for a while also it tells you that no one's disturbed it for a while which is great here's the next photo zoom in a little bit there look at this cobwebs like serious cobwebs like indiana jones temple of doom cobwebs and i like it but i don't really see that much that's like super duper interesting and you know nothing that's like saying it's calling out to be saying yo this got some money okay there's an indian a native american basket right there that is interesting at least that's how it looks might be south american i don't know there's some crates in the back there wooden crates those look old a little bit of money there but yeah i mean i like it right manual liked it uh but what else do we see here we see just lots of dusty stuff the boxes look old this right here says coleman camping equipment at least that's how it looks sleeping bags yeah that doesn't really do that much for me but that stuff is easy to sell the flea market i do dig that little radio flyer wagon those are easy to sell maybe this one's got some vintage i'm not sure but it's it looks like it's in decent condition we see these old apple boxes meaning produce fruit you know fruit boxes i like those right there you see slide albums garage all right so that's that's interesting right um yeah but look at this here's the shot of the whole unit mostly i'm liking them trunks so see those two trunks right there that has really got us engaged on this unit those trunks are cool the one of them you're not seeing it here but the one in the middle on the floor it looks like a military trunk that of course also yeah right there uh the brown one that one looks like a military trunk all right uh wow okay so it was 1410 and then it jumped to 2400 and now it's just spinning upwards 26 10. all right we're in it we're still in it but um yeah our limit is going to be 3k but 3 000 that's our limit but i'm not doing the bidding actually i'm going partners with my buddy manuel so he's doing the bidding he actually lives a few minutes away from the facility which makes it really really easy oh okay now now we're seeing it i mean it's going up 27.90 our limits three it's getting it's getting uh this is getting exciting my adrenaline's starting to to go up i don't like this part this part the waiting it's at 3070 it keeps every time it goes up a little bit 3120 it does rese i think is when it's in the last three minutes or something it resets the clock soft close uh 3210 i think we're out of this one i got a text manual all right new update we raised our limit to 3 500. this is why auctions are for one super fun for two terribly uh impacting on your pocketbook because people get wrapped up in the in the auction and they don't want to lose and i don't want to lose and manual doesn't want to lose so we set our limit with three which was high i thought and then um now it's 3200 and then it was 3200 now it's 3 500 because we just like yeah we don't want to lose let's keep going um that's what makes auctions dangerous but it also makes them thrilling and within two minutes we're at 3 500 that's a lot of money it's a lot of money for this but i don't know me emmanuel got a feeling so oh almost there come home come on come on okay yes that's us right there got it got okay time to jump in the car and get on the road all right guys so guess what headed to modesto oh man what a crazy crazy day already and i'll tell you that's one of the thrills of this job is it's an adventure every day is an adventure and and really every day is what you want to make it i woke up today thinking okay i've got a full plate i gotta do this i gotta do that i gotta you know i gotta uh make a video and put it out it's been a couple days like that was my first priority i need to go to the unit go through the boxes from the the unit i finished cleaning out yesterday like i already had a full day but i knew uh me emanuel were gonna make a shot at this locker and uh we got it and now my days totally changed and i'm headed from odessa which is a little over an hour away from me and um who knows what we're gonna find this is exciting this is why we love this business well really why we love this business is because uh is you know well the chance of finding treasure quite frankly and this one definitely has some potential and we'll know very soon won't we you will find out with me because we're going on this adventure together aren't we [Music] 20 40 60 81 20 40 60 82 20 40 60 83 20 40 60 84 20 40 60 85. 3 500. all right locker nuts we're here we're here i videoed all the way over here and all the stuff on before and we are here about to pop it open and got some really good news from the facility because she said that they've been here for maybe about 15 years so long that they didn't even know how long they've been here and she said it was very strange they didn't pay because they usually pay once per year i don't i've never heard that before i've never heard that before either that's uncommon usually people pay month to month a month so to me that says maybe it's somebody with money and she says she knows the guy passed away she thinks the wife had continued to pay so she said maybe she passed away they don't really know but they know that the guys whose names attend did pass away some time ago so that's very interesting to us but we're about to crack it open and see what's in there so all right let's hope it's good are you nervous uh a little bit a little bit yeah 3500 is a lot of money so even though it's only 1750 each but also we have the fees too right right right right storage fees uh because it's online auction that charges fees so it's a lot of money uh potentially to lose but this one looked as good as anything i've seen online right yeah yeah so it's exciting all right let's do this let's do it ready that also did not get in their photos and that's good for us oh yeah i see it what is that another case back there or something see that what is it yeah like a briefcase or something or a nettle something metal huh and like another wood trunk thing right there whatever that is okay this looks good hey did you see the liquor you know i didn't see that no one sees it either but this is like a security system right