Found one item that costs over $500, but there's a big BUT! I bought a storage locker at auction.

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we're gonna be emptying out this 5x10 to go in there bring it home go through it that's the plan to me that says they took out everything that they wanted and they just threw everything back in and the thing just shattered it so it's so um crispy and old oh oh look at this oh yes oh look at that patches heartbreak 18 karat gold over sterling silver [Music] put my hot booty away you guys can't look at my hot booty anymore it's off limits but there's one item in this 320 locker that i found that you can buy right now on amazon or walmart for over 500. and it's right inside this door right here are you guys ready for the big reveal what's up locker nuts all right we are back at the storage facility you can see that right behind me i've got my mercedes van with me today it's nice and freshly emptied clean pallet to work with today we're gonna be emptying out this five by ten to go in there bring it home go through it that's the plan we've got so-so weather today a very overcast rains coming we paid 230 for this unit at the online storage auction already i think we pulled out enough stuff good stuff to pay for it and put us in profit so today this is all profit coming out i'm excited let's get to it [Music] right okay guys where'd i start i don't know what this little thing is right here [Music] huh okay there's the first load there's a lot of yarn and craft stuff in this one there's a rug doctor pro wait aren't the let's see is this the kind that you rent or is this a buy i'm not sure it looks like one of those rent ones oh more laundry baskets i just donated a whole bunch of these last night hey i'm not liking this guys this one's empty that's empty i was hoping for more density and more box cities when i got in here i'm seeing two mattresses there empty bins stuff tossed around not real organized i don't like that we'll see about that this i think is empty yeah yeah yep all right all right all right let's get this to the car that sucks i just smacked that one down quick because the cart was rolling and the thing just shattered it so it's so um crispy and old that one's got uh looks like it's got a lot of first aid stuff we'll go through it later let's get this loaded load number two [Music] i was just about to say oh this thing's kind of nice it's all rusted out oh man no aunties i was pretty feeling good about this thing in the beginning but now deeper i go empty stuff there's a bed frame empty bins are not good to me that says that they took out everything that they wanted and they just threw everything back in before they defaulted on it most likely okay this thing is huge right here that is a beast hmm yeah i think there's supposed to be a tank right here a tank rug doctor pro it doesn't look like one of the rental ones but maybe it is this load sucks and that stuff sucks dang it guys i was hoping for something better let's hope these got some treasures in them i like the qvc box that means to me somebody who might have bought a lot of stuff but it's empty load number three now we're getting to the hard stuff here like this guy right here why do i have a feeling this doesn't work i just have a feeling it doesn't work it's not too terribly heavy so maybe it's a decent one i'm sure it's 1080p i just think it might be a plasma maybe not okay you know what actually well okay this mattress looks good and i don't know if this is anything at all but it's laura ashley that's what it says laura ashley it's a kid's mattress not very big but looks clean but of course we always say that when we're in these dark units and then we get it in the sun the true colors come out and i mean that literally true colors as in yellow but box bringing that in the frame that's going to be an easy 150 bucks maybe locally i'll sell that quick i think one slight problem there's only one bed rail what the heck did they did the kid break the bed or something and then they threw out when they had the side rails definitely they're supposed to be two side rails oh man that sucks all right there's load what four get a little tight for that dresser i think it's gonna go on its side i'm gonna change the plan a little bit so i'm actually gonna come back in my pickup truck to get this last couple things that's actually pretty heavy right there and then those um instead of scratching my van up or having to re-position everything spend a bunch of time i'm just going to go home and grab the truck come back and put those things in real quick this one's close to home and that's one of the reasons why i bought it i like buying close to home still get this thing cleaned out today that's what's most important and everything is secured in the van besides a few furniture so uh hopefully we'll get the unboxing very soon all right well i'm back at home but see what just came it was just overcast earlier i didn't know this was going to rain but it did feel like it was getting funky and now it's raining oh but for now that stuff's going to sit in the van and wait till well probably tomorrow because i don't think it's going to rain tomorrow so we'll try to unbox that tomorrow but uh you guys don't have to worry because it'll be coming up right about now all right guys next day can you believe this look at this weather this is uh oh maybe you can't see it let me show you oh let's see if it's gonna focus show you the beautiful beautiful blue skies that we have right now well anyways um yeah yesterday was raining crazy crazy crazy today blue skies tomorrow rain so you know what that means that means i got a very short short window here to get uh get through this stuff all right see i'm in t-shirts it's a little bit chilly but um yeah it's a little too warm for a sweatshirt too anyways you guys hope you're not hating on us because the weather here in northern california but um yeah let's get to work shall we okay we got here oh that's kind of funny look at that we got a cabbage patch cabbage patch pillowcases with some crusty yellowish stainish pillows 1983 on that copyright 1983. wow some old pillowcases there all right