What's Your "Lets Get Out Of Here! " Story?

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what's your let's get the Frick out of here story possibly NSW replies I was out into Bluff country of the Upper Mississippi with my dog in the early winter was at the base of a cliff and came across a hole about ten inches across that had some moist warmish air coming out I cave sometimes and got excited at the prospect of finding a new potentially live one took my dog home and came back the next day with a helmet headlamp and general caving gear after kicking out the entrance so it was wide enough for me to crawl in I proceeded through sort of an upward crawlspace 1 2 featuring tall about 6 featuring and it opened up into a small chamber and when I shined my headlamp across the floor it was covered in tiny Glynn's they were the eyes of rattlesnakes I mean hundreds of rattlesnakes I had stumbled across one of their winter dens I slowly backed out and got the Frick out of there till Indiana Jones is a redditer my most recent one was a few months ago I had just moved up to where I currently live and was out at a party with my roommates I don't know anyone here so I was on my best behavior I walk into the kitchen and this kid spray soda all over me I keep my cool and walk outside for a smoke the kid ends up walking outside to smoke a cigarette as well I tell the kid that I thought it was fricked up that he sprayed soda all over me but said don't worry I know were all drunk I laughed it off and jokingly told him that he'll just get him back to make up for it he apparently took it the wrong way and started waving a gun at me then put one in the chamber I looked at one of my room mates and gave a holy crap look I tried to play it off by saying I was going to get another drink I walked inside gathered everyone I showed up with called the cab and left immediately what a mental freak a few years ago some friends and I were out drinking and downtown Toronto where we all live we were in a cab going from one bar to another to meet some other friends as the cab driver pulls up to our destination my friend who's sitting in the driver's side backseat opens his door just as a streetcar sort of like a mini train for public transit like they have in San Francisco is going by the front corner others car takes the cab door clean off its hinges the cab driver and street car driver both gets out and starts screaming at each other no one seems to realize it was actually my friend's fault so we dropped the cab fare plus a generous tip onto the driver's seat and quietly exit through the opposite side it was my late June of a year of high school and I was at another schools house party it was all going pretty well except there were a lot of people in the backyard eventually one of the neighbors that our family friends come over it's a husband and wife both in their 40s in full-on suburban warfare mode put the ganja and alcohol down we called the cops they are on their way at the time I was on probation for a minor possession charge so all I needed to hear was cops and I was gone I left through the front of the house running like the devil was chasing me I was out of the house down the street and in my car before anybody else had really even moved I brought my car back to the house to get my friends but the neighbors were blocking the backyard entrance impatient and nervous I'd do the honors freak these people they can't make you stay let's get the Frick out of here at that moment one of the friends I came with who was being blocked by the neighbor decided he had enough all I see is him come flying through the backyard entrance and knock the pee out of the guy blocking the exit could that open the floodgates in about 15 seconds the house was cleared I'm pulling away as the kid who owns the house decides to say Frick it and bail I decide to give him a fighting chance and pop my trunk at the time I had an old Ford Explorer he jumps into the trunk slams the door behind him screams go go go and we were gone Khammam I decide to give him a fighting chance and pop my trunk you are a true hero I was out for drinks with a friend of mine and a guy from work the guy from work had a hard time controlling his drinking so by the time we got to the Saki place I told him he was cut off falling over drunk at one point he goes to the bathroom and when he comes back he is clutching his hand for some reason I'm like Mike what happened to your hand his answer I hurt it somehow I may have broken the sink - oh crap I like this place cheap beer sake and appetizers so i go check the bathroom no damage Hugh this place is one of those tiny Asian places with two one-person bathrooms male and female I sit back down and say Mike guy's room looks fine maybe you damaged the faucet somehow his answer no no no no I was in the girls room so I check the girls bathroom devastation apparently he slipped on the wet floor caught himself on the sink and ripped this entire beautiful porcelain sink the kind where the water runs around in circles before it gets to your hands off of the wall all that's left is a glued on cross-section of a sink on the wall and a pile of