I Bought A PROSITUTES Storage Unit And BIG MONEY! (SAD STORY) I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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guess what I finally came across the jewelry box we've been looking for this might be where all the money's at you ready what about you treasure anyway Jesus guys and today we're I don't know how to store do this so we actually picked up two storage units to type my text or dude it's very total of $600 plus V so we spent quite a lot of money but you know what I'm so psyched to get back into these storage because they look loaded with all kinds of treasures let's go do it don't forget to like this video subscribe to do let's go so we're here at storage unit number one we paid $280 for this one it's a 10 by 10 storage unit let's go ahead and get inside and hope it's all treasures [Music] so obviously the main really wanted this unit look at all the boxes right there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten boxes there and more in the back so you know I love the mystery for 280 bucks let's start making it back oh this one's pretty heavy one thing we got box number one hopefully not close nope it looks like actually kind of random stuff let's see what it is that a sewing machine medium of ice first we got this because you know I'm a queen I'm so weena SHhhh look at this though we got so-and-so sewing machine be your own designer yeah and it's definitely in there let's hope it has some value to it hopefully it's an eBay item not just flea market we need evei items there's the big boys there's some pictures set them aside we got my family is a bunch of flakes me too most of them they're a bunch of Holy Bible here no there's something in there hold up just paper oriented Hey look wallet Steve Madden - do you think it's in there money thousand dollars million nothing all right a couple more books another Bible at the same one and see now okay I'm not special I promise don't be afraid to be just Sparkle know what you're right girlfriend alone I'm not afraid of sparkle this is just school binder one more these things oh man Easter is already past I don't know how easy it'll get rid of those as their sign where they yeah I don't know if they're actually right go your own way because i am i okay yeah oh this one's got a bunch of kids books in it so a couple bucks here a couple bucks even signed pitiful box number two let's hope this one has more high-end items OOP and then we have our kitchen bag kitchen box what is that oh it sounds super easy trying to start a brand-new day yeah I would say this sells super easy but it's not worth very much but for most of the pots and pans we get like $1 to $2 you want to go through all the kids and stuff that's not very entertaining probably a ten dollar box so let's close it up all the next one box number three and I think I see clothes in there it's not good yeah this one looking there's gonna be all clothes maybe all the way down sure is nothing but clothes which again just like the kits and stuff they do sell we get a dollar for herpes too close though sound repetitive here but I think it's gonna be just another $10 box your show nothing too great yeah but you know what we have a lot more boxes let's keep going this box also nothing but clothes and it's only about halfway full so still about ten dollars for this box don't want to go through another one with clothes let's get this medium box out 16 by 16 by 15 good super light so I feel happy oh boy oh it's so cool mmm what a waste of a box you to sleep another dollar ding here dollar there maybe five bucks for this box I'm gonna leave that box open because we can fill it up and be a little bit more you know effective packing on like these people box number six here this one's got some weight to it so maybe we already pull up the kitchen stuff we already seen clothes let's hope it's something different and it does appear to be kinda random this time so we like to see it looks like a locker okay to it but this is like a $20 box right here because there's a bunch of fliers in there set the fires usually get a bug for hammer will get a buck more than screwdrivers there's things and nails which we usually get a dollar for plus the drill I'm gonna call that a $20 box so I had to shift the jack in here but I want to ask everyone a question please at least one of the pressures telling you relate to me in the comments do you hate when it's like freezing cold outside so that every billions like oh it's cold outside that's cranking up to 210 and they make it just super hot in here or vice versa I hate when it's hot outside you come to sign is like 12 degrees like can't you just keep it like a little bit cooler in here not make it super hot box number I can't count that high let's see little are we to it and it looks randon other-- yeah what's this thing that's a top two things like that they want to slip down look up to this stuff in more detail make sure they get their pictures back this thing you put in front of your car that's that yeah that very nice a proper name for it this is photo album certificates things like that all that stuff is back so does that what is this now this will go to the flea market for like a dollar a piece of there's not much money yet that one might be worth a few dollars it's kind of big same with that one for that little Walmart gift card Lucent letter gift card Shoe Carnival that's a perk card no nothing if you have a Walmart gift card here call this in a second and see if we get luckier you know what I think we'll call it the end of the video let's get this big box over here now Harry heading it up in the bottom