This is How It's Done! Flea market selling with items bought at abandoned storage locker auctions

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hey there locker nuts all right locker knives it is what night friday night friday night at six something date night this is date night we go to our locker our locker and we load up for the flea market in separate vehicles well yeah that's only because i forgot the key in my new uh van bam right our new baby don't forget give your input for the new name votes for the new rig the new rig new rig that's what i uh camille and i are saying today we can't call it a car you can't call it a truck it's a wreck good call fan but it's called a rig it's a rig it's a rig and you can't see it rig you guys say rig all right well that's what we got from the that locker i just went through in the previous video um not much good stuff left the furniture we're just gonna sell locally we don't bring it to the flea market it's not worth it you gotta look at sales per square inch or something you know when you're loading a truck but i'm gonna we got plenty of other stuff in here more than we can take in this one trip so we're gonna pack this baby full and this will be jana's first trip like load real trip in the van my second load to the flea market yeah it's working out all right it's working all right i like it all right cool okay let's get going let's do [Music] it okay yes there's my there's my load pretty dang good i must say second load is much better than the first i definitely loaded this a little bit better i tried to put all the soft goods up here to protect the nice seats and i don't really like those things on top right there but they're not going to hurt nothing and then i just kind of layered it like up up up stepped it up a little bit look at those six foot tables i actually stood those up on end that is incredible how much room this thing has that is a six foot table with with a little bit of clearance which is nice because it can move and maneuver them in and not scratch the ceiling uh but yeah it's good load and now there's room for my mom's christmas tree she can throw this on there and uh bring that to the market as well all right it is like 7 45 we've been here uh we got here like probably about six o'clock got in the park right at 6 30 park isn't a park um what do you think eddie power um about 10 bucks so we've we got i would say we successfully got a fair sized load here because we got two booths and they're pretty full we didn't really bring any large items except for the christmas tree no furniture or nothing so um we filled two booths pretty dang well and we've been lost since we got here we brought up pretty decent stuff so um we're gonna do good today but this is some of our best stuff that we've been saving to go to the antique flea market and we decided to bust it out here and lighten the load get get our storage unit a little uh cleaned out and make room for more purchases oh hey the right load yeah i'm happy with the amount of stuff we were able to fit in the van uh for this one how about three bucks it's a nice one that one uh three bucks for this how about three dollars that's still brand new thank you thank you on these um how about three bucks oh you have three bucks all the time is it working how about how about two uh no do how about four you take two on those yeah yeah that's fine i'll do that because this one's like almost full right so the dollar on that's good four bucks good deal no four three and one is that's a good deal all right thank you yeah this one cause you put the hose on there you know you plug the hose in there the water comes out thanks okay thank you thank you thank you very much um on that we'll do how about a dollar what is it uh this thing how about four bucks how about four bucks on that i haven't tested it just came out of a storage locker last night actually thank you thank you no i'll do four on it that's a good deal how about two bucks yeah okay there's a change thank you this one um a dollar's fine no 150 cents for a dollar 20. are you recording yep like me yeah you want to say hi to youtube yeah for the coat oh okay thank you oh this bose um for this one how about 10 bucks yeah that goes with it you don't recognize me because the badass van huh i didn't i didn't recognize your guys's little crew hi how are you good morning because we're all in disguise you want to see you want to say hi to youtube world hi guys pickers warehouse tv here we're on the locker knights channel i didn't recognize jack because this big beautiful sleigh santa's got a brand new bag guys i want to take a look yeah look at that over there that's nice huh it's okay i just sold the mirror for 10 bucks what are these things there's something special they're peruvian there's something special how's everything going so far stuff pretty good selling a lot yeah that's what it's about we're all doing the same thing you know it's good to purge what's it's nice it's pretty nice but i got to put the the wall in there because the stuff i can't stack it too high it'll come over you know what i said for there's expansive much better you do it yourself you think i don't know how to do anything no because the messages have that wall yeah it's called update or something that is kind of expensive yeah everything everything on it's expensive huh age change thank you for all that how about five bucks this is um tablecloth dollar's fine yeah thank you uh how about two bucks no two bucks if it's got all the rulers stuff