porcelain pieces on the floor with a metal faucet sticking up out of them bonus there is blood everywhere even the toilet looks pink in the words of my friend it looked like NYC was less 1'h that night apparently he cut his hand on the sink and it sprayed everywhere as he fell I tend to Mike's hand while my other friend starts discretely mopping up the blood trail that leads from the girls room to our table with issues a pool of blood is forming under Mike meantime the owners realize what has happened and upon seeing this disaster what do they do nothing pretend nothing happened no cops just mops I immediately demanded the check citing is my reason for leaving that I no longer feel well half true and I do not return to my favorite sake bomb place for months TL DR drunken co worker destroys public bathroom creating bloody mess i discreetly exit some friends and I left a club in Boston one night and were pretty well lubricated by this point two of my friends were running down the middle of the road looking for an open cab when one of them stops at a minivan and taps on the passenger side window in the van were four large black men which my friend slurring Lee asked to give us a ride the guy in the passenger seat responded with your bid we rode hard you wrote hard at this point my friend screams to me yo I t's cool my n are gonna give you as a rock at that point I decided it was time to leave so I grabbed my friend and tell him to keep walking when he yells but I wanna smoke crack with my n then I really decided it was time to leave two lubricated can also mean drunk at least I sincerely hope so when I was sixteen I was at the mall with a friend of mine who was telling me horrible horrible stories about her friend we turned a corner just as I exclaimed that's disgusting really really loudly all 100 pounds of me suddenly noticed a very tall very overweight man sitting on a bench with his equally overweight child attached to one of those leashes they used to have well he looks me right in the eye and says what's disgusting a and proceeds to stand up and come menacingly at me I try to explain that it was the story my friend was talking about but he was having none of it I booked it out of there really quickly and still felt really badly about the whole situation as I could only imagine what he thought I had been talking about this mental image made my day 100x better when I was a dumb preteen kid a friend and I was screwing around and decided it would be fun to throw eggs at cars we positioned ourselves at the end of an alley that dead ended on a small hill that overlooked a fairly busy street but didn't connect to it we figured it was a perfect spot because we were higher up than the street and a car couldn't get to us without going around the block plus there weren't any streetlights nearby after hitting a few cars with eggs we truly unleashed on one car a couple of eggs in each and we probably hit the windshield with four or five eggs at once that's when the red and blue lights on the roof of that car came on because there were no streetlights nearby we didn't realize it was a freaking cop car we hauled about while the cop car sped around the block trying to get to our alley luckily my buddy's house was just down the alley and we ducked inside before the cop found us he circled the neighborhood for half an hour shining his spotlight into yards my friend and I were on our way to a different town for some drinks with a friend of ours it's a dry probably like 45 minutes anyway we were passing a joint back and forth by the time we hit the city limits and pulled up next to this guy driving an old RWD v8 you know the one I'm talking about brown rust spots big engine that's not quite in tune but when you put it down the tires on the thing will still scream it's about 11 P and we parked at a four-way with woods behind us in the town is in front of us with two streets sitting perpendicular to us anyway he looks over at us and revs the engine I'm driving a Jeep so I tap the gas and jokingly not over at him like we're going to do this thing stop light turns green and he hits it hard I stay parked just watching him with my mouth open and the number still in my hand dude starts fishtailing all over the road goes really far right over corex left past the double yellow line almost hits another car which swerves out of his way over corex back over the double yellow line hard jumps the curb on the right side log the street and plows directly into a stool france giant plate glass window glass just showered all over that car dude throws the car in Reverse spraying landscaped bushes all over inside of the building he just inadvertently entered backs into a street sign then burns out down the road the car that had swerved to avoid him whips IUI in chases after him as well by then the light had turned red and I turned to my friend and honestly asked him if I had hallucinated the entire thing he said no that definitely happened when we left how buddies at about three there were cops everywhere taping off the building and digging around in the bushes I thought about stopping and telling them I saw what happened but decided it