What's HIDDEN In This LOCKED BOX Will DISTURB YOU! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit!

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ready yep all right inside the lock box we find another lock box all right today we're gonna go clean out the abandoned storage unit i bought that happen to have one total in it with a padlock on it something i've never seen before in years of doing this i wanna know what's in there you wanna know what's in there let's go get it [Music] [Music] so we're finally back at the unit we bought at the storage auction yesterday with the locked green tote why do they lock it i don't know you don't know if you didn't see the video we paid 180 probably a bit too much for this unit but i gotta know i know you want to know let's find out why it's locked [Music] did you see the lock tote just attack us i thought it was green it's not quite green but why do you have this here why do you like that i don't know we're going to find that out later this ah no there's guns a whole box a nerf gun you got a double barrel get off my property get off see another little pump shotgun okay i don't think any of them have the ammo but what are these little things i don't even know necklace crafting yeah that would be my guess all right there's a couple of containers though it looks like looks like that might be more of them yep crafting beads all right so we got a crafter and then a pickaxe and an axe tied together that gets taped that is how you make a tool you know what you're like you wonder if anyone's ever made a pickaxe axe let's just tape them together revolutionary this is the entrepreneurial spirit this country was built on so this bag kind of fell out when i grabbed that i don't know what's in there let's see is that yeah like straight traps yeah there's donuts in there yeah what's this that's not trash is it what is that oh here it is makeup makeup yeah makeup and makeup makeup what's in the other zipper though all right bobby pins beautiful now we can break into stuff because master level thieving on fallout what else is in the bag anything lock picking yeah what did i just say stephen that's rinse paint ah sorry a lot of cooking oh i got my games mixed up the rest of that actual food trash that's just grimy all right first i got rope yay rope i don't know what to do with rope with the trunk let's see what's in this grimy looking red bag it looks like tools actually i think i just saw a pair of pliers in there somewhere oh let's see look tools pliers what is this thing no just a power strip oh is that a wallet hey oh nothing in it but it is a wallet i think it looks like it should open doesn't it look it opens again over here oh it doesn't it doesn't know oh yeah but there's nothing in it dang it okay oh other than that in here there's quite a few oh yes an onion that is what we needed everybody that's smart now it's not there's some crazy people out there everyone is smart you store an onion with your tools and then i don't know you just do and hey that is gonna be useful in this unit okay that's just grimy over here it's just paperwork envelopes but you never know what could be an envelope so we'll check those later over here i don't want to know it's probably teeth sounds like teeth that's a necklace rosaries that's kind of interesting and another gun and in there is just more tools you can see like screwdrivers little mini flashlights and things of that nature so obviously once we sort through everything we'll have a pile of tools and you'll be able to see that at the end let's check out the little big bag because something's in it i don't know what though it's a bag and ew that is what we call the bathroom bag yeah that's good right in that trash bag the trash bag with you now let's pull out something that doesn't look like that like this bag maybe you see why i like this unit also right see what that looks like i don't think it's what it is but all my hunter weapon people out there you know what kind of case that looked like to me at quick distance quick look what is that hey look some binoculars nice what are they they're only eight bucks joy well binoculars smells like sweat oh yeah i'm not putting my hands in it that's really sweaty clothes it smell like you ever smell like a locker room in high school that's this let's pull out the big suitcase over here look come here big boy ready to body slam it all right probably just broke a vase to belong to like a ancient civilization no not vhs's not vhs oh boy body flex and that that that's vhs if this whole suitcase is full of vhs's you know we just had to throw so many of them at the dunk we couldn't even get rid of them at the flea market for free let's see before you open the main thing can we close this no i just fill it all over the whole one no cause that's my job to clean it up are they in there dvds i don't mind as much anymore yeah so you know what i'm okay with this it's a little bit of money if they're all in there like i'm hoping they are let's just check a couple more just to be sure good sign that is science who is that pastor scott brooks yeah whoever that is first sunday that's in there okay that's kind of gross we'll deal with all this later i don't want to mess with dvds that are grimly sticking to each other right now so in the corner we have at least one two three four five six maybe more boxes that's another reason i like this i like the mystery let's take some of the boxes and see if we're in for a good day or a bad one what do you think hopefully a good one i'm optimistic what do you think's gonna be in there i know that sound i can already tell you i'm like ninety percent sure i know what's gonna be if it's kitchen kitchen no maybe not oh my god please be blue eyes white dragon please he's out here oh there's more yu-gi-oh in here too who's the pokemon one paradox there's another yu-gi-oh jack's knight let me see what's in here too oh look actual 2019 pokemon okay that's why i don't know about it i didn't watch after the first generation um more yu-gi-oh i can't wait to go put these cards together oh those are actual skittles yes that's grimy okay i can't wait to actually put