What's a rule implemented that massively backfired?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what's a rule that was implemented somewhere that massively backfired my company has a strict no alcohol policy you can't begin work within ten hours of having had a drink so whenever there's a staff shortage and they need me to comment right away guess who just cracked open a cold one company but it's 6:00 a.m. me dome talking judge me sorry boss I'd really like to help you out but I had two beers with dinner last night around 11:00 I can't go on shift before 9:00 a.m. boss alright see you at 9:00 oh why my work has an infraction system if you're minute late that's half a point if you're up to four hours late that's half a point so if you're going to be a minute late you might as well be four hours late because it's the same penalty edit for those who keep pointing out that you would miss four hours of pay I know my work is weird and lets you fill in missing time with PTO at the end of the work week we also don't get sick days so you have to take PTO if you are sick and even then you're likely to get points because you called in less than 24 hours before your shift starts it's not an issue if you get half a point and don't get another for six months because the first one will have fallen off by then I received two rhythm warnings about being late at my last two retail job one for 10 minutes the other for not being there 15 minutes before the store opened instead I was there five minutes before the people who didn't show up at all or called in sick five minutes before their shift never got a warning I told myself if there was ever another time I knew I was going to be late I should just turn around and call in sick instead never got to test that in the end though because I ended up getting a job in my field a little while after I ended up getting a job in my field a little while after so your farmer this was exactly how home the patan deled late issues the amount of times I'd be outside helping a customer see an employee car come screeching into the parking lot realize they are ten minutes late and then just leave to call in sick was so instead of having an employee just a little late they got no employee instead English law in Wales set the death penalty for stealing a sheep while shman caught stealing sheep would claim to be making love to them they would get a lesser penalty for bestiality the consequence of this is a Welshman gained a reputation as sheep shaggers sure that's what the Welsh would like you to believe I got to lettuce bang before I thought hot this experience feels familiar somehow and looked at the username feels like a while since I saw fresh you slash Vargas in the wild I was expecting someone to get thrown through an announcers table my Institute banned those sites in its Wi-Fi most people weren't tech savvy enough are bold enough to ask how to bypass it then the Institute banned Facebook everyone learnt using proxy and matter odd days let's just say the servers were under heavy pressure than onwards they have blocked Instagram Facebook Twitter et Cie at my work only issue is where a software development firm so we all know what a VPN is and how to use it edit thank you for the syllabus kind strangers : my company is big on pushing engagement via Twitter only problem twitter is blocked for being social networking perfect I love it a famous example from freakonomics was when a daycare started charging a small fine for parents who picked up their children late instead of resulting in more on-time arrivals the new policy actually caused more late pickups this is because the parents were originally worried that a late pickup would be a significant burden on the daycare employees but because the fine was so small only a few dollars they decided that it must not be a big inconvenience for the daycare I really like this one because unlike many of the other examples in this thread the outcome was totally unexpected increasing the cost of being late caused more people to be late that seems to contradict basic laws of economics but of course the twist being that guilt is a really powerful motivator that disappears if you allow people to pay to no longer feel guilty guilt is a really powerful motivator that disappears if you allow people to pay to no longer feel guilty the mi behavio econ class taught that humans view monetary and non-monetary transactions differently the introducing money can completely change people's behaviors for example paying people to donate blood actually reduces blood donations for so the infamous Barbados vs. Grenada soccer match the organizers of the 1994 Caribbean tournament Cup had a rather odd change to the rules for extra time if a game was still drawn at full time it would go to extra time but the first goal scored would win this is perfectly normal the golden goal rule what was different is that they ruled that winning this way would count as having won by two goals for the purpose of tournament qualification instead of just one Barbados went into a match against Grenada needing two goals to qualify for the main tournament if they lost or won by only one goal Grenada would qualify instead under the regular rule this would mean that if the match went to extra time there would basically be no point Barbados playing because even if they scored they would only win by one goal and not qualify but the two-point rule would motivate them to play on sound good well you might be able to guess what happened the match looked like it was about to end with Barbados 2-1 Grenada a win for Barbados but not the two goals they needed so Barbados deliberately scored an own goal in the last few minutes of the match making the score 2-2 hoping to trigger extra time and a chance to score the magic to value goal but the Barbados players realized that too and so they began to defend grenadiers goal so for the last seven minutes of the match Grenada were trying to score a goal in either net since scoring a goal against Barbados would