wasn't worth possibly getting arrested took me a full minute to get through paragraph three and four taking breaks to laugh my butt off a young 16 year old me invited to a house party in a nearby town a nice place but the party was populated by a bit more of an alternative crowd than the younger me had grown up with there was a band playing terrible music in the living room kids hitting up the pipes in the hosts mother's bedroom nowhere near enough room for all the folk that had decided it was the place to be that Friday evening eventually it all spilled out into the streets a friend who had accompanied me that night is spotted being led by one of the local emo looking girls out onto the field across from the house he was a perennial geek amongst geeks this guy this was not his style but he liked her so we left him to it we all knew he was about to get lucky and we were happy for him albeit in a field in the northwest of England our what a place to lose it bless I am after the fact we all meet up again upstairs passing around a joint and high-fiving the next thing we know music is off focus outing and footsteps are getting closer lots of them it turned out the girl was supposed to with the lead singer of the band who in turn happened to be the host and one of her friends had decided she was being a little bit s dull swings open joint drops to the deck we all turn in shock as a long-haired greasy black metal fan attempts to decimate each others with his Ibanez we pushed him to the ground barred my way down the stairs and out of the front door having thought we were clear off danger now we call a taxi to pick us up having been quiet for around five minutes we decided all his cool close call in actual fact the offended vocalist had spent his five minutes getting troops hunting packed together in a fashion I find reminiscent of a Java umpires army building they spotted us walking down the road and decided to make Jace we spotted our taxi and decided to make haste we made it just in time safe and the taxi with the locks on door the taxi driver saw my lips move but couldn't make out what I was saying overall the banging on the windows he eventually clicked on in that moment I was jack a fine bower screaming get us a freak out of here edit the town in question was a rather unheard-of place called qohen East Lancashire you were a real bro to that guy man a lot of my friends would have just left me to be decimated especially at 16 and stoned good guy you when I was 19 me and a couple friends decided to go to this bar that opened up not too far away kata was the kind of place that didn't car and we wanted a few drinks we get there and one of the guys I was with was carrying a pocket knife the bouncer told him he couldn't take in and so he left it with the girl at the front well after an hour or so we start to realize just how shady this place is so we decide to leave as we are walking out the guy realizes he needs to get his knife back so he goes back inside my other friend and I are sitting just outside the door waiting when we hear an argument break out about 20 feet away after some shouting back and forth in Spanish between the parties we heard gunshots at that point we both rode he run to my truck and ducked behind the tires engine a few seconds later the other guy we were with shows up and we get the heck out a few months later the whole place was shut down due to a police investigation involving gangs and people being chopped up in the basement the last sentence tripled the WTF factor in was 1981 to 1982 a cold night and me and some punk friends went down to an abandoned movie theater in town it wasn't a big Bijou style place more like an old metal roofed building with a brick front but there was band playing there illegally because the movie theater still had power hookups there were two main sections the former theater lobby where everyone hung out and did drugs and the actual theater part itself where the band was playing I never got to the theater part I mean I saw it when the double doors would open where a band was playing and we had a mosh pit going but I hung out with some friends near what used to be the concession stand at some point a common friend came to us her head gashed and bleeding some sucker is slam-dancing with a knife she said at some point the band stopped playing and pointed out the jack house cutting people in the crowd descended on this guy and beat the crap out of him in the alley we had a friend named Kathy who was kind of quiet but always hung out with us Kathy had a very unique skill she had a sixth sense too when a party was about to go really bad she would get this faraway look on her face then snapped back to reality and announced it was time to go and we did you listen to whatever Kathy's voices told her and night in the middle of a conversation she got that look and we went I know cops are coming she said every one of the similar group was under 17 I was 13 everything was stupid illegal so we got the heck out of there we packed into the Oldsmobile station wagon we arrived in and as we were pulling out onto the main road a fleet of cop cars turned into the parking lot