Awful Pranks That Backfired So Hard (r/AskReddit)

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what's the worst you have seen a prank / joke backfire had a friend hide in the backseat of another friend's car popped out while he was driving caused an accident both were injured not seriously but enough that they're no longer friends I'll just pop out and scare my buddy to death while he's driving I mean what's the worst that can happen while we're driving down the road you know that prank people play on kids where they go um I can't find insert kid's name I guess I'll give up and go home even though they're right next to them while playing hide-and-seek I was playing hide and seek with my dad when I visited him in his office and he did that I was giggling under the table and waited for him to find me and kept waiting I guess someone probably distracted my dad because he actually forgot about me and ended up going home without me his coworker had to send me home my mom was so pissed off unfortunately / fortunately this wasn't my prank a bunch of us were at a house party when we were all younger most of us got pretty drunk and decided to sleep over as we all end up passing out bunny decides to take a habanero pepper and rub the juice on our hands along the thumb and forefinger so when we woke up and rubbed our eyes we'd have a rough wakeup somehow in the process he gets a seed stuck in his eyelid he was not a smart man we all wake up to him screaming in pain and in our drunken stupor we all rub our eyes causing even more screaming I still feel bad for the neighbors white elephant party one of the gifts is a prank lottery card lottery card ends up in the hands of a family member whose daughter was very ill and had extremely high medical bills the winnings would have easily covered them many tears were shed and then the prank was revealed many more tears were shed I have no duh conclude why the person who put the lotto card in the gift exchange allowed it to go on for as long as they did as soon as that card ended up in the wrong hands I would have spoken up one April Fool's Eve I took all my dad's underwear out of his drawer and put it in the freezer the next morning I found him wrapped in a towel and all the underwear on his bed defrosting he thought it was a good joke so good in fact that he started doing it to anything I left out long enough this wasn't always a bad thing though as I woke up to call shoes on warm days more than once not really a prank but it was pretty hilarious to watch unfold I'm a bartender and one of my managers celebrated their birthday a few weeks ago he'd already celebrated hard the night so he asked that when he was poured shots that we use a whiskey bottle filled with iced tea for him we happily agreed thinking it would be funny watching the other manager get wasted and having trouble keeping up an hour or so later the other manager came and told us that he also was having a rough night and wanted us to use iced tea when we were pouring shots of whiskey for him so both managers wander up to the bar and get shots with each other all night all the bartender's know what's going on but they have no clue that they are matching shot for shot of iced tea both start becoming amazed that the other can handle 20-plus shots of whiskey in only a few hours time both are acting as though they are wasted we ultimately tell them what was going on by pouring them a drink from the other person's bottle this is not my story but a friend of mine told me that in high school there were these two girls let's call them Brittany and Sarah that were inseparable best friends on Sarah's birthday Brittany decides it will be hilarious to toilet-paper her car she covers it entirely in toilet paper in the school parking lot meanwhile this guy who liked to sneak away for a smoke was outside smoking in the parking lot when he saw the cut covered in toilet paper for one reason or another he decides to flick his lit cigarette onto the car the toilet paper on the car goes up in flames setting the car on fire it's around this time that Brittany runs into the lunchroom giggling hey Sarah you have to see what I did to your car neither of them knew it was on fire at that my dad got my mom a fake lottery ticket for Christmas one year she scratched it off right away and it had said she won $50,000 we were a very young family at the time and was struggling with bills and such she started hysterically crying and going on about how all of our problems are over telling her it was a joke was heartbreaking it definitely ruined the vibe for the rest of the day a couple of kids from my high school went with a couple backs of sort to rival high school and drew a 100-yard long penis on their football field as a senior prank with the salt salt kills grass and makes it unable to grow again for years so the field would have to be removed and resold the pranksters were caught by a janitor who watched the whole thing and they were expelled I jumped out and scared my sister's friend when they were having a sleepover she had an asthma attack friend and little sister decided to draw on me with makeup one night lo and behold that was the night we found out I was allergic to many types of makeup was out of school for a few days due to the rash / welted