and they're just two bucks thank you a dollar there's no glasses right it's just the case all right it's a little bit after nine o'clock and we are doing all right jen's got a little snack on um because it's basically we just finished setting up right i mean everything was out been out for a little while but now but it's organized she got it all out on the tables this looks a little better let's get a little look around yeah we sold quite a bit i think uh how about two bucks how much too much oh that thing i got to do 20 bucks on that one so um we brought out good stuff because we were saving a bunch of good stuff for the antique market so we brought out like a lot of the stuff out of the recent lockers which was just regular stuff kitchen clothes household cleaners all that kind of stuff and it sells but the big money today has been the antique or not the vintage stuff like clothing was hot some toys jackets the warm jackets have been pretty good eight to ten bucks almost the jacket and uh yeah it's been it's been pretty good it's been all right all right gianna it's 10 20. 10 20 10 20. what time is it you think so it's a little early but today i think it's gonna be be you want this whole bin i'll do five bucks on the whole thing you want to take it off yeah but you have the bin too i had someone to do things i gave my friend came down the other day from up lake port and i gave [Music] i appreciate it though yeah yeah yeah you ready all right everything's a dollar now everything in the booth's one dollar the whole booth's one dollar each dollar sale dollar sale everything's one dollar dollar sale [Music] dollar dollar dollar everything's one dollar dollar sale everything's a dollar everything's a dollar all right everything's a dollar one dollar everything's one dollar dollar sale everything's got to go dollar each dollar sale everything's one dollar everything's a dollar everything's a dollar one dollar thank you thank you yeah let's do two dollar each on those and then it's how about four bucks you have to get underneath there and do that because i already did the damn i told you about that starter thank you thank you yeah there you go another one all right thank you take the engine then my mechanic had to take the engine properly apart that's crazy just usually the japanese cards are really well thought out in that regard you know thank you thank you everything's a dollar one dollar these are almost gone you can have it done this is a nice shirt i bought nice one dollar for everything that's great because people don't want to take yourself back that's good okay what do you got three oh it's one okay that's fine thank you thank you i love your camera man you're watching everybody anyone say hi to youtube did he want to say hi to youtube no no i like your camera i said yeah i know i said you want to say hi to youtube i'll put up on youtube no don't be shy [Music] everything's a dollar a dollar sale here everything's got to go a dollar each you got a dollar i don't mind taking the 20. give me some change walk around change t here's four 15. [Applause] yeah that's a nice piece of glass you paid for that yeah we're both together but yeah okay everything's a dollar one dollar one dollar everything's a dollar you have five all right one second do you need a bag no i have some okay oh great all right thank you [Music] that was really nice that's a nice piece of glass [Music] thank you thank you you got three all right or two okay all right thank you guys that's one way though two bucks if it don't i just throw it away three bucks change thank you all right thank you very much thank you thank you you found another one all right thank you everything's a dollar one dollar oh you got a bunch of them huh yeah uh how about 10 bucks huh how about seven seven that's fine let's make it go away yeah there you go all right good yeah thank you thank you everything's a dollar thank you all the time oh you can have it it's fine you don't have nothing you gave it all away we bless the homeless and the people that are disabled you would you'd laugh when we get rid of stuff we do the same thing sometimes it gives you next time you guys sing me a song you bring you're gonna find a guitar and you can see me and someone pay me that way oh hell yeah oh yeah yeah i would have brought it today the weather ain't bad you know this is nice today two more all right thank you thank you dollar sale everything's a dollar dollar sale everything's one dollar dollar items dollar items i guess we brought decent stuff because it all it's going away it's tough out here it doesn't work when it's stacked up too much a few two two okay and yeah this is unisex right it does change get your bag all right oh that's cool thank you um it's one dollar not for everything but this has one yeah dollar per item yeah it's a dollar each name is a dollar i could do um if you want to do all of it i could do it for 25 there's a lot of pieces and that's a good deal what you'd be cheaper you can't he said 20. that's fine okay well it's fine that's cool i like the hand that's neat you know that yeah that's cool it's a whole that's the whole hulk boom yeah one dollar yeah that's a good deal it's like a 60 bucks used i think yeah it's good i got like everywhere so there you go yeah you can take the box too if you want it or i could throw it away it's up to you this thing if you want it no i don't need it yeah thank you yeah thank you [Music] so much what about the tables oh my gosh no one's asked that i'm i'm that guy today