here yeah yeah you're faking that yeah unless someone just it's like laser uh they break the laser line oh man look at this cobwebs hanging down in there and those boxes back there those are wooden boxes right the apple boxes those are wooden oh those are wood i thought they were regular boxes look at cardboard in the photo that's good that's the 10 bucks each at least i think yeah nice um i think this looks good i'm definitely not disappointed look at this oh and also i just want to make note i wore the wrong shoes today i meant to grab my boots on the way out the door i do not advise wearing sandals too white sandals to a dirty locker that's not going to work out well for me look at this iron choppers huh that's interesting ready yeah so the regular junk stuff will throw my charge right okay for sure can i sound too would that be alameda old nap yosemite oh yeah it says garage ah it says it says workbench but who knows what it is all right ready one two viewers hate that i'll get comments for that okay yeah this garage dish one of the handles little poles copper or something that's cool actually yeah these might be sellable but the box actually tastes kind of cool yeah we should probably pull that out and take food lots of photos yeah yeah i like using units um spider crawling on me already yeah [Music] okay see those guys over there pop their heads over here there's two dudes right there first place 1976 that's even alameda probably i don't think that's gonna be elevated i remember seeing that oh yeah yeah all right let's see okay slides live yeah oh man there's lots of china 1981 to 83. okay somebody there were chinese tom i didn't okay maybe tom's a lot china chinese last name i don't know i can't really see much in the camera but a lot of pictures of kids there's some more carousels dang i just have like a whole bunch actually i've got five of these right now i think oh this is like old ships or whatever it is the grand canal or something oh that's yeah that could be i could oh yeah huh the second spring under heaven that's what it says really yeah oh this is presented by china tourist service company so they're like uh like guadalupe maybe you know before people have like netflix and stuff people go visit after dinner they're sitting around and that's one of the things they did they pulled the slide projector and they just all sat around had their little cocktail and watched the slides that's crazy i remember my grandparents doing that last time yeah that was entertainment i don't know we dug a little home guys what does this look like right here it does kind of look like a safety looks like a safe is he it feels like it too huh it does dude i think that's the safe straight up man look at these boxes one two there's another one back there that's crazy man oh man we love trunks i think it is i really do man dude this this could be native american right right yeah yeah i think so too it feels quality oh this is the same no way you're right it's on its back dude is it open i hope it's not open it's you and it is not it feels kind of i don't know it feels kind of plasticky like maybe this would be easy to break open dude that's a good sign for it to be hidden you know what i mean what do you think oh should we do it it's up to you it wasn't locked it just latched i think we do let's do it that's good okay you ready yeah okay here we go usually we wait to the end right we're gonna make you guys wait and wait we still got a bunch of trunks to go through so it's cool maybe this would be a sign if it's going to be that good of a locker [Laughter] it is empty i didn't see that for last all right but still we found a safe yeah we found safe yeah what's in the safe you found the city okay what you got here oh this it's funny these teenage mutant ninja turtle trolls well we finally that's probably money right there huh could be never 1992. never heard of them me neither this looks like a kid was into turtles yeah this could be some more turtle stuff i don't know that definitely looks like turtles because you got pizza that'd be good vintage playset here the vintage toy guys they know the stuff i'll try to see this in the video and tell me what it is so it looks like it all goes together maybe it's a sewer oh yeah that could be good [Music] it's like a floaty it's a raft or something carrying the basket i think it is native huh yeah i think so that's kamino [Music] 49ers chinese association of hercules that's cool that convert moss brown moss browns this is a vintage oh yeah yeah the the elastics brittle in there they're still white though gore-tex fabric that's a cool hat almost looks like a bicycle messenger head or something especially because it has that it's vintage it's got that rainbow on it yeah people are right now they're gonna probably go crazy for that okay it's a little smushed that's cool pin all right this it's not that good though we can do two all right all right some comments okay oh yeah that's what we want to see see i gave you the junk box and i got the comments it's like working with mike that's definitely what we want to see it's like working with mike he goes in there and shakes all the boxes and then he waits you're not gonna put this out there right no never mind never mind only if mike watches it while i put that in there no he has some luck did he grab some good boxes though he he says he can almost smell the gold and i i think he can i do oh 12 center look oh dude avengers number 35. give me money on oh yeah let's put this stuff aside dude that's that's not bad condition this is brand new look that's the super 650. this is a this potential 30 number 35 10 center oh look at that dude oh dude this is going to be number 121 okay i'm now i'm happy now i'm happy uh oh i better grab that still nervous or what nope that could be money right there this one too is 10 center it's in bad shape but it could be some money yeah oh 15 center these are good dude it's getting in here oh this is so good 20 cents another 12 cents look at avengers number 51. call me rj oh dude we have a number 143 remember i was telling you this i think it's 181 is the 182 182 the big money 12 center look at justice league america number 26. oh