penises they drew all over my face at my high school the seniors pulled what was probably the dumbest prank that I've ever seen when I was a freshman the seniors grabbed everybody's backpacks from outside the cafeteria which were all just piled outside the cafeteria because nobody had lockers and the majority of the people there were too rich to care if something went missing from their bag and they threw all the bags into the lake that is on campus I don't really know what the purpose of the prank was other than to be douche backs but in the end the ringleader was expelled the ringleader and the others were forced to compensate every person whose back they had thrown into the lake which was quite a bit of money cause there were approximately five textbooks and a ti-83 per bag their worst punishment though was having to clean the lake by hand that was the worst punishment because the lake was absolutely disgusting before they tossed approximately 100 backpacks into it they were hauling tires and a bunch of other random refuse out of that Lake for the entirety of their senior year got drunk and egged my own house during my church retreat the guys of my grade decided to pull a prank on the girls of the same grade we filled about four to five water bottles with pee throughout the trip and threw them in the girls cabin the bottles were closed on the last night it was funny until the girls counselor got pissed and demanded to know who did it to escape the situation one of my friends pretended to not know what was going on and drank a sip out of the pee bottles April Fool's by putting salt in someone's drink I thought it would just be unpleasant there was vomit everywhere and I had to clean it up one find dead pigeon to put it in classmates desk three classmate opens desk for pigeon flies away that prank was a goddamned miracle unfortunately this was my prank it was the eve of April Fool's Day when I was around 10 years old and I decided to pull the old plastic wrap over the toilet trick we are all girls in the house so no chance of a male lifting the seat and ruining the fun in the middle of the night I carefully and quietly prepared my prank and went to bed sadly I was the first to use the toilet in the morning tripped my friend in front of the entire class including the teacher we'd always pull little pranks like pull chairs out from each other and put food in someone's seat instead of his usual playful response he cried in front of everybody I looked like a total [ __ ] for internationaly trying to hurt him and received attention when I was in high school some of the seniors decided to do a senior prank they found a recipe for homemade stink bombs in the Internet then made large concentrations of the liquid and plastic garbage cans in the school library well either they screwed up the recipe or it was bad to begin with because it caused a chemical reaction that burned through the cans and the floor the FBI was called in and they considered it a chemical weapon no one did time but they were all found out and expelled we had a senior basketball game at our school against a rival school that was out in the boondocks we'd always make fun of them for being chicken farmer Hicks and they'd make fun of us for being uptight city folk so my buddy gets his hands on five chickens he put paper signs on them with the names and numbers of the guys from the other team he brought the crates to the upper office in the gym that has access to the rafters he waited until just before half-time and then release all five chickens from the rafters thinking they'll fly all over and create havoc what he doesn't know is that chickens don't fly very well all five of them plummeted the 50 feet or so to the gym floor as the seconds ticked away in the first half all five of the chickens either died or were horribly crippled after they just kind of flopped around on the ground while everyone looks bewildered to what the duck was going on oh the horror he got suspended for a week little things I was bowling with some friends when I was 12 and when my friend Jeff we went to sit down I pulled his chair out from behind him I know hilarious so he falls down but he also falls backwards and I apparently didn't pull the chair far enough back and he hit the back of his head on the chair Jeffery left with a concussion and I felt like a clumsy [ __ ] I'll throw in another senior prank gone awry a group in my graduating class decided that they would go out with a bang by letting the air out of the tars in the school buses like all of the school buses for the entire district not only did this cause school to be canceled but they let too much air out and ended up ducking up the wheels causing serious money to read a Majin massive trouble including one kid losing his scholarship to Vanderbilt Telia the wheels on the bus did not go round and round put a bowl of wet cold spaghetti propped up over my little brother's bedroom door so it would fall on him when he opened it our author later I heard the crash ran down to the hall to find my big dumb dog happily covered in surprise spaghetti a little bit of a backstory is required before I begin when I was in grade 11 my English teacher mr. Crawford went on personal leave because he had lost his entire family in a car accident the entire