please don't be that guy there's always one of those guys everything's free now free sale everything's free gratis free sale everything's free over here gratis all right here's what we're doing too everything else is free here everything that's left is free gratis all right all right day's over it feels good to take the face mask off that gets old wearing it for that long i tell you that was a good decent day so the total for the day is uh 905 or 910 dollars we paid 30 for the booth so you take that off we're left with about 880. we didn't spend anything on food because we didn't eat there we don't want food poisoning thank you very much not saying that we've had that there before but i'm just saying i don't want to take a chance um so right now let me show you where we're at okay we were going to eat right here at brass barrel delicatessen it's one of our favorite spots this is in alamo california but the line is too long so we're headed down the road right there to five guys burgers all right guys that is what we got that's what a day at the flea market looks like nine hundred dollars profit look at that couple nice little hundos that's that's the product of our labor on this day as well as all the time i went into obtaining the merchandise that's what we got left not bad also a little bit of change for the coin star bucket i just stick it right in here for now add it to the bucket when that little cup's full that video is gonna i think coming soon i think it's at least three quarters full so that was um a very nice day at the flea market i mean usually i say my measure of a good flea market is like a thousand bucks when i bring good stuff now if i bring a bunch of garbage i might just oh look at that hair it's terrible i'm gonna adjust my number way way down but uh if i bring decent stuff and that's what i did today i had a lot of vintage clothes and those were some of the biggest sellers we had we sold quite a few ten dollar items in clothing in uh more than that in five dollar items so we had some vintage toys we had some some cool vintage stuff really stuff that we're saving for the vintage market um but can't hold it forever it's starting to stack up it's starting to get a little bit hard and you know what actually honestly the real reason for getting that out was so that janna can get into our back corner of our storage where all the christmas stuff is so um that's really like probably the biggest uh urgency happening at the personal storage right now is being able to get access to that back corner so some of the vintage stuff was stacking up back there and we cleared some of it out today we still have a good amount but probably not another load like that that was the last big load we got until i buy another unit which might be early next week so we'll see but um 910 bucks minus the 30 for the booth we netted out 880 that ain't bad that's definitely worth it um give us some pocket cash which is good because like i said next week's more auctions we'll be reinvesting that most likely so um and uh yeah it's always fun we have a lot of friends out there so it's fun talking to people it's always nice having that connection uh now that we don't have live auctions we kind of lose those connections a little bit those connections are being weakened so the market helps reaffirm those and strengthen our relationships and i think it's important so anyways um got to take you guys along with us on this day the van worked fantastic jana was saying last night hey i want to take the trailer because i want to take a big enough load and i'm just like i was tired last night and i'm like i just don't have it in me to strap down that trailer and go pick it up and hook it up and strap it down and tarp and net and bungees and blah blah blah let's just take the van and she was concerned we wouldn't get enough we got a lot on there enough to fill the two booths enough to do 910 bucks i'm not complaining that van served us very very well today and i'm very happy with it so um did get a little tear in the seat today jana's not happy with me about that but um stuff's gonna happen we just wanted to keep it nice a little bit longer she said just until thanksgiving but it's a work truck so anyways thank you guys so much for watching i hope you like this video let us know what you think about the flea market videos um probably won't be going the flea market too much just getting into winter and it's getting into coved season they might shut them down that was the word today i heard different so i don't know a lot of uncertainty but um i'm going to do my best to keep moving merchandise out there because it is a good way to sell the low end stuff that doesn't make our auctions and uh won't go on ebay so it is what it is thanks for watching let us know what you think all right and the next video will be out soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on waconuts you guys can have the furniture or whatever i just want some personal stuff in my kitchen was that true that's my stuff we lost our house okay what's
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 31,929
Rating: 4.9625778 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, #extremeunboxing,, found money, found cash, mystery, adventure, asmr, how to make money, big profit, gold, silver, Mercedes, Sprinter, Van, #vanlife, Bought a new Mercedes, flea market, swap meet, selling items, making money
Id: euBDShPk3go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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