it's tall - OH see if we got anything good I'm looking for Jordans I'm looking for Salvatore Ferragamo or something these are Nautica these are something laundry something laundry yes nothing tennis shoes or dresses these are all like dress shoes to be honest with you hasil another new piece we got that there's a feed box putting everything to the side I have too many fears of being overrun actually if you think of the shoe box the shoe república I was looking wasn't due to the price is it 50 bucks not bad now we won't actually get that much but hey Shrek check out that she has a thirty five dollar price tag on it nice looking shoes I don't think they're brand new there but still money money it's all like decent low-end stuff that has got the flea market and the one thing the box would probably get like 10 bucks any other ones that's why those have been worn shoes not very much that all the boxes we have besides this only caught up earlier all the rest of the shoes in there there's one box two box is hiding out Nautica and they're in there where they're just like pull-ups keep missing some a lot of shoes rampage they're in there Jill they're in there everything else is Allu shoes I'm sure of it this time but I'm gonna call that I mean at least probably 50 to $100 box right there that's a good one shoes are always good sellers and we always sell all of them so hello this back up and fall the next one alright next box got a little weight to it but it feels like soft weight I feel like it's gonna be a lot of clothes and yeah get the paperwork here we'll see if that is but close well there's a big cart feel all that extra love going back in the personal box yeah looks like everything in here is all clothes in the business documents which we'll go through and just the second I'll let you know if anything's interesting if it's all just personal so nothing interesting in the envelope just business papers IRS papers receipts things like that nothing interesting but but the next box and it says go last well all of that glass can't refute more this Pyrex but it's not really expensive as I'm learning as I'm going more into this just a vintage fires everything else is kind of just few bucks here a few bucks they're glass but it says a little thing on the bottom of it yeah is it crystalline glass [Music] darling I mean there's like a lot of that's at least $15 more like 20 bucks for that box you know what we're doing good so if you're wondering what the thing you fell down was it's a deluxe baby bather so I don't really know what it goes for and I don't ever really want to know what it goes for if you don't mean to have babies and I think I don't want to do that but no that's pretty nice maybe I don't know I only wanted I guess I have no idea well I was gonna show you this one but it's just a box full of nothing but baby clothes so again it's value though I'd say 15 bucks for that box easily but let's just plot one more see if we get the same things it feels light again and it looks like more clothes and that's why yeah just more clothes and Levi's jeans though so or the pair jeans yeah but close guys let's see we got in this box really light that says kitchen I'll kitchen plastic that's wise it's probably just freakin plastic way that's perfect I mean like to us today the day two days before one a night that's pretty good two days before but lunch of plasticware same thing dollar apiece in dollar box right there next box we actually cheated and went to another box which you know wasn't it but nothing nothing not a single thing oh no not hangers we can't get rid a hangers I decide to throw how many think we steal away today one went to the dumpling a lot eighty to one hundred I tried to tell a box like 40 of them for a dollar couldn't get a dollar hate takers well dress isn't hanger that is a maybe five bucks for the clothes and maybe this time we'll get lucky someone will give us a dollar for all the hangers so we just moved out that other box literally nothing but a few plates it's like sixty percent happy I wanted to look in this thing because it's on top of the boxes and we need to better get the boxes what is this choose happiness is a picture about the journal it's a diary yes a whole handbook California Standards not sure if that's for the dark what is that no it's nothing lots of gold that weird purse it's like super thick why is it so thick of a purse what do we have in here business cards business cards nothing nothing no we ever find in a purse I'm so tiring business cards there's a key in there too that means you're safe in here mm-hmm just go there one key what on the purse yeah not that I see that's nothing just a cheap little purse hopefully Marcus not buying brainless persons seriously hey these are some Ralph Lauren like rain boots right here they might have some type of value you think Ralph Lauren's a decent brand so let's hope they're worth a little something these cheese there's one Bob boots they look like Patrick woods from the end of the boots yeah there's no brand in them so the only good thing that we might have pulled out of there there are boots everything else is looks like little flea market things again if without the boots maybe a $5 to $10 been pulling us out another big tall box here it just says living room you know how much stuff can go in a living room a lot more these what's on that one so that was a pretty big one it has a 14 dollar price tag on it $10 price tag on it so five bucks again these things they both have $12 price tags on them so once again all right that up we'll take five dollar bills this the thinker is he ever print is a $20 price tag on them so $5 again