school was devastated he was an amazing man he was funny and made learning fun and everyone really liked him when he was on his personal leave we had a different substitute teacher every week for three weeks until mr. James came along mr. James was by far the strictest teacher I ever had he sucked the fun out of learning and if you disrupted the class he had a zero-tolerance policy he would just kick you out it didn't matter if you got kicked out on a Monday or a Friday he wouldn't let you back in class for seven school days and it made you think twice about disrupting the class about five months go by and I arrived early to class about 10 minutes early I had a spare the block before mr. James isn't in the classroom and no one else is either so I decide to unscrew the screws in his chair to cause it to collapse when he sits in it it was a brilliant idea he wouldn't have known who it was and it would give the class a chance to laugh at the most hated teacher in the school I go to sit down and I wait patiently and my fellow students begin to show up but still no sign of mr. James I take out my PSP and get distracted playing it little did I know that mr. Crawford was back today mr. Crawford enters the classroom and everyone notices but I'm too distracted playing my PSP game when my friend beside me says hey make me a steak mr. Crawford's back and before I can say otherwise he sits down at his desk and his chair collapses underneath him he ended up fracturing his wrist while falling not really the worst but funny I was about five years old I thought it would be funny to sneak up on my dad and try to scare him so I waited outside his bedroom door five-year-old Sam no stealth so he knew what I was doing I'm poised and ready to spring and my adrenaline is going up I am totally ready to scare him suddenly my tad jumps out and says boo I should my pants and started screaming we both lost that game in college a couple of girls broke into our dorm room and stole all our clothes they had stashed them in their apartment and while they were out we took them back and hid them we didn't let on that we knew who took them and they started freaking out that they lost our clothes they felt terrible and we had to go to a thrift store to buy replacements which they insisted on paying for we wore thrift store clothes for weeks letting them search for our clothes everywhere it was beautiful to watch them go from the joy of pulling such a prank to the anguish and frustration of it getting out of their control edit I remember really playing it up to they were apologizing profusely and we'd respond with oh it's not that big of a deal it was a funny prank and we can always get new clothes we know you didn't mean to lose them we went out the night they took the clothes and we were wearing thrift store clothes that didn't fit right so everyone asked us about it we played it out as long as we possibly could while in Park City my relatives got quite drunk no food plus hot tub plus beer most of us were staying at a hotel others were just there to party when it was time to go to sleep my family headed back to our room to find that it was robbed being the most drunk they have ever been my family members go on a rampage my mom starts yelling at nobody my dad starts running down the hall towards the check-in desk in a fit of rage my uncle starts picking fights with the locals across the hall reminded me of that kid who shoves a remote up his butt when his mom cancelled his World of Warcraft account cops were called all hell broke loose turns out my uncle's thought it would be funny if they had all of our stuff in the bathroom my family was too drunk to check at the time the worst part of it all was the fact I was trying to impress a foreign exchange student a high school friend of mine stole a life-preserver from a plane he wore it under his button-down shirt to the calculus AP exam when the proctor said to start he stood up and pulled the taps to inflate the vest we were all startled by the noise of the vest inflating which he thought was great however in the next few seconds he realized that the inflating vest was compressed by his collar squeezing his neck and throat so as we all laughed he started clutching frantically at his throat he couldn't unbutton the shirt because of the pressure from the vest so his face turned a grotesque mottled red / blue making the on lookers laugh even more finally as it started dawning on us that he might be in trouble he grabbed his three sharpen number-two pencils from his desk and started stabbing himself all over his torso the air was released he collapsed to the floor and we all got busy on our AP exam one April Fool's Day when I was like 8 I thought it would be funny to put toothpicks in the dining room chairs I'll never forget the noise my dad made when he half-asleep sat down at the table for breakfast and the toothpick hit him in the balls it didn't sound human I was a shitty kid [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 177,851
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Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: v0windK8Ik0
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Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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