give them 3-2 and they would win the match and scoring and their own goal would make it 3-2 to Barbados so they would lose the match but win the qualification and Barbados were defending both amazingly Barbados did actually managed to do so successfully defending themselves while half of their team were defending grenadiers goal against Grenada and then scored the golden golden extra-time and qualified I'm really happy I scrolled down this far because this is funny as [ __ ] alcohol bands at college football games has led to increased intoxication problems because fans are loading up before going in the stadium universities love to lock up with alcohol related things my university decided to pull over campus buses on weekend nights and give out tickets to drunk passengers as well as look out for walking drunks the following month had more duis than the entire previous year everyone's excuse was they were scared to walk or take the bus so they drove what right did they have to ticket drunk passengers or walkers is it illegal to be drunk I mean it might be on campus but the bus is surely don't count right what right did they have to ticket drunk passengers or walkers is it illegal to be drunk it falls under public intoxication in some areas I'm wondering if Opie's from Oklahoma because that's a very very common arrest here assuming their laws are similar it's illegal to have any amount of alcohol in your system anywhere that's considered public this includes being a passenger in a vehicle and anywhere visible from a public road or property this means you can literally be arrested for drinking in your own yard or on your porch when I was in school the cops would question anyone they saw outside smoking after dark to find if they had anything to drink that night they would also break up parties and force people to leave so they could make easy arrests right there at one point they were even pulling over the taxis leaving the bar just to arrest the occupants thankfully the taxi and bars banded together and threatened to lawsuits and they backed off the result is that literally everyone I know who drinks also drives even if it's just a few blocks walking late at night is pretty well a guarantee of being stopped I worked at Macy's one Christmas and found out the reason why you can never find anyone at the registers is because they don't allow employees to stand at the register because it's intimidating and I can't tell you how many times I gave up trying to purchase something there because I couldn't find anyone to ring me up if this so much like I get the gold but it's a whole lot more intimidating when I can't figure out how I'm expected to buy anything JC Penney's did it even worse they simultaneously implemented two policies among others get rid of registers so sales staff will check you out on the spot and have employees wear plain clothes to see more accessible the result predictably nobody could figure out how to check out edit added citation hieratic to a fixed link last summer in Sweden bus drivers in some counties started wearing shorts due to the heatwave after being denied to continue doing so by management they started wearing skirts instead dress code policies get banned shorts but not skirts this happens a lot every summer in UK schools boys turn up in shorts get told to go home because it's not allowed so groups of them go in skirts because there isn't a rule about those normally gets printed in the local paper and sometimes picked up by bigger outlets gets the schools and bad publicity and they usually change the rules to allow shorts really odd at lads can't wear shorts they work just fine with a school uniform just william springs to mind one of the high-rise blocks i have to maintain has a sign saying anything left here will be removed due to it being a fire risk people just dump the [ __ ] there they don't want like fridges and sofas and by law we have to take it up me right edit i have no authority to put up cameras as they are council blocks and i'm a council worker that has zero help from management because quite frankly they don't give a [ __ ] because they don't have to remove it but congratz British taxpayers you pay me to remove pieces of [ __ ] split up in daily I'm sorry for the shitty human beings on this earth where is this asking for a friend pretty sure you just provided a tip here are slash and ethical life pro tip wikipedia.org link the British government was concerned about the number of venomous Cobra snakes in Delhi the government therefore offered bounty for every dead Cobra initially this was a successful strategy as large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward eventually however enterprising people began to breed Cobras for the income when the government became aware of this the reward program was scrapped causing the Cobra breeders to set to now worthless snakes free as a result the wild cobra population further increased the apparent solution for the problem made the situation even worse edit apparently someone else already posted this my bad for not checking the thread sholde hired rikki-tikki-tavi they would have turned him into a stud and then used his kids to get rid of the excess cobras then after the Cobras are gone you've got too many mongooses nan jeez and now you need to breed a bunch of Hawks to eat them after too many Hawks will need to breed Cobras to eat the hawk eggs I feel like this could have been solved with like a 30 day grace period for snake breeders to turn in their snakes for a final reward they wouldn't set them free because of the reward but they would also not breed any more in the future since they'd know the policy wouldn't continue dry counties were meant to reduce use of alcohol in certain areas but they result in people who want to get drunk driving further away from home to do so increasing the odds and frequency of drunk driving accidents also many attempt to rescind dry county laws end up getting counted by campaigns paid for by the bars and liquor stores that set