I feel like I'm getting repetitive but you know there's a lot of in here so sent it flying feels like it smells really good in that box this is a bunch of extension cords or some reason that's one of the things we sell every time we go to that people always learn all the extension cords and it looks like that might be a laptop charger but didn't come across a laptop but all in all that's a decent block you know what not complaining at all pull out another box but it sounds like kitchen stuff again what it sounds like is what you get for pots and pans and things like that just Turk couple turkey pans as myself plus Thanksgiving something like that in a black & decker made kitchen stuff there's also a full-size crock pot in there down there so and stuff it's not like a great box but I feel like I've said this maybe once or twice I think it's about a $15 to $20 box so we got most of the boxes out of the way now we got a tow this just mean where their gold keep or more clothes or probably used toilet paper even better Christmas stuff yes it's a whole tree just pieces a go to it so this is an artificial Christmas tree it's just not in its actual boxes in a tote Stadt so we might get a few bucks for that last time never sold it is sold we sold it for a dollar at the end it was like a 50 dollar one we asked you five bucks for it and we couldn't even get five bucks we ended up selling it for a dollar at the end so let's keep on going I guess so we just take a cart low to the van we still have some more room left so let's fit as much as you do this possible cuz it's not looking too pretty let's see what's going to fit in there [Music] we have more like a wrench set of chests that look wrenching like chess pieces and retching pliers so that's like five ten bucks for that box so we just pulled this box out on this head bathroom and master according to our friend Brian finds they said the bathroom box is where he finds a lot of jewelry on so let's see if we can get lucky with that big plants that's not gold not gold that looks like it's all oh man I didn't think we find our haters in this box - we found some haters two of them in there - haters hey guys nothing it's kind of cool mm-hmm nothing no gold for us but that's just I'm ready even know what that brand does so bathroom stuff I'm gonna hope we get five bucks for this stuff it's not really nice pretty look it's tough so this box says seasonal decor that's nice stuff that's like slang for Christmas decorations Jacqueline and skeletons ghost werewolf vampire zombies golden goblins witches yeah that Easter Bunny today's menu eater star hey man that's not talking well here we go again you ready yeah $4 $5 bill Julie another small box usually when you see everything packed nicely in boxes give me the good stuff and it'll able to Sunday Peters Sunday CJ yeah just Sunday can't we're on Saturday you can trouble and I see bras that's not Sunday PJ's and what is this makeup up into cool babe a legs who knows what all right get out what are you a big bag that says love victoria secret bag feels really cheaply made though and it's all clothing and not Sunday PJ's I'm calling lie on that just clothes and stuff and we're gonna keep trying to pull out box you want to fill the van as much as we can because this unit looks kind of junky so far and we're probably gonna take it all straight to the flea market see we can give back so let's keep on going so we're gonna pull this tote I wonder what's in it I just wonder you know I'm looking at it and I'm thinking it's giving me some hints but wash clothes and sheets no way and that's all oh boy what a fantastic tote well guys I'm not putting it you know what remember the rule of storage units it only takes one item one single item to change everything until we're completely done with it I'm not giving up hope yet and pull out the next tote so for you to the next toilet look at this - nice sets of Christmas balls in there - they are all they look really nice we'll probably get $5 apiece for these so $10 for these two sets are you alright we got the next tote we get the call here Oh Jordan look at that what size are they six and a half years well dang it grow let's see they're not in the best condition one here that you will still get ten bucks no they're not worth listening online these now you're looking good shades aren't there mm-hmm decent sick see if their feet get smaller but Bobby got something where's the money now yeah they were 25 bucks we saw him for lost time mm-hmm but look at the bottoms of these they'll probably be ten bucks at the flea market or girls no what are these Jordan I think I actually know they painted this one white how would you do that I don't know another pair of Nikes five bucks for the play Nikes oh they put white laces in one pink lace in another but still that looks horrible maybe somebody else created a violin uh and some dress shoes rampage and whatnot so that's a good box though it's like probably one of our best boxes behind it's the first box we found with all shoes so I'm gonna say that box is at least 50 bucks I'm gonna say 50 bucks for yeah yeah 10 or 15 for the couple pairs of Jordans and 510 there so definitely better than what we've been getting to say the least guys another box is trying to kill me I'll be back oh hey now don't do that don't try to stab people recording alright I'm something different maybe bag heart giving people the part you give it back you lunch unit specify size i'll these are like a nice little set of like sugar and spices and everything so we got another box ESS kitchen and glass but the thing i see sticking out like a book so do you cook books i don't