not too much going on there there's a few little toys the shelf unit's pretty good here's one of the boxes that was on the shelf yeah this is some picture frames pictures we're still gonna have to look at them all i wanted to show you this though this has been hanging on my wall in the garage one time i was going through a locker and i was going through family photos just like that and this is wrapped in paper right just the only thing that was not a photograph but it was in there and i've been have this hanging on my wall ever since because i just love it it's a huge huge scorpion if you look at the size of you know next to my hand the thing is enormous really really creepy looking you can even see like the hairs on it and stuff super creepy right next box what's this okay well kid stuff baby stuff baby stuff baby stuff baby stuff baby stuff so this apple power adapter for a cinema display oh dang it why don't we find that cinema display that would have been nice and then we have a roku box roku nice [Applause] yeah that looks like a blanket actually it feels like an electric blanket yes it is there's the electric uh blanket plug right there it's not bad we'll do anything okay there's that tv sanyo dp46841 all right that is 1080 1920 by 1080 okay it's not a 4k or anything but i didn't expect it to be all right i'll do a little bit more research on it i don't want to fiddle around too much right now but it is a 46 incher that's a pretty good size it's not too cheap all right this is a box of first aid supplies bandages alcohol preps wound flesh that's good stuff this is good stuff this kind of stuff this is um i can even sell this at the garage sale for sure medi honey burn dressing okay next bin see what we got sugar-free candies we got a ton of pens right here tons of them they look like they're all personalized too like advertising pens oh that's cool a little yachty game and we got a lot of garbage too first gift card i've actually found in a while eric's deli cafe we like their sandwiches there's actually one not very far from this robot stickers another little basket this lady liked her baskets that's for sure you know who else will like the baskets the thrift store and not the longer burger but the other ones yeah there's another one of those blankets like we found last time in the first episode very soft looks like it's made in uh mexico or something yeah we'll donate that too all right guys i just took this party inside um there's too much going on out there cars everything we're right inside the garage so maybe there's still going to be a problem i don't know but i just wanted to take it inside all right we got more first aid stuff here the open stuff i'm just going to toss because it's not sterile anything like that in the packaging and such we're either going to sell that at the uh garage sale or i'll donate it if i knew that they could resell it for sure i'd be more inclined to donate it because i know that there's a lot of people that could use this and would appreciate the savings on it getting it you know from a second hand store but um i'm just worried they're gonna throw it all away that's what i worry about oh oh look at this oh yes this is very similar to one that i found recently where it's got the brass inlay in it and this is heavy and there's something in it oh i'm excited now are you guys ready to look in here i i just want to say right now i'm the most excited i've been going through this locker let's see where that goes it's almost snug like really snug [Applause] okay dang it i was really hoping for something good refrigerator magnets a couple pins but they look like they're soccer soccer pins all right well you know what it's a nice uh it's a nice box there is that isn't there all right let's see if there's anything in here okay a couple i don't know what that is big old horse pills [Applause] it's kind of nice brand new first aid kit sealed those are really nice to have one of those in the car oh and i like these right here foot warmers bring those to the flea market early in the morning keep you warm okay next tub here all right we'll keep things going australia postcard all right and my photos kind of a perplexing locker because i kind of feel like they they went through it and left stuff took what they wanted left the rest but then i find the family photos and it's like why would you go through it and leave your family photos oh my goodness there's a lot of photos in here this kind of sucks little thingy thing all right guys i think this is mostly photos i'm have to go through this i'll do it off camera because photos yeah nobody wants to see that all right all right went through that bin of photos there's one photo i just want to show you because that's newt gin gingrich and bob dole right so whoever that guy's in the middle maybe he's a relative he's with a couple of very very big politicians it's very that's a neat it's neat whenever we find photos that you can recognize the people um i don't think that's silver hmm actually i'm gonna have to look at a little bit closer i might see something on the inside there but a little bracelet maybe silver a couple of photographs from these nsync characters i just thought that was kind of funny wait is that justin timberlake is he an nsync that'd be funny look at this little guy ah too bad it's chipped up right there wow it's really chipped up that's too bad it's marvin the martian right from bugs bunny neat little christmas ornament all right next bin okay crafts crafts crafts crafts what's in here a bunch of little sewing stuff sewing stuff oh look at that ha ha patches that's pretty good girl scouts pinewood derby yeah this is good youth of america pinewood derby these are cool i don't know if there's really any value here or not but i know i found that boy scout stuff already whoops so you got boy scouts and girl scouts something here i don't know is that from korea or something and there's a little coin right there that's nice there's some old clothes pins and i know they make those in that looks like angels or something and then look at this this needlepoint i think needle point patterns maybe a little angel [Applause] cross stitch