these go through these pokemon cards and stuff what is this look at that rust tech deck pieces all right but i'm here it's the same one a football yes and it's even signed by some like and five-year-old there's a lot of pokemon and yugioh cards mixed in here so you know what i'm kind of excited to do this box later on because you guys don't know anything about these cards like if there's older pokemon cards in there they could be worth a lot of money you know what we'll go through them all a little later when we get home we can do a recap let's go through the biggest of the boxes right now there's a lot there's actually like four or five more little boxes look at that nice there's quite a lot of history in here let's see what's in this one happened to this box can i say first look at the sides of it you see that yeah i don't know why it's all scratched up what is this like a cooking top sizzle lean indoor grill come out money i hear money too whoa this is all chewed up paper but i do see a smartphone what those rat droppings don't say that they'll say that but they very well might be this is kind of grimy stuff not gonna lie is there anything in there no but i think that's paperwork other than this to be honest with you i don't want to go too far into figuring it out but it's kind of disgusting right now that's where the marks came from you think there's a rat's on it what look down i mean look at the little brown pieces oh yeah that's right dude isn't it yes all right so if a rat jumps out of this unit and jumps on me and i scream like a girl i can i please count on all you guys not to judge me no more please next box this one's a lot lighter than the rest but it's definitely not empty that's a sports stuff look at that so rawlings baseball helmet with the hawk on it what team was that supposed to be probably i don't know i think it's just the rawlings logo all right um sharper look at the tongue that a football is a wallet oh my gosh you ready we got no nothing well that was a very uneventful box i'm gonna grab another one just to be more than three items in there what's in this those are dvds i one they were weak assistant but more pokemon and yu-gi-oh cards in here what is this that's it look it's just okay a hunk of wood all right i'm seeing paper seeing dvds i'm seeing more paper and more dvds and more nerf guns what is that check that in a second more guns look at this poor bent up card this is probably a good one isn't it no i don't recognize it what's in here sewing stuff all right and well other than that a rock best thing so far wow but other than that this is a pretty strange and weird box too this is like it's really beat up but one of those like gazebo type things but look at it it's disgusting horrible it's gonna go straight to the trash but it's supposed to be a little gazebo where you can sit outside to cover the sun from you but that's trash so i grabbed this pump here and i don't want to know what that is on the wall if that is a doodoo stain on the wall then you know what this is very gross quite a few weird stains in here doo doo boogers there's one behind you too oh gosh where look oh you know what that is you just came in here like i didn't have a toilet paper that's what happened i like that move thank you let's pull this toad out of here i just made this i'm flexing myself i got you what do you think's in this one um wow not toys anything what is this junk why back up muzzles oh boy dog brother the dog went to the human one the dog muzzle oh okay look what i got a knife look at these little mini wwe people down here look at this who is it no idea me neither well what about these guys i don't i don't know who they are they look like rustling but that tote sucks this toad is extremely heavy listen it's dirty it's disgusting what did you even do to this is that i don't want to know what do you think is in there oh boy my favorite um it is unfortunately looking that way oh i just see cords and hordes of paper all the way to the bottom that is very disappointing so the shape this was in it kind of looked like a rifle case at a quick glance but unfortunately one of the most common things you find in here in california it's another tent you can always sell them for like five dollars maybe if we're lucky maybe but that's it all right let's get to another one of these boxes oh there's gonna be one with something good in it plus we still have that locked tote you know that was a good balance i saw y'all i'm trying to back up while recording what is this stuff spiderman with like nails in it all right all right a lot of just wooden stuff here little boxes i mean the one the tools so far that's all it's in there so like empty container and some of this wood stuff with the wood and the tool so far is the only thing we have any shot of getting any bit of our money back but you know what we're not losing hope because we're not done yet next box can this one be the one is it hey that's actually it looks like tools this one looks like it's got some tools in it and look well it doesn't sound like any phone i ever heard oh nice that's great look at that wow okay that's always my favorite stuff to find my favorites so now i'm just i already know what else i'm gonna see in here oh look we're not showing this this is their personal bag you got my drip yup okay i take that back i saw that wrench and i was hoping maybe this would be cool i don't want to know what was in there one point yeah but that is just all complete trash this box is so light but there's obviously something in it what i don't know yet they still stop making noise oh my god no i'm kidding but there's a truck in there a hot wheels truck we'll back it up there is a little hot wheels truck the new mcdonald's fry just insulting when i see this in a happy meal i'm like what are you doing what is that what is that fries that's wrong you know what i mean you want to do if i was a kid i'd be like hey you better go ahead and get the media box out right now buddy or else you're going to get it at least the medium put the mask on too but other than that well this is a pretty uneventful box too i think we only have two boxes left and