my goodness this is good it's getting better totally hey that's just a cardboard box to you yeah you know what's in the trunks i know right 15 center batman 222 12 center there's a 12 center batman captain american iron man this is good dude the condition is pretty good too it's kind of rare for me to find some 12 centers in the 10 center say the truth the only ones i've ever seen are the ones that you sold me with with that big collection yeah i don't ever find them i find some like 25 centers sometimes but like 10 15 centers and down kind of rare for me 12 centers batman dude this is 15 cent right here this condition is really good i don't know my grading so well but i'd say that's probably a 6.0 maybe i don't know all right i think that's for the age that's pretty good defenders number 18 green lantern 12 center number 33. they can see it good right i think so i got the fisheye lens so it's going to pick up a lot but i can zoom in all right cool condition's good on these this is good usually they're like falling apart that the staples have pulled through right yeah like this this is like normally the condition that we find them in right that's a 12 centimeter look at that 376. oh whoa there's a helen though the one from uh thor's uh oh yeah the lady with the black yeah yeah she's a 15-cent book there i didn't realize that was part of the older books the older story four four number two two three this this is some money right here dude heck yeah i think so 12 center fantastic four iron man 42 oh man iron man there's captain america that's crazy huh you excited yeah yeah i am this makes me happy this is this to me is fun we bought this in santa rosa right yeah santa rosa all the good lockers we've ever bought are from santa rosa for sure definitely not modesto i don't know why we even shop anywhere else there's a daredevil 20 cent book great graphics too the color is really vibrant too yeah right the color pops because sometimes they're old and faded yeah he's got some good color oh man i'm trying to find some low numbers oh a roadblock here good thing she didn't need to go by us dude derrick double number 32. that's the early issue 12 cent it's early 20th century i think i think another 12 cents we're gonna have a comic auction dude imagine no i'm not even going to say that i don't even say anything i know what you're thinking i don't want to jinx anything dude there's a bunch of 12 centers man here's a 15 center it's like oh there's a newer one that's tight man oh here's another 12 center daredevil number 30. that's really early [Music] dude i found a bunch of 12 cents i don't buy you but i found a lot of 12 centers in here man seriously yeah like that one you pulled out this 695 book the death of superman that's they've all been older that was an exception 181 this person really likes superman huh and i mean all the right look at this amazing spider-man number 51. i'm almost shaking a little bit 169 i didn't see a number on that 189. it's a later one 202 spider-man 202 but here's spider-man 102. 368. oh wait here's spider-man number 68. spider-man these this is good dude some more 12 centers number 49 that's it 40 center 35 40 cents dude i probably fell on a plate like 30 12 cents 20 30 12 cents in there that's good man all right are you guys liking this unit so far isn't this great there's some amazing stuff coming out of it what's likely a native american basket the comics we did find a safe although it was a little bit of a bust but um just old stuff and the layer of dust on everything fantastic that's why we bought it but we paid a lot for it so fingers crossed we come out ahead or at least break even i'll be happy with even break even at this point but we had to take a shot those old trunks were definitely calling us and um once we got there and talked to the facility manager it does appear that the owner owners passed away the gentleman passed away i think a couple years ago and then it appears that maybe more recently his wife also passed and that's why the rent went overdue so um but some of the stuff belonged to their parents and they had long i think since past so you know definitely we've been buying some lockers recently where people have passed away definitely um more of a chance of finding stuff that is truly special and sometimes truly valuable but you're gonna have to find out what else we find in this unit um in the next few episodes we will we will roll them out as soon as we can because i want to get this stuff to the live auctions i want to get you guys a chance to buy some of these items if you like what you see and i definitely want to show them in the video before they hit the auction it's just better that way all right but first let me do something real quick scoot over make some room to say thank you to cindy otwell cindy is a channel member and she is bona fide nuts all right cindy is not only a member of the channel but she is also one of our moderators during the live auction she stepped forward and asked if she could moderate and we so so appreciate your help cindy you've been a big help in keeping our auctions just running very smoothly we do have a few moderators that that um you know offered their assistance to us and we really appreciate all of you but cindy right now is your moment i want to say thank you for being a channel member and if anybody else is wondering what does that mean to be a channel member well you can hit the join button it's down next to subscribe and there'll be a short little video to tell you what that means and you know everything that comes along with it all right guys well thanks for watching the next video will be out very very soon we'll continue this tale i'll probably have maybe three or four parts to it so good stuff coming but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 25,881
Rating: 4.9150276 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, slot cars, time capsule, cash, public storage, virus auction, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, ephemera, found safe, #extremeunboxing, old trunks,, storage treasures, online auction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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