okay cross stitch got a bunch of them and that is good we will definitely put those in our live auction guys and if you don't know what i'm talking about i'm i say live auction here comes my commercial live auction every monday night 5 pm pacific on our youtube channel be there or be square it's a lot of fun we auction tons of stuff off every week dish claws big book yeah look at this i don't know what that is but it looks fancy a bunch of paperwork and stuff in here borders and alphabets in cross stitch okay i hope we have some cross stitch fans because you're gonna have fun in the auction now the yarn and stuff like this oh that's kind of nice so look at that fancy fur fancy fur i don't know we've tried this stuff in the auctions before yarn it doesn't really go very well i don't know you guys tell me if you want to see this stuff in the auction little pin cushion another cross stitch thing right here and a highlighter i'm not sure what that's about but friendship bracelets man this got all kinds of like beads and stuff in here [Applause] another pattern oh there's where the uh highlighter comes in handy so you can fill in the areas that you've already done nice a little bit more thread or whatever not thread what do you call it yarn is this considered yarn these guys a lot more yarn in here i mean look at this thing the nifty knitter it says richards 24.99 richards crafts that one looks nice castle snowman and teddy bear santa and frosty yes for making stockings nice craft blocks another needlepoint okay we've got cross stitch and needlepoint i don't know what the difference is but another one another one no the one there's some more stuff right here i don't know what this all is and here we got a bunch more yarn really soft stuff though what is this kind of stuff [Applause] birthday cards cross stitch fabric okay next box this is a long box we got ribbon christmas ribbon actually yeah i was gonna say that looks brand new but it's i don't think it is just taped it's taped in place she was just organized and tidy that one's actually pretty full right there nice ribbon there's a lot of ribbon in here a lot of ribbon in here this kirkland stuff's good too all this kirkland ribbon it's good stuff it ain't bad it ain't bad it's not big money though yes we're looking for the big money bows little boxes that's kind of funny looney tunes ribbon kind of like that a lot of ribbon it's not the one [Music] wow thanks for that okay another big long one gift bags yep that's what it is oh heartbreak heartbreak 18 karat gold over sterling silver dang it could have been so beautiful they had some jewelry at one point and all they left me was this kind of stuff how dare they so rude yeah gift bags poop okay next bag not really a box um i just brought this over to show you guys but yeah not too interesting look at that we've got medical boots there's not one there's like three the uh little duffle bag is actually pretty nice so they'll be at least able to sell that another um thing that i just brought over just to show you guys real quick because i was gonna donate it but actually actually on second thought i'm gonna keep it look how cool that is that is big oh oh look at this what do we do let me replace the battery and see if it works and uh show you guys what it does okay this is why you always keep batteries around yeah you can see that right turns on and then there's a middle switch [Music] okay that's pretty awesome i'm definitely keeping that that's going in my locker and it's coming out at halloween just don't tell jana all right now it was in here a whole bunch of napkins just loose that's kind of gross let me sit down with dust and dirtiness um kleenex box shelf track is what it says but they're just a shelf holder all right got a paper towel that's good i always use that and look at that not one but two more kirkland kleenex boxes actually these are nice too um but we already have enough so i'll donate them well i'm using my new camera i'm sure hope this video comes out otherwise this is going to be kind of a disappointing episode all right this is a little plastic tray look at this here's a pink a's a's baseball and you got a whole bunch of breast cancer pins all around it very cool very cool i don't know if we're going to sell that with the pins on it or take the pins off there's another one walk for hope here's another pink a's hat evon walk breast cancer for breast cancer and another walk for hope pretty cool stuff oh look at this olympics 2002 olympics hat roots huh see that roots i don't know i don't know what that is it looks pretty nice though what else we got in the bag i feel like a magician see if i could pull a rabbit out fleece blanket animal print okay there's there's something else in here what is this a couple backpacks right nope duffel bags oh okay wheels this is kind of a cool bag actually inside is empty but clean that is actually pretty nice i mean if you have kids you got the wheels on there so they could just drag it along oh and look at this it's got the expansion zippers too so you can make it bigger so when you go on vacation and you and you get all the uh shirts and stuff you come home with more than you left that's actually says hawaii right here oahu spirit i think that might be a pretty decent bag right there that's my hulch here's another bag let's see okay targus tradition of excellence doesn't look that excellent it looks like it's a tradition of mediocrity if you ask me don't eat oh this is this is pretty heavy oh look at this hot booties yeah put my hot booty away you guys can't look at my hot booty anymore sorry it's off limits i'm gonna wrap that up okay next up we got this big laundry basket here comforters and throws and that's what it looks like okay right here we got kind of a sleeping bag trail blazer whoa this blanket right here is heavy so like a microfiber on that side soft stuff on that side better homes and gardens and it's a little faded like they've washed it quite a few times i've never seen that as a brand for um bedding can't say i shop for bedding very often you can tell this is a nice quality blanket it's very heavy very heavy a little blanket and a really soft