then a couple things here and that's finally time to break open the tote which i'm really worried about now second the last box in the unit is this gonna be the one oh duh i'm so glad that happened and you didn't look in here these are very bad dvds well oh my god i don't even want to look in there like they're just they're so visual and so so veiny and um stop don't say that okay we're gonna get this bag right out of here we're not looking at that no more can i look in there now i think you're safe yeah what the heck is this a pestle and mortar or something oh it's like a turtle um but look another one and a torch okay that's nice and a bite or two what is this that's what that is yeah okay um beautiful well i think i got an idea what's gonna happen in here actually just a knife i don't know what that knife was used for though but that's a very bad box this is the last cardboard box we have balls balls a soccer ball a basketball a football a golf ball and buzz lightyear all right well that was very uneventful so let's see what these last couple things are we have in the unit i have no idea what this is that's like yeah like a chair that's missing the cloth part that's exactly what i was gonna say totally that this could be interesting let's see that's all crafty all right what is this what is that i don't know stop touching it's all crafting if i have to burn my hands off please let me know in the comments so i know let's see we got well this is oh god the smell of the clothes they're so sweaty and gross and well there's the most profit we're gonna see for this unit pennies and a tongue let's see what's in this tote okay careful you think what phone there is a phone just another random one not an apple or samsung so not much value to it but it's there a journal there's some rock here's some like crafting or jewelry hey something kind of interesting a whole bunch of jewelry that they made yeah but at least something else do we got in here a master is that like a bank card or a gift card no that's a bank card these are yeah there's that in there let's look at the last one really quick this one what is that what is this that's a watch of some sort interesting i guess what do you think this is open it i can't tell you i don't know a wallet a wallet with nothing in it well that was very random let's get this stuff organized and let's see what's in the lock tote to see if this whole unit was complete crap or there's one little bit of hope in the tote this stupid lock tote right here is the entire reason i wanted this unit because i figured i've never seen that who would do that you ready to see if this is all waste of time i'm ready are you guys ready before i even open it i gotta say it wasn't a waste of time if you guys enjoyed watching the video i was about to we were just thinking about how we gonna get this lock off then i realized this is a cheap plastic tote i can break it in and there's no lock on the other side let's break it are you ready ready oh hold on back up so it doesn't fly plastic doesn't fly off ready yep all right oh boy hold on let me get the other side first one with the actual lock okay it break you nope well all right i'll try my best what is that a dog twitch okay i'm so glad you said it off um another muzzle how many muzzles do you need well they're thing now 20 20. look here's some cologne that box though what is that that's speaker what's in that what is that i don't know what's this box i don't know so that's locked too oh my gosh you're telling me after opening all this stuff inside the lock box we find another locked box right okay before i do that is there anything else in here it's kind of hard there's stuff in here all right oh a knife collection i'm okay with that i like that i think there's another bag in here too i don't like the way this one feels yeah you feel this i don't yeah i mean i i can tell how it feels i'm pretty sure i'm gonna know what's in here but let's let me make sure yeah we can't show that on video that's exactly what we thought it was gonna be but i guess now we gotta break this open this doesn't open on both sides doesn't it it only opens on that side i can break this though you ready hold on all right you ready yeah what is this stuff now i'm getting worried what do you think is it really really really that's funny dirty you know what pills what's this oh my god i know what that is good thing that was in the plastic oh that's a plug yep this is that box this is that box isn't it yes what's what's in there do i even open it yes why i'm curious that's enough sean that's enough we're done with this unit don't don't put the camera in there there's a lot of pole fillers that i'm not going to go into detail about in there so you know what let's get this stuff organized let's get it to the van and then maybe by the grace of whatever god you believe in there'll be one thing somewhere in there that's worth a dollar but i don't see it happening let's organize and get it out of here [Music] all right so we're gonna do a quick little recap on this unit usually i would be showing you guys something but there is honestly not one thing we kept in this unit everything that looked like it was decent had hidden crap the little tote of jewelry had magnets in it the toys had bugs in them and rat droppings in them the clothes smelled like they had been through another war or something the tools were broken the knives were stuck together the dvds had i don't know what kind of goo one just everything in that unit was just horrific one way or another so we didn't keep any of it but you know how we do it here we show you the good ones and the bad ones no make pretend this was a really bad one sometimes you just go off a little thing like a lock tote and you end up paying money for crap but you know what who cares it was fun at least we know it now so if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 45,385
Rating: 4.9037495 out of 5
Keywords: What's HIDDEN In This LOCKED BOX Will DISTURB YOU!, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: L3JXJ5hH2P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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