and blocked anyone from leaving we missed being blocked in by maybe ten seconds no idea what happened to the people we left behind after that I arrived home like nothing had happened I'm imagining your friend Kathy being bit by a radioactive spider that partied a ton and had a little mini beer in one hand wandering through the rainy streets of Dundee me and a friend were making our way back home after a local music gig we started getting abuse from strangers across the road but we thought nothing of it it was about ten minutes later when we were cutting across a park that we seen two of them following us I said to my friend when they get a little closer turn round and let's crash then at this point I noticed a swarm of teenagers flanking us with rocks pills bottles and belts in hand we looked at each other nodded and just frickin ran for the hills My Luck was out as my friend was a lot faster than me and the crowd came roaring after me i evaded them by throwing myself into a garden and I peeked from the bushes as they all talked past TL DR got followed by two guys decided to fight them but stopped short as we noticed a large group of their armed friends flanking us decided silently together to leg it instead the other day my friend and I was skating a bank at 2:00 a.m. because we were both depressed and wanted to ease our minds we start looking around the bank out of boredom and notice a metal ladder on the back side so we climb it and gain access to the very plain and boring roof we were walking around looking to see if we could scape the gap between buildings when I noticed a cop car across the street as soon as I looked at the car I noticed the cop had just shut the door picked up his radio in a panic and was starring at us I look at my friend both of us are dressed in black shirts jeans and tell'em oh crap the cops saw us we have gtfo now my friend being a little slow to react asked what's the big deal Dunbar's we're dressed in all black hanging out on top of a bank roof at 2:00 a.m. they think we're robbing the place him and I hit the floor prone crawl to the ladder I ripped my shirt on a metal snag on the way down and we run to the car like we're on fire as soon as we're a block away we hear like 20,000 police sirens go off behind us in the direction of the bank my friend and I just maintained a poker face on the drive home once I was holding about three ounces of weed for the drummer in my band it sat in my glove compartment all day while I was at work waiting for its paper to come and sell it and well after a long day I walk out to my car and just as I was trying to find my keys about 6:00 cop cars surround me and start screaming for me to get on the ground and to not move oh crap oh crap oh crap I think for sure someone gave me up or framed me all sorts of scenes are running through my head as the cops cuff me sit me on the curb and start looking through my car suddenly one of the officers pops his head up and says this isn't the kid we are looking for pulls up huge bag of we she's just trying to sell some drugs they all laugh and drive away apparently a gas station had been robbed not three blocks away and the getaway driver used a vehicle similar to mine I drove home at breakneck speeds best part cops let me keep the weed equals D six years ago was at a house party with a bunch of friends the house was a friend's brother's place who had a room mate that was a neo-nazi my friend shall be here on referred to as Jack su neo-nazi invites his skinhead friends over and my friend has all his friends over party ended up being a mix of skinheads Mexicans Native Americans and a few black kids too many people show up to the party had at least a 100 people Jack's brother and his roommates start to kick people out that they didn't know Nazi recruits his close friends to help they started booting all the non-whites because they are skinhead buttholes total of five seven skinheads had showed up in a group this one black kid who had known Jack and his brother for a decade ended up getting bounced out the door by the skinheads Helen black kid didn't press the issue and got in his car to take off one of the Nazis leaned into his window and started shouting screaming in his face and trying to pull him out of the car Anand pulled out his pistol and shot the skinhead a couple times and tore out I grabbed my friends and we're in the living room making sure we have everyone we are standing in the empty living room I'm holding my girlfriend cause she was PT fo a short nap C comes tearing of the back door front locked after shooting and screaming shoot me again mother sucker shoot me again yelling racial slurs saw my girlfriend who was black and started grabbing at her I headbutt him my friends push him away and he runs out the back and jumps the Stonewall fence to the left left backyard had two boxers and a Doberman they attacked him all I heard was oh crap my leg and screaming and barking we jumped over the back wall I fell into a koi pond and later found a goldfish in my underwear neo-nazi died later that night in the hospital about seven years ago I went on a high school trip to NYC we had an afternoon to