blanket all right and that's that nothing else in the bin okay this little subwoofer right here that we found alltech lansing fx4021 this looks pretty pretty nice it's a little dusty it needs to be wiped down but um it's got a plug right here that i'm sure goes to the all-tech lancing speakers maybe it's like a proprietary thing or maybe that's easy to find i don't know but that's a nice little subwoofer next box this one's a little tall we got a basket thrift store's gonna love me bringing all these baskets in yeah it looks like pictures hopefully it's not family photos yeah that's kind of neat look at that it's kind of tribal looking it's a piece of wood yeah that's nice so that the garage sale there's a couple artworks by the kid it's just a frame with a big wet spot right there all right yeah this is not a good box family photos get that back to the owners curtain rod happy easter you know what easter's coming up we might just hang that on our door pretty soon coming up maybe maybe and another scale really dirty though janet just got home jen do you want to keep that for our front door do you see that that's okay what you don't like that though look at it are you videoing me no why would i do that i just want to see your picture really cute that's why i'm asking you i wouldn't have suggested if it was garbage is there a hidden camera no it's not hidden he's looking at the camera he's literally looking just need to see if this is in the frame do you what do you think i think it's really darling for the front door right it's cute right before easter that's right when's that in another month right yes it's really cute but you know it might sell for a lot it's gonna be like two or about two bucks three bucks you don't think for the front door camila come on what do we have there right now is some stupid thing two bucks you can get like what two gumballs come on dad you think you're funny but looks on everything all right that was funny um and what we got here we got okay a cooler obviously and cooler cell really about the garage sale usually oh yeah yeah yeah we looked at we looked in this on the first video and we shall shock them okay so that's another easton press book and i think this one was like 21 bucks or something the uh sherlock holmes would want to be in the real surprise that's a nice little garage sale sale probably six seven bucks right there okay guys next box right here let's see what we got okay okay not too exciting blue danube blue danube danube 2001 japan okay well this is japan more blue to noob three little saucers oh okie data we've got another bag over there same type white duct tape you know i love my duct tape and i don't know if i have any white duct tape i got all different colors okay wait we saw this already this i think is for that harman kardon uh subwoofer this is the control for it that's what that little funky plug was i was like oh that little plug is it proprietary that's oh look at this so nice that's the volume right there that's actually pretty cool heavy heavy heavy heavy and [Music] [Applause] paperwork boom boom that'll get recycled a little bit more yarn magnifying glass you know what i'm gonna throw that one the craft boxes too and then in the bottom of this box we just have a bunch of bags another one those eight oaky data oh two more of those data bags and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff speaking of which let's see what we got here you know what i think this might be for i think i kind of get the feeling this might be for a christmas tree it's just huge it's a huge bag that's actually a nice bag [Applause] all right you guys well that's pretty much does it there was maybe a couple other things there that weren't even worth putting in the camera so we made some money with this one but i can't say there's like really like the cool big value exciting nerd stuff that i usually like to find but there's one item in this 320 locker that i found that you can buy right now on amazon or walmart for over 500. and it's right inside this door right here are you guys ready for the big reveal the rug doctor pro yeah we already saw it but i was blown away when i looked it up and saw how much it's worth but but but and that's a big butt right missing tank the missing tank blows it it the tank is seventy dollars there's also a cap there and a drain there two extra parts those are ten dollars each so we're looking at seventy dollars plus they'll probably charge us shipping you know from one of these uh parts and repair places seventy dollars plus shipping to get those pieces i'd say we'd have to put a hundred into it to make it whole which really sucks because used i'd say that's probably 150 to 200 bucks but without that tank we're looking at probably 50 bucks probably the best thing we can do with this is sell it to someone who has one but maybe something else is broken on it so now they can get a whole another unit and swap the tank out all right still one item one item came that close to like putting us way way in the green but we're already made money on this one plus we gave a bunch of stuff to charity so they're raising money for epilepsy research great cause great thing and we have a little bit to put into our live auctions not too much this time but it was worth a shot and like i said before it was close to home and i love buying lockers close to home all right guys well i hope you enjoyed that quick little two videos um i appreciate you going on the adventure with me it's always fun for me i hope it's fun for you too and you know what the venture is going to continue because i just bought another one today one i think i spent 110 bucks and i'm blown away it looked better than this unit i don't know why everyone was sleeping on that one today but i picked it up you'll see that video very very soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on loch nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 24,199
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, star wars, funko pop, video games, he-man, hellraiser, navy, military
Id: 57du0B2ZL6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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