how you draw a manga book it's kind of cool oh they got I want anything see how they did I don't want to share the signature not bad not bad you got those eyes down pat does the enemy eyes I know that thing of dick to about anime I've watched my fair share and still do so mostly when I say anime I'm referring to Dragon Ball Z nothing Royal Norfolk progression China we'll look into it more slowly let's look up the brands but the majority of this thing I said it's probably not gonna unload it cuz it's just all flea market stuff we'll just take it straight there but this one I want to look into because some of those look like they could be expensive alright so we just found these two like lock looking Christmas chests they look kind of unique no hmm you hear that faced with notification we selling stuff while recording that's how we do it we got an angel unlike this unit and it was only five dollars that makes it more like this unit a weird ring into your thing which is also five bucks just all Christmas decorations which makes sense it's a Christmas box but I was hoping maybe they use there's a decoy to save all their gold necklaces and stuff so probably should expect more the same here yeah all Christmas decorations nothing too special to look at guess where I finally came across the jewelry box we've been looking for this might be where all the money's at you ready oh it's missing the joy we saw earlier yep we got Hospital read on don't be costly jewelry don't be costume jewelry it's costume jewelry that's alright because more stuff get out beads wow that's because the real rings it's fake jewelry this one run here and it's more fig nice oh that was our last hope of something really being good at least I don't know we got a lot more to go there could be something buried in there but unfortunately that's all we're gonna be able to fit in the van today guys alright guys let's do a little bit of a recap we cleared out pretty much or a whole garage never how dare you look the other day look at that almost empty but as far as recapping the items we're not really gonna do that because everything we've seen is pretty much just flea market stuff and we're gonna be going to the flea market tomorrow morning so there's no real reason to sit there and unpack every little thing piece by piece and we're just gonna put it right back in there and take it right there so everything you see in the video so it's gonna go into flea market we'll see how much money we can make just like that the main reason I want to do a recap because I want to get everyone's opinion this unit got kind of sad for us so remember we found a diary and some personal writings and things like that so we're reading through it just out of curiosity to see what people have gone through and stuff like that obviously we're not telling nobody no names or showing up pictures or anything like that but one of the kids are writing in there about their family or their parents splitting up because their mom was prostituting yourself out and I guess their dad got mad with that so in the book they're writing in the next page we can see the mom remarry and they're dealing with a stepdad and then one of the pages were about how awkward it was on holiday seeing a stepdad instead of their real dad again and I was just like it's just it makes it so real you know what I mean you just don't think about this stuff you think about it it's just stuff but when you actually start to go through the little individual papers and writings and personal things you just see that this really is somebody's household you know this is nice stuff goes missing this is why stuff ends up in storage units it gets abandoned because they end up breaking up they split up and get arrested all these crazy things like that we don't see we didn't find anything about their actually being arrested all we know is that that's what she feels awkward toward her mom now and doesn't have her dad with them because of this and it's just it's sad to read so I don't I don't know what else to say I didn't know you guys like to hear the story just behind some of the units and this one was just kind of sad when I read it I didn't really want to read any more after that there was like 15 or 20 more pages and I was like this is just depressing we're just gonna put it in the crib with all the other personal stuff and send it back but for this unit for now this is a great for this video we're gonna go back to it after the flea market tomorrow literally gonna be up to probably one or two editing and stuff tonight you have to get up at 4:30 go sell the flea market and go right from the flea market back the unit rerecord load up come back home edit a video pass out and wake up again and go to the flea market the next day at storage auction pirate would say hustle grinder wine that's kind of what we're doing it's the California way out here so anyway if you didn't enjoy the video make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure and videos all the time maybe you want to follow our social media likes to move you on screen click the links down the description below and make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
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Views: 179,523
Rating: 4.6616316 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a prostitutes storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a prostitute, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought a prostitute's storage unit, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 2ohtrggACT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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