explore Soho and a directive to rendezvous at some landmark at the end of the day not being into shopping especially for overpriced knock-offs my friends and I went exploring the Lower East Side we were in search of an underground record shop none of us had any clue where one might be but we were sure that the CD of the street the more likely edge would have an independent record dealer after walking by some incredibly nasty Asian vendors selling everything from pig feet of fish guts we saw what we had been looking for it was perfect large black sign saying pirate records with a skull and crossbones boarded up windows covered in posters and the graffiti as now we weren't sure it was still an open business and we were pretty sketched out after seeing pimps people get mugged and toothless old ladies peddling pee from garbage bags so we elected to amongst us to a approach the door they go up open the door peek inside then immediately turn around and run as fast as they could back towards us motioning with their hands that we should all get the Frick out of there after a few blocks of flat out booking it we get to ask them what exactly they saw dude it was at least a hundred gangster looking engines gambling they all turned and looked right at us when we opened the door when I was a senior in high school these two kids had been talking crap to each other for weeks word got around at school that they were finally going to meet up to fight in a grocery store parking lot five minutes away immediately after school so my friend and I get out of class and drive over to the parking lot where there's already a pretty big crowd assembled and one of the guys that was going to fight we were all standing around waiting for the other guy to show up and people kept saying things like man I hope that Mike he doesn't show up and every time Mike he shows up somebody gets shot I had no idea who the smokey guy was it was my first year at the school but the rumor was that this guy had shot two people the previous year so I'm standing there taking bets on who's going to win the fight and this short guy comes up to me and says how much money you got I thought he was asking about making a bet for the fight so I say that depends on who you're taking in the fight he didn't like that so he pulls out a gun and puts the barrel up to my throat and says how about now that I got this point three eight to your chin I'll just see for myself how much you got I just kind of pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours out signed off pours that I grabbed my friend and tell him we've got to get the Frick out of here and we go to my car and pull off I met Mikey and Mikey didn't like me turns out the other guy never even showed up to fight his mum found out about it and took him out of school TL DR got a gun put to my throat waiting for a fight that never happened got the freak out I'm still waiting on my money B spent a semester living in Madrid last year after a late night out two of my room mates a walking home and we are approached by a man about two blocks away from our apartment they guys pestering us to come to his strip club free entry and all bla bla bla I'm exhausted and trying to go to sleep but one of my roommates thinks we should go in he tells me our third room mate OSAP would clearly react in a priceless way and I'm convinced I say I will stay for a couple of minutes at least there was free entry right so we get to the place which is right around the corner from our apartment but underground and we had never noticed it before there are a few sketchy characters sitting outside the door but this was not unusual for our neighborhood and we were going to an underground strip club we walk in and head down a long hallway I turn a corner and instead of seeing a stage with scantily clad women as I expected there was just a bar sitting at the bar was 6/8 thick women wearing dresses just below the but we soon realized this is no strip club but a brothel who would've oh well that was a kind ofle quid discovery but mostly funny at this point the three of us are kind of standing in a mostly empty room just staring at the girls and two other dudes in there one of these guys comes up to us clearly very inebriated for some odd reason he is telling us he wants to buy us drinks we respectfully decline but now he insists to come into a room with him and his companion at this point mysap run may tries to slink out and makes her slow break for the door the bouncer tells him he can't leave and brings him back into where we are at this point we are beginning to get kind of freaked this borracho with no teeth and the female start hurting us forcibly into a room with only a bed we knew it was time to go when they started to bring chairs for us to sit in and watch whatever was about to happen the three of us then bolted for the door actually running for fear they wouldn't let us leave the bouncer was not expecting us and we were able to make a clean getaway overall it ended up being very innocent but we weren't sure if we were going to be robbed forced to pay for H or to watch a toothless man have sex for money I was coming back from the