up on the edge of dry counties typically under the guise of religious messages this exact thing happened here a few years ago when it was on the ballot two measures were up one to allow alcohol sales at the state level and one to allow it at the county level a few counties passed it at the county level but voted against it at the state level so that their county would be wet in the middle of dry counties and they'd get out of County revenue my County voted against it at both levels with help of one dollar in contributions from the largest liquor store just on the other side of the county line we're a county with three colleges and they currently get all of that revenue if we were to go wet it had cost them far more than they contribute to the campaign against it it sucks Central Arkansas I'm guessing at least we have all these private clubs to drink at now the worst part is all the restaurants have to buy from liquor stored instead of distributors at the county line liquor stores just love it in French Indochina there was a major problem with rodents eating supplies and bringing disease given the plentiful supply of cheap unemployed workers the colonial authorities thought they could be used to kill the rats and bring their numbers down the French had a somewhat racially prejudiced view of the work ethic of the locals so decided to pay them a rat killed rather than per hour worked each was compensated for every dead rat they handed over a year or so later the colonial authorities discovered the peasants had set up rat breeding farms in the jungle sounds similar to the Cobra effect I had a teacher that told us about this happening in Italy and when they took away the bounty for the snakes people just released the snakes they had been breeding into the wild in numbers larger than the population was before trying to get rid of them join our community discord link in description washington state's made it mandatory for schools to drop their room temperatures to save on electricity the result teachers brought their own heaters into their offices and use of electricity increased not a law by my school does this and have made it clear it costs dollar sign 1000 slash day to heat our building they drop the temp and it can be 50 degrees F in the morning in my classroom everyone has space heaters which are illegal fire code admin and maintenance freaked out over it but refused to turn up the heat as they sit in their separately heated offices at a comfortable temperatures they are cheap and generate tons of heat not sure if it is still the case as I graduated many years ago but where I went to college the hospitals had a thing where if someone came in with alcohol poisoning and they were underage then they'd also call the cops so of course what happened was when underage kids really should have gone to the hospital their friends wouldn't call and ambulance because of fear the cops would punish people luckily while I was there there weren't many deaths due to alcohol poisoning but there were more than zero edit for clarity I wasn't saying the people calling would get punished by the cops I was saying the person with alcohol poisoning would be punished but people still didn't want to call for fear that their friend may get in legal trouble my state Michigan has no consequence reporting and help if you are underage and call yourself or have someone call for you you won't be charged at all if the cops are the ones to pick you up it is your fault and you will be charged also they change underage drinking to a misdemeanor now versus a felony like how it used to be edit felony should be misdemeanor and misdemeanor should be a civil infraction I was always told that it would show up pretty easily for job so I thought it was a felony it was actually a misdemeanor wait underage drinking used to be a felony WTH they fortunately do the opposite in the UK here if somebody Obi's and an ambulance is called the medics don't call the police so it's safe to call an ambulance for somebody opening I worked somewhere with a clean desk policy on Friday afternoons the common way around this was that everyone would just sweep all their paperwork into an envelope but stick it in the internal mail and then it would arrive back on your desk on Monday morning you wouldn't just like put it in a drawer no we didn't have much drawer space and that tended to be where people kept tools stationery or custom bits of glassware that they'd had specially blown wait hold up special glassware that they'd blown what is this job at one point in history the president of Paraguay tried to eliminate racism by making it illegal to marry someone within your own ethnic group needless to say this was quite racist hahahaha I think you mean judge to judge a judge you have to eat whatever you touch with a ruling like kindergarten which led to all the children touching all the food to call dibs on it does that also apply to like glue and [ __ ] Oh God all the other children tags suddenly becomes lethal Billy pass me the ruler passes it and at the moment of hand off their hands briefly touch their eyes locked together neither of them wanted this but they know what must be done head teacher at the school I worked out made it a rule at the primary age kids 511 weren't allowed to run when they were out in the playground that was fun to try and enforce let's not allow young children to run on the playground during their recess at school are / what could go wrong teachers no running during recess also teachers oh my god these kids won't sit still and listen they're bouncing off the walls teachers I am good commlink most of the time it's not the teachers they're given rules and standards that they have to meet passed down by administration lawmakers say kids must have X classroom hours parents demand Y time for school to end admin says there's not enough time for recess so teachers get act but the teachers know how important play timers source minor in secondary education didn't go on to be a teacher in part because of [ __ ] like that air pollution became a big problem in late 80s Early 90s Athens mostly due to the number of old heavily polluting cars on the roads so the Greek government made a law where only cars with odd-numbered final digits on their number plates 1 3 5 7 and 9 etc could be driven on odd-numbered days 1st 3rd 5th etc and only evenly numbered cars could drive on evenly numbered days sounds great doesn't it they'll have the number of cars on their roads right nope they doubled it everyone bought one old highly polluting car that had an odd-numbered plate and another with an even-numbered nobody could park and the air was worse than before in Mexico City the exact same thing happened it also made worse the traffic problem Mexico City and my city are two hours driving away but if you try to exit the city around 5:00 p.m. you are expecting to be six eight hours stuck middle school wanted to create a trash free environment so they removed the trash cans from the parking lots pools and cafeteria then just told the kids to toss your trash when you get home or in a classroom the amount of litter skyrocketed overnight after a week or so they brought back the cans that's dumb as hell for the inverse of this policy Walt Disney started to study the way people acted throughout the park and found that a trash can every 30 feet dramatically reduces littering edit damn my first blow-up comment what shall I do with all of my newfound Karma now a hotel I used to work for decided they were having an alcohol free holiday party this didn't sit well with the people who've been working there for years and were accustomed to a full bar at the party the staff parking lot ended up being full of people drinking and their cars trying to get a good bus to carry them through the party and most people ended up getting way drunker than they would have so the party was a [ __ ] show friend had a non alcohol wedding nearly everyone took ecstasy instead complete opposite of the sober event the parents wanted I'm having trouble imagining the type of couple who would have a sober wedding but all their friends were do extra see at their wedding the previous school I worked at decided that all shirts needed to have the school name or emblem which was a fancy letter E on them to be dress code appropriate that's all the handbook said no clarification on how the name or emblem was designed or the color or if it had to be permanently affixed to the clothing the students hated the policy and being in high school looked for any loophole possible they found one due to the lack of clarity of the handbook policy the kids would make paper reason pin them to their shirts thus they could wear whatever they wanted and by pinning the eat of the shirt was still dress code compliant thought it was pretty genius the administration did not there's never been in a time in school where I thought gee administrators are doing such a favor for us edit thanks for the up votes in my experience administrators were always the big bads behind ridiculous rules eliminating responsibilities and not allowing kids to be themselves for example no trading cards no technics no gang boys no roughhousing no Red Rover uniforms high school students were wearing inappropriate shirts not grade schoolers but whole school districts implemented them anyway no jackets in class unless there were school branded no selling of snacks gum to other students et CE o being banned on tumblr edit thanks tumbler for the free internet points considering the time kind of feels like this thread was made in light of that I can see the site being made because of this if you look for while if a journal failed you'll read that it was old and obsolete or new platforms were hipper no it did two things one made itself harder to use with shitty new features to it bando worked for a warehouse four days a week 11 a.m. 930 p.m. Monday to Thursday they reiterated many times during the interview process that overtime was optional my first day my supervisor told me that overtime as indeed optional but if you don't stay for overtime then everybody else has to stay even later so if you do leave on time don't come back I whatever I didn't mind the extra hours too much although a 10.5 hours shift is already long but the bonus was that we could go early if all the orders were done as you can imagine the good workers busted fit behind from start to finish cutting as many corners good and bad ones as they could in order to get out early normally this ended up with us being able to leave around 15 minutes early or on a really good day where the stars aligned we everybody showed up we could leave as early as 7:30 or 8:00 however leaving that early only happened so twice a year at most over time was every week every single Monday we would work until 2:00 a.m. 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. isn't ideal when you have no idea when you off at around 7 p.m. we'd start to get an idea if we're in for another hour or another 6 1 of the genius new hires mentioned to the boss in the office how he was hoping to get out by 6 oh good apparently the boss was thinking us leaving early was a common occurrence now and decided that nobody was going to be leaving early anymore what's sweep or dust hill whatever but nobody leaves until 9:30 too long didn't we'd boss put a stop to leaving early no incentive to work or Birkins off anymore means paying overtime every day thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, planet reddit, What's a rule implemented that massively backfired?, rule implemented that massively backfired?, rules that backfired, rules planet reddit, best of reddit, rules, reddit stories, socialism, russia, facism, italy, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, reddit top posts, askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, askreddit question, communism backfired
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Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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