Atlanta Airport on martyr hour sorry excuse for mass transit after a class trip to NYC the first stop after the air poor some interesting characters came on the train an obvious pimp holding a strung-out eh on lockdown killer a fella who was six feet five 300 pounds and was 80% covered with gang tattoos killer bumps into my friend and apologizes in the most soft-spoken voice I have ever heard only reinforcing his killer name as they are always the psycho ones in movies the pimp gives the H a crack pipe and she smokes it right there on the train then killer receives a phone call the ringtone was like a rolling stone i crap you not listens to the other person on the line and says smoke that n in hangs up they get off after a little bit and then this really shifty guy gets on and sits next to one of my teachers a really funny older lady she's sitting back to back with another person of the sketch guys leans over her and asks the guy behind her how much you got a pound then they exchange backpacks and get off the train then one stop before hours the doors open to the train and a teenage black guy falls into the train bleeding saying he was stabbed we hit the emergency stop and call the police we ended having to stay there till 1:00 a.m. answering questions about what we saw I just wanted to get out of there so bad for your information the guy was still conscious when the paramedics left with him no idea if he made it or not roughly fifteen years ago at a party in the sticks mostly teenagers - early 20s there was a group of about ten of us and for whatever reason the majority of the people there did not like us and made that clear weird Springfield versus Shelbyville rivalry type thing they had two kegs on the front porch we all realized that we won't have any fun and decide to leave on the way out we see keg number two untappd and Anais a friend of mine and I say to each other these guys are dongs and we should snatch up the souther keg we need some sort of distraction within ten seconds and as if on cue a drunk girl parked in the yard backed her car at high speed into the side of another car super loud crash and the crowd of dongs gathers around the scene we say well here's our distraction we grab the keg walk it calmly behind the gathering of dongs stick it in the back of a friend's truck let's get the Frick out of here a keg party in Springfield the following night when I worked in radio I took a friend to a show at one of my clients venues he was kind of a sketchy dude but we kept him around because he was also kind of fun to party with we're at this gig and he comes back from the bathroom and is like dude we gotta go right now I'm rather annoyed because I wanted to see the band as I knew them and I really dug the place but okay whatever fine we leave as we're leaving about halfway to my car I hear from behind me you suckers get back here right now and I look behind me I see not only the owner of the venue my client but also a very large bouncer running full speed towards us both I immediately am thinking Oh Frick what did he do the owner informs me that my buddy had completely demolished the bathroom broke a window tore the paper towel dispenser off the wall broke the mirror broke the toilet and ripped down the lighting needless to say they are not impressed in neither am i I'm apologizing like Frick to my client I have no idea why the Frick he did this whatsoever he didn't seem that drunk or upset at all now what I know about my buddy is that he would always carry around $1,000 in cash on him at all times don't know why probably drugs so I tell my client as his monster ah the bouncer is penning him to a wall I'm so frickin sorry but I know he has a shitload of cash on him tell him it's going to cost triple what it will to fix the bathroom he's game and he approaches my buddy and tells him and his beastly bouncer what's going to happen so my buddy opens his wallet and hands the dude like $900 and my client says my man here me wants to see the end of the show so you're going to sit your frickin bug down right here and my bouncer is going to watch you until the end all they're calling the cops the client gave me free drinks for the rest the show even because I had a good relationship with them and he knew I had nothing to do with it I stayed for over two more hours because Frick him if it weren't for me knowing the owner that dude would have gotten severely beat down without a doubt I enjoyed the show and took a taxi home without him best part was when I went to pick up my car the next day I met up with you know to apologize profusely again and he told me that they were planning on remodeling the bathroom soon anyway best concert ever seems like a theme developing as drunk people who can somehow annihilate bathrooms if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
Views: 36,499
Rating: 4.8676028 out of 5
Keywords: lets get, lets get lost, lets get down, lets get outta here, lets get out of here now, lets get out of town tonight, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 6mypvNtYh-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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